G01JMEASUREMENT OF INTENSITY, VELOCITY, SPECTRAL CONTENT, POLARISATION, PHASE OR PULSE CHARACTERISTICS OF INFRA-RED, VISIBLE OR ULTRA-VIOLET LIGHTCOLORIMETRYRADIATION PYROMETRY light sources F21, H01J, H01K, H05B; investigating properties of materials by optical means G01NThis subclass covers the detection of the presence or absence of infra-red, visible, or ultra-violet light, not otherwise provided for.Attention is drawn to the Notes following the title of class G01.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. G01J1/00 G01J1/00Photometry, e.g. photographic exposure meter spectrophotometry G01J3/00; specially adapted for radiation pyrometry G01J5/00 ; exposure meters built in cameras G03B17/06 G01J1/02Details G01J1/0204Compact construction G01J1/0209Monolithic G01J1/0214Constructional arrangements for removing stray light G01J1/0219Electrical interface; User interface G01J1/0223Sample holders for photometry G01J1/0228Control of working procedures; Failure detection; Spectral bandwidth calculation G01J1/0233Handheld G01J1/0238making use of sensor-related data, e.g. for identification of sensor or optical parts G01J1/0242Control or determination of height or angle information of sensors or receivers; Goniophotometry G01J1/0247using a charging unit G01J1/0252Constructional arrangements for compensating for fluctuations caused by, e.g. temperature, or using cooling or temperature stabilization of parts of the device; Controlling the atmosphere inside a photometer; Purge systems, cleaning devices protection against electromagnetic interferences G01J2001/0276 G01J2001/0257portable G01J2001/0261Pocket size; Card size G01J1/0266Field-of-view determination; Aiming or pointing of a photometer; Adjusting alignment; Encoding angular position; Size of the measurement area; Position tracking; Photodetection involving different fields of view for a single detector G01J1/0271Housings; Attachments or accessories for photometers G01J2001/0276Protection G01J2001/028against liquid G01J2001/0285against laser damage G01J1/029Multi-channel photometry G01J1/0295Constructional arrangements for removing other types of optical noise or for performing calibration G01J1/04Optical or mechanical part supplementary adjustable parts G01J1/0403Mechanical elements; Supports for optical elements; Scanning arrangements G01J1/0407Optical elements not provided otherwise, e.g. manifolds, windows, holograms, gratings G01J1/0411using focussing or collimating elements, i.e. lenses or mirrors; Aberration correction G01J1/0414using plane or convex mirrors, parallel phase plates, or plane beam-splitters G01J1/0418using attenuators G01J1/0422using light concentrators, collectors or condensers G01J1/0425using optical fibers G01J1/0429using polarisation elements G01J1/0433using notch filters G01J1/0437using masks, aperture plates, spatial light modulators, spatial filters, e.g. reflective filters G01J1/044using shutters G01J1/0444using means for replacing an element by another, e.g. for replacing a filter or grating G01J1/0448Adjustable, e.g. focussing G01J1/0451using means for illuminating a slit efficiently, e.g. entrance slit of a photometer or entrance face of fiber G01J1/0455having a throughhole enabling the optical element to fulfil an additional optical function, e.g. a mirror or grating having a through-hole for a light collecting or light injecting optical fibre G01J1/0459using an optical amplifier of light or coatings to improve optical coupling G01J1/0462Slit arrangements G01J1/0466with a sighting port G01J1/047using extension/expansion of solids or fluids, change of resonant frequency or extinction effect G01J1/0474Diffusers cavities G01J2001/0481 G01J1/0477Prisms, wedges G01J2001/0481Preset integrating sphere or cavity G01J2001/0485Cosinus correcting or purposely modifying the angular response of a light sensor G01J1/0488with spectral filtering G01J1/0492using at least two different filters G01J2001/0496using fiber Bragg gratings G01J1/06Restricting the angle of incident light G01J2001/061Baffles G01J2001/062by fibre-optic packed bundle G01J2001/063with selectable field of view G01J2001/065by changing elements G01J2001/066with an aiming optical device G01J2001/067for angle scan G01J2001/068by diaphragm or the like G01J1/08Arrangements of light sources specially adapted for photometry standard sources, also using luminescent or radioactive material