B41LAPPARATUS OR DEVICES FOR MANIFOLDING, DUPLICATING OR PRINTING FOR OFFICE OR OTHER COMMERCIAL PURPOSESADDRESSING MACHINES OR LIKE SERIES-PRINTING MACHINES printing presses or machines for industrial purposes B41F; stamps, stamping or numbering devices B41KThis subclass does not cover constituent parts common to manifolding by means of pressure-sensitive layers or intermediaries, to apparatus or machines for duplicating or printing for office or other commercial purposes, or to addressing machines or like series-printing machines, which are covered by subclass B41F.In this subclass, as indicated by the references, groups B41L15/00 and B41L17/00 are intended to cover letterpress and lithographic printing apparatus only in so far as it is specially adapted for office or other commercial purposes; the general constructions or features of apparatus of these types are classified in subclass B41F. Constructions or features determining classification in these groups are, for example: ease of operation by clerical staff, cleanliness of operation in non-industrial environments, the use of printing surfaces constructed for the production of a limited number of copies.In this subclass, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "manifolding" means the obtaining of several copies simultaneously by means of pressure-sensitive layers when making an original; "duplicating" means the obtaining of successive copies from a master, e.g. a hectographic image; "stencilling" involves the use of a printing surface which is perforated to form the image, the ink flowing through the perforations on the copy material.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B41L1/00Manifolding by means of pressure-sensitive layers or intermediaries B41L1/00Devices for performing operations in connection with manifolding by means of pressure-sensitive layers or intermediaries, e.g. carbonsAccessories for manifolding purposes B41L1/02Devices for preparatory operations, e.g. for bringing together sheets or webs and interposed carbonsDevices combined with devices for printing, for coating with carbon, for folding B41L1/04Devices for performing operations subsequent to manifolding, e.g. for separating single sheets or webs from single form sets, continuous manifold assemblies from carbons B41L1/06on single form sets B41L1/08on continuous manifold assemblies B41L1/10Separate folding or disposition of single webs B41L1/12Severing webs to obtain single sheets or forms, e.g. by cutting, by bursting B41L1/14Severing edge perforations from webs B41L1/16Carriers or supply devices for pressure-sensitive material, e.g. for carbon sheetsCarbon gloves B41L1/18for carbon websContinuous carbon supply mechanisms B41L1/20Manifolding assemblies, e.g. book-like assemblies multi-copy labels G09F3/0288 B41L1/22made up of single sheets or forms B41L1/24Pads or books B41L1/26Continuous assemblies made up of webs B41L1/28in rolled or wound form B41L1/30folded longitudinally B41L1/32folded transversely B41L1/321Stacks of sheets attached to a carrier strip or web B41L1/323Uniting several webs, e.g. transversely B41L1/325longitudinally B41L1/326Severance lines; Perforations B41L1/328Removing carbon sheets B41L1/34for making masters for hectographic duplicators B41L1/36with pressure-sensitive layers or coating other than carbon sheet materials B41M5/00 B41L3/00Platens or like sheet supports for manifolding using pressure-sensitive layers or intermediaries, e.g. for book-keeping purposes B41L3/02with stationary clamping means for holding the manifolding assembly in registered position, e.g. resilient clamps for holding non-perforated sheets clamps for platens B41F1/36 B41L3/04Bars provided with pins engaging perforations in the elements B41L3/06with movable clamping or guiding means for the elements of the manifolding assembly B41L3/08with non-mechanical means for holding the elements in registered position, e.g. magnetic means B41L3/10with means for moving assembled elements step by step relative to platen or support, e.g. for column or line selectionMeans for locating assembled elements when stationary B41L3/12Auxiliary devices B41L3/14Magazines or storage compartments, e.g. for slips B41L3/16Web-feeding arrangements B41L3/18Displaceable covers, e.g. with windows B41L3/20for facilitating manifolding in books B41L3/22Applications of ink ribbonsHolding, feeding, or guiding means therefor B41L5/00Autographic registers or like manifolding apparatus using movable strips or webs movable strip writing or reading apparatus B42D19/00 B41L5/02with means for limiting movements of webs fed by hand B41L5/04with mechanisms for feeding webs or for arranging web feedwith web storage arrangements in genral B65H B41L5/06by means of rollers, wheels, or chains , e.g. with pins transversely B41L5/08by reciprocating mechanisms B41L5/10with mechanisms for feeding the pressure-sensitive web or webs separately from the other webs, e.g. transversely B41L5/12with means for indicating exhaustion of web supply B41L5/14with auxiliary means for printing, perforating, or severing the web