H03MCODINGDECODINGCODE CONVERSION IN GENERAL using fluidic means F15C4/00; optical analogue/digital converters G02F7/00; coding, decoding or code conversion, specially adapted for particular applications, see the relevant subclasses, e.g. G01D, G01R, G06F, G06T, G09G, G10L, G11B, G11C, H04B, H04L, H04M, H04N; ciphering or deciphering for cryptography or other purposes involving the need for secrecy G09CThe following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: H03M7/32 covered by H03M7/3002, H03M7/3004, H03M7/3006, H03M7/3008, H03M7/3011, H03M7/3013, H03M7/3015, H03M7/3017, H03M7/302, H03M7/3024, H03M7/3028, H03M7/3031, H03M7/3033, H03M7/3035, H03M7/3037, H03M7/304, H03M7/3042, H03M7/3048H03M7/34 covered by H03M7/3051H03M7/36 covered by H03M7/3022, H03M7/3026, H03M7/3044H03M7/38 covered by H03M7/3046H03M7/44 covered by H03M7/40
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
H03M1/00 H03M1/00Analogue/digital conversionDigital/analogue conversion conversion of analogue values to or from differential modulation H03M3/00 H03M1/001Analogue/digital/analogue conversion H03M1/002Provisions or arrangements for saving power, e.g. by allowing a sleep mode, using lower supply voltage for downstream stages, using multiple clock domains or by selectively turning on stages when needed H03M1/004Reconfigurable analogue/digital or digital/analogue converters H03M1/02 takes precedence H03M1/005among different converters types H03M1/007among different resolutions H03M1/008among different conversion characteristics, e.g. between mu-255 and a-laws H03M1/02Reversible analogue/digital converters H03M1/04using stochastic techniques H03M1/06Continuously compensating for, or preventing, undesired influence of physical parameters periodically, e.g. by using stored correction values, H03M1/10 H03M1/0602of deviations from the desired transfer characteristic H03M1/0617 takes precedence H03M1/0604at one point, i.e. by adjusting a single reference value, e.g. bias or gain error gain setting for range control H03M1/18 H03M1/0607Offset or drift compensation removal of offset already present on the analogue input signal H03M1/1295 H03M1/0609at two points of the transfer characteristic, i.e. by adjusting two reference values, e.g. offset and gain error H03M1/0612over the full range of the converter, e.g. for correcting differential non-linearity H03M1/0614of harmonic distortion H03M1/0617 takes precedence H03M1/0617characterised by the use of methods or means not specific to a particular type of detrimental influence H03M1/0619by dividing out the errors, i.e. using a ratiometric arrangement H03M1/0621with auxiliary conversion of a value corresponding to the physical parameter(s) to be compensated for H03M1/0624by synchronisation H03M1/0626by filtering H03M1/0629Anti-aliasing H03M1/0631Smoothing H03M1/0634by averaging out the errors, e.g. using sliding scale H03M1/0636in the amplitude domain H03M1/0639using dither, e.g. using triangular or sawtooth waveforms for increasing resolution H03M1/201 H03M1/0641the dither being a random signal H03M1/0643in the spatial domain H03M1/0646by analogue redistribution among corresponding nodes of adjacent cells, e.g. using an impedance network connected among all comparator outputs in a flash converter H03M1/0648by arranging the quantisation value generators in a non-sequential pattern layout, e.g. symmetrical H03M1/0651by selecting the quantisation value generators in a non-sequential order, e.g. symmetrical H03M1/0653the order being based on measuring the error H03M1/0656in the time domain, e.g. using intended jitter as a dither signal H03M1/0658by calculating a running average of a number of subsequent samples H03M1/066by continuously permuting the elements used, i.e. dynamic element matching H03M1/0663using clocked averaging H03M1/0665using data dependent selection of the elements, e.g. data weighted averaging H03M1/0668the selection being based on the output of noise shaping circuits for each element H03M1/067using different permutation circuits for different parts of the digital signal H03M1/0673using random selection of the elements with data-controlled random generator H03M1/0665 H03M1/0675using redundancy H03M1/0678using additional components or elements, e.g. dummy components H03M1/068the original and additional components or elements being complementary to each other, e.g. CMOS H03M1/0682using a differential network structure, i.e. symmetrical with respect to ground H03M1/0685using real and complementary patterns H03M1/0687using fault-tolerant coding, e.g. parity check, error correcting codes H03M1/069 takes precedence H03M1/069by range overlap between successive stages or steps H03M1/0692using a diminished radix representation, e.g. radix 1.95 H03M1/0695using less than the maximum number of output states per stage or step, e.g. 1.5 per stage or less than 1.5 bit per stage type H03M1/0697in time, e.g. using additional comparison cycles H03M1/08of noise H03M1/0617 takes precedence H03M1/0809of bubble errors, i.e. irregularities in thermometer codes H03M1/0818of clock feed-through H03M1/0827of electromagnetic or electrostatic field noise, e.g. preventing crosstalk by shielding or optical isolation H03M1/0836of phase error, e.g. jitter H03M1/0845of power supply variations, e.g. ripple H03M1/0854of quantisation noise H03M1/0863of switching transients, e.g. glitches H03M1/0872by disabling changes in the output during the transitions, e.g. by holding or latching H03M1/0881by forcing a gradual change from one output level to the next, e.g. soft-start H03M1/089of temperature variations H03M1/10Calibration or testing H03M1/1004without interrupting normal operation, e.g. by providing an additional component for temporarily replacing components to be tested or calibrated H03M1/1009, H03M1/1071 take precedence H03M1/1009Calibration H03M1/1014at one point of the transfer characteristic, i.e. by adjusting a single reference value, e.g. bias or gain error gain setting for range control H03M1/18 H03M1/1019by storing a corrected or correction value in a digital look-up table H03M1/1023Offset correction H03M1/1019 takes precedence; removal of offset already present on the analogue input signal H03M1/1295 H03M1/1028at two points of the transfer characteristic, i.e. by adjusting two reference values, e.g. offset and gain error gain setting for range control H03M1/18 H03M1/1033over the full range of the converter, e.g. for correcting differential non-linearity H03M1/1038by storing corrected or correction values in one or more digital look-up tables H03M1/1057 takes precedence H03M1/1042the look-up table containing corrected values for replacing the original digital values H03M1/1052 takes precedence H03M1/1047using an auxiliary digital/analogue converter for adding the correction values to the analogue signal H03M1/1052 takes precedence H03M1/1052using two or more look-up tables each corresponding to a different type of error, e.g. for offset, gain error and non-linearity error respectively H03M1/1057by trimming, i.e. by individually adjusting at least part of the quantisation value generators or stages to their nominal values H03M1/1061using digitally programmable trimming circuits H03M1/1066Mechanical or optical alignment H03M1/1071Measuring or testing H03M1/1076Detection or location of converter hardware failure, e.g. power supply failure, open or short circuit H03M1/108Converters having special provisions for facilitating access for testing purposes H03M1/1085using domain transforms, e.g. Fast Fourier Transform H03M1/109for dc performance, i.e. static testing H03M1/1085 takes precedence H03M1/1095for ac performance, i.e. dynamic testing H03M1/1085 takes precedence H03M1/12Analogue/digital