The following notes are meant to assist in the use of this part of the classification scheme. In this subsection, subclasses or groups designating "engines" or "pumps" cover methods of operating the same, unless otherwise specifically provided for. In this subsection, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "engine" means a device for continuously converting fluid energy into mechanical power. Thus, this term includes, for example, steam piston engines or steam turbines, per se, or internal-combustion piston engines, but it excludes single-stroke devices. "Engine" also includes the fluid-motive portion of a meter unless such portion is particularly adapted for use in a meter; "pump" means a device for continuously raising, forcing, compressing, or exhausting fluid by mechanical or other means. Thus, this term includes fans or blowers; "machine" means a device which could equally be an engine and a pump, and not a device which is restricted to an engine or one which is restricted to a pump;
"positive displacement" means the way the energy of a working fluid is transformed into mechanical energy, in which variations of volume created by the working fluid in a working chamber produce equivalent displacements of the mechanical member transmitting the energy, the dynamic effect of the fluid being of minor importance, and vice versa;
"non-positive displacement" means the way the energy of a working fluid is transformed into mechanical energy, by transformation of the energy of the working fluid into kinetic energy, and vice versa;
"oscillating-piston machine" means a positive-displacement machine in which a fluid-engaging work-transmitting member oscillates. This definition applies also to engines and pumps;
"rotary-piston machine" means a positive-displacement machine in which a fluid-engaging work-transmitting member rotates about a fixed axis or about an axis moving along a circular or similar orbit. This definition applies also to engines and pumps;
"rotary piston" means the work-transmitting member of a rotary-piston machine and may be of any suitable form, e.g., like a toothed gear;
"cooperating members" means the "oscillating piston" or "rotary piston" and another member, e.g., the working-chamber wall, which assists in the driving or pumping action;
"movement of the co-operating members" is to be interpreted as relative, so that one of the "co-operating members" may be stationary, even though reference may be made to its rotational axis, or both may move; "teeth or tooth equivalents" include lobes, projections or abutments;
"internal-axis type" means that the rotational axes of the inner and outer co-operating members remain at all times within the outer member, e.g., in a similar manner to that of a pinion meshing with the internal teeth of a ring gear;
"free piston" means a piston of which the length of stroke is not defined by any member driven thereby;
cylinders" means positive-displacement working chambers in general. Thus, this term is not restricted to cylinders of circular cross-section;
main shaft" means the shaft which converts reciprocating piston motion into rotary motion or vice versa;
"plant" means an engine together with such additional apparatus as is necessary to run the engine. For example, a steam engine plant includes a steam engine and means for generating the steam;
"working fluid" means the driven fluid in a pump or the driving fluid in an engine. The working fluid can be in a compressible, gaseous state, called elastic fluid, e.g. steam; in a liquid state; or in a state where there is coexistence of an elastic fluid and liquid phase. "steam" includes condensable vapours in general, and "special vapour" is used when steam is excluded;
"reaction type" as applied to non-positive-displacement machines or engines means machines or engines in which pressure/velocity transformation takes place wholly or partly in the rotor. Machines or engines with no, or only slight, pressure/velocity transformation in the rotor are called "impulse type".
In this subsection: cyclically operating valves, lubricating, gas-flow silencers or exhaust apparatus, or cooling are classified in subclasses F01L, F01M, F01N, F01P irrespective of their stated application, unless their classifying features are peculiar to their application, in which case they are classified only in the relevant subclass of classes F01- F04;
lubricating, gas-flow silencers or exhaust apparatus, or cooling of machines or engines are classified in subclasses F01M, F01N, F01P except for those peculiar to steam engines which are classified in subclass F01B.
For use of this subsection with a good understanding, it is essential to remember, so far as subclasses F01B, F01C, F01D, F03B, and F04B, F04C, F04D, which form its skeleton, are concerned: the principle which resides in their elaboration the classifying characteristics which they call for, and their complementarityPrinciple This concerns essentially the subclasses listed above. Other subclasses, notably those of class F02, which cover better-defined matter, are not considered here.
Each subclass covers fundamentally a genus of apparatus (engine or pump) and by extension covers equally "machines" of the same kind. Two different subjects, one having a more general character than the other, are thus covered by the same subclass.
Subclasses F01B, F03B, F04B, beyond the two subjects which they cover, have further a character of generality in relation to other subclasses concerning the different species of apparatus in the genus concerned.
This generality applies as well for the two subjects dealt with, without these always being in relation to the same subclasses.
Thus, subclass F03B, in its part dealing with "machines", should be considered as being the general class relating to subclasses F04B, F04C, and in its part dealing with "engines" as being general in relation to subclass F03C.
Characteristics The principal classifying characteristic of the subclass is that of genera of apparatus, of which there are three possible: Machines; engines; pumps. As stated above, "machines" are always associated with one of the other two genera.These main genera are subdivided according to the general principles of operation of the apparatus: Positive displacement; non-positive displacement. The positive displacement apparatus are further subdivided according to the ways of putting into effect the principle of operation, that is, to the kind of apparatus: Simple reciprocating piston; rotary or oscillating piston; other kind. Another classifying characteristic is that of the working fluid, in respect of which three kinds of apparatus are possible, namely: Liquid and elastic fluid; elastic fluid; liquid.Complementarity This resides in association of pairs of the subclasses listed above, according to the characteristics under consideration in respect of kind of apparatus or working fluid.The subclasses concerned with the various principles, characteristics and complementarity are shown in the following table:
Kind positive non- Working fluid Relations
of ____________________ posi- ______________________ of gene-
dis- rotary tive rality in
place- reci- or os- liquid respect
ment pro- cillat- and of kind
cating ing elastic elastic of dis-
piston piston other fluid fluid liquid placement
X X X X F01B
X X X F01C
X X X F01D
X X F03B
X X X F04B
X X F04C
X X X X F01B
X X X F01C
X X X F01D
X X F03B
X X X X F03C
X X X X X F04B
X X X X F04C
X X X X F04D
It is seen from the table that :
- For the same kind of apparatus in a given genus, the characteristic of "working fluid" associates:
F01B and F04B )
F01C and F04C ) Machines
F01D and F03B )
F01B and F03C )
F01C and F03C ) Engines
F01D and F03B )
- For the same kind of working fluid, the "apparatus" characteristic relates subclasses in the same way as considerations of relative generality.
F01ENGINES OR PUMPS F01MACHINES OR ENGINES IN GENERALENGINE PLANTS IN GENERALSTEAM ENGINES F01BMACHINES OR ENGINES, IN GENERAL OR OF POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT TYPE, e.g. STEAM ENGINES of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type F01C; of non-positive-displacement type F01D; internal-combustion aspects of reciprocating-piston engines F02B57/00, F02B59/00; crankshafts, crossheads, connecting-rods F16C; flywheels F16F; gearings for interconverting rotary motion and reciprocating motion in general F16H; pistons, piston rods, cylinders, for engines in general F16JThis subclass covers, with the exception of the matter provided for in subclasses F01C - F01P : engines for elastic fluids, e.g. steam engines; engines for liquids and elastic fluids; machines for elastic fluids; machines for liquids and elastic fluids.Attention is drawn to the note preceding class F01, especially as regards the definitions of "steam" and "special vapour".In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F01CROTARY-PISTON OR OSCILLATING-PISTON MACHINES OR ENGINES internal-combustion aspects F02B53/00, F02B55/00This subclass covers: rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines for elastic fluids, e.g. steam; rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines for liquids and elastic fluids: rotary-piston or oscillating-piston machines for elastic fluids; rotary-piston or oscillating-piston machines for liquids and elastic fluids.In this subclass, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated: "rotary-piston machine" includes the German expressions "Drehkolbenmaschinen", "Kreiskolbenmaschinen" and "Umlaufkolbenmaschinen".Attention is drawn to the Notes preceding class F01, especially as regards the definitions of "rotary-piston machine", "oscillating-piston machine", "rotary piston", "co-operating members", "movement of co-operating members", "teeth or tooth-equivalents" and "internal-axis".In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F01DNON-POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT MACHINES OR ENGINES, e.g. STEAM TURBINES machines or engines for liquids F03; non-positive displacement pumps F04DThis subclass covers: non-positive-displacement engines for elastic fluids, e.g. steam turbines; non-positive-displacement engines for liquids and elastic fluids; non-positive-displacement machines for elastic fluids; non-positive-displacement machines for liquids and elastic fluids.Attention is drawn to the Notes preceding class F01, especially as regards the definitions of "reaction type", e.g. with airfoil-like blades, and "impulse type", e.g. bucket turbines.