F03DWIND MOTORS This subclass covers wind motors, i.e. mechanisms for converting the energy of wind into useful mechanical power, and the transmission of such power to its point of use. This subclass does not cover electrical power generation or distribution aspects of wind-power plants, which are covered by section H, e.g. H02J or H02P. In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "rotor" means the wind-engaging parts of the wind motor and the rotary member carrying them; "rotation axis" means the axis of rotation of the rotor. F03D1/00 F03D1/00Wind motors with rotation axis substantially parallel to the air flow entering the rotor  controlling thereof F03D7/02 F03D1/02having a plurality of rotors F03D1/025coaxially arranged F03D1/04having stationary wind-guiding means, e.g. with shrouds or channels F03D9/35 takes precedence F03D1/06Rotors F03D1/0608characterised by their form F03D1/0616using the Magnus effect F03D1/0625of the whole rotor, i.e. form features of the rotor unit F03D1/0633of the blades F03D1/0641of the section profile of the blades F03D1/065characterised by their construction, i.e. structural design details F03D13/10 takes precedence F03D1/0658Fixing wind-engaging parts to rotor F03D1/0666of the whole rotor F03D1/0675of the blades F03D1/0683of the section profile of the blades F03D1/0691of the hub F03D3/00Wind motors with rotation axis substantially perpendicular to the air flow entering the rotor  controlling thereof F03D7/06 F03D3/002axis horizontal F03D3/005axis vertical F03D3/007using the Magnus effect F03D3/02having a plurality of rotors F03D3/04having stationary wind-guiding means, e.g. with shrouds or channels F03D9/35 takes precedence F03D3/0409having stationary guiding vanes surrounding the rotor F03D3/0427 takes precedence F03D3/0418the vanes being adjustable F03D3/0427with augmenting action, i.e. the guiding means intercepting an area greater than the effective rotor area F03D3/0463, F03D3/049 take precedence F03D3/0436having shield means on one side of the rotor F03D3/0445fixed with respect to rotor, orientable together F03D3/0454and only with concentrating action, i.e. only increasing the airflow speed into the rotor F03D3/0463 takes precedence F03D3/0463with augmenting action, i.e. the shield means intercepting an area greater than the effective rotor area F03D3/0472orientable with respect to the rotor F03D3/0481and only with concentrating action, i.e. only increasing the airflow speed into the rotor F03D3/049 takes precedence F03D3/049with augmenting action, i.e. the shield means intercepting an area greater than the effective rotor area F03D3/06Rotors F03D3/061Form F03D3/062Construction F03D3/064Fixing wind engaging parts to rest of rotor F03D3/065the wind engaging parts having no movement relative to the rotor during its rotation F03D3/067the wind engaging parts having a cyclic movement relative to the rotor during its rotation F03D3/068the cyclic relative movement being coupled to the movement of rotation; Controlling same, e.g. according to wind direction or force F03D5/00Other wind motors controlling thereof F03D7/00 F03D5/005Wind motors having a single vane which axis generate a conus or like surface F03D5/02the wind-engaging parts being attached to endless chains or the like F03D5/04the wind-engaging parts being attached to carriages running on tracks or the like F03D5/06the wind-engaging parts swinging to-and-fro and not rotating F03D7/00Controlling wind motors F03D7/02the wind motors having rotation axis substantially parallel to the air flow entering the rotor F03D7/0204for orientation in relation to wind direction F03D7/0208Orientating out of wind F03D7/0212the rotating axis remaining horizontal F03D7/0216the rotating axis changing to vertical position F03D7/022Adjusting aerodynamic properties of the blades F03D7/0224Adjusting blade pitch F03D7/0228of the blade tips only F03D7/0232with flaps or slats with aerodynamic drag devices on the blades for braking F03D7/0252 F03D7/0236by changing the active surface of the wind engaging parts, e.g. reefing, telescoping, furling or coning F03D7/024of individual blades F03D7/0244for braking F03D7/0248by mechanical means acting on the power train F03D7/0252with aerodynamic drag devices on the blades F03D7/0256Stall control adjusting the blades in stall position F03D7/0224 F03D7/026for starting-up F03D7/0264for stopping or in emergency situation orientating out of wind F03D7/0208 F03D7/0268Parking or storm protection F03D7/0272by measures