G01FMEASURING VOLUME, VOLUME FLOW, MASS FLOW OR LIQUID LEVELMETERING BY VOLUMEAttention is drawn to the Notes following the title of class G01.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. G01F1/00Measuring volume flow G01F1/00Measuring the volume flow or mass flow of fluid or fluent solid material wherein the fluid passes through a meter in a continuous flow measuring a proportion of the volume flow G01F5/00Groups G01F1/704 - G01F1/76 take precedence over groups G01F1/05 - G01F1/68. G01F1/002wherein the flow is in an open channel G01F1/005using floats G01F1/007by measuring the level variations of storage tanks relative to the time G01F1/05by using mechanical effects G01F1/053using rotating vanes with tangential and axial admission G01F1/056Orbital ball flowmeters G01F1/06using rotating vanes with tangential admission G01F1/065with radiation as transfer means to the indicating device, e.g. light transmission G01F1/07with mechanical coupling to the indicating device G01F1/075with magnetic or electromagnetic coupling to the indicating device G01F1/0755with magnetic coupling only in a mechanical transmission path G01F1/08Adjusting, correcting or compensating means therefor G01F1/10using rotating vanes with axial admission G01F1/103with radiation as transfer means to the indicating device, e.g. light transmission G01F1/106with electrostatic coupling to the indicating device G01F1/11with mechanical coupling to the indicating device G01F1/115with magnetic or electromagnetic coupling to the indicating device G01F1/1155with magnetic coupling only in a mechanical transmission path G01F1/12Adjusting, correcting, or compensating means therefor G01F1/125with electric, electro-mechanical or electronic means G01F1/20by detection of dynamic effects of the flow G01F1/203Jet stream flowmeters G01F1/206Measuring pressure, force or momentum of a fluid flow which is forced to change its direction G01F1/22by variable-area meters , e.g. rotameters G01F1/24with magnetic or electric coupling to the indicating device G01F1/26of the valve type G01F1/28by drag-force, e.g. vane type or impact flowmeter G01F1/30for fluent solid material G01F1/32using swirl flowmeters G01F1/3209using Karman vortices G01F1/3218bluff body design G01F1/3227using fluidic oscillators fluidic oscillators per se F15C1/00 G01F1/3236using guide vanes as swirling means G01F1/325Means for detecting quantities used as proxy variables for swirl G01F1/3259for detecting fluid pressure oscillations G01F1/3266by sensing mechanical vibrations G01F1/3273for detecting fluid speed oscillations by thermal sensors G01F1/3282for detecting variations in infrasonic, sonic or ultrasonic waves, due to modulation by passing through the swirling fluid G01F1/3287circuits therefor G01F1/34by measuring pressure or differential pressure G01F1/36the pressure or differential pressure being created by the use of flow constriction G01F1/363with electrical or electro-mechanical indication G01F1/37 and G01F1/38 take precedence G01F1/366with mechanical or fluidic indication G01F1/37 and G01F1/38 take precedence G01F1/37the pressure or differential pressure being measured by means of communicating tubes or reservoirs with movable fluid levels, e.g. by U-tubes G01F1/372with electrical or electro-mechanical indication G01F1/375with mechanical or fluidic indication G01F1/377using a ring-balance as indicating element G01F1/38the pressure or differential pressure being measured by means of a movable element, e.g. diaphragm, piston, Bourdon tube or flexible capsule G01F1/383with electrical or electro-mechanical indication G01F1/386with mechanical or fluidic indication G01F1/40Details of construction of the flow constriction devices G01F1/42Orifices or nozzles G01F1/44Venturi tubes G01F1/46Pitot tubes G01F1/48the pressure or differential pressure being created by a capillary element G01F1/50Correcting or compensating means G01F1/52by measuring the height of the fluid level due to the lifting power of the fluid flow G01F1/54by means of chains, flexible bands or wires introduced into and moved by, the flow G01F1/56by using electric or magnetic effects G01F1/66 takes precedence G01F1/58by electromagnetic flowmeters G01F1/582without electrodes G01F1/584constructions of electrodes, accessories therefor G01F1/586constructions of coils, magnetic circuits, accessories therefor G01F1/582 takes precedence; magnet; inductances; transformers; selection of materials for their magnetic properties per se H01F G01F1/588combined constructions of electrodes, coils or magnetic circuits, accessories therefor G01F1/60Circuits therefor G01F1/64by measuring electrical currents passing through the fluid flowmeasuring