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F01KSTEAM ENGINE PLANTSSTEAM ACCUMULATORSENGINE PLANTS NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORENGINES USING SPECIAL WORKING FLUIDS OR CYCLES gas-turbine or jet-propulsion plants F02; nuclear power plants, engine arrangements therein G21DAttention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01, especially as regards the definitions of "steam" and "special vapour".In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F01LCYCLICALLY OPERATING VALVES FOR MACHINES OR ENGINESGroups F01L1/00 - F01L13/00 cover only valve-gear or valve arrangements without provision for variable fluid distribution.Valve gear or valve arrangements specially adapted for steam engines are covered by groups F01L15/00 - F01L35/00.Valve-gear arrangements specially adapted for machines or engines with variable working-fluid distribution are covered by groups F01L15/00 - F01L35/00.Attention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01, especially Note (3).As regards the above-mentioned Note (3), attention is drawn to F01B3/10, F01B15/06, F01C21/18, F02B53/06, F03C1/08, F04B1/18, F04B7/00, F04B39/08, F04B39/10, and F04C15/06, F04C29/12. The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F01L31/20 covered by F01L31/08 - F01L31/18 F01L31/22 covered by F01L31/08 - F01L31/18 F01L31/24 covered by F01L31/08 - F01L31/18
F01MLUBRICATING OF MACHINES OR ENGINES IN GENERALLUBRICATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINESCRANKCASE VENTILATINGAttention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01, specially as regards Note (3).In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F01NGAS-FLOW SILENCERS OR EXHAUST APPARATUS FOR MACHINES OR ENGINES IN GENERALGAS-FLOW SILENCERS OR EXHAUST APPARATUS FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES evacuation of fumes from the area where they are produced B08B15/00; arrangement of exhaust or silencing apparatus on percussive tools B25D17/12 ; arrangements in connection with gas exhaust of propulsion units in vehicles B60K13/00, on ships or other waterborne vessels B63H21/32, on aircraft B64D33/04; arrangement of exhaust or silencing apparatus on firearms F41A21/30; ground installations for reducing aircraft engine or jet noise B64F1/26; silencers specially adapted for steam engines F01B31/16; air-intake silencers for gas turbine or jet propulsion plants F02C7/045; jet pipe or nozzles for jet propulsion plants F02K ; combustion-air intake silencers specially adapted for, or arranged on, internal-combustion engines F02M35/00; combating noise or silencing in positive displacement machines or pumps F04B39/0027, in rotary-piston machines or pumps F04C29/06, in non-positive displacement pumps F04D29/66; means in valves for absorbing noise F16K47/02; noise absorbers in pipe system F16L55/02; conducting smoke or fumes from various locations to the outside F23J11/00; means for preventing or suppressing noise in air-conditioning or ventilation systems F24F13/24 ; protecting against, or damping, noise in general G10K11/16Attention is drawn to the notes preceding Class F01, especially as regards Note 2(b).In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F01PCOOLING OF MACHINES OR ENGINES IN GENERALCOOLING OF INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINES arrangements in connection with cooling of propulsion units in vehicles B60K11/00; heat-transfer, heat-exchange or heat-storage materials C09K5/00; cooling of gas-turbine engines F02C7/12; heat exchange in general, radiators F28In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "air" also includes other gaseous cooling fluids; "liquid cooling" also includes cooling where liquid is used as the heat transferring fluid between parts to be cooled and the air, e.g. using radiators; "air cooling" means direct air cooling and thus excludes indirect air cooling occurring in liquid cooling systems as explained herefore; "cooling-air" includes directly or indirectly acting cooling-air.Attention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01, especially as regards Note (3).Cooling by lubricant is classified in subclass F01M when the lubrication aspect predominates and in subclass F01P when the cooling aspect predominates.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F02COMBUSTION ENGINESHOT-GAS OR COMBUSTION-PRODUCT ENGINE PLANTS F02BINTERNAL-COMBUSTION PISTON ENGINESCOMBUSTION ENGINES IN GENERAL gas-turbine plants F02C; hot-gas or combustion-product positive-displacement engine plants F02G In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "positive ignition" means ignition by a source external to the working fluid, e.g. by spark or incandescent source;"charging" means forcing air or fuel-air mixture into engine cylinders, and thus includes supercharging;"scavenging" means forcing the combustion residues from the cylinders other than by movement of the working pistons, and thus includes tuned exhaust systems.Attention is drawn to the Notes preceding class F01, especially as regards Note (1). Engines with specified cycles or number of cylinders are classified in group F02B75/02 or F02B75/16, unless other classifying features predominate. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F02CGAS-TURBINE PLANTSAIR INTAKES FOR JET-PROPULSION PLANTSCONTROLLING FUEL SUPPLY IN AIR-BREATHING JET-PROPULSION PLANTS construction of turbines F01D; jet-propulsion plants F02K; construction of compressors or fans F04; gas-turbine combustion chambers F23R; using gas turbines in compression refrigeration plants F25B11/00; using gas-turbine plants in vehicles, see the relevant vehicle classesThis subclass covers: combustion product or hot gas turbine plants; internal combustion turbines or turbine plants; turbine plants in which the working fluid is an unheated, pressurised gas.This subclass does not cover: steam turbine plants, which are covered by subclass F01K; special vapour plants, which are covered by subclass F01K. combined cycle plants, which are covered by subclass F01K23/00In this subclass, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated: "gas-turbine plants" covers all the subject matter of Note (1) above and covers also features of jet-propulsion plants common to gas-turbine plants.Attention is drawn to the Notes preceding class F01.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F02DCONTROLLING COMBUSTION ENGINES vehicle fittings, acting on a single sub-unit only, for automatically controlling vehicle speed B60K31/00; conjoint control of vehicle sub-units of different type or different function, road vehicle drive control systems for purposes other than the control of a single sub-unit B60WIn this subclass, the following term or expression is used with the meanings indicated:"fuel injection" means the introduction of a combustible substance into a space, e.g. cylinder, by means of a pressure source, e.g. a pump, continuously or cyclically acting behind the substance;"supercharging" means supplying to the working space, e.g. cylinder, combustion-air pressurised by means of a pressure source, e.g. a pump. Attention is drawn to the Notes preceding class F01.In this subclass, electrical aspects of control arrangements are classified in groups F02D41/00 - F02D45/00.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F02FCYLINDERS, PISTONS OR CASINGS, FOR COMBUSTION ENGINESARRANGEMENTS OF SEALINGS IN COMBUSTION ENGINES Attention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01. In considering the relationship between class F16 and subclass F02F, class F16 will take precedence unless the subject-matter is specific to combustion engines. F02GHOT GAS OR COMBUSTION-PRODUCT POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT ENGINE PLANTS steam engine plants, special vapour plants, plants operating on either hot gas or combustion-product gases together with other fluid F01K; gas-turbine plants F02C; jet-propulsion plants F02KUSE OF WASTE HEAT OF COMBUSTION ENGINESNOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORAttention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01. F02KJET-PROPULSION PLANTS features of jet-propulsion plants common to gas-turbine plants, air intakes or fuel supply control of air-breathing jet-propulsion plants F02C7/00, F02C9/00In this subclass, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated: "jet-propulsion plants" means plants using combustion to produce a fluid stream from which a propulsive thrust on the plant is obtained on the reaction principle."jet-pipe" means the exhaust duct of a jet engine that carries the exhaust to the nozzle.Attention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01. F02MSUPPLYING COMBUSTION ENGINES IN GENERAL WITH COMBUSTIBLE MIXTURES OR CONSTITUENTS THEREOFAttention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01.In this subclass the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "Carburettors" means essentially apparatus for mixing fuel with air, the fuel being brought into mixing contact with the air by lowering the air pressure, e.g. in a venturi; "Fuel injection apparatus" means apparatus for introducing fuel into a space, e.g. engine cylinder, by pressurising the fuel, e.g. by a pump acting behind the fuel, and thus embraces the so-called "solid fuel injection" in which liquid fuel is introduced without any admixture of gas; "Low-pressure fuel injection" means fuel injection in which the fuel-air mixture containing fuel thus injected will be substantially compressed in the compression stroke of the engine; "Pumping element" means a single piston-cylinder unit in a reciprocating-piston fuel-injection pump or the equivalent unit in any other type of fuel-injection pump.