G04CELECTROMECHANICAL CLOCKS OR WATCHES mechanical parts of clocks or watches in general G04B; electronic time-pieces with no moving parts, electronic circuitry for producing timing pulses G04GThis subclass covers electric features of mechanically-driven clocks or watches, such as electric winding of such clocks or the provision of electric contacts thereon.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. G04C1/00Electric winding of mechanical clocksIndependent electric clocks or watches G04C1/00Winding mechanical clocks electrically winding mechanically G04B3/00 ; electrical winding of spring driven arrangements for grammophones G11B19/20 G04C1/003by electro-thermal or electro-pneumatic arrangements G04C1/006for clocksystems G04C1/02 - G04C1/04 take precedence G04C1/02by electromagnets G04C1/022with snap-acting armature G04C1/024winding-up springs G04C1/026having unipolar rotating armature two-pole or multi-pole arrangements G04C1/04, G04C1/06, G04C1/08 G04C1/028with linearly moving armature G04C1/04by electric motors with rotating or with reciprocating movement in general H02K33/00 G04C1/06winding-up springs G04C1/062by oscillating movement G04C1/065by continuous rotating movement G04C1/067by stepping rotating movement G04C1/08raising weights G04C1/082by oscillating movement G04C1/085by continuously rotating movement G04C1/087by stepping rotating movement G04C1/10Protection against overwinding in mechanical clocks or watches G04B1/20, G04B3/06, G04B3/10; G04B5/24, G04B9/02 G04C1/12of the spring G04C1/14of the weights G04C3/00Electromechanical clocks or watches independent of other time-pieces and in which the movement is maintained by electric means synchronisation G04C11/00 G04C3/001Electromechanical switches for setting or display in general H01H G04C3/002Position, e.g. inclination dependent switches G04C3/004Magnetically controlled G04C3/005Multiple switches G04C3/004 takes precedence G04C3/007Electromechanical contact-making and breaking devices acting as pulse generators for setting G04C3/008Mounting, assembling of components G04C3/02wherein movement is regulated by a pendulum G04C3/021using mechanical coupling using more than one pendulum G04C3/025; using torsion pendulums G04C3/033; using conical pendulums G04C3/0335 G04C3/022with constant impulses G04C3/024using other coupling means, e.g. electrostrictive, magnetostrictive G04C3/025using more than one pendulum synchronisation between master and slave pendulums G04C13/028 G04C3/027using electromagnetic coupling between electric power source and pendulum G04C3/033 takes precedence G04C3/0271the pendulum controlling contacts and mechanically driving the gear-train constructional details of contact devices G04C13/06, G04C23/06 G04C3/0273the pendulum controlling contacts, thereby electromagnetically driving the gear-train or several gear-trains generating driving pulses in master-clocks G04C13/0463 G04C3/0275the pendulum controlling contacts, the pendulum driving electro-magnet simultaneously driving the gear-train G04C3/0276the pendulum controlling indirectly, i.e. without mechanical connection, contacts, e.g. by magnetic or optic means G04C3/0278the pendulum controlling the gear-train by means of static switches, e.g. transistor circuits G04C3/033using torsion pendulumsusing conical pendulums construction thereof G04B17/00 G04C3/0335using conical pendulums construction thereof G04B17/30 G04C3/04wherein movement is regulated by a balance construction thereof G04B17/063 G04C3/042using mechanical coupling G04C3/045with constant impulses G04C3/047using other coupling means, e.g. electrostrictive, magnetostrictive G04C3/06using electromagnetic coupling between electric power source and balance G04C3/061the balance controlling contacts and mechanically driving the gear-train G04C3/062the balance controlling contacts, the gear-train or several gear-trains being driven electro-magnetically thereby G04C3/063the balance controlling contacts, the balance driving electro-magnet simultaneously driving the gear-train G04C3/064the balance controlling indirectly, i.e. without mechanical connection, contacts, e.g. by magnetic or optic means G04C3/065the balance controlling gear-train by means of static switches, e.g. transistor circuits synchronisation of balance