F01CROTARY-PISTON OR OSCILLATING-PISTON MACHINES OR ENGINES internal-combustion aspects F02B53/00, F02B55/00This subclass covers: rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines for elastic fluids, e.g. steam; rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines for liquids and elastic fluids: rotary-piston or oscillating-piston machines for elastic fluids; rotary-piston or oscillating-piston machines for liquids and elastic fluids.In this subclass, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated: "rotary-piston machine" includes the German expressions "Drehkolbenmaschinen", "Kreiskolbenmaschinen" and "Umlaufkolbenmaschinen".Attention is drawn to the Notes preceding class F01, especially as regards the definitions of "rotary-piston machine", "oscillating-piston machine", "rotary piston", "co-operating members", "movement of co-operating members", "teeth or tooth-equivalents" and "internal-axis".In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F01C1/00 F01C1/00Rotary-piston machines or engines with axes of co-operating members non parallel F01C3/00; with the working-chamber walls at least partly resiliently deformable F01C5/00; with fluid ring or the like F01C7/00; rotary-piston machines or engines in which the working fluid is exclusively displaced by, or exclusively displaces, one or more reciprocating pistons F01B13/00Group F01C1/30 takes precedence over groups F01C1/02 - F01C1/28. F01C1/02of arcuate-engagement type, i.e. with circular translatory movement of co-operating members, each member having the same number of teeth or tooth-equivalents F01C1/0207both members having co-operating elements in spiral form F01C1/0215where only one member is moving F01C1/0223with symmetrical double wraps F01C1/023where both members are moving F01C1/0238with symmetrical double wraps F01C1/0246Details concerning the involute wraps or their base, e.g. geometry F01C1/0253Details concerning the base F01C1/0261Details of the ports, e.g. location, number, geometry F01C1/0269Details concerning the involute wraps F01C1/0276Different wall heights F01C1/0284Details of the wrap tips F01C1/0292Ports or channels located in the wrap F01C1/04of internal-axis type F01C1/045having a C-shaped piston F01C1/06of other than internal-axis type F01C1/063 takes precedence F01C1/063with coaxially-mounted members having continuously-changing circumferential spacing between them F01C1/067having cam-and-follower type drive F01C1/07having crankshaft-and-connecting-rod type drive F01C1/073having pawl-and-ratchet type drive F01C1/077having toothed-gearing type drive F01C1/08of intermeshing engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co- operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F01C1/082Details specially related to intermeshing engagement type machines or engines F01C1/084Toothed wheels F01C1/086Carter F01C1/088Elements in the toothed wheels or the carter for relieving the pressure of fluid imprisoned in the zones of engagement F01C1/10of internal-axis type with the outer member having more teeth or tooth-equivalents, e.g. rollers, than the inner member F01C1/101Moineau-type F01C1/102with a crescent shaped filler element located between the intermeshing elements F01C1/103the two members rotating simultaneously around their respective axes F01C1/104one member having simultaneously a rotational movement about its own axis and an orbital movement F01C1/105and having an articulated driving shaft F01C1/107with helical teeth F01C1/113the inner member carrying rollers intermeshing with the outer member F01C1/12of other than internal-axis type F01C1/123with tooth-like elements, extending generally radially from the rotor body cooperating with recesses in the other rotor, e.g. one tooth F01C1/126with elements extending radially from the rotor body not necessarily cooperating with corresponding recesses in the other rotor, e.g. lobes, Roots type F01C1/14with toothed rotary pistons F01C1/16with helical teeth, e.g. chevron-shaped, screw type for non-parallel axes of movement F01C3/00 F01C1/165having more than two rotary pistons with parallel axes F01C1/18with similar tooth forms F01C1/16 takes precedence F01C1/20with dissimilar tooth forms F01C1/16 takes precedence F01C1/22of internal-axis type with equidirectional movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement, or with one of the co-operating members being stationary, the inner member having more teeth or tooth- equivalents than the outer member F01C1/24of counter-engagement type, i.e. the movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement being in opposite directions F01C1/26of internal-axis type F01C1/28of other than internal-axis type F01C1/30having the characteristics covered by two or more groups F01C1/02, F01C1/08, F01C1/22, F01C1/24 or having the characteristics covered by one of these groups together with some other type of movement between co-operating members F01C1/32having both the movement defined in group F01C1/02 and relative reciprocation between the co-operating members F01C1/321with vanes hinged to the inner member and reciprocating with respect to the inner member F01C1/322with vanes hinged to the outer member and reciprocating with respect to the outer member F01C1/324with vanes hinged to the inner member and reciprocating with respect to the outer member F01C1/328and hinged to the outer member F01C1/332with vanes hinged to the outer member and reciprocating with respect to the inner member F01C1/336and hinged to the inner member F01C1/34having the movement defined in group F01C1/08 or F01C1/22 and relative reciprocation between the co-operating members F01C1/344with vanes reciprocating with respect to the inner member F01C1/3441the inner and outer member being in contact along one line or continuous surface substantially parallel to the axis of rotation F01C1/3442the surfaces of the inner and outer member, forming the working space, being surfaces of revolution F01C1/3443with a separation element located between the inlet and outlet opening F01C1/3445the vanes having the form of rollers, slippers or the like F01C1/3446the inner and outer member being in contact along more than one line or surface F01C1/3447the vanes having the form of rollers, slippers or the like F01C1/3448with axially movable vanes F01C1/348the vanes positively engaging, with circumferential play, an outer rotatable member F01C1/352the vanes being pivoted on the axis of the outer member F01C1/356with vanes reciprocating with respect to the outer member F01C1/3562the inner and outer member being in contact along one line or continuous surface substantially parallel to the axis of rotation F01C1/3564the surfaces of the inner and outer member, forming the working space, being surfaces of revolution F01C1/3566the inner and outer member being in contact along more than one line or surface F01C1/3568with axially movable vanes F01C1/36having both the movements defined in sub-groups F01C1/22 and F01C1/24 F01C1/38having the movement defined in group F01C1/02 and having a hinged member F01C1/32 takes precedence F01C1/39with vanes hinged to the inner as well as to the outer member F01C1/40having the movement defined in group F01C1/08 or F01C1/22 and having a hinged member F01C1/44with vanes hinged to the inner member F01C1/46with vanes hinged to the outer member F01C3/00Rotary-piston machines or engines with non-parallel axes of movement of co-operating members with the working-chamber walls being at least partly resiliently deformable F01C5/00 F01C3/02the axes being arranged at an angle of 90 degrees F01C3/025of intermeshing engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F01C3/04with axially sliding vanes F01C3/06the axes being arranged otherwise than at an angle of 90 degrees F01C3/08of intermeshing-engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F01C3/085the axes of cooperating members being on the same plane F01C5/00Rotary-piston machines or engines with the working-chamber walls at least partly resiliently deformable F01C5/02the resiliently-deformable wall being part of the inner member, e.g. of a rotary piston F01C5/04the resiliently-deformable wall being part of the outer member, e.g. of a housing F01C5/06the resiliently-deformable wall being a separate member F01C5/08of tubular form, e.g. hose F01C7/00Rotary-piston machines or engines with fluid ring or the like F01C9/00Oscillating-piston machines or engines F01C9/002the piston oscillating around a fixed axis F01C9/005the piston oscillating in the space, e.g. around a fixed point rotary piston machines or engines with non-parallel axes of rotation between co-operating members F01C3/00 F01C9/007the points of the moving element describing approximately an alternating movement in axial direction with respect to the other element F01C11/00Combinations of two or more machines or engines, each being of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type F01C13/00 takes precedence; combinations of two or more pumps F04; fluid gearing F16H F01C11/002of similar working principle F01C11/004and of complementary function, e.g. internal combustion engine with supercharger F01C11/006of dissimilar working principle F01C11/008and of complementary function, e.g. internal combustion engine with superchargerMulti-stage steam engines or similar machines are not considered as having complementary function F01C13/00Adaptations of machines or engines for special useCombinations of engines with devices driven thereby aspects predominantly concerning driven devices, see the relevant classes for these devices F01C13/02for driving hand-held tools or the like F01C13/04for driving pumps or compressors F01C17/00Arrangements for drive of co-operating members, e.g. for rotary piston and casing F01C17/02of toothed-gearing type F01C1/077 takes precedence F01C17/04of cam-and-follower type F01C1/067 takes precedence F01C17/06using cranks, universal joints or similar elements F01C1/07 takes precedence F01C17/063with only rolling movement F01C17/066with an intermediate piece sliding along perpendicular axes, e.g. Oldham coupling F01C19/00Sealing arrangements in rotary-piston machines or engines sealings in general F16J F01C19/005Structure and composition of sealing elements such as sealing strips, sealing rings and the like; Coating of these elements vane construction F01C21/0809; piston rings and ring sealings of similar construction in general F16J9/00 F01C19/02Radially-movable sealings for working fluids F01C19/025Radial sealing elements specially adapted for intermeshing engagement type machines or engines, e.g. gear machines or engines F01C19/04of rigid material F01C19/06of resilient material F01C19/08Axially-movable sealings for working fluids F01C19/085Elements specially adapted for sealing of the lateral faces of intermeshing-engagement type machines or engines, e.g. gear machines or engines F01C19/10Sealings for working fluids between radially and axially movable parts F01C19/12for other than working fluid F01C19/125Shaft sealings specially adapted for rotary or oscillating-piston machines or engines F01C20/00Control of, monitoring of, or safety arrangements for, machines or engines F01C20/02specially adapted for several machines or engines connected in series or in parallel F01C20/04specially adapted for reversible machines or engines F01C20/06specially adapted for stopping, starting, idling or no-load operation F01C20/08characterised by varying the rotational speed F01C20/10characterised by changing the positions of the inlet or outlet openings with respect to the working chamber F01C20/12using sliding valves F01C20/125with sliding valves controlled by the use of fluid other than the working fluid F01C20/14using rotating valves F01C20/16using lift valves F01C20/18characterised by varying the volume of the working chamber by changing the positions of inlet or outlet openings F01C20/10 F01C20/185by varying the useful pumping length of the cooperating members in the axial direction F01C20/20by changing the form of the inner or outlet contour of the working chamber F01C20/22by changing the eccentricity between cooperating members F01C20/24characterised by using valves for controlling pressure or flow rate, e.g. discharge valves F01C20/10 takes precedence F01C20/26using bypass channels F01C20/265being obtained by displacing a lateral sealing face F01C20/28Safety arrangementsMonitoring F01C21/00Component parts, details or accessories not provided for in groups F01C1/00 - F01C20/00 F01C21/001Injection of a fluid in the working chamber for sealing, cooling and lubricating sealing only F01C17/00; lubrication only F01C21/04; cooling only F01C21/06; injecting water or steam in internal combustion engines F02B47/02, F02D21/00, F02M25/00 F01C21/002with control systems for the injection of the fluid F01C21/003Systems for the equilibration of forces acting on the elements of the machine interstice adjustment other than by fluid pressure F01C21/102 F01C21/005Internal leakage control F01C21/006Equalization of pressure pulses silencing for compressors F04C29/06 F01C21/007General arrangements of parts; Frames and supporting elements F01C21/008Driving elements, brakes, couplings, transmissions specially adapted for rotary or oscillating-piston machines or engines brakes, couplings, transmissions per se F16, B60 F01C21/02Arrangements of bearings bearing constructions F16C F01C21/04Lubrication of machines or engines in general F01M F01C21/045Control systems for the circulation of the lubricant F01C21/06HeatingCooling of machines or engines in general F01PHeat insulation heat insulation in general F16L F01C21/08Rotary pistons reciprocating pistons in general F16J F01C21/0809Construction of vanes or vane holders F01C21/0818Vane tracking; control therefor F01C21/0827by mechanical means F01C21/0836comprising guiding means, e.g. cams, rollers F01C21/0845comprising elastic means, e.g. springs F01C21/0854by fluid means F01C21/0863the fluid being the working fluid F01C21/0872the fluid being other than the working fluid F01C21/0881the vanes consisting of two or more parts F01C21/089for synchronised movement of the vanes F01C21/10Outer members for co-operation with rotary pistonsCasings casings for rotary engines or machines in general F16M F01C21/102Adjustment of the interstices between moving and fixed parts of the machine by means other than fluid pressure F01C21/104Stators; Members defining the outer boundaries of the working chamber F01C21/106with a radial surface, e.g. cam rings F01C21/108with an axial surface, e.g. side plates F01C2021/12Control of working fluid admission or discharge F01C2021/125Arrangements for supercharging the working space F01C2021/14for variable fluid distribution F01C2021/16Other regulation or control F01C2021/1606Variation of the working chamber F01C2021/1612by changing the eccentricity of an element with respect to another element F01C2021/1618by changing the positions of the inlet and outlet openings with respect to the working chambers F01C2021/1625with sliding or rotating valves, adjustable in position F01C2021/1631with sliding valves controlled by the use of fluid other than the working fluid F01C2021/1637by changing the form of the radially inner or the radially outer contour of the working chamber F01C2021/1643by using valves regulating pressure and flow rate, e.g. discharge valves F01C2021/165using a by-pass channel F01C2021/1656being obtained by displacing a lateral sealing face F01C2021/1662with venting means F01C2021/1668with several machines or engines connected in series or in parallel F01C2021/1675with reversible machines or engines F01C2021/1681by varying the rotational speed F01C2021/1687Safety arrangements F01C2021/1693Stopping or starting, idling or no-load operation F01C21/18Arrangements for admission or discharge of the working fluid, e.g. constructional features of the inlet or outlet F01C21/183Arrangements for supercharging the working space similar arrangements for internal combustion engines F02B33/00, F02B27/00 F01C21/186for variable fluid distribution