F28DHEAT-EXCHANGE APPARATUS, NOT PROVIDED FOR IN ANOTHER SUBCLASS, IN WHICH THE HEAT-EXCHANGE MEDIA DO NOT COME INTO DIRECT CONTACT fluid heaters having heat generating means and heat transferring means F24H; furnaces F27; details of heat-exchange apparatus of generalIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F28D1/00 F28D1/00Heat-exchange apparatus having stationary conduit assemblies for one heat-exchange medium only, the media being in contact with different sides of the conduit wall, in which the other heat-exchange medium is a large body of fluid, e.g. domestic or motor car radiators F28D5/00 takes precedence F28D1/02with heat-exchange conduits immersed in the body of fluid F28D1/0206Heat exchangers immersed in a large body of liquid apparatus using liquid heat storage material F28D20/0034 F28D1/0213for heating or cooling a liquid in a tank F28D1/022for immersion in a natural body of water, e.g. marine radiators F28D1/0226with an intermediate heat-transfer medium, e.g. thermosiphon radiators F28D1/0233with air flow channels F28D1/024with an air driving element F28D1/0246heat-exchange elements having several adjacent conduits forming a whole, e.g. blocks F28D2001/0253Particular components F28D2001/026Cores F28D2001/0266Particular core assemblies, e.g. having different orientations or having different geometric features F28D2001/0273having special shape, e.g. curved, annular F28D2001/028with empty spaces or with additional elements integrated into the cores F28D2001/0286Radiating plates; Decorative panels F28D2001/0293with grooves for integration of conduits F28D1/03with plate-like or laminated conduits stacked plates having one or more openings therein to form tubular heat-exchange passages F28F3/086 F28D1/0308the conduits being formed by paired plates touching each other F28D1/0358 takes precedence F28D1/0316Assemblies of conduits in parallel F28D1/0325, F28D1/035 take precedence F28D1/0325the plates having lateral openings therein for circulation of the heat-exchange medium from one conduit to another F28D1/0333the plates having integrated connecting members F28D1/0341with U-flow or serpentine-flow inside the conduits F28D1/035with U-flow or serpentine-flow inside the conduits F28D1/0341 takes precedence F28D1/0358the conduits being formed by bent plates F28D1/0366the conduits being formed by spaced plates with inserted elements F28D1/0358 takes precedence F28D1/0375the plates having lateral openings therein for circulation of the heat-exchange medium from one conduit to another F28D1/0383with U-flow or serpentine-flow inside the conduits F28D1/0391a single plate being bent to form one or more conduits F28D1/04with tubular conduits F28D1/0246 takes precedence F28D1/0408Multi-circuit heat exchangers, e.g. integrating different heat exchange sections in the same unit or heat exchangers for more than two fluids F28F9/0234 takes precedence F28D1/0417with particular circuits for the same heat exchange medium, e.g. with the heat exchange medium flowing through sections having different heat exchange capacities or for heating/cooling the heat exchange medium at different temperatures F28D1/0426with units having particular arrangement relative to the large body of fluid, e.g. with interleaved units or with adjacent heat exchange units in common air flow or with units extending at an angle to each other or with units arranged around a central element F28D1/0435Combination of units extending one behind the other F28D1/0452 takes precedence F28D1/0443Combination of units extending one beside or one above the other F28D1/0452 takes precedence F28D1/0452Combination of units extending one behind the other with units extending one beside or one above the other F28D1/0461Combination of different types of heat exchanger, e.g. radiator combined with tube-and-shell heat exchanger; Arrangement of conduits for heat exchange between at least two media and for heat exchange between at least one medium and the large body of fluid F28D1/047the conduits being bent, e.g. in a serpentine or zig-zag F28D1/0471the conduits having a non-circular cross-section F28D1/0473, F28D1/0476, F28D1/0478 take precedence F28D1/0472the conduits being helically or spirally coiled F28D1/0473the conduits having a non-circular cross-section F28D1/0475the conduits having a single U-bend F28D1/0476the conduits having a non-circular cross-section F28D1/0477the conduits being bent in a serpentine or zig-zag F28D1/0478the conduits having a non-circular cross-section F28D1/053the conduits being straight F28D1/05308Assemblies of conduits connected side by side or with individual headers, e.g. section type radiators F28D1/05358 takes precedence F28D1/05316Assemblies of conduits