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F02NSTARTING OF COMBUSTION ENGINESSTARTING AIDS FOR SUCH ENGINES, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORAttention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01.The starting of engines which are not explicitly stated to be combustion engines will be classified in this subclass insofar as their starting is equivalent to that of combustion engines. F02PIGNITION, OTHER THAN COMPRESSION IGNITION, FOR INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINESTESTING OF IGNITION TIMING IN COMPRESSION-IGNITION ENGINES anti-pollution means for internal-combustion engines F02B17/00; specially adapted for rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines F02B53/12; ignition of gas turbine plants F02C7/26; ignition of jet propulsion plants F02K9/95; starting of combustion engines F02N9/00; ignition of combustion apparatus in general, glowing plugs F23Q; measuring of physical variables in general G01; controlling in general G05; data processing in general G06; electrical components in general see Section H; ignition coils H01F38/12; sparking plugs H01T13/00In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F03MACHINES OR ENGINES FOR LIQUIDSWIND, SPRING, OR WEIGHT MOTORSPRODUCING MECHANICAL POWER OR A REACTIVE PROPULSIVE THRUST, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR F03BMACHINES OR ENGINES FOR LIQUIDS positive-displacement engines for liquid F03C; machines for liquids and gases F01; positive-displacement machines for liquids F04, rotary fluid gearing of the hydrokinetic type F16H41/00Attention is drawn to the notes preceding Class F01, especially as regards the definition of "reaction type".This subclass comprises: engines, other than of positive-displacement type, driven by liquids; machines, other than of positive-displacement type, for liquids.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F03CPOSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT ENGINES DRIVEN BY LIQUIDS positive- displacement engines for liquids and elastic fluids F01; positive- displacement machines for liquids F04; fluid-pressure actuators F15B; fluid gearing F16HAttention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01, especially as regards the meanings of "positive displacement", "rotary-piston machines", "oscillating-piston machines", "rotary-piston", "co-operating members", "movement of co-operating members", "teeth or tooth-equivalents", and "internal axis".The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups:
F03C1/253 covered by F03C1/06F03C1/28 covered by F03C1/0406, F03C1/0605F03C1/30 covered by F03C1/0409, F03C1/0631, F03C1/0668F03C1/32 covered by F03C1/0415, F03C1/0626, F03C1/0652F03C1/34 covered by F03C1/0435, F03C1/0615, F03C1/0655F03C1/36 covered by F03C1/0435, F03C1/0615, F03C1/0655F03C1/38 covered by F03C1/0435, F03C1/0615, F03C1/0655F03C1/40 covered by F03C1/0447, F03C1/0678
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F03DWIND MOTORS This subclass covers wind motors, i.e. mechanisms for converting the energy of wind into useful mechanical power, and the transmission of such power to its point of use. This subclass does not cover electrical power generation or distribution aspects of wind-power plants, which are covered by section H, e.g. H02J or H02P. In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "rotor" means the wind-engaging parts of the wind motor and the rotary member carrying them; "rotation axis" means the axis of rotation of the rotor. F03GSPRING, WEIGHT, INERTIA OR LIKE MOTORSMECHANICAL-POWER PRODUCING DEVICES OR MECHANISMS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR OR USING ENERGY SOURCES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR arrangements in connection with power supply in vehicles from force of nature B60K16/00; electric propulsion with power supply in vehicles from force of nature B60L8/00In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "motors" means mechanisms for producing mechanical power from potential energy of solid bodies. F03HPRODUCING A REACTIVE PROPULSIVE THRUST, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR from combustion products F02KIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F04POSITIVE - DISPLACEMENT MACHINES FOR LIQUIDSPUMPS FOR LIQUIDS OR ELASTIC FLUIDSCombinations of positive-displacement and non-positive displacement pumps are classified in subclass F04B as a general subclass for pumps and in subclasses F04C, F04D in respect of matter specific to these subclasses. F04BPOSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT MACHINES FOR LIQUIDSPUMPS machines for liquids, or pumps, of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type F04C; non-positive-displacement pumps F04D; pumping of fluid by direct contact of another fluid or by using inertia of fluid to be pumped F04FIn this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "piston" also covers a plunger.Attention is drawn to the Notes following the titles of class B81 and subclass B81B relating to "microstructural devices" and "microstructural systems".Attention is drawn to the Notes preceding class F01, especially as regards the definitions of "machines", "pumps", and "positive displacement".Machines, pumps or pumping installations having flexible working members are classified in groups F04B43/00 or F04B45/00.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F04B35/02 covered by F04B9/08
F04CROTARY-PISTON, OR OSCILLATING-PISTON, POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT MACHINES FOR LIQUIDS engines F03CROTARY-PISTON, OR OSCILLATING-PISTON, POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT PUMPSAttention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01 especially as regards the definitions of "machines", "pumps", "positive displacement", "rotary-piston machines", "oscillating-piston machines", "rotary piston", "co-operating members", "movement of co-operating members", "teeth or tooth-equivalents" and "internal axis".In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F04DNON-POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT PUMPS engine fuel-injection pumps F02M; ion pumps H01J41/12; electrodynamic pumps H02K44/02This subclass covers non-positive-displacement pumps for liquids, for elastic fluids, or for liquids and elastic fluids whether rotary or not having pure rotation.This subclass does not cover combinations of non-positive-displacement pumps with other pumps, which are covered by subclass F04B, except that the use of such other pumps for priming or boosting non-positive-displacement is covered by this subclass.Attention is drawn to the Notes preceding class F01, especially as regards the definition of "pump".In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F04FPUMPING OF FLUID BY DIRECT CONTACT OF ANOTHER FLUID OR BY USING INERTIA OF FLUID TO BE PUMPED evacuating by sorption F04BSIPHONS conveying materials in bulk by flows of gas, liquid of foam B65G53/00Attention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01.Combinations of pumps belonging to this subclass with other pumps are only classified in this subclass if such other pumps are fore pumps of diffusion pumps.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F15ENGINEERING IN GENERAL F15FLUID-PRESSURE ACTUATORSHYDRAULICS OR PNEUMATICS IN GENERAL F15BSYSTEMS ACTING BY MEANS OF FLUIDS IN GENERALFLUID-PRESSURE ACTUATORS, e.g. SERVOMOTORSDETAILS OF FLUID-PRESSURE SYSTEMS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR In this subclass, the following terms are used with the meaning stated: "Telemotor" means a system or device in which a substantially constant amount of fluid is trapped between an input member and an output member to act as a fluid link; "Servomotor" means a fluid-pressure actuator, e.g. a piston and cylinder, directly controlled by a valve or other device which is responsive to operation of an initial controlling member; "Servomotor" does not cover a telemotor. The initial controlling member may be adjacent to the servomotor or at a distance, and may be, for example a hand lever. F15CFLUID-CIRCUIT ELEMENTS PREDOMINANTLY USED FOR COMPUTING OR CONTROL PURPOSES transducers F15B5/00, F15B21/00; fluid dynamics in general F15D; computer comprising fluid elements G06D, G06G; electric control by means of electro-hydraulic or electro-pneumatic amplifiers G05B7/02In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F15DFLUID DYNAMICS, i.e. METHODS OR MEANS FOR INFLUENCING THE FLOW OF GASES OR LIQUIDS nozzles, spray heads B05B; devices to decrease friction or resistance or to increase speed of ships B63B; ship rudders B63H25/38; influencing the flow or the viscosity of fluids with chemical additives C09K3/00, C10M; hydraulic engineering E02B; fluid circuit elements F15C; one-way check valves F16K15/00This subclass comprises boundary-layer control and other arrangements and methods, not provided for in other classes, for influencing the flow of fluids relative to constraining surfaces and after leaving these surfaces, e.g. producing or removing turbulence, deflecting jets, guiding flow through bends in conduits, affecting distribution of fluid in a conduit, reducing fluid friction.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F16ENGINEERING ELEMENTS AND UNITSGENERAL MEASURES FOR PRODUCING AND MAINTAINING EFFECTIVE FUNCTIONING OF MACHINES OR INSTALLATIONSTHERMAL INSULATION IN GENERAL F16BDEVICES FOR FASTENING OR SECURING CONSTRUCTIONAL ELEMENTS OR MACHINE PARTS TOGETHER, e.g. NAILS, BOLTS, CIRCLIPS, CLAMPS, CLIPS, WEDGES, JOINTS OR JOINTING couplings for transmitting rotation F16DAttention is drawn to: the Note following group E04B1/38;the following places: A44BBuckles, slide fastenersA47G3/00Ornamental heads for nails, screws, or the likeB42F3/00Means, not using staples, for attaching sheets temporarily togetherC14B17/08Fastening devices, e.g. clips for leather-stretching used in apparatus or machines for manufacturing or treating skins, hides, leathers or fursE01B9/10Screws or bolts for railway sleepersE01B11/00Rail jointsE04Connections for buildingE04D13/08Clamping means for down pipes for roof drainageE04G5/04Fastening scaffolds against buildingsE04G7/00Scaffolding couplingsE05CBolts for fasteners for wings, specially for doors or windowsF16C29/10Locking bearings for parts moving only linearlyF16G17/00Hooks as integral parts of chainsF16LPipe jointsF16L3/00Supports for pipes, cables or protective tubing, e.g. hangers, holders, clamps, cleats, clips, bracketsF16L33/02Clips for connecting hoses to rigid membersH01F7/00Magnetic holding devicesH02N13/00Electrostatic holding devices.