electrical potential generated by the fluid flow, e.g. by electrochemical, contact or friction effects G01F1/58 takes precedence G01F1/66by measuring frequency, phase shift or propagation time of electromagnetic or other waves, e.g. using ultrasonic flowmeters G01F1/661using light G01F1/662Constructional details G01F1/663by measuring Doppler frequency shift G01F1/665of the drag-type G01F1/666by detecting noise and sounds generated by the flowing fluid G01F1/667Arrangements of transducers for ultrasonic flowmetersCircuits for operating ultrasonic flowmeters G01F1/668Compensating or correcting for variations in velocity of sound G01F1/68by using thermal effects G01F1/684Structural arrangementsMounting of elements, e.g. in relation to fluid flow G01F1/6842with means for influencing the fluid flow G01F1/6845Micromachined devices G01F1/6847where sensing or heating elements are not disturbing the fluid flow, e.g. elements mounted outside the flow duct G01F1/688using a particular type of heating, cooling or sensing element G01F1/6847 takes precedence G01F1/6882making use of temperature dependence of acoustic properties, e.g. propagation speed of surface acoustic waves G01F1/6884making use of temperature dependence of optical properties G01F1/6886Pyroelectric elements G01F1/6888Thermoelectric elements, e.g. thermocouples, thermopiles G01F1/69of resistive type G01F1/692Thin-film arrangements G01F1/696Circuits therefor, e.g. constant-current flow meters G01F1/6965comprising means to store calibration data for flow signal calculation or correction G01F1/698Feedback or rebalancing circuits, e.g. self heated constant temperature flowmeters G01F1/6983adapted for burning-off deposits G01F1/6986with pulsed heating, e.g. dynamic methods G01F1/699by control of a separate heating or cooling element G01F1/704using marked regions or existing inhomogeneities within the fluid stream, e.g. statistically occurring variations in a fluid parameter G01F1/76, G01F25/00 take precedence G01F1/7042using radioactive tracers G01F1/7044using thermal tracers G01F1/7046using electrical loaded particles as tracer, e.g. ions or electrons G01F1/7048the concentration of electrical loaded particles giving an indication of the flow G01F1/708Measuring the time taken to traverse a fixed distance G01F1/7082using acoustic detecting arrangementsGroup G01F1/7082 is impacted by reclassification into group G01F1/712.
Groups G01F1/7082 and G01F1/712 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01F1/7084using thermal detecting arrangementsGroup G01F1/7084 is impacted by reclassification into group G01F1/712. Groups G01F1/7084 and G01F1/712 should be considered in order to perform a complete search. G01F1/7086using optical detecting arrangementsGroup G01F1/7086 is impacted by reclassification into group G01F1/712.
Groups G01F1/7086 and G01F1/712 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01F1/7088using electrically charged particles as tracersGroup G01F1/7088 is impacted by reclassification into group G01F1/712.
Groups G01F1/7088 and G01F1/712 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01F1/712using auto-correlation or cross-correlation detection meansGroup G01F1/712 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01F1/7082, G01F1/7084, G01F1/7086 and G01F1/7088.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01F1/716using electron paramagnetic resonance [EPR] or nuclear magnetic resonance [NMR]
G01F1/72Devices for measuring pulsing fluid flows G01F1/74Devices for measuring flow of a fluid or flow of a fluent solid material in suspension in another fluid G01F1/76Devices for measuring mass flow of a fluid or a fluent solid material G01F1/78Direct mass flowmeters G01F1/785using fluidic bridge circuits G01F1/80operating by measuring pressure, force, momentum, or frequency of a fluid flow to which a rotational movement has been imparted G01F1/82using a driven wheel as impeller and one or more other wheels or moving elements which are angularly restrained by a resilient member, e.g. spring member as the measuring device G01F1/84Coriolis or gyroscopic mass flowmeters G01F1/8404details of flowmeter manufacturing methods G01F1/8409constructional details G01F1/8413means for influencing the flowmeter's motional or vibrational behaviour, e.g., conduit support or fixing means, or conduit attachments G01F1/8418motion or vibration balancing means G01F1/8422exciters G01F1/8427detectors G01F1/8431electronic circuits G01F1/8436signal processing G01F1/844microfluidic or miniaturised flowmeters G01F1/8445micromachined flowmeters G01F1/845arrangements of measuring means, e.g., of measuring conduits G01F1/8454rotating or rotatingly suspended measuring conduits G01F1/8459vibrating means being located inside the measuring conduits G01F1/8463the measuring conduits' cross-section being deformed during measurement, e.g. by periodically deflecting a portion of the conduits' surface G01F1/8468vibrating measuring conduits G01F1/8472having curved measuring conduits, i.e. whereby the measuring conduits' curved center line lies within a plane G01F1/8481 takes precedence G01F1/8477with multiple measuring conduits G01F1/8481having loop-shaped measuring conduits, e.g. the measuring conduits form a loop with a crossing point G01F1/8486with multiple measuring conduits G01F1/849having straight measuring conduits G01F1/8495with multiple measuring conduits G01F1/86Indirect mass flowmeters, e.g. measuring volume flow and density, temperature or pressure G01F1/88with differential-pressure measurement to determine the volume flow G01F1/90with positive-displacement meter or turbine meter to determine the volume flow
G01F3/00Measuring the volume flow of fluids or fluent solid material wherein the fluid passes through the meter in successive and more or less isolated quantities, the meter being driven by the flow measuring a proportion of the volume flow G01F5/00 G01F3/02with measuring chambers which expand or contract during measurement G01F3/04having rigid movable walls G01F3/06comprising members rotating in a fluid-tight or substantially fluid-tight manner in a housing G01F3/065sliding-vane meters G01F3/08Rotary-piston or ring-piston meters G01F3/10Geared or lobed impeller meters G01F3/12Meters with nutating members, e.g. discs G01F3/14comprising reciprocating pistons, e.g. reciprocating in a rotating body G01F3/16in stationary cylinders G01F3/18involving two or more cylinders G01F3/20having flexible movable walls, e.g. diaphragms, bellows G01F3/22for gases G01F3/221Valves therefor valves for flowmeters in general G01F15/005 G01F3/222characterised by drive mechanism for valves or membrane index mechanism G01F3/223with adjustment of stroke or timing; Calibration thereof; Testing G01F3/224with means for pressure or temperature compensation G01F3/225characterised by constructional features of membranes or by means for improving proper functioning of membranes diaphragms for flowmeters in general G01F15/16 G01F3/226characterised by features of meter body or housing G01F3/227characterised by the means for transfer of membrane movement information to indicating means G01F3/228using mechanical transmission means G01F3/24with measuring chambers moved during operation wet gas-meters G01F3/30 G01F3/26Tilting-trap meters G01F3/28on carriers rotated by the weight of the liquid in the measuring chambers G01F3/30Wet gas-meters G01F3/32comprising partitioned drums rotating or nutating in a liquid G01F3/34comprising bells reciprocating in a liquid G01F3/36with stationary measuring chambers having constant volume during measurement with measuring chambers which expand or contract during measurement G01F3/02 G01F3/38having only one measuring chamber G01F5/00Measuring a proportion of the volume flow G01F5/005by measuring pressure or differential pressure, created by the use of flow constriction G01F7/00Volume-flow measuring devices with two or more measuring rangesCompound meters G01F7/005by measuring pressure or differential pressure, created by the use of flow constriction G01F9/00Measuring volume flow relative to another variable, e.g. of liquid fuel for an engine G01F9/001with electric, electro-mechanic or electronic means G01F9/008 and G01F9/02 take precedence G01F9/003by measuring the weight G01F9/005by using calibrated reservoirs G01F9/006with mechanic means G01F9/008 and G01F9/02 take precedence G01F9/008where the other variable is the flight or running time G01F9/02wherein the other variable is the speed of a vehicle G01F9/023with electric, electro-mechanic or electronic means G01F9/026with mechanic means
G01F11/00Metering by volume G01F11/00Apparatus requiring external operation adapted at each repeated and identical operation to measure and separate a predetermined volume of fluid or fluent solid material from a supply or container, without regard to weight, and to deliver it G01F11/003for fluent solid material G01F11/006Details or accessories general details G01F15/00 G01F11/02with measuring chambers which expand or contract during measurement G01F11/021of the piston type G01F11/04 takes precedence G01F11/022of the gun type and actuated by fluid pressure or by a motor air-operated grease guns F16N5/02; devices to fill holes or cracks B05C17/002 G01F11/023with provision for varying the stroke of the piston G01F11/024the pistons reciprocating in rotatable cylinders