C12MAPPARATUS FOR ENZYMOLOGY OR MICROBIOLOGYAPPARATUS FOR CULTURING MICROORGANISMS FOR PRODUCING BIOMASS, FOR GROWING CELLS OR FOR OBTAINING FERMENTATION OR METABOLIC PRODUCTS, i.e. BIOREACTORS OR FERMENTERSIn this subclass the term microorganism includes prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Viruses, human, animal or plant cells, protozoa, tissues and unicellular algae are considered microorganisms.When classifying an apparatus according to its use in group C12M21/00, classification should also be given in at least one of the groups C12M23/00-C12M99/00.This subclass covers apparatus or devices for the fermentation or for growing microorganisms or animal tissues of both laboratory and industrial scale, i.e. bioreactors.This subclass covers also apparatus or devices for the pre-treatment or after-treatment of the biomass or microorganisms to be cultured or that have been cultured.This subclass does not cover the methods or processes taking place in the bioreactors that are not based on the use of the parts of the apparatus.This subclass does not cover: apparatus for culturing plant tissue, which are covered by A01H4/001;apparatus for preservation of living parts of bodies of humans or animals, which are covered by A01N1/0242; apparatus or devices for testing sterility conditions not linked to a bioreactor or fermenter growing biomass, which are covered by A61L2/00, G01N31/226;apparatus for biological treatment of water, waste water, sewage or sludge, which are covered by C02F3/00, C02F11/00; apparatus for brewing of beer, which are covered by C12C;apparatus for production of wine or vinegar, which are covered by C12G, C12J1/10;apparatus or devices for DNA and RNA technology, which are covered by B01L7/52, B01J19/0046, C12N15/1003;fermentation processes, which are covered by C12P;apparatus for bioleaching of ores, which are covered by C22B3/18;removing cellulose from cellulosic substances, which is covered by D21C;apparatus or devices for sampling, detection, investigation or analysis of microorganisms or biosensors, which are covered by G01N33/48;apparatus for automatic analysis not linked to a bioreactor or fermenter growing biomass, which are covered by G01N35/00;testing or evaluating the effect of a chemical or biological compound involving human or animal cells, which are covered by G01N33/5005;apparatus for immunological test processes, which are covered by G01N33/5302.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. C12M1/00 C12M1/00Apparatus for enzymology or microbiologyThis group covers: apparatus where microorganisms or enzymes are produced or isolated;apparatus where the characteristics of microorganisms or enzymes are investigated, e.g. which growth factors are necessary;apparatus specially adapted to employ microorganisms or enzymes as "reactants" or biocatalysts;apparatus of both laboratory and industrial scale. C12M1/002Photo bio reactors C12M1/005Incubators C12M1/007Flexible bags or containers C12M1/02with agitation meanswith heat exchange means C12M1/04with gas introduction means C12M1/045providing an anaerobic atmosphere C12M1/06with agitator, e.g. impeller C12M1/065on a horizontal axis C12M1/08with draft tube C12M1/09Flotation apparatus C12M1/10rotatably mounted C12M1/107with means for collecting fermentation gases, e.g. methane producing methane by anaerobic treatment of sludge C02F11/04 C12M1/113with transport of the substrate during the fermentation C12M1/12with sterilisation, filtration or dialysis means C12M1/121with sterilisation means C12M1/123with flat plate filter elements C12M1/125Culture inserts C12M1/126with hollow fibres or tubular filter elements C12M1/128with moving or mobile filter elements C12M1/14with means providing thin layers or with multi-level trays C12M1/16containing, or adapted to contain, solid media C12M1/165treated with gel punching devices C12M1/18Multiple fields or compartments C12M1/20Horizontal planar fields C12M1/203Disc dispensing devices therefor C12M1/206Multiple discs supporting devices C12M1/21Froth suppressors C12M1/22Petri dishes C12M1/24tube or bottle type anaerobic jars C12M1/045 C12M1/26Inoculator or sampler C12M1/261Airborne microorganism samplers C12M1/262Handle streaking devices C12M1/263Replica plating devices C12M1/264Devices involving centrifugal, centripetal or rotational forces C12M1/265Pipettes; Syringes; Suction devices C12M1/266Magnetic separators C12M1/267Biofilm separators C12M1/268Positioning tools for sampling or inoculating devices C12M1/28being part of container C12M1/30Sampler being a swab C12M1/32multiple field or continuous type C12M1/33Disintegrators C12M1/34Measuring or testing with condition measuring or sensing means, e.g. colony counters