Groups F16B2/00 - F16B47/00 take precedence over group F16B1/00.In this main group, it is desirable to add the indexing codes of F16B2200/00
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F16B7/08 covered by F16B5/12, F16B7/04, F16L3/00F16B7/12 covered by F16B7/105F16B13/13 covered by F16B13/002, F16B13/12F16B25/02 covered by F16B25/103F16B25/04 covered by F16B25/00, F16B25/106F16B25/06 covered by F16B25/00, F16B25/106F16B25/08 covered by F16B25/00, F16B25/106F16B37/10 covered by F16B37/0842, F16B37/0871
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16CSHAFTSFLEXIBLE SHAFTSELEMENTS OR CRANKSHAFT MECHANISMSROTARY BODIES OTHER THAN GEARING ELEMENTSBEARINGSIn this subclass the following expression is used with the meaning indicated: "rotary bodies other than gearing elements" covers any element which rotates so far as its features are affected only by the fact that it rotates.Attention is drawn to the following places: A01B71/04 Bearings for agricultural machines B21B31/07 Adaptation of roll bearings for metal-rolling mills B61C17/10 Connecting-rods, bearings for driving wheels of railway locomotives B61F15/00 Axle-boxes for railway vehicles B62K21/06 Bearings for steering heads E06B9/174, E06B9/50 Bearings specially adapted for roller shutters or for roller blinds E21B10/22 Bearings for drill bits F01C21/02 Arrangement of bearings in rotary-piston machines or engines F01D25/16 Arrangement of bearings in non-positive displacement machines or engines F02C7/06 Arrangement of bearings in gas-turbine plants G01C19/16 Bearings for gyroscopes G01D11/02 Bearings or suspensions for moving parts of measuring instruments G01G21/02 Arrangements of bearings in weighing apparatus G01R1/10 Arrangements of bearings in instruments for measuring electric variables G01R11/12 Arrangements of bearings for apparatus for measuring time integral of electric power or current G02C5/22 Hinges for spectacles G04B31/00 Bearings for clockwork H02N15/00 Magnetic levitation devices.
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16DCOUPLINGS FOR TRANSMITTING ROTATIONCLUTCHESBRAKES Attention is drawn to the following places: A01D69/08, A01D69/10Clutches or brakes of harvesting machines for grass or cereals; A61C1/18 Clutches in dental machines for boring or cutting; B21B35/14 Drive couplings for metal-rolling mills; B30B15/10 Brakes specially adapted for presses; B30B15/12 Clutches specially adapted for presses; B41J33/52 Braking devices for ribbon-feed devices in selective printing mechanisms; B60K17/00 Arrangement or location of clutches in vehicles; B61H Brakes peculiar to rail vehicles; B62B5/04 Braking mechanisms for hand carts; B62B9/08 Braking mechanisms for children's carriages or perambulators; B62C7/00 Braking mechanisms for animal-drawn vehicles; B62L Cycle brakes; B66D5/00 Braking devices for lifting or hoisting gear; E21B17/02 Couplings for drilling rods; H02P3/04 Brakes for electric motors, generators, dynamo-electric converters; H04L13/04 Clutches for apparatus for transmission of coded digital information.
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F16D3/19 covered by F16D3/50;F16D3/27 covered by F16D3/265;F16D27/07 covered by F16D27/06, F16D27/14;F16D48/12 covered by B60K23/0808.
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16FSPRINGSSHOCK-ABSORBERSMEANS FOR DAMPING VIBRATION This subclass covers: springs, shock-absorbers or vibration-dampers; their arrangement in, or adaptation for, particular apparatus if not provided for in the subclasses covering said apparatus. This subclass does not cover inventions concerning the arrangement or adaptation of springs, shock-absorbers or vibration-dampers in, or for, particular apparatus, if provided for in the subclasses concerning the said apparatus, e.g. A47C23/00 - A47C27/00Spring mattressesA61F2/00ProsthesesA63C5/075Vibration dampers in skisB60GVehicle suspensionsB60R19/24Mounting of bumpers on vehiclesB61FRail vehicle suspensionsB61G11/00Buffers for railway or tramway vehiclesB62D21/15Vehicle chassis frames having impact absorbing meansB62J1/02Resiliently mounted saddles on cyclesB62K21/08Steering dampersB63H21/30Anti-vibration mounting of marine propulsion plant in shipsB64C25/58Arrangement of shock-absorbers or springs in aeroplane alighting gearB65D81/02Containers, packing elements or packages with shock-absorbing meansD06F37/20Resilient mountings in washing machinesD06F49/06Resilient mountings in domestic spin-dryersE04B1/98Protection of buildings against vibrations or shocksE05D7/086Braking devices structurally combined with hingesF03G1/00Spring motorsF16L3/20Pipe or cable supportsF21V15/04Resilient mounting of lighting devicesF41A25/00Gun cradles to permit recoilF41B5/1426Vibration dampers for archery bowsG01D11/00Indicating or recording in connection with measuringG01G21/10Weighing apparatus, e.g. arrangement of shock-absorbers in weighing apparatusG04BClocks, watchesG12B3/08Damping of movements in instrumentsG21C7/20Disposition of shock-absorbing devices for displaceable control elements in nuclear reactors.H02G7/14Arrangements or devices for damping mechanical oscillations of power lines
Mention of "steel" or "metal" in groups F16F, unless specific mention is made otherwise, should be seen in the light of the title of group F16F1/00, i.e. material having low internal friction. This normally includes composite materials such as fibre-reinforced plastics. Mention of "rubber" or "plastics" in group F16F, unless specific mention is made otherwise, should be seen in the light of the title of group F16F1/36, i.e. material having high internal friction. This normally does NOT include composite materials such as fibre-reinforced plastics except in the case of groups F16F1/366 - F16F1/3686 and F16F15/305.
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F16F3/07 covered by F16F13/00F16F9/24 covered by F16F9/22F16F9/40 covered by F16F9/00 - F16F9/50F16F9/508 covered by F16F9/512F16F11/00 covered by F16F7/00, F16F9/00, F16F15/00F16F13/12 covered by F16F13/08
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16GBELTS, CABLES, OR ROPES, PREDOMINANTLY USED FOR DRIVING PURPOSESCHAINSFITTINGS PREDOMINANTLY USED THEREFORAttention is drawn to the following places: B63B21/04 Fastening equipment for chains, ropes or the like for ships B63B21/20 Adaptations of chains, ropes or the like for ships B65G15/30 Endless conveyor belts B65G17/38, B65G19/20 Traction chains for conveyors F16H Gearings using flexible members F16H9/24 Chains specially adapted for gearings with variable ratio H05F Preventing or carrying-off electrostatic charges.
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16HGEARINGCombinations including mechanical gearings are classified in groups F16H37/00 or F16H47/00, unless they are provided for in groups F16H1/00 - F16H35/00. In this subclass, sets of rigidly-connected members are regarded as single members. In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "toothed gearing" includes worm gearing and other gearing involving at least one wheel or sector provided with teeth or the equivalent, EXCEPT gearing with chains or toothed belts, which is treated as friction gearing; "conveying motion" includes transmitting energy, and means that the applied and resultant motions are of the same kind, though they may differ in, e.g. speed, direction extent: "rotary" implies that the motion may continue indefinitely; "oscillating" means moving about an axis to an extent which is limited by the construction of the gearing, and which may exceed one revolution, the movement being alternately forwards and backwards during continued operation of the gearing; "reciprocating" means moving substantially in a straight line, the movement being alternately forwards and backwards during continued operation of the gearing; "reversing" or "reversal" means that an applied movement in one direction may produce a resultant movement in either of two opposed directions at will; "central gears" includes any gears whose axis is the main axis of the gearing. Attention is drawn to the following places: A01D69/06Gearings in harvesting machinesA63H31/00Gearing for toysB21B35/12Toothed-wheel gearing for metal-rolling millsB60KArrangement of transmissions in vehiclesB61C9/00Transmissions for railway locomotivesB62D3/00Vehicle steering gearsB62MTransmissions for cyclesB63H23/00Transmissions for marine propulsionsB63H25/00Marine steering gearsB64C27/12, B64C27/58Transmissions for helicoptersB64D35/00Transmissions for aircraftF01-F04Machines, engines, pumpsF15B15/00Gearings associated with fluid-actuated devicesG01D5/04Gearing used in indicating or recording apparatus in connection with measuring devicesH03J1/00Driving arrangements for tuning resonant circuitsH04L13/04Driving mechanisms for apparatus for transmission of coded digital information.
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16JPISTONS specially adapted for dampers F16F9/32CYLINDERSSEALINGSAttention is drawn to the following places: A47J27/08 Pressure cookers E04B1/68 Sealing building joints E05C9/00 Multi-point fastening of wings in general F01B Machines or engines in general or of reciprocating type, e.g. cylinders peculiar to steam engines F01B31/28F02F1/00 Cylinders for combustion engines F02F3/00 Pistons for combustion engines F04D29/08 Sealings of non-positive displacement pumps F17B1/04 Sealing devices for sliding parts of gas holders of variable capacity F28F9/04 Arrangements for sealing elements into header boxes or end plates of heat-exchangers.