G01J2001/083Testing response of detector G01J2001/086Calibrating drift correction G01J1/10by comparison with reference light or electric value provisionally void G01J1/12using wholly visual means G01J1/20 takes precedence G01J1/122Visual exposure meters for determining the exposure time in photographical recording or reproducing G01J1/124based on the comparison of the intensity of measured light with a comparison source or comparison illuminated surface G01J1/126for enlarging apparatus G01J1/128for copy- or printing apparatus G01J1/14using comparison with a surface of graded brightness, e.g. for view taking; for analytical applications G01N21/293 G01J1/16using electric radiation detectors G01J1/20 takes precedence G01J2001/1605Null method G01J2001/161Ratio method, i.e. Im/Ir G01J2001/1615Computing a difference/sum ratio, i.e. (Im - Ir) / (Im + Ir) G01J2001/1621Comparing a duty ratio of pulses G01J1/1626Arrangements with two photodetectors, the signals of which are compared G01J2001/1631Bridge circuit G01J2001/1636one detector directly monitoring the source, e.g. also impulse time controlling G01J2001/1642and acting on the detecting circuit G01J2001/1647one signal maintained constant G01J2001/1652one detector being transparent before the other one G01J2001/1657one signal being spectrally modified, e.g. for UV G01J2001/1663two detectors of different sensitivity G01J2001/1668the measuring signal itself varying in time, e.g. periodic, for example blood pulsation G01J2001/1673using a reference sample G01J2001/1678Comparing time separated signals, i.e. chopped G01J2001/1684and selecting also a DC level from the signal G01J2001/1689one separated signal being processed differently G01J2001/1694with a signal from on/off switched light source G01J1/18using comparison with a reference electric value G01J2001/182with SH sample and hold circuits G01J2001/184on a succession of signals G01J2001/186Comparison or correction from an electric source within the processing circuit G01J2001/188on pulse train G01J1/20intensity of the measured or reference value being varied to equalise their effects at the detectors, e.g. by varying incidence angle G01J1/22using a variable element in the light-path, e.g. filter, polarising means G01J1/34 takes precedence G01J1/24using electric radiation detectors G01J2001/242Filter wheel, i.e. absorption filter series graduated G01J2001/245with two or more separate attenuated steps G01J2001/247of spectral wedge type G01J1/26adapted for automatic variation of the measured or reference value regulation of light intensity G05D25/00 G01J1/28using variation of intensity or distance of source G01J1/34 takes precedence G01J1/30using electric radiation detectors G01J1/32adapted for automatic variation of the measured or reference value regulation of light intensity G05D25/00 G01J1/34using separate light paths used alternately or sequentially, e.g. flicker G01J1/36using electric radiation detectors G01J2001/363Chopper stabilisation G01J2001/366Balancing two paths G01J1/38using wholly visual means G01J1/10 takes precedence G01J1/40using limit or visibility or extinction effect G01J1/42using electric radiation detectors optical or mechanical part G01J1/04; by comparison with a reference light or electric value G01J1/10 G01J1/4204with determination of ambient light solar light G01J2001/4266 G01J1/4209Photoelectric exposure meters for determining the exposure time in recording or reproducing G01J1/4214specially adapted for view-taking apparatus G01J1/4219specially adapted for enlargers G01J1/4223specially adapted for copy - or printing apparatus G01J1/4228arrangements with two or more detectors, e.g. for sensitivity compensation G01J2001/4233with selection of detector G01J2001/4238Pulsed light G01J2001/4242Modulated light, e.g. for synchronizing source and detector circuit G01J2001/4247for testing lamps or other light sources G01J2001/4252for testing LED's G01J1/4257applied to monitoring the characteristics of a beam, e.g. laser beam, headlamp beam monitoring arrangements for lasers in general H01S3/0014 G01J2001/4261Scan through beam in order to obtain a cross-sectional profile of the beam G01J2001/4266for measuring solar light G01J2001/4271Pyrrheliometer G01J2001/4276Solar energy integrator over time G01J2001/428for sunlight scattered by atmosphere G01J2001/4285Pyranometer, i.e. integrating over space G01J1/429applied to measurement