D04BKNITTINGIn this subclass, the groups designating machines, apparatus, devices, or implements include processes characterised by, or dependent on, their use and the products of such processesKnitted products, i.e. fabrics, articles, are classified in this subclass only if they have constructional features which are of interest from the knitting aspectIn this subclass, further classification in indexing scheme D10B for aspects relating to textiles is required. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. D04B1/00Weft knittingMachines therefor D04B1/00Weft knitting processes for the production of fabrics or articles not dependent on the use of particular machinesFabrics or articles defined by such processes D04B1/02Pile fabrics or articles having similar surface features D04B1/025incorporating loose fibres, e.g. high-pile fabrics or artificial fur D04B1/04characterised by thread material D04B1/06Non-run fabrics or articles D04B1/08characterised by thread material D04B1/10Patterned fabrics or articles D04B1/102with stitch pattern D04B1/06, D04B1/08 take precedence D04B1/104Openwork fabric, e.g. pelerine fabrics D04B1/106at a selvedge, e.g. hems or turned welts D04B1/108Gussets, e.g. pouches or heel or toe portions D04B1/12characterised by thread material D04B1/123with laid-in unlooped yarn, e.g. fleece fabrics with elastic weft yarn D04B1/18 D04B1/126with colour pattern, e.g. intarsia fabrics D04B1/14Other fabrics or articles characterised primarily by the use of particular thread materials D04B1/16synthetic threads D04B1/18elastic threads D04B1/20crimped threads D04B1/22specially adapted for knitting goods of particular configuration D04B1/225Elongated tubular articles of small diameter, e.g. coverings or reinforcements for cables or hoses D04B1/24wearing apparel D04B1/243upper parts of panties; pants D04B1/246Upper torso garments, e.g. sweaters, shirts, leotards D04B1/26stockings D04B1/265Surgical stockings of unspecified knit construction and reinforced A41B11/02; of unspecified knit construction and elastic A61F13/08 D04B1/28gloves D04B3/00Hand tools or implements D04B3/02Needles D04B3/04Finger protectorsThread tensioners D04B3/06Ball holders or receptacles D04B5/00Knitting apparatus or machines without needles for domestic use with needles D04B7/08 D04B7/00Flat-bed knitting machines with independently-movable needles straight-bar machines with fixed needles D04B11/00 D04B7/02with one set of needles D04B7/025with stitch-length regulation cam systems for stitch-length regulation D04B15/327 D04B7/04with two sets of needles D04B7/045with stitch-length regulation cam systems for stitch-length regulation D04B15/327 D04B7/06for purl work or Links-Links loop formation D04B7/08for domestic use D04B7/10with provision for narrowing or widening to produce fully-fashioned goods D04B7/12with provision for incorporating pile threads D04B7/14with provision for incorporating internal threads in laid-in fabrics D04B7/16for producing fabrics consisting of, or incorporating, elastic threads D04B7/18incorporated as weft or inlaid threads D04B7/20with provision for changing the fabric construction, e.g. from plain to rib-loop fabric D04B7/22with special provision for commencing goods, e.g. with non-run edges D04B7/24for producing patterned fabrics D04B7/26with colour patterns D04B7/28with stitch patterns D04B7/30specially adapted for knitting goods of particular configuration D04B7/32tubular goods D04B7/34gloves D04B9/00Circular knitting machines with independently-movable needles with fixed spring or bearded needles D04B13/00 D04B9/02with one set of needles D04B9/025with stitch-length regulation cam systems for stitch-length regulation D04B15/327 D04B9/04with spring or bearded needles D04B9/06with needle cylinder and dial for ribbed goods D04B9/065with stitch-length regulation cam systems for stitch-length regulation D04B15/327 D04B9/08for interlock goods D04B9/10with two needle cylinders for purl work or for Links-Links loop formation D04B9/12with provision for incorporating pile threads D04B9/14with provision for incorporating loose fibres, e.g. in high-pile fabrics D04B9/16with provision for incorporating internal threads in laid-in fabrics D04B9/18with provision for splicing by incorporating reinforcing threads D04B9/20with provision for narrowing or wideningwith reciprocatory action, e.g. for knitting of flat portions D04B9/22with provision for changing the fabric construction, e.g. from plain to rib-loop fabric D04B9/24with special provision for commencing goods, e.g. with non-run edges D04B9/26for producing patterned fabrics D04B9/28with colour patterns D04B9/30by striping D04B9/32by wrap striping D04B9/34by plating D04B9/36Intarsia work obtained by reciprocatory action D04B9/38with stitch patterns D04B9/40with provision for transfer of knitted goods from one machine to another D04B9/42specially adapted for producing goods of particular configuration D04B9/44elongated tubular articles of small diameter, e.g. coverings for cables sheathing electric cables H01B13/22 D04B9/46stockings, or portions thereof D04B9/48non-run stockings D04B9/50micromesh stockings D04B9/52surgical stockings D04B9/54welts, e.g. double or turned welts D04B9/56heel or toe portions D04B9/58gloves D04B11/00Straight-bar knitting machines with fixed needles flat-bed machines with independently-movable needles D04B7/00 D04B11/02with one set of needles D04B11/025with stitch-length-regulating mechanism D04B11/04with two sets of needles D04B11/06with provision for narrowing or widening to produce fully-fashioned goods D04B11/08with provision for incorporating pile threads D04B11/10with provision for incorporating internal threads in laid-in fabrics D04B11/12for producing fabrics from, or incorporating, elastic threads D04B11/14with provision for changing the fabric construction, e.g. from plain to rib-loop fabric D04B11/16with special provision for commencing goods, e.g. with non-run edges D04B11/18for producing patterned fabrics D04B11/20with colour patterns D04B11/22with stitch patterns D04B11/24with provision for transfer of knitted goods from one machine to another D04B11/26specially adapted for producing goods of particular configuration D04B11/28stockings, or portions thereof D04B11/30non-run stockings D04B11/32welts, e.g. double or turned welts D04B11/34heel or toe portions D04B11/36other wearing apparel D04B13/00Circular knitting machines with fixed spring or bearded needles, e.g. loop-wheel machines with independently-movable needles D04B9/00 D04B13/02with horizontal needles D04B15/00Details of, or auxiliary devices incorporated in, weft knitting machines, restricted to machines of this kind details or auxiliary devices not so restricted D04B35/00 D04B15/02Loop-transfer points D04B15/04for straight-bar knitting machines D04B15/06Sinkers D04B15/08Needle latch openersBrushes D04B15/10Needle beds D04B15/12Shogging devices therefor D04B15/14Needle cylinders D04B15/16Driving devices for reciprocatory action D04B15/18Dials D04B15/20Needle bars D04B15/22Driving devices therefor D04B15/24Sinker headsSinker bars D04B15/26Slurcocks D04B15/28Needle pressers D04B15/30Driving devices for thread-carrier rods D04B15/32Cam systems or assemblies for operating knitting instruments D04B15/322in circular knitting machines with needle cylinder and dial cam systems specially provided for dials D04B15/34 D04B15/325in circular knitting machines with two opposed needle cylinders D04B15/327for stitch-length regulation D04B15/34for dials D04B15/36for flat-bed knitting machines D04B15/362with two needle beds in V-formation D04B15/365with provision for loop transfer from one needle bed to the other D04B15/367with two opposed needle beds D04B15/38Devices for supplying, feeding, or guiding threads to needles D04B15/40Holders or supports for thread packages D04B15/42Frames for assemblies of two or more reels D04B15/44Tensioning devices for individual threads D04B15/46for elastic threads D04B15/48Thread-feeding devices D04B15/482comprising a rotatable or stationary intermediate storage drum from which the thread is axially and intermittently pulled off; Devices which can be switched between positive feed and intermittent feed D04B15/484Yarn braking means acting on the drum D04B15/486Monitoring reserve quantity D04B15/488in co-operation with stitch-length-regulating mechanism D04B15/50for elastic threads D04B15/52for straight-bar knitting machines D04B15/54Thread guides D04B15/56for flat-bed knitting machines D04B15/565Associated thread-clamping or thread-severing devices D04B15/58for circular knitting machinesThread-changing devices D04B15/60with thread-clamping or -severing devices D04B15/61arranged within needle circle D04B15/62with thread knotters D04B15/64for straight-bar knitting machines D04B15/66Devices for determining or controlling patterns ; Programme-control arrangements D04B15/665Driving-gear for programme or pattern devices D04B15/68characterised by the knitting instruments used D04B15/70in flat-bed knitting machines D04B15/72in straight-bar knitting machines D04B15/74Pattern drums driving-gear therefor D04B15/665 D04B15/76Pattern wheels D04B15/78Electrical devices D04B15/80characterised by the thread guides used D04B15/82characterised by the needle cams used D04B15/84Jacquard cards or mechanisms stamping apparatus therefor D03C D04B15/86in flat-bed knitting machines D04B15/88Take-up or draw-off devices for knitting products D04B15/885for straight-bar knitting machines D04B15/90for flat-bed knitting machines D04B15/92pneumatic D04B15/94Driving-gear not otherwise provided for D04B15/96in flat-bed knitting machines D04B15/98in straight-bar knitting machines D04B15/99electrically controlled D04B17/00Repairing or unravelling knitted fabrics D04B17/00Repairing knitted fabrics by knitting operations D04B17/02by darning D04B17/04by picking-up dropped stitches D04B19/00Unravelling knitted fabrics D04B21/00Warp knittingMachines therefor D04B21/00Warp knitting processes for the production of fabrics or articles not dependent on the use of particular machinesFabrics or articles defined by such processes D04B21/02Pile fabrics or articles having similar surface features D04B21/04characterised by thread material D04B21/06Patterned