C12M1/3407Measure of electrical or magnetical factor C12M1/3415Pressure measure, e.g. with manometers, respirometers C12M1/3423Calorimetry C12M1/343Mass spectrometry C12M1/3438with use of isotopes, e.g. radiorespirometers, scintillometers C12M1/3446Photometry, spectroscopy, laser technology C12M1/3453Opacity, turbidity or light transmission measure; Nephelometry C12M1/3461Bio- or chemi-luminescence C12M1/3469Infra red spectroscopy C12M1/3476Fluorescence spectroscopy C12M1/3484Pen or contact colony counters C12M1/3492with use of lecture and interpretation devices, grids C12M1/36including condition or time responsive control, e.g. automatically controlled fermentors controlling or regulating in general G05 C12M1/38Temperature-responsive control C12M1/40Apparatus specially designed for the use of free, immobilised, or carrier-bound enzymes, e.g. apparatus containing a fluidised bed of immobilised enzymes C12M1/42Apparatus for the treatment of microorganisms or enzymes with electrical or wave energy, e.g. magnetism, sonic waves C12M3/00Tissue, human, animal or plant cell, or virus culture apparatus C12M3/003for culture in eggs C12M3/006Cell injection or fusion devices C12M3/02with means providing suspensions C12M3/04with means providing thin layers C12M3/043rotatably mounted C12M3/046Roller bottles C12M3/06with filtration, ultrafiltration, inverse osmosis or dialysis means C12M3/062with flat plate filter elements C12M3/065with hollow fibres or tubes C12M3/067with moving or mobile filter elements C12M3/08Apparatus for tissue disaggregation C12M3/10for culture in eggs C12M21/00Bioreactors or fermenters specially adapted for specific uses digesters for manure A01C3/023; apparatus for PCR B01L7/52; destroying or transforming solid waste B09B3/00; methods for genetic engineering C12N15/00, C12Q1/68; nucleic acid amplification reactions C12Q1/6844 C12M21/02Photobioreactors culturing algae A01G33/00, A01H4/001, C12N1/12 C12M21/04for producing gas, e.g. biogas digesters for manure with production of biogas A01C3/028, biological treatment of water, waste water or sewage C02F3/00, C02F11/02, preparation of natural gas or syngas C10L3/06, C10L3/10 C12M21/06for in vitro fertilization C12M21/08for producing artificial tissue or for ex-vivo cultivation of tissue prostheses A61F2/00, grafts A61L27/00 C12M21/10adapted for the cultivation of avian eggs or in avian eggs, e.g. for vaccine production C12M21/12for producing fuels or solvents C12M21/04 takes precedence; liquid carbonaceous fuels C10L1/00, solid fuels C10L5/00 C12M21/14for producing enzymes C12M21/16Solid state fermenters, e.g. for koji production C12M21/18Apparatus specially designed for the use of free, immobilized or carrier-bound enzymes C12M23/00Constructional details, e.g. recesses, hinges flow directing inserts in C12M27/18-C12M27/24; apparatus for chemical or physical processes in general B01J, chemical or physical laboratory apparatus in general B01L C12M23/02Form or structure of the vessel large containers B65D88/00 C12M23/04Flat or tray type, drawers C12M23/10, C12M23/12, C12M23/16 take precedence C12M23/06Tubular C12M23/08, C12M23/16 take precedence C12M23/08Flask, bottle or test tube C12M23/10Petri dish crystallising dishes B01L3/06 C12M23/12Well or multiwell plates C12M25/04 takes precedence C12M23/14Bags C12M23/16Microfluidic devices; Capillary tubes integrated microfluidic structures B01L3/5027; microreactors B01J19/0093 C12M23/18Open ponds; Greenhouse type or underground installations C12M23/20Material Coatings immunocoatings C12M25/00 C12M23/22Transparent or translucent parts glassware for laboratory use B01L3/00 C12M23/24Gas permeable parts C12M23/26flexible flexible containers for laboratory use B01L3/505 C12M23/28disposable or single use C12M23/30biodegradable C12M23/32Frangible parts C12M23/34Internal compartments or partitions C12M23/36Means for collection or storage of gas; Gas holders C12M23/38Caps; Covers; Plugs; Pouring means C12M23/40Manifolds; Distribution pieces fluid transfer means B01L3/563 C12M23/42Integrated assemblies, e.g. cassettes or cartridges C12M23/44Multiple separable units; Modules C12M23/46Means for fastening C12M23/48Holding appliances; Racks; Supports holding devices for laboratory apparatus B01L9/00 C12M23/50Means for positioning or orientating the apparatus C12M41/08 takes precedence C12M23/52Mobile; Means for transporting the apparatus transportable laboratories B01L1/52 C12M23/54hand portable C12M23/56Floating elements C12M23/58Reaction vessels connected in series or in parallel combinations of bioreactors with other apparatus, C12M43/00 C12M25/00Means for supporting, enclosing or fixing the microorganisms, e.g. immunocoatings C12M25/01Drops C12M25/02Membranes; Filters filters or filtration in general B01D24/00-B01D41/00 C12M25/04in combination with well or multiwell plates, i.e. culture inserts C12M25/06Plates; Walls; Drawers; Multilayer plates C12M25/08electrically charged C12M25/10Hollow fibers or tubes hollow fiber modules in general B01D63/02 C12M25/12the culture medium flowing outside the fiber or tube C12M25/14Scaffolds; Matrices in general C12N5/0068 C12M25/16Particles; Beads; Granular material; Encapsulation chemical or physical processes conducted in the presence of fluids and solid particles B01J8/00 C12M25/18Fixed or packed bed C12M25/20Fluidized bed in chemical or physical processes B01J8/18 C12M27/00Means for mixing, agitating or circulating fluids in the vessel by introduction of gas C12M29/06, C12M29/14, mixing in general or mixers per se B01F; mixing in apparatus for chemical or physical processes B01J C12M27/02Stirrer or mobile mixing elements C12M27/04with introduction of gas through the stirrer or mixing element C12M27/06with horizontal or inclined stirrer shaft or axis C12M27/08with different stirrer shapes in one shaft or axis C12M27/10Rotating vessel C12M27/12Roller bottles; Roller tubes C12M27/14Rotation or movement of the cells support, e.g. rotated hollow fibers C12M27/16Vibrating; Shaking; Tilting C12M27/18Flow directing inserts C12M27/20Baffles; Ribs; Ribbons; Auger vanes C12M27/22Perforated plates, discs or walls C12M27/24Draft tube C12M29/08 takes precedence C12M29/00Means for introduction, extraction or recirculation of materials, e.g. pumps pumps per se F04B C12M29/02Percolation C12M29/04Filters; Permeable or porous membranes or plates, e.g. dialysis C12M29/06Nozzles; Sprayers; Spargers; Diffusers per se B01F23/231, B01J19/26 C12M29/08Air lift C12M29/10Perfusion C12M29/12Pulsatile flow C12M29/14Pressurized fluid C12M29/16Hollow fibers hollow fiber modules in general B01D63/02 C12M29/18External loop; Means for reintroduction of fermented biomass or liquid percolate loop type reactors for chemical or physical processes B01J19/2435 C12M29/20Degassing; Venting; Bubble traps means for collection or storage of gas C12M23/36; gas collection apparatus for laboratory use B01L5/02 C12M29/22Oxygen discharge C12M29/24Recirculation of gas C12M29/26Conditioning fluids entering or exiting the reaction vessel C12M31/00Means for providing, directing, scattering or concentrating light C12M41/06 takes precedence C12M31/02located outside the reactor C12M31/04Mirrors C12M31/06Lenses C12M31/08by conducting or reflecting elements located inside the reactor or in its structure C12M31/10by light emitting elements located inside the reactor, e.g. LED or OLED C12M31/12Rotating light emitting elements C12M33/00Means for introduction, transport, positioning, extraction, harvesting, peeling or sampling of biological material in or from the apparatus chemical or physical laboratory apparatus in general B01L, devices for taking cell samples A61B10/0045, withdrawing or distributing predetermined quantities of fluid B01L99/00 C12M33/02by impregnation, e.g. using swabs or loops fluid transport using swabs B01L3/5029 C12M33/04by injection or suction, e.g. using pipettes, syringes, needles pipettes in general B01L3/02 C12M33/06for multiple inoculation or multiple collection of samples C12M33/07Dosage or metering devices therefore C12M33/08by vibration C12M33/10by centrifugation centrifuges in general B04B; Cyclones cyclones in general B04C C12M33/12by pressure C12M33/14with filters, sieves or membranes C12M33/16Screw conveyor C12M33/18Rollers C12M33/20Ribbons C12M33/22Settling tanks; Sedimentation by gravity settling tanks per se B01D21/02 C12M35/00Means for application of stress for stimulating the growth of microorganisms or the generation of fermentation or metabolic products; Means for electroporation or cell fusion machines for extracting juice from animal or plant tissue by electroplasmolysis A23N1/006, processes employing electric or wave energy B01J19/08; treatment of microorganisms or enzymes with electrical or wave energy C12N13/00; methods for cell fusion C12N15/02; introduction of foreign genetic material C12N15/87 C12M35/02Electrical or electromagnetic means, e.g. for electroporation or for cell fusion C12M35/04Mechanical means, e.g. sonic waves, stretching forces, pressure or shear stimuli C12M35/06Magnetic means C12M35/02 takes precedence C12M35/08Chemical, biochemical or biological means, e.g. plasma jet, co-culture C12M37/00Means for sterilizing, maintaining sterile conditions or avoiding chemical or biological contamination C12M23/38 takes precedence; filtration in general and filters per se B01D24/00-B01D41/00; autoclaves B01J3/04; treatment of microorganisms with electrical or wave energy C12N13/00 C12M37/02Filters C12M37/04Seals C12M37/06Means for testing the completeness of the sterilization testing for sterility conditions C12Q1/22 C12M39/00Means for cleaning the apparatus or avoiding unwanted deposits of microorganisms apparatus for cleaning laboratory receptacles or instruments B01L13/02; cleaning in general B08B C12M41/00Means for regulation, monitoring, measurement or control, e.g. flow regulation controlling or regulating chemical, physical or physicochemical processes B01J19/0006; heating or cooling apparatus for laboratory use B01L7/00; electro optical investigation of individual particles, flow cytometers G01N15/14; automatic analysis G01N35/00; controlling or regulating in general G06N C12M41/02of foam foam prevention during gasification of liquids B01D19/02 C12M41/04Means for foam enhancement making foam by mixing B01F23/235 C12M41/06of illumination C12M41/08Means for changing the orientation C12M41/10Filtering the incident radiation C12M41/12of temperature controlling the temperature of chemical or physical processes B01J19/0013, heating or cooling apparatus for laboratory use B01L7/00 C12M41/14Incubators; Climatic chambers per se B01L1/00 C12M41/16by recirculation of culture medium at controlled temperature C12M41/18Heat exchange systems, e.g. heat jackets or outer envelopes C12M41/20the heat transfer medium being a gas C12M41/22in contact with the bioreactor walls C12M41/24inside the vessel C12M41/26of pH C12M41/28of redox potential C12M41/30of concentration C12M41/32of substances in solution C12M41/34of gas C12M41/36of biomass, e.g. colony counters or by turbidity measurements electrooptical investigation of individual particles G01N15/14, flow cytometers G01N15/1404 C12M41/38of metabolites or enzymes in the cells C12M41/40of pressure C12M41/42of agitation speed C12M41/44of volume or liquid level C12M41/46of cellular or enzymatic activity or functionality, e.g. cell viability C12M41/48Automatic or computerized control automatic analysis G01N35/00 C12M43/00Combinations of bioreactors or fermenters with other apparatus C12M43/02Bioreactors or fermenters combined with devices for liquid fuel extraction; Biorefineries C12M43/04Bioreactors or fermenters combined with combustion devices or plants, e.g. for carbon dioxide removal C12M43/06 takes precedence; recovery of carbon dioxide C12F3/02 C12M43/06Photobioreactors combined with devices or plants for gas production different from a bioreactor of fermenter C12M43/08Bioreactors or fermenters combined with devices or plants for production of electricity C12M45/00Means for pre-treatment of biological substances C12M45/02by mechanical forces; Stirring; Trituration; Comminuting crushing, pulverizing, disintegrating in general B02C C12M45/03by control of the humidity or content of liquids; Drying C12M45/04Phase separators; Separation of non fermentable material; Fractionation C12M45/05by centrifugation centrifuges in general B04B C12M45/06by chemical means or hydrolysis C12M45/07by electrical or electromagnetic forces C12M45/09by enzymatic treatment C12M45/20Heating; Cooling heating or cooling apparatus for laboratory uses B01L7/00 C12M45/22Means for packing or storing viable microorganisms casings for storing cell samples A61B10/0096, preservation of living parts of the human or animal body A01N1/02 C12M47/00Means for after-treatment of the produced biomass or of the fermentation or metabolic products, e.g. storage of biomass filters in general B01D23/00-B01D41/00 C12M47/02Separating microorganisms from the culture medium; Concentration of biomass separating microorganisms from their culture media C12N1/02 C12M47/04Cell isolation or sorting purging biological preparations of unwanted cells C12N5/0081, determining the presence or kind of microorganism C12Q1/04 C12M47/06Hydrolysis; Cell lysis; Extraction of intracellular or cell wall material lysis of microorganisms C12N1/06; extracting or separating nucleic acids from biological samples C12N15/1003 C12M47/08Homogenizing C12M47/10Separation or concentration of fermentation products bioreactors combined with means for distillation or extraction of liquid fuel C12M43/02 C12M47/12Purification C12M47/04 takes precedence C12M47/14Drying C12M47/16Sterilization autoclaves in general B01J3/04 C12M47/18Gas cleaning, e.g. scrubbers; Separation of different gases separating dispersed particles from gases or vapours B01D45/00; separation of gases or vapours B01D53/00; gas washing apparatus for laboratory uses B01L5/04 C12M47/20Heating or cooling heating or cooling apparatus for laboratory uses B01L7/00 C12M99/00Subject matter not otherwise provided for in other groups of this subclass C12M99/02Disc dispensing devices