B43KIMPLEMENTS FOR WRITING OR DRAWING containers, casings or accessories for cosmetic substances, e.g. shaving soap, lipstick, make-up A45D34/00, A45D40/00In this subclass, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated:"writing implements" covers pens, pencils, crayons, chalks or like markers for writing or drawing In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B43K1/00 B43K1/00Nibs continuously adjustable nibs B43K17/00Writing-points for indicating or recording apparatus G01D15/16 B43K1/003Capillary nibs B43K1/006Porous nibs B43K1/12 takes precedence B43K1/01with ink reservoirs, e.g. funnel-shaped B43K1/015Funnel-shaped reservoirs B43K1/02Split nibs B43K1/04with broadened tips B43K1/06Tubular writing-points B43K1/08with ball pointsBalls or ball beds B43M11/085 takes precedence B43K1/082Balls B43K1/084Ball beds B43K1/086with resilient supporting means for the ball, e.g. springs B43K1/088with an intermediate element between the resilient supporting means and the ball B43K1/10Wire nibs B43K1/12Writing-points comprising fibresFelt pads B43K3/00Nib holders holders for continuously adjustable nibs B43K17/00 B43K3/005Nib pinchers B43K3/02with ink guards B43K3/04with retractable nibs mechanisms for retracting or locking nibs B43K24/00 B43K5/00Pens with ink reservoirs in holders, e.g. fountain-pens nibs or writing-points with ink reservoirs B43K1/01; ball-point pens B43K7/00; pens with writing-points other than nibs or balls B43K8/00; multiple-point writing implements B43K27/00 B43K5/005Pen barrels B43K5/02Ink reservoirs B43K5/025with multiple colours B43K5/03specially adapted for concentrated ink, e.g. solid ink B43K5/04flexible B43K5/06with movable pistons for withdrawing ink from an ink-receptacle B43K5/1818 takes precedence B43K5/08with ink-supplying valves B43K5/145 takes precedence B43K5/10with reserve ink chambers B43K5/12with ink-level inspection means B43K5/14Exchangeable ink cartridges B43K5/145with valves B43K5/16with retractable nibs mechanisms for retracting or locking nibs B43K24/00 B43K5/165with detachable means, e.g. caps, co-operating with the writing element B43K5/17with closing means B43K5/165 takes precedence B43K5/18Arrangements for feeding the ink to the nibs B43K5/1809Feed bars B43K5/1818Mechanical feeding means, e.g. valves; Pumps B43K5/1827Valves B43K5/1836automatically closing B43K5/1845opened by actuation of the writing point nibs with ball points with resilient supporting means, e.g. acting as a valve B43K1/086 B43K5/1854mounted on ink-cartridges B43K5/1863opened by actuation of the rear-side of the pen B43K5/1872mounted on ink-cartridges B43K5/1881when the writing point points upwards B43K5/189Pumps B43K7/00Ball-point pens B43M11/085 takes precedence; multiple-point writing implements B43K27/00 B43K7/005Pen barrels B43K7/01for low viscosity liquid ink B43K7/02Ink reservoirsInk cartridges B43K7/01 takes precedence B43K7/03pressurised, e.g. by gas B43K7/035the gas acting on a piston B43K7/04Arrangements for filling the reservoirs, e.g. arrangements at the ball-point ends B43K7/06Reservoirs with ink-level inspection means B43K7/08Preventing leakage B43K7/10Arrangements for feeding ink to the ball points B43K7/01 takes precedence B43K7/105Feed bars B43K7/12with retractable ball points mechanisms for retracting or locking ball points B43K24/00 B43K8/00Pens with writing-points other than nibs or balls brushes with reservoir for supplying substances A46B11/00 B43K8/003Pen barrels B43K8/006using a spraying system, e.g. airbrushes B43K8/02with writing-points comprising fibres, felt, or similar porous or capillary material B43K8/22 takes precedence B43K8/022with writing-points comprising fibres B43K8/024with writing-points comprising felt B43K8/026with writing-points comprising capillary material B43K8/028Movable closure or gate B43K8/03Ink reservoirsInk cartridges B43K8/04Arrangements for feeding