converters H03M1/001 H03M1/10 take precedence H03M1/1205Multiplexed conversion systems H03M1/121Interleaved, i.e. using multiple converters or converter parts for one channel H03M1/1215using time-division multiplexing H03M1/122Shared using a single converter or a part thereof for multiple channels, e.g. a residue amplifier for multiple stages H03M1/1225using time-division multiplexing H03M1/123Simultaneous, i.e. using one converter per channel but with common control or reference circuits for multiple converters H03M1/1235Non-linear conversion not otherwise provided for in subgroups of H03M1/12 H03M1/124Sampling or signal conditioning arrangements specially adapted for A/D converters H03M1/1245Details of sampling arrangements or methods H03M1/125Asynchronous, i.e. free-running operation within each conversion cycle H03M1/1255Synchronisation of the sampling frequency or phase to the input frequency or phase H03M1/126Multi-rate systems, i.e. adaptive to different fixed sampling rates H03M1/1265Non-uniform sampling H03M1/127at intervals varying with the rate of change of the input signal H03M1/1275at extreme values only H03M1/128at random intervals, e.g. digital alias free signal processing [DASP] H03M1/1285Synchronous circular sampling, i.e. using undersampling of periodic input signals H03M1/129Means for adapting the input signal to the range the converter can handle, e.g. limiting, pre-scaling H03M1/18 takes precedence; Out-of-range indication H03M1/1295Clamping, i.e. adjusting the DC level of the input signal to a predetermined value H03M1/14Conversion in steps with each step involving the same or a different conversion means and delivering more than one bit H03M1/141in which at least one step is of the folding type; Folding stages therefore H03M1/142the reference generators for the steps being arranged in a common two-dimensional array H03M1/143in pattern-reading type converters, e.g. having both absolute and incremental tracks on one disc or strip H03M1/16 takes precedence H03M1/144the steps being performed sequentially in a single stage, i.e. recirculation type H03M1/141, H03M1/143, H03M1/16 take precedence H03M1/145the steps being performed sequentially in series-connected stages H03M1/141, H03M1/143, H03M1/16 take precedence H03M1/146all stages being simultaneous converters H03M1/147at least two of which share a common reference generator H03M1/148the reference generator being arranged in a two-dimensional array H03M1/16with scale factor modification, i.e. by changing the amplification between the steps H03M1/141 takes precedence H03M1/161in pattern-reading type converters, e.g. with gearings H03M1/162the steps being performed sequentially in a single stage, i.e. recirculation type H03M1/161 takes precedence H03M1/164the steps being performed sequentially in series-connected stages H03M1/161 takes precedence H03M1/165in which two or more residues with respect to different reference levels in a stage are used as input signals for the next stage, i.e. multi-residue type H03M1/167all stages comprising simultaneous converters H03M1/165 takes precedence H03M1/168and delivering the same number of bits H03M1/18Automatic control for modifying the range of signals the converter can handle, e.g. gain ranging H03M1/181in feedback mode, i.e. by determining the range to be selected from one or more previous digital output values H03M1/182the feedback signal controlling the reference levels of the analogue/digital converter H03M1/183the feedback signal controlling the gain of an amplifier or attenuator preceding the analogue/digital converter H03M1/185the determination of the range being based on more than one digital output value, e.g. on a running average, a power estimation or the rate of change H03M1/186in feedforward mode, i.e. by determining the range to be selected directly from the input signal H03M1/187using an auxiliary analogue/digital converter H03M1/188Multi-path, i.e. having a separate analogue/digital converter for each possible range H03M1/20Increasing resolution using an n bit system to obtain n + m bits H03M1/201by dithering H03M1/202by interpolation H03M1/203using an analogue interpolation circuit H03M1/204in which one or more virtual intermediate reference signals are generated between adjacent original reference signals, e.g. by connecting pre-amplifier outputs to multiple comparators H03M1/205using resistor strings for redistribution of the original reference signals or signals derived therefrom H03M1/206using a logic interpolation circuit H03M1/207using a digital interpolation circuit H03M1/208by prediction H03M1/22pattern-reading type H03M1/24using relatively movable reader and disc or strip H03M1/245Constructional details of parts relevant to the encoding mechanism, e.g. pattern carriers, pattern sensors H03M1/26with weighted coding, i.e. the weight given to a digit depends on the position of the digit within the block or code word, e.g. there is a given radix and the weights are powers of this radix H03M1/28with non-weighted coding H03M1/282of the pattern-shifting type, e.g. pseudo-random chain code H03M1/285of the unit Hamming distance type, e.g. Gray code H03M1/287using gradually changing slit width or pitch within one track; using plural tracks having slightly different pitches, e.g. of the Vernier or nonius type H03M1/30incremental H03M1/301Constructional details of parts relevant to the encoding mechanism, e.g. pattern carriers, pattern sensors H03M1/303Circuits or methods for processing the quadrature signals H03M1/305for detecting the direction of movement H03M1/306for waveshaping H03M1/308with additional pattern means for determining the absolute position, e.g. reference marks H03M1/32using cathode-ray tubes or analoguous two-dimensional deflection systems H03M1/34Analogue value compared with reference values H03M1/48 takes precedence H03M1/345for direct conversion to a residue number representation H03M1/36simultaneously only, i.e. parallel type H03M1/361having a separate comparator and reference value for each quantisation level, i.e. full flash converter type H03M1/362the reference values being generated by a resistive voltage divider H03M1/363the voltage divider taps being held in a floating state, e.g. by feeding the divider by current sources H03M1/365the voltage divider being a single resistor string H03M1/366using current mode circuits, i.e. circuits in which the information is represented by current values rather than by voltage values H03M1/367Non-linear conversion H03M1/368having a single comparator per bit, e.g. of the folding type H03M1/38sequentially only, e.g. successive approximation type converting more than one bit per step H03M1/14 H03M1/40recirculation type H03M1/403using switched capacitors H03M1/406using current mode circuits, i.e. circuits in which the information is represented by current values rather than by voltage values H03M1/42Sequential comparisons in series-connected stages with no change in value of analogue signal H03M1/44Sequential comparisons in series-connected stages with change in value of analogue signal H03M1/442using switched capacitors H03M1/445the stages being of the folding type H03M1/447using current mode circuits, i.e. circuits in which the information is represented by current values rather than by voltage values H03M1/46with digital/analogue converter for supplying reference values to converter H03M1/462Details of the control circuitry, e.g. of the successive approximation register H03M1/464Non-linear conversion H03M1/466using switched capacitors H03M1/468in which the input S/H circuit is merged with the feedback DAC array H03M1/48Servo-type converters H03M1/485for position encoding, e.g. using resolvers or synchros