G01CMEASURING DISTANCES, LEVELS OR BEARINGSSURVEYINGNAVIGATIONGYROSCOPIC INSTRUMENTSPHOTOGRAMMETRY OR VIDEOGRAMMETRY measuring liquid level G01F; radio navigation, determining distance or velocity by use of propagation effects, e.g. Doppler effects, propagation time, of radio waves, analogous arrangements using other waves G01S In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "navigation" means determining the position and course of land vehicles, ships, aircraft, and space vehicles.Attention is drawn to the Notes following the title of class G01.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. G01C1/00 G01C1/00Measuring angles G01C1/02Theodolites G01C1/04combined with cameras G01C1/06Arrangements for reading scales G01C1/08Sextants G01C1/10including an artificial horizon G01C1/14 takes precedence G01C1/12with a stabilised mirror G01C1/14Periscopic sextants G01C3/00Measuring distances in line of sightOptical rangefinders tapes, chains or wheels for measuring length G01B3/00; active triangulation systems, i.e. using the transmission and reflection of electromagnetic waves other than radio waves, G01S17/48 G01C3/02Details G01C3/04Adaptation of rangefinders for combination with telescopes or binoculars G01C3/06Use of electric means to obtain final indication G01C3/08Use of electric radiation detectors G01C3/085with electronic parallax measurement G01C3/10using a parallactic triangle with variable angles and a base of fixed length in the observation station, e.g. in the instrument G01C3/12with monocular observation at a single point, e.g. coincidence type G01C3/20 takes precedence G01C3/14with binocular observation at a single point, e.g. stereoscopic type G01C3/20 takes precedence G01C3/16Measuring marks G01C3/18with one observation point at each end of the base G01C3/20 takes precedence G01C3/20with adaptation to the measurement of the height of an object G01C3/22using a parallactic triangle with variable angles and a base of fixed length at, near, or formed by the object G01C3/24using a parallactic triangle with fixed angles and a base of variable length in the observation station, e.g. in the instrument G01C3/26using a parallactic triangle with fixed angles and a base of variable length, at, near, or formed by the object G01C3/28with provision for reduction of the distance into the horizontal plane G01C3/30with adaptation to the measurement of the height of an object, e.g. tacheometers G01C3/32by focusing the object, e.g. on a ground glass screen G01C5/00Measuring heightMeasuring distances transverse to line of sightLevelling between separated pointsSurveyors' levels G01C3/20, G01C3/30 take precedence G01C5/005altimeters for aircraft G01C5/02, G01C5/06 take precedence G01C5/02involving automatic stabilisation of the line of sight G01C5/04Hydrostatic levelling, i.e. by flexibly interconnected liquid containers at separated points G01C5/06by using barometric means G01C7/00Tracing profiles by photogrammetry or videogrammetry G01C11/00 G01C7/02of land surfaces G01C7/04involving a vehicle which moves along the profile to be traced G01C7/06of cavities, e.g. tunnels G01C9/00Measuring inclination, e.g. by clinometers, by levels G01C9/005specially adapted for use in aircraft G01C9/02Details G01C9/04Transmission means between sensing element and final indicator for giving an enlarged reading G01C9/06Electric or photoelectric indication or reading means G01C2009/062capacitive G01C2009/064inductive G01C2009/066optical G01C2009/068resistive G01C9/08Means for compensating acceleration forces due to movement of instrument G01C9/10by using rolling bodies , e.g. spheres, cylinders, mercury droplets G01C2009/102cylinders G01C2009/105mercury droplets G01C2009/107spheres G01C9/12by using a single pendulum plumb lines G01C15/10 G01C9/14movable in more than one direction G01C9/16by using more than one pendulum G01C9/18by using liquids G01C2009/182conductive G01C2009/185dielectric G01C2009/187magnetic, e.g. ferromagnetic G01C9/20the indication being based on the inclination of the surface of a liquid relative to its container G01C9/22with interconnected containers in fixed relation to each other G01C9/24in closed containers partially filled with liquid so as to leave a gas bubble G01C9/26Details G01C9/28Mountings G01C9/30Means for adjusting dimensions of bubble G01C9/32Means for facilitating the observation of the position of the bubble, e.g. illuminating means G01C9/34of the tubular type, i.e. for