ink to writing-points B43K8/06Wick feed from within reservoir to writing-points B43K8/08Wick separate from writing-points B43K8/10including compartment for soluble solid material B43K8/12writing-points or writing-point units being separable from reservoir B43K8/14with coreless tubular writing-points B43K8/143Arrangements for feeding the ink to the writing-points B43K8/146Ink cartridges, ink reservoirs B43K8/16with tubular writing-points comprising a movable cleaning element B43K8/165Ink cartridges, ink reservoirs B43K8/18Arrangements for feeding the ink to the writing-points B43K8/20with roller writing-points B43K8/22with electrically or magnetically activated writing-points B43K8/24characterised by the means for retracting writing-points B43K11/00Filling devices ink receptacles B43L25/00 B43K11/005for refilling capillary reservoirs B43K13/00Devices for removing nibsDevices for cleaning nibs, e.g. by wiping ink receptacles with pen-wiping means B43L25/12 B43K13/005for extracting nibs B43K13/02for cleaning nibs, e.g. ink reservoirs therein B43K15/00Assembling, finishing, or repairing pens B43K15/02Automatic machines B43K17/00Continuously-adjustable nibs, e.g. for drawing-pensHolders therefor features common to fountain pens B43K5/00 B43K17/005continuously-adjustable nibs B43K17/01Nibs with ink reservoirs B43K17/02Nibs having more than two legs B43K17/04Holders with arrangements for drawing dotted lines B43K19/00Non-propelling pencilsStylesCrayonsChalks batik pencils, cord-line chalkers B44D3/00; writing-core compositions for pencils, crayon compositions, chalk compositions C09D13/00 B43K19/003Chalks B43K19/006with single short leads B43K19/02Pencils with graphiteColoured pencils B43K19/04Pencils with metallic writing-core B43K19/06the writing-core being made from substance wearing off during use B43K19/08the writing-core being made from wear-resistant substances B43K19/10equipped with ball-point using ink B43K1/08, B43K7/00 B43K19/12Slate pencils B43K19/14Sheathings B43K19/145with paper sheaths B43K19/16Making non-propelling pencils making slate-pencil writing-cores B28D B43K19/18Making pencil writing-cores B43K21/00Propelling pencils projecting mechanisms for writing units B43K24/00; multiple-point writing implements B43K27/00 B43K21/003with lead sections or lead cartridges B43K21/006Pencil-barrels B43K21/02Writing-core feeding mechanisms B43K21/027with sliding tubelike writing-core guide B43K21/033with automatic feed by pressure during use of pencil B43K21/04with the writing-cores brought into position by gravity B43K21/045with writing-cores automatically replaced from magazines B43K21/06with the writing-cores fed by means sliding in longitudinally-slotted casings B43K21/08with the writing-cores fed by screws B43K21/085with a threaded propelling shank B43K21/10with separate writing-core remnants ejecting-bar B43K21/12with means preventing overwinding B43K21/14with writing-cores automatically replaced from magazines B43K21/16with stepwise feed of writing-cores B43K21/18having ratchet means B43K21/20with writing-cores automatically replaced from magazines B43K21/22Writing-cores gripping means, e.g. chucks B43K21/24Assembling, finishing, or repairing propelling pencils making pencil writing-cores B43K19/18 B43K21/26Automatic machines B43K23/00Holders or connectors for writing implementsMeans for protecting the writing-points B43K27/003 takes precedence B43K23/001Supporting means bracelets with means for attaching a writing instrument or a memo pad A44C5/0046 B43K23/002with a fixed base B43K23/004Holders specially adapted for assisting handicapped or disabled persons to write B43L15/00 takes precedence B43K23/008Holders comprising finger grips B43K23/004, B43K23/012 take precedence B43K23/012Holders for attachment to finger tips B43K23/004 takes precedence B43K23/016Holders for crayons or chalks B43K23/004 - B43K23/012, B43K23/02 take