F03CPOSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT ENGINES DRIVEN BY LIQUIDS positive- displacement engines for liquids and elastic fluids F01; positive- displacement machines for liquids F04; fluid-pressure actuators F15B; fluid gearing F16HAttention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01, especially as regards the meanings of "positive displacement", "rotary-piston machines", "oscillating-piston machines", "rotary-piston", "co-operating members", "movement of co-operating members", "teeth or tooth-equivalents", and "internal axis".The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups:
F03C1/253 covered by F03C1/06F03C1/28 covered by F03C1/0406, F03C1/0605F03C1/30 covered by F03C1/0409, F03C1/0631, F03C1/0668F03C1/32 covered by F03C1/0415, F03C1/0626, F03C1/0652F03C1/34 covered by F03C1/0435, F03C1/0615, F03C1/0655F03C1/36 covered by F03C1/0435, F03C1/0615, F03C1/0655F03C1/38 covered by F03C1/0435, F03C1/0615, F03C1/0655F03C1/40 covered by F03C1/0447, F03C1/0678
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F03C1/00 F03C1/00Reciprocating-piston liquid engines F03C1/001the movement in two directions being obtained by two or more double-acting piston liquid motors F03C1/002details; components parts F03C1/003controlling F03C1/004speed-control F03C1/005motor piston stroke control F03C1/007with single cylinder, double-acting piston F03C1/0073one side of the double-acting piston being always under the influence of the liquid under pressure F03C1/0076the liquid under pressure being continuously delivered to one cylinder chamber through a valve in the piston for actuating the return stroke F03C1/013with single cylinder, single-acting piston F03C1/0135with actuation of the return stroke by gravity F03C1/02with multiple-cylinders, characterised by the number or arrangement of cylinders with movable cylinders F03C1/22; of flexible-wall type F03C7/00 F03C1/03with movement in two directions being obtained by two single-acting piston liquid engines, each acting in one direction F03C1/035one single-acting piston being always under the influence of the liquid under pressure F03C1/04with cylinders in star or fan arrangement F03C1/22 takes precedence F03C1/0403Details, component parts specially adapted of such engines F03C1/0406Pistons F03C1/0409Cams F03C1/0412consisting of several cylindrical elements, e.g. rollers F03C1/0415Cylinders F03C1/0419Arrangements for pressing or connecting the pistons against the actuated cam F03C1/0422hydraulically F03C1/0425Disconnecting the pistons from the actuated cam in general F01B31/24 F03C1/0428Supporting and guiding means for the pistons F03C1/0431Draining of the engine housing; arrangements dealing with leakage fluid F03C1/0435Particularities relating to the distribution members F03C1/0472, F03C1/0531, and F03C1/0538 take precedence F03C1/0438to cylindrical distribution members F03C1/0441to conical distribution members F03C1/0444to plate-like distribution members F03C1/0447Controlling F03C1/045by using a valve in a system with several pump or motor chambers, wherein the flow path through the chambers can be changed, e.g. series-parallel F03C1/0454by changing the effective cross sectional piston working surface F03C1/0457by changing the effective piston stroke F03C1/046by changing the excentricity of one element relative to another element F03C1/0463by changing the phase relationship between two actuated cams F03C1/0466by changing the phase relationship between the actuated cam and the distributing means F03C1/047the pistons co-operating with an actuated element at the outer ends of the cylinders F03C1/0472with cam-actuated distribution members F03C1/0474with two or more radial piston/cylinder units in series F03C1/0476directly located side by side F03C1/0478having several cylinder barrels coupled together F03C1/053the pistons co-operating with an actuated element at the inner ends of the cylinders F03C1/0531with cam-actuated distribution members F03C1/0533each piston being provided with channels coacting with the cylinder and being used as a distribution member for another cylinder F03C1/0535with two or more radial piston/cylinder units in series F03C1/0536directly located side by side F03C1/0538the piston-driven cams being provided with inlets or outlets F03C1/06with cylinder axes generally coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main shaft axis F03C1/0602Component parts, details F03C1/0605Adaptations of pistons pump pistons F04B1/124, F04B53/14 F03C1/0607Driven means F03C1/061having stationary cylinders F03C1/0613having two or more sets of cylinders or pistons F03C1/0615distributing members F03C1/0618cylindrical distribution members F03C1/0621conical distribution members F03C1/0623Details, component parts F03C1/0626Cylinders F03C1/0628Casings, housings F03C1/0631Wobbler