C01GCOMPOUNDS CONTAINING METALS NOT COVERED BY SUBCLASSES C01D OR C01F metal hydrides monoborane, diborane or addition complexes thereof C01B6/00; salts of oxyacids of halogens C01B11/00; peroxides, salts or peroxyacids C01B15/00; thiosulfates, dithionites, polythionates C01B17/64; compounds containing selenium, or tellurium C01B19/00; binary compounds of nitrogen with metals C01B21/06; azides C01B21/08; compounds containing nitrogen, other non-metals and metal C01B21/082; metal amides C01B21/092; nitrites C01B21/50; compounds of noble gases C01B23/0005; phosphides C01B25/08; salts of oxyacids of phosphorus C01B25/16; carbides C01B32/90; compounds containing silicon C01B33/00; compounds containing boron C01B35/00; compounds having molecular sieve properties but not having base-exchange properties C01B37/00; compounds having molecular sieve and base-exchange properties, e.g. crystalline zeolites, C01B39/00; cyanides C01C3/08; salts of cyanamide C01C3/16; thiocyanates C01C3/20 C01G1/00 C01G1/00Methods of preparing compounds of metals not covered by subclasses C01B, C01C, C01D, or C01F, in general electrolytic production of inorganic compounds C25B1/00 C01G1/02Oxides C01G1/04Carbonyls C01G1/06Halides C01G1/08Nitrates C01G1/10Sulfates C01G1/12Sulfides C01G1/14Sulfites C01G3/00Compounds of copper C01G3/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G3/006Compounds containing, besides copper, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G3/02OxidesHydroxides C01G3/04Halides C01G3/05Chlorides C01G3/06Oxychlorides C01G3/08Nitrates C01G3/10Sulfates C01G3/12Sulfides C01G3/14Complexes with ammonia C01G5/00Compounds of silver C01G5/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G5/006Compounds containing, besides silver, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G5/02Halides C01G7/00Compounds of gold C01G7/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G7/006Compounds containing, besides gold, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G9/00Compounds of zinc C01G9/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G9/006Compounds containing, besides zinc, two ore more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G9/02OxidesHydroxides C01G9/03Processes of production using dry methods, e.g. vapour phase processes C01G9/04Halides C01G9/06Sulfates C01G9/08Sulfides C01G11/00Compounds of cadmium C01G11/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G11/006Compounds containing, besides cadmium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G11/02Sulfides C01G13/00Compounds of mercury C01G13/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G13/006Compounds containing, besides mercury, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G13/02Oxides C01G13/04Halides C01G15/00Compounds of gallium, indium or thallium C01G15/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G15/006Compounds containing, besides gallium, indium, or thallium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G17/00Compounds of germanium C01G17/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G17/006Compounds containing, besides germanium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G17/02Germanium dioxide C01G17/04Halides of germanium C01G19/00Compounds of tin C01G19/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G19/006Compounds containing, besides tin, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G19/02Oxides C01G19/04Halides C01G19/06Stannous chloride C01G19/08Stannic chloride C01G21/00Compounds of lead C01G21/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G21/006Compounds containing, besides lead, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G21/02Oxides C01G21/04Lead suboxide (Pb2O) C01G21/06Lead monoxide (PbO) C01G21/08Lead dioxide (PbO2) C01G21/10Red lead (Pb3O4) C01G21/12Hydroxides C01G21/14Carbonates C01G21/16Halides C01G21/18Nitrates C01G21/20Sulfates C01G21/21Sulfides C01G21/22PlumbatesPlumbites C01G23/00Compounds of titanium preparation of Ti-compounds from ores or scraps C22B34/12 C01G23/001Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G23/002Compounds containing, besides titanium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G23/001, C01G23/003 take precedence C01G23/003Titanates C01G23/001 takes precedence C01G23/005Alkali titanates C01G23/006Alkaline earth titanates C01G23/007Titanium sulfides C01G23/001 takes precedence C01G23/008Titanium- and titanyl sulfate C01G23/001 takes precedence C01G23/02Halides of titanium C01G23/022Titanium tetrachloride C01G23/024Purification of tetrachloride C01G23/026Titanium trichloride C01G23/028Titanium fluoride C01G23/04OxidesHydroxides C01G23/043Titanium sub-oxides C01G23/047Titanium dioxide C01G23/0475Purification C01G23/053Producing by wet processes, e.g. hydrolysing titanium salts C01G23/0532by hydrolysing sulfate-containing salts C01G23/0534in the presence of seeds C01G23/0536by hydrolysing chloride-containing salts C01G23/0538in the presence of seeds C01G23/07Producing by vapour phase processes, e.g. halide oxidation C01G23/075Evacuation and cooling of the gaseous suspension containing the oxide; Desacidification and elimination of gases occluded in the separated oxide C01G23/08DryingCalcining ; After treatment of titanium oxide C01G25/00Compounds of zirconium C01G25/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G25/006Compounds containing, besides zirconium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G25/02Oxides C01G25/04Halides C01G25/06Sulfates C01G27/00Compounds of hafnium C01G27/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G27/006Compounds containing, besides hafnium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G27/02Oxides C01G27/04Halides C01G27/06Sulfates C01G28/00Compounds of arsenic C01G28/001Preparation involving a solvent-solvent extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G28/002Compounds containing, besides arsenic, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G28/001 takes precedence C01G28/004containing halogen C01G28/005Oxides; Hydroxides; Oxyacids C01G28/001 takes precedence C01G28/007Halides C01G28/001 takes precedence C01G28/008Sulfides C01G28/001 takes precedence C01G28/02ArsenatesArsenites C01G28/001 takes precedence C01G28/023of ammonium, alkali or alkaline-earth metals or magnesium C01G28/026containing at least two metals C01G29/00Compounds of bismuth C01G29/003Preparations involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G29/006Compounds containing, besides bismuth, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G30/00Compounds of antimony C01G30/001Preparation involving a solvent-solvent extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G30/002Compounds containing, besides antimony, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G30/001 takes precedence C01G30/003containing halogen C01G30/004Oxides; Hydroxides; Oxyacids C01G30/001 takes precedence C01G30/005Oxides C01G30/006Halides C01G30/001 takes precedence C01G30/007of binary type SbX3 or SbX5 with X representing a halogen, or mixed of the type SbX3X'2 with X,X' representing different halogens C01G30/008Sulfides C01G30/001 takes precedence C01G30/02AntimonatesAntimonites C01G30/001 takes precedence C01G30/023of ammonium, alkali or alkaline-earth metals or magnesium C01G30/026containing at least two metals C01G31/00Compounds of vanadium C01G31/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G31/006Compounds containing, besides vanadium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G31/02Oxides C01G31/04Halides C01G33/00Compounds of niobium C01G33/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G33/006Compounds containing, besides niobium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G35/00Compounds of tantalum C01G35/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G35/006Compounds containing, besides tantalum, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G35/02Halides C01G37/00Compounds of chromium C01G37/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G37/006Compounds containing, besides chromium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G37/02Oxides or hydrates thereof C01G37/027Chromium dioxide C01G37/033Chromium trioxideChromic acid C01G37/04Chromium halides C01G37/06Chromylhalides C01G37/08Chromium sulfates C01G37/10Chrome alum C01G37/14ChromatesBichromates C01G39/00Compounds of molybdenum C01G39/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G39/006Compounds containing, besides molybdenum, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G39/02OxidesHydroxides C01G39/04Halides C01G39/06Sulfides C01G41/00Compounds of tungsten C01G41/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G41/006Compounds containing, besides tungsten, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G41/02OxidesHydroxides C01G41/04Halides C01G43/00Compounds of uranium C01G43/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G43/006Compounds containing, besides uranium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G43/01OxidesHydroxides C01G43/025Uranium dioxide C01G43/04Halides of uranium C01G43/06Fluorides C01G43/063Hexafluoride (UF6) C01G43/066Preparation C01G43/08Chlorides C01G43/10Bromides C01G43/12Iodides C01G45/00Compounds of manganese C01G45/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G45/006Compounds containing, besides manganese, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen manganates, manganites or permanganates C01G45/12 C01G45/02OxidesHydroxides C01G45/04Carbonyls C01G45/06Halides C01G45/08Nitrates C01G45/10Sulfates C01G45/12Manganates manganites or permanganates C01G45/1207Permanganates ([MnO]4-) or manganates ([MnO4]2-) C01G45/1214containing alkali metals C01G45/1221Manganates or manganites with a manganese oxidation state of Mn(III), Mn(IV) or mixtures thereof C01G45/1228of the type [MnO2]n- , e.g. LiMnO2, Li[MxMn1-x]O2 C01G45/1235of the type [Mn2O4]2-, e.g. Li2Mn2O4, Li2[MxMn2-x]O4 C01G45/1242of the type [Mn2O4]-, e.g. LiMn2O4, Li[MxMn2-x]O4 