B63HMARINE PROPULSION OR STEERING propulsion of air-cushion vehicles B60V1/14; specially adapted for submarines, other than nuclear propulsion, B63G; specially adapted for torpedoes F42B19/00 In this subclass, the indexing codes B63B2201/00 - B63B2241/00 are to be used for relevant technical information concerning particular or unusual use, materials, design, methods or means In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B63H1/00 B63H1/00Propulsive elements directly acting on water jet propulsion B63H11/00 B63H2001/005using Magnus effect B63H1/02of rotary type B63H1/04with rotation axis substantially at right angles to propulsive direction B63H2001/045with partially immersed nutating or ondulated disks, e.g. wobble plates B63H1/06with adjustable vanes or blades B63H1/08with cyclic adjustment B63H1/10of Voith Schneider type, i.e. with blades extending axially from a disc-shaped rotary body B63H2001/105with non-mechanical control of individual blades, e.g. electric or hydraulic control B63H1/12with rotation axis substantially in propulsive direction B63H2001/122Single or multiple threaded helicoidal screws, or the like, comprising foils extending over a substantial angle; Archimedean screws B63H2001/125with helicoidal foils projecting from outside surfaces of floating rotatable bodies, e.g. rotatable, cylindrical bodies B63H2001/127with helicoidal foils projecting from inside surfaces of rotating shrouds; Archimedean screws B63H1/14Propellers pitch changing B63H3/00 B63H2001/145comprising blades of two or more different types, e.g. different lengths B63H1/15having vibration damping means B63H1/16having a shrouding ring attached to blades B63H2001/165Hubless propellers, e.g. peripherally driven shrouds with blades projecting from the shrouds' inside surfaces B63H1/18with means for diminishing cavitation, e.g. supercavitation B63H2001/185Surfacing propellers, i.e. propellers specially adapted for operation at the water surface, with blades incompletely submerged, or piercing the water surface from above in the course of each revolution B63H1/20HubsBlade connections B63H1/22the blades being foldable B63H1/24automatically foldable or unfoldable B63H1/26Blades B63H1/265each blade being constituted by a surface enclosing an empty space, e.g. forming a closed loop B63H1/28Other means for improving propeller efficiency B63H2001/283Propeller hub caps with fins having a pitch different from pitch of propeller blades, or a helix hand opposed to the propellers' helix hand B63H2001/286Injection of gas into fluid flow to propellers, or around propeller blades B63H1/30of non-rotary type B63H1/32Flaps, pistons, or the like, reciprocating in propulsive direction B63H1/34of endless-track type B63H2001/342with tracks substantially parallel to propulsive direction B63H2001/344having paddles mounted in fixed relation to tracks, or to track members B63H2001/346having paddles movably mounted on the track or on track members, e.g. articulated, or with means for cyclically controlling the paddles' angular position or orientation B63H2001/348with tracks oriented transverse to propulsive direction B63H1/36swinging sideways, e.g. fishtail type B63H1/37Moving-wave propellers, i.e. wherein the propelling means comprise a flexible undulating structure B63H1/38characterised solely by flotation properties, e.g. drums B63H3/00Propeller-blade pitch changing aircraft propellers B64C11/30; rotors of turbines F01D7/00; axial wind motors F03D7/022; axial-flow pumps F04D29/00 B63H3/002with individually adjustable blades B63H2003/004comprising means for locking blades in position B63H2003/006Detecting or transmitting propeller-blade pitch angle B63H3/008characterised by self-adjusting pitch, e.g. by means of springs, centrifugal forces, hydrodynamic forces B63H3/02actuated by control element coaxial with propeller shaft, e.g. the control element being rotary B63H3/002 takes precedence, fluid actuated B63H3/081 B63H3/04the control element being reciprocatable B63H3/06characterised by use of non-mechanical actuating means, e.g. electrical B63H3/002 takes precedence B63H3/08fluid B63H3/081actuated by control element coaxial with the propeller shaft B63H3/082the control element being axially reciprocatable B63H2003/084with annular cylinder and piston B63H2003/085the control element having means for preventing rotation together with the propeller B63H2003/087using gaseous fluids, e.g. steam or air B63H2003/088characterised by supply of fluid actuating medium to control element, e.g. of hydraulic fluid to actuator co-rotating with the propeller B63H3/10characterised by having pitch control conjoint with propulsion plant control B63H3/12the pitch being adjustable only when propeller is stationary B63H3/002 takes precedence B63H5/00Arrangements on vessels of propulsion elements directly acting on water B63H2005/005Front propulsors, i.e. propellers, paddle wheels, or the like substantially arranged ahead of the vessels' midship section B63H5/02of paddle wheels, e.g. of stern wheels B63H2005/025of Voith Schneider type B63H5/03movably mounted with respect to the hull, e.g. having means to reposition paddle wheel assembly, or to retract paddle or to change paddle attitude B63H5/04with stationary water-guiding elements B63H5/07of propellers forming part of outboard units or Z-drives B63H20/00 B63H2005/075using non-azimuthing podded propulsor units, i.e. podded units without means for rotation about a vertical axis, e.g. rigidly connected to the hull B63H5/08of more than one propeller B63H5/10of coaxial type, e.g. of counter-rotative type B63H2005/103of co-rotative type, i.e. rotating in the same direction, e.g. twin propellers B63H2005/106with drive shafts of second or further propellers co-axially passing through hub of first propeller, e.g. counter-rotating tandem propellers with co-axial drive shafts B63H5/125movably mounted with respect to hull, e.g. adjustable in direction , e.g. podded azimuthing thrustersoutboard units or Z-drives B63H20/00; movably mounted for steering purposes only, rudders carrying propellers B63H25/42 B63H5/1252the ability to move being conferred by gearing in transmission between prime mover and propeller and the propulsion unit being other than in a "Z" configuration B63H2005/1254Podded azimuthing thrusters, i.e. podded thruster units arranged inboard for rotation about vertical axis B63H2005/1256with mechanical power transmission to propellers B63H2005/1258with electric power transmission to propellers, i.e. with integrated electric propeller motors B63H5/14characterised by being mounted in non-rotating ducts or rings, e.g. adjustable for steering purpose shrouding ring attached to blades B63H1/16; jet propulsion B63H11/00 B63H5/15Nozzles, e.g. Kort-type B63H5/16characterised by being mounted in recesseswith stationary water-guiding elementsMeans to prevent fouling of the propeller, e.g. guards, cages or screens B63H5/165Propeller guards, line cutters or other means for protecting propellers or rudders B63H5/18of emergency propellers, e.g. arranged at the side of the vessel B63H5/20movable from a working position to a non-working position movable arrangements of propellers in general B63H5/125; outboard propulsion units in general B63H20/00; steering or dynamic anchoring by propellers used therefore only, or by rudders carrying propellers B63H25/42 B63H7/00Propulsion using air or wind B63H7/00Propulsion directly actuated on air jet propulsion B63H11/00 B63H7/02using propellers B63H8/00Sail or rigging arrangements specially adapted for water sports boards, e.g. for windsurfing or kitesurfing B63H8/10Kite-sailsKite-wingsControl thereofSafety means therefor B63H8/12Kites with inflatable closed compartments B63H8/14Ram-air kites, i.e. kites at least partly inflated by air entering their leading edges during use B63H8/16Control arrangements, e.g. control bars or control lines B63H8/18Arrangements for connecting the user to a kite-sailKite-safety means, e.g. chicken loops, safety leashes or quick release mechanisms B63H8/20Rigging arrangements involving masts, e.g. for windsurfing B63H8/21Wishbones B63H8/22for connecting wishbones to the mast B63H8/23for tensioning or trimming the clew of the sail, e.g. outhaul trimmers B63H8/24Arrangements for connecting the rigging to a board B63H8/25Arrangements for connecting the sail to a mast foot, e.g. downhaul tensioners or mast foot extensions B63H8/40Arrangements for improving or maintaining the aerodynamic profile of sails, e.g. cambers, battens or foil profiles B63H8/50Accessories, e.g. repair kits or kite launching aids B63H8/52Handheld cleats, cams or hooks for tensioning the downhaul or outhaul of a windsurfing sail B63H8/54Arrangements for connecting the user or the harness to the wishbone, e.g. trapeze lines or handgrips B63H8/56Devices to distribute the user's load, e.g. harnesses B63H8/58Spreader barsHook connection arrangements B63H8/70Arrangements for handling, stowing