indicating the level in one direction only G01C9/36of the spherical type, i.e. for indicating the level in all directions G01C11/00Photogrammetry or videogrammetry, e.g. stereogrammetryPhotographic surveying G01C11/02Picture taking arrangements specially adapted for photogrammetry or photographic surveying, e.g. controlling overlapping of pictures G01C11/025by scanning the object G01C11/04Interpretation of pictures G01C11/06by comparison of two or more pictures of the same area G01C11/08the pictures not being supported in the same relative position as when they were taken G01C11/10using computers to control the position of the pictures G01C11/12the pictures being supported in the same relative position as when they were taken G01C11/14with optical projection G01C11/26 takes precedence G01C11/16in a common plane G01C11/18involving scanning means G01C11/20in separate planes G01C11/22with mechanical projection G01C11/26 takes precedence G01C11/24with optical-mechanical projection G01C11/26 takes precedence G01C11/26using computers to control the position of the pictures G01C11/28Special adaptation for recording picture point data, e.g. for profiles G01C11/30by triangulation G01C11/32Radial triangulation G01C11/34Aerial triangulation G01C11/36Videogrammetry, i.e. electronic processing of video signals from a single source or from different sources to give parallax or range information G01C13/00Surveying specially adapted to open water, e.g. sea, lake, river or canal liquid level metering G01F G01C13/002Measuring the movement of open water G01C13/004vertical movement G01C13/006horizontal movement G01C13/008measuring depth of open water G01C15/00Surveying instruments or accessories not provided for in groups G01C1/00 - G01C13/00 G01C15/002Active optical surveying means optical plumbing G01C15/105 G01C15/004Reference lines, planes or sectors G01C15/006Detectors therefor G01C15/008combined with inclination sensor G01C15/02Means for marking measuring points G01C15/04Permanent marksBoundary markers G01C15/06Surveyors' staffsMovable markers G01C15/08Plumbing or registering staffs or markers over ground marks G01C15/10Plumb lines G01C15/105Optical plumbing G01C15/12Instruments for setting out fixed angles, e.g. right angles G01C15/14Artificial horizons G01C17/00CompassesDevices for ascertaining true or magnetic north for navigation or surveying purposes using gyroscopic effect G01C19/00 G01C17/02Magnetic compasses G01C17/04with north-seeking magnetic elements, e.g. needles G01C17/06Suspending magnetic elements G01C17/08by flotation G01C17/10Comparing observed direction with north indication G01C17/12by sighting means, e.g. for surveyors' compasses G01C17/14by reference marks, e.g. for ships' compasses G01C17/16by clinometers, e.g. for determining dip or strike of geological strata G01C17/18Supporting or suspending compasses, e.g. by gimbal, by flotation G01C17/20Observing the compass card or needle G01C17/22by projection G01C17/24Illumination G01C17/26using electric pick-offs for transmission to final indicator, e.g. photocell G01C17/28Electromagnetic compasses with north seeking magnetic elements and having electric pick-offs G01C17/26 G01C17/30Earth-inductor compasses G01C17/32Electron compasses G01C17/34Sun- or astro-compasses G01C17/36Repeaters for remote indication of readings of a master compass G01C17/38Testing, calibrating, or compensating of compasses G01C19/00GyroscopesTurn-sensitive devices using vibrating massesTurn-sensitive devices without moving massesMeasuring angular rate using gyroscopic effects G01C19/005Measuring angular rate using gyroscopic effectsGroup G01C19/005 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01P9/00, G01P9/02 and G01P9/04.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C19/02Rotary gyroscopesGroups G01C19/02, G01C19/025, G01C19/04, G01C19/06, G01C19/08, G01C19/10, G01C19/12, G01C19/14, G01C19/16, G01C19/18, G01C19/20, G01C19/22, G01C19/24, G01C19/26, G01C19/28, G01C19/30, G01C19/32, G01C19/34, G01C19/36, G01C19/38, G01C19/40, G01C19/42, G01C19/44, G01C19/46, G01C19/48, G01C19/50, G01C19/52 and G01C19/54 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01P9/02.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C19/025Gyroscopes functioning for short periods G01C19/04Details G01C19/06Rotors G01C19/065Means for measuring or controlling of rotors' angular velocityGroup G01C19/065 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01P9/00 and G01P9/02.