acting on the electrical generator controlling electric generator per se H02P F03D7/0276Controlling rotor speed, e.g. variable speed F03D7/028Controlling motor output power F03D7/0284in relation to the state of the electric grid supplying or distributing electric power H02J F03D7/0288to prevent instantaneous damage to any part of the motor F03D7/0292to increase fatigue life F03D7/0296to prevent, counteract or reduce vibration or noise F03D7/04Automatic controlRegulation F03D7/041by means of a mechanical governor F03D7/042by means of an electrical or electronic controller F03D7/043characterised by the type of control logic F03D7/044with PID control F03D7/045with model-based controls F03D7/046with learning or adaptive control, e.g. self-tuning, fuzzy logic or neural network F03D7/047characterised by the controller architecture, e.g. multiple processors or data communications F03D7/048Controlling wind farms F03D7/06the wind motors having rotation axis substantially perpendicular to the air flow entering the rotor F03D9/00Adaptations of wind motors for special useCombinations of wind motors with apparatus driven therebyWind motors specially adapted for installation in particular locations hybrid wind-photovoltaic energy systems for the generation of electric power H02S10/12 F03D9/007the wind motor being combined with means for converting solar radiation into useful energy F03D9/008the wind motor being combined with water energy converters, e.g. a water turbine F03D9/10Combinations of wind motors with apparatus storing energy F03D9/11storing electrical energy F03D9/12storing kinetic energy, e.g. using flywheels F03D9/13storing gravitational potential energy F03D9/14using liquids F03D9/16using weights F03D9/17storing energy in pressurised fluids F03D9/18storing heat F03D9/19storing chemical energy, e.g. using electrolysis F03D9/20Wind motors characterised by the driven apparatus F03D9/10 takes precedence F03D9/22the apparatus producing heat F03D9/25the apparatus being an electrical generator F03D9/22 takes precedence F03D9/255connected to an electrical general supply grid; Arrangements therefor F03D9/257the wind motor being part of a wind farm F03D9/28the apparatus being a pump or a compressor F03D9/30Wind motors specially adapted for installation in particular locations means for mounting or supporting wind motors F03D13/20 F03D9/32on moving objects, e.g. vehicles F03D9/34on stationary objects or on stationary man-made structures F03D9/35within towers, e.g. using chimney effects F03D9/37with means for enhancing the air flow within the tower, e.g. by heating F03D9/39by circulation or vortex formation F03D9/41by using the wind outside the tower, e.g. using ejectors F03D9/43using infrastructure primarily used for other purposes, e.g. masts for overhead railway power lines F03D9/45Building formations F03D9/46Tunnels or streets F03D9/48using landscape topography, e.g. valleys F03D13/00Assembly, mounting or commissioning of wind motorsArrangements specially adapted for transporting wind motor components F03D13/10Assembly of wind motorsArrangements for erecting wind motors F03D13/20Arrangements for mounting or supporting wind motorsMasts or towers for wind motors F03D13/22Foundations specially adapted for wind motors F03D13/25specially adapted for offshore installation F03D13/30Commissioning, e.g. inspection, testing or final adjustment before releasing for production F03D13/35Balancing static or dynamic imbalances F03D13/40Arrangements or methods specially adapted for transporting wind motor components F03D15/00Transmission of mechanical power F03D15/05using hollow exhausting blades F03D15/10using gearing not limited to rotary motion, e.g. with oscillating or reciprocating members F03D15/15Changing or adjusting stroke F03D15/20Gearless transmission, i.e. direct-drive F03D17/00Monitoring or testing of wind motors, e.g. diagnostics testing during commissioning of wind motors F03D13/30 F03D80/00Details, components or accessories not provided for in groups F03D1/00 - F03D17/00 F03D80/10Arrangements for warning air traffic F03D80/20Arrangements for avoiding shadow flicker F03D80/30Lightning protection F03D80/40Ice detectionDe-icing means F03D80/50Maintenance or repair F03D80/55Cleaning F03D80/40 takes precedence F03D80/60Cooling or heating of wind motors F03D80/70Bearing or lubricating arrangements F03D80/80Arrangement of components within nacelles or towers F03D80/82of electrical components F03D80/85Cabling F03D80/88of mechanical components