C10GCRACKING HYDROCARBON OILSPRODUCTION OF LIQUID HYDROCARBON MIXTURES, e.g. BY DESTRUCTIVE HYDROGENATION, OLIGOMERISATION, POLYMERISATION cracking to hydrogen or synthesis gas C01B; cracking or pyrolysis of hydrocarbon gases to individual hydrocarbons or mixtures thereof of definite or specified constitution C07C; cracking to cokes C10BRECOVERY OF HYDROCARBON OILS FROM OIL-SHALE, OIL-SAND, OR GASESREFINING MIXTURES MAINLY CONSISTING OF HYDROCARBONSREFORMING OF NAPHTHAMINERAL WAXES In this subclass, groups C10G9/00 - C10G49/00 are limited to one-step processes;combined or multi-step processes are covered by groups C10G51/00 - C10G69/00;refining or recovery of mineral waxes is covered by group C10G73/00 In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "in the presence of hydrogen" or "in the absence of hydrogen" mean treatments in which hydrogen, in free form or as hydrogen generating compounds, is added, or not added, respectively;"hydrotreatment" is used for conversion processes as defined in group C10G45/00 or group C10G47/00;"hydrocarbon oils" covers mixtures of hydrocarbons such as tar oils or mineral oils.In this subclass, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, classification is made in the last appropriate place.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: C10G73/23 covered by C10G73/06
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
C10G1/00 C10G1/00Production of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures from oil-shale, oil-sand, or non-melting solid carbonaceous or similar materials, e.g. wood, coal mechanical winning of oil from oil-shales, oil-sand, or the like B03B C10G1/002in combination with oil conversion- or refining processes C10G1/004Inhibiting of corrosion C10G1/006Combinations of processes provided in groups C10G1/02 - C10G1/08 C10G1/008Controlling or regulating of liquefaction processes C10G1/02by distillation C10G1/04by extraction C10G1/042by the use of hydrogen-donor solvents C10G1/045Separation of insoluble materials C10G1/047Hot water or cold water extraction processes C10G1/06by destructive hydrogenation C10G1/065in the presence of a solvent C10G1/08with moving catalysts C10G1/083in the presence of a solvent C10G1/086Characterised by the catalyst used C10G1/10from rubber or rubber waste C10G2/00Production of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures of undefined composition from oxides of carbon C10G2/30from carbon monoxide with hydrogen C10G2/31thermal, non catalytic conversion C10G2/32with the use of catalysts C10G2/33characterised by the catalyst used C10G2/331containing group VIII-metals C10G2/332of the iron-group C10G2/333of the platinum-group C10G2/334containing molecular sieve catalysts C10G2/34Apparatus, reactors C10G2/341with stationary catalyst bed C10G2/342with moving solid catalysts C10G2/343according to the "moving-bed" method C10G2/344according to the "fluidised-bed" technique C10G2/35with the use of another activation, e.g. radiation, vibration, electrical or electromagnetic means C10G2/40from carbon monoxide with water vapor C10G2/50from carbon dioxide with hydrogen C10G3/00Production of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures from oxygen-containing organic materials, e.g. fatty oils, fatty acids production from non-melting solid oxygen-containing carbonaceous materials C10G1/00 C10G3/40Thermal non-catalytic treatment C10G3/42Catalytic treatment C10G3/44characterised by the catalyst used C10G3/45containing iron group metals or compounds thereof C10G3/46in combination with chromium, molybdenum, tungsten metals or compounds thereof C10G3/47containing platinum group metals or compounds thereof C10G3/48further characterised by the catalyst support C10G3/49containing crystalline aluminosilicates, e.g. molecular sieves C10G3/50in the presence of hydrogen, hydrogen donors or hydrogen generating compounds C10G3/52Hydrogen in a special composition or from a special source C10G3/54characterised by the catalytic bed C10G3/55with moving solid particles, e.g. moving beds C10G3/56suspended in the oil, e.g. slurries, ebullated beds C10G3/57according to the fluidised bed technique C10G3/60Controlling or regulating