Groups G01P9/00, G01P9/02 and G01C19/065 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C19/08electrically driven G01C19/14 takes precedence G01C19/10Power supply G01C19/12fluid driven G01C19/14 takes precedence G01C19/14Fluid rotors
G01C19/16SuspensionsBearings G01C19/18providing movement of rotor with respect to its rotational axes G01C19/20, G01C19/24 take precedence G01C19/20in fluid G01C19/22torsional G01C19/24using magnetic or electrostatic fields G01C19/26Caging, i.e. immobilising moving parts, e.g. for transport G01C19/28Pick-offs, i.e. devices for taking-off an indication of the displacement of the rotor axis G01C19/30Erection devices, i.e. devices for restoring rotor axis to a desired position for instrument indicating the vertical G01C19/46 G01C19/32Indicating or recording means specially adapted for rotary gyroscopes
G01C19/34for indicating a direction in the horizontal plane, e.g. directional gyroscopes G01C19/36with north-seeking action by magnetic means, e.g. gyromagnetic compasses G01C19/38with north-seeking action by other than magnetic means, e.g. gyrocompasses using earth's rotation G01C19/40for control by signals from a master compass, i.e. repeater compasses G01C19/42for indicating rate of turnfor integrating rate of turn G01C19/44for indicating the vertical G01C19/46Erection devices for restoring rotor axis to a desired position G01C19/48operating by electrical means G01C19/54 takes precedence G01C19/50operating by mechanical means G01C19/54 takes precedence G01C19/52operating by fluid means G01C19/54 takes precedence G01C19/54with correction for acceleration forces due to movement of instrument
G01C19/56Turn-sensitive devices using vibrating masses, e.g. vibratory angular rate sensors based on Coriolis forcesGroups G01C19/56 - G01C19/5783 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01P9/04.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C19/5607using vibrating tuning forks double-ended tuning forks using planar vibrating masses suspended at opposite ends G01C19/5719 G01C19/5614Signal processing G01C19/5621the devices involving a micromechanical structure G01C19/5628ManufacturingTrimmingMountingHousings G01C19/5635using vibrating wires or strings G01C19/5642using vibrating bars or beams G01C19/5649Signal processing G01C19/5656the devices involving a micromechanical structure G01C19/5663ManufacturingTrimmingMountingHousings G01C19/567using the phase shift of a vibration node or antinode G01C19/5677of essentially two-dimensional vibrators, e.g. ring-shaped vibrators G01C19/5684the devices involving a micromechanical structure G01C19/5691of essentially three-dimensional vibrators, e.g. wine glass-type vibrators G01C19/5698using acoustic waves, e.g. surface acoustic wave gyros G01C19/5705using masses driven in reciprocating rotary motion about an axis G01C19/5712the devices involving a micromechanical structure G01C19/5719using planar vibrating masses driven in a translation vibration along an axis G01C19/5726Signal processing G01C19/5733Structural details or topology G01C19/574the devices having two sensing masses in anti-phase motion G01C19/5747each sensing mass being connected to a driving mass, e.g. driving frames G01C19/5755the devices having a single sensing mass G01C19/5762the sensing mass being connected to a driving mass, e.g. driving frames G01C19/5769ManufacturingMountingHousings G01C19/5776Signal processing not specific to any of the devices covered by groups G01C19/5607 - G01C19/5719 G01C19/5783Mountings or housings not specific to any of the devices covered by groups G01C19/5607 - G01C19/5719