of ultraviolet light using counting tubes G01T G01J2001/4295using a physical effect not covered by other subgroups of G01J1/42 G01J1/44Electric circuits for command of an exposure part G03B7/02 G01J2001/4406Plural ranges in circuit, e.g. switchable ranges; Adjusting sensitivity selecting gain values G01J2001/4413Type G01J2001/442Single-photon detection or photon counting G01J2001/4426with intensity to frequency or voltage to frequency conversion [IFC or VFC] G01J2001/4433Peak sensing G01J2001/444Compensating; Calibrating, e.g. dark current, temperature drift, noise reduction or baseline correction; Adjusting G01J2001/4446Type of detector G01J2001/4453PMT G01J2001/446Photodiode G01J2001/4466Avalanche G01J2001/4473Phototransistor G01J2001/448Array [CCD] G01J2001/4486Streak tube G01J2001/4493with image intensifyer tube [IIT] G01J1/46using a capacitor G01J1/48using chemical effects G01J1/50using change in colour of an indicator, e.g. actinometer G01J1/52using photographic effects G01J1/54by observing photo-reactions between gases G01J1/56using radiation pressure or radiometer effect G01J1/58using luminescence generated by light G01J1/60by measuring the pupil of the eye G01J3/00SpectrometrySpectrophotometryMonochromatorsMeasuring colours G01J2003/003Comparing spectra of two light sources G01J2003/006Fundamentals or review articles G01J3/02Details G01J3/0202Mechanical elements; Supports for optical elements G01J3/0205Optical elements not provided otherwise, e.g. optical manifolds, diffusers, windows G01J3/0208using focussing or collimating elements, e.g. lenses or mirrors; performing aberration correction G01J3/021using plane or convex mirrors, parallel phase plates, or particular reflectors G01J3/0213using attenuators G01J3/0216using light concentrators or collectors or condensers G01J3/0218using optical fibers G01J3/0221the fibers defining an entry slit G01J3/0224using polarising or depolarising elements G01J3/0227using notch filters G01J3/0229using masks, aperture plates, spatial light modulators or spatial filters, e.g. reflective filters G01J3/0232using shutters G01J3/0235using means for replacing an element by another, for replacing a filter or a grating G01J3/0237Adjustable, e.g. focussing G01J3/024using means for illuminating a slit efficiently (e.g. entrance slit of a spectrometer or entrance face of fiber) G01J3/0243having a through-hole enabling the optical element to fulfil an additional optical function, e.g. a mirror or grating having a throughhole for a light collecting or light injecting optical fiber G01J3/0245using an optical amplifier of light, e.g. doped fiber G01J3/0248using a sighting port, e.g. camera or human eye G01J3/0251Colorimeters making use of an integrating sphere G01J3/0254Spectrometers, other than colorimeters, making use of an integrating sphere G01J3/0256Compact construction G01J3/0259Monolithic G01J3/0262Constructional arrangements for removing stray light G01J3/0264Electrical interface; User interface G01J3/0267Sample holders for colorimetry G01J3/027Control of working procedures of a spectrometer; Failure detection; Bandwidth calculation G01J3/0272Handheld G01J3/0275making use of sensor-related data, e.g. for identification of sensor parts or optical elements G01J3/0278Control or determination of height or angle information for sensors or receivers G01J2003/0281slitless G01J3/0283using a charging unit G01J3/0286Constructional arrangements for compensating for fluctuations caused by temperature, humidity or pressure, or using cooling or temperature stabilization of parts of the device; Controlling the atmosphere inside a spectrometer, e.g. vacuum G01J3/0289Field-of-view determination; Aiming or pointing of a spectrometer; Adjusting alignment; Encoding angular position; Size of measurement area; Position tracking G01J3/0291Housings; Spectrometer accessories; Spatial arrangement of elements, e.g. folded path arrangements G01J3/0294Multi-channel spectroscopy G01J3/0297Constructional arrangements for removing other types of optical noise or for performing calibration G01J3/04Slit arrangements slit adjustment G01J2003/042Slit wheel G01J2003/045Sequential slits; Multiple slits G01J2003/047Configuration of two or more entry or exit slits for predetermined delta-lambda G01J3/06Scanning arrangements arrangements for order-selection G01J2003/061Mechanisms, e.g. sine bar G01J2003/062motor-driven