or actuated element F03C1/0634Actuated element bearing means or driven axis bearing means F03C1/0636having rotary cylinder block F03C1/0639having two or more sets of cylinders or pistons F03C1/0642inclined on main shaft axis F03C1/0644Component parts F03C1/0647Particularities in the contacting area between cylinder barrel and valve plate F03C1/0649Bearing means F03C1/0652Cylinders F03C1/0655Valve means F03C1/0657Cylindrical valve means F03C1/066Conical valve means F03C1/0663Casings, housings F03C1/0665Cylinder barrel bearing means F03C1/0668Swash or actuated plate F03C1/0671Swash or actuated plate bearing means or driven axis bearing means F03C1/0673Connection between rotating cylinder and rotating inclined swash plate F03C1/0676Arrangement for pressing the cylinder barrel against the valve plate F03C1/0678Control F03C1/0681using a valve in a system with several motor chambers, wherein the flow path through the chambers can be changed F03C1/0684using a by-pass valve F03C1/0686by changing the inclination of the swash plate F03C1/0689using wedges F03C1/0692by changing the phase relationship between the actuated element and the distribution means, e.g. turning the valve plate; turning the swash plate F03C1/0694by changing the inclination of the axis of the cylinder barrel in relation to the axis of the actuated element F03C1/0697responsive to the speed F03C1/08Distributing valve-gear peculiar thereto for engines with positive-displacement in general F01L; F03C1/06 takes precedence F03C1/10actuated by piston or piston-rod F03C1/12mechanically F03C1/14by driving liquid of engine F03C1/16Speed controlling, equalising or cushioning F03C1/20specially adapted for engines generating vibration only F03C1/22with movable cylinders or cylinder F03C1/223having cylinders in star or fan arrangement, the connection of the pistons with an actuated element being at the inner ends of the cylinders F03C1/226with cam actuated distribution members F03C1/24in which the liquid exclusively displaces one or more pistons reciprocating in rotary cylinders F03C1/0636 takes precedence F03C1/2407having cylinders in star or fan arrangement, the connection of the pistons with an actuated element being at the outer ends of the cylinders F03C1/2415cylinder block and actuated cam both rotating F03C1/2431 and F03C1/2446 take precedence F03C1/2423with two or more series radial piston-cylinder units F03C1/2431cylinder block and actuated cam both rotating F03C1/2446 takes precedence F03C1/2438directly located side by side F03C1/2446cylinder block and actuated cam both rotating F03C1/2454having cylinders in star or fan arrangement, the connection of the pistons with an actuated element being at the inner ends of the cylinders F03C1/2462the rotary cylinder being provided with only one piston reciprocating within this cylinder F03C1/247with cylinders in star- or fan-arrangement , the connection of the pistons with an actuated element being at the outer ends of the cylinders F03C1/26adapted for special use or combined with apparatus driven thereby aspects predominantly concerning the driven apparatus see the relevant classes for such apparatus F03C2/00Rotary-piston engines in which the liquid exclusively displaces one or more piston reciprocating in rotary cylinders F03C1/24Group F03C2/30 takes precedence over groups F03C2/02 - F03C2/24. F03C2/02of arcuate-engagement type, i.e. with circular translatory movement of co-operating members, each member having the same number of teeth or tooth-equivalents F03C2/08of intermeshing-engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co- operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F03C2/22of internal-axis type with equidirectional movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement, or with one of the co-operating members being stationary, the inner member having more teeth or tooth- equivalents than the outer member F03C2/24of counter-engagement type, i.e. the movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement being in opposite directions F03C2/30having the characteristics covered by two or more of groups F03C2/02, F03C2/08, F03C2/22, F03C2/24 or having the characteristics covered by one of these groups together with some other type of movement between co-operating members F03C2/302having both the movements defined in sub-groups F03C2/02 and relative reciprocation between members F03C2/304having both the movements defined in sub-group F03C2/08 or F03C2/22 and relative reciprocation between members F03C2/306having both the movements defined in sub-groups F03C2/22 and F03C2/24 F03C2/308having the movement defined in F03C2/08 and having a hinged member F03C4/00Oscillating-piston engines F03C7/00Engines of flexible-wall type F03C99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F03C99/005Free-piston type engines