connected to common headers, e.g. core type radiators F28D1/05366 takes precedence F28D1/05325with particular pattern of flow, e.g. change of flow direction F28D1/05341 takes precedence F28D1/05333with multiple rows of conduits or with multi-channel conduits F28D1/05341 takes precedence F28D1/05341with multiple rows of conduits or with multi-channel conduits combined with a particular flow pattern, e.g. multi-row multi-stage radiators F28D1/0535the conduits having a non-circular cross-section F28D1/05358Assemblies of conduits connected side by side or with individual headers, e.g. section type radiators F28D1/05366Assemblies of conduits connected to common headers, e.g. core type radiators F28D1/05375with particular pattern of flow, e.g. change of flow direction F28D1/05391 takes precedence F28D1/05383with multiple rows of conduits or with multi-channel conduits F28D1/05391 takes precedence F28D1/05391with multiple rows of conduits or with multi-channel conduits combined with a particular flow pattern, e.g. multi-row multi-stage radiators F28D1/06with the heat-exchange conduits forming part of, or being attached to, the tank containing the body of fluid F28D3/00Heat-exchange apparatus having stationary conduit assemblies for one heat-exchange medium only, the media being in contact with different sides of the conduit wall, in which the other heat-exchange medium flows in a continuous film, or trickles freely, over the conduits F28D5/00 takes precedence F28D3/02with tubular conduits F28D3/04Distributing arrangements F28D5/00Heat-exchange apparatus having stationary conduit assemblies for one heat-exchange medium only, the media being in contact with different sides of the conduit wall, using the cooling effect of natural or forced evaporation F28D5/02in which the evaporating medium flows in a continuous film or trickles freely over the conduits F28D7/00Heat-exchange apparatus having stationary tubular conduit assemblies for both heat-exchange media, the media being in contact with different sides of a conduit wall F28D7/0008the conduits for one medium being in heat conductive contact with the conduits for the other medium F28D7/0016the conduits for one medium or the conduits for both media being bent F28D7/0033 takes precedence F28D7/0025the conduits for one medium or the conduits for both media being flat tubes or arrays of tubes F28D7/0033the conduits for one medium or the conduits for both media being bent F28D7/0041the conduits for only one medium being tubes having parts touching each other or tubes assembled in panel form F28D7/0008, F28D7/0058 take precedence F28D7/005the conduits for only one medium being tubes having bent portions or being assembled from bent tubes or being tubes having a toroidal configuration F28D7/0008, F28D7/02, F28D7/04, F28D7/06, F28D7/14 take precedence F28D7/0058the conduits for only one medium being tubes having different orientations to each other or crossing the conduit for the other heat exchange medium F28D7/0008 takes precedence F28D7/0066Multi-circuit heat-exchangers, e.g. integrating different heat exchange sections in the same unit or heat-exchangers for more than two fluids F28D7/103 takes precedence F28D7/0075with particular circuits for the same heat exchange medium, e.g. with the same heat exchange medium flowing through sections having different heat exchange capacities or for heating or cooling the same heat exchange medium at different temperatures F28D7/0083with units having particular arrangement relative to a supplementary heat exchange medium, e.g. with interleaved units or with adjacent units arranged in common flow of supplementary heat exchange medium F28D7/0091the supplementary medium flowing in series through the units F28D7/02the conduits being helically coiled F28D7/10 takes precedence F28D7/0016 and F28D7/0033 take precedence F28D7/022the conduits of two or more media in heat-exchange relationship being helically coiled, the coils having a cylindrical configuration F28D7/024the conduits of only one medium being helically coiled tubes, the coils having a cylindrical configuration F28D7/026the conduits of only one medium being helically coiled and formed by bent members, e.g. plates, the coils having a cylindrical configuration F28D7/028the conduits of at least one medium being helically coiled, the coils having a conical configuration F28D7/04the conduits being spirally coiled F28D7/10 takes precedenceF28D7/0016 and F28D7/0033 take precedence F28D7/06the conduits having a single U-bend F28D7/10 takes precedenceF28D7/0016 and F28D7/0033 take precedence F28D7/08the conduits being otherwise bent, e.g. in a serpentine or zig-zag F28D7/10 takes precedenceF28D7/0016 and F28D7/0033 take