G01J2003/063Step motor G01J2003/064Use of other elements for scan, e.g. mirror, fixed grating G01J2003/065Use of fibre scan for spectral scan G01J2003/066Microprocessor control of functions, e.g. slit, scan, bandwidth during scan G01J2003/067Use of plane parallel plate, e.g. small scan, wobble G01J2003/068tuned to preselected wavelengths G01J2003/069Complex motion, e.g. rotation of grating and correcting translation G01J3/08Beam switching arrangements G01J3/10Arrangements of light sources specially adapted for spectrometry or colorimetry G01J2003/102Plural sources G01J2003/104Monochromatic plural sources G01J2003/106the two sources being alternating or selectable, e.g. in two ranges or line:continuum G01J3/108for measurement in the infra-red range G01J3/12Generating the spectrumMonochromators G01J2003/1204Grating and filter G01J2003/1208Prism and grating G01J2003/1213Filters in general, e.g. dichroic, band G01J2003/1217Indexed discrete filters or choppers G01J2003/1221Mounting; Adjustment G01J2003/1226Interference filters G01J2003/123Indexed discrete filters G01J2003/1234Continuously variable IF [CVIF]; Wedge type G01J2003/1239and separate detectors G01J2003/1243Pivoting IF or other position variation G01J2003/1247Tuning G01J2003/1252Using "resonance cell", e.g. Na vapor G01J3/1256using acousto-optic tunable filter; acousto-optic elements or systems G02F1/11, G02F1/33 G01J2003/126Focal isolation type G01J2003/1265the wavelengths being separated in time, e.g. through optical fibre array G01J2003/1269Electrooptic filter G01J2003/1273Order selection G01J2003/1278Mask with spectral selection G01J2003/1282Spectrum tailoring G01J2003/1286Polychromator in general G01J2003/1291polarised, birefringent G01J2003/1295Plural entry slits, e.g. for different incidences G01J3/14using refracting elements, e.g. prisms G01J3/18, G01J3/26 take precedence prisms per se G02B5/04 G01J2003/145Prism systems for straight view G01J3/16with autocollimation G01J3/18using diffraction elements, e.g. grating gratings per se G02B G01J3/1804Plane gratings G01J3/1809Echelle gratings G01J2003/1814Double monochromator G01J2003/1819Double pass monochromator G01J2003/1823substractive G01J2003/1828with order sorter or prefilter G01J3/1833Grazing incidence G01J3/1838Holographic gratings G01J2003/1842Types of grating G01J2003/1847Variable spacing G01J2003/1852Cylindric surface G01J2003/1857Toroid surface G01J2003/1861Transmission gratings G01J2003/1866Monochromator for three or more wavelengths G01J2003/1871Duochromator G01J2003/1876Polychromator G01J2003/188Constant deviation G01J2003/1885Holder for interchangeable gratings, e.g. at different ranges of wavelengths G01J3/189using at least one grating in an off-plane configuration G01J3/1895using fiber Bragg gratings or gratings integrated in a waveguide G01J3/20Rowland circle spectrometers G01J3/22Littrow mirror spectrometers G01J3/24using gratings profiled to favour a specific order G01J3/26using multiple reflection, e.g. Fabry-Perot interferometer, variable interference filters G01J2003/262Double pass; Multiple pass G01J2003/265Read out, e.g. polychromator G01J2003/267of the SISAM type G01J3/28Investigating the spectrum using colour filters G01J3/51 G01J3/2803using photoelectric array detector G01J2003/2806Array and filter array G01J2003/2809Array and correcting filter G01J2003/28132D-array G01J2003/2816Semiconductor laminate layer G01J2003/282Modified CCD or like G01J3/2823Imaging spectrometer G01J2003/2826Multispectral imaging, e.g. filter imaging G01J2003/283computer-interfaced G01J2003/2833and memorised spectra collection G01J2003/2836Programming unit, i.e. source and date processing G01J2003/284Spectral construction G01J2003/2843Processing for eliminating interfering spectra G01J3/2846using modulation grid; Grid spectrometers G01J2003/285Hadamard transformation G01J2003/2853Averaging successive scans or readings G01J2003/2856and calculation of standard deviation G01J2003/2859Peak detecting in spectrum G01J2003/2863and calculating peak area G01J2003/2866Markers; Calibrating of scan G01J2003/2869Background correcting G01J2003/2873Storing reference spectrum G01J2003/2876Correcting linearity of signal G01J2003/2879Calibrating scan, e.g. Fabry Perot interferometer G01J2003/2883Correcting overlapping G01J2003/2886Investigating periodic spectrum G01J3/2889Rapid scan spectrometers; Time resolved spectrometry G01J2003/2893with