B05CAPPARATUS FOR APPLYING FLUENT MATERIALS TO SURFACES, IN GENERAL spraying apparatus, atomising apparatus, nozzles B05B; plant for applying liquids or other fluent materials to objects by electrostatic spraying B05B5/08This subclass covers apparatus or hand tools, in general, for applying liquids or other fluent materials to a surface or a part thereof, by any mechanical or physical method, in particular apparatus for obtaining a uniform distribution of liquids or other fluent materials on a surface.Attention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B05.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B05C5/04 covered by B05C5/001, B05C11/1042
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B05C1/00Apparatus for applying liquids or other fluent materials to surfaces hand tools or apparatus using hand-held tools B05C17/00; specially adapted for applying particulate materials B05C19/00 B05C1/00Apparatus in which liquid or other fluent material is applied to the surface of the work by contact with a member carrying the liquid or other fluent material, e.g. a porous member loaded with a liquid to be applied as a coating B05C5/02, B05C7/00 take precedence B05C1/003incorporating means for heating or cooling the liquid or other fluent material B05C11/1042 takes precedence B05C1/006for applying liquid or other fluent material to the edges of essentially flat articles B05C1/02for applying liquid or other fluent material to separate articles B05C1/006 takes precedence B05C1/022to the outer surface of hollow articles B05C1/027 takes precedence B05C1/025to flat rectangular articles, e.g. flat sheets B05C1/027 takes precedence B05C1/027only at particular parts of the articles at particular parts of work of indefinite length B05C1/16 B05C1/04for applying liquid or other fluent material to work of indefinite length B05C1/003 takes precedence B05C1/06by rubbing contact, e.g. by brushes, by pads brushes in general A46B B05C1/08using a roller or other rotating member which contacts the work along a generating line B05C1/0804the material being applied without contact with the roller B05C1/0808Details thereof, e.g. surface characteristics B05C1/0813characterised by means for supplying liquid or other fluent material to the roller B05C1/0817characterised by means for removing partially liquid or other fluent material from the roller, e.g. scrapers coating roller co-operating with dosing rollers B05C1/0834 B05C1/0821characterised by driving means for rollers or work B05C1/0826the work being a web or sheets B05C1/0804, B05C1/0808, B05C1/0813, B05C1/0817, B05C1/0821, B05C1/10, B05C1/12 take precedence B05C1/083being passed between the coating roller and one or more backing rollers B05C1/0834the coating roller co-operating with other rollers, e.g. dosing, transfer rollers B05C1/0839the work being unsupported at the line of contact between the coating roller and the work B05C1/0843the work being backed up by gas jet means for pushing the material in contact with the coating roller B05C1/0847the circumferential speed of the coating roller and the work speed having same direction but different value B05C1/0852the circumferential speed of the coating roller being higher than the work speed B05C1/0856Reverse coating rollers B05C1/086a pool of coating material being formed between a roller, e.g. a dosing roller and an element cooperating therewith B05C1/0865the cooperating element being a roller, e.g. a coating roller B05C1/0869the work contacting the pool B05C1/0873Controlling means responsive to conditions of the liquid or other fluent material, of the ambient medium, of the roller or of the work B05C1/0878responsive to the pressure applied between two rollers, e.g. between the coating roller and a backing roller or between the coating roller and a dosing roller B05C1/0882responsive to the distance between two rollers, e.g. between the coating roller and a backing roller B05C1/0886responsive to the condition of the work B05C1/0891responsive to the speed of moving of the work B05C1/0895responsive to the thickness of the weight of material applied to the work B05C1/10the liquid or other fluent material being supplied from inside the roller B05C1/12the work being fed round the roller B05C1/10 takes precedence B05C1/14using a travelling band B05C1/16only at particular parts of the work at particular parts of separate articles B05C1/027 B05C1/165using a roller or other rotating member which contacts the work along a generating line B05C3/00Apparatus in which the work is brought into contact with a bulk quantity of liquid or other fluent material B05C3/005incorporating means for heating or cooling the liquid or other fluent material B05C11/1042 takes precedence B05C3/02the work being immersed in the liquid or other fluent material B05C3/04with special provision for agitating the work or the liquid or other fluent material B05C3/05by applying vibrations thereto B05C3/08the work and the liquid or other fluent material being agitated together in a container, e.g. tumbled B05C3/05 takes precedence B05C3/09for treating separate articles B05C3/10the articles being moved through the liquid or other fluent material conveying articles through baths B65G, e.g. B65G49/02 B05C3/109Passing liquids or other fluent materials into or through chambers containing stationary articles B05C3/12for treating work of indefinite length B05C3/125the work being a web, band, strip or the like B05C3/132supported on conveying means B05C3/125 takes precedence B05C3/15not supported on conveying means B05C3/125 takes precedence; web or filament feeding arrangements B65H B05C3/152the work passing in zig-zag fashion over rollers B05C3/172in endless form B05C3/18only one side of the work coming into contact with the liquid or other fluent material B05C3/02 takes precedence B05C3/20for applying liquid or other fluent material only at particular parts of the work B05C3/02 takes precedence B05C5/00Apparatus in which liquid or other fluent material is projected, poured or allowed to flow on to the surface of the work B05C7/00 takes precedence; essentially involving spraying or electrostatic projection B05B B05C5/001incorporating means for heating or cooling the liquid or other fluent material B05C11/1042 takes precedence B05C5/002the work consisting of separate articles B05C5/0208 takes precedence B05C5/004the work consisting of separate rectangular flat articles, e.g. flat sheets B05C5/005Curtain coaters B05C5/008 takes precedence B05C5/007Slide-hopper coaters, i.e. apparatus in which the liquid or other fluent material flows freely on an inclined surface before contacting the work B05C5/008Slide-hopper curtain coaters B05C5/02the liquid or other fluent material being discharged through an outlet orifice by pressure, e.g. from an outlet device in contact or almost in contact, with the work B05C5/0204for applying liquid or other fluent material to the edges of essentially flat articles B05C5/0208for applying liquid or other fluent material to separate articles B05C5/0204 takes precedence B05C5/0212only at particular parts of the articles at particular part of web, band, strip, belt or ribbon B05C5/025 B05C5/0216by relative movement of article and outlet according to a predetermined path B05C5/022the outlet being fixed during operation B05C5/0225characterised by flow controlling means, e.g. valves, located proximate the outlet B05C5/0258, B05C5/0275 take precedence; supply valves upstream the coating head B05C11/1036 B05C5/0229the valve being a gate valve or a sliding valve Not complete, see B05C5/0225 B05C5/0233rotating valve, e.g. rotating perforated cylinder Not complete, see B05C5/0225 B05C5/0237Fluid actuated valves Not complete, see B05C5/0225 B05C5/0241for applying liquid or other fluent material to elongated work, e.g. wires, cables, tubes B05C5/0245for applying liquid or other fluent material to a moving work of indefinite length, e.g. to a moving web B05C5/0241, B05C5/0254, B05C5/027, B05C5/0283 take precedence B05C5/025only at particular part of the work at particular part of separate articles B05C5/0212 B05C5/0254Coating heads with slot-shaped outlet B05C5/0283 takes precedence B05C5/0258flow controlled, e.g. by a valve B05C5/0262, B05C5/0266 take precedence B05C5/0262adjustable in width, i.e. having lips movable relative to each other in order to modify the slot width, e.g. to close it B05C5/0266adjustable in length, e.g. for coating webs of different width B05C5/027Coating heads with several outlets, e.g. aligned transversally to the moving direction of a web to be coated B05C5/0254 takes precedence B05C5/0275flow controlled, e.g. by a valve B05C5/0279independently, e.g. individually, flow controlled B05C5/0283Flat jet coaters, i.e. apparatus in which the liquid or other fluent material is projected from the outlet as a cohesive flat jet in direction of the work B05C5/0287with no relative movement between the outlet and a moving work during the application B05C5/0291the material being discharged on the work through discrete orifices as discrete droplets, beads or strips that coalesce on the work or are spread on the work so as to form a continuous coating B05C5/0295Floating coating heads or nozzles B05C7/00Apparatus specially designed for applying liquid or other fluent material to the inside of hollow work B05C7/005by devices in contact with moving work B05C7/02the liquid or other fluent material being projected B05C7/04the liquid or other fluent material flowing or being moved through the workthe work being filled with liquid or other fluent material and emptied B05C7/06by devices moving in contact with the work B05C7/08for applying liquids or other fluent materials to the inside of tubes B05C9/00Apparatus or plant for applying liquid or other fluent material to surfaces by means not covered by any preceding group, or in which the means of applying the liquid or other fluent material is not important B05C9/02for applying liquid or other fluent material to surfaces by single means not covered by groups B05C1/00 - B05C7/00, whether or not also using other means B05C9/022to obtain ornamental coatings B05C9/025using silk screens or stencils B05C9/027using