F42CAMMUNITION FUZES blasting cartridge initiators F42B3/10; chemical aspects C06CARMING OR SAFETY MEANS THEREFOR filling fuzes F42B33/02; fitting or extracting primers in or from fuzes F42B33/04; containers for fuzes F42B39/30In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F42C1/00 F42C1/00Impact fuzes, i.e. fuzes actuated only by ammunition impact F42C1/02with firing-pin structurally combined with fuze F42C1/04operating by inertia of members on impact F42C1/06for any direction of impact electric contact parts F42C19/06 F42C1/08with delayed action after ignition of fuze time fuzes F42C9/00 or after impact F42C1/09the fuze activating a propulsive charge for propelling the ammunition or the warhead into the air, e.g. in rebounding projectiles F42C1/10without firing-pin F42C1/12with delayed action after ignition of fuze time fuzes F42C9/00 F42C1/14operating at a predetermined distance from ground or target by means of a protruding member F42C3/00Fuzes actuated by exposure to a liquid, e.g. seawater F42C5/00 takes precedence; time fuzes F42C9/00 F42C5/00Fuzes actuated by exposure to a predetermined ambient fluid pressure fluid-pressure-operated switches H01H35/24 F42C5/02barometric pressure F42C7/00Fuzes actuated by application of a predetermined mechanical force, e.g. tension, torsion, pressure by ammunition impact F42C1/00, by exposure to a predetermined ambient fluid pressure F42C5/00 F42C7/02Contact fuzes, i.e. fuzes actuated by mechanical contact between a stationary ammunition, e.g. a land mine, and a moving target, e.g. a person F42C7/12 takes precedence F42C7/04actuated by applying pressure on the ammunition head F42C7/06and comprising pneumatic or hydraulic retarding means F42C7/08of release type, i.e. actuated by releasing pressure from the ammunition head F42C7/10of antenna type F42C7/12Percussion fuzes of the double-action type, i.e. fuzes cocked and fired in a single movement, e.g. by pulling an incorporated percussion pin or hammer percussion caps F42C19/10 F42C9/00Time fuzesCombined time and percussion or pressure-actuated fuzesFuzes for timed self-destruction of ammunition F42C9/02the timing being caused by mechanical means F42C9/04by spring motor F42C9/141 takes precedence; housings for fuzes specially adapted for winding or setting F42C19/02 F42C9/041the clockwork activating a security device, e.g. for unlocking the firing-pin F42C9/043and the firing-pin being activated by impact F42C9/045and the firing-pin being activated by a spring F42C9/046and the activating spring being the spring of the clock-work mechanism F42C9/048Unlocking of clockwork mechanisms, e.g. by inertia or centrifugal forces; Means for disconnecting the clockwork mechanism from the setting mechanism F42C9/06by flow of fluent material, e.g. shot, fluids F42C9/08the timing being caused by chemical action, e.g. of acids F42C9/14 takes precedence F42C9/10the timing being caused by combustion F42C9/14 takes precedence F42C9/12with ring combustion elements F42C9/14Double fuzesMultiple fuzes F42C9/141Impact fuze in combination with a clockwork time fuze F42C9/142combined time and percussion fuzes in which the timing is caused by combustion F42C9/144with ring or spiral combustion elements F42C9/145combined time and percussion fuzes in which the timing is caused by chemical reaction F42C9/147Impact fuze in combination with electric time fuze F42C9/148Proximity fuzes in combination with other fuzes F42C9/16for self-destruction of ammunition F42C9/141 - F42C9/148 take precedence F42C9/18when the spin rate falls below a predetermined limit, e.g. a spring force being stronger than the locking action of a centrifugally-operated lock F42C11/00Electric fuzes in combination with other fuzes F42C9/14; proximity fuzes F42C13/00; safety or arming effected by electric means F42C15/40; electric contact parts for fuzes F42C19/06; electric igniters F42C19/12, F42B3/12 - F42B3/18; optical initiators F42B3/113 F42C11/001Electric circuits for fuzes characterised by the ammunition class or type F42C11/02 - F42C11/06 take precedence; mechanical fuzes having electric igniters for hand grenades or marine warheads F42C14/025, F42C14/045 F42C11/002Smart ammunition fuzes, i.e. having an integrated scanning, guiding and firing system F42C11/003for hand grenades F42C11/005for marine warheads, e.g. torpedoes, mines, depth charges F42C11/006for fall bombs F42C11/007for land mines F42C11/008Power generation in electric fuzes F42C11/02, F42C11/04 and F42C15/295 take precedence F42C11/02with piezo-crystal F42C11/04with current induction F42C11/06with time delay by electric circuitry F42C11/065Programmable electronic delay initiators in projectiles F42C13/00Proximity fuzesFuzes for remote detonation F42C9/148 takes precedence; constructional details F42C19/00; mounting of antennas F42B30/006 F42C13/003operated by variations in electrostatic field F42C13/006for non-guided, spinning, braked or gravity-driven weapons, e.g. parachute-braked sub-munitions F42C13/02operated by intensity of light or similar radiation F42C13/023using active distance measurement F42C13/026Remotely actuated projectile fuzes operated by optical transmission links F42C13/04operated by radio waves F42C13/042based on distance determination by coded radar techniques F42C13/045using transmission of F.M. waves F42C13/047Remotely actuated projectile fuzes operated by radio transmission links F42C13/06operated by sound waves F42C13/08operated by variations in magnetic field F42C14/00Mechanical fuzes characterised by the ammunition class or type F42C1/00, F42C7/00, F42C9/00, F42C11/001, F42C13/00, F42C15/00 take