rotating grating G01J2003/2896Vidicon, image intensifier tube G01J3/30Measuring the intensity of spectral lines directly on the spectrum itself G01J3/42, G01J3/44 take precedence G01J3/32Investigating bands of a spectrum in sequence by a single detector G01J2003/323Comparing line:background G01J2003/326Scanning mask, plate, chopper, e.g. small spectrum interval G01J3/36Investigating two or more bands of a spectrum by separate detectors G01J3/40Measuring the intensity of spectral lines by determining density of a photograph of the spectrumSpectrography G01J3/42, G01J3/44 take precedence G01J3/42Absorption spectrometryDouble beam spectrometryFlicker spectrometryReflection spectrometry beam switching arrangements G01J3/08 G01J2003/421Single beam G01J2003/423Spectral arrangements using lasers, e.g. tunable G01J2003/425Reflectance G01J3/427Dual wavelengths spectrometry G01J2003/4275Polarised dual wavelength spectrometry G01J3/433Modulation spectrometryDerivative spectrometry G01J2003/4332frequency-modulated G01J2003/4334by modulation of source, e.g. current modulation G01J2003/4336by magnetic modulation, e.g. Zeeman effect G01J3/4338Frequency modulated spectrometry G01J3/44Raman spectrometryScattering spectrometry ; Fluorescence spectrometry G01J3/4406Fluorescence spectrometry G01J3/4412Scattering spectrometry particle sizing by light scattering G01N15/0205; optical velocimetry of particles G01P5/20, G01P5/26 G01J2003/4418Power spectrum G01J2003/4424Fluorescence correction for Raman spectrometry G01J3/443Emission spectrometry G01J2003/4435Measuring ratio of two lines, e.g. internal standard G01J3/447Polarisation spectrometry G01J3/45Interferometric spectrometry G01J2003/451Dispersive interferometric spectrometry G01J2003/452with recording of image of spectral transformation, e.g. hologram G01J3/453by correlation of the amplitudes G01J3/4531Devices without moving parts G01J3/4532Devices of compact or symmetric construction G01J3/4531 takes precedence G01J2003/4534Interferometer on illuminating side G01J3/4535Devices with moving mirror G01J3/4532 takes precedence G01J3/4537Devices with refractive scan G01J2003/4538Special processing G01J3/457Correlation spectrometry, e.g. of the intensity G01J3/453 takes precedence G01J3/46Measurement of colourColour measuring devices, e.g. colorimeters measuring colour temperature G01J5/60 G01J3/461with colour spinners G01J3/462Computing operations in or between colour spaces; Colour management systems G01J3/463Colour matching G01J3/465taking into account the colour perception of the eye; using tristimulus detection G01J2003/466Coded colour; Recognition of predetermined colour; Determining proximity to predetermined colour G01J2003/467Colour computing G01J2003/468of objects containing fluorescent agent G01J3/50using electric radiation detectors G01J3/501Colorimeters using spectrally-selective light sources, e.g. LEDs G01J3/502using a dispersive element, e.g. grating, prism G01J2003/503Densitometric colour measurements G01J3/504Goniometric colour measurements, for example measurements of metallic or flake based paints G01J3/505measuring the colour produced by lighting fixtures other than screens, monitors, displays or CRTs G01J3/506measuring the colour produced by screens, monitors, displays or CRTs G01J2003/507the detectors being physically selective G01J3/508measuring the colour of teeth G01J3/51using colour filters G01J3/513having fixed filter-detector pairs G01J2003/516with several stacked filters or stacked filter-detector pairs G01J3/52using colour charts G01J3/522circular colour charts G01J3/524Calibration of colorimeters G01J3/526for choosing a combination of different colours, e.g. to produce a pleasing effect for an observer G01J3/528using colour harmony theory G01J4/00Measuring polarisation of light investigating or analysing materials by measuring rotation of plane of polarised light G01N21/21 G01J2004/001Devices G01J2004/002Selecting polarisation direction G01J2004/004sequential, i.e. time-divided G01J2004/005simultaneous, i.e. space-divided G01J2004/007Mechanical mounting G01J2004/008Polarisation rate G01J4/02Polarimeters of separated-field typePolarimeters of half-shadow type G01J4/04Polarimeters using electric detection means G01J4/02 takes precedence G01J5/00Radiation pyrometry, e.g. infrared or optical thermometryGroup G01J5/00 is impacted by reclassification into group G01J5/90.
Groups G01J5/00 and G01J5/90 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/0003for sensing the radiant heat transfer of samples, e.g. emittance meter G01J5/0007of wafers or semiconductor substrates, e.g. using Rapid Thermal Processing G01J5/0011Ear thermometers G01J5/021 and G01J5/049 take precedence G01J5/0014for sensing the radiation from gases, flames G01J5/0018Flames, plasma or welding G01J5/0022for sensing the radiation of moving bodies G01J5/0025Living bodies ear thermometers G01J5/0011; detecting, measuring or recording for diagnostic purposes A61B5/00 G01J2005/0029Sheet G01J2005/0033Wheel G01J5/0037for sensing the heat emitted by liquids G01J5/004by molten metals G01J5/0044Furnaces, ovens, kilns G01J5/0007, G01J5/004 take precedence G01J5/0066for hot spots detection G01J5/007for earth observation G01J2005/0074having separate detection of emissivity G01J2005/0077Imaging G01J5/0088in turbines G01J2005/0092Temperature by averaging, e.g. by scan thermography G01J5/48 G01J5/0096for measuring wires, electrical contacts or electronic systems G01J5/02Constructional detailsGroup G01J5/02 is impacted by reclassification into group G01J5/05.
Groups G01J5/02 and G01J5/05 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/0205Mechanical elements; Supports for optical elements G01J5/021Probe covers for thermometers, e.g. tympanic thermometers; Containers for probe covers; Disposable probes G01J5/0215Compact construction G01J5/022Monolithic G01J5/0225Shape of the cavity itself or of elements contained in or suspended over the cavity G01J5/023Particular leg structure or construction or shape; Nanotubes G01J5/0235Spacers, e.g. for avoidance of stiction G01J5/024Special manufacturing steps or sacrificial layers or layer structures G01J5/0245for performing thermal shunt G01J5/025Interfacing a pyrometer to an external device or network; User interface G01J5/0255Sample holders for pyrometry; Cleaning of sample using a gas purge G01J5/051 G01J5/026Control of working procedures of a pyrometer, other than calibration; Bandwidth calculation; Gain controlGroup G01J5/026 is impacted by reclassification into group G01J5/90.
Groups G01J5/026 and G01J5/90 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/0265Handheld, portable ear thermometers G01J5/049 G01J5/027making use of sensor-related data, e.g. for identification of sensor parts or optical elements G01J5/0275Control or determination of height or distance or angle information for sensors or receivers G01J5/028using a charging unit or battery G01J5/0295Nulling devices or absolute detection G01J5/03Arrangements for indicating or recording specially adapted for radiation pyrometers G01J5/04Casings G01J5/041Mountings in enclosures or in a particular environment G01J5/042High-temperature environment G01J5/0007, G01J5/0044, G01J5/0088 and G01J5/004 take precedence G01J5/044Environment with strong vibrations or shocks G01J5/045Sealings; Vacuum enclosures; Encapsulated packages; Wafer bonding structures; Getter arrangements getter arrangements per se H01L23/26 and H01L21/3221 G01J5/046Materials; Selection of thermal materials G01J5/047Mobile mounting; Scanning arrangements G01J5/048Protective parts G01J5/049Casings for tympanic thermometers G01J5/05Means for preventing contamination of the components of the optical systemMeans for preventing obstruction of the radiation pathGroup G01J5/05 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01J5/02.
Groups G01J5/02 and G01J5/05 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/051using a gas purge
G01J5/06Arrangements for eliminating effects of disturbing radiationArrangements for compensating changes in sensitivity for adjusting of solid angle of collected radiation G01J5/07; means for wavelength selection G01J5/0801 G01J5/061by controlling the temperature of the apparatus or parts thereof, e.g. using cooling means or thermostats G01J2005/062Peltier G01J2005/063Heating; Thermostating G01J5/064Ambient temperature sensor; Housing temperature sensor; Constructional details thereofGroup G01J5/064 is impacted by reclassification into group G01J5/70.
