F02BINTERNAL-COMBUSTION PISTON ENGINESCOMBUSTION ENGINES IN GENERAL gas-turbine plants F02C; hot-gas or combustion-product positive-displacement engine plants F02G In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "positive ignition" means ignition by a source external to the working fluid, e.g. by spark or incandescent source;"charging" means forcing air or fuel-air mixture into engine cylinders, and thus includes supercharging;"scavenging" means forcing the combustion residues from the cylinders other than by movement of the working pistons, and thus includes tuned exhaust systems.Attention is drawn to the Notes preceding class F01, especially as regards Note (1). Engines with specified cycles or number of cylinders are classified in group F02B75/02 or F02B75/16, unless other classifying features predominate. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F02B1/00Engines characterised by the working fluid to be compressed or characterised by the type of ignition F02B1/00Engines characterised by fuel-air mixture compression characterised by both fuel-air mixture compression and air compression, or characterised by both positive ignition and compression ignition F02B11/00 in this group the following indexing codes are used: F02B2700/02 - F02B2720/30 F02B1/02with positive ignition with non-timed positive ignition F02B9/06 F02B1/04with fuel-air mixture admission into cylinder F02B1/06Methods of operating F02B1/08with separate admission of air and fuel into cylinder F02B1/10Methods of operating F02B1/12with compression ignition with fuel-air charge ignited by compression ignition of an additional fuel F02B7/00 F02B1/14Methods of operating F02B3/00Engines characterised by air compression and subsequent fuel addition characterised by both fuel-air mixture compression and air compression, or characterised by both positive ignition and compression ignition F02B11/00 in this group the following indexing codes are used: F02B2700/02 - F02B2720/30 F02B3/02with positive ignition with non-timed positive ignition F02B9/06 F02B3/04Methods of operating F02B3/06with compression ignition compression ignition engines using air or gas for blowing fuel into compressed air in cylinder F02B13/02 F02B3/08Methods of operating F02B3/12 takes precedence F02B3/10with intermittent fuel introduction F02B3/12Methods of operating F02B5/00Engines characterised by positive ignition engines characterised by fuel-air mixture compression with positive ignition F02B1/02; engines characterised by air compression and subsequent fuel addition with positive ignition F02B3/02; with non-timed positive ignition F02B9/06; characterised by both fuel-air mixture compression and air compression, or characterised by both positive ignition and compression ignition F02B11/00 F02B5/02Methods of operating F02B7/00Engines characterised by the fuel-air charge being ignited by compression ignition of an additional fuel characterised by both fuel-air mixture compression and air compression, or characterised by both positive ignition and compression ignition F02B11/00 F02B7/02the fuel in the charge being liquid F02B7/04Methods of operating F02B7/06the fuel in the charge being gaseous F02B7/08Methods of operating F02B9/00Engines characterised by other types of ignition characterised by both fuel-air mixture compression and air compression, or characterised by both positive ignition and compression ignition F02B11/00 - in this group the following indexing codes are used: F02B2700/02 - F02B2720/30 F02B9/02with compression ignition engines characterised by fuel-air mixture compression with compression ignition F02B1/12; engines characterised by air compression and subsequent fuel addition with compression ignition F02B3/06 F02B9/04Methods of operating F02B9/06with non-timed positive ignition, e.g. with hot-spots F02B9/08with incandescent chambers F02B9/10Chamber shapes or constructions F02B11/00Engines characterised by both fuel-air mixture compression and air compression, or characterised by both positive ignition and compression ignition, e.g. in different cylinders F02B11/02convertible from fuel-air mixture compression to air compression or vice versa F02B13/00Engines characterised by the method of introducing liquid fuel into cylinders F02B13/00Engines characterised by the introduction of liquid fuel into cylinders by use of auxiliary fluid F02B13/02Compression ignition engines using air or gas for blowing fuel into compressed air in cylinder F02B13/04Arrangements or adaptations of pumps F02B13/06Engines having secondary air mixed with fuel in pump, compressed therein without ignition, and fuel-air mixture being injected into air in cylinder F02B13/08Arrangements or adaptations of pumps F02B13/10Use of specific auxiliary fluids, e.g. steam, combustion gas F02B15/00Engines characterised by the method of introducing liquid fuel into cylinders and not otherwise provided for F02B15/02having means for sucking fuel directly into cylinder F02B17/00Engines characterised by means for effecting stratification of charge in cylinders F02B17/005having direct injection in the combustion chamber F02B19/00Engines characterised by precombustion chambers or air-storage chambers, or characterised by special shape or construction of combustion chambers to improve operation F02B19/00Engines characterised by precombustion chambers F02B2019/002with electric heater fitted to at least part of prechamber-wall or transfer passage F02B2019/004with heater control F02B2019/006with thermal insulation F02B2019/008variable F02B19/02the chamber being periodically isolated from its cylinder F02B19/04the isolation being effected by a protuberance on piston or cylinder head F02B19/06with auxiliary piston in chamber for transferring ignited charge to cylinder space F02B19/08the chamber being of air-swirl type F02B19/10with fuel introduced partly into pre-combustion chamber, and partly into cylinder F02B19/1004details of combustion chamber, e.g. mounting