F23JREMOVAL OR TREATMENT OF COMBUSTION PRODUCTS OR COMBUSTION RESIDUESFLUES  combustion apparatus for consuming smoke or fumes, e.g. exhaust gases, F23G7/06This subclass covers the cleaning of external surfaces of water tubes of boilersIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F23J1/00 F23J1/00Removing ash, clinker, or slag from combustion chambers removing flyash from flue gas F23J15/022; devices for removal of material from the bed of fluidised bed combustion apparatus F23C10/24 F23J1/02Apparatus for removing ash, clinker, or slag from ash-pits, e.g. by employing trucks or conveyors, by employing suction devices F23J1/04Hand tools, e.g. rakes, prickers, tongs F23J1/06Mechanically-operated devices, e.g. clinker pushers forming part of the grate F23H F23J1/08Liquid slag removal F23J3/00Removing solid residues from passages or chambers beyond the fire, e.g. from flues by soot blowers F23J3/02Cleaning furnace tubesCleaning flues or chimneys F23J3/023cleaning the fireside of watertubes in boilers F23J3/026cleaning the chimneys F23J3/04Traps F23J3/06Systems for accumulating residues from different parts of furnace plant F23J7/00Arrangement of devices for supplying chemicals to fire F23J9/00Preventing premature solidification of molten combustion residues F23J11/00Devices for conducting smoke or fumes, e.g. flues  chimney stacks E04H12/28; removing cooking fumes from domestic stoves or ranges F24C15/20 ; fume conduits of furnaces, kilns, ovens, or retorts F27D17/002 F23J11/02for conducting smoke or fumes originating from various locations to the outside, e.g. in locomotive sheds, in garages F23J11/04in locomotivesin road vehiclesin ships F23J11/06for conducting smoke horizontally F23J11/08for portable apparatus F23J11/10for tentsfor log hutsfor other inflammable structures F23J11/12Smoke conduit systems for factories or large buildings F23J13/00Fittings for chimneys or flues  side-supporting means for chimney stacks E04H12/20; ladders permanently attached to chimneys E06C9/00; draught-inducing apparatus associated with chimneys or flues F23L17/00; tops for chimneys, terminals for flues F23L17/02 F23J13/02LiningsJacketsCasings F23J13/025composed of concentric elements, e.g. double walled terminals for balanced flue arrangements F23L17/04 F23J13/04JointsConnections F23J13/06MouthsInlet holes F23J13/08Doors or covers specially adapted for smoke-boxes, flues, or chimneys F23J15/00Arrangements of devices for treating smoke or fumes F23J15/003for supplying chemicals to fumes, e.g. using injection devices F23J15/006Layout of treatment plant F23J15/02of purifiers, e.g. for removing noxious material traps for solid residues F23J3/04 F23J15/022for removing solid particulate material from the gasflow F23J15/025using filters F23J15/027using cyclone separators F23J15/04using washing fluids scrubbers for removing solids only F23J15/022 F23J15/06of coolers F23J15/08of heaters F23J99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F23J2211/00 F23J2211/00Flue gas duct systems F23J2211/10Balanced flues (combining air supply and flue gas exhaust) F23J2211/101with coaxial duct arrangement F23J2211/20Common flues for several combustion devices F23J2211/30Chimney or flue associated with building ventilation system F23J2211/40Chimney with internal flue pipe system F23J2213/00Chimneys or flues F23J2213/10Linings F23J2213/101Fastening means therefor F23J2213/20JointsConnections F23J2213/201between stack and branch pipes F23J2213/202between duct or stack sections F23J2213/203between stack/duct and combustion apparatus F23J2213/204Sealing arrangements F23J2213/30Specific materials F23J2213/301flexible F23J2213/302plastic F23J2213/303metallic F23J2213/304ceramic F23J2213/305glass F23J2213/40Heat insulation fittings F23J2213/50Top cover F23J2213/60Service arrangements F23J2213/70Safety arrangements F23J2215/00Preventing emissions solids only F23J2217/00 F23J2215/10NitrogenCompounds