G04C11/084 G04C3/066Constructional details, e.g. disposition of coils G04C3/067Driving circuits with distinct detecting and driving coils G04C3/068provided with automatic control G04C3/069Driving circuits using a single coil for detection and driving purposes G04C3/08wherein movement is regulated by a mechanical oscillator other than a pendulum or balance, e.g. by a tuning fork , e.g. electrostatically G04C3/10driven by electromagnetic means G04C3/101constructional details G04C3/102of the mechanical oscillator or of the coil G04C3/104of the pawl or the ratched-wheel in general G04B11/04, G04C11/005 G04C3/105pawl and ratched-wheel being magnetically coupled G04C3/107Controlling frequency or amplitude of the oscillating system circuits G04C3/108 G04C3/108Driving circuits G04C3/12driven by piezo-electric meansdriven by magneto-strictive means G04C3/125driven by magneto-strictive means G04C3/14incorporating a stepping motor G04C3/02 - G04C3/12 take precedence generating timing pulses G04F5/00, G04G3/00; setting G04G5/00; synchronisation G04G7/00; generating commutating pulses in masterclocks G04C13/0463, G04C13/02; slave clocks actuated intermittently by electromechanical step advancing mechanisms G04C13/10; control circuits for stepping motors in general H02P8/00 G04C3/143Means to reduce power consumption by reducing pulse width or amplitude and related problems, e.g. detection of unwanted or missing step G04C3/146incorporating two or more stepping motors or rotors G04C3/16incorporating an electro-dynamic continuously rotating motor G04C3/02 - G04C3/12 take precedence; clocks driven by synchronous motors G04C15/00; apparatus which can be set and started to measure-off predetermined or adjustably-fixed time intervals with electric driving means, e.g. incorporating clocks G04F3/06, G04F3/08; electromechanical stop watches G04F8/00 G04C3/165comprising a mechanical regulating device influencing the electromotor constructional details of the mechanical regulating device G04B17/00 G04C3/18incorporating electro-thermal or electro-pneumatic driving means G04C5/00Electric or magnetic means for converting oscillatory to rotary motion in time-pieces, i.e. electric or magnetic escapements regulators G04C3/00 G04C5/005Magnetic or electromagnetic means G04C9/00Electrically-actuated devices for setting the time-indicating means of slave clocks G04C13/03; mechanical setting devices G04B27/00; radio-controlled time-pieces G04R G04C9/02brought into action by radio transmission G04C9/04by blocking the driving means see provisionally G04C9/00 G04C9/06by decoupling the driving means combined with blocking means G04C9/04 see provisionally G04C9/00 G04C9/08by electric drive, i.e. for mechanical clocks; see provisionally G04C9/00 G04C10/00Arrangements of electric power supplies in time pieces circuits G04G19/00; mounting, assembling of components of electromechanical watches G04C3/008, of electronic watches G04G17/00 G04C10/02the power supply being a radioactive or photovoltaic source G04C10/04with means for indicating the condition of the power supply in general G01R31/36 G04C11/00Electric clock installationsMaster-and-slave clock systemsSynchronous-motor clocks G04C11/00Synchronisation of independently-driven clocks radio-controlled time-pieces G04R G04C11/002by changing the driving speed G04C11/005by changing the ratio of the driving-gear G04C11/007by positioning of the index or by regulating the length of the pendulum in dependance on the time difference with a standard G04C11/02by radio time setting brought into action by radio G04C9/02 G04C11/023provided with arrangements to prevent synchronisation by interfering signals G04C11/026the time-piece preparing itself on set times on the reception of the sychronising signal G04C11/04over a line transmitting time signals over telephone networks H04M11/06 ; time setting G04C9/00 G04C11/043provided with arrangements to prevent synchronisation by interfering signals G04C11/046the time-piece preparing itself on set time on the reception of the synchronising signal G04C11/06with direct mechanical action on the time-indicating means time setting G04C9/00 G04C11/08using an electro-magnet or-motor for oscillation correction G04C11/081using an electro-magnet G04C11/082acting on the pendulum mutual