fabrics or articles open-work fabrics D04B21/10 D04B21/08characterised by thread material D04B21/10Open-work fabrics D04B21/12characterised by thread material D04B21/14Fabrics characterised by the incorporation by knitting, in one or more thread, fleece, or fabric layers, of reinforcing, binding, or decorative threadsFabrics incorporating small auxiliary elements, e.g. for decorative purposes pile fabrics D04B21/02; non-woven fabrics in general D04H D04B21/145with stitches drawn from loose fibres, e.g. web-knitted fabrics D04B21/16incorporating synthetic threads D04B21/165with yarns stitched through one or more layers or tows, e.g. stitch-bonded fabrics layered products not united by stitch loops B32B5/22 D04B21/18incorporating elastic threads D04B21/20specially adapted for knitting articles of particular configuration D04B21/202warp knitted yarns D04B21/205Elongated tubular articles of small diameter, e.g. coverings or reinforcements for cables or hoses D04B21/207Wearing apparel or garment blanks D04B23/00Flat warp knitting machines D04B23/02with two sets of needles D04B23/04with independently-movable knitting needles D04B23/06for producing fabrics consisting of, or incorporating, elastic threads D04B23/08with provision for incorporating pile threads D04B23/10for knitting through thread, fleece, or fabric layers, or around elongated core material D04B23/12with provision for incorporating unlooped wefts extending from selvedge to selvedge D04B23/14with provision for incorporating small auxiliary elements, e.g. for decorative purposes D04B23/16specially adapted for producing fabrics, or article blanks, of particular form or configuration D04B23/18with provision for narrowing or widening D04B23/20for producing stocking blanks D04B23/22with special thread-guiding means D04B23/24with cut needle presser arrangements to produce patterns D04B25/00Warp knitting machines not otherwise provided for D04B25/02Tubular machines D04B25/04Milanese machines D04B25/06Galloon crocheting machines D04B25/08for producing pile fabrics D04B25/10for producing patterned fabrics D04B25/12with independently-movable weft-thread guides controlled by Jacquard mechanisms D04B25/14specially adapted for producing articles of particular configuration D04B27/00Details of, or auxiliary devices incorporated in, warp knitting machines, restricted to machines of this kind details or auxiliary devices not so restricted D04B35/00 D04B27/02Warp-thread guides D04B27/04Sinkers D04B27/06Needle barsSinker bars D04B27/08Driving devices therefor D04B27/10Devices for supplying, feeding, or guiding threads to needles D04B27/12Tensioning devices for individual threads D04B27/14Thread tensioning rod arrangements D04B27/16Warp beamsBearings therefor D04B27/18Warp beam braking devices for thread tensioning D04B27/20Warp beam driving devices D04B27/22electrically controlled D04B27/24Thread guide bar assemblies D04B27/26Shogging devices therefor D04B27/28with arrangements to reduce the number of members of pattern chains D04B27/30with driving-gear comprising force-multiplication devices D04B27/32with independently-movable thread guides controlled by Jacquard mechanisms D04B27/34Take-up or draw-off devices for knitted products D04B27/36with temples D04B31/00CrochetingApparatus therefor galloon crocheting machines for warp knitting D04B25/06 D04B31/00Crocheting processes for the production of fabrics or articles D04B31/02Crocheted strips or threads D04B33/00Crocheting tools or apparatus D04B35/00Details of, or auxiliary devices incorporated in, knitting machines, not otherwise provided for D04B35/02Knitting tools or instruments not provided for in group D04B15/00 or D04B27/00 needle manufacture B21G1/00 D04B35/04Latch needles D04B35/06Sliding-tongue needles D04B35/08Spring or bearded needles D04B35/10Indicating, warning, or safety devices, e.g. stop motions D04B35/12responsive to thread consumption D04B35/14responsive to thread breakage D04B35/16with detectors associated with a series of threads D04B35/18responsive to breakage, misplacement, or malfunctioning of knitting instruments D04B35/20responsive to defects, e.g. holes, in knitted products D04B35/22Devices for preparatory treatment of threads D04B35/24by moistening or lubricating D04B35/26by heating D04B35/28Devices for lubricating machine parts in general F16N D04B35/30Devices for controlling temperature of machine parts D04B35/32Devices for removing lint or fluff D04B35/34Devices for cutting knitted fabrics D04B35/36Devices for printing, coating, or napping knitted fabrics D04B37/00Auxiliary apparatus or devices for use with knitting machines Jacquard cards, pattern chains, apparatus for punching same D03C D04B37/02with weft knitting machines D04B37/04for inserting or adjusting pattern pins or like elements in pattern drums or wheels D04B37/06with warp knitting machines D04B39/00Knitting processes, apparatus or machines not otherwise provided for D04B39/02with work carrier in screw form D04B39/04adapted for combined weft and warp knitting D04B39/06adapted for combined knitting and weaving D04B39/08Sewing machines modified for knitting