H01PWAVEGUIDESRESONATORS, LINES, OR OTHER DEVICES OF THE WAVEGUIDE TYPE operating at optical frequencies G02BIn this subclass, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated : "waveguide type" as applied to transmission lines includes only high-frequency coaxial cables or Lecher lines, and as applied to resonators, delay lines, or other devices includes all devices having distributed inductance and capacitance.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. H01P1/00 H01P1/00Auxiliary devices coupling devices of the waveguide type H01P5/00 H01P1/005Diode mounting means H01P1/02BendsCornersTwists H01P1/022in waveguides of polygonal cross-section H01P1/065 takes precedence H01P1/025in the E-plane H01P1/027in the H-plane H01P1/04Fixed joints H01P1/042Hollow waveguide joints H01P1/045Coaxial joints H01P1/047Strip line joints H01P1/06Movable joints, e.g. rotating joints H01P1/061the relative movement being a translation along an axis common to at least two rectilinear parts, e.g. expansion joints H01P1/062the relative movement being a rotation H01P1/063with a limited angle of rotation H01P1/064the axis of rotation being perpendicular to the transmission path, e.g. hinge joint H01P1/065the axis of rotation being parallel to the transmission path, e.g. stepped twist H01P1/066with an unlimited angle of rotation H01P1/067the energy being transmitted in only one line located on the axis of rotation H01P1/068the energy being transmitted in at least one ring-shaped transmission line located around the axis of rotation, e.g. "around the mast" rotary joint H01P1/069 takes precedence; coaxial line with solid inner conductor H01P1/067 H01P1/069the energy being transmitted in at least one ring-shaped transmission line located around an axial transmission line; Concentric coaxial systems H01P1/08Dielectric windows H01P1/10for switching or interrupting in systems using reflection or reradiation of radio, acoustic or other waves G01S7/034 H01P1/11by ferromagnetic devices H01P1/12by mechanical chopper H01P1/122Waveguide switches H01P1/125Coaxial switches H01P1/127Strip line switches H01P1/14by electric discharge devices discharge devices H01J17/64 H01P1/15by semiconductor devices H01P1/16for mode selection, e.g. mode suppression or mode promotionfor mode conversion H01P1/161sustaining two independent orthogonal modes, e.g. orthomode transducer combining or separating polarisations and frequencies H01P1/2131 H01P1/162absorbing spurious or unwanted modes of propagation H01P1/163specifically adapted for selection or promotion of the TE01 circular-electric mode H01P1/165for rotating the plane of polarisation H01P1/17for producing a continuously rotating polarisation, e.g. circular polarisation H01P1/171using a corrugated or ridged waveguide section H01P1/172using a dielectric element H01P1/173using a conductive element H01P1/174using a magnetic element H01P1/175 takes precedence H01P1/175using Faraday rotators H01P1/18Phase-shifters H01P1/165 takes precedence H01P1/181using ferroelectric devices H01P1/182Waveguide phase-shifters H01P1/181, H01P1/185, H01P1/19 take precedence H01P1/183Coaxial phase-shifters H01P1/181, H01P1/185, H01P1/19 take precedence H01P1/184Strip line phase-shifters H01P1/181, H01P1/185, H01P1/19 take precedence H01P1/185using a diode or a gas filled discharge tube H01P1/19using a ferromagnetic device H01P1/195having a toroidal shape H01P1/20Frequency-selective devices, e.g. filters H01P1/2002Dielectric waveguide filters H01P1/212, H01P1/213, H01P1/215, H01P1/219 take precedence H01P1/2005Electromagnetic photonic bandgaps [EPB], or photonic bandgaps [PBG] H01P1/2007Filtering devices for biasing networks or DC returns H01P1/201Filters for transverse electromagnetic waves H01P1/212, H01P1/213, H01P1/215, H01P1/219 take precedence H01P1/2013Coplanar line filters H01P1/2016Slot line filters; Fin line filters H01P1/202Coaxial filters cascaded coaxial cavities H01P1/205 