precedence F28D7/082with serpentine or zig-zag configuration F28D7/085in the form of parallel conduits coupled by bent portions F28D7/087assembled in arrays, each array being arranged in the same plane F28D7/10the conduits being arranged one within the other, e.g. concentrically multiple wall tubes for leak detection F28F1/003 F28D7/103consisting of more than two coaxial conduits or modules of more than two coaxial conduits F28D7/106consisting of two coaxial conduits or modules of two coaxial conduits F28D7/12the surrounding tube being closed at one end, e.g. return type F28D7/14 takes precedence F28D7/14both tubes being bent F28D7/16the conduits being arranged in parallel spaced relation F28D7/0008 - F28D7/0058 take precedence; F28D7/02 - F28D7/10 take precedence F28D7/1607with particular pattern of flow of the heat exchange media, e.g. change of flow direction F28D7/1623, F28D7/1638, F28D7/1661, F28D7/1676, F28D7/1692 take precedence F28D7/1615the conduits being inside a casing and extending at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the casing; the conduits crossing the conduit for the other heat exchange medium F28D7/1623with particular pattern of flow of the heat exchange media, e.g. change of flow direction F28D7/163with conduit assemblies having a particular shape, e.g. square or annular; with assemblies of conduits having different geometrical features; with multiple groups of conduits connected in series or parallel and arranged inside common casing F28D7/1615 takes precedence F28D7/1638with particular pattern of flow or the heat exchange medium flowing inside the conduits assemblies, e.g. change of flow direction from one conduit assembly to another one F28D7/1661, F28D7/1676 take precedence F28D7/1646with particular pattern of flow of the heat exchange medium flowing outside the conduit assemblies, e.g. change of flow direction F28D7/1653the conduit assemblies having a square or rectangular shape F28D7/1661with particular pattern of flow of the heat exchange media, e.g. change of flow direction F28D7/1669the conduit assemblies having an annular shape; the conduits being assembled around a central distribution tube F28D7/1676with particular pattern of flow of the heat exchange media, e.g. change of flow direction F28D7/1684the conduits having a non-circular cross-section F28D7/1692with particular pattern of flow of the heat exchange media, e.g. change of flow direction F28D9/00Heat-exchange apparatus having stationary plate-like or laminated conduit assemblies for both heat-exchange media, the media being in contact with different sides of a conduit wall F28F3/083, F28F3/086 take precedence F28D9/0006the plate-like or laminated conduits being enclosed within a pressure vessel F28D9/0012the apparatus having an annular form F28D9/0018without any annular circulation of the heat exchange media F28D9/0025the conduits being formed by zig-zag bend plates F28D9/0031the conduits for one heat-exchange medium being formed by paired plates touching each other F28D9/0012, F28D9/0025, F28D9/0081, F28D9/04 take precedence F28D9/0037the conduits for the other heat-exchange medium also being formed by paired plates touching each other F28D9/0043 takes precedence F28D9/0043the plates having openings therein for circulation of at least one heat-exchange medium from one conduit to another F28D9/005the plates having openings therein for both heat-exchange media F28D9/0056with U-flow or serpentine-flow inside conduits; with centrally arranged openings on the plates F28D9/0062the conduits for one heat-exchange medium being formed by spaced plates with inserted elements F28D9/0012, F28D9/0025, F28D9/0081, F28D9/04 take precedence F28D9/0068with means for changing flow direction of one heat exchange medium, e.g. using deflecting zones F28D9/0075the plates having openings therein for circulation of the heat-exchange medium from one conduit to another F28D9/0081the conduits for one heat-exchange medium being formed by a single plate-like element F28D9/0012 takes precedence; the conduits for one heat-exchange medium being integrated in one single plate-like element F28D9/0012 takes precedence F28D9/0087with flexible plates F28D9/0093Multi-circuit heat-exchangers, e.g. integrating different heat exchange sections in the same unit or heat-exchangers for more than two fluids F28D9/02the heat-exchange media travelling at an angle to one another F28D9/04 takes precedence F28D9/04the conduits being formed by spirally-wound plates or laminae F28D11/00Heat-exchange apparatus employing moving conduits F28D15/0208 takes precedence F28D11/02the movement being rotary, e.g. performed by a drum or roller F28D11/08 takes precedence F28D11/025Motor car radiators