synchronisation of pendulums G04C13/028 G04C11/084acting on the balance G04C11/085using an electro-motor G04C11/087acting on the pendulum mutual synchronisation of pendulums G04C13/028 G04C11/088acting on the balance G04C13/00Driving mechanisms for clocks by master-clocks G04C13/02Circuit arrangementsElectric clock installations G04C13/021master-slave systems using transmission of singular pulses for driving directly slave-clocks step by step G04C13/03 takes precedence G04C13/022via existing power distribution lines G04C13/023via existing transmission lines transmitting time signals over telephone networks H04M11/06 G04C13/025via special lines G04C13/026by radio G04C13/027master-slave systems using transmission of other driving signals, e.g. coded signals G04C13/028transmission systems for synchronisation of pendulum of slave-clocks by pendulums of master-clocks G04C13/03Pulse transmission systems with additional means for setting the time indication of slave-clocks G04C13/028 takes precedence G04C13/04Master-clocks G04C13/0409monitoring or controlling master-clock or system with more than one master-clock, e.g. for switching-over to standby motor or power system G04C13/0418by using devices similar to slave-clocks G04C13/0427Systems in which slave-clocks function as master-clocks for other slave-clocks synchronisation of independently-driven clocks G04C11/00, setting G04C9/00 G04C13/0436provided with supplementary means for setting or changing the time indication of the slave-clocks G04C13/0445for automatically correcting of or compensating for disturbances G04C13/0454for automatically setting of slave-clocks after correction or after setting of master-clock G04C13/0463Arrangements for generating normal driving pulses G04C13/0472by starting an independent mechanical driving devices, e.g. motor controlling the contacts G04C13/0481by switching on an electromagnetic driving device, e.g. electro-motor, controlling the contacts G04C13/049by using current generating driving device G04C13/06Contact devices for simultaneously winding several clocks G04C1/00 G04C13/065controlled by a pendulum or a balance G04C13/08Slave-clocks actuated intermittently G04C13/10by electromechanical step advancing mechanisms independent clocks or watches incorporating a stepping motor G04C3/14; stepping motors in general H02K33/00 G04C13/105setting the time-indicating means master-slave systems with setting means G04C13/03; adjusting independently-driven clocks G04C9/00, G04C11/00 G04C13/11with rotating armature G04C13/12by continuously-rotating electric motors independent clocks G04C3/16; clocks driven by synchronous motors G04C15/00 G04C13/14by electrically-released mechanical driving mechanisms G04C15/00Clocks driven by synchronous motors G04C15/0009without power-reserve G04C15/0018provided with hand-actuated starting device G04C15/0027provided with automatic-starting device G04C15/0036provided with means for indicating disturbance G04C15/0045provided with means for checking sense of rotation G04C15/0054with power-reserve G04C15/0063Synchronous clock systems, e.g. provided with radiolink or using transmission of alternating current via existing power distribution lines G04C15/0072Setting the time-indicating means, e.g. by controlling the frequency or by changing the drive of the separate clocks by using an auxiliary motor G04C15/0081Automatic stabilisation of net frequency with regard to time, e.g. by comparing one of the clocks with an independent clock, means being provided for automatic compensation of disturbances G04C15/009Lubricating G04C17/00Indicating the time or producing time signals electrically G04C17/00Indicating the time optically by electric means G04C19/00 takes precedence; by mechanical means G04B19/00, G04B19/20 G04C17/0008by bands G04C17/0016with date indication G04C17/0025by flaps G04C17/0033with date indication G04C17/0041by a combination of different types of indicating devices, e.g. flaps and drums G04C17/005by discs by drums G04C17/0075 G04C17/0058with date indication G04C17/0066electromagnetically driven, e.g. intermittently clocks incorporating a stepping motor G04C3/14 G04C17/0075by drums or drum-like devices G04C17/0083with date indication G04C17/0091Combined electro-optical and electro-mechanical displays see