B41L5/16Accessories, e.g. drawers for storing forms, for money cash registers G07G B41L7/00Apparatus or machines for duplicating or printing for office or other commercial purposes B41L7/00Apparatus for directly duplicating from hectographic originals, i.e. for obtaining copies in mirror image B41L7/02by passing original and copy-sheet or -web between rollers B41L7/04with means for guiding original or copy-sheet or -web B41L7/06with means for severing copy-sheet or -web B41L7/08with means for moistening or drying B41L9/00Apparatus for indirectly duplicating from hectographic originals by means of hectographic intermediaries or transfer surfaces, i.e. "dry duplicators" B41L9/02Containers for clay or gelatin B41L9/04with flat supports over which gelatin-paper is stretched B41L9/06and with carriages for feeding the sheets B41L9/08and with devices for rolling-in and securing hectographic gelatin-paper webs B41L9/10with rotary cylinders carrying sheets of hectographic gelatin-paper B41L11/00Apparatus for directly duplicating from hectographic masters in mirror image, i.e. "wet duplicators" for producing positive copies B41L11/02with a flat support carrying the masters B41L11/04and with carriages for feeding the sheets B41L11/06for stack duplicating with pressure rollers B41L11/08with rotary cylinders carrying the masters B41L11/10with two rollers between which master is stretched B41L11/12Driving gearControl thereof B41L11/14Constructional features of masters chemical aspects B41M B41L13/00Stencilling apparatus for office or other commercial use screen printing B41F15/00; stencils, stencil materials, carriers therefor B41N1/24 B41L13/02with flat stencil carriers B41L13/04with curved or rotary stencil carriers B41L13/06with a single cylinder carrying the stencil B41L13/08with stencil carried by two or more cylinders, e.g. through the intermediary of endless bands B41L13/10Clips or clamps for securing stencils to stencil carriers B41L13/12for special purposes, e.g. for reproducing Braille characters typewriters for Braille B41J3/32 B41L13/14Attachments, e.g. for punching, cutting, severing B41L13/16Driving gearControl thereof B41L13/18Inking units B41L15/00Letterpress printing apparatus specially adapted for office or other commercial purposes in general B41F; printing plates or foils, materials theref or B41N1/00 B41L15/02with flat printing surfaces, e.g. with flat type-beds, surfaces made of thin sheet material or moulded from plastics or rubber B41L15/04of composed type locked in chases B41L15/06with curved printing surfaces, e.g. cylinders B41L15/08with stereotypes B41L15/10for multicolour printingfor perfecting B41L15/12Driving gearControl thereof B41L15/14Attachments, e.g. for punching, cutting, severing B41L17/00Lithographic printing apparatus for office or other commercial purposes in general B41F; printing plates or foils, materials therefor B41N1/00 B41L17/02for direct impression printing B41L17/04with flat printing surfaces B41L17/06with curved printing surfaces, e.g. cylinders B41L17/08for offset printing B41L17/10with flat printing surfaces, e.g. co-operating with travelling offset cylinders B41L17/12with curved printing surfaces, e.g. forme cylinders B41L17/14of two-cylinder type, e.g. co-operating forme and impression cylinders B41L17/16of three-cylinder type B41L17/18for multicolour printing, e.g. tandem machinesfor perfecting B41L17/20without damping means, e.g. using heat-activatable inks, refrigerated printing surfaces B41L17/22Driving gearControl thereof B41L17/24Attachments, e.g. for punching, cutting, severing B41L19/00Duplicating or printing apparatus or machines for office or other commercial purposes, of special types or for particular purposes and not otherwise provided for addressographs B41L45/00 B41L19/003using heat, e.g. wax transfer B41L19/006Auxiliary numbering devices B41L19/02having forme cylinders carrying a plurality of printing surfaces, or for performing letterpress and lithographic processes selectively or in combination in general B41F11/00 B41L19/04for printing from selected parts of one or more printing surfaces in one cycle, e.g. line printing by inking selected areas B41L27/20 B41L19/06with co-operating forme and impression cylinders B41L19/08by effecting relative movement of forme and impression cylinders during printing cycle B41L19/10by projecting and retracting parts of the surfaces of the forme cylinders B41L19/12by masking parts of the printing surfaces on the forme cylinders B41L19/14by selective damping of the copy material B41L19/16by selective tripping of impression cylinders B41L21/00Common details of, or accessories for, apparatus or machines for manifolding, duplicating, or printing for office or other commercial purposes B41L21/00Devices for conveying sheets or webs of copy material through the apparatus or machines for manifolding, duplicating, or printing mechanisms for conveying copy material through addressographs or like series-printing machines B41L47/24; feeding sheets or webs to or from printing apparatus or machines B65H; in printing presses in general B41F21/00 B41L21/02for