Groups G01J5/064 and G01J5/70 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J2005/065by shielding G01J2005/066Differential arrangement, i.e. sensitive/not sensitive G01J5/068by controlling parameters other than temperature
G01J5/07Arrangements for adjusting the solid angle of collected radiation, e.g. adjusting or orienting field of view, tracking position or encoding angular position optical collimating elements G01J5/0806 G01J5/08Optical arrangementsGroup G01J5/08 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01J5/0801 and G01J5/0803.
Groups G01J5/08, G01J5/0801, and G01J5/0803 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/0801Means for wavelength selection or discriminationGroup G01J5/0801 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01J5/08 and G01J5/0803.
Groups G01J5/08, G01J5/0803, and G01J5/0801 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/0802Optical filters G01J5/08021Notch filters
G01J5/0803Arrangements for time-dependent attenuation of radiation signalsGroup G01J5/0803 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01J5/08 and G01J5/0816.
Group G01J5/0803 is also impacted by reclassification into groups G01J5/0801 and G01J5/0879.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/0804ShuttersGroup G01J5/0804 is impacted by reclassification into group G01J5/0805.
Groups G01J5/0804 and G01J5/0805 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/0805Means for chopping radiationGroup G01J5/0805 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01J5/0804.
Groups G01J5/0804 and G01J5/0805 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/0806Focusing or collimating elements, e.g. lenses or concave mirrors G01J5/0808Convex mirrorsGroup G01J5/0808 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01J5/0813 and G01J5/0814.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/0813Planar mirrorsParallel phase platesGroup G01J5/0813 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01J5/0808.
Groups G01J5/0808 and G01J5/0813 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/0814Particular reflectors, e.g. faceted or dichroic mirrorsGroup G01J5/0814 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01J5/0808.
Groups G01J5/0808 and G01J5/0814 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/0815Light concentrators, collectors or condensers G01J5/0816using attenuatorsGroup G01J5/0816 is impacted by reclassification into group G01J5/0803.
Groups G01J5/0816 and G01J5/0803 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/0818Waveguides G01J5/0821Optical fibres G01J5/0831MasksAperture platesSpatial light modulators G01J5/0837Microantennas, e.g. bow-tie G01J5/084Adjustable or slidable G01J5/0843Manually adjustable G01J5/0846having multiple detectors for performing different types of detection, e.g. using radiometry and reflectometry channels G01J5/085having a through-hole enabling the optical elements to fulfil an additional optical function, e.g. mirrors or gratings having a through-hole for a light collecting or light injecting optical fiber G01J5/0853having infrared absorbers other than the usual absorber layers deposited on infrared detectors like bolometers, wherein the heat propagation between the absorber and the detecting element occurs within a solid G01J5/0856Slit arrangements G01J5/0859Sighting arrangements, e.g. cameras G01J5/0865having means for replacing an element of the arrangement by another of the same type, e.g. an optical filter G01J5/0868Means for illuminating a slit or a surface efficiently, e.g. entrance slit of a pyrometer or entrance face of a fiber G01J5/0871Beam switching arrangements; Photodetection involving different fields of view for a single detector G01J5/0875WindowsArrangements for fastening thereof G01J5/0878Diffusers G01J5/0879Optical elements not provided otherwise, e.g. optical manifolds, holograms, cubic beamsplitters, non-dispersive prisms or particular coatingsGroup G01J5/0879 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01J5/0803.
Groups G01J5/0803 and G01J5/0879 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/0881Compact construction G01J5/0884Monolithic G01J5/0887Integrating cavities mimicking black bodies, wherein the heat propagation between the black body and the measuring element does not occur within a solid; Use of bodies placed inside the fluid stream for measurement of the temperature of gases; Use of the reemission from a surface, e.g. reflective surface; Emissivity enhancement by multiple reflections G01J5/0893Arrangements to attach devices to a pyrometer, i.e. attaching an optical interface; Spatial relative arrangement of optical elements, e.g. folded beam path G01J5/049 takes precedence G01J5/0896using a light source, e.g. for illuminating a surface
G01J5/10using electric radiation detectors G01J2005/103Absorbing heated plate or film and temperature detector G01J2005/106Arrays G01J5/12using thermoelectric elements, e.g. thermocouples G01J2005/123Thermoelectric array G01J2005/126Thermoelectric black plate and thermocouple G01J5/14Electrical features thereof G01J5/16Arrangements with respect to the cold junctionCompensating influence of ambient temperature or other variables G01J5/20using resistors, thermistors or semiconductors sensitive to radiation, e.g. photoconductive devices G01J2005/202Arrays G01J2005/204prepared by semiconductor processing, e.g. VLSI G01J2005/206on foils G01J2005/208superconductive G01J5/22Electrical features thereof G01J5/24Use of specially adapted circuits, e.g. bridge circuits G01J5/28using photoemissive or photovoltaic cells G01J2005/283Array G01J2005/286Arrangement of conductor therefor G01J5/30Electrical features thereof G01J5/34using capacitors, e.g. pyroelectric capacitorsGroup G01J5/34 is impacted by reclassification into group G01J5/35.
Groups G01J5/34 and G01J5/35 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J2005/345Arrays G01J5/35Electrical features thereofGroup G01J5/35 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01J5/34.
Groups G01J5/34 and G01J5/35 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/36using ionisation of gases
G01J5/38using extension or expansion of solids or fluids G01J5/40using bimaterial elements G01J5/42using Golay cells G01J2005/425Microarray G01J5/44using change of resonant frequency, e.g. of piezo-electric crystals G01J5/46using radiation pressure or radiometer effect G01J5/48ThermographyTechniques using wholly visual means G01J5/485Temperature profile G01J5/52using comparison with reference sources, e.g. disappearing-filament pyrometer G01J2005/526Periodic insertion of emissive surface G01J2005/528Periodic comparison G01J5/53Reference sources, e.g. standard lampsBlack bodies G01J5/532using a reference heater of the emissive surface type, e.g. for selectively absorbing materials G01J5/54Optical arrangements G01J5/56Electrical features thereof G01J5/58using absorptionusing extinction effect G01J2005/583Interferences, i.e. fringe variation with temperature G01J5/59using polarisationDetails thereof G01J5/60using determination of colour temperature G01J5/601using spectral scanning G01J5/602using selective, monochromatic or bandpass filtering G01J2005/604bandpass filtered G01J5/605using visual determination G01J2005/607on two separate detectors G01J2005/608Colour temperature of light sources G01J5/70Passive compensation of pyrometer measurements, e.g. using ambient temperature sensing or sensing of temperature within housingGroup G01J5/70 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01J5/064.
Groups G01J5/064 and G01J5/70 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J5/80Calibration using comparison with reference sources G01J5/52 G01J5/802by correcting for emissivity G01J5/804using atmospheric correction G01J5/806by correcting for reflection of the emitter radiation G01J5/808using linearising circuits G01J5/90Testing, inspecting or checking operation of radiation pyrometersGroup G01J5/90 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01J5/00.
Groups G01J5/00 and G01J5/90 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01J7/00Measuring velocity of light G01J9/00Measuring optical phase difference devices or arrangements for controlling the phase of light beams G02F1/01Determining degree of coherenceMeasuring optical wavelength spectrometry G01J3/00 G01J2009/002Wavefront phase distribution G01J2009/004Mode pattern G01J2009/006using pulses for physical measurements G01J2009/008using decay time in cavity G01J9/02by interferometric methods using interferometers for measuring optically the linear dimensions of objects G01B9/02 G01J2009/0203Phased array of beams G01J2009/0207Double frequency, e.g. Zeeman G01J2009/0211for measuring coherence G01J9/0215by shearing interferometric methods G01J2009/0219using two or more gratings G01J2009/0223Common path interferometry; Point diffraction interferometry G01J2009/0226Fibres G01J2009/023of the integrated optical type G01J2009/0234Measurement of the fringe pattern G01J2009/0238the pattern being processed optically, e.g. by Fourier transformation G01J2009/0242Compensator G01J9/0246Measuring optical wavelength G01J2009/0249with modulation G01J2009/0253of wavelength G01J2009/0257multiple, e.g. Fabry Perot interferometer G01J2009/0261polarised G01J2009/0265with phase modulation G01J2009/0269Microscope type G01J2009/0273Ring interferometer G01J2009/0276Stellar interferometer, e.g. Sagnac G01J2009/028Types G01J2009/0284Michelson G01J2009/0288Machzehnder G01J2009/0292Fizeau; Wedge G01J2009/0296achromatic G01J9/04by beating two waves of a same source but of different frequency and measuring the phase shift of the lower frequency obtained G01J11/00Measuring the characteristics of individual optical pulses or of optical pulse trains G01J2011/005Streak cameras