G01C19/58Turn-sensitive devices without moving masses G01C19/60Electronic or nuclear magnetic resonance gyrometers G01C19/62with optical pumping G01C19/64Gyrometers using the Sagnac effect, i.e. rotation-induced shifts between counter-rotating electromagnetic beams G01C19/66Ring laser gyrometers G01C19/661details G01C19/662signal readout; dither compensators G01C19/664means for removing the dither signal G01C19/665control of the cavity G01C19/667using a multioscillator ring laser G01C19/668Assemblies for measuring along different axes, e.g. triads G01C19/68Lock-in prevention G01C19/70by mechanical means G01C19/72with counter-rotating light beams in a passive ring, e.g. fibre laser gyrometers G01C19/721Details G01C19/722of the mechanical construction G01C19/723Heterodyning fibre optic gyrometers G01C19/725using nxn optical couplers, e.g. 3x3 couplers G01C19/726Phase nulling gyrometers, i.e. compensating the Sagnac phase shift in a closed loop system G01C19/727using a passive ring resonator G01C19/728Assemblies for measuring along different axes, e.g. triads
G01C21/00NavigationNavigational instruments not provided for in groups G01C1/00 - G01C19/00 measuring distance traversed on the ground by a vehicle G01C22/00; control of position, course, altitude or attitude of vehicles G05D1/00; traffic control systems for road vehicles involving transmission of navigation instructions to the vehicle G08G1/0968Group G01C21/00 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01C21/38 - G01C21/3896.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C21/005with correlation of navigation data from several sources, e.g. map or contour matching G01C21/30 takes precedence G01C21/02by astronomical means G01C21/24, G01C21/26 take precedence G01C21/025with the use of startrackers G01C21/04by terrestrial means G01C21/24, G01C21/26 take precedence G01C21/06involving measuring of drift angleinvolving correction for drift G01C21/08involving use of the magnetic field of the earth G01C21/10by using measurements of speed or acceleration G01C21/24, G01C21/26 take precedence G01C21/12executed aboard the object being navigatedDead reckoning G01C21/14by recording the course traversed by the object G01C21/16 takes precedence G01C21/16by integrating acceleration or speed, i.e. inertial navigationGroups G01C21/16 - G01C21/188 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01P9/00, G01P9/02 and G01P9/04.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C21/165combined with non-inertial navigation instrumentsGroup G01C21/165 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01C21/1652, G01C21/1654, and G01C21/1656.
Groups G01C21/165, G01C21/1652, G01C21/1654, and G01C21/1656 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C21/1652with ranging devices, e.g. LIDAR or RADARGroup G01C21/1652 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01C21/165.
Groups G01C21/165 and G01C21/1652 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C21/1654with electromagnetic compassGroup G01C21/1654 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01C21/165.
Groups G01C21/165 and G01C21/1654 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C21/1656with passive imaging devices, e.g. camerasGroup G01C21/1656 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01C21/165.
Groups G01C21/165 and G01C21/1656 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C21/166Mechanical, construction or arrangement details of inertial navigation systemsGroup G01C21/166 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01C21/16.
Groups G01C21/16 and G01C21/166 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C21/18Stabilised platforms, e.g. by gyroscope G01C21/183Compensation of inertial measurements, e.g. for temperature effectsGroup G01C21/183 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01C21/16.
Groups G01C21/16 and G01C21/183 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C21/185for gravityGroup G01C21/185 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01C21/16.
Groups G01C21/16 and G01C21/185 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C21/188for accumulated errors, e.g. by coupling inertial systems with absolute positioning systemsGroup G01C21/188 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01C21/16.