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F16J15/53 covered by F16J15/43
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16KVALVESTAPSCOCKSACTUATING-FLOATSDEVICES FOR VENTING OR AERATING devices for emptying and evacuating the excess liquid in valves or conduits F16L55/07 Attention is drawn to the following places: A47J27/09Safety devices for pressure cookersA47J31/46Dispensing spouts, drain valves or like beverage-making apparatusA61B5/0235Valves specially adapted for measuring pressure in heart or blood vesselsA61F2/24Heart valvesA61M16/20Valves specially adapted for medical respiratory devicesA61M39/00Tube connectors, tube couplings, valves or branch units specially adapted for medical use in generalA62B9/02Valves for respiratory apparatusA62B18/10Valves for breathing masks or helmetsA62CFire extinguishersB01D35/04Plug, tap, or cock filtersB05BNozzles, spray heads or other discharge apparatus for spraying or atomisingB60C29/00Arrangements of tyre-inflating valves relative to tyres or wheel rims; Connection of valves to wheel rims, tyres or other inflatable elastic bodiesB60G17/048Valves specially adapted for adjusting vehicle fluid-spring characteristicsB60TValves specially adapted for vehicle brake control systemsB62D5/08Vehicle power-assisted steering characterised by the type of valve usedB63B7/00, B63C9/00Arrangement of inflating valves for floatable life-saving equipmentB65D47/04Container closures with discharging valvesB65D90/32Safety valves for large containersB65D90/54Gates or closures on large containersB67C3/28Flow control devices for bottling liquidsB67DDispensing, delivering or transferring liquidsC21B9/12Hot-blast valves for blast furnacesE02B8/00Details, e.g. valves, of barrages or weirsE02B13/02Closures for irrigation conduitsE03C1/04Water-basin installations specially adapted for wash-basins or bathsE03C1/05Arrangements on wash-basins for the remote control of tapsE03DFlushing valves for water-closets or urinalsE03F7/04Valves for preventing return flow in sewer systemsE05F3/12Valve arrangements in door closersE21B21/10Valve arrangements in drilling-fluid circulation systemsE21B34/00Valve arrangements for boreholes or wellsE21D15/51Arrangement of relief valves in hydraulic mine propsF01B25/10Working-fluid valves for controlling machines or engines in general or of positive-displacement typeF01D17/10Final actuators for controlling non-positive displacement machines or enginesF01LCyclically operated valves for machines or enginesF02D9/08Throttle valves for controlling combustion enginesF02K9/58Propellant feed valves for rocket-enginesF02MCarburettors, fuel injectionF02M59/46Valves for fuel injection pumpsF04PumpsF16F9/34Valves for shock absorbersF16L29/00, F16L37/28Pipe joints or quick-acting couplings with fluid cut-off meansF16L55/00Arrangement of valves in pipesF16L55/055Valves specially adapted to prevent or minimise the effect of water hammerF16L55/46Launching devices for pigs or molesF16N23/00Check valves for lubrication systemsF16TDraining-off liquids from steam trapsF17C13/04Arrangement of valves in pressure vesselsF22B37/44Arrangement of safety valves on steam boilersF22D5/34Application of valves to automatic water-feed in boilerF23L13/00Valves for air supply control to burnersF23Q2/16Valves for lighters with gaseous fuel and adjustable flameF24C3/12, F24C5/16Arrangement of valves on stoves or rangesF24FAir conditioning; VentilationF25B41/20Disposition of fluid circulation valves in refrigeration machinesG05DControlling non-electric variablesG10B3/06Valves for organsG10D9/04Valves for other wind-actuated musical instrumentsG21C9/06Safety valves structurally associated with nuclear reactorsH01M50/30Vent plugs in batteries or cells
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups:
F16K31/11 covered by F16K31/06, F16K31/08, F16K31/10F16K31/64 covered by F16K31/002, G05D23/00 F16K31/66 covered by F16K31/06, G05D23/00F16K31/68 covered by F16K31/001, G05D23/00F16K31/70 covered by F16K31/002, G05D23/08F16K31/72 covered by F16K31/00
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16LPIPESJOINTS OR FITTINGS FOR PIPESSUPPORTS FOR PIPES, CABLES OR PROTECTIVE TUBINGMEANS FOR THERMAL INSULATION IN GENERALIn this subclass, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "pipe" means a conduit of closed cross-section, which is specially adapted to convey fluids, materials or objects; "hose" means a pipe, as defined above, which has flexibility as an essential characteristic.Attention is drawn to the following places: A61M39/00Tube connectors, tube couplings or branch units, specially adapted for medical useB05B1/20Perforated pipesB60T17/04Arrangement of piping or air hoses in brake systemsB63B35/03Pipe-laying vesselsB64D39/04Adaptation of hose constructions for refuelling aircraft during flightB65G51/00Conveying articles through pipes or tubes by fluid flow or pressureB65G53/00Conveying materials in bulk through pipes or tubesB67D7/38Arrangements of hoses in apparatus for transferring liquids, e.g. fuel, from bulk to vehicles or portable containersE01D19/10Fastening of pipes or cables to bridgesE03BWater supply installationsE03D11/17Means for connecting water-closet bowls to the flushing pipeE03D11/18Siphons for water-closetsE03F3/04Pipes or fittings specially adapted to sewersE04D13/08Down pipes for roof drainage; Clamping means thereforE04F17/00Vertical ducts, channels in buildings, e.g. chimneysE21F1/04Air ducts for ventilation of mines or tunnels; Connections thereforE21F17/02Suspension devices for tubes or the like in mines or tunnelsF01NGas flow silencers or exhaust apparatus for machines or enginesF16B7/00Connections of rods or tubesF16N21/00Conduits, junctions for lubrication systemsF17C3/02Thermal insulation of vessels not under pressure for storing liquefied or solidified gases, e.g. Dewar flaskF17DPipe-line systems, pipe-linesF22B37/10Water tubes of steam boilersF23J13/04Joints, connections for chimneys or fluesF24H9/12Connecting circulation pipes to heatersF28F9/04Arrangements for sealing elements into header boxes or end plates of heat-exchangersG21C15/22Structural association of coolant tubes with headers or other pipes in nuclear reactorsH02G3/04Protective tubing or conduits for electric cablesH02G3/26Installations of electric cables or lines, or protective tubing on or in walls,ceilings or floors.
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F16L19/03 covered by F16L19/0212; F16L59/05 covered by F16L59/021. F16L101/14 covered by F16L2101/10
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16MFRAMES, CASINGS OR BEDS OF ENGINES, MACHINES OR APPARATUS, NOT SPECIFIC TO ENGINES, MACHINES OR APPARATUS PROVIDED FOR ELSEWHERESTANDSSUPPORTS Attention is drawn to the following places: B21B31/02 Metal-rolling stand frames G01D11/30 Supports specially adapted for indicating or recording instruments.
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16NLUBRICATINGAttention is drawn to the following places: A01D69/12 Lubrication of harvesters; B21J3/00 Lubricating during forging or pressing; B25D17/26 Lubricating of portable power-driven percussive tools; B60R17/00 Arrangements or adaptations of lubricating; systems or devices in vehicles; B61C17/08 Lubrication systems for railway locomotives; B62D55/092 Vehicle endless-track units with lubrication means; D04B35/28 Devices for lubricating knitting machine parts; E05B17/08 Lubricating devices for locks; E05D11/02 Lubricating arrangements for hinges; E21B10/22 Lubricating details of roller drill bits for earth; drilling.
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16PSAFETY DEVICES IN GENERAL; SAFETY DEVICES FOR PRESSESAttention is drawn to the following places: A01D75/18 Harvesting machines A01F21/00 Threshing machines or baling presses B02C23/04 Crushing or disintegrating machines B21B33/00 Rolling of metal B21D55/00 Working sheet metal or tubes, rods or profiles without essentially removing material B23B25/04 Turning-machines B23Q11/00 Machine tools B24B55/00 Grinding or polishing machines B25J19/06 Manipulators B26D7/22 Cutting machines B27G19/00 Wood saws B65B57/00 Packaging machines or apparatus B65G43/00 Conveyors B65H26/00 Web-advancing mechanisms B65H63/00 Handling or winding of thin or filamentary material D01G31/00 Treatment of fibres D01H13/14 Spinning or twisting D05B83/00 Sewing machines F21V25/00 Lighting devices.