arrangements F02B19/1009heating, cooling F02B19/1014design parameters, e.g. volume, torch passage cross sectional area, length, orientation, or the like F02B19/1019with only one pre-combustion chamber F02B19/1004 take precedence F02B19/1023pre-combustion chamber and cylinder being fed with fuel-air mixture(s) F02B19/1028pre-combustion chamber and cylinder having both intake ports or valves, e.g. HONDS CVCC F02B19/1033specially adapted valves, e.g. rotary valves, pre-combustion chamber being part of a valve F02B19/1038timing of valves F02B19/1042auxiliary intake, valve drive F02B19/1047means for varying the size of the torch passage F02B19/1052controlling, e.g. varying fuel-air ratio, quantity of charge F02B19/1057with fuel injectors disposed upstream of intake valves F02B19/1061with residual gas chamber, e.g. containing spark plug F02B19/1066pre-combustion chamber having an inlet and an outlet port and with two distinct intake conduits or with one intake conduit in which the heavier fuel particles are separated from the main stream, e.g. by gravitational forces F02B19/1071pre-combustion chamber having only one orifice,(i.e. an orifice by means of which it communicates with the cylinder); the intake system comprising two distinct intake conduits F02B19/1076pre-combustion chamber being formed within the piston, e.g. two-cycle engines F02B19/108with fuel injection at least into pre-combustion chamber, i.e. injector mounted directly in the pre-combustion chamber F02B19/1085controlling fuel injection F02B19/109with injection of a fuel-air mixture into the pre-combustion chamber by means of a pump, e.g. two-cycle engines F02B19/1095with more than one pre-combustion chamber (a stepped form of the main combustion chamber above the piston is to be considered as a pre-combustion chamber if this stepped portion is not a squish area) F02B19/12with positive ignition engines with non-timed positive ignition, and with incandescent chambers F02B9/08 F02B19/14with compression ignition F02B19/16Chamber shapes or constructions not specific to sub-groups F02B19/02 - F02B19/10 F02B19/165The shape or construction of the pre-combustion chambers is specially adapted to be formed, at least in part, of ceramic material surface coverings of combustion-gas-swept parts F02B77/02; shaped ceramic products characterised by their composition or ceramic compositions C04B35/00; ceramic material for engine casings F02F7/0087 F02B19/18Transfer passages between chamber and cylinder F02B21/00Engines characterised by air-storage chambers F02B21/02Chamber shapes or constructions F02B23/00Other engines characterised by special shape or construction of combustion chambers to improve operation engines with incandescent chambers F02B9/08 - in this group the following indexing codes are used: F02B2700/02 - F02B2720/30 F02B23/02with compression ignition F02B23/04the combustion space being subdivided into two or more chambers with pre-combustion chambers F02B19/00 F02B23/06the combustion space being arranged in working piston F02B23/04 takes precedence F02B23/0603at least part of the interior volume or the wall of the combustion space being made of material different from the surrounding piston part, e.g. combustion space formed within a ceramic part fixed to a metal piston head F02B2023/0606the material being a catalyst F02B2023/0609the material being a porous medium, e.g. sintered metal F02B2023/0612the material having a high temperature and pressure resistance, e.g. ceramic F02B2023/0615the combustion space having a volume defined by revolution around an axis inclined relative to the cylinder axis F02B23/0618having in-cylinder means to influence the charge motion F02B23/0621Squish flow F02B23/0624Swirl flow F02B23/0627having additional bores or grooves machined into the piston for guiding air or charge flow to the piston bowl F02B23/063the combustion space in the piston interacting fluid dynamically with the cylinder head, the injector body or the cylinder wall F02B23/04 takes precedence F02B23/0633the combustion space being almost completely enclosed in the piston, i.e. having a small inlet in comparison to its volume F02B23/0636the combustion space having a substantially flat and horizontal bottom F02B23/0639the combustion space having substantially the shape of a cylinder F02B23/0642the depth of the combustion space being much smaller than the diameter of the piston, e.g. the depth being in the order of one tenth of the diameter F02B23/0645Details related to the fuel injector or the fuel spray F02B23/0648Means or methods to improve the spray dispersion, evaporation or ignition F02B23/0651the fuel spray impinging on reflecting surfaces or being specially guided throughout the combustion space F02B23/0654Thermal treatments, e.g. with heating elements or local cooling F02B23/0657the spray interacting with one or more glow plugs F02B23/066the injector being located substantially off-set from the cylinder centre axis F02B23/0663having multiple injectors per combustion chamber F02B23/0666having a single fuel spray jet per injector nozzle F02B23/0669having multiple fuel spray jets per injector nozzle F02B23/0672Omega-piston bowl, i.e. the combustion space having a central projection pointing towards the cylinder head and the surrounding wall being inclined towards the cylinder center axis the surrounding wall being exactly vertical F02B23/0696 F02B23/0675the combustion space being substantially spherical, hemispherical, ellipsoid or parabolic F02B23/0678Unconventional, complex or non-rotationally symmetrical shapes of the combustion space, e.g. flower like, having special shapes related to the orientation of the fuel spray jets F02B23/0681Square, rectangular or the like profiles F02B23/0684Ring like bowl, e.g. toroidal F02B23/0687Multiple bowls in the piston, e.g. one bowl per fuel spray jet F02B23/069characterised by its eccentricity from the cylinder axis F02B23/0693the combustion space consisting of step-wise widened multiple zones of different depth F02B23/0696W-piston bowl, i.e. the combustion space having a central projection pointing towards the cylinder head and the surrounding wall being inclined towards the cylinder wall F02B23/08with positive ignition F02B2023/085using several spark plugs per cylinder F02B23/10with separate admission of air and fuel into cylinder F02B23/101the injector being placed on or close to the cylinder centre axis, e.g. with mixture formation using spray guided concepts F02B2023/102the spark plug being placed offset the cylinder centre axis F02B2023/103the injector having a multi-hole nozzle for generating multiple sprays F02B23/104the injector being placed on a side position of the cylinder F02B23/105the fuel is sprayed directly onto or close to the spark plug F02B2023/106Tumble flow, i.e. the axis of rotation of the main charge flow motion is horizontal F02B2023/107Reverse tumble flow, e.g. having substantially vertical intake ports F02B2023/108Swirl flow, i.e. the axis of rotation of the main charge flow motion is vertical F02B25/00Engines characterised by provision for charging or scavenging F02B25/00Engines characterised by using fresh charge for scavenging cylinders - in this group the following indexing codes are used: F02B2700/02 - F02B2700/038 F02B25/02using unidirectional scavenging F02B25/04Engines having ports both in cylinder head and in cylinder wall near bottom of piston stroke F02B25/06the cylinder-head ports being controlled by working pistons, e.g. by sleeve-shaped extensions thereof F02B25/08Engines with oppositely-moving reciprocating working pistons F02B25/10with one piston having a smaller diameter or shorter stroke than the other F02B25/12Engines with U-shaped cylinders, having ports in each arm F02B25/14using reverse-flow scavenging, e.g. with both outlet and inlet ports arranged near bottom of piston stroke F02B25/145with intake and exhaust valves exclusively in the cylinder head F02B25/16the charge flowing upward essentially along cylinder wall opposite the inlet ports F02B25/145 takes precedence F02B25/18the charge flowing upward essentially along cylinder wall adjacent the inlet ports, e.g. by means of deflection rib on piston F02B25/145 takes precedence F02B25/20Means for reducing the mixing of charge and combustion residues or for preventing escape of fresh charge through outlet ports not provided for in, or of interest apart from, subgroups F02B25/02 - F02B25/18 F02B25/22by forming air cushion between charge and combustion residues F02B25/24Inlet or outlet openings being timed asymmetrically relative to bottom dead-centre F02B25/26Multi-cylinder engines other than those provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups F02B25/02 - F02B25/24 internal-combustion aspects of rotary engines F02B57/00 F02B25/28with V-, fan-, or star-arrangement of cylinders F02B27/00Use of kinetic or wave energy of charge in induction systems, or of combustion residues in exhaust systems, for improving quantity of charge or for increasing removal of combustion residues F02B27/001the system having electrically controlled acoustic pulse generating devices, e.g. loudspeakers F02B27/003using check valves F02B27/005Oscillating pipes with charging achieved by arrangement, dimensions or shapes of intakes pipes or chambers; Ram air pipes F02B27/006of intake runners F02B27/008Resonance charging F02B27/02the systems having variable, i.e. adjustable, cross-sectional areas, chambers of variable volume, or like variable means in exhaust systems only F02B27/06 F02B27/0205characterised by the charging effect F02B27/021Resonance charging combined with oscillating pipe charging F02B27/0221 F02B27/0215Oscillating pipe charging, i.e. variable intake pipe length charging F02B27/0221Resonance charging combined with oscillating pipe charging F02B27/0226characterised by the means generating the charging effect F02B27/0231Movable ducts, walls or the like F02B27/0257 takes precedence F02B27/0236with continuously variable adjustment of a length or width F02B27/0242Fluid communication passages between intake ducts, runners or chambers F02B27/0247Plenum chambers; Resonance chambers or resonance pipes F02B27/0252Multiple plenum chambers or plenum chambers having inner separation walls, e.g. comprising valves for the same group of cylinders F02B27/0257Rotatable plenum chambers F02B27/0263the plenum chamber and at least one of the intake ducts having a common wall, and the intake ducts wrap partially around the plenum chamber, i.e. snail-type F02B27/0257 takes precedence F02B27/0268Valves F02B27/0273Flap valves F02B27/0278Multi-way valves F02B27/0284Rotary slide valves F02B27/0289Intake runners having multiple intake valves per cylinder F02B27/0294Actuators or controllers therefor; Diagnosis; Calibration F02B27/04in exhaust systems only, e.g. for sucking-off combustion gases F02B27/06the systems having variable, i.e. adjustable, cross-sectional areas, chambers of variable volume, or like variable means F02B29/00Engines characterised by provision for charging or scavenging not provided for in groups F02B25/00, F02B27/00 or F02B33/00 - F02B39/00Details thereof F02B29/02Other fluid-dynamic features of induction systems for improving quantity of charge for also imparting a rotation to the charge in the cylinder F02B31/00 F02B29/04Cooling of air intake supply F02B29/0406Layout of the intake air cooling or coolant circuit F02B29/0412Multiple heat exchangers arranged in parallel or in series F02B29/0418the intake air cooler having a bypass or multiple flow paths within the heat exchanger to vary the effective heat transfer surface F02B29/0425Air cooled heat exchangers F02B29/0431Details or means to guide the ambient air to the heat exchanger, e.g. having a fan, flaps, a bypass or a special location in the engine compartment F02B29/0437Liquid cooled heat exchangers F02B29/0443Layout of the coolant or refrigerant circuit F02B29/045Constructional details