the processes C10G3/62Catalyst regeneration C10G5/00Recovery of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures from gases, e.g. natural gas C10G5/02with solid adsorbents C10G5/04with liquid absorbents C10G5/06by cooling or compressing C10G7/00Distillation of hydrocarbon oils C10G7/003distillation of lubricating oils C10G7/006of waste oils other than lubricating oils, e.g. PCB's containing oils C10G7/02Stabilising gasoline by removing gases by fractioning C10G7/04Dewatering C10G7/06Vacuum distillation C10G7/08Azeotropic or extractive distillation refining of hydrocarbon oils, in the absence of hydrogen, by extraction with selective solvents C10G21/00 C10G7/10Inhibiting corrosion during distillation C10G7/12Controlling or regulating C10G9/00Cracking in the absence of hydrogen C10G9/00Thermal non-catalytic cracking, in the absence of hydrogen, of hydrocarbon oils C10G9/002Cooling of cracked gases C10G9/005Coking (in order to produce liquid products mainly) C10G9/007Visbreaking C10G9/02in retorts C10G9/04Retorts C10G9/06by pressure distillation C10G9/08Apparatus therefor C10G9/12Removing incrustation C10G9/14in pipes or coils with or without auxiliary means, e.g. digesters, soaking drums, expansion means C10G9/16Preventing or removing incrustation C10G9/18Apparatus C10G9/20Tube furnaces C10G9/203chemical composition of the tubes C10G9/206controlling or regulating the tube furnaces C10G9/24by heating with electrical means C10G9/26with discontinuously preheated non-moving solid material, e.g. blast and run C10G9/28with preheated moving solid material C10G9/30according to the "moving bed" method C10G9/32according to the "fluidised-bed" technique C10G9/34by direct contact with inert preheated fluids, e.g. with molten metals or salts C10G9/36with heated gases or vapours C10G9/38produced by partial combustion of the material to be cracked or by combustion of another hydrocarbon C10G9/40by indirect contact with preheated fluid other than hot combustion gases C10G9/42by passing the material to be cracked in thin streams or as spray on or near continuously heated surfaces C10G11/00Catalytic cracking, in the absence of hydrogen, of hydrocarbon oils cracking in direct contact with molten metals or salts C10G9/34 C10G11/02characterised by the catalyst used C10G11/04Oxides C10G11/05Crystalline alumino-silicates, e.g. molecular sieves C10G11/06Sulfides C10G11/08Halides C10G11/10with stationary catalyst bed C10G11/12with discontinuously preheated non-moving solid catalysts, e.g. blast and run C10G11/14with preheated moving solid catalysts C10G11/16according to the "moving bed" method C10G11/18according to the "fluidised-bed" technique C10G11/182Regeneration C10G11/185Energy recovery from regenerator effluent gases C10G11/187Controlling or regulating C10G11/20by direct contact with inert heated gases or vapours C10G11/22produced by partial combustion of the material to be cracked C10G15/00Cracking of hydrocarbon oils by electric means, electromagnetic or mechanical vibrations, by particle radiation or with gases superheated in electric arcs C10G15/08by electric means or by electromagnetic or mechanical vibrations C10G15/10by particle radiation C10G15/12with gases superheated in an electric arc, e.g. plasma C10G17/00Refining in the absence of hydrogen C10G17/00Refining of hydrocarbon oils in the absence of hydrogen, with acids, acid-forming compounds or acid-containing liquids, e.g. acid sludge C10G17/02with acids or acid-containing liquids, e.g. acid sludge C10G17/04Liquid-liquid treatment forming two immiscible phases C10G17/06using acids derived from sulfur or acid sludge thereof C10G17/07using halogen acids or oxyacids of halogen acids generating halogen C10G27/02 C10G17/08with acid-forming oxides refining with CO2 or SO2 as a selective solvent C10G21/06 C10G17/085with oleum C10G17/09with acid salts C10G17/095with "solid acids", e.g. phosphoric acid deposited on a carrier C10G17/10Recovery of used refining agents C10G19/00Refining hydrocarbon oils in the absence of hydrogen, by alkaline treatment C10G19/02with aqueous alkaline solutions C10G19/04containing solubilisers, e.g. solutisers C10G19/06with plumbites or plumbates C10G19/067with molten alkaline material C10G19/073with solid alkaline material C10G19/08Recovery of used refining agents C10G21/00Refining of hydrocarbon oils, in the absence of hydrogen, by extraction with selective solvents C10G17/00, C10G19/00 take precedence C10G21/003Solvent de-asphalting C10G21/006of waste oils, e.g. PCB's containing oils C10G21/02with two or more solvents, which are introduced or withdrawn separately C10G21/04by introducing simultaneously at least two immiscible solvents counter-current to each other C10G21/06characterised by the solvent used C10G21/08Inorganic compounds only C10G21/10Sulfur dioxide C10G21/12Organic compounds only C10G21/14Hydrocarbons C10G21/16Oxygen-containing compounds C10G21/18Halogen-containing compounds C10G21/20Nitrogen-containing compounds C10G21/22Compounds containing sulfur, selenium, or tellurium C10G21/24Phosphorus-containing compounds C10G21/26Silicon-containing compounds C10G21/27Organic compounds not provided for in a single one of groups C10G21/14 - C10G21/26 C10G21/28Recovery of used solvent C10G21/30Controlling or regulating C10G25/00Refining of hydrocarbon oils in the absence of hydrogen, with solid sorbents When classifying in this group, classification is also made in group B01D15/08 insofar as subject matter of general interest relating to chromatography is concerned. C10G25/003Specific sorbent material, not covered by C10G25/02 or C10G25/03 C10G25/006of waste oils, e.g. PCB's containing oils C10G25/02with ion-exchange material C10G25/03with crystalline alumino-silicates, e.g. molecular sieves C10G25/05Removal of non-hydrocarbon compounds, e.g. sulfur compounds C10G25/06with moving sorbents or sorbents dispersed in the oil C10G25/08according to the "moving bed" method C10G25/09according to the "fluidised bed" technique C10G25/11Distillation in the presence of moving sorbents C10G25/12Recovery of used adsorbent C10G27/00Refining of hydrocarbon oils in the absence of hydrogen, by oxidation C10G27/02with halogen or compounds generating halogenHypochlorous acid or salts thereof C10G27/04with oxygen or compounds generating oxygen C10G27/06in the presence of alkaline solutions C10G27/08in the presence of copper chloride C10G27/10in the presence of metal-containing organic complexes, e.g. chelates, or cationic ion-exchange resins C10G27/12with oxygen-generating compounds, e.g. per-compounds, chromic acid, chromates plumbites or plumbates C10G19/06 C10G27/14with ozone-containing gases C10G29/00Refining of hydrocarbon oils, in the absence of hydrogen, with other chemicals C10G29/02Non-metals C10G29/04Metals, or metals deposited on a carrier C10G29/06Metal salts, or metal salts deposited on a carrier C10G29/08containing the metal in the lower valency C10G29/10Sulfides C10G29/12Halides C10G29/16Metal oxides C10G29/20Organic compounds not containing metal atoms C10G29/205by reaction with hydrocarbons added to the hydrocarbon oil C10G29/22containing oxygen as the only hetero atom C10G29/24Aldehydes or ketones C10G29/26Halogenated hydrocarbons C10G29/28containing sulfur as the only hetero atom, e.g. mercaptans, or sulfur and oxygen as the only hetero atoms C10G31/00Refining of hydrocarbon oils, in the absence of hydrogen, by methods not otherwise provided for by distillation C10G7/00 C10G31/06by heating, cooling, or pressure treatment C10G31/08by treating with water C10G31/09by filtration C10G31/10with the aid of centrifugal force C10G31/11by dialysis C10G32/00Refining of hydrocarbon oils by electric or magnetic means, by irradiation, or by using microorganisms C10G32/02by electric or magnetic means C10G32/04by particle radiation C10G33/00Dewatering or demulsification of hydrocarbon oils by distillation C10G7/04 C10G33/02with electrical or magnetic means C10G33/04with chemical means C10G33/06with mechanical means, e.g. by filtration C10G33/08Controlling or regulating C10G35/00Reforming naphthaBy reforming is meant the treatment of naphtha, in order to improve the octane number or its aromatic content. C10G35/02Thermal reforming C10G35/04Catalytic reforming C10G35/06characterised by the catalyst used C10G35/065containing crystalline zeolitic molecular sieves, other than aluminosilicates C10G35/085containing platinum group metals or compounds thereof C10G35/09Bimetallic catalysts in which at least one of the metals is a platinum group metal C10G35/095containing crystalline alumino-silicates, e.g. molecular sieves C10G35/065 takes precedence C10G35/10with moving catalysts C10G35/12according to the "moving-bed" method C10G35/14according to the "fluidised-bed" technique C10G35/16with electric, electromagnetic, or mechanical vibrationsby particle radiation C10G35/22Starting-up reforming operations C10G35/24Controlling or regulating of reforming operations C10G45/00Hydrotreatment processes C10G45/00Refining of hydrocarbon oils using hydrogen or hydrogen-generating compounds Treatment of hydrocarbon oils in the presence of hydrogen-generating compounds not provided for in a single one of groups C10G45/02, C10G45/32, C10G45/44 or C10G45/58 is provided for in group C10G49/00. C10G45/02to eliminate hetero atoms without changing the skeleton of the hydrocarbon involved and without cracking into lower boiling hydrocarbonsHydrofinishing C10G45/04characterised by the catalyst used C10G45/06containing nickel or cobalt metal, or compounds thereof C10G45/08in combination with chromium, molybdenum, or tungsten metals, or compounds thereof C10G45/10containing platinum group metals or compounds thereof C10G45/12containing crystalline alumino-silicates, e.g. molecular sieves C10G45/14with moving solid particles C10G45/16suspended in the oil, e.g. slurries C10G45/18according to the "moving-bed" technique C10G45/20according to the "fluidised-bed" technique C10G45/22with hydrogen dissolved or suspended in the oil C10G45/24with hydrogen-generating compounds C10G45/26Steam or water C10G45/28Organic compoundsAutofining C10G45/30characterised by the catalyst used C10G45/32Selective hydrogenation of the diolefin or acetylene compounds C10G45/34characterised by the catalyst used C10G45/36containing nickel or cobalt metal, or compounds thereof C10G45/38in combination with chromium, molybdenum or tungsten metals, or compounds thereof C10G45/40containing platinum group metals or compounds thereof C10G45/42with moving solid particles C10G45/44Hydrogenation of the aromatic hydrocarbons C10G45/46characterised by the catalyst used C10G45/48containing nickel or cobalt metal, or compounds thereof C10G45/50in combination with chromium, molybdenum or tungsten metal, or compounds thereof C10G45/52containing platinum group metals or compounds thereof C10G45/54containing crystalline alumino-silicates, e.g. molecular sieves C10G45/56with moving solid particles C10G45/58to change the structural skeleton of some of the hydrocarbon content without cracking the other hydrocarbons present, e.g. lowering pour pointSelective hydrocracking of normal paraffins C10G32/00 takes precedence; improving or increasing the octane number or aromatic content of naphtha C10G35/00 C10G45/60characterised by the catalyst used C10G45/62containing platinum group metals or compounds thereof C10G45/64containing crystalline alumino-silicates, e.g. molecular sieves C10G45/66with moving solid particles C10G45/68Aromatisation of hydrocarbon oil fractions C10G45/70with catalysts containing platinum group metals or compounds thereof C10G45/72Controlling or regulating C10G47/00Cracking of hydrocarbon oils, in the presence of hydrogen or hydrogen- generating compounds, to obtain lower boiling fractions C10G15/00 takes precedence; destructive hydrogenation of non-melting solid carbonaceous or similar materials C10G1/06 C10G47/02characterised by the catalyst used C10G47/04Oxides C10G47/06Sulfides C10G47/08Halides C10G47/10with catalysts deposited on a carrier C10G47/12Inorganic carriers C10G47/14the catalyst containing platinum group metals or compounds thereof C10G47/16Crystalline alumino-silicate carriers C10G47/18the catalyst containing platinum group metals or compounds thereof C10G47/20the catalyst containing other metals or compounds thereof C10G47/22Non-catalytic cracking in the presence of hydrogen C10G47/24with moving solid particles C10G47/26suspended in the oil, e.g. slurries C10G47/28according to the "moving-bed" technique C10G47/30according to the "fluidised-bed" technique C10G47/32in the presence of hydrogen-generating compounds C10G47/34Organic compounds, e.g. hydrogenated hydrocarbons C10G47/36Controlling or regulating C10G49/00Treatment of hydrocarbon oils, in the presence of hydrogen or hydrogen-generating compounds, not provided for in a single one of groups C10G45/02, C10G45/32, C10G45/44, C10G45/58 or C10G47/00 C10G49/002Apparatus for fixed bed hydrotreatment processes C10G49/005Inhibiting corrosion in hydrotreatment processes C10G49/007in the presence of hydrogen from a special source or of a special composition or having been purified by a special treatment C10G49/02characterised by the catalyst used C10G49/04containing nickel, cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, or tungsten metals, or compounds thereof C10G49/06containing platinum group metals or compounds thereof C10G49/08containing crystalline alumino-silicates, e.g. molecular sieves C10G49/10with moving solid particles C10G49/12suspended in the oil, e.g. slurries C10G49/14according to the "moving-bed" technique C10G49/16according to the "fluidised-bed" technique C10G49/18in the presence of hydrogen-generating compounds, e.g. ammonia, water, hydrogen sulfide C10G49/20Organic compounds C10G49/22Separation of effluents C10G49/24Starting-up hydrotreatment operations C10G49/26Controlling or regulating C10G50/00Production of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures from lower carbon number hydrocarbons, e.g. by oligomerisation C10G50/02of hydrocarbon oils for lubricating purposes C10G51/00Multi-step processes Groups C10G51/00 - C10G69/00 cover only those combined treating operations where the interest is directed to the relationship between the steps. C10G51/00Treatment of hydrocarbon oils, in the absence of hydrogen, by two or more cracking processes only C10G51/02plural serial stages only C10G51/023only thermal cracking steps C10G51/026only catalytic cracking steps C10G51/04including only thermal and catalytic cracking steps C10G51/06plural parallel stages only C10G53/00Treatment of hydrocarbon oils, in the absence of hydrogen, by two or more refining processes C10G53/02plural serial stages only C10G53/04including at least one extraction step C10G53/06including only extraction steps, e.g. deasphalting by solvent treatment followed by extraction of aromatics C10G53/08including at least one sorption step C10G53/10including at least one acid-treatment step C10G53/12including at least one alkaline treatment step C10G53/14including at least one oxidation step C10G53/16plural parallel stages only C10G55/00Treatment of hydrocarbon oils, in the absence of hydrogen, by at least one refining process and at least one cracking process C10G55/02plural serial stages only C10G55/04including at least one thermal cracking step C10G55/06including at least one catalytic cracking step C10G55/08plural parallel stages only C10G57/00Treatment of hydrocarbon oils, in the absence of hydrogen, by at least one cracking process or refining process and at least one other conversion process C10G57/005with alkylation C10G57/02with polymerisation C10G59/00Treatment of naphtha by two or more reforming processes only or by at least one reforming process and at least one process which does not substantially change the boiling range of the naphtha C10G59/02plural serial stages only C10G59/04including at least one catalytic and at least one non-catalytic reforming step C10G59/06plural parallel stages only C10G61/00Treatment of naphtha by at least one reforming process and at least one process of refining in the absence of hydrogen C10G61/02plural serial stages only C10G61/04the refining step being an extraction C10G61/06the refining step being a sorption process C10G61/08plural parallel stages only C10G61/10processes also including other conversion steps C10G63/00Treatment of naphtha by at least one reforming process and at least one other conversion process C10G59/00, C10G61/00 take precedence C10G63/02plural serial stages only C10G63/04including at least one cracking step C10G63/06plural parallel stages only C10G63/08including at least one cracking step C10G65/00Treatment of hydrocarbon oils by two or more hydrotreatment processes only C10G65/02plural serial stages only C10G65/04including only refining steps C10G65/043at least one step being a change in the structural skeleton C10G65/046at least one step being an aromatisation step C10G65/06at least one step being a selective hydrogenation of the diolefins C10G65/08at least one step being a hydrogenation of the aromatic hydrocarbons C10G65/10including only cracking steps C10G65/12including cracking steps and other hydrotreatment steps C10G65/14plural parallel stages only C10G65/16including only refining steps C10G65/18including only cracking steps C10G67/00Treatment of hydrocarbon oils by at least one hydrotreatment process and at least one process for refining in the absence of hydrogen only C10G67/02plural serial stages only C10G67/04including solvent extraction as the refining step in the absence of hydrogen C10G67/0409Extraction of unsaturated hydrocarbons C10G67/0418The hydrotreatment being a hydrorefining C10G67/0427The hydrotreatment being a selective hydrogenation of diolefins or acetylenes C10G67/0436The hydrotreatment being an aromatic saturation C10G67/0445The hydrotreatment being a hydrocracking C10G67/0454Solvent desasphalting C10G67/0463The hydrotreatment being a hydrorefining C10G67/0472The hydrotreatment being a selective hydrogenation of diolefines or acetylenes C10G67/0481The hydrotreatment being an aromatics saturation C10G67/049The hydrotreatment being a hydrocracking C10G67/06including a sorption process as the refining step in the absence of hydrogen C10G67/08including acid treatment as the refining step in the absence of hydrogen C10G67/10including alkaline treatment as the refining step in the absence of hydrogen C10G67/12including oxidation as the refining step in the absence of hydrogen C10G67/14including at least two different refining steps in the absence of hydrogen C10G67/16plural parallel stages only C10G69/00Treatment of hydrocarbon oils by at least one hydrotreatment process and at least one other conversion process C10G67/00 takes precedence C10G69/02plural serial stages only C10G69/04including at least one step of catalytic cracking in the absence of hydrogen C10G69/06including at least one step of thermal cracking in the absence of hydrogen C10G69/08including at least one step of reforming naphtha C10G69/10hydrocracking of higher boiling fractions into naphtha and reforming the naphtha obtained C10G69/12including at least one polymerisation or alkylation step C10G69/123alkylation C10G69/126polymerisation, e.g. oligomerisation C10G69/14plural parallel stages only C10G70/00Working-up undefined normally gaseous mixtures obtained by processes covered by groups C10G9/00, C10G11/00, C10G15/00, C10G47/00, C10G51/00 C10G70/002by forming adducts or complexes C10G70/004with solutions of copper salts C10G70/006with the use of acids or sulfur oxides C10G70/008with the use of organometallic compounds C10G70/02by hydrogenation C10G70/04by physical processes C10G70/041by distillation C10G70/042with the use of auxiliary compounds C10G70/043by fractional condensation C10G70/044by crystallisation C10G70/045using membranes, e.g. selective permeation C10G70/046by adsorption, i.e. with the use of solids C10G70/047by molecular sieve technique C10G70/048by liquid-liquid extraction C10G70/06by gas-liquid contact C10G71/00Treatment by methods not otherwise provided for of hydrocarbon oils or fatty oils for lubricating purposes C10G71/02Thickening by voltolising chemical modification of drying oils by voltolising C09F7/04 C10G73/00Recovery or refining of mineral waxes, e.g. montan wax compositions essentially based on waxes C08L91/00 C10G73/02Recovery of petroleum waxes from hydrocarbon oilsDewaxing of hydrocarbon oils C10G73/025by filtration C10G73/04with the use of filter aids C10G73/06with the use of solvents C10G73/08Organic compounds C10G73/10Hydrocarbons C10G73/12Oxygen-containing compounds C10G73/14Halogen-containing compounds C10G73/16Nitrogen-containing compounds C10G73/18containing sulfur, selenium or tellurium C10G73/20containing phosphorus C10G73/22Mixtures or organic compounds C10G73/24by formation of adducts C10G73/26by flotation C10G73/28by centrifugal force C10G73/30with electric means C10G73/32Methods of cooling during dewaxing C10G73/34Controlling or regulating C10G73/36Recovery of petroleum waxes from other compositions containing oil in minor proportions, from concentrates or from residuesDe-oiling, sweating C10G73/38Chemical modification of petroleum C10G73/40Physical treatment of waxes or modified waxes, e.g. granulation, dispersion, emulsion, irradiation C10G73/42Refining of petroleum waxes C10G73/44in the presence of hydrogen or hydrogen-generating compounds C10G75/00Inhibiting corrosion or fouling in apparatus for treatment or conversion of hydrocarbon oils, in general C10G7/10, C10G9/16 take precedence C10G75/02by addition of corrosion inhibitors C10G75/04by addition of antifouling agents C10G99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass C10G2300/00 C10G2300/00Aspects relating to hydrocarbon processing covered by groups C10G1/00 - C10G99/00 C10G2300/10Feedstock materials C10G2300/1003Waste materials C10G2300/1007Used oils C10G2300/1011Biomass C10G2300/1014of vegetal origin C10G2300/1018of animal origin C10G2300/1022Fischer-Tropsch products C10G2300/1025Natural gas C10G2300/1029Gas hydrates C10G2300/1033Oil well production fluids C10G2300/1037Hydrocarbon fractions C10G2300/104Light gasoline having a boiling range of about 20 - 100 °C C10G2300/1044Heavy gasoline or naphtha having a boiling range of about 100 - 180 °C C10G2300/1048Middle distillates C10G2300/1051Kerosene having a boiling range of about 180 - 230 °C C10G2300/1055Diesel having a boiling range of about 230 - 330 °C C10G2300/1059Gasoil having a boiling range of about 330 - 427 °C C10G2300/1062Lubricating oils C10G2300/1066Special oils C10G2300/107Atmospheric residues having a boiling point of at least about 538 °C C10G2300/1074Vacuum distillates C10G2300/1077Vacuum residues C10G2300/1081Alkanes C10G2300/1085Solid paraffins C10G2300/1088Olefins C10G2300/1092C2-C4 olefins C10G2300/1096Aromatics or polyaromatics C10G2300/20Characteristics of the feedstock or the products C10G2300/201Impurities C10G2300/202Heteroatoms content, i.e. S, N, O, P C10G2300/203Naphthenic acids, TAN C10G2300/205Metal content C10G2300/206Asphaltenes C10G2300/207Acid gases, e.g. H2S, COS, SO2, HCN C10G2300/208Sediments, e.g. bottom sediment and water or BSW C10G2300/30Physical properties of feedstocks or products C10G2300/301Boiling range C10G2300/302Viscosity C10G2300/304Pour point, cloud point, cold flow properties C10G2300/305Octane number, e.g. motor octane number [MON], research octane number [RON] C10G2300/307Cetane number, cetane index C10G2300/308Gravity, density, e.g. API C10G2300/40Characteristics of the process deviating from typical ways of processing C10G2300/4006Temperature C10G2300/4012Pressure C10G2300/4018Spatial velocity, e.g. LHSV, WHSV C10G2300/4025Yield C10G2300/4031Start up or shut down operations C10G2300/4037In-situ processes C10G2300/4043Limiting CO2 emissions C10G2300/405Limiting CO, NOx or SOx emissions C10G2300/4056Retrofitting operations C10G2300/4062Geographical aspects, e.g. different process units form a combination process at different geographical locations C10G2300/4068Moveable devices or units, e.g. on trucks, barges C10G2300/4075Limiting deterioration of equipment C10G2300/4081Recycling aspects C10G2300/4087Catalytic distillation C10G2300/4093Catalyst stripping C10G2300/42Hydrogen of special source or of special composition C10G2300/44Solvents C10G2300/70Catalyst aspects C10G2300/701Use of spent catalysts C10G2300/703Activation C10G2300/705Passivation C10G2300/706Catalytic metal recovery C10G2300/708Coking aspect, coke content and composition of deposits C10G2300/80Additives C10G2300/802Diluents C10G2300/805Water C10G2300/807Steam C10G2400/00Products obtained by processes covered by groups C10G9/00 - C10G69/14 C10G2400/02Gasoline C10G2400/04Diesel oil C10G2400/06Gasoil C10G2400/08Jet fuel C10G2400/10Lubricating oil C10G2400/12Electrical isolation oil C10G2400/14White oil, eating oil C10G2400/16Residues C10G2400/18Solvents C10G2400/20C2-C4 olefins C10G2400/22Higher olefins C10G2400/24Acetylene and homologues C10G2400/26Fuel gas C10G2400/28Propane and butane C10G2400/30Aromatics