dough-dividing machines with division boxes in a revolving body with radially-working pistons A21C5/04 G01F11/025with manually operated pistons G01F19/005 takes precedence G01F11/026of the gun type hand operated grease guns F16N3/12 G01F11/027of the syringe type G01F11/028the dosing device being provided with a dip tube and fitted to a container, e.g. to a bottleneck G01F11/029provided with electric controlling means G01F11/022 and G01F11/024 take precedence G01F11/04of the free-piston type G01F11/06with provision for varying the stroke of the piston G01F11/08of the diaphragm or bellows type G01F11/082of the squeeze container type using squeeze bottles or the like for soap A47K5/122 G01F11/084using a bulb to pressurise the fluid to be dispersed G01F11/086using an auxiliary pressure to cooperate with the diaphragm or bellows G01F11/088using a deformable conduit-like element G01F11/10with measuring chambers moved during operation G01F11/12of the valve type, i.e. the separating being effected by fluid-tight or powder-tight movements involving the tilting or inverting of the supply vessel G01F11/26 G01F11/125of the peristaltic pump type peristaltic pumps per se F04B43/12 G01F11/14wherein the measuring chamber reciprocates G01F11/16for liquid or semiliquid G01F11/18for fluent solid material G01F11/20wherein the measuring chamber rotates or oscillates G01F11/22for liquid or semiliquid G01F11/24for fluent solid material G01F11/26wherein the measuring chamber is filled and emptied by tilting or inverting the supply vessel, e.g. bottle-emptying apparatus G01F11/261for fluent solid material G01F11/262for liquid or semi-liquid G01F11/263with valves G01F11/265of the ball type G01F11/266using the syphonic effect G01F11/267with counters for counting the numbers of measures delivered G01F11/268with provision for varying the volume to be delivered G01F11/28with stationary measuring chambers having constant volume during measurement G01F11/282for fluent solid material not provided for in G01F11/34, G01F11/40, G01F11/46 G01F11/284combined with electric level detecting means G01F11/282, G01F11/30 - G01F11/46 take precedence G01F11/286where filling of the measuring chamber is effected by squeezing a supply container that is in fluid connection with the measuring chamber and excess fluid is sucked back from the measuring chamber during relaxation of the supply container G01F11/288squeezing of the supply vessel causing filling of the measuring chamber and backflow from the measuring chamber to the supply vessel being prevented by a check valve G01F11/46 take precedence G01F11/30with supply and discharge valves of the lift or plug-lift type G01F11/32for liquid or semiliquid G01F11/34for fluent solid material G01F11/36with supply or discharge valves of the rectilinearly-moved slide type G01F11/38for liquid or semiliquid G01F11/40for fluent solid material G01F11/42with supply or discharge valves of the rotary or oscillatory type G01F11/44for liquid or semiliquid G01F11/46for fluent solid material G01F13/00Apparatus for measuring by volume and delivering fluids or fluent solid materials, not provided for in the preceding groups G01F13/001for fluent solid material G01F13/003comprising a conveyor belt G01F13/005comprising a screw conveyor G01F13/006measuring volume in function of time G01F13/008taps comprising counting- and recording means counting devices, counting of objects in general G06M G01F15/00Details of, or accessories for, apparatus of groups G01F1/00 - G01F13/00 insofar as such details or appliances are not adapted to particular types of such apparatus G01F15/001Means for regulating or setting the meter for a predetermined quantity G01F15/002for gases G01F15/003using electromagnetic, electric or electronic means G01F15/002, G01F15/02 take precedence G01F15/005Valves valves in general F16K G01F15/006characterised by the use of a particular material, e.g. anti-corrosive material G01F15/14 takes precedence G01F15/007comprising means to prevent fraud G01F15/008comprising lubricating means G01F15/02Compensating or correcting for variations in pressure, density or temperature G01F15/022using electrical means G01F15/024involving digital counting G01F15/026using means to maintain zero differential pressure across the motor G01F1/08 and G01F1/12 take precedence G01F15/028for low flow rates G01F15/04of gases to be measured G01F15/043using electrical means G01F15/046involving digital counting G01F15/06Indicating or recording devices G01F15/061for remote indication G01F15/063using electrical means G01F15/065with transmission devices, e.g. mechanical G01F15/066involving magnetic transmission devices G01F15/068with electrical means