precedence B43K23/02with means for preventing rolling B43K23/004 - B43K23/012 take precedence B43K23/04enabling the writing implement to be set upright B43K23/06Means for connecting two or more writing implements B43K23/08Protecting means, e.g. caps B43K23/10for pencils B43K23/12for pens caps co-operating with retractable nibs B43K5/165 B43K23/122with means for preventing choking B43K23/124comprising an air passage B43K23/126with clips B43K23/128with spring means B43K24/00Mechanisms for selecting, projecting, retracting or locking writing units B43K24/02for locking a single writing unit in only fully projected or retracted positions B43K24/023with a deformable barrel B43K24/026with a sleeve sliding on the forward end of the lead B43K24/03operated by flicking or tilting B43K24/04operated by means sliding in longitudinally-slotted casings B43K24/06operated by turning means B43K24/08operated by push-buttons B43K24/082placed on the side B43K24/084with saw-like or analogous cams B43K24/086with heart-shaped cams, balls B43K24/088with spreading spring means B43K24/10for selecting, projecting and locking several writing units B43K24/12operating by means sliding in longitudinally-slotted casings B43K24/14operated by turning means B43K24/143with two-way threads B43K24/146with cam control B43K24/16operated by push-buttons B43K24/163with one push-button for each writing unit B43K24/166selection by gravity with a pendulum or the like B43K24/18and for feeding the writing-cores B43K24/183with push-buttons B43K24/186with a revolving barrel B43K25/00Attaching writing implements to wearing apparel or objects involving constructional changes of the implements protecting means, e.g. caps B43K23/08; garment-holding devices A44B99/00; fastening articles to wearing apparel A45F5/02 B43K25/02Clips B43K25/022attached to a pen cap B43K25/024detachably secured to the writing tool B43K25/026combined with other objects B43K25/028combined with means for propelling, projecting or retracting the writing unit B43K27/00Multiple-point writing implements, e.g. multicolourCombinations of writing implements B43K29/00 takes precedence; mechanisms for selecting, projecting, retracting or locking writing units B43K24/00; multiple writing devices with pantographic linkages B43L13/12 B43K27/003only one holder being used either for the pencil or the pen B43K27/006Pen or pencil barrels B43K27/02Combinations of pens and pencils B43K27/04Combinations of pencils writing-core feed mechanisms B43K21/02 B43K27/08Combinations of pens B43K27/12of ball-point pens B43K29/00Combinations of writing implements with other articles B43K29/001with compasses B43K29/002with chance games, e.g. dices, lottery numbers B43K29/003with optical equipment, e.g. magnifier, viewer B43K29/004with more than one object B43K29/005with sound or noise making devices, e.g. radio, alarm B43K29/007with advertising means B43K29/013with stamping means B43K29/02with rubbers B43K29/04with blotters B43K29/05with applicators for eradicating- or correcting-liquid B43K29/06with sharpening devices with erasing knives B43K29/18; pocket knives with pencils B26B B43K29/08with measuring, computing or indicating devices B43K29/087for indicating time, e.g. with calendars or watches B43K29/0875with calendars B43K29/093with calculators B43K29/10with illuminating devices B43K29/12with memorandum appliances with book covers B42D B43K29/16with lighters B43K29/18with hand tools, e.g. erasing knives with pocket knives B26B B43K29/185with cheque protectors B43K29/20with other articles having storage compartments with lighters B43K29/16; writing implements functioning as, or combined with, writing implement receptacles B43K31/00 B43K31/00Writing implement receptacles functioning as, or combined with, writing implements other writing implement receptacles A45C11/34, A45C11/36 B43K31/005Distributors for leads, cartridges and the like