Groups G01C21/16 and G01C21/188 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C21/20Instruments for performing navigational calculations G01C21/24, G01C21/26 take precedence G01C21/203Specially adapted for sailing ships G01C21/206specially adapted for indoor navigation G01C21/22Plotting boards G01C21/24specially adapted for cosmonautical navigation G01C21/26specially adapted for navigation in a road network G01C21/265constructional aspects of navigation devices, e.g. housings, mountings, displays G01C21/3688 takes precedence G01C21/28with correlation of data from several navigational instruments G01C21/30Map- or contour-matching G01C21/32Structuring or formatting of map dataGroup G01C21/32 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01C21/38 - G01C21/3896.
Groups G01C21/32 and G01C21/38 - G01C21/3896 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C21/34Route searchingRoute guidance G01C21/3407specially adapted for specific applications G01C21/3415Dynamic re-routing, e.g. recalculating the route when the user deviates from calculated route or after detecting real-time traffic data or accidents G01C21/3423Multimodal routing, i.e. combining two or more modes of transportation, where the modes can be any of, e.g. driving, walking, cycling, public transport G01C21/343Calculating itineraries, i.e. routes leading from a starting point to a series of categorical destinations using a global route restraint, round trips, touristic trips travelling salesman problem G06Q10/04; optimisation of routes G06Q10/047 G01C21/3438Rendez-vous, i.e. searching a destination where several users can meet, and the routes to this destination for these users; Ride sharing, i.e. searching a route such that at least two users can share a vehicle for at least part of the route G01C21/3446Details of route searching algorithms, e.g. Dijkstra, A*, arc-flags, using precalculated routes G01C21/3453Special cost functions, i.e. other than distance or default speed limit of road segments G01C21/3461Preferred or disfavoured areas, e.g. dangerous zones, toll or emission zones, intersections, manoeuvre types, segments such as motorways, toll roads, ferries G01C21/3469Fuel consumption; Energy use; Emission aspects G01C21/3476using point of interest [POI] information, e.g. a route passing visible POIs G01C21/3484Personalized, e.g. from learned user behaviour or user-defined profiles G01C21/3492employing speed data or traffic data, e.g. real-time or historical traffic control systems for road vehicles involving transmission of navigation instructions to the vehicle G08G1/0968 G01C21/36Input/output arrangements for on-board computers G01C21/3602Input other than that of destination using image analysis, e.g. detection of road signs, lanes, buildings, real preceding vehicles using a camera G01C21/3605Destination input or retrieval G01C21/3608using speech input, e.g. using speech recognition G01C21/3611using character input or menus, e.g. menus of POIs character input methods in general G06F3/0233 G01C21/3614through interaction with a road map, e.g. selecting a POI icon on a road map G01C21/3617using user history, behaviour, conditions or preferences, e.g. predicted or inferred from previous use or current movement G01C21/362received from an external device or application, e.g. PDA, mobile phone or calendar application G01C21/3623using a camera or code reader, e.g. for optical or magnetic codes G01C21/3626Details of the output of route guidance instructions traffic control systems for road vehicles involving transmission of navigation instructions to the vehicle G08G1/0968 G01C21/3629Guidance using speech or audio output, e.g. text-to-speech text to speech systems per se G10L13/00 G01C21/3632Guidance using simplified or iconic instructions, e.g. using arrows G01C21/365 takes precedence G01C21/3635Guidance using 3D or perspective road maps G01C21/3638including 3D objects and buildings three dimensional [3D] modelling, e.g. data description of 3D objects G06T17/00; geographic models G06T17/05 G01C21/3641Personalized guidance, e.g. limited guidance on previously travelled routes G01C21/3644Landmark guidance, e.g. using POIs or conspicuous other objects G01C21/3647Guidance involving output of stored or live camera images or video streams G01C21/365Guidance using head up displays or projectors, e.g. virtual vehicles or arrows