H01P1/203Strip line filters H01P1/20309with dielectric resonator H01P1/20318with dielectric resonators as non-metallised opposite openings in the metallised surfaces of a substrate H01P1/20327Electromagnetic interstage coupling H01P1/20336Comb or interdigital filters H01P1/20345Multilayer filters H01P1/20354Non-comb or non-interdigital filters H01P1/20363Linear resonators H01P1/20372Hairpin resonators H01P1/20381Special shape resonators H01P1/2039Galvanic coupling between Input/Output H01P1/205Comb or interdigital filtersCascaded coaxial cavities H01P1/203 takes precedence H01P1/2053the coaxial cavity resonators being disposed parall to each other H01P1/2056Comb filters or interdigital filters with metallised resonator holes in a dielectric block H01P1/207Hollow waveguide filters H01P1/212, H01P1/213, H01P1/215, H01P1/219 take precedence H01P1/208Cascaded cavitiesCascaded resonators inside a hollow waveguide structure H01P1/205 takes precedence H01P1/2082with multimode resonators H01P1/2086 takes precedence H01P1/2084with dielectric resonators H01P1/2086multimode H01P1/2088Integrated in a substrate H01P1/209comprising one or more branching arms or cavities wholly outside the main waveguide H01P1/211Waffle-iron filtersCorrugated structures H01P1/212suppressing or attenuating harmonic frequencies H01P1/215 takes precedence H01P1/213combining or separating two or more different frequencies H01P1/215 takes precedence H01P1/2131with combining or separating polarisations H01P1/2133using coaxial filters H01P1/2131, H01P1/2136 take precedence H01P1/2135using strip line filters H01P1/2131 takes precedence H01P1/2136using comb or interdigital filters; using cascaded coaxial cavities H01P1/2131, H01P1/2135 take precedence H01P1/2138using hollow waveguide filters H01P1/2131 takes precedence H01P1/215using ferromagnetic material H01P1/217the ferromagnetic material acting as a tuning element in resonators H01P1/218the ferromagnetic material acting as a frequency selective coupling element, e.g. YIG-filters H01P1/219Evanescent mode filters H01P1/22Attenuating devices dissipative terminating devices H01P1/26 H01P1/222Waveguide attenuators H01P1/23 takes precedence H01P1/225Coaxial attenuators H01P1/23 takes precedence H01P1/227Strip line attenuators H01P1/23 takes precedence H01P1/23using ferromagnetic material H01P1/24Terminating devices H01P1/26Dissipative terminations H01P1/262the dissipative medium being a liquid or being cooled by a liquid H01P1/264Waveguide terminations H01P1/262 takes precedence H01P1/266Coaxial terminations H01P1/262 takes precedence H01P1/268Strip line terminations H01P1/262 takes precedence H01P1/28Short-circuiting plungers H01P1/30for compensation of, or protection against, temperature or moisture effects ; for improving power handling capability H01P1/04, H01P1/08 take precedence H01P1/32Non-reciprocal transmission devices H01P1/02 - H01P1/30 take precedence H01P1/36Isolators H01P1/362Edge-guided mode devices H01P1/365Resonance absorption isolators H01P1/37Field displacement isolators H01P1/375using Faraday rotators H01P1/38Circulators H01P1/383Junction circulators, e.g. Y-circulators H01P1/387Strip line circulators H01P1/39Hollow waveguide circulators H01P1/393using Faraday rotators H01P1/397using non- reciprocal phase shifters H01P1/393 takes precedence H01P3/00WaveguidesTransmission lines of the waveguide type H01P3/003Coplanar lines H01P3/006Conductor backed coplanar waveguides H01P3/02with two longitudinal conductors H01P3/023Fin lines; Slot lines H01P3/026Coplanar striplines [CPS] H01P3/04Lines formed as Lecher wire pairs H01P3/06Coaxial linesThis subgroup is only used for documents disclosing typical HF-features of coaxial cables, e.g. propagation of non-TEM-modes, multimoding, oversized coaxial cables, particular cross-section adapted for HF-propagation H01P3/08MicrostripsStrip lines H01P3/081Microstriplines H01P3/082Multilayer dielectric H01P3/084Suspended microstriplines