A22BSLAUGHTERINGIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. A22B1/00 A22B1/00Apparatus for fettering animals to be slaughtered A22B3/00Slaughtering or stunning anaesthetising animals A61D7/04; cutting in general B26 A22B3/005by means of gas A22B3/02by means of bolts, e.g. slaughtering pistols, cartridges pistols F41C A22B3/04Masks for animals to be slaughteredMasks combined with stunning arrangements A22B3/06Slaughtering or stunning by electric current electric circuits therefor H05C A22B3/08for poultry or fish, e.g. slaughtering pliers, slaughtering shears A22B3/083Stunning devices specially adapted for fish A22B3/086Stunning devices specially adapted for poultry A22B3/10Slaughtering toolsSlaughtering knives A22B3/12Kosher slaughtering devices A22B5/00Accessories for use during or after slaughtering A22B5/0005Eviscerating devices, e.g. removing rectum, anus, intestines, brain tissue, hypophysis for poultry A22C21/06; for fish A22C25/14 A22B2005/0011Means for closing or removing the vent, rectum, anus or claoca of carcasses A22B5/0017Apparatus for cutting, dividing or deboning carcasses A22B5/0023Cutting open the abdominal cavity of a carcass A22B5/0029Cutting through or detaching portions of a carcass splitting carcasses A22B5/20 A22B5/0035Deboning or obtaining boneless pieces of meat from a carcass devices for deboning meat A22C17/004 A22B5/0041Electronic, robotic or computer assisted cutting, dividing or deboning carcasses A22B5/0047Hand-tools for deboning, cutting or dividing carcasses A22B5/0052Severing the head or the jaw of a carcass, slaughterhouse operations on animal heads A22B5/0058Removing feet or hooves from carcasses A22B5/0064for classifying or grading carcasses; for measuring back fat A22B5/007Non-invasive scanning of carcasses, e.g. using image recognition, tomography, X-rays, ultrasound analysing meat, e.g. search for foreign embedded objects G01N33/12; image analysis G06T7/00 A22B5/0076Chilling or lowering the temperature of carcasses A22B5/0082Cleaning, washing or disinfecting carcasses disinfecting poultry carcasses A22C21/0061 A22B5/0088Electric stimulation of carcasses A22B5/0094Cutting or blocking the rectum of a carcass, e.g. for avoiding fecal contamination A22B5/02Slaughtering pens A22B5/04Blood-collecting apparatusBlood-stirring devices A22B5/06Slaughtering stands or spreaders for cattle A22B5/08ScaldingScrapingDehairingSingeing treatment of hides or skins C14B A22B5/10Hand-operated instruments A22B5/12Scalding kettles A22B5/14Clips for the tongueArrangements for closing the throat A22B5/16Skinning instruments or knives A22B5/161Methods or means for pulling the hide from carcasses A22B5/163Skinning knives with disc-shaped blades disc cutters B26D1/14; motor-driven hand tools with disc blades B26B25/00 A22B5/165Ring knives specially adapted for skinning motor driven tools with annular blades B26B25/002 A22B5/166Drum skinners A22B5/168Hand tools specially adapted for skinning carcasses A22B5/18Cleaning the stomach of slaughtered animals A22B5/20Splitting instruments cutting operations on carcasses other than splitting A22B5/0017 A22B5/201Removing the spinal cord or other nervous tissues A22B5/202Guides or devices for holding the carcass during the splitting operation A22B5/203Meat or bone saws for splitting carcasses cutting meat A22C17/0006 A22B5/205Manual saws A22B5/206Disc or circular saws motor-driven hand tools with disc blades B26B25/00; for skinning A22B5/163 A22B5/207Reciprocating, percussion or hydraulic cutting means A22B5/208Band saws A22B7/00Slaughterhouse arrangements A22B7/001Conveying arrangements A22B7/002Devices for hanging animal carcasses while being conveyed or stored, e.g. gambrels, hooks A22B7/003Positioning, orienting or supporting carcasses as they are being conveyed influencing the position of articles during transit by conveyors B65G47/22; during feeding B65G47/14 A22B7/004Rails for conveying suspended carcasses, e.g. configurations, connections overhead conveyors B65G17/20 A22B7/005Means for transferring carcasses from a conveying unit to a different one, e.g. hooking, unhooking transferring articles between conveyors B65G47/52 A22B7/006Trolleys or special vehicles for carcass transportation A22B7/007Means containing information relative to the carcass that can be attached to or are embedded in the conveying means A22B7/008for temporary storage, disposal, cooling or removal of cadavers, carrion, offal or similar slaughterhouse waste