of the heat exchangers, e.g. pipes, plates, ribs, insulation, materials, or manufacturing and assembly F02B29/0456Air cooled heat exchangers F02B29/0462Liquid cooled heat exchangers F02B29/0468Water separation or drainage means F02B29/0475the intake air cooler being combined with another device, e.g. heater, valve, compressor, filter or EGR cooler, or being assembled on a special engine location F02B29/0481Intake air cooling by means others than heat exchangers, e.g. by rotating drum regenerators, cooling by expansion or by electrical means F02B29/0493Controlling the air charge temperature F02B29/06After-charging, i.e. supplementary charging after scavenging F02B29/08Modifying distribution valve timing for charging purposes F02B29/06 takes precedence F02B29/083Cyclically operated valves disposed upstream of the cylinder intake valve, controlled by external means F02B29/086the engine having two or more inlet valves F02B31/00Modifying induction systems for imparting a rotation to the charge in the cylinder air intakes or induction systems for internal-combustion engines F02M35/10 F02B2031/003with an auxiliary intake conduit starting upstream of personally controlled throttle valve and ending upstream of and close to the intake valve, or with an auxiliary intake conduit being an independent passage, e.g. having its own carburettor F02B2031/006having multiple air intake valves F02B31/02in engines having inlet valves arranged eccentrically to cylinder axis F02B31/04by means within the induction channel, e.g. deflectors F02B31/06Movable means, e.g. butterfly valves F02B31/08having multiple air inlets , i.e. having main and auxiliary intake passages F02B31/082the main passage having a helical shape around the intake valve axis; Engines characterised by provision of driven charging or scavenging pumps introducing fuel into cylinders by air-pressure F02B13/00; after-charging F02B29/06; arrangements of such pumps or other auxiliary apparatus on engines F02B67/00; combined engine pump control, control dependent on variables other than those generic to pump F02D F02B31/085having two inlet valves F02B31/087having three or more inlet valves F02B33/00Engines characterised by provision of driven charging or scavenging pumps F02B33/00Engines characterised by provision of pumps for charging or scavenging F02B33/02Engines with reciprocating-piston pumpsEngines with crankcase pumps F02B33/04with simple crankcase pumps, i.e. with the rear face of a non-stepped working piston acting as sole pumping member in co-operation with the crankcase F02B33/06with reciprocating-piston pumps other than simple crankcase pumps F02B33/08with the working-cylinder head arranged between working and pumping cylinders F02B33/10with the pumping cylinder situated between working cylinder and crankcase, or with the pumping cylinder surrounding working cylinder F02B33/12the rear face of working piston acting as pumping member and co-operating with a pumping chamber isolated from crankcase, the connecting-rod passing through the chamber and co-operating with movable isolating member F02B33/14working and pumping pistons forming stepped piston F02B33/16working and pumping pistons having differing movements F02B33/18with crankshaft being arranged between working and pumping cylinders F02B33/20with pumping-cylinder axis arranged at an angle to working-cylinder axis, e.g. at an angle of 90 degrees F02B33/22with pumping cylinder situated at side of working cylinder, e.g. the cylinders being parallel F02B33/24with crankcase pumps other than with reciprocating pistons only F02B33/26Four-stroke engines characterised by having crankcase pumps F02B33/28Component parts, details or accessories of crankcase pumps, not provided for in, or of interest apart from, subgroups F02B33/02 - F02B33/26 F02B33/30Control of inlet or outlet ports F02B33/32Engines with pumps other than of reciprocating-piston type with crankcase pumps F02B33/02 F02B33/34with rotary pumps with cell-type pressure exchangers or the like F02B33/42 F02B33/36of positive-displacement type F02B33/38of Roots type F02B33/40of non-positive-displacement type F02B33/42with driven apparatus for immediate conversion of combustion gas pressure into pressure of fresh charge, e.g. with cell-type pressure exchangers F02B33/44Passages conducting the charge from the pump to the engine inlet, e.g. reservoirs F02B33/443Heating of charging air, e.g. for facilitating the starting F02B33/446having valves for admission of atmospheric air to engine, e.g. at starting F02B35/00Engines characterised by provision of pumps for sucking combustion residues from cylinders F02B35/02using rotary pumps F02B37/00Engines characterised by provision of pumps driven at least for part of the time by exhaust F02B37/001using exhaust drives arranged in parallel F02B37/002the exhaust supply to one of the exhaust drives can be interrupted F02B37/004with exhaust drives arranged in series F02B37/005Exhaust driven pumps being combined with an exhaust driven auxiliary apparatus, e.g. a ventilator F02B37/007with exhaust-driven pumps arranged in parallel , e.g. at least one pump supplying alternatively F02B37/013with exhaust-driven pumps arranged in series F02B37/02Gas passages between engine outlet and pump drive, e.g. reservoirs F02B37/025Multiple scrolls or multiple gas passages guiding the gas to the pump drive F02B37/04Engines with exhaust drive and other drive of pumps, e.g. with exhaust-driven pump and mechanically-driven second pump F02B37/10at least one pump being alternatively or simultaneously driven by exhaust and other drive, e.g. by pressurised fluid from a reservoir or an engine-driven pump F02B37/105exhaust drive and pump being both connected through gearing to engine-driven shaft F02B37/11driven by other drive at starting only F02B37/12Control of the pumps F02B2037/122Control of rotational speed of the pump F02B2037/125Control for avoiding pump stall or surge F02B37/14Control of the