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16SCONSTRUCTIONAL ELEMENTS IN GENERALSTRUCTURES BUILT-UP FROM SUCH ELEMENTS, IN GENERALThis subclass does not cover similar elements and structures, restricted to use in the building art, which are covered by subclass E04C.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F16TSTEAM TRAPS OR LIKE APPARATUS FOR DRAINING-OFF LIQUIDS FROM ENCLOSURES PREDOMINANTLY CONTAINING GASES OR VAPOURSIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F17STORING OR DISTRIBUTING GASES OR LIQUIDS F17BGAS-HOLDERS OF VARIABLE CAPACITY self-acting gas cut-off devices A47J27/62, G05D; flame traps A62C4/00; gas mixers B01F, F16K11/00, G05D11/00; construction or assembling of bulk storage containers employing civil-engineering techniques E04H7/00, gas compressors F04; valves F16K; damping pulsations in valves or pipes F16K, F16L; pipes F16L; stopping devices for gas mains F16L55/10; vessels adapted for storing compressed, liquefied, or solidified gases F17C; gas distribution systems F17D1/04; detecting leakage F17D5/02, G01M; supervising or alarm devices F17D5/02, G08B; control of combustion in burners F23N; gas flow or pressure regulators G05DIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F17CVESSELS FOR CONTAINING OR STORING COMPRESSED, LIQUEFIED OR SOLIDIFIED GASESFIXED-CAPACITY GAS-HOLDERSFILLING VESSELS WITH, OR DISCHARGING FROM VESSELS, COMPRESSED, LIQUEFIED, OR SOLIDIFIED GASES storing fluids in natural or artificial cavities or chambers in the earth B65G5/00; construction or assembling of bulk storage containers employing civil-engineering techniques E04H7/00; variable-capacity gas-holders F17B; liquefaction or refrigeration machines, plants, or systems F25In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F17DPIPE-LINE SYSTEMSPIPE-LINES pumps or compressors F04; fluid dynamics F15D; valves or the like F16K; pipes, laying pipes, supports, joints, branches, repairing, work on the entire line, accessories F16L; steam traps or the like F16T; fluid-pressure electric cables H01B9/06In this subclass, pipe-line systems are interpreted as systems described in flow sheets as well as arrangements of co-operating elements, the elements per se being covered in the relevant subclasses.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F21LIGHTINGHEATING F21LIGHTINGIn this class, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "Portable" means "intended to be carried personally" "Non-portable" means "not intended to be carried personally, even if capable of being moved from place to place" F21HINCANDESCENT MANTLESOTHER INCANDESCENT BODIES HEATED BY COMBUSTIONIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F21KNON-ELECTRIC LIGHT SOURCES USING LUMINESCENCELIGHT SOURCES USING ELECTROCHEMILUMINESCENCELIGHT SOURCES USING CHARGES OF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALLIGHT SOURCES USING SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES AS LIGHT-GENERATING ELEMENTSLIGHT SOURCES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORIn this subclass, it is desirable to add the indexing codes of subclasses F21W and F21Y.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F21K5/04 covered by G03B15/0457;F21K5/06 covered by G03B15/0442;F21K5/08 covered by F21K5/02, G03B15/0442;F21K5/10 covered by G03B15/0442;F21K5/12 covered by F21K5/023;F21K5/14 covered by F21K5/026, G03B15/0489;F21K5/16 covered by G03B15/0452;F21K5/18 covered by G03B15/0452;F21K5/20 covered by G03B15/0447;F21K5/22 covered by G03B15/0442.
F21LLIGHTING DEVICES OR SYSTEMS THEREOF, BEING PORTABLE OR SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR TRANSPORTATIONThis subclass covers devices or systems designed or specially adapted to be carried, e.g. by hand, or otherwise transported from place to place, e.g. on wheeled supports, in order to provide illumination as and where required.This subclass does not cover devices or systems intended for fixed installation, e.g. vehicle lighting, or for use essentially at a permanent location, which are covered by subclass F21S.Non-electric lighting devices are classified in groups F21L17/00-F21L26/00 only if a special adaptation related to the use of a non-electric light source is of interest.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F21SNON-PORTABLE LIGHTING DEVICESSYSTEMS THEREOFVEHICLE LIGHTING DEVICES SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR VEHICLE EXTERIORSThis subclass covers:devices or systems intended for fixed installation or for use at a permanent location, e.g. free-standing floor- or table-lamps.aspects related to the optical, mechanical, thermal or electrical arrangement of elements in vehicle illuminating devices specially adapted for vehicle exterior, e.g. headlamps.aspects related to the optical, mechanical, thermal or electrical arrangement of elements in vehicle light signalling devices specially adapted for vehicle exterior, e.g. brake lamps or direction indicator lights.This subclass does not cover:devices or systems specially adapted for transportation, which are covered by subclass F21L.aspects related to the vehicles in which lighting devices are arranged, e.g. the arrangement or operation of lighting devices on vehicles, which are covered by B60Q.control of vehicle lighting devices in relation to the vehicle as a whole, e.g. for levelling, swivelling or aiming. Such arrangements are covered by group B60Q1/06, even if the movement of the lighting device occurs inside the lamp housing.Non-electric lighting devices or systems are classified in groups F21S11/00 - F21S15/00 only if a special adaptation related to the use of a non-electric light source is of interest.In this subclass, it is desirable to add the indexing codes of subclasses F21W and F21Y.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F21VFUNCTIONAL FEATURES OR DETAILS OF LIGHTING DEVICES OR SYSTEMS THEREOFSTRUCTURAL COMBINATIONS OF LIGHTING DEVICES WITH OTHER ARTICLES, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORGroups F21V1/00-F21V14/00 cover aspects related to light emission or distribution. Groups F21V15/00-F21V31/00 cover aspects not related to light emission or distribution.Details of non-electric lighting devices or systems are classified in groups F21V35/00-F21V37/00 only if a special adaptation related to the use of a non-electric light source is of interest.In this subclass, it is desirable to add the indexing codes of subclasses F21W and F21YThe following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups:
F21V8/00 covered by G02B6/00
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F21WINDEXING SCHEME ASSOCIATED WITH SUBCLASSES F21K, F21L, F21S and F21V, RELATING TO USES OR APPLICATIONS OF LIGHTING DEVICES OR SYSTEMSThis subclass constitutes an indexing scheme associated with subclasses F21K, F21L, F21S and F21V, relating to uses or applications of lighting devices or systems. F21YINDEXING SCHEME ASSOCIATED WITH SUBCLASSES F21K, F21L, F21S and F21V, RELATING TO THE FORM OR THE KIND OF THE LIGHT SOURCES OR OF THE COLOUR OF THE LIGHT EMITTEDThis subclass constitutes an indexing scheme associated with subclasses F21K, F21L, F21S and F21V, relating to the form or the kind of the light sources, or of the colour of the light emitted.
F22STEAM GENERATIONIn this class the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "steam" covers also other condensable vapours, e.g. mercury, diphenyl, diphenyl oxide. F22BMETHODS OF STEAM GENERATIONSTEAM BOILERS steam engine plants where engine aspects predominate F01K; domestic central-heating systems using steam F24D; heat exchange or heat transfer in general F28; generation of vapour in the cores of nuclear reactors G21This subclass covers only methods of, or apparatus for, the generation of steam under pressure for heating or power purposesIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F22DPREHEATING, OR ACCUMULATING PREHEATED, FEED-WATER FOR STEAM GENERATIONFEED-WATER SUPPLY FOR STEAM GENERATIONCONTROLLING WATER LEVEL FOR STEAM GENERATIONAUXILIARY DEVICES FOR PROMOTING WATER CIRCULATION WITHIN STEAM BOILERSIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F22GSUPERHEATING OF STEAM steam separating arrangements in boilers F22B37/26In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F23COMBUSTION APPARATUSCOMBUSTION PROCESSESIn this class, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "combustion" means a heat-producing sequence of chemical reactions between a burnable substance and molecular oxygen, e.g. in air, in most cases generating light in the form of flames or a glow;"combustion chamber" means a chamber in which fuel is burned to establish a self-supporting fire or flame and which surrounds that fire or flame;"burner" means a device by which fluent fuel is passed to a combustion space where it burns to produce a self-supporting flame;"air" means a mixture of gases containing free oxygen and able to promote or support combustion. F23BMETHODS OR APPARATUS FOR COMBUSTION USING ONLY SOLID FUEL for combustion of fuels that are solid at room temperatures, but burned in melted form, e.g. candle wax, C11C5/00, F23C, F23D; using solid fuel suspended in air F23C, F23D1/00; using solid fuel suspended in liquids F23C, F23D11/00; using solid fuel and fluent fuel simultaneously or alternately F23C, F23D17/00; burning of low grade fuel F23G; grates F23H; feeding solid fuel to combustion apparatus F23K; combustion chambers, not otherwise provided for F23M; domestic apparatus F24; central heating boilers F24D; package boilers F24HThis subclass only covers combustion wherein the main body of fuel is either essentially stationary during combustion or mechanically transported, as opposed to pneumatically transported or suspended in air, during combustion.In this subclass, the first place priority rule is applied, i.e. at each hierarchical level, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, classification is made in the first appropriate place.In this subclass, methods are classified in the groups that cover the apparatus used. Methods that are not related to a particular type of apparatus are classified in group F23B90/00. In this subclass, it is desirable to add the indexing codes of groups F23B2101/00 - F23B2900/00.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F23CMETHODS OR APPARATUS FOR COMBUSTION USING FLUID FUEL OR SOLID FUEL SUSPENDED IN  A CARRIER GAS OR AIR  burners F23D In this subclass, methods are classified in the groups that cover the apparatus used.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F23C101/00 covered by F23C2206/101