projected on the windscreen or on the road itself G01C21/3652Guidance using non-audiovisual output, e.g. tactile, haptic or electric stimuli G01C21/3655Timing of guidance instructions G01C21/3658Lane guidance G01C21/3661Guidance output on an external device, e.g. car radio G01C21/3664Details of the user input interface, e.g. buttons, knobs or sliders, including those provided on a touch screen; remote controllers; input using gestures G01C21/3667Display of a road map G01C21/3614 takes precedence; guidance using 3D or perspective road maps G01C21/3635 G01C21/367Details, e.g. road map scale, orientation, zooming, illumination, level of detail, scrolling of road map or positioning of current position marker G01C21/3673Labelling using text of road map data items, e.g. road names, POI names G01C21/3676Overview of the route on the road map G01C21/3679Retrieval, searching and output of POI information, e.g. hotels, restaurants, shops, filling stations, parking facilities G01C21/3611 takes precedence G01C21/3682output of POI information on a road map G01C21/3614, G01C21/3685 take precedence G01C21/3685the POI's being parking facilities G01C21/3688Systems comprising multiple parts or multiple output devices (not client-server), e.g. detachable faceplates, key fobs or multiple output screens G01C21/3691Retrieval, searching and output of information related to real-time traffic, weather, or environmental conditions arrangements for giving variable traffic instructions G08G1/09 G01C21/3694Output thereof on a road map G01C21/3697Output of additional, non-guidance related information, e.g. low fuel level G01C21/3679 takes precedence
G01C21/38Electronic maps specially adapted for navigation; Updating thereofGroups G01C21/38 - G01C21/3896 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01C21/00 and G01C21/32.
Groups G01C21/00, G01C21/32, and G01C21/38 - G01C21/3896 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01C21/3804Creation or updating of map data G01C21/3807characterised by the type of data G01C21/3811Point data, e.g. Point of Interest [POI] G01C21/3815Road data G01C21/3819Road shape data, e.g. outline of a route G01C21/3822Road feature data, e.g. slope data G01C21/3826Terrain data G01C21/383Indoor data G01C21/3833characterised by the source of data G01C21/3837Data obtained from a single source G01C21/3841Data obtained from two or more sources, e.g. probe vehicles G01C21/3844Data obtained from position sensors only, e.g. from inertial navigation G01C21/3848Data obtained from both position sensors and additional sensors G01C21/3852Data derived from aerial or satellite images G01C21/3856Data obtained from user input G01C21/3859Differential updating map data G01C21/3863Structures of map data G01C21/3867Geometry of map features, e.g. shape points, polygons or for simplified maps G01C21/387Organisation of map data, e.g. version management or database structures G01C21/3874Structures specially adapted for data searching and retrieval G01C21/3878Hierarchical structures, e.g. layering G01C21/3881Tile-based structures G01C21/3885Transmission of map data to client devices; Reception of map data by client devices G01C21/3889Transmission of selected map data, e.g. depending on route G01C21/3893Transmission of map data from distributed sources, e.g. from roadside stations G01C21/3896Transmission of map data from central databases
G01C22/00Measuring distance traversed on the ground by vehicles, persons, animals or other moving solid bodies, e.g. using odometers, using pedometers G01C22/002for cycles G01C22/004for golf carts G01C22/006Pedometers G01C22/008for skates G01C22/02by conversion into electric waveforms and subsequent integration, e.g. using tachometer generator G01C22/002, G01C22/004, G01C22/006 take precedence G01C22/025Differential odometers G01C23/00Combined instruments indicating more than one navigational value, e.g. for aircraftCombined measuring devices for measuring two or more variables of movement, e.g. distance, speed or acceleration G01C23/005Flight directors indicating arrangements specially adapted for rotary gyroscopes G01C19/32 G01C25/00Manufacturing, calibrating, cleaning, or repairing instruments or devices referred to in the other groups of this subclass testing, calibrating or compensating compasses G01C17/38 G01C25/005initial alignment, calibration or starting-up of inertial devices