F23CMETHODS OR APPARATUS FOR COMBUSTION USING FLUID FUEL OR SOLID FUEL SUSPENDED IN  A CARRIER GAS OR AIR  burners F23D In this subclass, methods are classified in the groups that cover the apparatus used.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F23C101/00 covered by F23C2206/101
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F23C1/00 F23C1/00Combustion apparatus specially adapted for combustion of two or more kinds of fuel simultaneously or alternately, at least one kind of fuel being either a fluid fuel or a solid fuel suspended in a carrier gas or air combustion apparatus characterized by the combination of two or more combustion chambers F23C6/00; pilot flame igniters F23Q9/00 F23C1/02lump and liquid fuel F23C1/04lump and gaseous fuel F23C1/06lump and pulverulent fuel F23C1/08liquid and gaseous fuel F23C1/10liquid and pulverulent fuel F23C1/12gaseous and pulverulent fuel F23C3/00Combustion apparatus characterised by the shape of the combustion chamber F23C3/002the chamber having an elongated tubular form, e.g. for a radiant tube F23C3/004the chamber being arranged for submerged combustion F23C3/002 takes precedence F23C3/006the chamber being arranged for cyclonic combustion for waste F23G5/32 F23C3/008for pulverulent fuel F23C5/00Disposition of burners with respect to the combustion chamber or to one anotherMounting of burners in combustion apparatus F23C1/00, F23C15/00 take precedence F23C5/02Structural details of mounting F23C5/06Provision for adjustment of burner position during operation F23C5/08Disposition of burners F23C5/10to obtain a flame ring F23C5/12for pulverulent fuel F23C5/14to obtain a single flame of concentrated or substantially planar form, e.g. pencil or sheet flame F23C5/32 takes precedence F23C5/24to obtain a loop flame F23C5/28to obtain flames in opposing directions, e.g. impacting flames F23C5/32to obtain rotating flames, i.e. flames moving helically or spirally F23C6/00Combustion apparatus characterised by the combination of two or more combustion chambers or combustion zones, e.g. for staged combustion F23C6/02in parallel arrangement F23C6/04in series connection consuming smoke or fumes in separate combustion apparatus F23G7/06 F23C6/042with fuel supply in stages for staged combustion F23C6/047 F23C6/045with staged combustion in a single enclosure F23C6/047with fuel supply in stages F23C7/00Combustion apparatus characterised by arrangements for air supply inlets for fluidisation air F23C10/20; baffles or shields with air supply passages F23M9/04 F23C7/002the air being submitted to a rotary or spinning motion cyclonic combustion chamber F23C3/006 F23C7/004using vanes F23C7/006adjustable F23C7/008Flow control devices F23C7/006 takes precedence F23C7/02Disposition of air supply not passing through burner to obtain a cyclonic tapering flame when burning pulverulent fuel F23C5/32 F23C7/04to obtain maximum heat transfer to wall of combustion chamber F23C7/06for heating the incoming air arrangements of regenerators and recuperators F23L15/00 F23C7/08indirectly by a secondary fluid other than the combustion products F23C9/00Combustion apparatus characterised by arrangements for returning combustion products or flue gases to the combustion chamber fluidised bed combustion apparatus with means for recirculation of particles entrained from the bed F23C10/02; fluidised bed combustion apparatus with devices for removal and partial reintroduction of material from the bed F23C10/26 F23C9/003for pulverulent fuel for fluidized bed F23C10/02 F23C9/006the recirculation taking place in the combustion chamber F23C9/06for completing combustion F23C9/08for reducing temperature in combustion chamber, e.g. for protecting walls of combustion chamber F23C10/00Fluidised bed combustion apparatus F23C10/002for pulverulent solid fuel F23C10/005 - F23C10/32 take precedence F23C10/005comprising two or more beds F23C10/007comprising a rotating bed F23C10/01in a fluidised bed of catalytic particles F23C10/02with means specially adapted for achieving or promoting a circulating movement of particles within the bed or for a recirculation of particles entrained from the bed F23C10/04the particles being circulated to a section, e.g. a heat-exchange section or a return duct, at least partially shielded from the combustion zone, before being reintroduced into the combustion zone F23C10/06the circulating movement being promoted by inducing differing degrees of fluidisation in different parts of the bed F23C10/08characterised by the arrangement of separation apparatus, e.g. cyclones, for separating particles from the flue gases F23C10/10the separation apparatus being located outside the combustion chamber F23C10/12the particles being circulated exclusively within the combustion zone F23C10/14the circulating movement being promoted by inducing differing degrees of fluidisation in different parts of the bed F23C10/16specially adapted for operation at superatmospheric pressures, e.g. by the arrangement of the combustion chamber and its auxiliary systems inside a pressure vessel F23C10/18DetailsAccessories F23C10/20Inlets for fluidisation air, e.g. gridsBottoms F23C10/22Fuel feeders specially adapted for fluidised bed combustion apparatus F23C10/26 takes precedence F23C10/24Devices for removal of material from the bed devices for controlling the level of the bed or the amount of material in the bed F23C10/30 F23C10/26combined with devices for partial reintroduction of material into the bed, e.g. after separation of agglomerated parts F23C10/28Control devices specially adapted for fluidised bed, combustion apparatus F23C10/30for controlling the level of the bed or the amount of material in the bed F23C10/32by controlling the rate of recirculation of particles separated from the flue gases F23C13/00Apparatus in which combustion takes place in the presence of catalytic material in a fluidised bed of catalytic particles F23C10/01; radiant gas burners using catalysis for flameless combustion F23D14/18 F23C13/02characterised by arrangements for starting the operation, e.g. for heating the catalytic material to operating temperature F23C13/04characterised by arrangements of two or more catalytic elements in series connection F23C13/06in which non-catalytic combustion takes place in addition to catalytic combustion, e.g. downstream of a catalytic element F23C13/08characterised by the catalytic material F23C15/00Apparatus in which combustion takes place in pulses influenced by acoustic resonance in a gas mass for generating combustion products of high pressure or high velocity F23R7/00; starting devices F23D11/42 F23C99/00Subject-matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F23C99/001Applying electric means or magnetism to combustion for combustion engines F02B51/04, F02M27/04 F23C99/003Combustion process using sound or vibrations for combustion engines F02B51/06, F02M27/08; liquid fuel burners using ultrasonic means for spraying the fuel F23D11/34 F23C99/005Suspension-type burning, i.e. fuel particles carried along with a gas flow while burning fluidized-bed combustion apparatus F23C10/00 F23C99/006Flameless combustion stabilised within a bed of porous heat-resistant material F23C13/00 takes precedence; gas burners with radiant combustion on a porous surface F23D14/16 F23C99/008Combustion methods wherein flame cooling techniques other than fuel or air staging or fume recirculation are used F23C2200/00 F23C2200/00Combustion techniques for fluent fuel F23C2201/00Staged combustion F23C2201/10Furnace staging F23C2201/101in vertical direction, e.g. alternating lean and rich zones F23C2201/102in horizontal direction F23C2201/20Burner staging F23C2201/30Staged fuel supply F23C2201/301with different fuels in stages F23C2201/40Intermediate treatments between stages F23C2201/401Cooling F23C2202/00Fluegas recirculation F23C2202/10Premixing fluegas with fuel and combustion air F23C2202/20Premixing fluegas with fuel F23C2202/30Premixing fluegas with combustion air F23C2202/40Inducing local whirls around flame F23C2202/50Control of recirculation rate F23C2203/00Flame cooling methods otherwise than by staging or recirculation F23C2203/10using heat exchanger F23C2203/20using heat absorbing device in flame F23C2203/10 takes precedence F23C2203/30Injection of tempering fluids F23C2205/00Pulsating combustion F23C2205/10with pulsating fuel supply F23C2205/20with pulsating oxidant supply F23C2206/00Fluidised bed combustion F23C2206/10Circulating fluidised bed F23C2206/101Entrained or fast fluidised bed F23C2206/102Control of recirculation rate F23C2206/103Cooling recirculating particles F23C2700/00Special arrangements for combustion apparatus using fluent fuel F23C2700/02Combustion apparatus using liquid fuel F23C2700/023without pre-vaporising means F23C2700/026with pre-vaporising means F23C2700/04Combustion apparatus using gaseous fuel F23C2700/043for surface combustion F23C2700/046generating heat by heating radiant bodies F23C2700/06Combustion apparatus using pulverized fuel F23C2700/063Arrangements for igniting, flame-guiding, air supply in F23C2700/066Other special arrangements F23C2900/00Special features of, or arrangements for combustion apparatus using fluid fuels or solid fuels suspended in airCombustion processes therefor F23C2900/01001Co-combustion of biomass with coal F23C2900/03001Miniaturized combustion devices using fluid fuels F23C2900/03002Combustion apparatus adapted for incorporating a fuel reforming device F23C2900/03003Annular combustion chambers for gas turbines F23R3/50 F23C2900/03004Tubular combustion chambers with swirling fuel/air flow F23C2900/03005Burners with an internal combustion chamber, e.g. for obtaining an increased heat release, a high speed jet flame or being used for starting the combustion F23C2900/03006Reverse flow combustion chambers F23C2900/03007Sealed combustion chambers with balanced flue F23C2900/03008Spherical or bulb-shaped combustion chambers F23C2900/03009Elongated tube-shaped combustion chambers F23C2900/05081Disposition of burners relative to each other creating specific heat patterns F23C2900/05082Disposition of radial jet burners in relation to an impingement surface, e.g. a heat transfer surface, to obtain flame re-attachment combustion F23C2900/06041Staged supply of oxidant F23C2900/06042Annular arrangement of burners in a furnace, e.g. in a gas turbine, operated in alternate lean-rich mode F23C2900/06043Burner staging, i.e. radially stratified flame core burners F23C2900/07001Air swirling vanes incorporating fuel injectors F23C2900/07002Premix burners with air inlet slots obtained between offset curved wall surfaces, e.g. double cone burners F23C2900/07021Details of lances F23C2900/07022Delaying secondary air introduction into the flame by using a shield or gas curtain F23C2900/09001Cooling flue gas before returning them to flame or combustion chamber F23C2900/09002Specific devices inducing or forcing flue gas recirculation F23C2900/10001Use of special materials for the fluidized bed F23C2900/10002Treatment devices for the fluidizing gas, e.g. cooling, filtering F23C2900/10003Fluidized beds with expanding freeboard, i.e. cross-section increasing upwardly F23C2900/10004Adding inert bed material to maintain proper fluidized bed inventory F23C2900/10005Arrangement comprising two or more beds in separate enclosures F23C2900/10006Pressurized fluidized bed combustors F23C2900/10007Spouted fluidized bed combustors F23C2900/10008Special arrangements of return flow seal valve in fluidized bed combustors F23C2900/13001Details of catalytic combustors F23C2900/13002Catalytic combustion followed by a homogeneous combustion phase or stabilizing a homogeneous combustion phase F23C2900/99001Cold flame combustion or flameless oxidation processes F23C2900/99003Combustion techniques using laser or light beams as ignition, stabilization or combustion enhancing means F23C2900/99004Combustion process using petroleum coke or any other fuel with a very low content in volatile matters F23C2900/99005Combustion techniques using plasma gas F23C2900/99006Arrangements for starting combustion F23C2900/99008Unmixed combustion, i.e. without direct mixing of oxygen gas and fuel, but using the oxygen from a metal oxide, e.g. FeO F23C2900/99009Combustion process using vegetable derived fuels, e.g. from rapes F23C2900/9901Combustion process using hydrogen, hydrogen peroxide water or brown gas as fuel F23C2900/99011Combustion process using synthetic gas as a fuel, i.e. a mixture of CO and H2