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F23DBURNERSIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F23GCREMATION FURNACESCONSUMING WASTE PRODUCTS BY COMBUSTIONThis subclass covers also the burning of low-grade fuel of solid, liquid, or gaseous nature.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F23HGRATES inlets for fluidisation air for fluidised bed combustion apparatus F23C10/20CLEANING OR RAKING GRATESIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F23JREMOVAL OR TREATMENT OF COMBUSTION PRODUCTS OR COMBUSTION RESIDUESFLUES  combustion apparatus for consuming smoke or fumes, e.g. exhaust gases, F23G7/06This subclass covers the cleaning of external surfaces of water tubes of boilersIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F23KFEEDING FUEL TO COMBUSTION APPARATUS fuel feeders specially adapted for fluidised bed combustion apparatus F23C10/22 F23LSUPPLYING AIR OR NON-COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS OR GASES TO COMBUSTION APPARATUS IN GENERAL  air-supply arrangements for fluent fuels F23C; firebridges with means for feeding air or steam F23M3/04; baffles or shields with air supply passages F23M9/04VALVES OR DAMPERS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR CONTROLLING AIR SUPPLY OR DRAUGHT IN COMBUSTION APPARATUS dampers and throat restrictors for open fire-places F24; air inlet valves for open fire fronts F24INDUCING DRAUGHT IN COMBUSTION APPARATUSTOPS FOR CHIMNEYS OR VENTILATING SHAFTSTERMINALS FOR FLUESIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F23MCASINGS, LININGS, WALLS OR DOORS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR COMBUSTION CHAMBERS, e.g. FIREBRIDGESDEVICES FOR DEFLECTING AIR, FLAMES OR COMBUSTION PRODUCTS IN COMBUSTION CHAMBERSSAFETY ARRANGEMENTS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR COMBUSTION APPARATUSDETAILS OF COMBUSTION CHAMBERS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F23NREGULATING OR CONTROLLING COMBUSTION control devices specially adapted for combustion apparatus in which combustion takes place in a fluidised bed of fuel or other particles F23C10/28; condition responsive controls for regulating combustion in domestic stoves with open fires for solid fuel F24B1/187 F23QIGNITION devices or installations peculiar to internal-combustion engines F02P; of cigarettes or tobacco A24F; compositions therefor, chemical igniters C06CEXTINGUISHING-DEVICESIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F23RGENERATING COMBUSTION PRODUCTS OF HIGH PRESSURE OR HIGH VELOCITY, e.g. GAS-TURBINE COMBUSTION CHAMBERS fluidised bed combustion apparatus specially adapted for operation at superatmospheric pressures F23C10/16In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F24HEATINGRANGESVENTILATINGIn this class, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "stove" includes apparatus which may have an open fire, e.g. fireplace; "range" means an apparatus for cooking having elements that perform different cooking operations or cooking and heating operations. F24BDOMESTIC STOVES OR RANGES FOR SOLID FUELS for solid fuels in combination with gaseous fuels, liquid fuels or other kinds of energy supply F24C1/02IMPLEMENTS FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH STOVES OR RANGES F24CDOMESTIC STOVES OR RANGES  exclusively for solid fuels F24BDETAILS OF DOMESTIC STOVES OR RANGES, OF GENERAL APPLICATIONIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F24DDOMESTIC- OR SPACE-HEATING SYSTEMS, e.g. CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEMSDOMESTIC HOT-WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMSELEMENTS OR COMPONENTS THEREFOR using steam or condensate extracted or exhausted from steam engine plants for heating purposes F01K17/02In this subclass, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated: "Central heating system" means a system in which heat is generated or stored at central sources and is distributed by means of a transfer fluid to the spaces or areas to be heated. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F24FAIR-CONDITIONINGAIR-HUMIDIFICATIONVENTILATIONUSE OF AIR CURRENTS FOR SCREENING removing dirt or fumes from areas where they are produced B08B15/00; vertical ducts for carrying away waste gases from buildings E04F17/02; tops for chimneys or ventilating shafts, terminals for flues F23L17/02This subclass covers treatment, e.g. purification, of air supplied to human living or working spaces in air conditioning systems or in room units. In this subclass: air-humidification as auxiliary treatment in air-conditioning, i.e. in units wherein the air is also either cooled or heated, is covered by groups F24F1/00 or F24F3/14;air-humidification per se, e.g. "room humidifiers", is covered by group F24F6/00.In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated:"air-conditioning" means the supply of air to or the treatment of air in rooms or spaces by means of cooling or a combination of cooling and a further kind of air treatment, e.g. humidification, heating or air purification;"ventilation" means the supply of air to, or its extraction from, rooms or spaces, and systems for circulating air within rooms or spaces, but does not cover the mere treatment of air being supplied to, extracted from, or circulated within, rooms or spaces.In this subclass, control or safety arrangements are classified in group F24F11/00. In order to indicate the type of air-treatment system in which these arrangements are used, further classification may be made in groups F24F1/00 - F24F9/00. F24HFLUID HEATERS, e.g. WATER OR AIR HEATERS, HAVING HEAT-GENERATING MEANS, e.g. HEAT PUMPS, IN GENERAL steam generation F22The distinguishing feature of the air heaters covered by this subclass is that the heat is predominantly released to the air by convection, mostly by forced circulation of the air. The domestic stoves or ranges covered by subclasses F24B, F24C may also be fired or electric air heaters but they release their heat to a considerable extent by radiation and only to some extent by natural convection.In this subclass, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "water" includes other liquids and means always the liquid to be heated;"air" includes other gases or gas mixtures and means always the gas to be heated; "furnace tubes" means tubes inside the heater wherein combustion is performed;"fire tubes" means tubes inside the heater through which flue-gases flow from a combustion chamber located outside the tubes; "heater" means apparatus including both heat generating means and means for transferring the generated heat to water or air.All storage heaters are classified in group F24H7/00. F24SSOLAR HEAT COLLECTORSSOLAR HEAT SYSTEMS for producing mechanical power from solar energy F03G6/00 In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated:
"solar heat collector modules", often referred to simply as "modules", covers;
a. whole solar heat collectors b. elements of solar heat collectors, e.g. reflectors, lenses or heat storage elements.
"absorbing elements" covers elements for absorbing solar-rays and converting it into heat.
"solar heat systems" covers systems having solar heat collectors as their components and using the collected heat
F25REFRIGERATION OR COOLINGCOMBINED HEATING AND REFRIGERATION SYSTEMSHEAT PUMP SYSTEMSMANUFACTURE OR STORAGE OF ICELIQUEFACTION SOLIDIFICATION OF GASES F25BREFRIGERATION MACHINES, PLANTS OR SYSTEMSCOMBINED HEATING AND REFRIGERATION SYSTEMSHEAT PUMP SYSTEMS F25CPRODUCING, WORKING OR HANDLING ICEIn this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated:"ice" means any frozen liquid and also covers frozen semiliquids or pasty substances. F25DREFRIGERATORSCOLD ROOMSICE-BOXESCOOLING OR FREEZING APPARATUS NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR refrigerated showcases A47F3/04; thermally-insulated vessels for domestic use A47J41/00; refrigerated vehicles, see the appropriate subclasses of classes B60-B64; containers with thermal insulation in general B65D81/38; heat-transfer, heat-exchange or heat-storage materials, e.g. refrigerants, or materials for the production of heat or cold by chemical reactions other than by combustion C09K5/00; thermally-insulated vessels for liquefied or solidified gases F17C; air-conditioning or air-humidification F24F; refrigeration machines, plants, or systems F25B; cooling of instruments or comparable apparatus without refrigeration G12B; cooling of engines or pumps, see the relevant classes In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "device" means an enclosed space to be cooled; such devices being associated either with refrigerating machinery, e.g. in a refrigerator, or with other cold sources, e.g. in an ice-box. Attention is drawn to Note (2) following the title of subclass F24F. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F25JLIQUEFACTION, SOLIDIFICATION OR SEPARATION OF GASES OR GASEOUS OR LIQUEFIED GASEOUS MIXTURES BY PRESSURE AND COLD TREATMENT OR BY BRINGING THEM INTO THE SUPERCRITICAL STATE cryogenic pumps F04B37/08; gas storage vessels, gas holders F17; filing vessels with, or discharging from vessels, compressed, liquefied or solidified gases F17C; refrigeration machines, plants, or systems F25BIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F26DRYING F26BDRYING SOLID MATERIALS OR OBJECTS BY REMOVING LIQUID THEREFROM racks for drying fruit and vegetables A01F25/12; drying foodstuffs A23; drying hair A45D20/00; body-drying implements A47K10/00; drying household articles A47L, e.g. drying footwear A47L23/20; drying gases and vapours B01D; chemical and physical processes for dewatering or like separating liquids from solids B01D43/00; centrifugal apparatus B04; drying ceramics C04B33/30; drying yarns and fabrics in association with some other form of treatment D06C; drying frames for laundry without heating or positive air circulation, domestic and like spin-dryers, wringing and hot pressing laundry D06F; furnaces, kilns, ovens F27; treatment including a drying step of semiconductor substrates, e.g. wafers, H01L21/67028The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F26B11/06 covered by F26B11/0486F26B13/02 covered by F26B13/10F26B13/04 covered by F26B13/10F26B13/20 covered by F26B13/104F26B23/08 covered by F26B3/343, F26B3/347
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F27FURNACESKILNSOVENSRETORTSThis class deals with furnaces, kilns, ovens, retorts, open sintering apparatus, and details or accessories therefor, in general. It includes the arrangement of electrical heating elements in or on furnaces, but not the elements themselves. It is not concerned with the processes carried on within the furnaces.In this class, where appropriate, the term "furnaces" is to be understood as covering kilns, ovens, or retorts. F27BFURNACES, KILNS, OVENS, OR RETORTS IN GENERALOPEN SINTERING OR LIKE APPARATUSAttention is drawn to the references and notes following the title of class F27 and the note (par. III) following the Contents of Section H.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F27B1/09 covered by F27B1/08F27B5/05 covered by F27B5/04F27B14/16, F27B14/18 covered by F27B14/0806F27B21/08 - F27B21/14 covered by F27D3/00, F27D21/00
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F27DDETAILS OR ACCESSORIES OF FURNACES, KILNS, OVENS, OR RETORTS, IN SO FAR AS THEY ARE OF KINDS OCCURRING IN MORE THAN ONE KIND OF FURNACE combustion apparatus F23Attention is drawn to the references and Notes following the title of class F27 and the Note III following the Contents of Section H.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F27MINDEXING SCHEME RELATING TO ASPECTS OF THE CHARGES OR FURNACES, KILNS, OVENS OR RETORTSThis subclass constitutes an internal scheme for indexing only.