F28D11/04performed by a tube or a bundle of tubes F28D11/06the movement being reciprocating or oscillating F28D11/08 takes precedence F28D11/08more than one conduit assembly performing independent movements, e.g. rotary bundle of tubes in a rotary drum F28D13/00Heat-exchange apparatus using a fluidised bed F28D15/00Heat-exchange apparatus employing intermediate heat-transfer media or bodies F28D15/00Heat-exchange apparatus with the intermediate heat-transfer medium in closed tubes passing into or through the conduit walls ; Heat-exchange apparatus employing intermediate heat-transfer medium or bodies F28D17/00, F28D19/00, F28D20/00 take precedence F28D15/02in which the medium condenses and evaporates, e.g. heat pipes heat pipes used in solar heat collectors F24S10/95; in radiators F28D1/0226; in nuclear reactors G21C15/257 F28D15/0208using moving tubes F28D2015/0216having particular orientation, e.g. slanted, or being orientation-independent F28D2015/0225Microheat pipes F28D15/0233the conduits having a particular shape, e.g. non-circular cross-section, annular F28D15/0241, F28D15/0266 take precedence F28D15/0241the tubes being flexible F28D15/025having non-capillary condensate return means F28D15/0258with means to remove contaminants, e.g. getters F28D15/0266with separate evaporating and condensing chambers connected by at least one conduit; Loop-type heat pipes; with multiple or common evaporating or condensing chambers F28D15/043 takes precedence F28D15/0275Arrangements for coupling heat-pipes together or with other structures, e.g. with base blocks; Heat pipe cores F28D15/0283Means for filling or sealing heat pipes F28D2015/0291comprising internal rotor means, e.g. turbine driven by the working fluid F28D15/04with tubes having a capillary structure F28D15/043forming loops, e.g. capillary pumped loops F28D15/046characterised by the material or the construction of the capillary structure F28D15/06Control arrangements therefor F28D17/00Regenerative heat-exchange apparatus in which a stationary intermediate heat-transfer medium or body is contacted successively by each heat-exchange medium, e.g. using granular particles F28D17/005using granular particles F28D17/02using rigid bodies, e.g. of porous material F28D17/023Sealing means F28D17/026Bearings; Driving means F28D17/04Distributing arrangements for the heat-exchange media F28D19/00Regenerative heat-exchange apparatus in which the intermediate heat-transfer medium or body is moved successively into contact with each heat-exchange medium F28D15/02 takes precedence F28D19/02using granular particles F28D19/04using rigid bodies, e.g. mounted on a movable carrier F28D19/041with axial flow through the intermediate heat-transfer medium F28D19/042Rotors; Assemblies of heat absorbing masses F28D19/044shaped in sector form, e.g. with baskets F28D19/045with radial flow through the intermediate heat-transfer medium F28D19/047Sealing means F28D19/048Bearings; Driving means F28D20/00Heat storage plants or apparatus in generalRegenerative heat-exchange apparatus not covered by groups F28D17/00 or F28D19/00 F28D2020/0004Particular heat storage apparatus F28D2020/0008the heat storage material being enclosed in plate-like or laminated elements, e.g. in plates having internal compartments F28D2020/0013the heat storage material being enclosed in elements attached to or integral with heat exchange conduits F28D2020/0017the heat storage material being enclosed in porous or cellular or fibrous structures phase-change materials F28D20/023 F28D2020/0021the heat storage material being enclosed in loose or stacked elements F28D2020/0026the heat storage material being enclosed in mobile containers for transporting thermal energy F28D20/003using thermochemical reactions F28D20/0034using liquid heat storage material F28D20/0039with stratification of the heat storage material F28D20/0043specially adapted for long-term heat storage; Underground tanks; Floating reservoirs; Pools; Ponds F28D20/0052 takes precedence F28D2020/0047using molten salts or liquid metals F28D20/0052using the ground body or aquifers as heat storage medium F28D20/0056using solid heat storage material F28D20/0052 takes precedence F28D2020/006Heat storage systems not otherwise provided for F28D2020/0065Details, e.g. particular heat storage tanks, auxiliary members within tanks F28D2020/0069Distributing arrangements; Fluid deflecting means F28D2020/0073movable F28D2020/0078Heat exchanger arrangements F28D2020/0082Multiple tanks arrangements, e.g. adjacent tanks, tank in tank F28D2020/0086Partitions F28D2020/0091flexible F28D2020/0095movable or floating F28D20/02using latent heat F28D20/021the latent heat storage material and the heat-exchanging means being