thereof F23J2215/101Nitrous oxide (N2O) F23J2215/20SulfurCompounds thereof F23J2215/30HalogenCompounds thereof F23J2215/301DioxinsFurans F23J2215/40Carbon monoxide F23J2215/50Carbon dioxide F23J2215/60Heavy metalsCompounds thereof F23J2217/00Intercepting solids F23J2217/10by filters F23J2217/101Baghouse type F23J2217/102electrostatic F23J2217/103ultrafine [HEPA] F23J2217/104High temperature resistant (ceramic) type F23J2217/105Granular bed F23J2217/20by baffles F23J2217/30by screens F23J2217/40by cyclones F23J2217/50by cleaning fluids (washers or scrubbers) F23J2217/60using settling/precipitation chambers F23J2219/00Treatment devices F23J2219/10Catalytic reduction devices F23J2219/20Non-catalytic reduction devices F23J2219/201Reducing species generators, e.g. plasma, corona F23J2219/30Sorption devices using carbon, e.g. coke F23J2219/40Sorption with wet devices, e.g. scrubbers F23J2219/50Sorption with semi-dry devices, e.g. with slurries F23J2219/60Sorption with dry devices, e.g. beds F23J2219/70Condensing contaminants with coolers F23J2219/80Quenching F23J2700/00Ash removal, handling and treatment meansAsh and slag handling in pulverulent fuel furnacesAsh removal means for incinerators F23J2700/001Ash removal, handling and treatment means F23J2700/002Ash and slag handling in pulverulent fuel furnaces F23J2700/003Ash removal means for incinerators F23J2900/00Special arrangements for conducting or purifying combustion fumesTreatment of fumes or ashes F23J2900/01001Sorting and classifying ashes or fly-ashes from the combustion chamber before further treatment F23J2900/01002Cooling of ashes from the combustion chamber by indirect heat exchangers for preheating air F23L2900/15041 F23J2900/01003Ash crushing means associated with ash removal means F23J2900/01004Separating water from ash F23J2900/01005Mixing water to ash F23J2900/01006Airlock sealing associated with ash removal means F23J2900/01007Thermal treatments of ash, e.g. temper or shock-cooling for granulation F23J2900/01009Controls related to ash or slag extraction F23J2900/01021Removing ashes from the ash pit using reciprocating means, e.g. pushers F23J2900/11001Conducting systems with a gas flow bypass from main flue to an auxiliary flue F23J2900/11002Modelling systems adapted for designing arrangements for conducting or purifying combustion fumes, e.g. flues F23J2900/13001Preventing or reducing corrosion in chimneys F23J2900/13002Initial heating of the flue before starting combustion F23J2900/13003Means for reducing the noise in smoke conducing ducts or systems F23J2900/13004Water draining devices associated with flues F23J2900/13005Protections for chimneys or flue tops against external factors, e.g. birds F23J2900/13006Devices for heating the chimney top to avoid ice formation F23J2900/13021Means for supporting the lining of conducting means, e.g. ducts or chimneys F23J2900/13022Manufacturing processes for the lining of conducting means, e.g. by extrusion F23J2900/13023Ducts with non-circular cross-section F23J2900/15001Irradiating fumes with electron or light beams, e.g. UV, for oxidizing or dissociating SOx and NOx F23J2900/15002Cleaning fumes by letting them to pass a molten metal bath F23J2900/15003Supplying fumes with ozone F23J2900/15004Preventing plume emission at chimney outlet F23J2900/15021Preventing emission of hexavalent chromium at the chimney outlet F23J2900/15022Electrochemical cell filters F23J2900/15023Magnetic filters F23J2900/15024Photocatalytic filters F23J2900/15025Cyclone walls forming heat exchangers F23J2900/15026Cyclone separators with horizontal axis F23J2900/15027Preventing emission of CO2 at the chimney outlet by using sea weeds filters or absorbers F23J2900/15041Means for absorbing SOx using seawater F23J2900/15061Deep cooling or freezing of flue gas rich of CO2 to deliver CO2-free emissions, or to deliver liquid CO2 F23J2900/15081Reheating of flue gases