alternation between or the operation of exhaust drive and other drive of a pump, e.g. dependent on speed F02B37/16by bypassing charging air F02B37/162by bypassing, e.g. partially, intake air from pump inlet to pump outlet F02B37/164the bypassed air being used in an auxiliary apparatus, e.g. in an air turbine F02B37/166the auxiliary apparatus being a combustion chamber, e.g. upstream of turbine F02B37/168into the exhaust conduit F02B37/166 takes precedence F02B37/18by bypassing exhaust from the inlet to the outlet of turbine or to the atmosphere F02B37/183Arrangements of bypass valves or actuators therefor F02B37/186Arrangements of actuators or linkage for bypass valves F02B37/20by increasing exhaust energy, e.g. using combustion chamber by after-burning using an auxiliary combustion chamber supplied by charging air F02B37/166 F02B37/22by varying cross-section of exhaust passages or air passages , e.g. by throttling turbine inlets or outlets or by varying effective number of guide conduits F02B37/24 takes precedence F02B37/225air passages F02B37/24by using pumps or turbines with adjustable guide vanes F02B39/00Component parts, details, or accessories relating to, driven charging or scavenging pumps, not provided for in groups F02B33/00 - F02B37/00 F02B39/005Cooling of pump drives F02B39/02Drives of pumps exhaust drives or combined exhaust and other drives F02B37/00Varying pump drive gear ratio F02B39/04Mechanical drivesVariable-gear-ratio drives non-mechanical pump drives having variable gear ratio F02B39/08 F02B39/06the engine torque being divided by a differential gear for driving a pump and the engine output shaft F02B39/08Non-mechanical drives, e.g. fluid drives having variable gear ratio F02B39/085the fluid drive using expansion of fluids other than exhaust gases, e.g. a Rankine cycle F02B39/10electric F02B39/12Drives characterised by use of couplings or clutches therein using fluid slip couplings for varying gear ratio F02B39/08 F02B39/14Lubrication of pumpsSafety measures therefor F02B39/16Other safety measures for, or other control of, pumps F02B2039/162Control of pump parameters to improve safety thereof F02B2039/164the temperature of the pump, of the pump drive or the pumped fluid being limited F02B2039/166the fluid pressure in the pump or exhaust drive being limited F02B2039/168the rotational speed of pump or exhaust drive being limited F02B41/00Engines characterised by special means for improving conversion of heat or pressure energy into mechanical power F02B41/02Engines with prolonged expansion F02B41/04in main cylinders F02B41/06in compound cylinders F02B41/08Two-stroke compound engines F02B41/10in exhaust turbines use of exhaust turbines for charging F02B37/00 F02B2041/12in jet propulsion apparatus F02B43/00Engines operating on non-liquid fuelsPlants including such engines, i.e. combinations of the engine with fuel-generating apparatus F02B43/00Engines characterised by operating on gaseous fuelsPlants including such engines engines characterised by the gas-air charge being ignited by compression ignition of an additional fuel F02B7/06; engines convertible from gas to other fuel consumption F02B69/04 - in this group the following indexing codes are used: F02B2700/02 - F02B2720/30 F02B43/02Engines characterised by means for increasing operating efficiency F02B43/04for improving efficiency of combustion F02B43/06for enlarging charge F02B43/08Plants characterised by the engines using gaseous fuel generated in the plant from solid fuel, e.g. wood F02B43/10Engines or plants characterised by use of other specific gases, e.g. acetylene, oxyhydrogen F02B2043/103Natural gas, e.g. methane or LNG used as a fuel F02B2043/106Hydrogen obtained by electrolysis F02B43/12Methods of operating F02B45/00Engines characterised by operating on non-liquid fuels other than gasPlants including such engines plants involving generation of gaseous fuel from solid fuel F02B43/08; engines convertible from gas to other fuel consumption F02B69/04 F02B45/02operating on powdered fuel, e.g. powdered coal operating on fuel containing oxidant F02B45/06 F02B45/04Plants, e.g. having coal-grinding apparatus F02B45/06operating on fuel containing oxidant F02B45/08operating on other solid fuels F02B45/10operating on mixtures of liquid and non-liquid fuels, e.g. in pasty or foamed state F02B47/00Methods of operating engines involving specific pre-treating of, or adding specific substances to, combustion air, fuel or fuel-air mixture of the engines, and not otherwise provided for F02B47/00Methods of operating engines involving adding non-fuel substances or anti-knock agents to combustion air, fuel, or fuel-air mixtures of engines F02B47/02the substances being water or steam F02B47/04the substances being other than water or steam only F02B47/06the substances including non-airborne oxygen F02B47/10 takes precedence F02B47/08the substances including exhaust gas F02B47/10Circulation of exhaust gas in closed or semi-closed circuits, e.g. with simultaneous addition of oxygen F02B49/00Methods of operating air-compressing compression-ignition engines involving introduction of small quantities of fuel in the form of a fine mist into the air in the engine's intake F02B51/00Other methods of operating engines involving pretreating of, or adding substances to, combustion air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture of the engines F02B51/02involving catalysts F02B51/04involving electricity or magnetism F02B51/06involving rays or sound waves F02B53/00Internal-combustion aspects of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines F02B53/00Internal-combustion aspects of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines internal-combustion aspects of rotary pistons or outer members for co-operation therewith F02B55/00 - in this group the following indexing codes are used: F02B2730/01 - F02B2730/09 F02B2053/005Wankel engines F02B53/02Methods of operating F02B53/04Charge admission or