B04CAPPARATUS USING FREE VORTEX FLOW, e.g. CYCLONES centrifugal separation of water from steam B01D45/12; jet mills B02C19/06; wind sifters B07B7/00; cyclonic type combustion apparatus F23; vortex burners for cyclone-type combustion apparatus F23D1/02; cyclonic type combustion apparatus for gas turbines F23R3/00This subclass covers apparatus for separating, mixing or like treating in which centrifugal effects are generated by free vortex flow, otherwise than by rotary bowls, rotors or curved passages.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B04C1/00 B04C1/00Apparatus in which the main direction of flow follows a flat spiral ; so-called flat cyclones or vortex chambers B04C3/00Apparatus in which the axial direction of the vortex (flow following a screw-thread type line) remains unchanged Also devices in which one of the two discharge ducts returns centrally through the vortex chamber, a reverse-flow vortex being prevented by bulkheads in the central discharge duct combined with other devices B04C9/00 B04C2003/003Shapes or dimensions of vortex chambers B04C2003/006Construction of elements by which the vortex flow is generated or degenerated B04C3/02with heating or cooling, e.g. quenching, means B04C3/04Multiple arrangement thereof combined with types according to other groups, B04C7/00 B04C3/06Construction of inlets or outlets to the vortex chamber B04C5/00Apparatus in which the axial direction of the vortex is reversed combined with other devices B04C9/00 B04C5/02Construction of inlets by which the vortex flow is generated , e.g. tangential admission, the fluid flow being forced to follow a downward path by spirally wound bulkheads, or with slightly downwardly-directed tangential admissionfluid dynamics in general F15D B04C5/04Tangential inlets B04C5/06Axial inlets B04C5/08Vortex chamber constructions B04C5/081Shapes or dimensions B04C5/085with wear-resisting arrangements B04C5/087with flexible gas-tight walls B04C5/10with perforated walls B04C5/103Bodies or members, e.g. bulkheads, guides, in the vortex chamber cores B04C5/107 B04C5/107CoresDevices for inducing an air-core in hydrocyclones forming part of the outlet pipe B04C5/13 B04C5/12Construction of the overflow ducting, e.g. diffusing or spiral exits B04C5/13formed as a vortex finder and extending into the vortex chamber exits with bulkheads preventing reverse flow vortex B04C3/00Discharge from vortex finder otherwise than at the top of the cycloneDevices for controlling the overflow B04C2005/133Adjustable vortex finder B04C2005/136Baffles in the vortex finder B04C5/14Construction of the underflow ductingApex constructionsDischarge arrangements ; discharge through sidewall provided with a few slits or perforations provided with a great number of slits or perforations B04C5/10 B04C5/15with swinging flaps or revolving sluicesSluicesCheck-valves B04C5/16with variable-size outlets from the underflow ducting B04C5/18with auxiliary fluid assisting discharge B04C5/181Bulkheads or central bodies in the discharge opening B04C5/185Dust collectors B04C5/187forming an integral part of the vortex chamber B04C5/20with heating or cooling, e.g. quenching, means B04C5/22with cleaning means B04C5/23using liquids B04C5/24Multiple arrangement thereof combination types according to other /00 groups, B04C7/00 B04C5/26for series flow B04C5/28for parallel flow B04C5/30Recirculation constructions in or with cyclones which accomplish a partial recirculation of the medium, e.g. by means of conduits B04C7/00Apparatus not provided for in group B04C1/00, B04C3/00, or B04C5/00Multiple arrangements not provided for in one of the groups B04C1/00, B04C3/00, or B04C5/00Combinations of apparatus covered by two or more of the groups B04C1/00, B04C3/00, or B04C5/00 B04C9/00Combinations with other devices, e.g. fans, expansion chambers, diffusors, water lockswith filters B01D50/00 B04C2009/001with means for electrostatic separation B04C2009/002with external filters B04C2009/004with internal filters, in the cyclone chamber or in the vortex finder B04C2009/005with external rotors, e.g. impeller, ventilator, fan, blower, pump B04C2009/007with internal rotors, e.g. impeller, ventilator, fan, blower, pump B04C2009/008with injection or suction of gas or liquid into the cyclone B04C11/00Accessories, e.g. safety or control devices, not otherwise provided for , e.g. regulators, valves in inlet or overflow ductingwith electrostatic precipitating arrangements B03C3/14