H03M1/50with intermediate conversion to time interval H03M1/64 takes precedence H03M1/502using tapped delay lines H03M1/504using pulse width modulation H03M1/506the pulse width modulator being of the charge-balancing type H03M1/508the pulse width modulator being of the self-oscillating type H03M1/52Input signal integrated with linear return to datum H03M1/54Input signal sampled and held with linear return to datum H03M1/56Input signal compared with linear ramp H03M1/58Non-linear conversion H03M1/60with intermediate conversion to frequency of pulses H03M1/62Non-linear conversion H03M1/64with intermediate conversion to phase of sinusoidal or similar periodical signals H03M1/645for position encoding, e.g. using resolvers or synchros H03M1/485 takes precedence H03M1/66Digital/analogue converters H03M1/001 H03M1/10 take precedence H03M1/661Improving the reconstruction of the analogue output signal beyond the resolution of the digital input signal, e.g. by interpolation, by curve-fitting, by smoothing H03M1/662Multiplexed conversion systems H03M1/664Non-linear conversion not otherwise provided for in subgroups of H03M1/66 H03M1/665with intermediate conversion to phase of sinusoidal or similar periodical signals H03M1/667Recirculation type H03M1/668Servo-type converters H03M1/68with conversions of different sensitivity, i.e. one conversion relating to the more significant digital bits and another conversion to the less significant bits H03M1/682both converters being of the unary decoded type H03M1/685the quantisation value generators of both converters being arranged in a common two-dimensional array H03M1/687Segmented, i.e. the more significant bit converter being of the unary decoded type and the less significant bit converter being of the binary weighted type H03M1/70Automatic control for modifying converter range H03M1/72Sequential conversion in series-connected stages H03M1/68 takes precedence H03M1/74Simultaneous conversion H03M1/742using current sources as quantisation value generators H03M1/745with weighted currents H03M1/747with equal currents which are switched by unary decoded digital signals H03M1/76using switching tree H03M1/765using a single level of switches which are controlled by unary decoded digital signals H03M1/78using ladder network H03M1/785using resistors, i.e. R-2R ladders H03M1/80using weighted impedances H03M1/76 takes precedence H03M1/802using capacitors, e.g. neuron-mos transistors, charge coupled devices H03M1/804with charge redistribution H03M1/806with equally weighted capacitors which are switched by unary decoded digital signals H03M1/808using resistors H03M1/82with intermediate conversion to time interval H03M1/822using pulse width modulation H03M1/825by comparing the input signal with a digital ramp signal H03M1/827in which the total pulse width is distributed over multiple shorter pulse widths H03M1/84Non-linear conversion H03M1/86with intermediate conversion to frequency of pulses H03M1/88Non-linear conversion H03M3/00Conversion of analogue values to or from differential modulation H03M3/02Delta modulation, i.e. one-bit differential modulation H03M3/30 takes precedence H03M3/022with adaptable step size, e.g. adaptive delta modulation [ADM] H03M3/024using syllabic companding, e.g. continuously variable slope delta modulation [CVSD] H03M3/04Differential modulation with several bits , e.g. differential pulse code modulation [DPCM] H03M3/30 takes precedence H03M3/042with adaptable step size, e.g. adaptive differential pulse code modulation [ADPCM] H03M3/30Delta-sigma modulationIn group branch H03M3/30, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, classification is made in the first appropriate place. H03M3/32with special provisions or arrangements for power saving, e.g. by allowing a sleep mode, using lower supply voltage for downstream stages, using multiple clock domains, by selectively turning on stages when needed H03M3/322Continuously compensating for, or preventing, undesired influence of physical parameters periodically, e.g. by using stored correction values, H03M3/378 H03M3/324characterised by means or methods for compensating or preventing more than one type of error at a time, e.g. by synchronisation or using a ratiometric arrangement H03M3/326by averaging out the errors H03M3/328using dither H03M3/3283the dither being in the time domain H03M3/3287the dither being at least partially dependent on the input signal H03M3/33the dither being a random signal H03M3/332in particular a pseudo-random signal H03M3/338by permutation in the time domain, e.g. dynamic element matching in multiple bit sub-converters H03M1/066 H03M3/34by chopping H03M3/342by double sampling, e.g. correlated double sampling H03M3/344by filtering other than the noise-shaping inherent to delta-sigma modulators, e.g. anti-aliasing H03M3/346by suppressing active signals at predetermined times, e.g. muting, using non-overlapping clock phases H03M3/348using return-to-zero signals H03M3/35using redundancy H03M3/352of deviations from the desired transfer characteristic H03M3/354at one point, i.e. by adjusting a single reference value, e.g. bias or gain error H03M3/356Offset or drift compensation removal of offset already present on the analogue input signal H03M3/494 H03M3/358of non-linear distortion, e.g. instability avoiding instability by structural design H03M3/44 H03M3/36by temporarily adapting the operation upon detection of instability conditions H03M3/362in feedback mode, e.g. by reducing the order of the modulator H03M3/364by resetting one or more loop filter stages H03M3/366in feed-forward mode, e.g. using look-ahead circuits H03M3/368of noise other than the quantisation noise already being shaped inherently by delta-sigma modulators H03M3/37Compensation or reduction of delay or phase error H03M3/372Jitter reduction H03M3/374Relaxation of settling time constraints, e.g. slew rate enhancement H03M3/376Prevention or reduction of switching transients, e.g. glitches H03M3/378Testing H03M3/38Calibration H03M3/382at one point of the transfer characteristic, i.e. by adjusting a single reference value, e.g. bias or gain error H03M3/384Offset correction removal of offset already present on the analogue input signal H03M3/494 H03M3/386over the full range of the converter, e.g. for correcting differential non-linearity H03M3/388by storing corrected or correction values in one or more digital look-up tables H03M3/39Structural details of delta-sigma modulators, e.g. incremental delta-sigma modulators of digital delta-sigma modulators H03M7/3004 H03M3/392Arrangements for selecting among plural operation modes, e.g. for multi-standard operation H03M3/394among different orders of the loop filter H03M3/396among different frequency bands H03M3/398among different converter types H03M3/40Arrangements for handling quadrature signals, e.g. complex modulators H03M3/402Arrangements specific to bandpass modulators H03M3/404characterised by the type of bandpass filters used H03M3/406by the use of a pair of integrators forming a closed loop H03M3/408by the use of an LC circuit H03M3/41combined with modulation to or demodulation from the carrier H03M3/412characterised by the number of quantisers and their type and resolution H03M3/414having multiple quantisers arranged in cascaded loops, each of the second and further loops processing the quantisation error of the loop preceding it, i.e. multiple stage noise shaping [MASH] type H03M3/416all these quantisers being multiple bit quantisers H03M3/418all these quantisers being single bit quantisers H03M3/42having multiple quantisers arranged in parallel loops H03M3/422having one quantiser only H03M3/424the quantiser being a multiple bit one H03M3/426the quantiser being a successive approximation type analogue/digital converter H03M3/428with lower resolution, e.g. single bit, feedback H03M3/43the quantiser being a single bit one H03M3/432the quantiser being a pulse width modulation type analogue/digital converter, i.e. differential pulse width modulation H03M3/434with multi-level feedback H03M3/436characterised by the order of the loop filter, e.g. error feedback typeIn this group branch the order of the loop filters is considered to be the number of integrators for a baseband modulator and the number of resonators for a bandpass modulator respectively H03M3/438the modulator having a higher order loop filter in the feedforward path H03M3/44with provisions for rendering the modulator inherently stable In this subgroup, classification is made both here and in H03M3/478 if both subgroups are relevant H03M3/442by restricting the swing within the loop, e.g. gain scaling H03M3/444using non-linear elements, e.g. limiters H03M3/446by a particular choice of poles or zeroes in the z-plane, e.g. by positioning zeroes outside the unit circle, i.e. causing the modulator to operate in a chaotic regime H03M3/448by removing part of the zeroes, e.g. using local feedback loops H03M3/45with distributed feedforward inputs, i.e. with forward paths from the modulator input to more than one filter stage H03M3/452with weighted feedforward summation, i.e. with feedforward paths from more than one filter stage to the quantiser input H03M3/454with distributed feedback, i.e. with feedback paths from the quantiser output to more than one filter stage H03M3/456the modulator having a first order loop filter in the feedforward path H03M3/458Analogue/digital converters using delta-sigma modulation as an intermediate step H03M3/46using a combination of at least one delta-sigma modulator in series with at least one analogue/digital converter of a different type H03M3/462Details relating to the decimation process decimation filters in general H03H17/0416, H03H17/0621 H03M3/464Details of the digital/analogue conversion in the feedback path H03M3/466Multiplexed conversion systems H03M3/468Interleaved, i.e. using multiple converters or converter parts for one channel, e.g. using Hadamard codes, pi-delta-sigma converters H03M3/47using time-division multiplexing H03M3/472Shared, i.e. using a single converter for multiple channels H03M3/474using time-division multiplexing H03M3/476Non-linear conversion systems H03M3/478Means for controlling the correspondence between the range of the input signal and the range of signals the converter can handle; Means for out-of-range indication In this subgroup, classification is made both here and in H03M3/44 if both subgroups are relevant H03M3/48characterised by the type of range control, e.g. limiting H03M3/482by adapting the quantisation step size H03M3/484by adapting the gain of the feedback signal, e.g. by adapting the reference values of the digital/analogue converter in the feedback path H03M3/486by adapting the input gain H03M3/488using automatic control H03M3/49in feedback mode, i.e. by determining the range to be selected from one or more previous digital output values H03M3/492in feed forward mode, i.e. by determining the range to be selected directly from the input signal H03M3/494Sampling or signal conditioning arrangements specially adapted for delta-sigma type analogue/digital conversion systems H03M3/496Details of sampling arrangements or methods H03M3/498Variable sample rate H03M3/50Digital/analogue converters using delta-sigma modulation as an intermediate step digital delta-sigma modulators per se H03M7/3004 H03M3/502Details of the final digital/analogue conversion following the digital delta-sigma modulation H03M3/504the final digital/analogue converter being constituted by a finite impulse response [FIR] filter, i.e. FIRDAC H03M3/506the final digital/analogue converter being constituted by a pulse width modulator H03M3/508Details relating to the interpolation process H03M3/51Automatic control for modifying converter range H03M5/00Conversion of the form of the representation of individual digitsIn groups H03M5/02 - H03M5/22, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, an invention is classified in the last appropriate place.In this main group, additional information has been classified systematically for documents published from 01-04-2004 onwards. H03M5/02Conversion to or from representation by pulses H03M5/04the pulses having two levels H03M5/06Code representation, e.g. transition, for a given bit cell depending only on the information in that bit cell H03M5/08Code representation by pulse width H03M5/10Code representation by pulse frequency H03M5/12Biphase level code, e.g. split phase code, Manchester codeBiphase space or mark code, e.g. double frequency code H03M5/14Code representation, e.g. transition, for a given bit cell depending on the information in one or more adjacent bit cells, e.g. delay modulation code, double density code H03M5/145Conversion to or from block codes or representations thereof H03M5/16the pulses having three levels H03M5/18two levels being symmetrical with respect to the third level, i.e. balanced bipolar ternary code H03M5/20the pulses having more than three levels H03M5/22Conversion to or from representation by sinusoidal signals H03M7/00Conversion of a code where information is represented by a given sequence or number of digits to a code where the same , similar or subset of information is represented by a different sequence or number of digits In groups H03M7/001 - H03M7/50, the last place priority rule is applied, i.e. at each hierarchical level, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, classification is made in the last appropriate place. In groups H03M7/02H03M7/50, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, an invention is classified in the last appropriate place.In this main group, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, additional information has been classified systematically for documents published from 01-04-2004 onwards. H03M7/001characterised by the elements used H03M7/002using thin film devices H03M7/003using superconductive devices H03M7/004using magnetic elements, e.g. transfluxors H03M7/005using semiconductor devices H03M7/006using diodes H03M7/007using resistive or capacitive elements H03M7/008using opto-electronic devices H03M7/02Conversion to or from weighted codes, i.e. the weight given to a digit depending on the position of the digit within the block or code word H03M7/04the radix thereof being two H03M7/06the radix thereof being a positive integer different from two H03M7/08the radix being ten, i.e. pure decimal code H03M7/10the radix thereof being negative H03M7/12having two radices, e.g. binary-coded-decimal code H03M7/14Conversion to or from non-weighted codes H03M7/16Conversion to or from unit-distance codes, e.g. Gray code, reflected binary code H03M7/165Conversion to or from thermometric code H03M7/18Conversion to or from residue codes H03M7/20Conversion to or from n-out-of-m codes H03M7/22to or from one-out-of-m codes H03M7/24Conversion to or from floating-point codes H03M7/26Conversion to or from stochastic codes H03M7/28Programmable structures, i.e. where the code converter contains apparatus which is operator-changeable to modify the conversion process H03M7/30Compression speech analysis-synthesis for redundancy reduction G10L19/00; for image communication H04NExpansionSuppression of unnecessary data, e.g. redundancy reduction H03M7/3002Conversion to or from differential modulationIn group branch H03M7/3002, additional information has been systematically classified for all documents. H03M7/3004Digital delta-sigma modulation H03M7/3006Compensating for, or preventing of, undesired influence of physical parameters H03M7/3008by averaging out the errors, e.g. using dither H03M7/3011of non-linear distortion, e.g. by temporarily adapting the operation upon detection of instability conditions avoiding instability by structural design H03M7/3035 H03M7/3013Non-linear modulators H03M7/3015Structural details of digital delta-sigma modulators H03M7/3017Arrangements specific to bandpass modulators H03M7/302characterised by the number of quantisers and their type and resolution H03M7/3022having multiple quantisers arranged in cascaded loops, each of the second and further loops processing the quantisation error of the loop preceding it, i.e. multiple stage noise shaping [MASH] type H03M7/3024having one quantiser only H03M7/3026the quantiser being a multiple bit one H03M7/3028the quantiser being a single bit one H03M7/3031characterised by the order of the loop filter, e.g. having a first order loop filter in the feedforward pathIn this group the order of the loop filters is considered to be the number of integrators for a baseband modulator and the number of resonators for a bandpass modulator respectively H03M7/3033the modulator having a higher order loop filter in the feedforward path, e.g. with distributed feedforward inputs H03M7/3035with provisions for rendering the modulator inherently stable, e.g. by restricting the swing within the loop, by removing part of the zeroes using local feedback loops, by positioning zeroes outside the unit circle causing the modulator to operate in a chaotic regime H03M7/3037with weighted feedforward summation, i.e. with feedforward paths from more than one filter stage to the quantiser input H03M7/304with distributed feedback, i.e. with feedback paths from the quantiser output to more than one filter stage H03M7/3042the modulator being of the error feedback type, i.e. having loop filter stages in the feedback path only H03M7/3044Conversion to or from differential modulation with several bits only, i.e. the difference between successive samples being coded by more than one bit, e.g. differential pulse code modulation [DPCM] H03M7/3004 takes precedence; voice coding G10L19/00; image coding H04N19/00 H03M7/3046adaptive, e.g. adaptive differential pulse code modulation [ADPCM] H03M7/3048Conversion to or from one-bit differential modulation only, e.g. delta modulation [DM] H03M7/3004 takes precedence H03M7/3051adaptive, e.g. adaptive delta modulation [ADM] H03M7/3053Block-companding PCM systems H03M7/3055Conversion to or from Modulo-PCM H03M7/3057Distributed Source coding, e.g. Wyner-Ziv, Slepian Wolf H03M7/3059Digital compression and data reduction techniques where the original information is represented by a subset or similar information, e.g. lossy compression H03M7/3062Compressive sampling or sensing H03M7/3064Segmenting H03M7/3066by means of a mask or a bit-map H03M7/3068Precoding preceding compression, e.g. Burrows-Wheeler transformation H03M7/3071Prediction H03M7/3073Time H03M7/3075Space H03M7/3077Sorting H03M7/3079Context modeling H03M7/3082Vector coding for television signals, see H04N19/94 H03M7/3084using adaptive string matching, e.g. the Lempel-Ziv method H03M7/3086employing a sliding window, e.g. LZ77 H03M7/3088employing the use of a dictionary, e.g. LZ78 H03M7/3091Data deduplication H03M7/3093using fixed length segments H03M7/3095using variable length segments H03M7/3097Grammar codes H03M7/40Conversion to or from variable length codes, e.g. Shannon-Fano code, Huffman code, Morse code H03M7/4006Conversion to or from arithmetic code H03M7/4012Binary arithmetic codes H03M7/4018Context adapative binary arithmetic codes [CABAC] H03M7/4025constant length to or from Morse code conversion H03M7/4031Fixed length to variable length coding H03M7/4037Prefix coding H03M7/4043Adaptive prefix coding H03M7/405Tree adaptation H03M7/4056Coding table selection H03M7/4062Coding table adaptation H03M7/4068Parameterized codes H03M7/4075Golomb codes H03M7/4081Static prefix coding H03M7/4087Encoding of a tuple of symbols H03M7/4093Variable length to variable length coding H03M7/42using table look-up for the coding or decoding process, e.g. using read-only memory H03M7/4006 takes precedence H03M7/425for the decoding process only H03M7/46Conversion to or from run-length codes, i.e. by representing the number of consecutive digits, or groups of digits, of the same kind by a code word and a digit indicative of that kind H03M7/48alternating with other codes during the code conversion process, e.g. run-length coding being performed only as long as sufficientlylong runs of digits of the same kind are present H03M7/50Conversion to or from non-linear codes, e.g. companding H03M7/55Compression Theory, e.g. compression of random number, repeated compression H03M7/60General implementation details not specific to a particular type of compression H03M7/6005Decoder aspects H03M7/6011Encoder aspects H03M7/6017Methods or arrangements to increase the throughput H03M7/6023Parallelization H03M7/6029Pipelining H03M7/6035Handling of unkown probabilities H03M7/6041Compression optimized for errors H03M7/6047Power optimization with respect to the encoder, decoder, storage or transmission H03M7/6052Synchronisation of encoder and decoder H03M7/6058Saving memory space in the encoder or decoder H03M7/6064Selection of Compressor H03M7/607Selection between different types of compressors H03M7/6076Selection between compressors of the same type H03M7/6082Selection strategies H03M7/6088according to the data type H03M7/6094according to reasons other than compression rate or data type H03M7/70Type of the data to be coded, other than image and sound H03M7/702Software H03M7/705Unicode H03M7/707Structured documents, e.g. XML H03M9/00Parallel/series conversion or vice versa digital stores in which the information is moved stepwise per se G11C19/00 H03M11/00Coding in connection with keyboards or like devices, i.e. coding of the position of operated keys keyboard switch arrangements, structural association of coders and keyboards H01H13/70, H03K17/94In this main group additional information has been classified systematically for documents published from 01-01-2013 onwards. H03M11/003Phantom keys detection and prevention H03M11/006Measures for preventing unauthorised decoding of keyboards H03M11/02Details H03M11/04Coding of multifunction keys H03M11/06by operating the multifunction key itself in different ways H03M11/08by operating selected combinations of multifunction keys H03M11/10by methods based on duration or pressure detection of keystrokes H03M11/12by operating a key a selected number of consecutive times whereafter a separate enter key is used which marks the end of the series H03M11/14by using additional keys, e.g. shift keys, which determine the function performed by the multifunction key H03M11/16wherein the shift keys are operated after the operation of the multifunction keys H03M11/18wherein the shift keys are operated before the operation of the multifunction keys H03M11/20Dynamic coding, i.e. by key scanning H03M11/26 takes precedence H03M11/22Static coding H03M11/26 takes precedence H03M11/24using analogue means , e.g. by coding the states of multiple switches into a single multi-level analogue signal or by indicating the type of a device using the voltage level at a specific tap of a resistive divider H03M11/26using opto-electronic means H03M13/00Coding, decoding or code conversion, for error detection or error correctionCoding theory basic assumptionsCoding boundsError probability evaluation methodsChannel modelsSimulation or testing of codes error detection or error correction for analogue/digital, digital/analogue or code