or transport thereof B63H9/00Marine propulsion provided directly by wind power wind-motors driving underwater propulsive elements B63H13/00 B63H9/02using Magnus effect B63H9/04using sails or like wind-catching surfaces sail or rigging arrangements specially adapted for water sports boards, e.g. for windsurfing or kitesurfing B63H8/00 B63H9/06Types of sailConstructional features of sailsArrangements thereof on vessels B63H9/061Rigid sailsAerofoil sails B63H9/0615Inflatable aerofoil sails B63H9/0621Rigid sails comprising one or more pivotally supported panels B63H9/0628the panels being pivotable about horizontal axes B63H9/0635the panels being pivotable about vertical axes B63H9/065Battens for water sports board sails B63H8/40 B63H9/067Sails characterised by their construction or manufacturing process B63H9/0671Moulded sails B63H9/0673Flying sails, e.g. spinnakers or gennakers B63H9/0678Laminated sails B63H9/068Sails pivotally mounted at mast tip B63H9/069Kite-sails for vessels B63H9/071for use in combination with other propulsion means, e.g. for improved fuel economy B63H9/072Control arrangements, e.g. for launching or recovery B63H9/08Connections of sails to masts, spars, or the like B63H2009/082Booms, or the like B63H2009/084Gooseneck bearings, i.e. bearings for pivotal support of booms on masts B63H2009/086by sliders, i.e. by shoes sliding in, or guided by channels, tracks or rails; for connecting luffs, leeches, battens, or the like to masts, spars or booms B63H2009/088Means for tensioning sheets, or other running rigging, adapted for being guided on rails, or the like mounted on deck, e.g. travellers or carriages with pulleys B63H9/10Running rigging, e.g. reefing equipment staying of masts B63B15/02 B63H9/1007Trapeze systems harnesses for windsurfers B63H8/54, B63H8/56 B63H9/1014with elastic connection to harnesses B63H9/1021Reefing B63H9/1028by furling around stays B63H9/1035by furling around or inside the mast B63H9/1042by furling around or inside the boom B63H2009/105using drives for actuating reefing mechanism, e.g. roll reefing drives B63H2009/1057using sheaves being friction driven by endless ropes or by ropes having two free ends B63H2009/1064using drums driven by winding or unwinding single ropes onto or from the drums B63H9/1071Spinnaker poles or rigging, e.g. combined with spinnaker handling B63H9/1078Boom brakes B63H9/1085Boom vangs B63H9/1092Means for stowing, or securing sails when not in use B63H9/1021 takes precedence B63H11/00Marine propulsion by water jets B63H2011/002using Coanda effect, i.e. the tendency of fluid jets to be attracted to nearby surfaces B63H2011/004using the eductor or injector pump principle, e.g. jets with by-pass fluid paths B63H2011/006with propulsive medium supplied from sources external to propelled vessel, e.g. water from public water supply B63H2011/008Arrangements of two or more jet units B63H11/01having means to prevent foreign material from clogging fluid passage way B63H11/02the propulsive medium being ambient water B63H11/025by means of magneto-hydro-dynamic forces B63H11/04by means of pumps B63H2011/043with means for adjusting or varying pump inlets, e.g. means for varying inlet cross section area B63H2011/046comprising means for varying pump characteristics, e.g. rotary pumps with variable pitch impellers, or adjustable stators B63H11/06of reciprocating type B63H11/08of rotary type B63H2011/081with axial flow, i.e. the axis of rotation being parallel to the flow direction B63H2011/082with combined or mixed flow, i.e. the flow direction being a combination of centrifugal flow and non-centrifugal flow, e.g. centripetal or axial flow B63H2011/084with two or more pump stages B63H2011/085having counter-rotating impellers B63H2011/087with radial flow B63H2011/088using shear forces, e.g. disc pumps or Tesla pumps B63H11/09by means of pressure pulses applied to a column of liquid, e.g. by ignition of an air/gas or vapour mixture B63H11/10having means for deflecting jet or influencing cross-section thereof B63H11/101having means for deflecting jet into a propulsive direction substantially parallel to the plane of the pump outlet opening B63H11/102the inlet opening and the outlet opening of the pump being substantially coplanar B63H11/103having means to increase efficiency of propulsive fluid, e.g. discharge pipe provided with means to improve the fluid flow B63H11/107Direction control of propulsive fluid B63H11/101 takes precedence B63H11/11with bucket or