combustion-gas discharge F02B53/06Valve control therefor F02B53/08Charging, e.g. by means of rotary-piston pump F02B53/10Fuel supplyIntroducing fuel to combustion space F02B53/12Ignition F02B53/14Adaptations of engines for driving, or engine combinations with, other devices F02B55/00Internal-combustion aspects of rotary pistonsOuter members for co-operation with rotary pistons F02B55/02Pistons F02B55/04Cooling thereof F02B55/06by air or other gas F02B55/08Outer members for co-operation with rotary pistonsCasings F02B55/10Cooling thereof F02B55/12by air or other gas F02B55/14Shapes or constructions of combustion chambers F02B55/16Admission or exhaust passages in pistons or outer members F02B57/00Internal-combustion aspects of reciprocating-piston engines with movable cylinders F02B57/00Internal-combustion aspects of rotary engines in which the combusted gases displace one or more reciprocating pistons F02B57/02Fuel or combustion-air supply cylinder-charge admission or exhaust control F02B57/04 F02B57/04Control of cylinder-charge admission or exhaust peculiar to two-stroke engines or to other engines with working-piston-controlled charge admission or exhaust F02B57/06 F02B57/06Two-stroke engines or other engines with working-piston-controlled cylinder-charge admission or exhaust with combustion space in centre of star F02B57/10 F02B57/08Engines with star-shaped cylinder arrangements F02B57/085having two parallel main shafts F02B57/10with combustion space in centre of star F02B59/00Internal-combustion aspects of other reciprocating-piston engines with movable, e.g. oscillating, cylinders with yieldable walls F02B75/38 F02B61/00Adaptations of engines for special useCombinations of engines with devices other than engine parts or auxiliaries F02B61/00Adaptations of engines for driving vehicles or for driving propellersCombinations of engines with gearing the engine torque being divided by a differential gear for driving a scavenging or charging pump and the engine output shaft F02B39/06; adaptations or combinations of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines F02B53/14 F02B61/02for driving cycles F02B61/04for driving propellers F02B61/045for outboard marine engines F02B61/06Combinations of engines with mechanical gearing F02B61/02, F02B61/04 take precedence F02B63/00Adaptations of engines for driving pumps, hand-held tools or electric generatorsPortable combinations of engines with engine-driven devices of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines F02B53/14 F02B63/02for hand-held tools F02B63/04for electric generators F02B63/041Linear electric generators F02B63/042Rotating electric generators F02B63/043Electric generators using oscillating movement F02B63/044the engine-generator unit being placed on a frame or in an housing F02B2063/045Frames for generator-engine sets F02B2063/046Handles adapted therefor, e.g. handles or grips for movable units F02B63/047Movable engine-generator combinations on wheels F02B63/048Portable engine-generator combinations F02B63/06for pumps F02B65/00Adaptations of engines for special uses not provided for in groups F02B61/00 or F02B63/00Combinations of engines with other devices, e.g. with non-driven apparatus of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines F02B53/14; combinations of prime-movers consisting of electric motors and internal combustion engines for mutual or common propulsion B60K6/20 F02B67/00Engines with pertinent characteristics other than those provided for in or of interest apart from, preceding main groups F02B67/00Engines characterised by the arrangement of auxiliary apparatus not being otherwise provided for, e.g. the apparatus having different functionsDriving auxiliary apparatus from engines, not otherwise provided for F02B67/04of mechanically-driven auxiliary apparatus F02B67/06driven by means of chains, belts, or like endless members F02B67/08of non-mechanically driven auxiliary apparatus F02B67/10of charging or scavenging apparatus F02B69/00Internal-combustion engines convertible into other combustion-engine type, not provided for in F02B11/00Internal-combustion engines of different types characterised by constructions facilitating use of same main engine-parts in different types F02B69/02for different fuel types, other than engines indifferent to fuel consumed, e.g. convertible from light to heavy fuel F02B69/04for gaseous and non-gaseous fuels F02B69/06for different cycles, e.g. convertible from two-stroke to four stroke F02B71/00Free-piston enginesEngines without rotary main shaft F02B71/02Starting F02B71/04Adaptations of such engines for special useCombinations of such engines with apparatus driven thereby F02B71/045with hydrostatic transmission F02B71/06Free-piston combustion gas generators per se F02B73/00Combinations of two or more engines, not otherwise provided for F02B75/00Other engines F02B75/002Double acting engines F02B75/005having horizontal cylinders F02B75/007 takes precedence F02B75/007having vertical crankshafts F02B75/02Engines characterised by their cycles, e.g. six-stroke F02B75/021having six or more strokes per cycle F02B2075/022having less than six strokes per cycle F02B2075/023one F02B2075/025two F02B2075/026three F02B2075/027four F02B2075/028five F02B75/04Engines with variable distances between pistons at top dead-centre positions and cylinder heads F02B75/041by means of cylinder or cylinderhead positioning F02B75/042the cylinderhead comprising a counter-piston F02B75/044by means of an adjustable piston length F02B75/045by means of a variable connecting rod length F02B75/047by means of variable crankshaft position F02B75/048by means of a variable crank stroke length F02B75/06Engines with means for equalising torque F02B75/065with double connecting rods or crankshafts F02B75/08Engines with means for preventing corrosion in gas-swept spaces F02B75/10Engines with means for rendering exhaust gases innocuous apparatus per se F01N3/00 F02B75/12Other methods of