H01P3/085Triplate lines H01P3/087Suspended triplate lines H01P3/088Stacked transmission lines H01P3/10Wire waveguides, i.e. with a single solid longitudinal conductor H01P3/12Hollow waveguides H01P3/20 takes precedence H01P3/121integrated in a substrate H01P3/122Dielectric loaded (not air) H01P3/123with a complex or stepped cross-section, e.g. ridged or grooved waveguides H01P3/14 takes precedence H01P3/127with a circular, elliptic, or parabolic cross-section H01P3/13specially adapted for transmission of the TE01 circular-electric mode selection, promotion H01P1/163 H01P3/14flexible H01P3/16Dielectric waveguides, i.e. without a longitudinal conductor H01P3/165Non-radiating dielectric waveguides H01P3/18built-up from several layers to increase operating surface, i.e. alternately conductive and dielectric layers H01P3/20Quasi-optical arrangements for guiding a wave, e.g. focusing by dielectric lenses H01P5/00Coupling devices of the waveguide type H01P5/02with invariable factor of coupling H01P5/12 takes precedence choke joints H01P1/04, H01P1/06 H01P5/022Transitions between lines of the same kind and shape, but with different dimensions H01P5/024between hollow waveguides H01P5/026between coaxial lines H01P5/028between strip lines H01P5/04with variable factor of coupling H01P5/08for linking dissimilar lines or devices H01P1/16, H01P5/04 take precedence; linking lines of the same kind but with different dimensions H01P5/02 H01P5/082Transitions between hollow waveguides of different shape, e.g. between a rectangular and a circular waveguide H01P5/085Coaxial-line/strip-line transitions H01P5/087Transitions to a dielectric waveguide H01P5/10for coupling balanced with unbalanced lines or devices H01P5/1007Microstrip transitions to Slotline or finline H01P5/1015Coplanar line transitions to Slotline or finline H01P5/1022Transitions to dielectric waveguide H01P5/103Hollow-waveguide/coaxial-line transitions H01P5/107Hollow-waveguide/strip-line transitions H01P5/12Coupling devices having more than two ports H01P5/04 takes precedence H01P5/16Conjugate devices, i.e. devices having at least one port decoupled from one other port H01P5/18consisting of two coupled guides, e.g. directional couplers H01P5/181the guides being hollow waveguides H01P5/182the waveguides being arranged in parallel H01P5/183at least one of the guides being a coaxial line H01P5/184the guides being strip lines or microstrips H01P5/185Edge coupled lines H01P5/186Lange couplers H01P5/187Broadside coupled lines H01P5/188the guides being dielectric waveguides H01P5/19of the junction type H01P5/20Magic-T junctions H01P5/22Hybrid ring junctions H01P5/222180° rat race hybrid rings H01P5/225180° reversed phase hybrid rings H01P5/22790° branch line couplers H01P7/00Resonators of the waveguide type H01P7/005Helical resonators; Spiral resonators H01P7/02Lecher resonators H01P7/04Coaxial resonators H01P7/06Cavity resonators H01P7/065integrated in a substrate H01P7/08Strip line resonators H01P7/082Microstripline resonators H01P7/088 takes precedence H01P7/084Triplate line resonators H01P7/088 takes precedence H01P7/086Coplanar waveguide resonators H01P7/088 takes precedence H01P7/088Tunable resonators H01P7/10Dielectric resonators H01P7/105Multimode resonators H01P9/00Delay lines of the waveguide type H01P9/003Delay equalizers H01P9/006Meander lines H01P9/02Helical lines H01P9/04Interdigital lines H01P11/00Apparatus or processes specially adapted for manufacturing waveguides or resonators, lines, or other devices of the waveguide type H01P11/001Manufacturing waveguides or transmission lines of the waveguide type H01P11/002Manufacturing hollow waveguides H01P11/003Manufacturing lines with conductors on a substrate, e.g. strip lines, slot lines H01P11/005Manufacturing coaxial lines H01P11/006Manufacturing dielectric waveguides H01P11/007Manufacturing frequency-selective devices resonators H01P11/008 H01P11/008Manufacturing resonators