enclosed in one container F28D20/023 - F28D20/028 take precedence F28D20/023the latent heat storage material being enclosed in granular particles or dispersed in a porous, fibrous or cellular structure F28D20/025the latent heat storage material being in direct contact with a heat-exchange medium or with another heat storage material F28D20/003 takes precedence F28D20/026with different heat storage materials not coming into direct contact F28D20/028Control arrangements therefor F28D21/00Heat-exchange apparatus not covered by any of the groups F28D1/00 - F28D20/00 Particular use of heat exchangers is classified in F28D21/00 and subgroups, whereas additionally the type of the heat exchangers is classified in the groups F28D1/00 - F28D20/00 F28D21/0001Recuperative heat exchangers F28D21/0003the heat being recuperated from exhaust gases F28D21/0014 takes precedence F28D21/0005for domestic or space-heating systems F28D21/0007Water heaters F28D21/0008Air heaters F28D21/001for thermal power plants or industrial processes F28D21/0012the heat being recuperated from waste water or from condensates F28D21/0014the heat being recuperated from waste air or from vapors for air conditioning F24F12/001 F28D21/0015Heat and mass exchangers, e.g. with permeable walls F28D21/0017Flooded core heat exchangers in large body of fluid F28D1/0206 F28D2021/0019Other heat exchangers for particular applications; Heat exchange systems not otherwise provided for F28D2021/0021for aircrafts or cosmonautics air-treatment for aircraft B64D13/00, temperature control of cosmonautic vehicles B64G1/50 F28D2021/0022for chemical reactors F28D2021/0024for combustion apparatus, e.g. for boilers F28D2021/0026for combustion engines, e.g. for gas turbines or for Stirling engines engine cooling systems F28D2021/004 F28D2021/0028for cooling heat generating elements, e.g. for cooling electronic components or electric devices for cooling semiconductors H01L23/34, for cooling electric apparatus H05K7/20 F28D2021/0029Heat sinks F28D2021/0031Radiators for recooling a coolant of cooling systems F28D2021/0033for cryogenic applications air separation F25J3/04, cold heat exchange systems F25J1/0262 F28D2021/0035for domestic or space heating, e.g. heating radiators for vehicles F28D2021/0096 F28D2021/0036Radiators for drying, e.g. towel radiators F28D2021/0038for drying or dehumidifying gases or vapours by refrigeration B01D53/265 F28D2021/004for engine or machine cooling systems for vehicles F28D2021/0094; marine radiators F28D1/022 F28D2021/0042for foodstuffs F28D2021/0043for fuel cells heat exchange in fuel cell H01M8/04007 F28D2021/0045for granular materials fluidised beds F28D13/00 F28D2021/0047for hydrogen or other compressed gas storage tanks F28D2021/0049for lubricants, e.g. oil coolers for vehicles F28D2021/0089 F28D2021/005for medical applications heating or cooling appliances for medical treatment A61F7/00 F28D2021/0052for mixers F28D2021/0054for nuclear applications cooling arrangements for nuclear reactors G21C15/00 F28D2021/0056for ovens or furnaces for boilers F28D2021/0024, arrangements for using waste heat in furnaces F27D17/00 F28D2021/0057for melting materials F28D2021/0059for petrochemical plants F28D2021/0061for phase-change applications for refrigerant cycles F28D2021/0068; heat pipes F28D15/02 F28D2021/0063Condensers steam or vapour condensers F28B F28D2021/0064Vaporizers, e.g. evaporators F28D2021/0066with combined condensation and evaporation F28D2021/0068for refrigerant cycles F28D2021/007Condensers for vehicles F28D2021/0084; for compression systems F25B39/04, cold exchangers for separating constituents of gaseous mixtures F25J3/06 F28D2021/0071Evaporators for vehicles F28D2021/0085, for compression systems F25B39/02 F28D2021/0073Gas coolers F28D2021/0075for syngas or cracked gas cooling systems cooling of cracked gas C10G9/002 F28D2021/0077for tempering, e.g. with cooling or heating circuits for temperature control of elements F28D2021/0078in the form of cooling walls F28D2021/008for vehicles for aircrafts F28D2021/0021 F28D2021/0082Charged air coolers cooling of air intake supply F02B29/04 F28D2021/0084Condensers F28D2021/0085Evaporators F28D2021/0087Fuel coolers apparatus for cooling fuel on vehicles F02M31/20 F28D2021/0089Oil coolers heating or cooling lubricants in vehicles F01M5/00 F28D2021/0091Radiators F28D2021/0092with particular location on vehicle, e.g. under floor or on roof F28D2021/0094for recooling the engine coolant arrangements of liquid-to-air heat exchangers on vehicles F01P3/18 F28D2021/0096for space heating for air-conditioning in vehicles B60H1/00321 F28D2021/0098for viscous or semi-liquid materials, e.g. for processing sludge for foodstuffs F28D2021/0042