clamshell-type reversing means B63H11/113Pivoted outlet B63H11/117Pivoted vane B63H11/12the propulsive medium being steam or other gas B63H11/14the gas being produced by combustion B63H11/16the gas being produced by other chemical processes B63H13/00Marine propulsion by wind motors driving water-engaging propulsive elements B63H15/00 B63H15/00Marine propulsion by use of vessel-mounted driving mechanisms co-operating with anchored chains or the like B63H16/00Marine propulsion by muscle power B63H2016/005used on vessels dynamically supported, or lifted out of the water by hydrofoils B63H16/02Movable thwartsFootrests B63H16/04OarsScullsPaddlesPoles B63H2016/043Stop sleeves or collars for positioning oars in rowlocks, e.g. adjustable B63H2016/046Oars for single-oar sculling, i.e. for propelling boats by swinging single stern-mounted oars from side to side; Use or arrangements thereof on boats B63H16/06RowlocksMountings therefor B63H2016/063Rowlocks mounted on movable support structures B63H16/067Rowlocks mounted on a structure extending beyond the gunwale of the vessel B63H16/073having oar shaft restraining means B63H16/08Other apparatus for converting muscle power into propulsive effort B63H2016/085comprising means for transmitting muscular power applied in oscillatory or rotary manner to a rotary input shaft of a reversing transmission, e.g. alternatively allowing for ahead or astern propulsion B63H16/10for bow-facing rowing B63H16/102by using an inverting mechanism between the handgrip and the blade, e.g. a toothed transmission B63H16/105the mechanism having articulated rods B63H16/107by placing the fulcrum outside the segment defined by handgrip and blade B63H16/12using hand levers, cranks, pedals, or the like, e.g. water cycles, boats propelled by boat-mounted pedal cycles This group is no longer used for classification of new documents as from 01.01.2012. The backlog of this group is being continuously reclassified to groups B63H16/16 - B63H16/20 B63H16/14for propelled drive This group is no longer used for classification of new documents as from 01.01.2012. The backlog of this group is being continuously reclassified to groups B63H16/16 - B63H16/20 B63H16/16using reciprocating pull cable, i.e. a strand-like member movable alternately backward and forward B63H2016/165comprising means for transforming oscillating movement into rotary movement, e.g. for driving propeller shafts B63H16/18using sliding or pivoting handle or pedal, i.e. the motive force being transmitted to a propelling means by means of a lever operated by the hand or foot of the occupant B63H2016/185comprising means for transforming oscillating movement into rotary movement, e.g. for driving propeller shafts B63H16/20using rotary cranking arm B63H2016/202specially adapted or arranged for being actuated by the feet of the user, e.g. using bicycle-like pedals B63H2016/205making use of standard bicycles B63H2016/207without wheels B63H19/00Marine propulsion not otherwise provided for B63H19/02by using energy derived from movement of ambient water, e.g. from rolling or pitching of vessels B63H19/04propelled by water current B63H19/06by discharging gas into ambient water B63H19/08by direct engagement with water-bed or ground B63H20/00Outboard propulsion units, e.g. outboard motors or Z-drivesArrangements thereof on vessels B63H20/001Arrangements, apparatus and methods for handling fluids used in outboard drives for handling exhaust gas B63H20/24; for handling cooling-water B63H20/28; cooling outboard marine engines F01P3/202; air intakes for outboard marine engines F02M35/167 B63H20/002for handling lubrication liquids in engines, e.g. outboard marine engines, F01M B63H2020/003Arrangements of two, or more outboard propulsion units B63H2020/005Arrangements of two or more propellers, or the like on single outboard propulsion units B63H2020/006of coaxial type, e.g. of counter-rotative type B63H20/007Trolling propulsion units trolling plates for slowing down B63H25/50; dynamo-electric machines of trolling units H02K B63H2020/008Tools, specially adapted for maintenance, mounting, repair, or the like of outboard propulsion units, e.g. of outboard motors or Z-drives B63H20/02Mounting of propulsion units B63H20/08 takes precedence B63H2020/025Sealings specially adapted for mountings of outboard drive units; Arrangements thereof, e.g. for transom penetrations B63H20/04in a well B63H20/06on an intermediate support B63H20/08Means enabling movement of the position of the propulsion element, e.g. for trim, tilt or steeringControl of trim or tilt initiating means for steering B63H25/02 B63H20/10Means enabling trim or tilt, or lifting of the propulsion element when an obstruction is hitControl of trim or tilt B63H2020/103using a flexible member for enabling or controlling tilt or lifting, e.g. a cable B63H20/106Means enabling lifting of the propulsion element in a substantially vertical, linearly sliding movement B63H20/12Means enabling steering B63H20/14Transmission between propulsion power unit and propulsion element B63H2020/145comprising means for permitting telescoping movement of components of the outboard propulsion unit, e.g. telescoping movement of power leg B63H20/16allowing movement of the propulsion element in a horizontal plane only, e.g. for steering B63H20/18allowing movement of the propulsion element about a longitudinal axis, e.g. the through transom shaft B63H20/22 takes precedence B63H20/20with provision for reverse drive B63H20/22allowing movement of the propulsion element about at least a horizontal axis without disconnection of the drive, e.g. using universal joints B63H20/24Arrangements, apparatus and methods for handling exhaust gas in outboard drives, e.g. exhaust gas outlets in engines, e.g. outboard marine engines, F01N B63H20/245Exhaust gas outlets B63H20/26 takes precedence B63H20/26Exhaust gas outlets passing through the propeller or its hub B63H20/28Arrangements, apparatus and methods for handling cooling-water in outboard drives, e.g. cooling-water intakes cooling circuits for outboard marine engines F01P3/202 B63H20/285Cooling-water intakes B63H20/30Cooling-water intakes for flushing circuits for flushing outboard marine engines F01P3/205 B63H20/32Housings air intakes for outboard engines F02M35/167 B63H2020/323Gear cases B63H2020/326having a dividing plane substantially in plane with the axes of the transmission shafts B63H20/34comprising stabilising fins , foils, anticavitation plates, splash plates, or rudders rudders carrying propellers B63H25/42; rudders carrying jets B63H25/46 B63H20/36Transporting or testing stands hand carts for transporting outboard units B62B; measuring torque G01L3/00, measuring thrust of propellers G01L5/133, testing in general G01M; Use of outboard propulsion units as pumpsProtection of power legs , e.g. when not in use B63H21/00Use of propulsion power plant or units on vesselsThis group comprises arrangements of propulsion power plant or units on vessels and to some extent it includes adaptations of such plant or units to facilitate such arrangements B63H2021/003the power plant using fuel cells for energy supply or accumulation, e.g. for buffering photovoltaic energy B63H2021/006the vessel being driven by hot gas positive-displacement engine plants of closed-cycle type, e.g. Stirling engines B63H21/02the vessels being steam-driven B63H21/18 takes precedence B63H21/04relating to positive-displacement steam engines B63H21/06relating to steam turbines B63H21/08relating to steam boilers B63H21/10relating to condensers or engine-cooling fluid heat-exchangers B63H21/12the vessels being motor-driven B63H21/175, B63H21/18 take precedence; cooling circuits with liquid-to-liquid heat-exchange relative to marine vessels F01P3/207 B63H21/14relating to internal-combustion engines of outboard type B63H20/00 B63H21/16relating to gas turbines B63H21/165by hydraulic fluid motor, i.e. wherein a liquid under pressure is utilised to rotate the propelling means transmission from power plant or unit to propeller using fluid gearing per se B63H23/26 B63H21/17by electric motor B63H2021/171making use of photovoltaic energy conversion, e.g. using solar panels B63H2021/173making use of superconductivity B63H21/175the vessel being powered by land vehicle supported by vessel B63H21/18the vessels being powered by nuclear energy B63H21/20the vessels being powered by combinations of different types of propulsion units B63H2021/202of hybrid electric type B63H2021/205the second power unit being of the internal combustion engine type, or the like, e.g. a Diesel engine B63H2021/207the second power unit being a gas turbine B63H21/21Control means for engine or transmission, specially adapted for use on marine vessels B63H21/213Levers or the like for controlling the engine or the transmission, e.g. single hand control levers B63H2021/216using electric control means B63H21/22the propulsion power units being controlled from exterior of engine room, e.g. from navigation bridgeArrangements of order telegraphs B63H21/24the vessels being small craft, e.g. racing boats B63H21/30Mounting of propulsion plant or unit, e.g. for anti-vibration purposes hull reinforcements therefor B63B3/70 B63H21/302with active vibration damping B63H21/305with passive vibration damping B63H2021/307Arrangements, or mountings of propulsion power plant elements in modular propulsion power units, e.g. using containers B63H21/32Arrangements of propulsion power-unit exhaust uptakesFunnels peculiar to vessels B63H21/34having exhaust-gas deflecting means B63H21/36Covers or casing arranged to protect plant or unit from marine environment B63H21/38Apparatus or methods specially adapted for use on marine vessels, for handling power plant or unit liquids, e.g. lubricants, coolants, fuels or the like in outboard drives B63H20/001; lubricating or cooling machines or engines in general F01 - F04 B63H21/383for handling cooling-water in outboard drives B63H20/28; in machines or engines in general F01P3/00 B63H21/386for handling lubrication liquids in machines or engines in general F01M B63H23/00Transmitting power from propulsion power plant to propulsive elements adaptation of transmission to allow adjustment in direction of propellers B63H5/125; transmission between wind motors and propulsive elements B63H13/00; in outboard propulsion units B63H20/14; adaptation of transmission to allow adjustment of location of propellers B63H20/08 B63H2023/005using a drive acting on the periphery of a rotating propulsive element, e.g. on a dented circumferential ring on a propeller, or a propeller acting as rotor of an electric motor B63H23/02with mechanical gearing B63H2023/0208by means of endless flexible members B63H2023/0216by means of belts, or the like B63H2023/0225of grooved belts, i.e. with one or more grooves in longitudinal direction of the belt B63H2023/0233of belts having a toothed contact surface, or regularly spaced bosses, or hollows for slip-less or nearly slip-less meshing with complementary profiled contact surface of a pulley B63H2023/0241of V-belts, i.e. belts of tapered cross section B63H2023/025by means of chains B63H2023/0258comprising gearings with variable gear ratio, other than reversing drives or trolling drives B63H2023/0266comprising gearings with automatically variable gear ratio, other than continuously variable transmissions or trolling drives B63H2023/0275comprising means for conveying rotary motion with continuously variable gear ratio, e.g. continuously variable transmissions using endless flexible members B63H2023/0283using gears having orbital motion B63H2023/0291Trolling gears, i.e. mechanical power transmissions comprising controlled slip clutches, e.g. for low speed propulsion B63H23/04the main transmitting element, e.g. shaft, being substantially vertical B63H23/06for transmitting drive from a single propulsion power unit B63H2023/062comprising means for simultaneously driving two or more main transmitting elements, e.g. drive shafts B63H2023/065having means for differentially varying the speed of the main transmitting elements, e.g. of the drive shafts B63H2023/067the elements being formed by two or more coaxial shafts, e.g. counter-rotating shafts B63H23/08with provision for reversing drive B63H23/10for transmitting drive from more than one propulsion power unit B63H23/12allowing combined use of the propulsion power units B63H23/14with unidirectional drive or where reversal is immaterial B63H23/16characterised by provision of reverse drive B63H23/18for alternative use of the propulsion power units B63H23/20with separate forward and astern propulsion power units, e.g. turbines B63H23/22with non-mechanical gearing B63H23/24electric dynamo-electric machines H02K B63H2023/245with two or more electric motors directly acting on a single drive shaft, e.g. plurality of electric rotors mounted on one common shaft, or plurality of electric motors arranged coaxially one behind the other with rotor shafts coupled together B63H23/26fluid B63H23/28with synchronisation of propulsive elements B63H23/30characterised by use of clutches B63H2023/305using fluid or semifluid as power transmitting means B63H23/32Other parts B63H23/321Bearings or seals specially adapted for propeller shafts B63H2023/322Intermediate propeller shaft bearings, e.g. with provisions for shaft alignment B63H2023/323Bearings for coaxial propeller shafts, e.g. for driving propellers of the