D21BFIBROUS RAW MATERIALS OR THEIR MECHANICAL TREATMENTIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. D21B1/00 D21B1/00Fibrous raw materials or their mechanical treatment pretreatment of the finely-divided materials before digesting D21C1/00; methods of beating or refining pulp D21D1/00; purification of the pulp suspension by mechanical means D21D5/00 D21B1/02Pretreatment of the raw materials by chemical or physical means removal of bark B27L D21B1/021by chemical means D21B1/023Cleaning wood chips or other raw materials D21B1/025Separating pith from fibrous vegetable materials D21B1/026Separating fibrous materials from waste D21B1/028by dry methods D21B1/04by dividing raw materials into small particles, e.g. fibres breaking-up or cutting wood or the like by dry methods B27L; mechanical separation of fibres from plant material D01B1/00; hackling or heckling machines D01B5/00 D21B1/06by dry methods D21B1/061using cutting devices D21B1/063using grinding devices D21B1/065of the magazine type D21B1/066the raw material being pulp sheets D21B1/068by cutting actions D21B1/08the raw material being waste paper chemical part D21C5/02the raw material being rags D21B1/10by cutting actions D21B1/12by wet methods, by the use of steam beaters D21D1/00 D21B1/14Disintegrating in mills D21B1/16in the presence of chemical agents D21B1/18in magazine-type machines D21B1/20with chain feed D21B1/22with screw feed D21B1/24of the pocket type D21B1/26Driving or feeding arrangements D21B1/28Dressers for mill stones, combined with the mill D21B1/30Defibrating by other means D21B1/303using vibrating devices D21B1/306using microwaves D21B1/32of waste paper D21B1/322coated with synthetic materials D21B1/325de-inking devices D21B1/327using flotation devices D21B1/34Kneading or mixingPulpers D21B1/342Mixing apparatus D21B1/345Pulpers D21B1/347Rotor assemblies D21B1/36Explosive disintegration by sudden pressure reduction D21B1/38Conserving the finely-divided cellulosic material