conveying sheets B41L21/04Pins B41L21/06Grippers B41L21/08Suction-operated grippers B41L21/10Combinations of endless conveyors and grippers B41L21/12for conveying webs B41L23/00Devices for treating the surfaces of sheets, webs, or other articles in connection with printing as a final step in the manufacture of such articles, see the relevant places, e.g. B29C71/00, D21H23/00 or D21H25/00; after-treatment of prints B41M7/00 B41L23/02by damping, e.g. by moistening copy sheets in connection with hectographic printing B41L23/04using friction rollers B41L23/06using brushes B41L23/08using spray elements B41L23/10using endless bands B41L23/12using absorbent pads B41L23/14Ducts, containers, or like supply devices for liquids B41L23/16Devices for tripping or lifting damping rollersSupporting, adjusting, or removing arrangements therefor B41L23/18Construction of damping rollers B41L23/20by heat drying, by cooling, by applying powders B41L23/22Powdering devices, e.g. for preventing set-off B41L23/24Print-finishing devices, e.g. for glossing prints B41L25/00Devices for damping printing surfaces, e.g. moistening printing surfaces in connection with lithographic printing applying liquids or other fluent materials to surfaces in general B05 B41L25/005Pre-damping etching devices B41L25/02using friction rollers B41L25/04using brushes B41L25/06using spraying elements B41L25/08using endless bands B41L25/10using absorbent pads B41L25/12Ducts, containers, or like supply devices for liquids B41L25/14Inking rollers serving also to apply ink repellants in rotary lithographic machines B41F7/36 B41L25/16Devices for tripping or lifting damping rollersSupporting, adjusting, or removing arrangements therefor in rotary lithographic machines B41F7/40 B41L25/18Construction of damping rollers B41L27/00Inking arrangements or devices inking units for stencilling apparatus B41L13/18; applying liquids or other fluent materials to surfaces, in general B05 B41L27/02adapted for inking by hand B41L27/04Ducts, containers, or supply devices or ink-level control devices level control in general G05D9/00 B41L27/06Duct blades or like supply devices B41L27/08Troughs or like reservoirs with immersed, or partly immersed rollers B41L27/10with ink-ejecting means, e.g. pumps B41L27/12Feed or duct rollers messenger or moving transfer rollers B41L27/16 B41L27/14adjustable for regulating supply B41L27/16Messenger or other moving transfer rollers B41L27/18Continuous, e.g. endless-band apparatus B41L27/20for inking selected parts of printing formes B41L27/22Ink removing or collecting devices B41L27/24for inking from interior of cylinder B41L27/26Absorbent pads B41L27/28Construction of inking rollers B41L27/30Spray apparatus B41L27/32Arrangements for tripping, lifting, adjusting, or removing inking rollersSupports, bearings or forks therefor B41L27/34Lifting or adjusting devices B41L27/36Cams, eccentrics, wedges, or the like devices B41L27/38fluid-pressure operated B41L27/40magnetically operated B41L29/00Devices for attaching printing elements or formes to supports in printing presses in general B41F27/00 B41L29/02magnetic B41L29/04for attaching printing elements to flat type-beds B41L29/06for attaching elements to forme cylinders B41L29/08for attaching print formes to flat type-beds B41L29/10for attaching non-deformable curved printing formes to forme cylinders B41L29/12for attaching flexible printing formes B41L29/14Clamping devices B41L29/16operating automatically during operation of rotary machines to attach the printing formes to the forme cylinders B41L29/18electromagnetic, pneumatic, or hydraulic B41L29/20for adjusting position of leading edges of flexible printing formes circumferentially of forme cylinders B41L29/22for attaching printing formes to intermediate supports, e.g. adapter members B41L31/00Devices for removing flexible printing formes from forme cylinders B41L33/00Pressing flexible printing formes or sheets or webs of copy material against cylinders, e.g. for smoothing purposes in printing presses in general B41F25/00 B41L35/00Cylinders for apparatus or machines for manifolding, duplicating, or printing for office or other commercial purposes in printing presses in general B41F13/08 B41L35/02Forme cylinders B41L35/04Registering devices B41L35/06with means for displacing the cylinders B41L35/08with means for displacing the printing formes on the cylinders B41L35/10Impression cylinders B41L35/12Bearings or supports for forme, offset, or transfer or impression cylinders B41L35/14Means for heating or cooling forme or impression cylinders B41L35/16Cylinder-tripping devicesCylinder impression adjustments B41L35/18Arrangements or dispositions of cylinder bearings, forks, or supports B41L35/20Eccentric bearings B41L35/22Sliding bearings B41L35/24Swinging bearings B41L35/26Cylinder lifting or adjusting devices B41L35/28Cams, eccentrics, wedges, or the like B41L35/30electrically or magnetically operated B41L35/32fluid-pressure operated B41L35/34Guards or covers, e.g. for safety purposes, for preventing egress or ingress of foreign matter B41L38/00Devices for attaching coverings