conversion H03M1/00H03M11/00 specially adapted for digital computers G06F11/08, for information storage based on relative movement between record carrier and transducer G11B, e.g. G11B20/18, for static stores G11C H03M13/01Coding theory basic assumptionsCoding boundsError probability evaluation methodsChannel modelsSimulation or testing of codes H03M13/015Simulation or testing of codes, e.g. bit error rate [BER] measurements H03M13/03Error detection or forward error correction by redundancy in data representation, i.e. code words containing more digits than the source words H03M13/033Theoretical methods to calculate these checking codes H03M13/036Heuristic code construction methods, i.e. code construction or code search based on using trial-and-error H03M13/05using block codes, i.e. a predetermined number of check bits joined to a predetermined number of information bits H03M13/2906 takes precedence H03M13/07Arithmetic codes H03M13/09Error detection only, e.g. using cyclic redundancy check [CRC] codes or single parity bit H03M13/091Parallel or block-wise CRC computation H03M13/093CRC update after modification of the information word H03M13/095Error detection codes other than CRC and single parity bit codes H03M13/096Checksums H03M13/098using single parity bit H03M13/11using multiple parity bits H03M13/1102Codes on graphs and decoding on graphs, e.g. low-density parity check [LDPC] codes H03M13/1105Decoding H03M13/1108Hard decision decoding, e.g. bit flipping, modified or weighted bit flipping H03M13/1111Soft-decision decoding, e.g. by means of message passing or belief propagation algorithms H03M13/1114Merged schedule message passing algorithm with storage of sums of check-to-bit node messages or sums of bit-to-check node messages, e.g. in order to increase the memory efficiency H03M13/1117using approximations for check node processing, e.g. an outgoing message is depending on the signs and the minimum over the magnitudes of all incoming messages according to the min-sum rule H03M13/112with correction functions for the min-sum rule, e.g. using an offset or a scaling factor H03M13/1122storing only the first and second minimum values per check node H03M13/1125using different domains for check node and bit node processing, wherein the different domains include probabilities, likelihood ratios, likelihood differences, log-likelihood ratios or log-likelihood difference pairs H03M13/1128Judging correct decoding and iterative stopping criteria other than syndrome check and upper limit for decoding iterations H03M13/1131Scheduling of bit node or check node processing H03M13/1134Full parallel processing, i.e. all bit nodes or check nodes are processed in parallel H03M13/1137Partly parallel processing, i.e. sub-blocks or sub-groups of nodes being processed in parallel H03M13/114Shuffled, staggered, layered or turbo decoding schedules H03M13/1142using trapping sets H03M13/1145Pipelined decoding at code word level, e.g. multiple code words being decoded simultaneously H03M13/1148Structural properties of the code parity-check or generator matrix H03M13/1151Algebraically constructed LDPC codes, e.g. LDPC codes derived from Euclidean geometries [EG-LDPC codes] H03M13/116, H03M13/1174 take precedence H03M13/1154Low-density parity-check convolutional codes [LDPC-CC] H03M13/1157Low-density generator matrices [LDGM] H03M13/116Quasi-cyclic LDPC [QC-LDPC] codes, i.e. the parity-check matrix being composed of permutation or circulant sub-matrices H03M13/1162Array based LDPC codes, e.g. array codes H03M13/1165QC-LDPC codes as defined for the digital video broadcasting [DVB] specifications, e.g. DVB-Satellite [DVB-S2] H03M13/1168wherein the sub-matrices have column and row weights greater than one, e.g. multi-diagonal sub-matrices H03M13/1171Parity-check or generator matrices with non-binary elements, e.g. for non-binary LDPC codes H03M13/1174Parity-check or generator matrices built from sub-matrices representing known block codes such as, e.g. Hamming codes, e.g. generalized LDPC codes H03M13/1177Regular LDPC codes with parity-check matrices wherein all rows and columns have the same row weight and column weight, respectively H03M13/118Parity check matrix structured for simplifying encoding, e.g. by having a triangular or an approximate triangular structure H03M13/1165 takes precedence H03M13/1182wherein the structure of the parity-check matrix is obtained by reordering of a random parity-check matrix H03M13/1185wherein the parity-check matrix comprises a part with a double-diagonal H03M13/1188wherein in the part with the double-diagonal at least one column has an odd column weight equal or greater than three H03M13/1191Codes on graphs other than LDPC codes H03M13/1194Repeat-accumulate [RA] codes H03M13/1197Irregular repeat-accumulate [IRA] codes H03M13/13Linear codes H03M13/132Algebraic geometric codes, e.g. Goppa codes H03M13/134Non-binary linear block codes not provided for otherwise H03M13/136Reed-Muller [RM] codes H03M13/138Codes linear in a ring, e.g. Z4-linear codes or Nordstrom-Robinson codes H03M13/15Cyclic codes, i.e. cyclic shifts of codewords produce other codewords, e.g. codes defined by a generator polynomial, Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem [BCH] codes H03M13/17 takes precedence H03M13/1505Golay Codes H03M13/151using error location or error correction polynomials H03M13/1515Reed-Solomon codes H03M13/152Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem [BCH] codes H03M13/1525Determination and particular use of error location polynomials H03M13/153using the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm H03M13/1535using the Euclid algorithm H03M13/154Error and erasure correction, e.g. by using the error and erasure locator or Forney polynomial H03M13/1545Determination of error locations, e.g. Chien search or other methods or arrangements for the determination of the roots of the error locator polynomial H03M13/155Shortening or extension of codes H03M13/1555Pipelined decoder implementations H03M13/156Encoding or decoding using time-frequency transformations, e.g. fast Fourier transformation H03M13/1565Decoding beyond the bounded minimum distance [BMD] H03M13/157Polynomial evaluation, i.e. determination of a polynomial sum at a given value H03M13/1575Direct decoding, e.g. by a direct determination of the error locator polynomial from syndromes and subsequent analysis or by matrix operations involving syndromes, e.g. for codes with a small minimum Hamming distance H03M13/158Finite field arithmetic processing H03M13/1585Determination of error values H03M13/159Remainder calculation, e.g. for encoding and syndrome calculation H03M13/1595Parallel or block-wise remainder calculation H03M13/17Burst error correction, e.g. error trapping, Fire codes H03M13/175Error trapping or Fire codes H03M13/19Single error correction without using particular properties of the cyclic codes, e.g. Hamming codes, extended or generalised Hamming codes H03M13/21Non-linear codes, e.g. m-bit data word to n-bit code word [mBnB] conversion with error detection or error correction H03M13/23using convolutional codes, e.g. unit memory codes H03M13/235Encoding of convolutional codes, e.g. methods or arrangements for parallel or block-wise encoding H03M13/25Error detection or forward error correction by signal space coding, i.e. adding redundancy in the signal constellation, e.g. Trellis Coded Modulation [TCM] modulation codes H03M13/31 H03M13/251with block coding H03M13/253with concatenated codes H03M13/255with Low Density Parity Check [LDPC] codes H03M13/256with trellis coding, e.g. with convolutional codes and TCM H03M13/258with turbo codes, e.g. Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation [TTCM] H03M13/27using interleaving techniques H03M13/2703the interleaver involving at least two directions H03M13/2707Simple row-column interleaver, i.e. pure block interleaving H03M13/271Row-column interleaver with permutations, e.g. block interleaving with inter-row, inter-column, intra-row or intra-column permutations H03M13/2714Turbo interleaver for 3rd generation partnership project [3GPP] universal mobile telecommunications systems [UMTS], e.g. as defined in technical specification TS 25.212 H03M13/2717the interleaver involves 3 or more directions H03M13/2721the interleaver involves a diagonal direction, e.g. by using an interleaving matrix with read-out in a diagonal direction H03M13/2725Turbo interleaver for 3rd generation partnership project 2 [3GPP2] mobile telecommunication systems, e.g. as defined in the 3GPP2 technical specifications C.S0002 H03M13/2728Helical type interleaver H03M13/2732Convolutional interleaver; Interleavers using shift-registers or delay lines like, e.g. Ramsey type interleaver H03M13/2735Interleaver using powers of a primitive element, e.g. Galois field [GF] interleaver H03M13/2739Permutation polynomial interleaver, e.g. quadratic permutation polynomial [QPP] interleaver and quadratic congruence interleaver H03M13/2742Irregular interleaver wherein the permutation pattern is not obtained by a computation rule, e.g. interleaver based on random generators H03M13/2746S-random interleaver H03M13/275Interleaver wherein the permutation pattern is obtained using a congruential operation of the type y=ax+b modulo c H03M13/2753Almost regular permutation [ARP] interleaver H03M13/2757Interleaver with an interleaving rule not provided for in the subgroups H03M13/2703 - H03M13/2753 H03M13/276Interleaving address generation H03M13/2764Circuits therefore H03M13/2767Interleaver wherein the permutation pattern or a portion thereof is stored H03M13/2771Internal interleaver for turbo codes H03M13/2714 and H03M13/2725 take precedence H03M13/2775Contention or collision free turbo code internal interleaver H03M13/2778Interleaver using block-wise interleaving, e.g. the interleaving matrix is sub-divided into sub-matrices and the permutation is performed in blocks of sub-matrices H03M13/2782Interleaver implementations, which reduce the amount of required interleaving memory H03M13/2785Interleaver using in-place interleaving, i.e. writing to and reading from the memory is performed at the same memory location H03M13/2789Interleaver providing variable interleaving, e.g. variable block sizes H03M13/2792Interleaver wherein interleaving is performed jointly with another technique such as puncturing, multiplexing or routing H03M13/2796Two or more interleaving operations are performed jointly, e.g. the first and second interleaving operations defined for 3GPP UMTS are performed jointly in a single interleaving operation H03M13/29combining two or more codes or code structures, e.g. product codes, generalised product codes, concatenated codes, inner and outer codes H03M13/2903Methods and arrangements specifically for encoding, e.g. parallel encoding of a plurality of constituent codes H03M13/2906using block codes H03M13/2957 takes precedence H03M13/2909Product codes H03M13/2912omitting parity on parity H03M13/2915with an error detection code in one dimension H03M13/2918with error correction codes in three or more dimensions, e.g. 3-dimensional product code where the bits are arranged in a cube H03M13/2921wherein error correction coding involves a diagonal direction H03M13/2924Cross interleaved Reed-Solomon codes [CIRC] H03M13/2927Decoding strategies H03M13/293with erasure setting H03M13/2933using a block and a convolutional code H03M13/2957 takes precedence H03M13/2936comprising an outer Reed-Solomon code and an inner convolutional code H03M13/2939using convolutional codes H03M13/2957 takes precedence H03M13/2942wherein a block of parity bits is computed only from combined information bits or only from parity bits, e.g. a second block of parity bits is computed from a first block of parity bits obtained by systematic encoding of a block of information bits, or a block of parity bits is obtained by an XOR combination of sub-blocks of information bits H03M13/2945using at least three error correction codes H03M13/2957 takes precedence H03M13/2948Iterative decoding H03M13/2957 takes precedence H03M13/2951using iteration stopping criteria H03M13/2954using Picket codes or other codes providing error burst detection capabilities, e.g. burst indicator codes and long distance codes [LDC] H03M13/2957Turbo codes and decodingThis group covers also aspects when a component code is replaced by a non-coded constraint, e.g. like in joint turbo decoding and detection H03M13/296Particular turbo code structure this group covers hybrid parallel and serial concatenated turbo code structures and other unusual code structures that do not fit into H03M13/2963 - H03M13/2972 H03M13/2963Turbo-block codes, i.e. turbo codes based on block codes, e.g. turbo decoding of product codes H03M13/2966Turbo codes concatenated with another code, e.g. an outer block code H03M13/2969Non-binary turbo codes H03M13/2972Serial concatenation using convolutional component codes H03M13/2975Judging correct decoding, e.g. iteration stopping criteria H03M13/2978Particular arrangement of the component decoders H03M13/2981using as many component decoders as component codes H03M13/2984using less component decoders than component codes, e.g. multiplexed decoders and scheduling thereof H03M13/2987using more component decoders than component codes, e.g. pipelined turbo iterations H03M13/299Turbo codes with short blocks H03M13/2993Implementing the return to a predetermined state, i.e. trellis termination H03M13/2996Tail biting H03M13/31combining coding for error detection or correction and efficient use of the spectrum without error detection or correction H03M5/14 , H03M5/145 H03M13/33Synchronisation based on error coding or decoding Groups H03M13/333 - H03M13/336 are not complete pending reclassification; see also this group H03M13/333Synchronisation on a multi-bit block basis, e.g. frame synchronisation H03M13/336Phase recovery H03M13/35Unequal or adaptive error protection, e.g. by providing a different level of protection according to significance of source information or by adapting the coding according to the change of transmission channel characteristics H03M13/353Adaptation to the channel H03M13/356Unequal error protection [UEP] H03M13/37Decoding methods or techniques, not specific to the particular type of coding provided for in groups H03M13/03 - H03M13/35 H03M13/3707Adaptive decoding and hybrid decoding, e.g. decoding methods or techniques providing more than one decoding algorithm for one code H03M13/3715Adaptation to the number of estimated errors or to the channel state H03M13/3723using means or methods for the initialisation of the decoder H03M13/373with erasure correction and erasure determination, e.g. for packet loss recovery or setting of erasures for the decoding of Reed-Solomon codes H03M13/3738with judging correct decoding H03M13/3746with iterative decoding H03M13/3753using iteration stopping criteria H03M13/3761using code combining, i.e. using combining of codeword portions which may have been transmitted separately, e.g. Digital Fountain codes, Raptor codes or Luby Transform [LT] codes H03M13/3769using symbol combining, e.g. Chase combining of symbols received twice or more H03M13/3776using a re-encoding step during the decoding process H03M13/3784for soft-output decoding of block codes H03M13/3792for decoding of real number codes H03M13/39Sequence estimation, i.e. using statistical methods for the reconstruction of the original codes H03M13/3905Maximum a posteriori probability [MAP] decoding or approximations thereof based on trellis or lattice decoding, e.g. forward-backward algorithm, log-MAP decoding, max-log-MAP decoding H03M13/3911Correction factor, e.g. approximations of the exp(1+x) function H03M13/3916for block codes using a trellis or lattice H03M13/3922Add-Compare-Select [ACS] operation in forward or backward recursions H03M13/3927Log-Likelihood Ratio [LLR] computation by combination of forward and backward metrics into LLRs H03M13/3933Decoding in probability domain H03M13/3938Tail-biting H03M13/2996 takes precedence H03M13/3944for block codes, especially trellis or lattice decoding thereof H03M13/395using a collapsed trellis, e.g. M-step algorithm, radix-n architectures with n>2 H03M13/3955using a trellis with a reduced state space complexity, e.g. M-algorithm or T-algorithm H03M13/3961Arrangements of methods for branch or transition metric calculation H03M13/3966based on architectures providing a highly parallelized implementation, e.g. based on systolic arrays H03M13/3972using sliding window techniques or parallel windows H03M13/3977using sequential decoding, e.g. the Fano or stack algorithms H03M13/3983for non-binary convolutional codes H03M13/3988for rate k/n convolutional codes, with k>1, obtained by convolutional encoders with k inputs and n outputs H03M13/3994using state pinning or decision forcing, i.e. the decoded sequence is forced through a particular trellis state or a particular set of trellis states or a particular decoded symbol H03M13/41using the Viterbi algorithm or Viterbi processors H03M13/4107implementing add, compare, select [ACS] operations H03M13/4115list output Viterbi decoding H03M13/4123implementing the return to a predetermined state H03M13/413tail biting Viterbi decoding H03M13/4138soft-output Viterbi algorithm based decoding, i.e. Viterbi decoding with weighted decisions H03M13/4146soft-output Viterbi decoding according to Battail and Hagenauer in which the soft-output is determined using path metric differences along the maximum-likelihood path, i.e. "SOVA" decoding H03M13/4153two-step SOVA decoding, i.e. the soft-output is determined by a second traceback operation after the determination of the hard decision like in the Berrou decoder H03M13/4161implementing path management H03M13/4169using traceback H03M13/4192 takes precedence H03M13/4176using a plurality of RAMs, e.g. for carrying out a plurality of traceback implementations simultaneously H03M13/4184using register-exchange H03M13/4192 takes precedence H03M13/4192using combined traceback and register-exchange H03M13/43Majority logic or threshold decoding H03M13/45Soft decoding, i.e. using symbol reliability information H03M13/41 takes precedence H03M13/451using a set of candidate code words, e.g. ordered statistics decoding [OSD] H03M13/453wherein the candidate code words are obtained by an algebraic decoder, e.g. Chase decoding H03M13/455using a set of erasure patterns or successive erasure decoding, e.g. generalized minimum distance [GMD] decoding H03M13/456wherein all the code words of the code or its dual code are tested, e.g. brute force decoding H03M13/458by updating bit probabilities or hard decisions in an iterative fashion for convergence to a final decoding result H03M13/47Error detection, forward error correction or error protection, not provided for in groups H03M13/01 - H03M13/37 H03M13/49Unidirectional error detection or correction H03M13/51Constant weight codesn-out-of-m codesBerger codes H03M13/53Codes using Fibonacci numbers series H03M13/61Aspects and characteristics of methods and arrangements for error correction or error detection, not provided for otherwise H03M13/611Specific encoding aspects, e.g. encoding by means of decoding H03M13/612Aspects specific to channel or signal-to-noise ratio estimation H03M13/63 takes precedence H03M13/613Use of the dual code H03M13/615Use of computational or mathematical techniques H03M13/616Matrix operations, especially for generator matrices or check matrices, e.g. column or row permutations H03M13/617Polynomial operations, e.g. operations related to generator polynomials or parity-check polynomials H03M13/618Shortening and extension of codes H03M13/63Joint error correction and other techniques H03M13/31 and H03M13/33 take precedence H03M13/6306Error control coding in combination with Automatic Repeat reQuest [ARQ] and diversity transmission, e.g. coding schemes for the multiple transmission of the same information or the transmission of incremental redundancy H03M13/3761, H03M13/3769 and H03M13/635 take precedence H03M13/6312Error control coding in combination with data compression H03M13/6318using variable length codes H03M13/6325Error control coding in combination with demodulation H03M13/6331Error control coding in combination with equalisation H03M13/6337Error control coding in combination with channel estimation H03M13/6343Error control coding in combination with techniques for partial response channels, e.g. recording H03M13/635Error control coding in combination with rate matching H03M13/6356by repetition or insertion of dummy data, i.e. rate reduction H03M13/6362by puncturing H03M13/6368using rate compatible puncturing or complementary puncturing H03M13/6375Rate compatible punctured convolutional [RCPC] codes H03M13/6381Rate compatible punctured turbo [RCPT] codes H03M13/6387Complementary punctured convolutional [CPC] codes H03M13/6393Rate compatible low-density parity check [LDPC] codes H03M13/65Purpose and implementation aspects H03M13/6502Reduction of hardware complexity or efficient processing H03M13/6505Memory efficient implementations H03M13/6508Flexibility, adaptability, parametrability and configurability of the implementation H03M13/6511Support of multiple decoding rules, e.g. combined MAP and Viterbi decoding H03M13/6513Support of multiple code types, e.g. unified decoder for LDPC and turbo codes H03M13/6516Support of multiple code parameters, e.g. generalized Reed-Solomon decoder for a variety of generator polynomials or Galois fields H03M13/6519Support of multiple transmission or communication standards H03M13/6522Intended application, e.g. transmission or communication standard H03M13/65253GPP LTE including E-UTRA H03M13/6527IEEE 802.11 [WLAN] H03M13/6533GPP HSDPA, e.g. HS-SCCH or DS-DSCH related H03M13/6533ITU 992.X [ADSL] H03M13/6536GSM GPRS H03M13/6538ATSC VBS systems H03M13/6541DVB-H and DVB-M H03M13/6544IEEE 802.16 (WIMAX and broadband wireless access) H03M13/6547TCP, UDP, IP and associated protocols, e.g. RTP H03M13/655UWB OFDM H03M13/6552DVB-T2 H03M13/6555DVB-C2 H03M13/65583GPP2 H03M13/6561Parallelized implementations H03M13/6563Implementations using multi-port memories H03M13/6566Implementations concerning memory access contentions H03M13/6569Implementation on processors, e.g. DSPs, or software implementations H03M13/6572Implementations using a tree structure, e.g. implementations in which the complexity is reduced by a tree structure from O(n) to O (log(n)) H03M13/6575Implementations based on combinatorial logic, e.g. Boolean circuits H03M13/6577Representation or format of variables, register sizes or word-lengths and quantization H03M13/658Scaling by multiplication or division H03M13/6583Normalization other than scaling, e.g. by subtraction H03M13/6586Modulo/modular normalization, e.g. 2's complement modulo implementations H03M13/6588Compression or short representation of variables H03M13/6591Truncation, saturation and clamping H03M13/6594Non-linear quantization H03M13/6597Implementations using analogue techniques for coding or decoding, e.g. analogue Viterbi decoder H03M99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass