F04CROTARY-PISTON, OR OSCILLATING-PISTON, POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT MACHINES FOR LIQUIDS engines F03CROTARY-PISTON, OR OSCILLATING-PISTON, POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT PUMPSAttention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01 especially as regards the definitions of "machines", "pumps", "positive displacement", "rotary-piston machines", "oscillating-piston machines", "rotary piston", "co-operating members", "movement of co-operating members", "teeth or tooth-equivalents" and "internal axis".In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F04C2/00 F04C2/00Rotary-piston machines or pumps with non-parallel axes of co-operating members F04C3/00; with the working-chamber walls at least partly resiliently deformable F04C5/00; with fluid ring or the like F04C7/00; rotary-piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C18/00; rotary-piston machines or pumps in which the working-fluid is exclusively displaced by, or exclusively displaces, one or more reciprocating pistons F04BGroup F04C2/30 takes precedence over groups F04C2/02 - F04C2/28 F04C2/02of arcuate-engagement type, i.e. with circular translatory movement of co-operating members, each member having the same number of teeth or tooth-equivalents F04C2/025the moving and the stationary member having co-operating elements in spiral form F04C2/04of internal axis type F04C2/045having a C-shaped piston F04C2/06of other than internal-axis type F04C2/063 takes precedence F04C2/063with coaxially-mounted members having continuously-changing circumferential spacing between them F04C2/067having cam-and-follower type drive F04C2/07having crankshaft-and-connecting-rod type drive F04C2/073having pawl-and-ratchet type drive F04C2/077having toothed-gearing type drive F04C2/08of intermeshing-engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F04C2/082Details specially related to intermeshing engagement type machines or pumps F04C2/084Toothed wheels F04C2/086Carter F04C2/088Elements in the toothed wheels or the carter for relieving the pressure of fluid imprisoned in the zones of engagement F04C2/10of internal-axis type with the outer member having more teeth or tooth-equivalents, e.g. rollers, than the inner member F04C2/101with a crescent-shaped filler element, located between the inner and outer intermeshing members F04C2/102the two members rotating simultaneously around their respective axes F04C2/103one member having simultaneously a rotational movement about its own axis and an orbital movement F04C2/104having an articulated driving shaft F04C2/105Details concerning timing or distribution valves F04C2/106Spool type distribution valves F04C2/107with helical teeth F04C2/1071the inner and outer member having a different number of threads and one of the two being made of elastic materials, e.g. Moineau type F04C2/1073where one member is stationary while the other member rotates and orbits F04C2/1075Construction of the stationary member F04C2/1076where one member orbits or wobbles relative to the other member which rotates around a fixed axis F04C2/1078where one member rotates and both members are allowed to orbit or wobble F04C2/113the inner member carrying rollers intermeshing with the outer member F04C2/12of other than internal-axis type F04C2/123with radially or approximately radially from the rotor body extending tooth-like elements, co-operating with recesses in the other rotor, e.g. one tooth F04C2/126with radially from the rotor body extending elements, not necessarily co-operating with corresponding recesses in the other rotor, e.g. lobes, Roots type F04C2/14with toothed rotary pistons F04C2/16with helical teeth, e.g. chevron-shaped, screw type for non-parallel axes of movement F04C3/00 F04C2/165having more than two rotary pistons with parallel axes F04C2/18with similar tooth forms F04C2/16 takes precedence F04C2/20with dissimilar tooth forms F04C2/16 takes precedence F04C2/22of internal-axis type with equidirectional movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement, or with one of the co-operating members being stationary, the inner member having more teeth or tooth-equivalents than the outer member F04C2/24of counter-engagement type, i.e. the movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement being in opposite directions F04C2/26of internal-axis type F04C2/28of other than internal-axis type F04C2/30having the characteristics covered by two or more groups F04C2/02, F04C2/08, F04C2/22, F04C2/24 or having the characteristics covered by one of these groups together with some other type of movement between co-operating members F04C2/32having both the movement defined in groups F04C2/02 and relative reciprocation between co-operating members F04C2/321with vanes hinged to the inner member and reciprocating with respect to the inner member F04C2/322with vanes hinged to the outer member and reciprocating with respect to the outer member F04C2/324with vanes hinged to the inner member and reciprocating with respect to the outer member F04C2/328and hinged to the outer member F04C2/332with vanes hinged to the outer member and reciprocating with respect to the inner member F04C2/336and hinged to the inner member F04C2/34having the movement defined in groups F04C2/08 or F04C2/22 and relative reciprocation between the co-operating members F04C2/344with vanes reciprocating with respect to the inner member F04C2/3441the inner and outer member being in contact along one line or continuous surface substantially parallel to the axis of rotation F04C2/3442the surfaces of the inner and outer member, forming the working space, being surfaces of revolution F04C2/3443with a separation element located between the inlet and outlet opening F04C2/3445the vanes having the form of rollers, slippers or the like F04C2/3446the inner and outer member being in contact along more than one line or surface F04C2/3447the vanes having the form of rollers, slippers or the like F04C2/3448with axially movable vanes F04C2/348the vanes positively engaging, with circumferential play, an outer rotatable member F04C2/352the vanes being pivoted on the axis of the outer member F04C2/356with vanes reciprocating with respect to the outer member F04C2/3562the inner and outer member being in contact along one line or continuous surface substantially parallel to the axis of rotation F04C2/3564the surfaces of the inner and outer member, forming the working space, being surfaces of revolution F04C2/3566the inner and outer member being in contact along more than one line or surface F04C2/3568with axially movable vanes F04C2/36having both the movements defined in groups F04C2/22 and F04C2/24 F04C2/38having the movement defined in group F04C2/02 and having a hinged member F04C2/32 takes precedence F04C2/39with vanes hinged to the inner as well as to the outer member F04C2/40having the movement defined in group F04C2/08 or F04C2/22 and having a hinged member F04C2/44with vanes hinged to the inner member F04C2/46with vanes hinged to the outer member F04C3/00Rotary-piston machines or pumps, with non-parallel axes of movement of co-operating members, e.g. of screw type with the working-chamber walls at least partly resiliently deformable F04C5/00; rotary-piston pumps with non-parallel axes of movement of co-operating members specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C18/48 F04C3/02the axes being arranged at an angle of 90 degrees F04C3/04of intermeshing engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F04C3/06the axes being arranged otherwise than at an angle of 90 degrees F04C3/08of intermeshing engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F04C3/085the axes of cooperating members being on the same plane F04C5/00Rotary-piston machines or pumps with the working-chamber walls at least partly resiliently deformable such pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C18/00 F04C7/00Rotary-piston machines or pumps with fluid ring or the like such pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C19/00 F04C9/00Oscillating-piston machines or pumps such pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C21/00 F04C9/002the piston oscillating around a fixed axis F04C9/005the piston oscillating in the space, e.g. around a fixed point rotary-piston machines or pumps with non-parallel axes of movement between co-operating members F04C3/00 F04C9/007the points of the moving element describing approximately an alternating movement in axial direction with respect to the other element F04C11/00Combinations of two or more machines or pumps, each being of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type combinations of such pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C23/00Pumping installations F04C13/00 takes precedence; specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C23/00; fluid gearing F16HMulti-stage engines, motors, pumps or compressors with stages connected in series or in parallel are not considered as having complementary function F04C11/001of similar working principle F04C11/003having complementary function F04C11/005of dissimilar working principle F04C11/006having complementary function F04C11/008Enclosed motor pump units F04C13/00Adaptations of machines or pumps for special use, e.g. for extremely high pressures of pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C25/00 F04C13/001Pumps for particular liquids F04C13/002for homogeneous viscous liquids F04C13/004with means for fluidising or diluting the material being pumped F04C13/005Removing contaminants, deposits or scale from the pump; Cleaning F04C13/007Venting; Gas and vapour separation during pumping preventing vapour lock in fuel pumps F02M37/20, in centrifugal pumps F04D9/00 F04C13/008Pumps for submersible use, i.e. down-hole pumping F04C14/00Control of, monitoring of, or safety arrangements for, machines, pumps or pumping installations of pumps or pumping installations specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C28/00 F04C14/02specially adapted for several machines or pumps connected in series or in parallel F04C14/04specially adapted for reversible machines or pumps F04C14/06specially adapted for stopping, starting, idling or no-load operation F04C14/065Capacity control using a multiplicity of units or pumping capacities, e.g. multiple chambers, individually switchable or controllable F04C14/08characterised by varying the rotational speed F04C14/10characterised by changing the positions of the inlet or outlet openings with respect to the working chamber F04C14/12using sliding valves F04C14/14using rotating valves F04C14/16using lift valves F04C14/18characterised by varying the volume of the working chamber by changing the positions of inlet or outlet openings F04C14/10 F04C14/185by varying the useful pumping length of the cooperating members in the axial direction F04C14/20by changing the form of the inner or outer contour of the working chamber F04C14/22by changing the eccentricity between cooperating members F04C14/223using a movable cam F04C14/226by pivoting the cam around an eccentric axis F04C14/24characterised by using valves controlling pressure or flow rate, e.g. discharge valves or unloading valvesF04C14/10 takes precedence F04C14/26using bypass channels F04C14/265being obtained by displacing a lateral sealing face F04C14/28Safety arrangementsMonitoring F04C15/00Component parts, details or accessories of machines, pumps or pumping installations, not provided for in groups F04C2/00 - F04C14/00 of pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C18/00 - F04C29/00 F04C15/0003Sealing arrangements in rotary-piston machines or pumps sealing in general F16J F04C15/0007Radial sealings for working fluid F04C15/0011of rigid material F04C15/0015of resilient material F04C15/0019Radial sealing elements specially adapted for intermeshing-engagement type machines or pumps, e.g. gear machines or pumps F04C15/0023Axial sealings for working fluid F04C15/0026Elements specially adapted for sealing of the lateral faces of intermeshing-engagement type machines or pumps, e.g. gear machines or pumps F04C15/003Sealings for working fluid between radially and axially moving parts F04C15/0034for other than the working fluid, i.e. the sealing arrangements are not between working chambers of the machine F04C15/0038Shaft sealings specially adapted for rotary-piston machines or pumps F04C15/0042Systems for the equilibration of forces acting on the machines or pump interstice adjustment other than by fluid pressure F01C21/102 F04C15/0046Internal leakage control F04C15/0049Equalization of pressure pulses silencing for compressors F04C29/06 F04C15/0053Venting means for starting F04C15/0057Driving elements, brakes, couplings, transmission specially adapted for machines or pumps brakes, couplings, transmissions per se F16, B60 F04C15/0061Means for transmitting movement from the prime mover to driven parts of the pump, e.g. clutches, couplings, transmissions F04C15/0065for eccentric movement F04C15/0069Magnetic couplings F04C15/0073Couplings between rotors and input or output shafts acting by interengaging or mating parts, i.e. positive coupling of rotor and shaft F04C15/0076Fixing rotors on shafts, e.g. by clamping together hub and shaft F04C15/008Prime movers F04C15/0084Brakes, braking assemblies F04C15/0088Lubrication of machines or engines in general F01M F04C15/0092Control systems for the circulation of the lubricant F04C15/0096Heating; Cooling of machines or engines in general F01P F04C15/06Arrangements for admission or discharge of the working fluid, e.g. constructional features of the inlet or outlet F04C15/062Arrangements for supercharging the working space similar arrangements for internal combustion engines F02B33/00, F02B37/00 F04C15/064with inlet and outlet valves specially adapted for rotary or oscillating piston machines or pumps F04C15/066of the non-return type F04C15/068of the elastic type, e.g. reed valves F04C18/00Rotary-piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids with fluid ring or the like F04C19/00; rotary-piston pumps in which the working-fluid is exclusively displaced by one or more reciprocating pistons F04BGroup F04C18/30 takes precedence over groups F04C18/02 - F04C18/28 and F04C18/48 - F04C18/56. F04C18/02of arcuate-engagement type, i.e. with circular translatory movement of co-operating members, each member having the same number of teeth or tooth-equivalents F04C18/0207both members having co-operating elements in spiral form F04C18/0215where only one member is moving F04C18/0223with symmetrical double wraps F04C18/023where both members are moving F04C18/0238with symmetrical double wraps F04C18/0246Details concerning the involute wraps or their base, e.g. geometry F04C18/0253Details concerning the base F04C18/0261Details of the ports, e.g. location, number, geometry F04C18/0269Details concerning the involute wraps F04C18/0276Different wall heights F04C18/0284Details of the wrap tips F04C18/0292Ports or channels located in the wrap F04C18/04of internal-axis type F04C18/045having a C-shaped piston F04C18/06of other than internal-axis type F04C18/063with coaxially-mounted members having continuously-changing circumferential spacing between them F04C18/067having cam-and-follower type drive F04C18/07having crankshaft-and-connecting-rod type drive F04C18/073having pawl-and-ratchet type drive F04C18/077having toothed-gearing type drive F04C18/08of intermeshing-engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F04C18/082Details specially related to intermeshing engagement type pumps F04C18/084Toothed wheels F04C18/086Carter F04C18/088Elements in the toothed wheels or the carter for relieving the pressure of fluid imprisoned in the zones of engagement F04C18/10of internal-axis type with the outer member having more teeth or tooth equivalents, e.g. rollers, than the inner member F04C18/103with a crescent shaped filler element, located between the inner and outer intermeshing elements F04C18/107with helical teeth F04C18/1075the inner and outer member having a different number of threads and one of the two being made of elastic material, e.g. Moineau type F04C18/113the inner member carrying rollers intermeshing with the outer member F04C18/12of other than internal-axis type F04C18/123with radially or approximately radially from the rotor body extending tooth-like elements, co-operating with recesses in the other rotor, e.g. one tooth F04C18/126with radially from the rotor body extending elements, not necessarily co-operating with corresponding recesses in the other rotor, e.g. lobes, Roots type F04C18/14with toothed rotary pistons F04C18/16with helical teeth, e.g. chevron-shaped, screw type for non-parallel axes of movement F04C18/48 F04C18/165having more than two rotary pistons with parallel axes F04C18/18with similar tooth forms F04C18/16 takes precedence F04C18/20with dissimilar tooth forms F04C18/16 takes precedence F04C18/22of internal-axis type with equidirectional movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement, or with one of the co-operating members being stationary, the inner member having more teeth or tooth equivalents than the outer member F04C18/24of counter-engagement type, i.e. the movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement being in opposite directions F04C18/26of internal-axis type F04C18/28of other than internal-axis type F04C18/30having the characteristics covered by two or more of groups F04C18/02, F04C18/08, F04C18/22, F04C18/24, F04C18/48, or having the characteristics covered by one of these groups together with some other type of movement between co-operating members F04C18/32having both the movement defined in group F04C18/02 and relative reciprocation between the co-operating members F04C18/321with vanes hinged to the inner member and reciprocating with respect to the inner member F04C18/322with vanes hinged to the outer member and reciprocating with respect to the outer member F04C18/324with vanes hinged to the inner member and reciprocating with respect to the outer member F04C18/328and hinged to the outer member F04C18/332with vanes hinged to the outer member and reciprocating with respect to the inner member F04C18/336and hinged to the inner member F04C18/34having the movement defined in group F04C18/08 or F04C18/22 and relative reciprocation between the co-operating members F04C18/344with vanes reciprocating with respect to the inner member F04C18/3441the inner and outer member being in contact along one line or continuous surface substantially parallel to the axis of rotation F04C18/3442the surfaces of the inner and outer member, forming the inlet and outlet opening F04C18/3443with a separation element located between the inlet and outlet opening F04C18/3445the vanes having the form of rollers, slippers or the like F04C18/3446the inner and outer member being in contact along more than one line or surface F04C18/3447the vanes having the form of rollers, slippers or the like F04C18/3448with axially movable vanes F04C18/348the vanes positively engaging, with circumferential play, an outer rotatable member F04C18/352the vanes being pivoted on the axis of the outer member F04C18/356with vanes reciprocating with respect to the outer member F04C18/3562the inner and outer member being in contact along one line or continuous surfaces substantially parallel to the axis of rotation F04C18/3564the surfaces of the inner and outer member, forming the working space, being surfaces of revolution F04C18/3566the inner and outer member being in contact along more than line or surface F04C18/3568with axially movable vanes F04C18/36having both the movements defined in groups F04C18/22 and F04C18/24 F04C18/38having the movement defined in group F04C18/02 and having a hinged member F04C18/32 takes precedence F04C18/39with vanes hinged to the inner as well as to the outer member F04C18/40having the movement defined in group F04C18/08 or F04C18/22 and having a hinged member F04C18/44with vanes hinged to the inner member F04C18/46with vanes hinged to the outer member F04C18/48Rotary-piston pumps with non-parallel axes of movement of co-operating members F04C18/50the axes being arranged at an angle of 90 degrees F04C18/52of intermeshing engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F04C18/54the axes being arranged otherwise than at an angle of 90 degrees F04C18/56of intermeshing engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F04C18/565the axes of cooperating members being on the same plane F04C19/00Rotary-piston pumps with fluid ring or the like, specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C19/001General arrangements, plants, flowsheets F04C19/002with rotating outer members F04C19/004Details concerning the operating liquid, e.g. nature, separation, cooling, cleaning, control of the supply F04C19/005Details concerning the admission or discharge F04C19/007Port members in the form of side plates F04C19/008Port members in the form of conical or cylindrical pieces situated in the centre of the impeller F04C21/00Oscillating-piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C21/002the piston oscillating around a fixed axis F04C21/005the piston oscillating in the space, e.g. around a fixed point rotary-piston pumps with non-parallel axes of rotation between co-operating members F04C18/48 F04C21/007the points of the moving element describing approximately an alternating movement in axial direction with respect to the other element F04C23/00Combinations of two or more pumps, each being of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type, specially adapted for elastic fluidsPumping installations specially adapted for elastic fluidsMulti-stage pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C25/00 takes precedenceMulti-stage pumps or compressors with stages connected in series or in parallel are not considered as having complementary function F04C23/001of similar working principle F04C23/003having complementary function F04C23/005of dissimilar working principle F04C23/006having complementary function F04C23/008Hermetic pumpsMulti-stage steam engines, motors, pumps or compressors with stages connected in series or in parallel are not considered as having complementary function F04C23/02Pumps characterised by combination with or adaptation to specific driving engines or motors predominant aspects of the engines or motors, see the relevant classes F04C25/00Adaptations of pumps for special use of pumps for elastic fluids F04C25/02for producing high vacuum sealing arrangements F04C27/00; silencing F04C29/06 F04C27/00Sealing arrangements in rotary-piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C27/001Radial sealings for working fluid F04C27/002of rigid material F04C27/003of resilient material F04C27/004Radial sealing elements specially adapted for intermeshing-engagement type pumps, e.g. gear pumps F04C27/005Axial sealings for working fluid F04C27/006Elements specially adapted for sealing of the lateral faces of intermeshing-engagement type pumps, e.g. gear pumps F04C27/007Sealings for working fluid between radially and axially moving parts F04C27/008for other than working fluid, i.e. the sealing arrangements are not between working chambers of the machine F04C27/009Shaft sealings specially adapted for pumps F04C27/02Liquid sealing for high-vacuum pumps or for compressors F04C28/00Control of, monitoring of, or safety arrangements for, pumps or pumping installations specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C28/02specially adapted for several pumps connected in series or in parallel F04C28/04specially adapted for reversible pumps F04C28/06specially adapted for stopping, starting, idling or no-load operation F04C28/065Capacity control using a multiplicity of units or pumping capacities, e.g. multiple chambers, individually switchable or controllable F04C28/08characterised by varying the rotational speed F04C28/10characterised by changing the positions of the inlet or outlet openings with respect to the working chamber F04C28/12using sliding valves F04C28/125with sliding valves controlled by the use of fluid other than the working fluid F04C28/14using rotating valves F04C28/16using lift valves F04C28/18characterised by varying the volume of the working chamber by changing the positions of inlet or outlet openings F04C28/10 F04C28/185by varying the useful pumping length of the cooperating members in the axial direction F04C28/20by changing the form of the inner or outer contour of the working chamber F04C28/22by changing the eccentricity between cooperating members F04C28/24characterised by using valves controlling pressure or flow rate, e.g. discharge valves or unloading valvesF04C28/10 takes precedence F04C28/26using bypass channels F04C28/265being obtained by displacing a lateral sealing face F04C28/28Safety arrangementsMonitoring F04C29/00Component parts, details or accessories of pumps or pumping installations, not provided for in groups F04C18/00 - F04C28/00 F04C29/0007Injection of a fluid in the working chamber for sealing, cooling and lubricating sealing only F04C27/00; lubrication only F04C29/02; cooling F02B47/02, F02D21/00, F02M25/00 F04C29/0014with control systems for the injection of the fluid F04C29/0021Systems for the equilibration of forces acting on the pump interstice adjustment other than by fluid pressure F01C21/102 F04C29/0028Internal leakage control F04C29/0035Equalization of pressure pulses silencing F04C29/06 F04C29/0042Driving elements, brakes, couplings, transmissions specially adapted for pumps brakes, couplings, transmissions per se F16, B60 F04C29/005Means for transmitting movement from the prime mover to driven parts of the pump, e.g. clutches, couplings, transmissions F04C29/0057for eccentric movement F04C29/0064Magnetic couplings F04C29/0071Couplings between rotors and input or output shafts acting by interengaging or mating parts, i.e. positive coupling of rotor and shaft F04C29/0078Fixing rotors on shafts, e.g. by clamping together hub and shaft F04C29/0085Prime movers F04C29/0092Removing solid or liquid contaminants from the gas under pumping, e.g. by filtering or deposition; Purging; Scrubbing; Cleaning F04C29/02Lubrication of machines or engines in general F01MLubricant separation separation in general B01D F04C29/021Control systems for the circulation of the lubricant F04C29/023Lubricant distribution through a hollow driving shaft F04C29/025 takes precedence F04C29/025using a lubricant pump F04C29/026Lubricant separation F04C29/028Means for improving or restricting lubricant flow F04C29/04HeatingCooling of machines or engines in general F01PHeat insulation heat insulation in general F16L59/00 F04C29/042by injecting a fluid injection of fluid for sealing, cooling or lubrication F04C29/0007 F04C29/045of the electric motor in hermetic pumps F04C29/047Cooling of electronic devices installed inside the pump housing, e.g. inverters F04C29/06Silencing gas-flow silencers or exhaust apparatus for machines or engines in general F01N F04C29/061Silencers using overlapping frequencies, e.g. Helmholtz resonators F04C29/063Sound absorbing materials F04C29/065Noise dampening volumes, e.g. muffler chambers F04C29/066with means to enclose the source of noise F04C29/068the silencing means being arranged inside the pump housing F04C29/12Arrangements for admission or discharge of the working fluid, e.g. constructional features of the inlet or outlet F04C29/122Arrangements for supercharging the working space similar arrangements for internal combustion engines F02B33/00, F02B37/00 F04C29/124with inlet and outlet valves specially adapted for rotary or oscillating piston pumps F04C29/126of the non-return type F04C29/128of the elastic type, e.g. reed valves F04C2210/00 F04C2210/00Fluid F04C2210/10working F04C2210/1005Air F04C2210/1011Amine F04C2210/1016Blood F04C2210/1022C3HmFn F04C2210/1027CO2 F04C2210/1033Concrete F04C2210/1038Cooking oil F04C2210/1044Fuel F04C2210/105Helium (He) F04C2210/1055Hydrogen (H2) F04C2210/1061LPG F04C2210/1066Nitrogen (N2) F04C2210/1072Oxygen (O2) F04C2210/1077Steam F04C2210/1083Urea F04C2210/1088Vegetable oil F04C2210/1094Water F04C2210/12auxiliary F04C2210/122Nitrogen (N2) F04C2210/124Sodium (Na) F04C2210/126Tin F04C2210/128Water F04C2210/14Lubricant F04C2210/142Ester F04C2210/145PAG F04C2210/147Water F04C2210/20liquid, i.e. incompressible F04C2210/201DME F04C2210/203Fuel F04C2210/205Ink F04C2210/206Oil F04C2210/208Water F04C2210/22gaseous, i.e. compressible F04C2210/221Air F04C2210/222Carbon dioxide (CO2) F04C2210/224Hydrogen (H2) F04C2210/225Nitrogen (N2) F04C2210/227Steam F04C2210/228Vapour F04C2210/24mixed, e.g. two-phase fluid F04C2210/242Steam F04C2210/245Vapour F04C2210/247Water F04C2210/26Refrigerants with particular properties, e.g. HFC-134a F04C2210/261Carbon dioxide (CO2) F04C2210/263HFO1234YF F04C2210/265Ammoniac (NH3) F04C2210/266Propane F04C2210/268R32 F04C2210/40Properties F04C2210/42magnetic or ferromagneticFerrofluids F04C2210/44Viscosity F04C2210/60Condition F04C2210/62Purity F04C2220/00Application F04C2220/10Vacuum F04C2220/12Dry running F04C2220/20Pumps with means for separating and evacuating the gaseous phase F04C2220/22for very low temperatures, i.e. cryogenic F04C2220/24for metering throughflow F04C2220/26for step-by-step output movement F04C2220/28for pulsed fluid flow F04C2220/30Use in a chemical vapor deposition [CVD] process or in a similar process F04C2220/40Pumps with means for venting areas other than the working chamber, e.g. bearings, gear chambers, shaft seals F04C2220/50Pumps with means for introducing gas under pressure for ballasting F04C2230/00ManufactureManufacture comprises also treatment, assembly or disassembly methods, repairing, handling or the like. F04C2230/10by removing material F04C2230/101by electrochemical methods F04C2230/102by spark erosion methods F04C2230/103using lasers F04C2230/20essentially without removing material F04C2230/21by casting F04C2230/22by sintering F04C2230/23by permanently joining parts together F04C2230/231by welding F04C2230/24by extrusion F04C2230/25by forging F04C2230/26by rolling F04C2230/27by hydroforming F04C2230/40Heat treatment F04C2230/41HardeningAnnealing F04C2230/60Assembly methods F04C2230/601Adjustment F04C2230/602GapClearance F04C2230/603CenteringAligning F04C2230/604Mounting devices for pumps or compressors F04C2230/605Balancing F04C2230/70Disassembly methods F04C2230/80Repairing methods F04C2230/85Methods for improvement by repair or exchange of parts F04C2230/90Improving properties of machine parts F04C2230/91Coating F04C2230/92Surface treatment F04C2240/00Components F04C2240/10Stators F04C2240/102with means for discharging condensate or liquid separated from the gas pumped F04C2240/20Rotors F04C2240/30Casings or housings F04C2240/40Electric motor F04C2240/401Linear motor F04C2240/402Plurality of electronically synchronised motors F04C2240/403with inverter for speed control F04C2240/45Hybrid prime mover F04C2240/50Bearings F04C2240/51for cantilever assemblies F04C2240/52for assemblies with supports on both sides F04C2240/54Hydrostatic or hydrodynamic bearing assemblies specially adapted for rotary positive displacement pumps or compressors F04C2240/56Bearing bushings or details thereof F04C2240/60Shafts F04C2240/601Shaft flexion F04C2240/603with internal channels for fluid distribution, e.g. hollow shaft F04C2240/605Shaft sleeves or details thereof F04C2240/70Use of multiplicity of similar componentsModular construction F04C2240/80Other components F04C2240/801Wear plates F04C2240/802Liners F04C2240/803Electric connectors or cablesFittings therefor F04C2240/804Accumulators for refrigerant circuits F04C2240/805Fastening means, e.g. bolts F04C2240/806Pipes for fluidsFittings therefor F04C2240/807Balance weight, counterweight F04C2240/808Electronic circuits (e.g. inverters) installed inside the machine F04C2240/809Lubricant sump F04C2240/81Sensor, e.g. electronic sensor for control or monitoring F04C2240/811Actuator for control, e.g. pneumatic, hydraulic, electric F04C2250/00Geometry F04C2250/10of the inlet or outlet F04C2250/101of the inlet F04C2250/102of the outlet F04C2250/20of the rotor F04C2250/201conical shape F04C2250/30of the stator F04C2250/301compression chamber profile defined by a mathematical expression or by parameters F04C2270/00ControlMonitoring or safety arrangements F04C2270/01Load F04C2270/015Controlled or regulated F04C2270/02Power F04C2270/025Controlled or regulated F04C2270/03Torque F04C2270/035Controlled or regulated F04C2270/04Force F04C2270/041Controlled or regulated F04C2270/042radial F04C2270/0421Controlled or regulated F04C2270/0422centrifugal F04C2270/04225Controlled or regulated F04C2270/044axial F04C2270/0445Controlled or regulated F04C2270/05Speed F04C2270/051Controlled or regulated F04C2270/052angular F04C2270/0525Controlled or regulated F04C2270/054linear F04C2270/0545Controlled or regulated F04C2270/06Acceleration F04C2270/065Controlled or regulated F04C2270/07Electric current F04C2270/075Controlled or regulated F04C2270/08Amplitude of electric current F04C2270/085Controlled or regulated F04C2270/09Electric current frequency F04C2270/095Controlled or regulated F04C2270/10Voltage F04C2270/105Controlled or regulated F04C2270/11Magnetic flux F04C2270/115Controlled or regulated F04C2270/12Vibration F04C2270/125Controlled or regulated F04C2270/13Noise F04C2270/135Controlled or regulated F04C2270/14Pulsations F04C2270/145Controlled or regulated F04C2270/15Resonance F04C2270/155Controlled or regulated F04C2270/16Wear F04C2270/165Controlled or regulated F04C2270/17TolerancePlayGap F04C2270/175Controlled or regulated F04C2270/18Pressure F04C2270/185Controlled or regulated F04C2270/19Temperature F04C2270/195Controlled or regulated F04C2270/20Flow F04C2270/205Controlled or regulated F04C2270/21Pressure difference F04C2270/215Controlled or regulated F04C2270/22Temperature difference F04C2270/225Controlled or regulated F04C2270/23Working cycle timing control F04C2270/24Level of liquid, e.g. lubricant or cooling liquid F04C2270/40Conditions across a pump or machine F04C2270/42Conditions at the inlet of a pump or machine F04C2270/44Conditions at the outlet of a pump or machine F04C2270/46Conditions in the working chamber F04C2270/48Conditions of a reservoir linked to a pump or machine F04C2270/50Conditions before a throttle F04C2270/52Conditions after a throttle F04C2270/54Conditions in a control cylinder/piston unit F04C2270/56Number of pump/machine units in operation F04C2270/58Valve parameters F04C2270/585Controlled or regulated F04C2270/60Prime mover parameters F04C2270/605Controlled or regulated F04C2270/70Safety, emergency conditions or requirements F04C2270/701Cold start F04C2270/72preventing reverse rotation F04C2270/78Warnings F04C2270/782Sound F04C2270/784Light F04C2270/80Diagnostics F04C2270/86Detection F04C2270/90Remote control, e.g. wireless, via LAN, by radio, or by a wired connection from a central computer F04C2280/00Arrangements for preventing or removing deposits or corrosion F04C2280/02Preventing solid deposits in pumps, e.g. in vacuum pumps with chemical vapour deposition [CVD] processes F04C2280/04Preventing corrosion