or make-ready devicesGuiding devices for coverings make-ready devices B41N6/00; blankets or like coverings B41N10/00 B41L38/02attaching to impression cylinders B41L38/04attaching of endless or like continuously-fed coverings B41L39/00Indicating, counting, warning, control, or safety devices ink-level control devices B41L27/04; such devices in general, see relevant subclasses, e.g. counting in general G06M B41L39/02Indicating devices, e.g. counters B41L39/04Tripping devices or stop motions B41L39/06for starting or stopping operation of sheet or web feed B41L39/08for starting or stopping operation of cylinders B41L19/16 takes precedence B41L39/10for starting or stopping operation of damping or inking units B41L39/12for starting or stopping the machines as a whole B41L39/14Automatic control of tripping devices by feelers, photoelectric devices, pneumatic devices, or other detectors B41L39/16Programming systems for automatic control of sequence of operations B41L41/00Cleaning arrangements or devices for printing presses in general B41F35/00 B41L41/02for forme cylinders B41L41/04for inking rollers B41L41/06for offset cylinders B41L43/00Auxiliary folding, collecting, or depositing of sheets or webs in general B65H B41L43/02Folding B41L43/04lengthwise B41L43/06crosswise B41L43/08Folding-cylinders or drums B41L43/10Collecting B41L43/12and stapling B41L43/14Adding inserts B41L43/16Depositing B41L45/00Addressing machines or like series-printing machines B41L45/00Kinds or types of addressing machines or of like series-printing machines B41L45/02using printing plates B41L45/04composed on type-setting machines B41L45/06for addressing combined with other operations, e.g. franking, collating documents B41L45/08with printing surfaces in the form of belts, or carried by chains B41L45/10for addressing combined with other operations, e.g. franking, collating documents B41L45/12with separate devices for printing additional texts or images, e.g. for printing receipts on blank sheets or webs B41L47/00Details of addressographs or like series-printing machines common details of printing machines B41F21/00 - B41F35/00 B41L47/02Applications of printing surfaces in addressing machines or like series-printing machines printing surfaces in general B41N B41L47/04of flat or curved plates for relief printing B41L47/06of flat or curved stencils B41L47/08of flat or curved plates for hectographic printing B41L47/10of printing surfaces in the form of belts or chains B41L47/12Auxiliary devices, e.g. for flattening plates, for assembling plates in predetermined order, for wetting stencils B41L47/14Devices or arrangements for storing or handling plates B41L47/16Magazines B41L47/18Devices for feeding the plates in their plane B41L47/20Devices for feeding the plates otherwise than in their plane, e.g. transversely thereto B41L47/22with means for presenting plates for repeated printing operations B41L47/24Mechanisms for conveying copy material through addressographs or like series-printing machines in general B65; B41L47/26for conveying or positioning single sheetlike articles, e.g. envelopes B41L47/28with gauging-rulers or the like, e.g. for facilitating hand-printing of copy material fed from stacks B41L47/30for conveying webs B41L47/32combined with devices for other purposes, e.g. for cutting, severing, gluing B41L47/34specially adapted for conveying chains of forms B41L47/36for conveying sheets or webs for tabulating purposesTabulating mechanisms combined with sheet or web conveyors B41L47/38with clamping means for head or margin B41L47/40with means for automatically reciprocating sheet or web transversely to enable addresses to be printed in columns side by side B41L47/42Printing mechanisms B41L47/44using flat platens B41L47/46using line-contact members, e.g. rollers, cylinders B41L47/48with inking or ink-ribbon devices B41L47/50using multiple impression-members or -surfaces, e.g. for printing series of addresses with standing context, for printing from selected parts of printing surfaces applications of counting, numbering, or dating apparatus B41L49/02 B41L47/52with movable counter-pressure plates for printing from selected areas of printing surfaces B41L47/54with means for automatically reciprocating printing plate transversely to enable addresses to be printed in columns side by side B41L47/56Indicating, warning, control, or safety devices B41L47/58 takes precedence B41L47/58Arrangements or devices for selecting, or for facilitating selection of, text or image to be printed B41L47/60Markings applied to printing plates, e.g. code marks, colours, clips, perforations, edge notches, projections B41L47/62Selecting devices, e.g. cams, windows, positions indicators B41L47/64Automatic selecting devices with or without overriding manual control, e.g. with scanning-fingers, with presetting controls operable by push-buttons, with programme control by punched tapes B41L49/00Accessories or attachments for addressographs or like series-printing machines B41L49/02Counting, numbering, or dating devices B41L49/04Devices for applying selection markings to printing plates