G16YINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR THE INTERNET OF THINGS [IoT]This subclass covers inter-networking of physical objects ("things") that embed technology enabling the things to sense and collect information from their internal state or their external environment, wherein the information is processed by the things or by other devices, e.g. servers, to be output to the things, to other things or to other devices, and enabling these things to be connected to the Internet either directly or indirectly. "Directly connected to Internet" means that a thing possesses a network address of the Internet address space, which is used to communicate over the Internet."Indirectly connected to Internet" means that a thing is connected to a proxy device, which possesses a network address of the Internet address space and which communicates over the Internet on behalf of the thing. A network address of the Internet address space is an address uniquely identifying a device in the Internet.This subclass does not cover:Mere monitoring, e.g. security cameras, or mere controlling, e.g. remote control arrangements.Generic computing and communicating devices, e.g. computers or telephones This subclass is intended to enable a complementary search of subject matter related to IoT by combination of classification symbols of this subclass with classification symbols from other subclasses. Therefore this subclass covers aspects of IoT (e.g. detection or navigation) that might also be entirely or partially covered elsewhere in the IPC.This subclass is for obligatory supplementary classification of subject matter already classified as such in other classification places, when the subject matter contains an aspect of IoT.The classification symbols of this subclass are not listed first when assigned to patent documents.No systematic reclassification was done when this subclass was introduced. When searching using the symbols of this subclass it should be noted that many documents published before 2020 are not classified in subclass G16Y. G16Y10/00 G16Y10/00Economic sectors G16Y10/05Agriculture G16Y10/10Forestry G16Y10/15Fishing G16Y10/20Mining G16Y10/25Manufacturing G16Y10/30Construction G16Y10/35Utilities, e.g. electricity, gas or water G16Y10/40Transportation G16Y10/45Commerce G16Y10/50FinanceInsurance G16Y10/55Education G16Y10/60HealthcareWelfare G16Y10/65Entertainment or amusementSports G16Y10/70Broadcasting G16Y10/75Information technologyCommunication G16Y10/80HomesBuildings G16Y10/90Chemistry G16Y20/00Information sensed or collected by the things G16Y20/10relating to the environment, e.g. temperaturerelating to location G16Y20/20relating to the thing itself G16Y20/30relating to resources, e.g. consumed power G16Y20/40relating to personal data, e.g. biometric data, records or preferences G16Y30/00IoT infrastructure G16Y30/10Security thereof G16Y40/00IoT characterised by the purpose of the information processing G16Y40/10DetectionMonitoring G16Y40/20AnalyticsDiagnosis G16Y40/30Control G16Y40/35Management of things, i.e. controlling in accordance with a policy or in order to achieve specified objectives G16Y40/40Maintenance of things G16Y40/50SafetySecurity of things, users, data or systems G16Y40/60PositioningNavigation