C01G45/125of the type[MnO3]n-, e.g. Li2MnO3, Li2[MxMn1-xO3], (La,Sr)MnO3 C01G45/1257containing lithium, e.g. Li2MnO3, Li2[MxMn1-xO3 C01G45/1264containing rare earth, e.g. La1-xCaxMnO3, LaMnO3 C01G45/1271of the type [Mn2O8]n-, e.g. (LaSr3)Mn2O8 C01G45/1278of the type [Mn2O7]n-, e.g. (Sr2-xNdx)Mn2O7, Tl2Mn2O7 C01G45/1285of the type [Mn2O5]n- C01G45/1292of the type [Mn5O12]n- C01G47/00Compounds of rhenium C01G47/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G47/006Compounds containing, besides rhenium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G49/00Compounds of iron C01G49/0009Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G49/0018Mixed oxides or hydroxides, C01G49/0009 takes precedence C01G49/0027containing one alkali metal C01G49/0036containing one alkaline earth metal, magnesium or lead C01G49/0045containing aluminium C01G49/0054containing one rare earth metal, yttrium or scandium C01G49/0063containing zinc C01G49/0072containing manganese C01G49/0081containing iron in unusual valence state [IV, V, VI] C01G49/009Compounds containing, besides iron, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G49/02OxidesHydroxides C01G49/0018 takes precedence C01G49/04Ferrous oxide (FeO) C01G49/06Ferric oxide (Fe2O3) C01G49/08Ferroso-ferric oxide (Fe3O4) C01G49/10Halides C01G49/0018 takes precedence C01G49/12Sulfides C01G49/0018 takes precedence C01G49/14Sulfates C01G49/0018 takes precedence C01G49/16Carbonyls C01G49/0018 takes precedence C01G51/00Compounds of cobalt C01G51/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G51/006Compounds containing, besides cobalt, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen cobaltates C01G51/40 C01G51/02Carbonyls C01G51/04OxidesHydroxides C01G51/06Carbonates C01G51/08Halides C01G51/085Chlorides C01G51/10Sulfates C01G51/12Complexes with ammonia C01G51/30Sulfides C01G51/40Cobaltates C01G51/42containing alkali metals, e.g. LiCoO2 C01G51/44containing manganese C01G51/50of the type [MnO2]n- , e.g. Li(CoxMn1-x)O2, Li(MyCoxMn1-x-y)O2 C01G51/52of the type [Mn2O4]2-, e.g. Li2(CoxMn2-x)O4, Li2(MyCoxMn2-x-y)O4 C01G51/54of the type [Mn2O4]-, e.g. Li(CoxMn2-x)04, Li(MyCoxMn2-x-y)O4 C01G51/56of the type [MnO3]2-, e.g. Li2[CoxMn1-xO3], Li2[MyCoxMn1-x-yO3 C01G51/58of the type [Mn2O8]n- C01G51/60of the type [Mn2O7]n- C01G51/62of the type [Mn2O5]n- C01G51/64of the type [Mn5O12]n- C01G51/66containing alkaline earth metals, e.g. SrCoO3 C01G51/68containing rare earth, e.g. La0.3Sr0.7CoO3 C01G51/70containing rare earth, e.g. LaCoO3 C01G51/68 takes precedence C01G53/00Compounds of nickel C01G53/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G53/006Compounds containing, besides nickel, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen nickelates C01G53/40 C01G53/02Carbonyls C01G53/04OxidesHydroxides C01G53/06Carbonates C01G53/08Halides C01G53/09Chlorides C01G53/10Sulfates C01G53/11Sulfides C01G53/12Complexes with ammonia C01G53/40Nickelates C01G53/42containing alkali metals, e.g. LiNiO2 C01G53/44containing manganese C01G53/50of the type [MnO2]n- , e.g. Li(NixMn1-x)O2, Li(MyNixMn1-x-y)O2 C01G53/52of the type [Mn2O4]2-, e.g. Li2(NixMn2-x)O4, Li2(MyNixMn2-x-y)O4 C01G53/54of the type [Mn2O4]-, e.g. Li(NixMn2-x)O4, Li(MyNixMn2-x-y)O4 C01G53/56of the type [MnO3]2-, e.g. Li2[NixMn1-xO3], Li2[MyNixMn1-x-yO3 C01G53/58of the type [Mn2O8]n- C01G53/60of the type [Mn2O7]n- C01G53/62of the type [Mn2O5]n- C01G53/64of the type [Mn5O12]n- C01G53/66containing alkaline earth metals, e.g. SrNiO3, SrNiO2 C01G53/68containing rare earth, e.g. La1.62 Sr0.38NiO4 C01G53/70containing rare earth, e.g. LaNiO3 C01G53/68 takes precedence C01G55/00Compounds of ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, or platinum C01G55/001Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G55/002Compounds containing, besides ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, or platinum, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G55/007 takes precedence C01G55/004Oxides; Hydroxides C01G55/005Halides C01G55/007Compounds containing at least one carbonyl group C01G55/008Carbonyls C01G56/00Compounds of transuranic elements C01G56/001Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G56/002by adsorption or by ion-exchange on a solid support C01G56/003Compounds comprising, besides transuranic elements, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or hydrogen C01G56/001 takes precedence C01G56/004Compounds of plutonium C01G56/001 takes precedence C01G56/005Oxides; Hydroxides C01G56/006Halides C01G56/007Compounds of transuranic elements C01G56/001 and C01G56/004 take precedence C01G56/008Compounds of neptunium C01G56/009Compounds of americium C01G99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass C01G99/003Preparation involving a liquid-liquid extraction, an adsorption or an ion-exchange C01G99/006Compounds containing, besides a metal not provided for elsewhere in this subclass, two or more other elements other than oxygen or hydrogen C01G99/003 takes precedence