F28HEAT EXCHANGE IN GENERALApparatus using heat exchange or heat transfer (as defined below) for specific purposes is classified either in subclass F28B or in the appropriate subclasses of, for example, classes F22, F24, F25, F26; if no such other subclass is appropriate, such apparatus is to be classified in F28C or F28D.In this class the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "Heat exchange" means the heating or cooling of a fluid or fluent solid by direct or indirect contact with a heated or cooled fluid or fluent solid; "Heat transfer" means the heating or cooling of a fluid or fluent solid by direct contact with a heated or cooled surface or body. F28BSTEAM OR VAPOUR CONDENSERS condensation of vapours B01D5/00; steam engine plants having condensers F01K; liquefaction of gases F25J; details of heat-exchange and heat-transfer arrangements of general application F28FIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F28CHEAT-EXCHANGE APPARATUS, NOT PROVIDED FOR IN ANOTHER SUBCLASS, IN WHICH THE HEAT-EXCHANGE MEDIA COME INTO DIRECT CONTACT WITHOUT CHEMICAL INTERACTION safety devices in general F16P; fluid heaters having heat generating means F24H; with an intermediate heat-transfer medium coming into direct contact with heat-exchange media F28D15/00 - F28D19/00; details of heat-exchange apparatus of general application F28FIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F28DHEAT-EXCHANGE APPARATUS, NOT PROVIDED FOR IN ANOTHER SUBCLASS, IN WHICH THE HEAT-EXCHANGE MEDIA DO NOT COME INTO DIRECT CONTACT fluid heaters having heat generating means and heat transferring means F24H; furnaces F27; details of heat-exchange apparatus of generalIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F28FDETAILS OF HEAT-EXCHANGE AND HEAT-TRANSFER APPARATUS, OF GENERAL APPLICATION water and air traps, air venting F16In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F28GCLEANING OF INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL SURFACES OF HEAT-EXCHANGE OR HEAT-TRANSFER CONDUITS, e.g. WATER TUBES OR BOILERS cleaning pipes or tubes in general B08B9/02; devices or arrangements for removing water, minerals, or sludge from boilers while the boiler is in operation, or which remain in position while the boiler is in operation, or are specifically adapted to boilers without any other utility F22B37/48; removal or treatment of combustion products or combustion residues F23J; removing ice from heat-exchange apparatus F28F17/00In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F41WEAPONSBLASTING F41WEAPONSThis class covers also means for practice and training which may cover also means for practice and training which may have aspects of simulation, e.g. in apparatus for so-called "military games", although simulators are generally covered by class G09.In this class, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "smallarm" means a firearm which is generally held with one or both hands for firing, but this term also includes a light machine-gun which may be supported on a tripod or the like during firing; "gun" means any weapon having a barrel and a trigger or firing mechanism for projecting a missile; it may be a piece of ordnance or a smallarm. It may use combustible or explosive propellant charges, air pressure, electromagnetism or other propulsive forces; "revolver-type gun" means a gun having a revolving drum magazine, the chambers of which are used successively as firing chamber; "revolver" means a revolver-type pistol; "semi-automatic firearm" means a firearm from which one shot is fired after actuation of the trigger and which then returns to a condition for firing a subsequent shot upon renewed actuation of the trigger; "automatic gun" means a gun which will continue firing so long as the initial firing pressure is maintained on the trigger; "sighting" means bringing into visual coincidence a direction of a target; "aiming" means bringing a weapon to a direction differing from the sighting direction by corrections in order that the projectile may hit the target; "laying" means setting a weapon in the correct position for hitting a mark.Attention is drawn to the definitions of "projectile", "missile" and "rocket" given in Note 2 following the title of class F42. F41AFUNCTIONAL FEATURES OR DETAILS COMMON TO BOTH SMALLARMS AND ORDNANCE, e.g. CANNONSMOUNTINGS FOR SMALLARMS OR ORDNANCE This subclass covers those features or details which are considered to be of a kind generally applicable to, or to be concerned with intrinsic functions common to, both smallarms and ordnance. Such features or details are classified in this subclass, even if they are stated to be applied only to smallarms or only to ordnance. Attention is drawn to the definitions given in Note (2) following the title of class F41. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F41BWEAPONS FOR PROJECTING MISSILES WITHOUT USE OF EXPLOSIVE OR COMBUSTIBLE PROPELLANT CHARGEWEAPONS NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR projectiles for fishing, e.g. fish-spears, A01K81/00; sports implements for throwing A63B65/00, e.g. boomerangs A63B65/08; stationary apparatus for projecting sports balls, e.g. tennis balls, A63B69/40; throwing or slinging toys A63H33/18; knives, axes B26B; projectiles or missiles other than those incorporating springs as projecting means F42B6/00The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F41B5/16 covered by F41B5/1473 F41B5/18 covered by F41B5/1469 F41B5/20 covered by F41B5/1426 F41B5/22 covered by F41B5/143
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F41CSMALLARMS, e.g. PISTOLS, RIFLES functional features or details common to both smallarms and ordnance, mountings therefor F41A; projecting missiles without use of explosive or combustible propellant charge F41BACCESSORIES THEREFORAttention is drawn to the definitions in Note (2) following the title of class F41.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F41FAPPARATUS FOR LAUNCHING PROJECTILES OR MISSILES FROM BARRELS, e.g. CANNONS smallarms F41CLAUNCHERS FOR ROCKETS OR TORPEDOESHARPOON GUNS functional features or details common to both smallarms and ordnance, mountings therefor F41A; projecting missiles without use of explosive or combustible propellant charge F41BThis subclass does not cover the arrangement of armaments, adaptation of mountings therefor, or arrangements of ammunition handlers on ships or aircraft, if they present a shipbuilding or aircraft-building aspect, which are covered by subclass B63G or B64D.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F41GWEAPON SIGHTSAIMING optical aspects thereof G02BIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F41HARMOURARMOURED TURRETSARMOURED OR ARMED VEHICLESMEANS OF ATTACK OR DEFENCE, e.g. CAMOUFLAGE, IN GENERALIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F41JTARGETSTARGET RANGESBULLET CATCHERS targets for shooting or hurling games A63F9/0204In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F42AMMUNITIONBLASTINGThis class covers also means for practice or training which may have aspects of simulation, although simulators are generally covered by class G09.In this class, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "primer" effects the first explosive step in the sequence of explosion; "percussion cap" means a primer which is struck to explode; "igniter" effects the first spark-producing or heat-producing step but may not be explosive; "firing-means" or "initiator" (used respectively in the arts of weaponry and blasting) means a device acting directly on the primer, which device may or may not form part of the fuze; "detonator" or "detonator charge" means a charge used to amplify the explosion of the primer; "fuze" means an assembly or mechanism which incorporates safety and arming means in order that the explosion can only take place under certain conditions; this assembly or mechanism determines also the moment (instantaneous or delayed) or the manner, e.g. impact, proximity, hydrostatic pressure, of the firing; "ammunition" covers propulsive charge and projectile whether or not forming a single body, unless otherwise made clear; "projectile", "missile" or "projectile or missile" means any body which is projected or propelled; "guided missile" means projectile or missile which is guided during at least part of its trajectory; "rocket" means projectile or missile which is self-propelled, during at least part of its trajectory, by a rocket engine, i.e. by a jet-propulsion engine carrying both fuel and oxidant therefor; "fuse" or "fuse cord" means a continuous train of explosive enclosed in a usually flexible cord or cable for setting-off an explosive charge in the art of blasting. F42BEXPLOSIVE CHARGES, e.g. FOR BLASTING, FIREWORKS, AMMUNITION explosive compositions C06B; fuzes F42C; blasting F42DThe following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups:F42B5/14 covered by F42B12/40, A01K11/00
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F42CAMMUNITION FUZES blasting cartridge initiators F42B3/10; chemical aspects C06CARMING OR SAFETY MEANS THEREFOR filling fuzes F42B33/02; fitting or extracting primers in or from fuzes F42B33/04; containers for fuzes F42B39/30In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F42DBLASTING fuses, e.g. fuse cords, C06C5/00; for obtaining fluid from wells E21B43/00; for mining or quarrying E21C37/00; for making tunnels or galleries E21D9/006; cartridges F42B3/00In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
Is not provided for, but is most closely related to, the subject matter covered by the subclasses of this section, and
Is not explicitly covered by any subclass of another section.