operation F02B2075/125Direct injection in the combustion chamber for spark ignition engines, i.e. not in pre-combustion chamber F02B75/16Engines characterised by number of cylinders, e.g. single-cylinder engines F02B75/26 takes precedence F02B75/18Multi-cylinder engines scavenging aspects F02B25/00 F02B2075/1804Number of cylinders F02B2075/1808two F02B2075/1812three F02B2075/1816four F02B2075/182five F02B2075/1824six F02B2075/1828seven F02B2075/1832eight F02B2075/1836nine F02B2075/184ten F02B2075/1844eleven F02B2075/1848twelve F02B2075/1852thirteen F02B2075/1856fourteen F02B2075/186fifteen F02B2075/1864sixteen F02B2075/1868twenty F02B2075/1872twenty-two F02B2075/1876twenty-four F02B2075/188thirty F02B2075/1884thirty-two F02B2075/1888thirty-four F02B2075/1892thirty-six F02B75/1896with two or more pistons connected to one crank and having a common combustion space F02B75/20with cylinders all in one line F02B75/22with cylinders in V, fan, or star arrangement F02B75/221with cylinder banks in narrow V-arrangement, having a single cylinder head F02B75/222with cylinders in star arrangement F02B75/224with cylinders in fan arrangement F02B75/225having two or more crankshafts F02B75/227with cylinder banks in X-arrangement, e.g. double-V engines F02B75/228with cylinders arranged in parallel banks F02B75/24with cylinders arranged oppositely relative to main shaft and of "flat" type F02B75/243with only one crankshaft of the "boxer" type, e.g. all connecting rods attached to separate crankshaft bearings F02B75/246with only one crankshaft of the "pancake" type, e.g. pairs of connecting rods attached to common crankshaft bearing F02B75/26Engines with cylinder axes coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main-shaft axisEngines with cylinder axes arranged substantially tangentially to a circle centred on main-shaft axis F02B75/265Engines with cylinder axes substantially tangentially to a circle centred on main-shaft axis F02B75/28Engines with two or more pistons reciprocating within same cylinder or within essentially coaxial cylinders arranged oppositely relative to main shaft F02B75/24 F02B75/282the pistons having equal strokes F02B75/285comprising a free auxiliary piston F02B75/287with several pistons positioned in one cylinder one behind the other F02B75/30with one working piston sliding inside another F02B75/32Engines characterised by connections between pistons and main shafts and not specific to preceding main groups F02B75/34Ultra-small engines, e.g. for driving models F02B75/36Engines with parts of combustion- or working-chamber walls resiliently yielding under pressure F02B75/38Reciprocating - piston engines F02B75/04 takes precedence; with resiliently-urged auxiliary piston in pre-combustion chamber F02B19/06 F02B75/40Other reciprocating-piston engines F02B77/00Component parts, details or accessories, not otherwise provided for F02B77/005Plugs F02B77/02Surface coverings of combustion-gas-swept parts of pistons F02F3/10; of cylinders and cylinder heads F02F1/00 F02B77/04Cleaning of, preventing corrosion or erosion in, or preventing unwanted deposits in, combustion engines cleaning of fuel injection apparatus F02M65/00 F02B2077/045by flushing or rinsing F02B2077/06Arrangements of purifying apparatus for liquid fuel or lubricant filters F02B77/08Safety, indicating or supervising devices thermal insulation F02B77/11; rendering engines inoperative or idling F02D17/04; dependent on lubricating conditions F01M1/22; dependent on cooling F01P11/14 F02B77/081relating to endless members endless members, e.g. belts, for driving auxiliary apparatus F02B67/04 F02B77/082relating to valves F02B77/083relating to maintenance, e.g. diagnostic device relating to lubrication F01M11/10 F02B77/084indicating economy F02B77/085with sensors measuring combustion processes, e.g. knocking, pressure, ionization, combustion flame F02B77/086Sensor arrangements in the exhaust, e.g. for temperature, misfire, air/fuel ratio, oxygen sensors F02B77/087determining top dead centre or ignition-timing F02B77/088relating to tightness F02B77/089relating to engine temperature concerning coolant temperature F01P11/16 F02B77/10Safety means relating to crankcase explosions F02B77/11Thermal or acoustic insulation F02B77/13Acoustic insulation F02B77/14Engine-driven auxiliary devices combined into units F02B79/00Running-in of internal-combustion engines lubrication thereof F01M7/00 F02B2201/00 F02B2201/00Fuels F02B2201/02Liquid F02B2201/04Gas F02B2201/06Dual fuel applications F02B2201/062Liquid and liquid F02B2201/0622Liquid and liquefied gas F02B2201/064Liquid and gas F02B2201/066Gas and gas F02B2275/00Other engines, components or details, not provided for in other groups of this subclass F02B2275/02Attachment or mounting of cylinder heads on cylinders F02B2275/06Endless member is a belt F02B2275/08Endless member is a chain F02B2275/10Diamond configuration of valves in cylinder heads F02B2275/14Direct injection into combustion chamber F02B2275/16Indirect injection F02B2275/18DOHC [Double overhead camshaft] F02B2275/20SOHC [Single overhead camshaft] F02B2275/22Side valves F02B2275/26Flame plate F02B2275/28Timing distribution gear F02B2275/30Inverted positioning of engines F02B2275/32Miller cycle F02B2275/34Lateral camshaft position F02B2275/36Modified dwell of piston in TDC F02B2275/38Square four-cylinder configuration F02B2275/40Squish effect F02B2275/42Texaco combustion process F02B2275/44Tools for engines F02B2275/46Total Energy plant F02B2275/48Tumble motion in gas movement in cylinder F02B2275/50Walking beam arrangement of rockers in valve drive F02B2700/00Measures relating to the combustion process without indication of the kind of fuel or with more than one fuel F02B2700/02Four stroke engines F02B2700/021with measures for removing exhaust gases from the cylinder F02B2700/023with measures for charging, increasing the power F02B2700/025with measures for compressing the cylinder charge F02B2700/026with