G01F15/063 takes precedence G01F15/07Integration to give total flow, e.g. using mechanically-operated integrating mechanism G01F15/075using electrically-operated integrating means G01F15/0755involving digital counting G01F15/08Air or gas separators in combination with liquid metersLiquid separators in combination with gas-meters G01F15/10Preventing damage by freezing or excess pressure or insufficient pressure G01F15/105Preventing damage by hydraulic shocks G01F15/12Cleaning arrangementsFilters G01F15/125Filters G01F15/14Casings, e.g. of special material G01F15/16DiaphragmsBellowsMountings therefor G01F15/18Supports or connecting means for meters G01F15/185Connecting means, e.g. bypass conduits G01F17/00Measuring volume G01F17/00Methods or apparatus for determining the capacity of containers or cavities, or the volume of solid bodies measuring linear dimensions to determine volume G01B G01F19/00Calibrated capacity measures for fluids or fluent solid material, e.g. measuring cups G01F19/002Measuring spoons or scoops G01F19/005for semi-liquid, e.g. fat G01F19/007for non fluent solid material, e.g. filamentary G01F22/00Methods or apparatus for measuring volume of fluids or fluent solid material, not otherwise provided for G01F22/02involving measurement of pressure G01F23/00Level indicators G01F23/00Indicating or measuring liquid level or level of fluent solid material, e.g. indicating in terms of volume or indicating by means of an alarm G01F23/0007for discrete indicating and measuring G01F23/02 - G01F23/28 take precedence G01F23/0015with a whistle or other sonorous signal G01F23/0023with a probe suspended by a wire or thread with floats G01F23/40 G01F23/003with a probe suspended by rotatable arms with floats G01F23/32 G01F23/0038using buoyant probes with floats G01F23/30 - G01F23/76 G01F23/0046with a stationary probe, where a liquid specimen is separated from the mean mass and measured by gauge glasses G01F23/02 G01F23/0053with over-flow pipes G01F23/02by gauge glasses or other apparatus involving a window or transparent tube for directly observing the level to be measured or the level of a liquid column in free communication with the main body of the liquid G01F23/04by dip members, e.g. dip-sticks G01F23/045cleaning means therefor (e.g. dip-stick wipers) G01F23/14by measurement of pressure G01F23/16Indicating, recording, or alarm devices being actuated by mechanical or fluid means, e.g. using gas, mercury, or a diaphragm as transmitting element, or by a column of liquid G01F23/161for discrete levels G01F23/162 - G01F23/165 take precedence G01F23/162by a liquid column G01F23/164using a diaphragm, bellow as transmitting element G01F23/165of bubbler type G01F23/167with mechanic or fluid indicating or recording G01F23/168with electric indicating or recording G01F23/18Indicating, recording or alarm devices actuated electrically G01F23/185for discrete levels G01F23/20by measurement of weight, e.g. to determine the level of stored liquefied gas G01F23/205for discrete levels G01F23/22by measuring physical variables, other than linear dimensions, pressure or weight, dependent on the level to be measured, e.g. by difference of heat transfer of steam or water involving the use of floats G01F23/30 G01F23/223using a melting or dissolving material as a part of alarm-means G01F23/226measuring the braking of a rotatable element G01F23/24by measuring variations of resistance of resistors due to contact with conductor fluid G01F23/241for discrete levels G01F23/242Mounting arrangements for electrodes G01F23/243Schematic arrangements of probes combined with measuring circuits G01F23/244comprising oscillating circuits G01F23/245with a probe moved by an auxiliary power, e.g. meter, to follow automatically the level G01F23/246thermal devices G01F23/247for discrete levels G01F23/248Constructional details; Mounting of probes G01F23/26by measuring variations of capacity or inductance of capacitors or inductors arising from the presence of liquid or fluent solid material in the electric or electromagnetic fields G01F23/261for discrete levels G01F23/263by measuring variations in capacitance of capacitors G01F23/265for discrete levels G01F23/266measuring circuits therefor G01F23/268mounting arrangements of probes G01F23/28by measuring the variations of parameters of electromagnetic or acoustic waves applied directly to the liquid or fluent solid material G01F23/282for discrete levels G01F23/284, G01F23/296 take precedence G01F23/284Electromagnetic waves G01F23/2845for discrete levels G01F23/288, G01F23/292 take precedence G01F23/288X-raysGamma rays or other forms of ionising radiation G01F23/2885for discrete levels G01F23/292Light , e.g. infra-red or ultra-violet G01F23/2921for discrete levels G01F23/2922with light-conducting sensing elements, e.g. prisms G01F23/2924for several discrete levels, e.g. with more than one light-conducting sensing element G01F23/2927 takes precedence G01F23/2925using electrical detecting means G01F23/2927for several discrete levels, e.g. with more than one light-conducting sensing element G01F23/2928using light reflected on the material surface G01F23/296Acoustic waves G01F23/2961for discrete levels G01F23/2962 - G01F23/2968 take precedence G01F23/2962Measuring transit time of reflected waves G01F23/2963magnetostrictive G01F23/2965Measuring attenuation of transmitted waves G01F23/2966making use of acoustical resonance or standing waves G01F23/2967for discrete levels G01F23/2968Transducers specially adapted for acoustic level indicators G01F23/30by floats G01F23/303characterised by means to prevent fault-level readings due to turbulence of the fluid, e.g. special float housings G01F23/306using radioactive radiation G01F23/32using rotatable arms or other pivotable transmission elements G01F23/34using mechanically actuated indicating means G01F23/38 takes precedence G01F23/345using pneumatically or hydraulically actuated indicating means G01F23/36using electrically actuated indicating means G01F23/38 takes precedence G01F23/363using electromechanically actuated indicating means G01F23/366using optoelectrically actuated indicating means G01F23/38using magnetically actuated indicating means G01F23/40using bands or wires as transmission elements G01F23/42using mechanically actuated indicating means G01F23/425using pneumatically or hydraulically actuated indicating means G01F23/44using electrically actuated indicating means G01F23/443using electromechanically actuated indicating means G01F23/446using opto-electrically actuated indicating means G01F23/46using magnetically actuated indicating means G01F23/48using twisted spindles as transmission elements G01F23/50using mechanically actuated indicating means G01F23/505using hydraulically or pneumatically actuated indicating means G01F23/52using electrically actuated indicating means G01F23/523using electromechanically actuated indicating means G01F23/526using opto-electrically actuated indicating means G01F23/54using magnetically actuated indicating means G01F23/543using magnets only as coupling means in a mechanical transmission path G01F23/546using magnets only for directly actuating of switches G01F23/56using elements rigidly fixed to, and rectilinearly moving with, the floats as transmission elements G01F23/58using mechanically actuated indicating means G01F23/585using pneumatically or hydraulically actuated indicating means G01F23/60using electrically actuated indicating means G01F23/603using electromechanically actuated indicating means G01F23/606using opto-electrically actuated indicating means G01F23/62using magnetically actuated indicating means G01F23/64of the free float type without mechanical transmission elements G01F23/66using mechanically actuated indicating means G01F23/665using pneumatically or hydraulically actuated indicating means G01F23/68using electrically actuated indicating means G01F23/683using electromechanically actuated indicating means G01F23/686using opto-electrically actuated indicating means G01F23/70for sensing changes in level only at discrete points G01F23/703using electromechanically actuated indicating means G01F23/706using opto-electrically actuated indicating means G01F23/72using magnetically actuated indicating means G01F23/74for sensing changes in level only at discrete points G01F23/76characterised by the construction of the float G01F23/80Arrangements for signal processing G01F23/802Particular electronic circuits for digital processing equipment G01F23/804containing circuits handling parameters other than liquid level G01F23/806Particular electronic circuits for handling non-digital processing equipment G01F23/808containing circuits handling parameters other than liquid level G01F25/00Testing or calibration of apparatus for measuring volume, volume flow or liquid level or for metering by volume G01F25/0084for measuring volume G01F25/0092for metering by volume G01F25/10of flowmeters G01F25/11using a seal ball or piston in a test loop G01F25/12using tracer G01F25/13using a reference counter G01F25/14using a weighing apparatus G01F25/15specially adapted for gas meters G01F25/11 - G01F25/14, G01F25/17 take precedence G01F25/17using calibrated reservoirs G01F25/20of apparatus for measuring liquid level G01F25/22Checking proper indicating of discrete level by floats G01F25/24Testing proper functioning of electronic circuits