provisionally also G04G9/0082 G04C17/02by electric lamps G04C19/00Producing optical time signals at prefixed times by electric means G04C19/02by electric lamps G04C19/04by indicating members moved electrically, e.g. flap, band G04C21/00Producing acoustic time signals by electrical means for mechanical clocks or watches G04B21/08, G04B25/00 G04C21/02Constructional details G04C21/04, G04C21/16 take precedence sound producing devices in general G10K, e.g. G10K1/00 G04C21/04Indicating the time of the day acoustic indication of time G04B21/00 G04C21/06by striking mechanism G04C21/08with snail G04C21/10with locking plate G04C21/12by electro-acoustic means G04C21/14Electro-acoustic time announcement, i.e. spoken G04C21/16producing the signals at adjustable fixed times G04C21/18by mechanically unlocking an electromechanical vibrator, e.g. actuated by the leakage flux of the electric driving means G04C21/185provided with means for sheeting off or temporarity stopping the signal G04C21/20by closing a contact to ring an electromechanical alarm G04C21/205by the hand(s) or handlike members closing the contact G04C21/22put into action by the arbor of a mechanical alarm work G04C21/24put into action by the spring of a mechanical alarm work G04C21/26put into action by the vibrations caused by the operation of a mechanical alarm work G04C21/28by closing a contact to put into action electro-acoustic means, e.g. awakening by music G04C21/30with provision for a number of operations at different times, e.g. ringing the bells in a school G04C21/305by the hand(s) or handlike members closing the contacts G04C21/32giving indications at a number of places each at a different time, e.g. system of alarms in a hotel G04C21/323by the hand(s) or handlike members closing the contacts G04C21/326adjustable from the different places themselves G04C21/34Devices on watches or similar portable timepieces G04C21/36Signal repeating devices G04C21/38Adjusting the duration of signals G04C23/00Clocks with attached or built-in means operating any device at preselected times or after preselected time-intervals if restricted to producing acoustic time signals by electrical means G04C21/00; mechanical alarm clocks G04B23/02; apparatus which can be set and started to measure-off predetermined intervals G04F3/06; time or time-programme switches which automatically terminate their operation after the programme is completed H01H43/00 G04C23/02Constructional details G04C23/04Housings, supports, shielding, or similar stationary parts G04C23/06Driving or regulating means G04C23/08Programming means G04C23/10for actuating any element which operates, or initiates the operation of, the device concerned G04C23/12Electric circuitry G04C23/14Mechanisms continuously running to relate the operation(s) to the time of day G04C23/16acting only at one preselected time or during one adjustable time interval G04C23/18for operating one device at a number of different times G04C23/20with contacts operated, or formed by clock hands or elements of similar form G04C23/22with the actuating element carried by a disc G04C23/24the actuating element controlling another element mechanically G04C23/26for operating a number of devices at different times G04C23/28with contacts operated, or formed, by clock hands or elements of similar form G04C23/30with the actuating element carried by a disc G04C23/32the actuating element controlling another element mechanically G04C23/34with provision for automatic modification of the programme, e.g. on Sunday G04C23/342some operations being performed at another time G04C23/345another programme being carried out G04C23/347some operations being overridden G04C23/36by external influences G04C23/38Mechanisms measuring a chosen time interval independently of the time of day at which interval starts G04C23/40using continuously-running mechanism G04C23/42acting only at the end of a single time interval G04C23/44with provision for selection from a number of preset intervals G04C23/46with provision for adjustment of the interval G04C23/44 takes precedence G04C23/48acting at the ends of successive time intervals G04C23/50with provision for modification of the interval(s) by external influences G04C99/00 G04C99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass