BPERFORMING OPERATIONSTRANSPORTINGThe following notes are meant to assist in the use of classes B01 - B09; they must not be read as modifying in any way the elaborations.In this sub-section, the separation of different materials, e.g. of different matter, size, or state, is predominantly found in the following subclasses: B01D
B03B, B03C, B03D
B04B, B04C
B07B, B07C
The classifying characteristics of these subclasses are: the physical state of the matter to be separated the principle of the process used particular kinds of apparatus The first of these characteristics involves six different aspects, assembled in three groups.liquid/liquid or liquid/gas and gas/gas solid/liquid or solid/gas solid/solidTheses subclasses are to be used according to the following general rules: B01D is the most general class as far as separation other than solids from solids is concerned. Apparatus for separating solids from solids are covered by B03B when the process concerned is regarded as the equivalent of "washing" in the sense of the mining art, even if such apparatus is a pneumatic one, especially pneumatic tables or jigs. Screens PER SE are not covered by this subclass but are classified in B07B, even if they are being used in a wet process. All other apparatus for the separation of solids from solids according to dry methods are classified in B07B. If the separation takes place as a result of the detection or measurement of some feature of the material or articles to be sorted it is classified in B07C. It should also be noted that the separation of isotopes of the same chemical element is covered by B01D59/00, whatever process or apparatus is employed.
The following scheme illustrates the classification according to these rules.
Subclasses dealing with
Operations Method Apparatus
General B01D B01D
by centrifugal force, using centrifuges
or free-vortex apparatus B01D B04B, B04C
using magnetic or electrostatic effect B03C B03C
Subclasses dealing with
Operations Method Apparatus
General B01D B01D
by centrifugal force B01D B01D
using centrifuges or free-vortex
apparatus B01D B04B, B04C
using magnetic or electrostatic effect B03C B03C
Dry Methods
Subclasses dealing with
Operations Method Apparatus
General for material in bulk B07B B07B
Individual sorting B07C B07C
Screening, sifting, pneumatic sorting B07B B07B
using pneumatic tables or jigs B03B B03B
by magnetic or electrostatic effect B03C B03C
by centrifugal force B07B B07B
using centrifuges or free-vortex
apparatus B07B B04B, B04C
Wet Methods
Subclasses dealing with
Operations Method Apparatus
General B03B B03B
flotation, differential sedimentation B03D B03D
screening B07B B07B
Combinations = dry methods - wet methods: B03B
B01SEPARATINGMIXING B01PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL PROCESSES OR APPARATUS IN GENERAL B01BBOILINGBOILING APPARATUS ; EVAPORATION; EVAPORATION APPARATUS B01DSEPARATION separating solids from solids by wet methods B03B, B03D; by pneumatic jigs or tables B03B; by other dry methods B07; magnetic or electrostatic separation of solid materials from solid materials or fluids, separation by high-voltage electric fields B03C; centrifuges, vortex apparatus B04; presses per se for squeezing-out liquid from liquid-containing material B30B9/02; treatment of water C02F, e.g. softening by ion-exchange C02F1/42; arrangements of air intake cleaners in gas turbine plants F02C7/05 ; arrangements or mounting of filters in air-conditioning, air-humidification or ventilation F24F13/28 This subclass covers: evaporation, distillation, crystallisation, filtration, dust precipitation, gas cleaning, absorption, adsorption; similar processes which are not concerned with, or limited to, separation, except in the case of absorption or adsorption. In this subclass, the terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated: "filtration" and analogous terms include straining solids from fluids. Filtration is a process that normally uses a filter medium; "filter medium" is a porous material or porous arrangement of material used to filter solids from fluids; "filtering element" is a section of filter medium in addition to parts to which the medium is demountably or permanently fixed, including other sections of medium, end caps, peripheral frames or edge strips, but excluding housings; "filter housing" is the fluid-constraining impervious vessel, whether open or closed, which contains, or is adapted to contain, one or more filtering elements or filter media; "filter chamber" is the space within a housing, where filtering elements or filter media are located. Partitions may divide a single housing into a plurality of chambers; "filtering apparatus" consists of filtering elements combined with housings, cleaning arrangements, motor or the like parts, which are characteristic of the particular type of apparatus. Ancillary devices such as pumps or valves are considered part of a filtering apparatus when inside the apparatus. Ancillary devices performing similar or different unit operation such as comminutors, mixers or non-filtering separators, whether or not inside the apparatus, are not considered part of a filtering apparatus. The term does not extend to apparatus, e.g. washing machines, of which the filter forms only a part. For apparatus used in drying or evaporation, class F26 takes precedence over this subclass. Group B01D59/00 takes precedence over the other groups of this subclass and over other subclasses in class B01. In this subclass, combination sets [C-Sets] are used. The detailed information about the C-Sets construction and the associated syntax rules are found in the definitions of B01D.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B01D15/04 covered by B01J39/00 - B01J49/90 B01D17/022 covered by B01D17/0202 B01D17/025 covered by B01D17/0208B01D17/028 covered by B01D17/0211 B01D17/032 covered by B01D17/0214B01D17/035 covered by B01D17/0205B01D17/038 covered by B01D17/0217B01D17/05 covered by B01D17/047 B01D17/09 covered by B01D17/005 B01D25/133 covered by B01D25/285 B01D25/168 covered by B01D25/285 B01D29/37 covered by B01D29/336, B01D29/356 B01D35/01 covered by B01D36/001 B01D61/26 covered by A61M1/1656 B01D61/34 covered by A61M1/16
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B01FMIXING, e.g. DISSOLVING, EMULSIFYING OR DISPERSING mixing paints B44D3/06This subclass covers:agitation or homogenisation of products formed by a combination of two or more components with the purpose of obtaining a homogeneous composition or homogeneous conditions in the mass of material;stirring of a single material with the purpose of obtaining homogeneous conditions in the mass of material;mixing, agitation and homogenisation of materials, irrespective of the application in which it is produced, whenever the device or the method are directed to achieve the desired effect.In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "mixing" also covers stirring of a single material. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B01JCHEMICAL OR PHYSICAL PROCESSES, e.g. CATALYSIS OR COLLOID CHEMISTRYTHEIR RELEVANT APPARATUS In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated : "solid particles" includes such particles whether catalysts, reactants or inert in solid,semi-solid or pasty state;"fluidised particles" means finely divided solid particles lifted and agitated by a stream of fluid;"fluidised bed-technique" means fluid-solid contacting technique in which finely divided particles are lifted and agitated by a rising stream of fluid, said stream having such a speed as to form a lower dense phase (the "bed") and an upper dilute fluidised phase of "fluidised particles";"processes conducted in the presence of solid particles" does not include processes wherein the only solid particles present are formed during the reaction.In this subclass, tradenames that are often found in scientific and patent literature have been used in order to define precisely the scope of the groupsThe following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B01J37/025 covered by B01J37/02B01J32/00 covered by B01J21/00 - B01J29/90, B01J33/00 - B01J38/74
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B01LCHEMICAL OR PHYSICAL LABORATORY APPARATUS FOR GENERAL USEThis subclass covers only laboratory apparatus which is either applicable solely to laboratory purposes or which, by reason of its simple construction and adaptability, is such as would not be suitable for industrial use.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: - B01L3/14 covered by B01L3/50
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B02CRUSHING, PULVERISING, OR DISINTEGRATINGPREPARATORY TREATMENT OF GRAIN FOR MILLING B02BPREPARING GRAIN FOR MILLINGREFINING GRANULAR FRUIT TO COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS BY WORKING THE SURFACE making dough from cereals directly A21C; preservation or sterilisation of cereals A23B; cleaning fruit A23N; preparation of malt C12CIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B02CCRUSHING, PULVERISING, OR DISINTEGRATING IN GENERALMILLING GRAIN household tools and machines for pulverising foodstuffs, e.g. coffee and spice mills A47J42/00; pharmaceutical mortars A61J3/02; mechanical processing of refuse and garbage B03B9/06; dressing mould materials by grinding B22C5/04; obtaining metallic powder by crushing, grinding or milling B22F9/04; recovery of plastics by disintegrating B29B17/00; crushing raw materials in starch making C08B30/02; beaters for papermaking D21D1/02; crushing devices specially for transport in mines E21F13/002; slag crushing devices F23J1/00; fuel milling devices in combustion apparatus F23K1/00; household devices for crushing coal F24B15/02; ice disintegrating devices F25C5/02In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B03SEPARATION OF SOLID MATERIALS USING LIQUIDS OR USING PNEUMATIC TABLES OR JIGSMAGNETIC OR ELECTROSTATIC SEPARATION OF SOLID MATERIALS FROM SOLID MATERIALS OR FLUIDSSEPARATION BY HIGH-VOLTAGE ELECTRIC FIELDS B03BSEPARATING SOLID MATERIALS USING LIQUIDS OR USING PNEUMATIC TABLES OR JIGS B03CMAGNETIC OR ELECTROSTATIC SEPARATION OF SOLID MATERIALS FROM SOLID MATERIALS OR FLUIDSSEPARATION BY HIGH-VOLTAGE ELECTRIC FIELDS separating isotopes B01D59/00; combinations of magnetic or electrostatic separation with separation of solids by other means B03B, B07BIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B03DFLOTATIONDIFFERENTIAL SEDIMENTATION sedimentation in general B01D21/00; in combination with other separation of solids B03B; sink-float separation B03B5/28; detergents, soaps C11DIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B04CENTRIFUGAL APPARATUS OR MACHINES FOR CARRYING-OUT PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL PROCESSES B04BCENTRIFUGES high-speed drum mills B02C19/11; domestic spin driers D06F; analysing, measuring or monitoring physical or chemical properties of samples during centrifuging, see the relevant subclasses for these procedures, e.g. G01NThis subclass covers machines or apparatus for separating, mixing, drying, extracting, purifying, or like treating in which centrifugal effects are generated by rotary bowls or other rotors. Where such machines or apparatus involve pumping effects, such effects must be incidental or subsidiary to the treating. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B04CAPPARATUS USING FREE VORTEX FLOW, e.g. CYCLONES centrifugal separation of water from steam B01D45/12; jet mills B02C19/06; wind sifters B07B7/00; cyclonic type combustion apparatus F23; vortex burners for cyclone-type combustion apparatus F23D1/02; cyclonic type combustion apparatus for gas turbines F23R3/00This subclass covers apparatus for separating, mixing or like treating in which centrifugal effects are generated by free vortex flow, otherwise than by rotary bowls, rotors or curved passages.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B05SPRAYING OR ATOMISING IN GENERALAPPLYING FLUENT MATERIALS TO SURFACES, IN GENERALIn this class, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "other fluent materials" includes semiliquids, pastes, melts, solutions, dispersions, suspensions, particulate materials, gases or vapours; "particulate materials" includes powders, granules, short fibres or chips; "coating" means the materials applied. The coating may be a liquid having become solid after drying, e.g. paint. B05BSPRAYING APPARATUSATOMISING APPARATUSNOZZLES spray-mixers with nozzles B01F25/72; processes for applying liquids or other fluent materials to surfaces by spraying B05DThis subclass covers particularly apparatus for the release or projection of drops or droplets into the atmosphere or into a chamber to form a mist or the like. For this purpose, the materials to be projected may be suspended in a stream of gas or vapour.Attention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B05.In this subclass, "means for controlling volume of flow" is used in the most general meaning and includes also means allowing only starting and stopping the flowIn this subclass, the meaning of the expression "apparatus carried on or by a person" includes all apparatus comprising at least one container for the material to be sprayed carried on or by a person during useIn this subclass, the word "container" is to be understood as the innermost enclosure containing the material to be sprayedIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B05CAPPARATUS FOR APPLYING FLUENT MATERIALS TO SURFACES, IN GENERAL spraying apparatus, atomising apparatus, nozzles B05B; plant for applying liquids or other fluent materials to objects by electrostatic spraying B05B5/08This subclass covers apparatus or hand tools, in general, for applying liquids or other fluent materials to a surface or a part thereof, by any mechanical or physical method, in particular apparatus for obtaining a uniform distribution of liquids or other fluent materials on a surface.Attention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B05.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B05C5/04 covered by B05C5/001, B05C11/1042
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B05DPROCESSES FOR APPLYING FLUENT MATERIALS TO SURFACES, IN GENERAL conveying articles or workpieces through baths of liquid B65G, e.g. B65G49/02 This subclass covers: processes for applying liquids or other fluent materials to a surface or part of a surface, in general, by any mechanical or physical method and particularly processes producing a uniform distribution of liquids or other fluent materials on a surface; pretreatment of surfaces to which liquids or other fluent materials are to be applied; after-treatment of applied coatings. Attention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B05. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B06GENERATING OR TRANSMITTING MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS IN GENERAL B06BMETHODS OR APPARATUS FOR GENERATING OR TRANSMITTING MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS OF INFRASONIC, SONIC, OR ULTRASONIC FREQUENCY, e.g. FOR PERFORMING MECHANICAL WORK IN GENERAL for particular applications, see the relevant subclasses, e.g. B07B1/40, B23Q17/12, B24B31/06; measurement of mechanical vibrations G01H; in direction finding, locating, distance or velocity measuring G01S; generating seismic energy G01V1/02; control of mechanical vibrations in general G05D; sound-producing devices, e.g. bells, sirens, whistles G10K, e.g. methods or devices for transmitting, conducting, or directing sound in general G10K11/00; generation of electrical oscillations H03B; electromechanical resonators in general H03H; electromechanical transducers for communication techniques, e.g. microphones, speakers H04RIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B07SEPARATING SOLIDS FROM SOLIDSSORTING B07BSEPARATING SOLIDS FROM SOLIDS BY SIEVING, SCREENING, SIFTING OR BY USING GAS CURRENTSSEPARATING BY OTHER DRY METHODS APPLICABLE TO BULK MATERIAL, e.g. LOOSE ARTICLES FIT TO BE HANDLED LIKE BULK MATERIAL wet separating processes, sorting by processes using fluent material in the same way as liquid B03; combinations of dry separating apparatus with wet separating apparatus B03B; using liquids B03B, B03D; sorting by magnetic or electrostatic separation of solid materials from solid materials or fluids, separation by high voltage electric fields B03C; centrifuges or vortex apparatus for carrying out physical processes B04; hand sorting, postal sorting, sorting by switching or other devices actuated in response to detection or measurement of some feature of articles or samples of material B07CIn this subclass any sorting or grading of bulk material or loose articles fit to be handled like bulk material results automatically from the construction of the apparatus and properties of the material, e.g. by a trap opening under an object of a certain minimum weight, by an aperture of graduated size. Sorting of articles is included in so far as the same conditions apply, e.g. sorting of timber by passing it over successively longer openings; the articles may or may not be orientated for the purpose of sorting.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B07B1/32 covered by B07B1/30
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B07CPOSTAL SORTINGSORTING INDIVIDUAL ARTICLES, OR BULK MATERIAL FIT TO BE SORTED PIECE-MEAL, e.g. BY PICKING specially adapted for a specific purpose covered by another class, see the relevant place, e.g. A43D33/06, B23Q7/12This subclass covers sorting of materials or articles by hand or by devices actuated, manually or automatically, as a result of inspection or of detection or measurement of some feature of the material or articles In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B08CLEANING B08BCLEANING IN GENERALPREVENTION OF FOULING IN GENERAL brushes A46; devices for domestic or like cleaning A47L; cleaning golf-clubs or golf accessories A63B57/60; cleaning grips of bats on rackets A63B60/36 ; separation of particles from liquids or gases B01D; separation of solids B03, B07; spraying or applying liquids or other fluent materials to surfaces in general B05; cleaning devices for conveyors B65G45/10; concurrent cleaning, filling and closing of bottles B67C7/00; inhibiting corrosion or incrustation in general C23; cleaning streets, permanent ways, beaches or land E01H; parts, details or accessories of swimming or splash baths or pools, specially adapted for cleaning E04H4/16; preventing or removing electrostatic charges H05F This subclass covers only inventions relating to cleaning which are usually classified according to one (or more) of the aspects mentioned below if they are not fully classifiable in a subclass a subclass providing for any of the following aspects: the articles cleaned, e.g. bed-pans, urinal or other sanitary devices for bed-ridden persons A61G9/02, filters, semi-permeable membres B01D, castings and moulds B22D29/00, vehicles B60S, coke ovens C10B43/00, building forms E04G, boilers F22, combustion apparatus F23, furnaces F27;the general nature of the cleaning, e.g. preparing for sugar manufacture A23N, domestic cleaning A47L, treatment of textiles D06, laundry D06F, air-conditioning F24F; the particular operation performed, e.g. filtering B01D, separating of solids B03, B07, sand-blasting B24C;the particular apparatus or device, e.g. brushes A46B, mops A47L, centrifuges B04, hand tools B25 devices for cleaning paint-applying hand tools after use B44D3/006 ; the substance cleaned, e.g. metals B21C, C23, water C02, glass C03B, leather C14B, textile fibres D01; the substance removed (or prevented from depositing or forming) e.g. removing paint B44D3/00, e.g. implements or apparatus for removing dry paint from surfaces B44D3/16; chemical paint-removers C09D9/00; preventing rust C23F; the substance used, e.g. macromolecular compounds or compositions C08, anti-icing materials C09K, detergents C11D;the operation in connection with which cleaning is done, e.g. metal rolling B21B, metal boring B23B, soldering B23K, textile fabrication D01G, D01H, D03J, D04B; the surroundings of a surface to be cleaned or kept clean, e.g. water in a boiler C02F, air in a room F24F. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B09DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTERECLAMATION OF CONTAMINATED SOIL B09BDISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTEThis subclass covers only single or combined, e.g. multistage, operations not fully classifiable in a single other subclassIn this subclass the following terms or expressions are added with the meanings indicated : "disposal" means the discarding, e.g. dumping, or destroying of waste or its transformation into something useful or harmless; "solid waste" includes waste which, although it has liquid content, is for practical purposes handled as solidAttention is drawn to the following places: A23J1/16 Obtaining proteins from waste water of starch manufacturing plants of like wastes A23K10/26, A23K10/37Animal feeding-stuffs from waste products of animal origin or of plant originA23K10/38 Animal feeding-stuffs from distillers' or brewers' waste A23K10/28 Animal feeding-stuffs from waste dairy productsA23K10/20 Animal feeding-stuffs from kitchen waste A43B1/12 Footwear made of rubber waste A61L11/00 Disinfection or sterilisation methods specially adapted for refuse A62D3/00 Chemical means for combatting harmful chemical agents; processes for making harmful chemical agents harmless B01D53/34 Chemical purification of smoke or fumes, e.g. flue gas B02C18/0084 Disintegrating by knives or other cutting or tearing members, which chop material into fragments, specially adapted for disintegrating garbage, waste or sewage B03B7/00 Combinations of wet processes or apparatus with other processes or apparatus, e.g. for dressing ores or garbage B03B9/06 General arrangement of separating plant, e.g. flow sheets, specially adapted for refuse B05B12/16, B05B14/00 Control of spray area of spraying plant, e.g. masking, side shields; Means for collection or re-use of excess material B08B15/00 Prevent escape of dirt or fumes from the area where they are produced; Collecting or removing dirt or fumes from that area B22F8/00Manufacture of articles from scrap or waste metal particlesB23D25/14 Machines or arrangements for shearing stock while the latter is travelling otherwise than in the direction of the cut without regard to the exact dimensions of the resulting material, e.g. for cutting up scrap B24B55/12Devices for recovering materials from grinding or polishingB27B33/20 Edge trimming saw blades or tools combined with means to disintegrate waste B29B17/00 Recovery of plastics or other constituents of waste material containing plastics B30B9/32 Presses for consolidating scrap metal or for compacting used cars B62D67/00Systematic disassembly of vehicles for recovery of salvageable components, e.g. for recyclingB63B17/06 Refuse discharge from vessels, e.g. for ashB63J4/006Arrangements of installation for treating waste water or sewage on vesselsB63J4/00Arrangements of installations for treating waste water or sewage on vesselsB65F1/00 Refuse receptacles B65F3/00 Vehicles particularly adapted for collecting refuse B65F5/00 Gathering or removal of refuse otherwise than by receptacles or vehicles B65F7/00 Cleaning or disinfecting devices combined with refuse receptacles or refuse vehicles C03C1/00 Ingredients generally applicable to manufacture of glasses, glazes or vitreous enamels C04B7/24 Hydraulic cements from oil shales, residues or waste other than slag C04B11/26 Calcium sulfate cements from phosphogypsum or from waste, e.g. purification products of smoke C04B18/04 Waste materials or refuse used as fillers for mortars, concrete, artificial stone or the like C04B22/0006 Waste inorganic materials used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete, artificial stone or the likeC04B24/001 Waste organic materials used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete, artificial stone or the like C04B33/132Waste materials or refuse used as compounding for clay-waresC05F9/00 Fertilisers made from household or town refuse C08B16/00Regeneration of celluloseC08J11/00 Recovery of waste materials of macromolecular substances C08L17/00 Compositions of reclaimed rubber C09K11/01Recovery of luminescent materialsC10B53/00 Destructive distillation, specially adapted for particular solid raw materials or solid raw materials in special form C10B57/00 Other processes not covered before; Features of destructive distillation processes in general C10G1/10 Production of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures from rubber or rubber waste C10L5/46 Solid fuels essentially based on sewage, house or town refuse C10L5/48 Solid fuels essentially based on industrial residues and waste materials C10M175/02 Working-up used lubricants based on mineral oils C11B13/00 Recovery of fats, fatty oils, or fatty acids from waste materials C11D19/00 Recovery of glycerol from a saponification liquor C12F3/00 Recovery of by-products C12F3/08 Recovery of alcohol from press residues or other waste material C12P7/08 Biochemical production of ethanol from waste C22B7/00 Working-up raw materials other than ores, e.g. scrap, to produce non-ferrous metals or compounds thereof C22B19/28 Obtaining zinc or zinc oxide from muffle furnace residues C22B19/30 Obtaining zinc or zinc oxide from metallic residues or scrap C22B25/06 Obtaining tin from scrap C25D13/24Regeneration of process liquids used in electrophoretic coatingsC25D21/16Regeneration of process solutions used in electrolytic coatingD01B Mechanical treatment of natural fibrous or filamentary material to obtain fibres or filaments, e.g. for spinning D01C5/00 Carbonising rags to recover animal fibres D01F13/00 Recovery of starting material, waste material or solvents during the manufacture of artificial filaments or the like D01G11/00 Disintegrating fibre-containing articles to obtain fibres for re-use D01H11/00 Arrangements for confining or removing dust, fly, or the like D06L1/10 Regeneration of used chemical baths used for dry-cleaning or washing fibres, fabrics or the like D21B1/08 Dry treatment of waste paper or rags for making paper or for the production of cellulose D21B1/32 Defibrating waste paper D21C5/02 Processes for obtaining cellulose by working-up waste paper D21C11/14 Regeneration of pulp liquors by wet combustion D21F1/66 Re-use of pulp-water in wet end machines for making continuous webs of paper D21H17/01 Waste products added to the pulp or used in paper-impregnating material E03F Sewers, Cesspools E04F17/10 Arrangements in building for the disposal of refuse F23B5/00 Combustion apparatus arrangements for burning uncombusted material from primary combustion F23G Consuming waste products by combustion F23J Removal or treatment of combustion products or combustion residues G03C11/24 Removing emulsion from waste photographic material G03G21/10Collecting or recycling waste developer used in electrography, electrophotography, magnetographyG21F9/28Treating radioactively contaminated solidsH01B15/00 Apparatus or processes for salvaging material from electric cables H01J9/52Recovery of material from discharge tubes or lampsH01M6/52 Reclaiming serviceable parts of waste cells or batteries H01M10/54 Reclaiming serviceable parts of waste accumulators
In this subclass, it is desirable to add the indexing codes of group B09B2101/00.
B09CRECLAMATION OF CONTAMINATED SOIL gatherers for removing stone or the like from the soil A01B43/00; sterilising soil by steam A01G11/00; removing undesirable matter, e.g. rubbish, from the land E01H15/00 In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "reclamation" means the partial or total elimination or the fixing of contaminants in soil. The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups:B09C1/04 covered by B09C1/02
B21SHAPING B21MECHANICAL METAL-WORKING WITHOUT ESSENTIALLY REMOVING MATERIALPUNCHING METALThis class covers: working of metallic materials;working of non-metallic materials, provided that the methods applied are similar to those used in metal-working and not provided for elsewhere. This class does not cover:combinations of operations covered by different subclasses of class B21, which are covered by subclass B23P; combinations of operations covered by any particular subclass of class B21 with operations covered by other classes, e.g. with operations involving removal of material, which are also covered by subclass B23P, except that if the operations covered by the other classes are subsidiary to the operations properly covered by a single subclass of B21 the combination is classified in that subclass. B21BROLLING OF METAL auxiliary operations used in connection with metal-working operations covered in B21, see B21C; bending by rolling B21D; manufacture of particular objects, e.g. screws, wheels, rings, barrels, balls, by rolling B21H; pressure welding by means of a rolling mill B23K20/04In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated:"rolling" means rolling operations in which plastic deformations occur;"continuous process" means a process employing a mill train designed to have the workpiece enter one pair of rolls before leaving the preceding pair.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B21CMANUFACTURE OF METAL SHEETS, WIRE, RODS, TUBES OR PROFILES, OTHERWISE THAN BY ROLLINGAUXILIARY OPERATIONS USED IN CONNECTION WITH METAL-WORKING WITHOUT ESSENTIALLY REMOVING MATERIALIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B21DWORKING OR PROCESSING OF SHEET METAL OR METAL TUBES, RODS OR PROFILES WITHOUT ESSENTIALLY REMOVING MATERIALPUNCHING METAL working or processing of wire B21F This subclass covers cutting or perforating of sheet metal or other stock material This subclass does not cover the working of metal foils in a manner analogous to the working of paper, which is covered by classes B26, B31In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B21FWORKING OR PROCESSING OF METAL WIRE reducing diameter by rolling of metal B21B; by drawing, auxiliary operations used in connection with metal-working without essentially removing material B21C; bundling articles B65B13/00In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B21GMAKING NEEDLES, PINS OR NAILS OF METALIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B21HMAKING PARTICULAR METAL OBJECTS BY ROLLING, e.g. SCREWS, WHEELS, RINGS, BARRELS, BALLS essentially from sheet metal B21DThis subclass covers rolling operations which are specially adapted for use in the manufacture of particular objects and which are not essentially combined with any different metal-working operation unless the latter is a subsidiary operation performed in the same machine.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B21JFORGINGHAMMERINGPRESSING METALRIVETINGFORGE FURNACES rolling of metal B21B; making particular products by forging or pressing B21K; cladding or plating B23K; finishing surfaces by hammering B23P9/04; compacting surfaces by blasting with particulate material B24C1/10; general features of presses, presses for consolidating scrap B30B; furnaces in general F27In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B21KMAKING FORGED OR PRESSED METAL PRODUCTS, e.g. HORSE-SHOES, RIVETS, BOLTS OR WHEELS making particular articles by working sheet metal without essentially removing material B21D; processing wire B21F; making pins, needles or nails B21G; making particular articles by rolling B21H; forging machines, pressing machines, hammering machines, in general B21J; making chains B21L; plating B23KThis subclass includes only forging, pressing, or hammering operations which are specially adapted for use in the manufacture of particular objects and which, sor far as the invention is concerned, are not combined with any different metal-working operation unless the latter is a subsidiary operation performed in the same machine. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B21LMAKING METAL CHAINS making chains or chain links by casting B22D25/02; chains in general F16GIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B22CASTINGPOWDER METALLURGY B22CFOUNDRY MOULDING moulding refractory materials in general B28BThis subclass covers: the making of moulds for casting metals or of other refractory moulds;selection or preparation of materials therefor;the necessary patterns, processes, machines, accessory devices or tools.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B22C3/02 covered by B22C3/00B22C5/13 covered by B22C5/12B22C7/05 covered by B22C7/04B22C9/11 covered by B22C9/10B22C9/14 covered by B22C9/12B22C9/16 covered by B22C9/12B22C15/264 - B22C15/276 covered by B22C15/23B22C19/01 covered by B22C19/00
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B22DCASTING OF METALSCASTING OF OTHER SUBSTANCES BY THE SAME PROCESSES OR DEVICES shaping of plastics or substances in a plastic state B29C; metallurgical processing, selection of substances to be added to metal C21, C22In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B22FWORKING METALLIC POWDERMANUFACTURE OF ARTICLES FROM METALLIC POWDERMAKING METALLIC POWDER making alloys by powder metallurgy C22CAPPARATUS OR DEVICES SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR METALLIC POWDERThis subclass covers the making of metallic powder only insofar as powder with specific physical characteristics is made.In this subclass, the term "powder" includes somewhat larger particles which are worked, obtained or behave in a manner similar to powder, e.g. fibres.In this subclass, the expression "metallic powder" covers: powders consisting of metal particles;powders consisting of coated metal particles; powders consisting of metal-coated non-metallic particles;mixtures of powders of the kinds mentioned above;powders of the kinds mentioned above as the main component mixed with or containing non-metallic material, e.g. lubricating or binding agents or organic material.In this subclass, combination sets (C-Sets) are used. Detailed information about C-Sets construction and the associated syntax rules is found in the definitions for B22F.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B22F3/035 covered by B22F3/03
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B23MACHINE TOOLSMETAL-WORKING NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORThis class covers: working of metallic materials;working of non-metallic materials, provided that the methods applied are similar to those used in metal-working and not provided for elsewhere;features, specific to machine tools, which relate to a requirement or problem of a nature which is not peculiar to a particular kind of machine tool, e.g. feeding work, which are covered by subclass B23Q, although the realisation of these features may differ according to the kind of machine tool concerned. The said subclass covers such features, in general, even if the feature or a specific function, in any particular case, is to some extent peculiar to, or is claimed only for, machine tools designed for one particular operation; only in exceptional cases are such features classified in the subclass for the machine tool concerned. Certain features of this general nature are, however, referred to subclasses relating to particular metal-working operations, especially B23B, in which case the subclasses in question are not restricted, in respect of those features, to the kind of machine tool with which they are primarily concerned.In this class, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated:"kind of operations" and similar expressions relate to such metal-working operations as boring, drilling, milling and grinding;"kind of machine" means a machine designed for a particular kind of metal-working operation (e.g. a lathe);"form of machine" means a machine of a particular kind adapted or arranged for a particular way of working or for particular work, e.g. face-plate lathe, tailstock lathe, turret lathe;"different machines" covers different forms of machines for performing the same type of metal-working operation, e.g. vertical and horizontal boring machines.If details, components, or accessories have no essential feature specific to machine tools, the more general class, e.g. F16, takes precedence. B23BTURNINGBORING arrangements for copying or controlling B23Q
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B23B3/18 covered by B23B3/16B23B3/20 covered by B23B3/16B23B3/28 covered by B23B3/00B23B5/22 covered by B23B31/00B23B5/24 covered by B23Q27/00; B23B35/00B23B5/30 covered by B23Q35/00B23B5/34 covered by B23B31/00; B23B33/00B23B5/42 covered by B23Q35/00B23B5/44 covered by B23Q27/00B23B7/08 covered by B23B7/04B23B7/14 covered by B23B7/12B23B7/16 covered by B23B7/12B23B9/04 covered by B23B9/02B23B9/06 covered by B23B9/02B23B9/10 covered by B23B9/08B23B9/12 covered by B23B9/08B23B15/00 covered by B23Q7/00B23B17/00 covered by B23Q1/01; B23Q1/03; B23Q1/25B23B19/00 covered by B23Q1/70B23B19/02 covered by B23Q1/70B23B21/00 covered by B23Q1/00B23B29/30 covered by B23B29/28B23B31/163 covered by B23B31/16004B23B31/165 covered by B23B31/16045B23B31/167 covered by B23B31/16045B23B31/169 covered by B23B31/16083B23B31/171 covered by B23B31/1612B23B31/173 covered by B23B31/16158B23B31/175 covered by B23B31/16195B23B31/177 covered by B23B31/16233B23B41/08 covered by F16L41/04B23B45/14 covered by B25H1/0021B23B45/16 covered by B25D16/00B23B47/02 covered by B23Q5/00B23B47/04 covered by B23Q5/00B23B47/06 covered by B23Q5/00B23B47/08 covered by B23Q5/00B23B47/10 covered by B23Q5/00B23B47/12 covered by B23Q5/00B23B47/14 covered by B23Q5/00B23B47/16 covered by B23Q5/00B23B47/18 covered by B23Q5/00B23B47/20 covered by B23Q5/00B23B47/22 covered by B23Q5/00B23B47/24 covered by B23Q16/00
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B23CMILLING broaching B23D; broach-milling in making gears B23F; arrangement for copying or controlling B23QIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B23DPLANINGSLOTTINGSHEARINGBROACHINGSAWINGFILINGSCRAPINGLIKE OPERATIONS FOR WORKING METAL BY REMOVING MATERIAL, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR making toothed gears or the like B23F; cutting metal by applying heat locally B23K; arrangements for copying or controlling B23QIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B23FMAKING GEARS OR TOOTHED RACKS by stamping B21D; by rolling B21H; by forging or pressing B21K; by casting B22; arrangements for copying or controlling B23Q; machines or devices for grinding or polishing, in general B24BThis subclass covers: the use of methods or apparatus specially designed to produce accurately the shapes of gear teeth which are essential for proper intermeshing of toothed gearing elements to ensure the required relative motions;the use of similar methods or apparatus in the production of other articles of toothed or like form, e.g. dog clutches, splined shafts, milling cutters.This subclass does not cover the production of such other articles of toothed or like form using methods or apparatus other than those mentioned under Note (1) above.In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated:"gear teeth" covers the teeth or lobes of other accurately-intermeshing members having relative movement of a similar kind, such as rotors of rotary pumps and blowers;"profile" may include the outline of both faces or only one face of a tooth, or the opposing faces of adjacent teeth;"straight" means that a tooth as a whole (ignoring any curvature of the tooth-face alone, e.g. crowning) is straight in the direction of its length, for example as seen in the direction of a radius of a spur wheel. It accordingly includes the teeth of helical gears and of the normal type of bevel gear;"broach-milling" means milling with a rotary cutter having a number of teeth of progressively increasing depth or width.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B23GTHREAD CUTTINGWORKING OF SCREWS, BOLT HEADS, OR NUTS, IN CONJUNCTION THEREWITH making helical grooves by turning B23B5/48, by milling B23C3/32, by forging, pressing, or hammering B21K1/56, by grinding B24B19/02; arrangements for copying or controlling B23Q; thread-forming by corrugating tubes B21D15/04, by rolling B21H3/02The term "thread cutting" is to be understood as including the use of tools similar both in form and in manner of use to thread-cutting tools, but without removing any materialIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B23HWORKING OF METAL BY THE ACTION OF A HIGH CONCENTRATION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT ON A WORKPIECE USING AN ELECTRODE WHICH TAKES THE PLACE OF A TOOLSUCH WORKING COMBINED WITH OTHER FORMS OF WORKING OF METAL processes for the electrolytic or electrophoretic production of coatings, electroforming, or apparatus therefor C25D; processes for the electrolytic removal of material from objects C25F; manufacturing printed circuits using precipitation techniques to apply the conductive material to form the desired conductive pattern H05K3/18This subclass covers the working of metal described as "electroerosion"In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B23KSOLDERING OR UNSOLDERINGWELDINGCLADDING OR PLATING BY SOLDERING OR WELDINGCUTTING BY APPLYING HEAT LOCALLY, e.g. FLAME CUTTINGWORKING BY LASER BEAM making metal-coated products by extruding metal B21C23/22; building up linings or coverings by casting B22D19/08; casting by dipping B22D23/04; manufacture of composite layers by sintering metal powder B22F7/00; arrangements on machine tools for copying or controlling B23Q; covering metals or covering materials with metals, not otherwise provided for C23C; burners F23D This subclass covers also electric circuits specially adapted for the purposes covered by the title of the subclass. In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "soldering" means uniting metals using solder and applying heat without melting either of the parts to be unitedThe following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B23K35/04 - B23K35/20 covered by B23K35/0205 - B23K35/0294B23K35/363 covered by B23K35/3601 - B23K35/3618
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B23PMETAL-WORKING NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORCOMBINED OPERATIONSUNIVERSAL MACHINE TOOLS arrangements for copying or controlling B23QThis subclass covers: combinations of work-modifying operations covered by different subclasses of classes B21 - B24; combinations of metal-working operations with non-mechanical treatments of metal not provided for elsewhere, for example in C21D, C22C, C22F or C23.This subclass does not cover non-mechanical operations on non-metallic materials unless such operations are specially mentioned in this subclass;subsidiary operations performed in conjunction with main operations covered by a single subclass, e.g. assembling of parts as an essential feature of a following metal-working operation, since they are not regarded as operations per se.Attention is drawn to the Notes following the title of class B23.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B23QDETAILS, COMPONENTS, OR ACCESSORIES FOR MACHINE TOOLS, e.g. ARRANGEMENTS FOR COPYING OR CONTROLLING tools of the kind used in lathes or boring machines B23B27/00MACHINE TOOLS IN GENERAL CHARACTERISED BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF PARTICULAR DETAILS OR COMPONENTSCOMBINATIONS OR ASSOCIATIONS OF METAL-WORKING MACHINES, NOT DIRECTED TO A PARTICULAR RESULTIn this subclass, groups designating parts of machine tools cover machine tools characterised by constructional features of such parts.In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "controlling" means influencing a variable in any way, e.g. changing its direction or its value (including changing it to or from zero), maintaining it constant, limiting its range of variation; "regulation" means maintaining a variable automatically at a desired value or within a desired range of values. The desired value or range may be fixed, or manually varied, or may vary with time according to a predetermined "programme" or according to variation of another variable. Regulation is a form of control; "automatic control" is often used in the art as a synonym for regulation."Machine tool" means a mechanical working machine that removes material from a workpiece with a mechanical cutting edge to perform a shaping operation, essentially through drilling, milling, turning or cutting, e.g. sawing. The workpiece is generally made of metal, wood or plastic and is not a human body, food or clothes.Attention is drawn to the Notes following the title of class B23.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B24GRINDINGPOLISHING In this class, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "grinding" is used in the most general sense to mean machining and covers, in particular, "corrective" operations. B24BMACHINES, DEVICES, OR PROCESSES FOR GRINDING OR POLISHING grinding of gear teeth B23F, of screw-threads B23G1/36; by electro-erosion B23H; abrasive or related blasting B24C; tools for grinding, buffing or sharpening B24D; polishing compositions C09G1/00; abrasives C09K3/14; electrolytic etching or polishing C25F3/00; grinding arrangements for use on assembled railway tracks E01B31/17DRESSING OR CONDITIONING OF ABRADING SURFACESFEEDING OF GRINDING, POLISHING, OR LAPPING AGENTSIn this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "polishing" means the smoothing of a surface, i.e. a surface improvement but no improvement of the dimensional accuracy as would occur in a "grinding" operation.Attention is drawn to Notes (1) and (2) following the title of subclass B23F.In groups B24B1/00 - B24B27/00, in connection with glass the terms "grinding " and "polishing" are treated as being equivalent.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B24CABRASIVE OR RELATED BLASTING WITH PARTICULATE MATERIAL This subclass covers: the use of a blast of any particles or pellets dispersed in air, gas, or liquid for the treatment of surfaces or cutting of materials, the particles usually being of abrasive material; the equivalent use of a jet of particles or pellets projected or energised by means other than a stream of air the equivalent use of material without particles or pellets for deburring, removal of extended surface areas or jet milling of local recessions, e.g. groovesIn this subclass, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "abrasive" covers any material used in the manner mentioned in Note (1) above; "blast" covers any equivalent jet of material mentioned in Note (1) above In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B24DTOOLS FOR GRINDING, BUFFING OR SHARPENING abrading-bodies specially designed for tumbling apparatus, e.g. abrading-balls B24B31/14; honing tools B24B33/08; lapping tools B24B37/11This subclass covers grinding tools for working on any materialTools for grinding, buffing or sharpening, specially designed for a particular purpose, which purpose is provided for in a single other place, are classified in that place, e.g. B23F21/02 B25HAND TOOLSPORTABLE POWER-DRIVEN TOOLSMANIPULATORSThe work "portable" is to be understood as including suspension for easy manual handling, e.g. in connection with springsuspended portable apparatus for use along assembly lines B25BTOOLS OR BENCH DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR, FOR FASTENING, CONNECTING, DISENGAGING OR HOLDINGThis subclass is to be understood as covering those hand tools for fastening, connecting, disengaging, or holding which are not provided for in another subclass such as B25C (nailing or stapling tools) or in an application class such as B65B (packaging) or B21F (working of wire)The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B25B23/143 covered by B25B23/1422B25B23/144 covered by B25B23/1425B25B23/151 covered by B25B23/14, B25B23/147B25B23/153 covered by B25B23/1415B25B23/155 covered by B25B23/141B25B23/157 covered by B25B23/14B25B23/159 covered by B25B23/14B25B27/067 covered by B25B27/06B25B27/073 covered by B25B27/062
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B25CHAND-HELD NAILING OR STAPLING TOOLSMANUALLY OPERATED PORTABLE STAPLING TOOLS for shoemaking A43DFor the purposes of this subclass, the term "nail" is to be understood as including pin, bolt, and plugIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B25DPERCUSSIVE TOOLS percussive machines for forging B21J; hand-held drilling machines, in general B23B45/00, for wood B27C3/08; drilling machines, used for mining or quarrying, with reciprocating tool which is turned intermittently when out of contact with the working face E21B1/00The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B25D13/00 covered by B25D11/064B25D15/00 covered by B25D11/066B25D15/02 covered by B25D11/068B25D17/10 covered by B25D17/00 B25D17/14 covered by B23Q11/0042B25D17/16 covered by B23Q11/0042B25D17/18 covered by B23Q11/0042
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B25FCOMBINATION OR MULTI-PURPOSE TOOLS NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORDETAILS OR COMPONENTS OF PORTABLE POWER-DRIVEN TOOLS NOT PARTICULARLY RELATED TO THE OPERATIONS PERFORMED AND NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR machines or arrangements of machines for performing specified combinations of different metal-working operations not covered by a single other subclass B23P23/00 and subgroupsThis subclass does not cover tools having a clear primary function as well as one or more secondary functions. Those tools are covered by the relevant subclass for tools having such primary function and are, thus, not classified in group B25F1/00 or B25F3/00 of this subclass. B25GHANDLES FOR HAND IMPLEMENTS attaching the blades or the like to handles of hand tools for soil working A01B1/22; handles of hand implements for harvesting A01D1/14; handles integral with brushware A46BThis subclass covers: handles for hand implements, in general;handles for hand implements for particular purposes, subject to Note (2) below.This subclass does not cover handles provided for elsewhere, e.g. it does not cover those provided for in A45B9/02, A45C13/22, A45C13/26, A47B95/02, A47J45/00, B23D51/01, B25J13/02, B26B, B60N3/02, B62B5/06, B62B9/20, B62K21/26, B62M3/14, B65D25/28, E05B, G05G.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B25HWORKSHOP EQUIPMENT, e.g. FOR MARKING-OUT WORKSTORAGE MEANS FOR WORKSHOPS storing or packaging B65In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B25JMANIPULATORSCHAMBERS PROVIDED WITH MANIPULATION DEVICES manipulators specially adapted for use in surgery A61B34/70; manipulators used in cleaning hollow articles B08B9/04 ; manipulators associated with rolling mills B21B39/20; manipulators associated with forging machines B21J13/10; manipulators associated with picking-up and placing mechanisms B23P19/007 ; means for holding wheels or parts thereof B60B30/00; vehicles with ground-engaging propulsion means, e.g. walking members B62D57/02, B62D57/032; devices for picking-up and depositing articles or materials between conveyors B65G47/90, B65G47/91; manipulators with gripping or holding means for transferring packages B65H67/065; cranes B66C; manipulators used in the protection or supervision of pipe-line installations F17D5/00; walking equipment adapted for nuclear steam-generators F22B37/006; manipulators specially adapted for, or associated with, nuclear reactors G21C; apparatus used for handling wafers during manufacture or treatment of semiconductor H01L21/68 In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated : "manipulator" covers handling tools, devices, or machines having a gripping or work head capable of bodily movement in space and of change of orientation, such bodily movement and change of orientation being controlled, at will, by means remote from the head. The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B25J9/18 covered by B25J9/16B25J9/22 covered by B25J9/1656, G05B19/42
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B26HAND CUTTING TOOLSCUTTINGSEVERING B26BHAND-HELD CUTTING TOOLS NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR for harvesting A01D; for horticulture, for forestry A01G; for butchering or meat treatment A22; for manufactering or repairing footwear A43D; nail clippers or cutters A45D29/02; kitchen equipment A47J; vegetable slicers, julienne cutters and similar devices and holders therefor, B26D3/28; for surgical purposes A61B; for metal B23D; cutting by abrasive fluid jets B24C5/02; plier-like tools with cutting edges B25B7/22; pincers B25C11/02; handles for hand implements, in general B25G; guillotine-type cutters B26D; perforating by non-mechanical means, e.g. by fluid jet, B26F1/26; for erasing B43L19/00; for textile materials D06HIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B26DCUTTINGDETAILS COMMON TO MACHINES FOR PERFORATING, PUNCHING, CUTTING-OUT, STAMPING-OUT OR SEVERING soil-working A01B; for growing crops or plants A01D, A01G; for fodder or straw A01F; for bulk butter A01J; for dough A21C; slaughtering A22B; for tobacco, cigars or cigarettes A24; marking-out, perforating or making buttonholes A41H25/00; manufacturing footwear A43D; brushmaking A46D; surgery A61B; disintegrating, mincing or shredding in general B02C; cutting wire, making pins or nails B21F, B21G; of the kind used formetal B23; cutting by abrasive fluid jets B24C5/02; hand-held cutting tools B26B; perforating, cutting-out, stamping-out or punching, or severing by means other than cutting B26F; for wood B27; for stone B28D; working of plastics or substances in a plastic state B29; making boxes, cartons, envelopes or bags, of paper or similarly worked materials, e.g. metal foil, B31B; article or web delivery apparatus incorporating cutting or line-perforating devices B65H35/00; for leather or upholstery B68; C14B; for glass C03B; making matches C06F; for peat C10F; for sugar C13B45/00; for textile materials D06H; civil engineering, building, mining, see Section E; for light guides G02B6/25; cutting processed photographic material G03D15/04This subclass covers: cutting non-metallic sheet material and metal foil in general;cutting other forms of non-metallic material not otherwise provided for;features specific to machines for cutting, perforating, punching, cutting-out, stamping-out and severing by means other than cutting, which relate to a requirement or problem of a nature which is not peculiar to a machine for these purposes, that is, details of or arrangements for operating or controlling such machines, although the realisation of such features may differ according to the kind of machine concerned. This subclass covers such features in general even if the feature in any particular case is to some extent peculiar to, or is claimed only for, a machine designed for perforating, punching, cutting-out, stamping-out, or for severing other than by cutting.If the details or arrangements have no essential features specific to cutting, perforating, punching, cutting-out, stamping-out or severing machines, the more general classes, e.g. F16, take precedence.In this subclass, in groups B26D5/00 and B26D7/00, the following term is used with the meaning indicated:"cutting" includes cutting-out, stamping-out, punching, perforating, and severing by means other than cutting.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B26FPERFORATINGPUNCHINGCUTTING-OUTSTAMPING-OUTSEVERING BY MEANS OTHER THAN CUTTING marking-out, perforating or making buttonholes A41H25/00; shoemaking A43D; surgery A61B; punching metal B21D; drilling metal B23B; cutting of metal by applying heat locally, e.g. flame cutting, B23K; cutting by abrasive fluid jets B24C5/02; details common to machines for severing B26D; drilling wood B27C; drilling stone B28D; working of plastics or substances in a plastic state B29; making boxes, cartons, envelopes or bags, of paper or similarly worked materials, e.g. metal foil, B31B; of glass C03B; of leather C14B; of textile materials D06H; for light guides G02B6/25; of tickets G07BThis subclass covers: perforating, punching, cutting-out, stamping-out;severing, by means other than cutting, non-metallic sheet materials or metal foil in general;severing, by means other than cutting, other forms of non-metallic material not otherwise provided for.Attention is drawn to Notes (1) and (2) following the title of subclass B26D.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B27WORKING OR PRESERVING WOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIALNAILING OR STAPLING MACHINES IN GENERAL B27BSAWS FOR WOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIALCOMPONENTS OR ACCESSORIES THEREFOR saws specially adapted for pruning or debranching A01G3/08; sawing apparatus specially adapted for felling trees A01G23/091; features not restricted to a particular type of wood saw B23D, e.g. attaching saw blades B23D51/00; machine tool frames, beds, pillars or like members, in general B23Q1/01The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B27B33/18 covered by B27B5/12
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B27CPLANING, DRILLING, MILLING, TURNING OR UNIVERSAL MACHINES FOR WOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIAL machine tools in general B23; working wood using abrasive, e.g. sanding, devices B24; tools for these purposes B27GIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B27DWORKING VENEER OR PLYWOOD applying liquids or other fluent materials to surface in general B05; grinding, sanding, or polishing of wood B24; applying adhesives or glue to surfaces of wood B27G11/00; manufacture of veneer B27L5/00In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B27FDOVETAILED WORKTENONSSLOTTING MACHINES FOR WOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIALNAILING OR STAPLING MACHINES hand-held nailing or stapling tools B25C; manufacture of cases, trunks or boxes from wood B27M3/34; connections for building structures in general, e.g. dowels for use in building constructions E04B1/38; jointing elements in general, e.g. dowels in general, F16B ; manufacture of long strips or planks by bonding together pieces of wood, e.g. by glueing, B27M3/0013This subclass covers also the assembling of the elements to be jointed, e.g. using adhesives, but the application of adhesives or glue to surfaces of wood to be jointed per se is dealt with in group B27G11/00manufacture of specific semi-finished or finished articles B27M3/00In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B27GACCESSORY MACHINES OR APPARATUS FOR WORKING WOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIALSTOOLS FOR WORKING WOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIALS tools for grinding B24D; sawing tools B27B33/00; tools for slotting or mortising machines B27F5/02; tools for the manufacture of wood shavings, chips, powder or the like B27L11/00SAFETY DEVICES FOR WOOD WORKING MACHINES OR TOOLSThe following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B27G17/08 covered by B25D3/00
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B27HBENDING WOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIALCOOPERAGEMAKING WHEELS FROM WOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIALIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B27JMECHANICAL WORKING OF CANE, CORK, OR SIMILAR MATERIALSIn this subclass, the working of cane embraces the working of other materials, e.g. of strips of wood or plastics, in the same mannerIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B27KPROCESSES, APPARATUS OR SELECTION OF SUBSTANCES FOR IMPREGNATING, STAINING, DYEING, BLEACHING OF WOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIALS, OR TREATING OF WOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIALS WITH PERMEANT LIQUIDS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR applying liquids or other fluent materials to surfaces in general B05; coating wood or similar material B44DCHEMICAL OR PHYSICAL TREATMENT OF CORK, CANE, REED, STRAW OR SIMILAR MATERIALSIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B27LREMOVING BARK OR VESTIGES OF BRANCHES forestry A01GSPLITTING WOODMANUFACTURE OF VENEER, WOODEN STICKS, WOOD SHAVINGS, WOOD FIBRES OR WOOD POWDERIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B27MWORKING OF WOOD NOT PROVIDED FOR IN SUBCLASSES B27B - B27LMANUFACTURE OF SPECIFIC WOODEN ARTICLESIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B27NMANUFACTURE BY DRY PROCESSES OF ARTICLES, WITH OR WITHOUT ORGANIC BINDING AGENTS, MADE FROM PARTICLES OR FIBRES CONSISTING OF WOOD OR OTHER LIGNOCELLULOSIC OR LIKE ORGANIC MATERIAL containing cementitious material B28B; shaping of substances in a plastic state B29C; fibreboards made from fibrous suspensions D21J; drying F26B17/00This subclass does not cover treatment of compositions which are in a plastic state, or worked by the same type of process or apparatus as plastics, which is covered by subclass B29B or B29C.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B28WORKING CEMENT, CLAY, OR STONE B28BSHAPING CLAY OR OTHER CERAMIC COMPOSITIONSSHAPING SLAGSHAPING MIXTURES CONTAINING CEMENTITIOUS MATERIAL, e.g. PLASTER foundry moulding B22C; working stone or stone-like material B28D; shaping of substances in a plastic state, in general B29C; making layered products not composed wholly of these substances B32B; shaping in situ, see the relevant classes of section E In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "the material" means:clay or other ceramic compositions;slag;mixtures with water-setting properties given by clay, cementitious material, or slag.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B28B23/08 covered by B28B21/60, B28B23/06
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B28CPREPARING CLAYPRODUCING MIXTURES CONTAINING CLAY OR CEMENTITIOUS MATERIAL, e.g. PLASTER preparing material for foundry moulds B22C5/00 In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "cement" or "mixtures of cement with other substance" includes plaster;"clay" includes like ceramic compositions.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B28DWORKING STONE OR STONE-LIKE MATERIALSIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B29WORKING OF PLASTICSWORKING OF SUBSTANCES IN A PLASTIC STATE IN GENERALThis class does not cover the working of plastics sheet material in a manner analogous to the working of paper, which is covered by class B31.In this class, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "plastics" means macromolecular compounds or compositions based on such compounds.In this class , the following rules apply: The working of plastics is, as far as possible, classified primarily according to the particular shaping technique used, e.g. in subclass B29C. Classification according to production of particular articles in subclass B29D is restricted to:aspects which are characteristic for the production of a particular article, and not classifiable in subclass B29B or B29C; combined operations for making the particular article which are not fully classifiable in subclass B29C. Products per se are not classified in this class. However, if a product is characterised by the way it is produced and not by its structure or composition, the production method should be classified in this class. B29BPREPARATION OR PRETREATMENT OF THE MATERIAL TO BE SHAPEDMAKING GRANULES OR PREFORMSRECOVERY OF PLASTICS OR OTHER CONSTITUENTS OF WASTE MATERIAL CONTAINING PLASTICSIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B29CSHAPING OR JOINING OF PLASTICSSHAPING OF MATERIAL IN A PLASTIC STATE, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORAFTER-TREATMENT OF THE SHAPED PRODUCTS, e.g. REPAIRING making preforms B29B11/00; making laminated products by combining previously unconnected layers which become one product whose layers will remain together B32B37/00 - B32B41/00This subclass covers:shaping or joining of plastics;shaping of material in a plastic state when a specific material is not identified;shaping of material in a plastic state, not otherwise provided for.This subclass does not cover:working of plastics sheet material in a manner analogous to the working of paper, which is covered by class B31;shaping of materials provided for elsewhere, e.g. of metal, clay or foodstuffs.Attention is drawn to Note (3) following the title of class B29.In this subclass:repairing of articles made from plastics or materials in a plastic state, e.g. of articles shaped or produced by using techniques covered by this subclass or subclass B29D, is classified in group B29C73/00;component parts, details, accessories or auxiliary operations which are applicable to more than one moulding technique are classified in groups B29C31/00 - B29C37/00;component parts, details, accessories or auxiliary operations which are only applicable or only of use for one specific shaping technique are classified only in the relevant subgroups of groups B29C39/00-B29C71/00.In this subclass, it is desirable to add the indexing codes of subclasses B29K and B29L.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B29DPRODUCING PARTICULAR ARTICLES FROM PLASTICS OR FROM SUBSTANCES IN A PLASTIC STATE making granules B29B9/00; making preforms B29B11/00In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B29KINDEXING SCHEME ASSOCIATED WITH SUBCLASSES B29B, B29C OR B29D, RELATING TO MOULDING MATERIALS OR TO MATERIALS FOR MOULDS, REINFORCEMENTS, FILLERS OR PREFORMED PARTS, e.g. INSERTSThis subclass constitutes an indexing scheme associated with subclasses B29B, B29C or B29D. In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "rubber" covers: natural or conjugated diene rubbers; rubber in general (for a specific rubber, other than a natural rubber or a conjugated diene rubber, see the group provided for such macromolecular compounds) Documents relating to compositions or properties of the materials to be shaped, said compositions having a particular influence on the shaping technique, should be classified in the shaping technique, e.g. B29C39/003, B29C41/003, B29C43/003, B29C45/0001, B29C48/022, B29C49/0005, B29C51/002, B29C53/005, B29C55/005, B29C61/003 and B29C63/0017. Copolymers are indexed with the same indexing code as the majority polymers Copolymers are indexed with the same indexing code as the majority polymers Compositions for moulding materials, condition, form or state of moulded material: B29K2001/00 - B29K2105/00 Compositions for reinforcements: B29K2201/00 - B29K2313/00Compositions for fillers: B29K2401/00 - B29K2511/00Compositions for preformed parts: B29K2601/00 - B29K2713/00 Compositions for moulds: B29K2801/00 - B29K2913/00 Properties of moulding materials, reinforcements, fillers, preformed parts or moulds: B29K2995/00The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups:B29K105/22 covered by B29K2705/00B29K105/28 covered by B29K2995/0025B29K105/30 covered by B29K2995/003B29K105/32 covered by B29K2995/0026B29K105/34 covered by B29K2995/002, B29K2995/0007, and B29K2995/0015
B29LINDEXING SCHEME ASSOCIATED WITH SUBCLASS B29C, RELATING TO PARTICULAR ARTICLESThis subclass constitutes an indexing scheme for non-obligatory use only. The indexing scheme may be used to identify information which supplements subject matter already classified in subclass B29C. The indexing codes of this subclass, of which only the pertinent ones should be selected, are added in conformity with paragraph 82 of the Guide so as to provide information concerning the articles produced
This subclass constitutes an indexing scheme associated with subclass B29Cand group B29B17/00. Parts of specified articles are indexed with the same index codes as the articles
B30PRESSES B30BPRESSES IN GENERAL producing ultra-high pressure or ultra-high pressure and high temperature to effect modifications of a substance, e.g. for making artificial diamonds B01J3/00 compressing means for refuse receptacles B65F1/1405This subclass provides for presses in general and also for those presses, for particular purposes, which are not provided for elsewhere.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B31MAKING ARTICLES OF PAPER, CARDBOARD OR MATERIAL WORKED IN A MANNER ANALOGOUS TO PAPERWORKING PAPER, CARDBOARD OR MATERIAL WORKED IN A MANNER ANALOGOUS TO PAPERThis class covers subject matter restricted to adaptations or associations of handling sheets, webs, or blanks peculiar to paper-working, e.g. bag or box making, machinery.This class does not cover:making articles directly from paper pulp, which is covered by D21J;handling sheets, webs or blanks of wider applicability, irrespective of whether described or claimed only for paper-working machinery, which is regarded as being of a more comprehensive nature and is covered by B65H.Sheet materials made from plastics, laminated materials and metal foils are examples of materials that can be worked in a manner analogous to paper. B31BMAKING CONTAINERS OF PAPER, CARDBOARD OR MATERIAL WORKED IN A MANNER ANALOGOUS TO PAPER making wound articles, e.g. wound tubes, B31C; combined making and filling B65BIn this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated: "rigid or semi-rigid containers" includes:containers not deformed by, or not taking-up the shape of, their contents;containers adapted to be temporarily deformed to expel their contents;pallets;trays;"flexible containers" includes:containers deformed by, or taking-up the shape of, their contents;containers adapted to be permanently deformed to expel their contents. B31CMAKING WOUND ARTICLES, e.g. WOUND TUBES, OF PAPER, CARDBOARD OR MATERIAL WORKED IN A MANNER ANALOGOUS TO PAPERThe term "winding" in this subclass means forming two or more complete convolutions. B31DMAKING ARTICLES OF PAPER, CARDBOARD OR MATERIAL WORKED IN A MANNER ANALOGOUS TO PAPER, NOT PROVIDED FOR IN SUBCLASSES B31B OR B31C manufacture by dry processes of articles made from particles or fibres consisting of wood or other lignocellulosic or like organic material B27N; making layered products not composed wholly of paper or cardboard B32B; making articles from cellulosic fibrous suspensions, e.g. wood pulp, D21J B31FMECHANICAL WORKING OR DEFORMATION OF PAPER, CARDBOARD OR MATERIAL WORKED IN A MANNER ANALOGOUS TO PAPER making layered products not composed wholly of paper or cardboard B32B B32LAYERED PRODUCTS B32BLAYERED PRODUCTS, i.e. PRODUCTS BUILT-UP OF STRATA OF FLAT OR NON-FLAT, e.g. CELLULAR OR HONEYCOMB, FORM This subclass covers: layered products comprising different kinds of material or layered products not characterised by the particular kind of material used; a product similar to a layered product but comprising only material in the form of a sheet or network embedded in a mass of plastics or of physically-similar substances which mass penetrates the said sheet or network and lies on both sides of the latter (e.g. so that the sheet or network reinforces the plastics substance) PROVIDED THAT the embedded sheet or network extends coherently or connectedly over substantially the whole area of the product; thus the embedded sheet or network may be a fabric or a series of rods connected by cross wires. The manner of making such a product is, however, classified in this subclass only if it is essentially a process of building-up an assembly of layers of which at least one outer layer is preformed. If the embedded material comprises only a series of unconnected rods, the product is not classified in this subclass. This subclass does not cover: processes or apparatus used in, or in connection with, the production or treatment of any product, if the process or apparatus is fully classifiable in a single other class or subclass for processes or apparatus, e.g. B05, B29, B44D, C08J, C09J, C23; compositions or preparation or treatment thereof, unless they are essentially restricted to layered products and cannot be fully classified in another class without ignoring this restriction; etched metallic pattern on the surface of a printed circuit board. In this subclass: a film formed on a layer by spreading a substance thereon is not considered to constitute a layer itself if it serves only as an adhesive or its purpose is merely to finish a surface of a productwith exclusion to B32B15/01 - B32B15/018, a coating formed directly onto a substrate layer is not considered to constitute a layer when at the moment of its contact with the substrate it does not have the form of a layer with the exception of layers that come under the meaning of Note (4).groups designating products cover also methods or apparatus specially adapted for producing such products. In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "layer" is a sheet or strip or anything else having a small thickness relatively to its other dimensions which, together with at least one other layer, exists in a product, whether it pre-existed, e.g. as a separate sheet or strip, or was formed during the production of the layered product, e.g. formed in-situ as with casting, extrusion or moulding. It may be deformed out of the flat plane to form a three-dimensional shape. It may or may not be homogeneous or cohesive; it may be an assembly of fibres or pieces of material. It may be discontinuous, e.g. in the form of a grating, honeycomb, or frame. It may or may not be in complete contact with the next layer, e.g. a corrugated layer against a flat layer;"layered product" comprises at least two layers secured together. The term "secured" includes any method of uniting layers, e.g. needling, stitching, gluing, nailing, dovetailing or the interposition of an adhesive or adhesive impregnated support. It may also be an intermediate stage in the production of an article which is not layered in its final form, e.g. a panel with a protective layer that is stripped off when the panel is placed in its position of use. The layers are preformed layers or layers formed IN SITU on a preformed layer and may consist of coherent solid materials, including honeycombs and other cellular materials or of non-coherent solid materials composed of assemblies of strands, strips, fibres, tiles or the like; "filamentary layer" means a layer of threads or filaments of any substance (e.g. wires) of more or less unlimited length placed in an orderly arrangement and secured together; it may be woven, knitted, braided, or netted, or formed of threads crossed or laid side by side and bonded together;"fibrous layer" means a random assembly of fibres or filaments, usually of limited length, e.g. felt, fleece; the fibres being interengaged or connected, e.g. by adhesive. If a layered product is characterised by the way it is produced and not by its structure or composition, the production method should be classified in groups B32B37/00 or B32B38/00, or in subclass B29C, for example in groups B29C45/16 or B29C48/18. In this subclass, The classification of layered products is provided for in many classes, most of which are confined to a particular kind of material. However, in order that this subclass may provide a basis for making a complete search with respect to layered products, all relevant subject matter is classified in this subclass even though it may also be classified in other classes. In groups B32B37/00, B32B38/00, B32B41/00 and B32B39/00, the following expressions are used with the meaning indicated:"lay-up" is considered to be the action of combining separate layers, one on top of the other, in order to form a half-product for entering the laminating process"laminating" means the action of combining previously unconnected but possibly laid up layers to become one product whose layers will remain together;"partial laminating" occurs when one layer does not fully cover a surface of another layer, whereby the layer with the greater surface area is laminated on only part of its surface or when two coextensive layers are bonded on only part of their facing surfaces;"adhesive" means a substance applied in any state or in any manner, which has bonding properties.In this subclass, combination sets [C-Sets] are used. The detailed information about the C-Sets construction and the associated syntax rules are found in the definitions of B32B.
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B32B3/24 covered by B32B3/266B32B17/12 covered by B32B17/067
B33ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY B33YADDITIVE MANUFACTURING, i.e. MANUFACTURING OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL [3-D] OBJECTS BY ADDITIVE DEPOSITION, ADDITIVE AGGLOMERATION OR ADDITIVE LAYERING, e.g. BY 3-D PRINTING, STEREOLITHOGRAPHY OR SELECTIVE LASER SINTERINGThis subclass covers additive manufacturing, irrespective of the process or material used.This subclass is intended to enable a comprehensive search of subject matter related to additive manufacturing by combination of classification symbols of this subclass with classification symbols from other subclasses. Therefore this subclass covers aspects of additive manufacturing (e.g. 3D printing) that might also be entirely or partially covered elsewhere in CPC.This subclass is for obligatory supplementary classification of subject matter already classified as such in other classification places, when the subject matter contains an aspect of additive manufacturing.The classification symbols of this subclass are not listed first when assigned to patent documents.
B41PRINTING B41PRINTINGLINING MACHINESTYPEWRITERSSTAMPS B41BMACHINES OR ACCESSORIES FOR MAKING, SETTING, OR DISTRIBUTING TYPETYPEPHOTOGRAPHIC OR PHOTOELECTRIC COMPOSING DEVICES photographic devices in general G03In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B41CPROCESSES FOR THE MANUFACTURE OR REPRODUCTION OF PRINTING SURFACES photomechanical processes for producing printing surfaces G03F; photoelectrical processes for producing printing surfaces G03GIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B41DAPPARATUS FOR THE MECHANICAL REPRODUCTION OF PRINTING SURFACES FOR STEREOTYPE PRINTINGSHAPING ELASTIC OR DEFORMABLE MATERIAL TO FORM PRINTING SURFACES engraving by spark erosion B23H; marking or engraving metal by the action of a high concentration of electric current B23H9/06; type, machines or accessories for making, setting, or distributing type B41B; processes for the manufacture or reproduction of printing surfaces B41C; machines or apparatus for engraving in general, or for embossing B44B3/00, B44B5/00; chemical etching of metal C23F1/00; electrolytic etching C25F3/00; photomechanical reprodcution G03FIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B41FPRINTING MACHINES OR PRESSES manifolding devices or office printing machines B41L Attention is drawn to Notes 1 and 2 following the title of subclass B41L. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B41GAPPARATUS FOR BRONZE PRINTING, LINE PRINTING, OR FOR BORDERING OR EDGING SHEETS OR LIKE ARTICLESAUXILIARY FOR PERFORATING IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRINTING perforating in general B26D; production of decorations B44C; perforating in conjunction with sheet or web delivery B65H35/00; folding or unfolding thin material, e.g. sheets, webs, B65H45/00, B65H47/00In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B41JTYPEWRITERSSELECTIVE PRINTING MECHANISMS, i.e. MECHANISMS PRINTING OTHERWISE THAN FROM A FORMECORRECTION OF TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORSThis subclass covers: manually controlled power-operated apparatus or apparatus of this type with additional control by input of recorded information, e.g. on punched cards or tapes; the "print-out" features of apparatus controlled by record carriers or electric signals in so far as these are of general interest, e.g. impression, inking, line-spacing mechanisms, printing heads.This subclass does not cover: electrical features of apparatus controlled by record carriers or electric signals and of interest apart from the "print-out" features of said apparatus; apparatus controlled by record carriers or electric signals, as a whole.In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "paper" covers also similar flexible copy material;"printing material" covers both paper and temporary record carriers from which records are transferred to a paper, but does not cover printing masters, e.g. formes.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B41KSTAMPSSTAMPING OR NUMBERING APPARATUS OR DEVICES marking meat A22C17/10; embossing combined with printing B41F19/00; selective printing mechanisms B41J; embossing decorations or marks B44B5/00; marking or coding completed packages B65B61/26; ticket printing and issuing, fare registering, nonprinting aspects of franking apparatus G07BIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B41LAPPARATUS OR DEVICES FOR MANIFOLDING, DUPLICATING OR PRINTING FOR OFFICE OR OTHER COMMERCIAL PURPOSESADDRESSING MACHINES OR LIKE SERIES-PRINTING MACHINES printing presses or machines for industrial purposes B41F; stamps, stamping or numbering devices B41KThis subclass does not cover constituent parts common to manifolding by means of pressure-sensitive layers or intermediaries, to apparatus or machines for duplicating or printing for office or other commercial purposes, or to addressing machines or like series-printing machines, which are covered by subclass B41F.In this subclass, as indicated by the references, groups B41L15/00 and B41L17/00 are intended to cover letterpress and lithographic printing apparatus only in so far as it is specially adapted for office or other commercial purposes; the general constructions or features of apparatus of these types are classified in subclass B41F. Constructions or features determining classification in these groups are, for example: ease of operation by clerical staff, cleanliness of operation in non-industrial environments, the use of printing surfaces constructed for the production of a limited number of copies.In this subclass, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "manifolding" means the obtaining of several copies simultaneously by means of pressure-sensitive layers when making an original; "duplicating" means the obtaining of successive copies from a master, e.g. a hectographic image; "stencilling" involves the use of a printing surface which is perforated to form the image, the ink flowing through the perforations on the copy material.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B41MPRINTING, DUPLICATING, MARKING, OR COPYING PROCESSESCOLOUR PRINTING, correction of typographical errors B41J; processes for applying transfer pictures or the like B44C1/16; fluid media for correction of typographical errors by coating C09D10/00; printing textiles D06PIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B41NPRINTING PLATES OR FOILS photosensitive material G03MATERIALS FOR SURFACES USED IN PRINTING MACHINES FOR PRINTING, INKING, DAMPING, OR THE LIKEPREPARING SUCH SURFACES FOR USE AND CONSERVING THEMIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B41PINDEXING SCHEME RELATING TO PRINTING, LINING MACHINES, TYPEWRITERS, AND TO STAMPSThis subclass constitutes an internal scheme for indexing only. B42BOOKBINDINGALBUMSFILESSPECIAL PRINTED MATTER B42BPERMANENTLY ATTACHING TOGETHER SHEETS, QUIRES OR SIGNATURES OR PERMANENTLY ATTACHING OBJECTS THERETO nailing or stapling in general B25C, B27F; machines for both collating or gathering and permanently attaching together sheets or signatures B42C1/12; temporarily attaching sheets together B42FIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B42CBOOKBINDING cutting or perforating machines, devices or tools B26; folding sheets or webs B31F; ornamenting books B44In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B42DBOOKSBOOK COVERSLOOSE LEAVESPRINTED MATTER CHARACTERISED BY IDENTIFICATION OR SECURITY FEATURES; PRINTED MATTER OF SPECIAL FORMAT OR STYLE NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORDEVICES FOR USE THEREWITH AND NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORMOVABLE-STRIP WRITING OR READING APPARATUSIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B42FSHEETS TEMPORARILY ATTACHED TOGETHERFILING APPLIANCESFILE CARDSINDEXING reading desks A47B19/00; book rests A47B23/00The words "filing appliance" in this subclass mean holders for collections of papers, sheets, cards, or units thereof, each paper, sheet, card, or unit being individually insertable and extractable. These words may thus include a calendar, an instruction manual, or a letter file In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B42PINDEXING SCHEME RELATING TO BOOKS, FILING APPLIANCES OR THE LIKEThis subclass constitutes an internal scheme for indexing only. B43WRITING OR DRAWING IMPLEMENTSBUREAU ACCESSORIES B43KIMPLEMENTS FOR WRITING OR DRAWING containers, casings or accessories for cosmetic substances, e.g. shaving soap, lipstick, make-up A45D34/00, A45D40/00In this subclass, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated:"writing implements" covers pens, pencils, crayons, chalks or like markers for writing or drawing In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B43LARTICLES FOR WRITING OR DRAWING UPON; WRITING OR DRAWING AIDS; ACCESSORIES FOR WRITING OR DRAWING workshop equipment for marking-out work B25H7/00; teaching hand-writing or drawing G09B11/00Devices used for both teaching and facilitating writing or drawing are classified in G09B11/00) B43MBUREAU ACCESSORIES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR stapling devices B25C5/00; devices for temporarily attaching sheets together B42FIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B44DECORATIVE ARTSAny machine, apparatus, tool or process is classified in this class insofar as it produces an effect or mark meant to be judged by the eye and insofar as such machine, apparatus, tool or process is not provided for elsewhere B44BMACHINES, APPARATUS OR TOOLS FOR ARTISTIC WORK, e.g. FOR SCULPTURING, GUILLOCHING, CARVING, BRANDING, INLAYING processes for producing decorative effects B44C; embossing leather C14BIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B44CPRODUCING DECORATIVE EFFECTS processes for applying liquids or other fluent materials to surfaces, in general B05D; shaping of plastics or substances in a plastic state B29C; printing processes to produce transfer pictures B41M3/12; thermographic duplication or marking methods B41M5/00MOSAICSTARSIA WORK imitation of mosaic or tarsia work patterns B44F11/04PAPERHANGING labels G09F; multi-step processes for making paper labels or tags B31D1/02In this subclass, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated: "decorative effects", when used in connection with the expressions "transfer picture" or "decalcomanias",covers also "information"In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B44DPAINTING OR ARTISTIC DRAWING, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORPRESERVING PAINTINGSSURFACE TREATMENT TO OBTAIN SPECIAL ARTISTIC SURFACE EFFECTS OR FINISHES surface treatment in general, see the relevant places, e.g. applying liquids or other fluent materials B05In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B44FSPECIAL DESIGNS OR PICTURESIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B60TRANSPORTING B60VEHICLES IN GENERALIn this class, the following term is used with the meaning indicated:"vehicle" means all vehicles except those restricted to one of the following types of vehicles: rail vehicles, waterborne vessels, aircraft, space vehicles, hand carts, cycles, animal-drawn vehicles, and sledges, which are covered by the relevant subclasses of B61 - B64.
Thus, the term "vehicle" includes:vehicular characteristics which are common to more than one of the above listed types;certain characteristics restricted to automobiles, road or cross-country trailersThe following exceptions to the above should be noted: Subclass B60B or B60C embrace all vehicle wheels and tyres, except wheels for roller skates A63C17/22, wheels for model railway vehicles A63H19/22, and special adaptations of wheels or tyres for aircraft B64C25/36Subclass B60C embraces the connection of valves to inflatable elastic bodies in general, and in this respect it is not limited to vehiclesSubclass B60L embraces certain electric equipment of all electrically-propelled vehiclesSubclass B60M embraces certain power supply for, but external to, any kind of electrically-propelled vehicleSubclass B60R embraces safety belts or body harnesses used in all types of land vehiclesSubclass B60S relates to all kinds of vehicles, except the servicing of rail locomotives B61K11/00, ground equipment for aircraft B64F, or cleaning apparatus peculiar to waterborne vessels B63B57/00, B63B59/00Subclass B60T includes brake control systems of general applicability, and in this respect it is not limited to vehicles. It also includes rail-vehicle power-brake systems and some other features of rail-vehicle brake systems
B60BVEHICLE WHEELS making wheels or wheel parts by rolling B21H1/00, by forging, hammering or pressing B21K1/28CASTORSAXLES FOR WHEELS OR CASTORSINCREASING WHEEL ADHESIONAttention is drawn to the Explanatory Note following the class title (B60) In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B60CVEHICLE TYRESTYRE INFLATIONTYRE CHANGINGCONNECTING VALVES TO INFLATABLE ELASTIC BODIES IN GENERALDEVICES OR ARRANGEMENTS RELATED TO TYRESIn this subclass, the term "tyre" is to be understood as a separate ground-engaging, continuous element outside the periphery of the wheel rim and includes the tyre casing, cover, or jacket and any insert, e.g. inner tube. In the groups relating to repair or connection of valves, the term "tyre" is to be understood to include also inflatable elastic bodies other than tyres or inner tubesAttention is drawn to the note following the title of class B60.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B60C11/113 covered by B60C11/0311B60C11/117 covered by B60C11/032
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B60DVEHICLE CONNECTIONS components of brake systems B60T17/04Attention is drawn to the note following the class B60In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B60FVEHICLES FOR USE BOTH ON RAIL AND ON ROADAMPHIBIOUS OR LIKE VEHICLESCONVERTIBLE VEHICLES air-cushion vehicles B60VIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B60GVEHICLE SUSPENSION ARRANGEMENTS air-cushion vehicles B60V; cycle suspensions B62K25/00Attention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B60.Indexing codes B60G2200/00 - B60G2800/00 are dedicated to particular aspects of suspension arrangements: B60G2200/00 refers to the type of suspension arrangement; B60G2202/00 refers to the suspension elements used (springs, dampers and actuators); B60G2204/00 refers to mounting features of suspension elements;B60G2206/00 refers to constructional and manufacturing details of suspension elements; B60G2300/00 refers to the type of vehicle; B60G2400/00 - B60G2800/00 refer to the electronic control of suspension arrangements, whereby: B60G2400/00 refers to input parameters of the control; B60G2401/00 refers to types of sensors used; B60G2500/00 refers to the controlled action or device; B60G2600/00 refers to particular details of the control system; B60G2800/00 refers to the result to be achieved by the control action.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B60G23/00 covered by B60G17/0165
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B60HARRANGEMENTS OF HEATING, COOLING, VENTILATING OR OTHER AIR-TREATING DEVICES SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR PASSENGER OR GOODS SPACES OF VEHICLESAttention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B60In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B60JWINDOWS, WINDSCREENS, NON-FIXED ROOFS, DOORS, OR SIMILAR DEVICES FOR VEHICLESREMOVABLE EXTERNAL PROTECTIVE COVERINGS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR VEHICLES fastening, suspending, closing, or opening of such devices E05Windows, windscreens, non-fixed roofs, doors, or similar devices which are of general applicability, irrespective of whether described or claimed only for vehicles, are also classified in subclass E06B.Attention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B60.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B60KARRANGEMENT OR MOUNTING OF PROPULSION UNITS OR OF TRANSMISSIONS IN VEHICLESARRANGEMENT OR MOUNTING OF PLURAL DIVERSE PRIME-MOVERS IN VEHICLESAUXILIARY DRIVES FOR VEHICLESINSTRUMENTATION OR DASHBOARDS FOR VEHICLESARRANGEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH COOLING, AIR INTAKE, GAS EXHAUST OR FUEL SUPPLY OF PROPULSION UNITS IN VEHICLESIn this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "conjoint control of drive units" includes such control for vehicles or of general applicability; "auxiliary drives" means drives of auxiliary or external machines or devices from the propulsion unit, transmission, or other parts of the vehicle, and includes the control of such drives; "transmission" means all propulsion parts linking propulsion units, e.g. engines, to ultimate propulsive elements, e.g. wheels; "drive unit" means propulsion unit conjoint with transmission, a "drive unit" can additionally include the ultimate driven unit; "sub-unit" means, e.g. propulsion unit, clutch, gearing or brake system; "hybrid vehicle" means vehicles with plural diverse prime-movers for mutual or common propulsionAttention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B60In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B60LPROPULSION OF ELECTRICALLY-PROPELLED VEHICLES arrangements or mounting of electrical propulsion units or of plural diverse prime-movers for mutual or common propulsion in vehicles B60K1/00, B60K6/20; arrangements or mounting of electrical gearing in vehicles B60K17/12, B60K17/14; preventing wheel slip by reducing power in rail vehicles B61C15/08; dynamo-electric machines H02K; control or regulation of electric motors H02PSUPPLYING ELECTRIC POWER FOR AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT OF ELECTRICALLY-PROPELLED VEHICLES electric coupling devices combined with mechanical couplings of vehicles B60D1/64; electric heating for vehicles B60H1/00ELECTRODYNAMIC BRAKE SYSTEMS FOR VEHICLES IN GENERAL control or regulation of electric motors H02PMAGNETIC SUSPENSION OR LEVITATION FOR VEHICLESMONITORING OPERATING VARIABLES OF ELECTRICALLY-PROPELLED VEHICLESELECTRIC SAFETY DEVICES FOR ELECTRICALLY-PROPELLED VEHICLESThis subclass, subject to the above references, covers: feeding of power to auxiliary circuits;current collectors; arrangements thereof on rail or road vehicles or on vehicles in generalelectrodynamic brake systems;electric propulsion of vehicles; control and regulation thereforIn this subclass it is desirable to classify any "additional information" which is of interest for search.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B60MPOWER SUPPLY LINES, AND DEVICES ALONG RAILS, FOR ELECTRICALLY- PROPELLED VEHICLES control of points and safety arrangements along railway lines B61L; construction of rails and points in general E01BThis subclass deals with: overhead, overground or underground power supply lines; their crossings and points, erection and supervision;devices along rails and rail joints, for current conduction and for insulation;safety devices along the route against earth currents and inductive interference with nearby communication linesIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B60NSEATS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR VEHICLESVEHICLE PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORAttention is drawn to the Explanatory Note following the class title B60 In this subclass the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "cushion": seating part of a seat distinguished from the back-rest B60PVEHICLES ADAPTED FOR LOAD TRANSPORTATION OR TO TRANSPORT, TO CARRY, OR TO COMPRISE SPECIAL LOADS OR OBJECTS vehicles with special provisions for transporting patients or disabled persons, or their personal conveyances A61G3/00Attention is drawn to the Explanatory Note following the class title (B60)The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B60P1/46 covered by B60P1/4421B60P3/022 covered by E04G21/14B60P3/325 covered by B60P3/32B60P3/33 covered by B60P3/34B60P3/335 covered by B60P3/32B60P3/345 covered by B60P3/34B60P3/35 covered by B60P3/34B60P3/355 covered by B60P3/34B60P3/363 covered by B60P3/36B60P3/367 covered by B60P3/36B60P3/37 covered by B60P3/343B60P3/373 covered by B60P3/32B60P3/377 covered by B60P3/34B60P5/00 covered by G01G19/08
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B60QARRANGEMENT OF SIGNALLING OR LIGHTING DEVICES, THE MOUNTING OR SUPPORTING THEREOF OR CIRCUITS THEREFOR, FOR VEHICLES IN GENERALThis subclass also covers the operation and control of lighting devices, for example:arrangement or adaptation of lighting switches or signal-initiating means for vehicles;control of lighting devices in relation to the vehicle as a whole, e.g. for levelling, swivelling or aiming.This subclass does not cover optical, mechanical, thermal or electrical arrangement of elements within lighting devices, which are covered by groups F21S41/00F21S45/00.Attention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B60.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B60Q1/128 covered by B60Q1/124B60Q1/132 covered by B60Q1/124B60Q1/136 covered by B60Q1/124
B60RVEHICLES, VEHICLE FITTINGS, OR VEHICLE PARTS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORAttention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B60In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B60SSERVICING, CLEANING, REPAIRING, SUPPORTING, LIFTING, OR MANOEUVRING OF VEHICLES, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORAttention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B60.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B60TVEHICLE BRAKE CONTROL SYSTEMS OR PARTS THEREOFBRAKE CONTROL SYSTEMS OR PARTS THEREOF, IN GENERAL electrodynamic brake systems for vehicle, in general B60L; brakes per se, i.e. devices where braking effect occurs, including ultimate brake actuators, F16DARRANGEMENT OF BRAKING ELEMENTS ON VEHICLES IN GENERALPORTABLE DEVICES FOR PREVENTING UNWANTED MOVEMENT OF VEHICLESVEHICLE MODIFICATIONS TO FACILITATE COOLING OF BRAKESIn this subclass, the term "brake control systems" includes brake control systems for vehicles or of general applicabilityThe following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B60T8/20 covered by B60T8/18B60T8/22 covered by B60T8/18B60T8/60 - B60T8/70 covered by B60T8/17B60T8/78 - B60T8/84 covered by B60T8/17B60T13/122 covered by B60T13/147, B60T13/167B60T13/125 covered by B60T13/141B60T13/128 covered by B60T13/145, B60T13/165B60T13/13 covered by B60T13/146, B60T13/166B60T13/132 covered by B60T13/143, B60T13/162B60T13/135 covered by B60T13/144, B60T13/163B60T13/138 covered by B60T13/148, B60T13/168B60T13/60 covered by B60T13/58B60T15/06 covered by B60T15/04B60T15/08 covered by B60T15/04
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B60VAIR-CUSHION VEHICLESThe term "air-cushion vehicles" in this subclass includes all vehicles which are wholly or partly supported on land or water by air or other gaseous cushionsIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B60WCONJOINT CONTROL OF VEHICLE SUB-UNITS OF DIFFERENT TYPE OR DIFFERENT FUNCTIONCONTROL SYSTEMS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR HYBRID VEHICLESROAD VEHICLE DRIVE CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR PURPOSES NOT RELATED TO THE CONTROL OF A PARTICULAR SUB-UNITThis subclass does not cover the control of a single sub-unit; such control is classified in the relevant place for the sub-unit, e.g. F02D, F16H. Where a single sub-unit is controlled by means of signals or commands from other sub-units, the control of this single sub-unit is classified in the relevant place for this sub-unit. For example, the control of variable-ratio gearing by means of signals from the engine or the accelerator is classified in the subclass for gearing, F16H.Conjoint control of driveline units, e.g. engines, and variable-ratio gearing occurring only transiently during ratio shift and being also characterised by the control of the gearing is also classified in the subclass for gearing, F16H.When classifying in group B60W10/00, classification must also be made in groups B60W20/00 - B60W60/00 in order to identify the purpose or use of the control.In this subclass, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated:"conjoint control" means that a programmed or condition-responsive main automatic controller on board the vehicle, embodying control logic for vehicle sub-units of different type or different function, sends control signals to actuators of two or more vehicle sub-units, so that the sub-units act together to solve a particular problem or in response to a particular driving condition in order to improve stability, comfort or safety by managing the global dynamics of the vehicle;"drive control system" means an electronic system on board a road vehicle for automatically controlling the movement by managing the global dynamics of that vehicle in order to take certain actionsin order to improve stability, comfort or safety;"road vehicle" means a motorised vehicle for transportation on roads, e.g. an automobile, truck or bus;"autonomous road vehicle" means a road vehicle capable of controlling all dynamic driving tasks without human intervention during a plurality of driving scenarios by using on-board computer hardware and software to execute decision making processes in real-time."sub-unit" means one of the following vehicle systems: driveline systems, e.g. propulsion system, clutch system, change-speed gearing system, system for distributing drive torque between front and rear axles, axle differential system, brake system, steering system, suspension system, and, particularly for hybrid vehicles, energy storage means, fuel cells, or auxiliary equipment.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B60YINDEXING SCHEME RELATING TO ASPECTS CROSS-CUTTING VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY
B61RAILWAYSIn this class, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated:"railway systems" covers: systems in which trains or individual passenger vehicles or load carriers run on, or are guided by, ground or elevated tracks defined by rails, ropes, cables, or other guiding elements for wheels, rollers, or sliding anti-friction devices;
systems in which carriers or impellers for persons or loads are attached to, e.g. suspended from, a guided traction rope or cable which determines their path of movement;
power-and-free systems of either of the above types in which vehicles, load-carriers , or loads may be selectively coupled to, or uncoupled from, continuous traction members, e.g. cables, chains;
"railway systems" does not cover:
conveyors with load-carriers permanently attached to a continuous traction element, e.g. chain conveyors, which are covered by group B65G17/00;
conveyors moving articles or materials over a supporting surface or underlying material, e.g. scraper conveyors, which are covered by group B65G19/00.
B61BRAILWAY SYSTEMSEQUIPMENT THEREFOR NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR lifts or hoists, elevators, escalators, moving walkways B66BIn this subclass, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated:"rope railways" covers railways using cables or chains as traction or suspension means;"ropes", "cables", or "chains" are equivalent unless specifically mentionedIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B61CLOCOMOTIVESMOTOR RAILCARS vehicles in general B60; frames or bogies B61F; special railroad equipment for locomotives B61J, B61K This subclass covers : general design features or items of locomotives and motor railcars not otherwise provided for;non-electric features of electric locomotivesIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B61DBODY DETAILS OR KINDS OF RAILWAY VEHICLES vehicles in general B60; adaptation of vehicles to special systems B61B; underframes B61FIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B61FRAIL VEHICLE SUSPENSIONS, e.g. UNDERFRAMES, BOGIES OR ARRANGEMENTS OF WHEEL AXLESRAIL VEHICLES FOR USE ON TRACKS OF DIFFERENT WIDTHPREVENTING DERAILING OF RAIL VEHICLESWHEEL GUARDS, OBSTRUCTION REMOVERS OR THE LIKE FOR RAIL VEHICLES for vehicles in general B60; axles or wheels B60B; vehicle tyres B60CIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B61GCOUPLINGSDRAUGHT AND BUFFING APPLIANCES vehicle connections in general B60DIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B61HBRAKES OR OTHER RETARDING DEVICES SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR RAIL VEHICLESARRANGEMENT OR DISPOSITION THEREOF IN RAIL VEHICLES electrodynamic braking of vehicles B60L, in general H02K; arrangements in rail vehicles for adjusting wheel-braking force to meet varying vehicular or permanent-way conditions B60T8/00; transmitting braking action from initiating means to ultimate brake actuator with power assistance or drive, brake systems incorporating such transmitting means, e.g. air-pressure brake systems, B60T13/00; construction, arrangement or operation of valves incorporated in power brake systems B60T15/00; component parts, details or accessories of brake systems B60T17/00; brakes in general F16DIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B61JSHIFTING OR SHUNTING OF RAIL VEHICLES shifting vehicles in general B60S; marshalling systems B61BIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B61KAUXILIARY EQUIPMENT SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR RAILWAYS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR energy-storing brakes B61H; protection of permanent way against weather influences E01B; rail cleaning, snow ploughs E01HIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B61LGUIDING RAILWAY TRAFFICENSURING THE SAFETY OF RAILWAY TRAFFIC power supply lines for electrically-propelled vehicles B60M; vehicle signalling in general B60Q; brakes or auxiliary equipment B61H, B61K; point or crossing construction E01B; insulated rail joints E01B11/54; optical devices in general G02; controlling in general G05; electric communication technique H04In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B62LAND VEHICLES FOR TRAVELLING OTHERWISE THAN ON RAILS B62BHAND-PROPELLED VEHICLES, e.g. HAND CARTS OR PERAMBULATORSSLEDGES characterised by animal propulsion B62C; propulsion of sledges by driver or engine B62MIn this subclass, the term "hand carts" also embraces hand-propelled wheeled devices in so far as the features thereof are generic to hand carts. This term also embraces pedestrian-controlled power-driven vehicles in so far as the features thereof are generic to hand cartsRollers are taken as being equivalent to wheelsThe following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B62B3/065 covered by B62B3/0618
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B62CVEHICLES DRAWN BY ANIMALSThis subclass covers only vehicles or parts thereof in so far as the relevant features are essential for animal-drawn vehicles.This subclass does not cover animal-drawn vehicles which have not the features mentioned in Note (1) above. They are regarded as trailers which are covered by class B60 or subclass B62D, or as sledges which are covered by subclass B62B.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B62DMOTOR VEHICLESTRAILERS steering, or guiding on a desired track, of agricultural machines or implements A01B69/00; wheels, castors, axles, increasing wheel adhesion B60B; vehicle tyres, tyre inflation or tyre changing B60C; connections between vehicles of a train or the like B60D; vehicles for use on rail and road, amphibious or convertible vehicles B60F; suspension arrangements B60G; heating, cooling, ventilating or other air treating devices B60H; windows, windscreens, non-fixed roofs, doors or similar devices, protective coverings for vehicles not in use B60J; propulsion plant arrangements, auxiliary drives, transmissions, controls, instrumentation or dashboards B60K; electric equipment or propulsion of electrically-propelled vehicles B60L; power supply for electrically-propelled vehicles B60M; passenger accommodation not otherwise provided for B60N; adaptations for load transportation or to carry special loads or objects B60P; arrangement of signalling or lighting devices, the mounting or supporting thereof or circuits therefor, for vehicles in general B60Q; vehicles, vehicle fittings or vehicle parts not otherwise provided for B60R; servicing, cleaning, repairing, supporting, lifting, or manoeuvring, not otherwise provided for, B60S; brake arrangements, brake control systems or parts thereof B60T; air-cushion vehicles B60V; motor-cycles, accessories therefor B62J, B62K; testing of vehicles G01M In this subclass, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "vehicles" include motor vehicles and trailers; "trailers" include forecars or sidecars.
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B62D25/13 covered by B60J1/20, B60R13/07B62D25/22 covered by B60R3/00B62D65/08 covered by B60J10/45B62D101/00-B62D137/00 covered by B62D6/00 - B62D6/008
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B62HCYCLE STANDSSUPPORTS OR HOLDERS FOR PARKING OR STORING CYCLESAPPLIANCES PREVENTING OR INDICATING UNAUTHORIZED USE OR THEFT OF CYCLESLOCKS INTEGRAL WITH CYCLESDEVICES FOR LEARNING TO RIDE CYCLESIn this subclass, the term "cycles" also embraces scooters."Cycles" includes single or plural wheeled straddle type vehicles having a handlebar, self-balancing vehicles and kid scooters.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B62H5/16 covered by B62H5/14
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B62JCYCLE SADDLES OR SEATSAUXILIARY DEVICES OR ACCESSORIES SPECIALLY ADAPTED TO CYCLES AND NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR, e.g. ARTICLE CARRIERS OR CYCLE PROTECTORSIn this subclass, the term "cycles" also embraces scooters."Cycles" includes single or plural wheeled straddle type vehicles having a handlebar, self-balancing vehicles and kid scooters.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B62KCYCLESCYCLE FRAMESCYCLE STEERING DEVICESRIDER-OPERATED TERMINAL CONTROLS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR CYCLESCYCLE AXLE SUSPENSIONSCYCLE SIDE-CARS, FORECARS, OR THE LIKEIn this subclass, each of the main groups B62K7/00 - B62K15/00 takes precedence over all the preceding main groups, e.g. a child's bicycle is classified in B62K9/00 and not in B62K3/00."Cycles" includes a single or plural wheeled straddle type vehicles having a handlebar, self-balancing vehicles and kid scootersIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B62LBRAKES SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR CYCLES arrangements in cycles for adjusting wheel-braking force to meet varying vehicular or ground-surface conditions B60T8/00This subclass covers only adaptations of brakes and their actuating mechanisms peculiar to their use on cycles.This subclass does not cover brakes or actuating mechanisms of wider applicability, which are regarded as of general type, irrespective of whether described or claimed only for cycles, which are covered by subclass B60T or the relevant subclass of F16.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B62MRIDER PROPULSION OF WHEELED VEHICLES OR SLEDGESPOWERED PROPULSION OF SLEDGES OR SINGLE-TRACK CYCLESTRANSMISSIONS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR SUCH VEHICLES arrangements or mounting of transmissions in vehicles in general B60K; transmission elements per se F16In this subclass, the term "transmission" means all parts between the prime mover or the part to which a rider immediately applies propulsive effort, e.g. pedal cranks, and a driven ground wheel.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B63SHIPS OR OTHER WATERBORNE VESSELSRELATED EQUIPMENT B63BSHIPS OR OTHER WATERBORNE VESSELSEQUIPMENT FOR SHIPPING  arrangements of vessel ventilation, heating, cooling, or air-conditioning B63J2/00; floating substructures as supports of dredgers or soil-shifting machines E02F9/06 In this subclass, the indexing codes B63B2201/00 - B63B2241/00 are to be used for relevant technical information concerning particular or unusual use, materials, design, methods or means. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B63CLAUNCHING, HAULING-OUT, OR DRY-DOCKING OF VESSELSLIFE-SAVING IN WATEREQUIPMENT FOR DWELLING OR WORKING UNDER WATERMEANS FOR SALVAGING OR SEARCHING FOR UNDERWATER OBJECTS floating nets, floating slipways, or the like for recovering aircraft from the water B63B35/52 In this subclass, the indexing codes B63B2201/00 - B63B2241/00 are to be used for relevant technical information concerning particular or unusual use, materials, design, methods or means. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B63GOFFENSIVE OR DEFENSIVE ARRANGEMENTS ON VESSELSMINE-LAYINGMINE-SWEEPINGSUBMARINESAIRCRAFT CARRIERS means of attack or defence in general, e.g. turrets F41H In this subclass, the indexing codes B63B2201/00 - B63B2241/00 are to be used for relevant technical information concerning particular or unusual use, materials, design, methods or means.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B63HMARINE PROPULSION OR STEERING propulsion of air-cushion vehicles B60V1/14; specially adapted for submarines, other than nuclear propulsion, B63G; specially adapted for torpedoes F42B19/00 In this subclass, the indexing codes B63B2201/00 - B63B2241/00 are to be used for relevant technical information concerning particular or unusual use, materials, design, methods or means In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B63JAUXILIARIES ON VESSELSIn this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "auxiliaries" means only apparatus specially arranged for rendering vessels, in general, habitable or operative, insofar as such apparatus is not specifically provided for in another subclass of class B63 In this subclass, the indexing codes B63B2201/00 - B63B2241/00 are to be used for relevant technical information concerning particular or unusual use, materials, design, methods or means.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B64AIRCRAFTAVIATIONCOSMONAUTICS B64BLIGHTER-THAN AIR AIRCRAFTIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B64CAEROPLANESHELICOPTERSAs far as possible, classification is made according to constructional features; classification according to particular kinds of aircraft is normally regarded as being of secondary importance, except in cases where this is considered to be the characteristic feature.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B64C35/02 covered by B64C35/00
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B64DEQUIPMENT FOR FITTING IN OR TO AIRCRAFTFLIGHT SUITSPARACHUTESARRANGEMENTS OR MOUNTING OF POWER PLANTS OR PROPULSION TRANSMISSIONS IN AIRCRAFTThe following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B64D15/18 covered by B64D15/16B64D25/102 covered by B64D25/10B64D25/105 covered by B64D25/10B64D25/108 covered by B64D25/10B64D25/11 covered by B64D25/10B64D25/112 covered by B64D25/10B64D25/115 covered by B64D25/10B64D25/118 covered by B64D25/10
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B64FGROUND OR AIRCRAFT-CARRIER-DECK INSTALLATIONS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH AIRCRAFTDESIGNING, MANUFACTURING, ASSEMBLING, CLEANING, MAINTAINING OR REPAIRING AIRCRAFT, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORHANDLING, TRANSPORTING, TESTING OR INSPECTING AIRCRAFT COMPONENTS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORIn this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated: "installations" embraces equipment, including mobile equipment, peculiar to use in connection with aircraft and not fitted thereto;"ground installations" embraces waterborne installations.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B64GCOSMONAUTICSVEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT THEREFOR apparatus for, or methods of, winning materials from extraterrestrial sources E21C51/00This subclass covers only vehicles, equipment or the like, which are specially adapted for cosmonautics.This subclass does not cover vehicles and equipment applicable to both cosmonautics and aeronautics, which are covered by the appropriate aeronautical subclasses of class B64.In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated:"cosmonautics" includes all transport outside the earth's atmosphere, and thus includes artificial earth satellites, and interplanetary and interstellar travel.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B64UUNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES [UAV]EQUIPMENT THEREFORThis subclass covers: vehicles which are specially adapted for unmanned aeronautical use and the equipment therefor. This subclass does not cover: computer control systems for the control of position, course, altitude or attitude, which are covered by group G05D1/00; traffic control of UAVs, which is covered by group G08G5/00. Aircraft or equipment applicable to both manned and unmanned use should be classified in this subclass and in the subclasses of class B64 which are appropriate for the manned use. Details or features of UAVs and their equipment which are not covered by this subclass should be classified in the relevant subclasses of class B64. In this subclass it is desirable to add the indexing codes of group B64U2101/00, covering particular uses or applications of the UAVs.
B65CONVEYINGPACKINGSTORINGHANDLING THIN OR FILAMENTARY MATERIAL B65BMACHINES, APPARATUS OR DEVICES FOR, OR METHODS OF, PACKAGING ARTICLES OR MATERIALSUNPACKING bundling and pressing devices for cigars A24C1/44; devices for tensioning and securing binders adapted to be supported by the article or articles to be bound B25B25/00; applying closure members to bottles, jars or similar containers B67B1/00-B67B6/00; concurrent cleaning, filling and closing of bottles B67C7/00; emptying bottles, jars, cans, casks, barrels or similar containers B67C9/00The term "packaging" should be understood as including mainly the following operations:filling portable containers or receptacles with materials or small articles to form packagesinserting articles, or groups of articles, into containers or receptaclesclosing filled containers or receptacles otherwise than by metal-, glass-, or wood-working operationsenclosing, or partially enclosing, articles or quantities of material, in sheets, strips, blanks, webs, or tubes of thin flexible material, e.g. wrappingbundling articles, e.g. holding articles together in groups by applying string or wireattaching articles to cards, sheets, or webs Operations of these types employed in the manufacture of articles other than packages are classified in other appropriate subclasses, e.g. making confectionery products by casting in moulds formed by wrappers A23G, filling ammunition cartridges F42B Methods of packaging which are wholly characterised by the form of the package produced, or the form of the container or packaging-element utilised, are to be classified in B65D rather than in this subclass In the following elaborations, the term "package" is used to mean the end product of a packaging operation, e.g. a filled and closed container, an article enclosed in a wrapper, a group of articles held together by string or wire, a crate of bottles In the following elaborations, the term "materials" is to be understood as embracing matter, or masses of articles, which are to be packaged, as distinct from separate or individual articles Machines, apparatus or methods of general application for packaging articles or materials The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B65B51/09 covered by B65B51/00
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B65CLABELLING OR TAGGING MACHINES, APPARATUS, OR PROCESSES nailing or stapling in general B25C, B27F; applying labels for packaging purposes B65B; labels, name-plates G09F series-printing machines B41L; containers for the storage or transport of packages B65D In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated:"labels" covers also decalcomanias, stamps or the likeIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B65DCONTAINERS FOR STORAGE OR TRANSPORT OF ARTICLES OR MATERIALS, e.g. BAGS, BARRELS, BOTTLES, BOXES, CANS, CARTONS, CRATES, DRUMS, JARS, TANKS, HOPPERS, FORWARDING CONTAINERSACCESSORIES, CLOSURES, OR FITTINGS THEREFORPACKAGING ELEMENTSPACKAGES In this subclass, the indexing codes of B65D2519/00004 - B65D2519/00995 should be added, if applicable This subclass covers: containers, packaging elements or packages with auxilliary means or provisions for displaying articles or materials;methods of packaging which are wholly characterised by the form of the package produced or the form of the container or packaging element used, as distinct from the operations performed or the apparatus employed, which are covered by subclass B65BThis subclass, which is intended to be as comprehensive as possible, only excludes containers or packages of a nature clearly confined to a single other subclass, which are classified in that subclass In this subclass, groups B65D5/00, B65D27/00, B65D29/00, B65D31/00 or B65D65/00 include constructional features of foldable or erectable container or wrapper blanks as well as the containers or wrappers formed by folding or erecting such blanks Containers, packaging elements or packages classified in group B65D85/00, are also classified according to the constructional or functional features, if such features are of interest In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "rigid or semi-rigid containers" includes:containers not deformed by, or not taking-up the shape of, their contents;containers adapted to be temporarily deformed to expel their contents;pallets;trays;"flexible containers" includes:containers deformed by, or taking-up the shape of, their contents:containers adapted to be permanently deformed to expel their contents;"packaging elements" includes:elements, other than containers, for covering, protecting,stiffening, or holding together articles or materials tobe stored or transported;packaging materials of special type or form not provided for in other subclasses;"packages" includes:combination of containers or packaging elements with articles or materials to be stored or transported:articles joined together for convenience of storage or transport;"paper" includes materials, e.g. cardboard, plastic sheet materials, laminated materials, or metal foils, worked in a manner analogous to paper;"large containers", in groups B65D88/00 or B65D90/00, means containers having about the size of containers used in container traffic, sometimes referred to as freight, forwarding or "ISO" (International Standardization) containers, or larger containers Tamper-indicating means for containers or closures are classified in the group appropriate to the type of container of closure, e.g. B65D5/54, B65D17/00, B65D27/30, B65D27/30, B65D27/34, B65D33/34, B65D41/32, B65D47/36, B65D49/12, B65D51/20, B65D55/06 The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B65D5/34 covered by B65D5/325B65D5/35 covered by B65D5/325B65D5/355 covered by B65D5/0005B65D5/43 covered by B65D5/42B65D5/462 covered by B65D5/46008 - B65D5/46032B65D5/465 covered by B65D5/46008 - B65D5/46032B65D5/468 covered by B65D5/4608B65D5/472 covered by B65D5/46048B65D5/475 covered by B65D5/46008B65D5/478 covered by B65D5/46056B65D5/4805 - B65D5/489 covered by B65D5/48002B65D5/49 - B65D5/499 covered by B65D5/48024B65D5/63 covered by B65D5/72B65D6/00 - B65D6/40 covered by B65D7/00, B65D9/00, B65D11/00, B65D15/00B65D8/00 - B65D8/22 covered by B65D7/00, B65D9/00, B65D11/00, B65D15/00B65D19/22 covered by B65D19/0004 B65D19/24 covered by B65D19/0004 B65D19/26 covered by B65D19/0004 B65D19/28 covered by B65D19/0004 B65D19/30 covered by B65D19/0004 B65D19/31 covered by B65D19/0004 B65D19/32 covered by B65D19/0002, B65D19/0004B65D19/34 covered by B65D19/0004 B65D21/024 covered by B65D21/0201B65D21/028 covered by B65D21/0204B65D21/032 covered by B65D21/0209B65D21/036 covered by B65D21/0217B65D25/26 covered by B65D81/02B65D30/00 - B65D30/28 covered by B65D29/00, B65D31/00B65D33/17 covered by B65D33/1633B65D33/36 covered by B65D75/58B65D33/38 covered by B65D75/5861B65D35/48 - B65D35/54 covered by B65D47/2018B65D39/18 covered by B65D39/00 B65D41/01 covered by B65D41/00B65D43/03 covered by B65D43/00 + B65D2543/00027B65D43/04 covered by B65D43/0214B65D43/10 covered by B65D43/0204B65D47/22 covered by B65D47/20B65D47/34 covered by B05B11/00B65D50/08 covered by B65D55/02B65D50/10 covered by B65D55/02B65D50/12 covered by B65D55/02B65D50/14 covered by B65D55/02B65D65/26 - B65D65/32 covered by B65D75/58B65D65/34 covered by B65D75/66B65D65/36 covered by B65D75/58B65D71/52 - B65D71/68 covered by B65D71/0003 - B65D71/0077B65D75/60 - B65D75/64 covered by B65D75/58B65D81/15 covered by B65D81/05B65D81/17 covered by B65D81/02B65D83/18 covered by B65D83/201, B65D83/206B65D83/58 covered by B65D83/44B65D83/76 covered by B65D83/0005B65D85/57 covered by G11B23/00B65D85/575 covered by G11B23/00B65D85/86 - B65D85/90 covered by H01L21/00, H05K13/00
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B65FGATHERING OR REMOVAL OF DOMESTIC OR LIKE REFUSE disinfecting refuse A61L; refuse disintegrators B02C; sorting refuse B03B; B07B; handcarts for transporting refuse receptacles B62B; sack holders B65B67/00; converting refuse into fertilisers C05F; converting refuse into solid fuels C10L; sewers, cesspools E03F; arrangements in buildings for the disposal of refuse E04F17/10; refuse-consuming furnaces F23G; for surgical articles A61B50/36In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B65GTRANSPORT OR STORAGE DEVICES, e.g. CONVEYORS FOR LOADING OR TIPPING, SHOP CONVEYOR SYSTEMS OR PNEUMATIC TUBE CONVEYORS packaging B65B; handling thin or filamentary materials, e.g. paper sheets or thread, B65H; cranes B66C; portable mobile or lifting or hauling appliances, e.g. hoists, B66D; devices for lifting or lowering goods for loading or unloading purposes, e.g. fork-lift trucks, B66F9/00; emptying bottles, jars, casks, barrels or similar containers, not otherwise provided for, B67C9/00; delivering or transferring liquids B67D; filling or discharging vessels for liquefied, solidified or compressed gases F17C; pipe-line systems for fluids F17D This subclass does not cover road or railway vehicles, waterborne vessels or aircraft per se, or their adaptation for transport purposes. This subject matter is covered by classes B60 - B64, for example in the following places: vehicles adapted for load transportation B60P; railway wagons adapted for load transportation B61D; hand carts B62B; superstructures for load-carrying vehicles B62D33/00; loading or load-accommodating arrangements on ships or vessels B63B25/00,  B63B27/00; equipment for handling freight in aircraft B64D9/00 The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B65G47/10 covered by B65G1/1373B65G47/86 covered by B65G47/842, B65G47/847B65G69/32 covered by B65G69/28B65G69/34 covered by B65G69/28
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B65HHANDLING THIN OR FILAMENTARY MATERIAL, e.g. SHEETS, WEBS, CABLES This subclass does not cover methods or devices intimately associated with other operations on thin or filamentary material, e.g. sheets, webs, cables or means for performing such operations, which are classified in the relevant subclasses for these operations, e.g.: B07C Postal sorting, similar sorting of documents, e.g. cheques B08B1/02 Cleaning travelling work, e.g. webs, by methods involving the use of tools, brushes or like members B21B41/00 Metal rolling involving guiding, conveying or accumulating easily-flexible work, e.g. wire, sheet metal bands, in loops or curves B21C47/00 , Winding-up,coiling, winding-off or temporarily B21C49/00 accumulating metal wire, metal band or other flexible metal material, characterised by features relevant to metal processing only, other than by rolling B21D43/00 Feeding, positioning or storing devices, combined with, or arranged in, or specially adapted for use in connection with, apparatus for working or processing sheet metal without essentially removing material B23K9/12 Means for automatic feeding of electrodes for spot or seam welding or cutting B29C31/00 Handling for shaping or joining of plastics, for shaping of substances in a plastic state in general or for after-treatment of shaped products, e.g. feeding the material to be shaped B41B15/32 , Film-handling mechanisms in photographic B41B21/32 composing machines B41F13/02 Conveying or guiding webs through rotary printing presses or machines B41J11/00 to Handling of copy- or impression-transfer material B41J17/00 in typewriters or selective printing mechanisms B41K3/44 Means for handling copy matter in stamping or numbering apparatus or devices B41L Handling sheets or webs in apparatus or devices for manifolding, duplicating or printing for office or other commercial purposes, or on addressing machines or like series-printing machines B42B Handling relating to permanently attaching together sheets, quires, or signatures B42C Handling sheets in book-binding B65B Handling of sheets or webs in apparatus for, or methods of, packaging articles, not of interest apart from their application in packaging machines B65C Handling of labels in labelling or tagging apparatus C14B1/62 Winding or stacking hides or leather in machines or devices for manufacturing leather D01- D07 Spinning, weaving, braiding, lace-making, knitting, sewing, making ropes or cables D21F2/00 Transferring webs from wet ends to press sections in paper-making F26B13/00 Handling fabrics, fibres, yarns or other material in long lengths in drying apparatus G03B Film-strip handling or handling of pictures in apparatus for taking photographs or for projecting or viewing them G06K13/00 Conveying record carriers from one station to another G06M7/00 Counting of flat articles, e.g. sheets, carried by a conveyor G11B15/00 to Information storage based on relative movement G11B19/00 , between record carrier and transducer, G11B23/00 , involving handling record carriers for G11B25/00 recording or reproducing H01F41/06 Manufacturing coils for magnets, inductances, transformers, by winding H01G13/02 Machines for winding capacitors H04N1/00 Sheet handling not of interest apart from its use in systems for transmission or reproduction of pictures or patterns not varying in time, e.g. facsimile transmission
In this subclass: the groups relating to thin material, as defined under (i) of Note (3) below, are primarily intended to cover the handling of articles made of paper or cardboard,but also include the handling of articles made of other materials which have similar characteristics or present similar handling problems, e.g. articles made of sheet- plastics or leather;the groups relating to filamentary material (groups B65H49/00 onwards,) as defined in Note (3) below, cover only methods or devices of general application or interest. In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "handling" includes feeding, folding (other than in the manufacture of products), guiding, orientating, storing, unwinding, and winding;"thin material" includes:sheets, signatures, envelopes, blanks, and thin and thin piles thereof (hereinafter referred to as "articles"), andwebs, tapes, and films, e.g. of paper, fabric, metal foil, or plastics;"filamentary material" includes thread, wires, ropes, cables, and hoses;"package" means a mass of filamentary material, formedby coiling, depositing, or winding, with or without a supporting core or former or an enclosing container or receptacle."yarn" also covers similar filamentary materials.
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B65H19/16 covered by B65H19/1889 B65H35/07 covered by B65H35/0006B65H77/00 covered by B65H23/00, B65H59/00
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B66HOISTINGLIFTINGHAULING B66BELEVATORSESCALATORS OR MOVING WALKWAYS apparatus for raising or lowering persons on theatrical stages or the like A63J5/12 ; funicular railbound systems with rigid ground-supported tracks and cable traction, e.g. cliff railways, B61B9/00; arrangements of ammunition handlers in vessels B63G3/00; hoists, lifts, or conveyors for loading or unloading in general B65G; braking or detent devices controlling normal movements of winding drums or barrels B66D; ship-lifting devices E02C; garages for many vehicles with mechanical means for lifting vehicles E04H6/12; hoists for feeding ammunition or projectiles to launching apparatus or to loading mechanisms F41A9/00 In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "elevator" covers the term "lift", and the two terms are interchangeable In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B66CCRANESLOAD-ENGAGING ELEMENTS OR DEVICES FOR CRANES, CAPSTANS, WINCHES, OR TACKLES specially adapted for lifting invalids A61G7/10; rope, cable, or chain winding mechanisms, braking or detent devices therefor B66D; specially adapted for nuclear reactors G21The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B66C23/61 covered by B66C23/60B66C23/683 covered by B66C23/68B66C23/687 covered by B66C23/701B66C23/69 covered by B66C23/701B66C23/693 covered by B66C23/705B66C23/697 covered by B66C23/707
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B66DCAPSTANSWINCHESTACKLES, e.g. PULLEY BLOCKSHOISTS winding or unwinding ropes or cables for feeding or storage purposes B65H; rope or cable winding or unwinding mechanisms for lifts B66BThis subclass covers:rope, cable or chain winding or unwinding mechanisms for moving all loads except lift cages, e.g. winches for dredges;braking or detent devices characterised by their application for retarding or preventing rotary movement of a winding drum or barrel
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B66D1/395 covered by B66D1/36, B66D1/50
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B66FHOISTING, LIFTING, HAULING OR PUSHING, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR, e.g. DEVICES WHICH APPLY A LIFTING OR PUSHING FORCE DIRECTLY TO THE SURFACE OF A LOAD invalid lifting devices A61G7/10; mounting artificial islands on piles or like supports E02B17/00 : scaffolding combined with lifting devices E04G1/22; lifting devices for sliding forms E04G11/24; lifting of buildings E04G23/06; shores or struts E04G25/00; lifts or other hoisting devices on ladders E06C7/12; props for mining E21D15/00
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B66F19/02 covered by B66F19/00
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B67OPENING, CLOSING OR CLEANING BOTTLES, JARS OR SIMILAR CONTAINERSLIQUID HANDLING B67BAPPLYING CLOSURE MEMBERS TO BOTTLES JARS, OR SIMILAR CONTAINERSOPENING CLOSED CONTAINERS opening or closing devices attached to, or incorporated in, containers or container closures B65DThe following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B67B7/46 covered by B67B7/30-B67B7/385B67B7/48-B67B7/52 covered by B67B7/24, B67B7/26, B67B7/28B67B7/54-B67B7/90 covered by B67B7/30-B67B7/385
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B67CCLEANING, FILLING WITH LIQUIDS OR SEMILIQUIDS, OR EMPTYING, OF BOTTLES, JARS, CANS, CASKS, BARRELS, OR SIMILAR CONTAINERS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORFUNNELSIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B67DDISPENSING, DELIVERING OR TRANSFERRING LIQUIDS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR cleaning pipes or tubes or systems of pipes or tubes B08B9/02; emptying or filling of bottles, jars, cans, casks, barrels, or similar containers, not otherwise provided for B67C; water supply E03; pipe systems F17D; domestic hot-water supply systems F24D; measuring volume, volume flow, mass flow or liquid level, metering by volume G01F; coin-freed or like apparatus G07FIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B68SADDLERYUPHOLSTERY B68BHARNESSDEVICES USED IN CONNECTION THEREWITHWHIPS OR THE LIKEIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B68CSADDLESSTIRRUPSIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B68FMAKING ARTICLES FROM LEATHER, CANVAS, OR THE LIKEIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B68GMETHODS, EQUIPMENT, OR MACHINES FOR USE IN UPHOLSTERINGUPHOLSTERY NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FORIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B81MICROSTRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGYNANOTECHNOLOGY B81MICROSTRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGYThis class covers microstructural devices or systems, including at least one essential element or formation characterised by its very small size typically within the range of 10-4 to 10-7 meters, i.e. its significant features can not, in at least one dimension, be completely discerned without the use of an optical microscope.In this class, the following expressions are used with the meaning indicated : "microstructural devices" covers: micromechanical devices comprising movable, flexible or deformable elements; and three-dimensional structures without movable, flexible or deformable elements, comprising microformations designed to accomplish an essential structural function for interacting with their environment, as opposed to purely electronic or chemical functions, regardless of whether the structures are combined with microelectronic devices or formed from specific materials; "microstructural systems" covers: systems of cooperating microstructural devices; and microelectro-mechanical or microopto-mechanical systems, which combine on a common substrate the specific features of microstructural devices and electrical or optical components, e.g. for controlling, analysing or signalling the functioning of microstructural devices. B81BMICROSTRUCTURAL DEVICES OR SYSTEMS, e.g. MICROMECHANICAL DEVICES piezo-electric, electrostrictive or magnetostrictive elements per se H10N30/00This subclass does not cover: purely electrical or electronic devices per se which are covered by section H, e.g. subclass H01L or class H10;purely optical devices per se which are covered by subclasses G02B or G02F;essentially two-dimensional structures, e.g. layered products which are covered by subclass B32B;chemical or biological structures per se which are covered by section C;structures in atomic scale produced by manipulation of single atoms or molecules, which are covered by group B82B1/00.Devices or systems classified in this subclass are also classified in appropriate subclasses providing for their structural or functional features, if such features are of interest.Attention is drawn to the following places: A61K9/50 Microcapsules for medicinal preparations B25J7/00Micromanipulators G02B21/32Micromanupulators combined with microscopes G11B5/127Magnetic heads H01P3/08Waveguide microstrips.
In this subclass, local "residual" subgroups, e.g. B81B7/0077, are used with the following purpose: When classifying a document which does not fit in any of a set of subgroups with the same dot-level, the document should be classified in the residual group, if present, and not in the group at the hierarchical level one dot above.
In the example, the document shall be classified in B81B7/0077 and not in B81B7/0032 as B81B7/0077 is "residual" to B81B7/0035-B81B7/0074
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B81CPROCESSES OR APPARATUS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR THE MANUFACTURE OR TREATMENT OF MICROSTRUCTURAL DEVICES OR SYSTEMS making microcapsules or microballoons B01J13/02; processes or apparatus peculiar to the manufacture or treatment of piezo-electric, electrostrictive or magnetostrictive element per se H10N30/01This subclass does not cover:processes or apparatus for the manufacture or treatment of purely electrical or electronic devices, which are covered by section H, e.g. group H01L21/00;processes or apparatus involving the manipulation of single atoms or molecules, which are covered by group B82B3/00.In this subclass, local "residual" subgroups, e.g. B81C1/00126, are used with the following purpose.
When classifying a document which does not fit in any of a set of subgroups with the same dot-level, the document should be classified in the residual group, if present, and not in the group at the hierarchical level one dot above.
In the example, the document shall be classified in B81C1/00126 and not in B81C1/00023 as B81C1/00126 is "residual" to B81C1/00031-B81C1/00119
B82NANOTECHNOLOGYIn this class, the following terms are used with the meaning indicated: "nanosize" or "nanoscale" relate to a controlled geometrical size below 100 nanometres (nm) in one or more dimensions; "nanostructure" means an entity having at least one nanosized functional component that makes physical, chemical or biological properties or effects available, which are uniquely attributable to the nanoscale. B82BNANOSTRUCTURES FORMED BY MANIPULATION OF INDIVIDUAL ATOMS, MOLECULES, OR LIMITED COLLECTIONS OF ATOMS OR MOLECULES AS DISCRETE UNITSMANUFACTURE OR TREATMENT THEREOFThis subclass does not cover chemical or biological nanostructures per se, provided for elsewhere, e.g. in classes C08 or C12.Attention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B82, which defines the meaning of the terms "nanosize", "nanoscale" and "nanostructure" in this subclass.Subject matter classified in this subclass is further classified in subclass B82Y, in order to enable a comprehensive search of nanostructure technology using classification symbols of B82Y in combination with classification symbols of B82B.Nanostructures having specialised features or functions are further classified in appropriate places in other subclasses that provide for those features or functions, e.g. in G01Q, G02F1/017, H01L29/775. B82YSPECIFIC USES OR APPLICATIONS OF NANOSTRUCTURESMEASUREMENT OR ANALYSIS OF NANOSTRUCTURESMANUFACTURE OR TREATMENT OF NANOSTRUCTURESThis subclass covers applications and aspects of nanostructures which are produced by any method, and is not restricted to those that are formed by manipulation of individual atoms or molecules.Attention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B82, which defines the meaning of the terms "nanosize", "nanoscale" and "nanostructure" in this subclass.This subclass is intended to enable a comprehensive search of subject matter related to nanostructures by combination of classification symbols of this subclass with classification symbols from other subclasses. Therefore this subclass covers aspects of nanostructures that might also be entirely or partially covered elsewhere in the IPC.This subclass is for secondary classification, i.e. obligatory supplementary classification of subject matter already classified as such in other classification places, e.g. :B82B Nanostructures formed by individual manipulation of atoms, molecules, or limited collections of atoms or molecules as discrete units; manufacture or treatment thereof A61K9/51 Nanocapsules for medicinal preparations B05D1/20 Langmuir-Blodgett films C01B32/05 Carbon nanostructures, e.g. bucky-balls, nanotubes, nanocoils, nanodoughnuts or nanoonions G01Q Scanning probe techniques G02F1/017 Optical quantum wells or boxes H01F10/32 Nanostructured thin magnetic films H01F41/30 Molecular beam epitaxy [MBE] H01L29/775 Quantum wire FETs
The classification symbols of this subclass are not listed first when assigned to patent documents.
Is not provided for, but is most closely related to, the subject matter covered by the subclasses of this section, and
Is not explicitly covered by any subclass of another section.