counter-rotative type B63H2023/325Thrust bearings, i.e. axial bearings for propeller shafts B63H23/326Water lubricated bearings B63H2023/327Sealings specially adapted for propeller shafts or stern tubes B63H2023/328Marine transmissions characterised by the use of brakes, other than propeller shaft brakes; Brakes therefor B63H23/34Propeller shaftsPaddle-wheel shaftsAttachment of propellers on shafts B63H2023/342comprising couplings, e.g. resilient couplings; Couplings therefor B63H2023/344comprising flexible shafts members B63H2023/346comprising hollow shaft members B63H2023/348with turning or inching gear, i.e. with means for slowly rotating, or for angularly positioning of shafts or propulsive elements mounted thereon B63H23/35Shaft braking or locking, i.e. means to slow or stop the rotation of the propeller shaft or to prevent the shaft from initial rotation B63H23/36Shaft tubes B63H25/00SteeringSlowing-down otherwise than by use of propulsive elements using movably-installed outboard propulsion units B63H20/00Dynamic anchoring, i.e. positioning vessels by means of main or auxiliary propulsive elements B63H2025/005Steering specially adapted for towing trains, tug-barge systems, or the like; Equipment or accessories therefor B63H25/02Initiating means for steering , for slowing down, otherwise than by use of propulsive elements, or for dynamic anchoring B63H2025/022Steering wheels; Posts for steering wheels B63H2025/024Handle-bars; Posts for supporting handle-bars, e.g. adjustable posts B63H2025/026using multi-axis control levers, or the like, e.g. joysticks, wherein at least one degree of freedom is employed for steering, slowing down, or dynamic anchoring B63H2025/028using remote control means, e.g. wireless control; Equipment or accessories therefor B63H25/04automatic, e.g. reacting to compass B63H2025/045making use of satellite radio beacon positioning systems, e.g. the Global Positioning System [GPS] B63H25/06Steering by rudders by rudders carrying propellers B63H25/42 B63H2025/063Arrangements of rudders forward of the propeller position, e.g. of backing rudders; Arrangements of rudders on the forebody of the hull; Steering gear therefor B63H2025/066Arrangements of two or more rudders; Steering gear therefor B63H25/08Steering gear B63H25/10with mechanical transmission B63H25/12with fluid transmission B63H25/14power assistedpower driven, i.e. using steering engine B63H25/16with alternative muscle or power operated steering B63H25/18Transmitting of movement of initiating means to steering engine B63H25/20by mechanical means B63H25/22by fluid means B63H25/24by electrical means B63H25/26Steering engines B63H25/28of fluid type B63H25/30hydraulic B63H25/32steam B63H25/34Transmitting of movement of engine to rudder, e.g. using quadrants, brakes B63H25/36Rudder-position indicators B63H25/38Rudders B63H25/381with flaps B63H25/382movable otherwise than for steering purposes; Changing geometry B63H25/383with deflecting means able to reverse the water stream direction B63H2025/384with means for retracting or lifting B63H2025/385by pivoting B63H2025/386by sliding, e.g. telescopic B63H2025/387comprising two or more rigidly interconnected mutually spaced blades pivotable about a common rudder shaft, e.g. parallel twin blades mounted on a pivotable supporting frame B63H2025/388with varying angle of attack over the height of the rudder blade, e.g. twisted rudders B63H25/40using Magnus effect B63H25/42Steering or dynamic anchoring by propulsive elements by jets B63H25/46Steering or dynamic anchoring by propellers used therefor onlySteering or dynamic anchoring by rudders carrying propellers B63H2025/425Propulsive elements, other than jets, substantially used for steering or dynamic anchoring only, with means for retracting, or otherwise moving to a rest position outside the water flow around the hull B63H25/44Steering or slowing-down by extensible flaps or the like B63H25/46Steering or dynamic anchoring by jets or by rudders carrying jets steering or dynamic anchoring by deflecting or directing main propulsion jets B63H11/00 B63H2025/465Jets or thrusters substantially used for steering or dynamic anchoring only, with means for retracting, or otherwise moving to a rest position outside the water flow around the hull B63H25/48Steering or slowing-down by deflection of propeller slipstream otherwise than by rudder B63H25/50Slowing-down means not otherwise provided for B63H25/52Parts for steering not otherwise provided for