applicator shoes B05C9/04for applying liquid or other fluent material to opposite sides of the work B05C9/045in which the opposite sides of the work are the internal and external surfaces of hollow articles B05C9/06for applying two different liquids or other fluent materials, or the same liquid or other fluent material twice, to the same side of the work B05C9/08for applying liquid or other fluent material and performing an auxiliary operation B05C9/10the auxiliary operation being performed before the application B05C9/14 takes precedence B05C9/12the auxiliary operation being performed after the application B05C9/14 takes precedence B05C9/14the auxiliary operation involving heating or cooling B05C11/00Component parts, details or accessories not specifically provided for in groups B05C1/00 - B05C9/00 means for manipulating or holding work B05C13/00; enclosures for apparatus, booths B05C15/00; spray booths B05B16/00 B05C11/02Apparatus for spreading or distributing liquids or other fluent materials already applied to a surface ; Controlling means thereforB05C7/00 takes precedence; Hand tools for such purposes B05C17/10Control of the thickness of a coating by spreading or distributing liquids or other fluent materials already applied to the coated surfacecontrolling supply of liquid or other fluent material B05C11/10 B05C11/021Apparatus for spreading or distributing liquids or other fluent materials already applied to the surface of an elongated body, e.g. a wire, a tube B05C11/023Apparatus for spreading or distributing liquids or other fluent materials already applied to a surface B05C11/021, B05C11/04 take precedence B05C11/025with an essentially cylindrical body, e.g. roll or rod B05C11/026with an elongated body renewable by feeding it across the surface B05C11/028with a body having a large flat spreading or distributing surface B05C11/04with blades B05C11/041characterised by means for positioning, loading, or deforming the blades B05C11/042allowing local positioning, loading or deforming along the blades B05C11/044characterised by means for holding the blades B05C11/045characterised by the blades themselves B05C11/047provided with end dams B05C11/048Scrapers, i.e. metering blades having their edge oriented in the upstream direction in order to provide a reverse angle of attack B05C11/06with a blast of gas or vapour B05C11/08Spreading liquid or other fluent material by manipulating the work, e.g. tilting B05C11/10Storage, supply or control of liquid or other fluent materialRecovery of excess liquid or other fluent material B05C1/0813, B05C5/0225, B05C17/002 and B05C19/06 take precedence B05C11/1002Means for controlling supply, i.e. flow or pressure, of liquid or other fluent material to the applying apparatus, e.g. valves B05C11/1005responsive to condition of liquid or other fluent material already applied to the surface, e.g. coating thickness, weight or pattern B05C11/1007responsive to condition of liquid or other fluent material B05C11/1005 takes precedence B05C11/101responsive to weight of a container for liquid or other fluent material; responsive to level of liquid or other fluent material in a container B05C11/1013responsive to flow or pressure of liquid or other fluent material B05C11/101 takes precedence; control of flow in general G05D7/00; control of fluid pressure in general G05D16/00 B05C11/1015responsive to a conditions of ambient medium or target, e.g. humidity, temperature B05C11/1005 takes precedence; responsive to position or movement of the coating head relative to the target B05C11/1018responsive to distance of target B05C11/1021responsive to presence or shape of target B05C11/1018 takes precedence B05C11/1023responsive to velocity of target, e.g. to web advancement rate B05C11/1026Valves in general F16K; B05C5/0225 takes precedence B05C11/1028Lift valves B05C11/1031Gate valves; Sliding valves B05C11/1034specially designed for conducting intermittent application of small quantities, e.g. drops, of coating material B05C5/0225, B05C11/1026 take precedence B05C11/1036Means for supplying a selected one of a plurality of liquids or other fluent materials, or several in selected proportions, to the applying apparatus B05C11/1039Recovery of excess liquid or other fluent material; Controlling means therefor B05C11/1042provided with means for heating or cooling the liquid or other fluent material in the supplying means upstream of the applying apparatus B05C11/1044Apparatus or installations for supplying liquid or other fluent material to several applying apparatus or several dispensing outlets, e.g. to several extrusion nozzles B05C11/1047Apparatus or installations for supplying liquid or other fluent material comprising a buffer container or an accumulator between the supply source and the applicator B05C11/105by capillary action, e.g. using wicks B05C11/11Vats or other containers for liquids or other fluent materials B05C11/115Sealing means for work inlet or outlet B05C13/00Means for manipulating or holding work, e.g. for separate articles B05C1/0821 takes precedence B05C13/02for particular articles B05C13/025relatively small cylindrical objects, e.g. cans, bottles B05C15/00Enclosures for apparatusBooths spray booths B05B16/00 B05C17/00Hand tools or apparatus using hand held tools, for applying liquids or other fluent materials to, for spreading applied liquids or other fluent materials on, or for partially removing applied liquids or other fluent materials from, surfaces casings or accessories for storing or handling solid or pasty toilet or cosmetic substances A45D40/00; brushes A46B; shoe polish applicators A47L23/05; surgical glue applicators A61B17/00491; absorbent pads, e.g. swabs, for applying media to the human body A61F13/15; hand-held applicators for applying or spreading media, e.g. remedies, on the human body A61M35/003; implements for writing or drawing B43K; hand-held desk devices for applying liquid, e.g. adhesive, by contact to surfaces B43M11/06; implements or apparatus for removing dry paint from surfaces B44D3/16 ; container closures with pads or like contents-applying means B65D47/42 B05C17/001incorporating means for heating or cooling the liquid or other fluent material B05C17/00523 takes precedence B05C17/002with feed system for supplying material from an external source; Supply controls therefor B05C17/02 takes precedence B05C17/003with means for filling or refilling the hand tool container B05C17/005for discharging material from a reservoir or container located in or on the hand tool through an outlet orifice by pressure without using surface contacting members like pads or brushes B05C17/00503Details of the outlet element B05C17/00523 takes precedence; nozzles for deformable tubular containers B65D35/38 B05C17/00506Means for connecting the outlet element to, or for disconnecting it from, the hand tool or its container B05C17/00509of the bayonet type B05C17/00513of the thread type B05C17/00516Shape or geometry of the outlet orifice or the outlet element B05C17/0052Accessories therefor B05C17/00523provided with means to heat the material B05C17/00526the material being supplied to the apparatus in a solid state, e.g. rod, and melted before application B05C17/0054 takes precedence B05C17/0053the driving means for the material being manual, mechanical or electrical B05C17/00533comprising a piston B05C17/00536the driving means comprising one or more rollers B05C17/0054the driving means for the material being pneumatic or hydraulic B05C17/00543comprising a piston B05C17/00546Details of the heating means B05C17/0055Burners, e.g. for catalytic combustion specially adapted for hand tools or apparatus using hand tools B05C17/00553with means allowing the stock of material to consist of at least two different components B05C17/00556with means for adjusting the proportions of the components B05C17/00559the different components being stored in coaxial chambers B05C17/00563the chambers being at least initially placed in series B05C17/00566with a dynamic mixer in the nozzle B05C17/00569with a pump in the hand tool B05C17/00573the reservoir or container being pneumatically or hydraulically pressurized B05C17/0054, B05C17/015 take precedence B05C17/00576characterised by the construction of a piston as pressure exerting means, or of the co-operating container B05C17/00579comprising means for allowing entrapped air to escape to the atmosphere B05C17/00583the container for the material to be dispensed being deformable B05C17/00586Means, generally located near the nozzle, for piercing or perforating the front part of a cartridge B05C17/00589comprising a guiding rotating element, e.g. a wheel B05C17/00593Hand tools of the syringe type B05C17/00596The liquid or other fluent material being supplied from a rigid removable cartridge having no active dispensing means, i.e. the cartridge requiring cooperation with means of the handtool to expel the material B05C17/01with manually mechanically or electrically actuated piston or the like B05C17/00533 takes precedence B05C17/0103with electrically actuated piston or the like B05C17/0106with means for longitudinally cutting container walls during relative displacement of the piston and its cooperating container B05C17/0109the piston being pulled during application B05C17/0113the piston rod being flexible or articulated B05C17/0109 takes precedence B05C17/0116characterised by the piston driving means B05C17/0103, B05C17/0109, B05C17/0113, B05C17/015 take precedence B05C17/012Stepwise advancing mechanism, e.g. pawl and ratchets B05C17/0123Lever actuated B05C17/0126comprising an element, e.g. an arc compensating element, articulated at one end on the lever and at the other end on the piston rod driving means, e.g. a pawl B05C17/013comprising a freely rotating element, e.g. a roller, between the lever and a piston rod driving means, e.g. a pawl B05C17/0133Nut and bolt advancing mechanism, e.g. threaded piston rods B05C17/0136comprising an energy storing element, e.g. a spring, for exerting, e.g. when released, pressure on the material B05C17/015 takes precedence B05C17/014comprising means for preventing oozing B05C17/0146 takes precedence B05C17/0143comprising means for cutting or cleaning the cartridge nozzle tip B05C17/0146comprising a valve in the proximity of the nozzle that is not actuated by pressure, e.g. manually actuated B05C17/015with pneumatically or hydraulically actuated piston or the like B05C17/00543 takes precedence B05C17/02Rollers for applying toilet or cosmetic substances A45D34/04; Hand tools comprising coating rollers or coating endless belts B05C17/0202Hand tools comprising a coating endless belt B05C17/0205characterised by the handle, e.g. handle shape or material B05C17/0217, B05C17/022 take precedence B05C17/0207characterised by the cover, e.g. cover material or structure, special surface for producing patterns B05C17/0212, B05C17/0352 take precedence B05C17/021comprising means to avoid excessive crushing of the roller cover, e.g. a spacer B05C17/0212the coating surface of the roller being a body of revolution generated by a generatrix that is not a straight line parallel to the roller axis, e.g. for allowing coating of non planar surfaces B05C17/0227, B05C17/0352 take precedence B05C17/0215the coating roller itself, i.e. not only its cover being deformable, e.g. to allow proper coating of non-plane surfaces B05C17/0227 takes precedence B05C17/0217comprising a frame supporting the coating roller at both ends or being intented to be hold at both ends by the user B05C17/0222, B05C17/0227, B05C17/0352, B05C17/0357 take precedence B05C17/022comprising means for angularly adjusting or allowing angular movement of the roller relative to its handle B05C17/0227 takes precedence B05C17/0222comprising protecting shields, drip pans, spatter guards or the like B05C17/03 take precedence B05C17/0225comprising a lateral plate, edge guard or shield B05C17/0227comprising several coating rollers B05C17/0352 takes precedence B05C17/023all of them having parallel axises B05C17/0232all of them having the same axis B05C17/0235Rollers comprising an additional non-rotating applicator or comprising a coating roller replaceable by a non-rotating applicator B05C17/0237comprising means for preventing the rotation of the roller B05C17/024 takes precedence B05C17/024the coating roller being motor driven B05C17/0242comprising rotating guiding elements B05C17/0245Accessories B05C17/0247Rollers for coating under water B05C17/025with self-contained reservoir or container for liquid or other fluent material, located inside the coating roller B05C17/03with feed system for supplying material from an external source or with a reservoir or container for liquid or other fluent material located in or on the hand tool outside the coating roller B05C17/0308the liquid being supplied to the inside of the coating roller B05C17/0316with pressurised or compressible container B05C17/0325attached to the hand tool, e.g. into the handle B05C17/0333with pump B05C17/0341attached to the hand tool B05C17/035direct or indirectly to the outer surface of the coating roller B05C17/0352indirectly, i.e. by using transfer means, e.g. pads, brushes, rollers or bands B05C17/0355using transfer rollers B05C17/0357directly from a container attached to the hand tool, e.g. by gravity or dipping B05C17/04Stencil rollers B05C17/0207 takes precedence B05C17/06Stencils B05C17/04 takes precedence; stencils used in connection with printing plates or foils B41N1/24; drawing accessories B43L13/00 B05C17/08Stencil holders B05C17/10Hand tools for removing partially or for spreading or redistributing applied liquids or other fluent materials, e.g. colour touchers B05C17/12Other hand tools for producing patterns B05C19/00Apparatus specially adapted for applying particulate materials to surfaces B05C19/001Flocking B05C19/002Electrostatic flocking see for electrostatic projection or pulverisation B05B B05C19/004from an outlet device in contact, or almost in contact with the work B05C19/005Apparatus specially designed for applying particulate materials to the inside of hollow work B05C19/007for applying the particulate materials to the inside of hollow tubes B05C19/008Accessories or implements for use in connection with applying particulate materials to surfaces; not provided elsewhere in B05C19/00 B05C19/02using fluidised-bed techniques fluidised-bed technique in general B01J8/24 B05C19/025Combined with electrostatic means B05C19/04the particulate material being projected, poured or allowed to flow onto the surface of the work B05C19/02 takes precedence; involving spraying or electrostatic projection B05B B05C19/005 takes precedence B05C19/06Storage, supply or control of the application of particulate materialRecovery of excess particulate material B05C21/00Accessories or implements for use in connection with applying liquids or other fluent materials to surfaces, not provided for in groups B05C1/00 - B05C19/00 accessories or implements for use in connection with painting or artistic drawing and fully provided for in B44D3/02 - B44D3/38, see subgroups of B44D3/00 B05C21/005Masking devices stencils B05C17/06; masking devices for which the means for applying liquids or other fluent material is spraying or is not important B05B12/20