measures for increasing the part of the heat transferred to power, compound engines F02B2700/028double-acting F02B2700/03Two stroke engines F02B2700/031with measures for removing exhaust gases from the cylinder F02B2700/032by means of the exhaust gases F02B2700/034with measures for charging, increasing the power F02B2700/035with reservoir for scavenging or charging air F02B2700/037Scavenging or charging channels or openings F02B2700/038with measures for compressing the cylinder charge F02B2710/00Gas engines F02B2710/02Four stroke engines F02B2710/021with measures for removing exhaust gases from the cylinder F02B2710/023with measures for charging, increasing the power F02B2710/025with measures for compressing the cylinder charge F02B2710/026with measures for improving combustion F02B2710/028with measures for increasing the part of the heat transferred to power, compound engines F02B2710/03Two stroke engines F02B2710/032with measures for removing exhaust gases from the cylinder F02B2710/034with measures for charging, increasing the power F02B2710/036Scavenging or charging channels or openings F02B2710/038with measures for improving combustion F02B2720/00Engines with liquid fuel F02B2720/10Mixture compressing engines for liquid fuel F02B2720/12Four stroke engines with ignition device F02B2720/122with measures for removing exhaust gases from the cylinder F02B2720/124with measures for charging, increasing the power F02B2720/126with measures for compressing the cylinder charge F02B2720/128with measures for increasing the part of the heat transferred to power, compound engines F02B2720/13Two stroke engines with ignition device F02B2720/131with measures for removing exhaust gases from the cylinder F02B2720/132by means of exhaust gases F02B2720/133with measures for charging, increasing the power F02B2720/135with reservoir for scavenging or charging air F02B2720/136Scavenging or charging channels or openings F02B2720/137with measures for improving combustion F02B2720/138with measures for increasing the part of the heat transferred to power, compound engines F02B2720/15Mixture compressing engines with ignition device and mixture formation in the cylinder F02B2720/151with fuel supply and pulverisation by air or gas under pressure during the suction or compression stroke F02B2720/152with fuel supply and pulverisation by injecting the fuel under pressure during the suction or compression stroke F02B2720/153with injection of an air-fuel mixture under pressure during the suction or compression stroke F02B2720/155with pulverisation by air sucked into the cylinder F02B2720/156with pulverisation by the compressed air stream F02B2720/157with means for improving the mixture in the cylinder F02B2720/158with an auxiliary cylinder in which an explosion is generated F02B2720/16Mixture compressing engines with ignition by compression or other heat F02B2720/20Air compressing engines with ignition by the heat of compression F02B2720/22Four stroke engines F02B2720/221with measures for removing exhaust gases from the cylinder F02B2720/223with measures for charging, increasing the power F02B2720/225with measures for compressing the cylinder charge F02B2720/226with measures for improving combustion F02B2720/228with measures for increasing the part of the heat transferred to power, compound engines F02B2720/23Two stroke engines F02B2720/231with measures for removing exhaust gases from the cylinder F02B2720/232by means of the exhaust gases F02B2720/233with measures for charging, increasing the power F02B2720/235with reservoir for scavenging or charging air F02B2720/236scavenging or charging channels or openings F02B2720/237with measures for improving combustion F02B2720/238with measures for increasing the part of the heat transferred to power, compound engines F02B2720/25Supply of fuel in the cylinder F02B2720/251Fuel supply by high pressure gas F02B2720/252with air pump fixed to engine cylinderhigh pressure air being taken from the atmosphere or from an engine cylinder F02B2720/253with high pressure air reservoir close to the point of injectionhigh pressure air taken from the engine cylinder F02B2720/255with mixture compressing pumpfuel-air mixture being compressed in the pump cylinder without self ignition F02B2720/256using steam or other gas as high pressure gas F02B2720/257Supply of fuel under pressure in the cylinder without blowing fluid F02B2720/258with compression and ignition exclusively in the cylinder F02B2720/27Air compressing engines with hot-bulb ignition F02B2720/272Supply of all the fuel into the prechamber F02B2720/274with injection of all the fuel into the prechamber F02B2720/276Supply of only a part of the fuel into the prechamber F02B2720/278with injection of only a part of the fuel into the prechamber F02B2720/30Engines with air compression and ignition device F02B2730/00Internal combustion engines with pistons rotating or oscillating with relation to the housing F02B2730/01with one or more pistons in the form of a disk or rotor rotating with relation to the housingwith annular working chamber F02B2730/011with vanes sliding in the housing F02B2730/012with vanes sliding in the piston F02B2730/013Vanes fixed in the centre of the housingExcentric rotors F02B2730/015with vanes hinged to the housing F02B2730/016with vanes hinged to the piston F02B2730/017with rotating elements fixed to the housing or on the piston F02B2730/018with piston rotating around an axis passing through the gravity centre, this piston or the housing rotating at the same time around an axis parallel to the first axis F02B2730/02with piston rotating around its axis and having a reciprocating movement in a cylinder F02B2730/03with piston oscillating in a housing or in a space in the form of an annular sector F02B2730/05with pistons intermeshing as gear wheelswith helicoidal rotors F02B2730/09Arrangements or specially formed elements for engines according to the preceding groups F02B2730/095Hydraulic pistons