precedence F42C14/02for hand grenades F42C14/025having electric igniters F42C14/04for torpedoes, marine mines or depth charges influenced marine mines F42B22/04 F42C14/045having electric igniters F42C14/06for fall bombs F42C14/08for land mines F42C15/00Arming-means in fuzesSafety means for preventing premature detonation of fuzes or charges F42C15/005Combination-type safety mechanisms, i.e. two or more safeties are moved in a predetermined sequence to each other F42C15/16wherein the firing pin is displaced out of the action line for safety F42C15/40 takes precedence F42C15/18wherein a carrier for an element of the pyrotechnic or explosive train is moved F42C15/40 takes precedence F42C15/184using a slidable carrier F42C15/188using a rotatable carrier F42C15/192rotatable in a plane which is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the projectile F42C15/196by the action of centrifugal or inertia forces on the carrier body, e.g. the carrier having eccentrically mounted weights or eccentric centre of gravity F42C15/20wherein a securing-pin or latch is removed to arm the fuze, e.g. removed from the firing-pin F42C9/041 and F42C15/40 take precedence F42C15/21using spring action F42C15/32 takes precedence F42C15/22using centrifugal force F42C15/23 takes precedence F42C15/23by unwinding a flexible ribbon or tape F42C15/24wherein the safety or arming action is effected by inertia means F42C15/196, F42C15/20 take precedence F42C15/26using centrifugal force F42C15/28operated by flow of fluent material, e.g. shot, fluids F42C15/26 takes precedence F42C15/285stored within the fuze housing F42C15/29operated by fluidic oscillatorsoperated by dynamic fluid pressure, e.g. ram-air operated F42C15/295operated by a turbine or a propellerMounting means therefor F42C15/30of propellant gases, i.e. derived from propulsive charge or rocket motor F42C15/31generated by the combustion of a pyrotechnic or explosive charge within the fuze F42C15/32operated by change of fluid pressure F42C5/00, F42C15/29 take precedence F42C15/33by breaking a vacuum or pressure container F42C15/34wherein the safety or arming action is effected by a blocking-member in the pyrotechnic or explosive train between primer and main charge F42C15/18, F42C15/40 take precedence F42C15/36wherein arming is effected by combustion or fusion of an element; Arming methods using temperature gradientsF42C15/31 takes precedence F42C15/38wherein arming is effected by chemical action F42C3/00 takes precedence F42C15/40wherein the safety or arming action is effected electrically F42C15/42from a remote location, e.g. for controlled mines or mine fields F42C15/44Arrangements for disarming, or for rendering harmless, fuzes after arming, e.g. after launch F42C17/00Fuze-setting apparatus F42C17/02Fuze-setting keys F42C17/04for electric fuzes F42C19/00Details of fuzes except F42C15/00 F42C19/02Fuze bodiesFuze housings F42C19/04Protective caps F42C19/06Electric contact parts specially adapted for use with electric fuzes switches operated by change of speed H01H35/06; switches operated by change of acceleration, e.g. shock or vibration, inertia switches H01H35/14; fluid-pressure-operated switches H01H35/24 F42C19/07Nose-contacts for projectiles or missiles F42C19/08Primers initiators for blasting cartridges F42B3/10; ignition means for rocket engine plants F02K9/95Detonators F42C19/0803characterised by the combination of per se known chemical composition in the priming substance F42C19/0807characterised by the particular configuration of the transmission channels from the priming energy source to the charge to be ignited, e.g. multiple channels, nozzles, diaphragms or filters F42C19/0811characterised by the generation of a plasma for initiating the charge to be ignited F42C19/0815Intermediate ignition capsules, i.e. self-contained primary pyrotechnic module transmitting the initial firing signal to the secondary explosive, e.g. using electric, radio frequency, optical or percussion signals to the secondary explosive initiators for blasting cartridges or air bags F42B3/10 F42C19/0819Primers or igniters for the initiation of rocket motors, i.e. pyrotechnical aspects thereof F42C19/0823Primers or igniters for the initiation or the propellant charge in a cartridged ammunition primers for caseless ammunition F42C19/085 F42C19/0826comprising an elongated perforated tube, i.e. flame tube, for the transmission of the initial energy to the propellant charge, e.g. used for artillery shells and kinetic energy penetrators F42C19/083characterised by the shape and configuration of the base element embedded in the cartridge bottom, e.g. the housing for the squib or percussion cap F42C19/0834Arrangements of a multiplicity of primers or detonators dispersed within a propellant charge for increased efficiency F42C19/0838Primers or igniters for the initiation or the explosive charge in a warhead F42C19/095 takes precedence F42C19/0842Arrangements of a multiplicity of primers or detonators, dispersed within a warhead, for multiple mode selection F42C19/0846Arrangements of a multiplicity of primers or detonators, dispersed within a warhead, for increased efficiency F42C19/085Primers for caseless ammunition F42C19/09Primers or detonators containing a hollow charge F42C19/095Arrangements of a multiplicity of primers or detonators, dispersed around a warhead, one of the primers or detonators being selected for directional detonation effects F42C19/10Percussion caps F42C19/12electric F42C19/14operable also in the percussion mode F42C21/00Checking fuzesTesting fuzes F42C99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass