G06TIMAGE DATA PROCESSING OR GENERATION, IN GENERALThe following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: G06T1/40 covered by G06T1/20
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
G06T1/00 G06T1/00General purpose image data processing G06T1/0007Image acquisition G06T1/0014Image feed-back for automatic industrial control, e.g. robot with camera robots B25J19/023 G06T1/0021Image watermarking G06T1/0028Adaptive watermarking, e.g. Human Visual System [HVS]-based watermarking G06T1/0035Output size adaptive watermarking G06T1/0042Fragile watermarking, e.g. so as to detect tampering G06T1/005Robust watermarking, e.g. average attack or collusion attack resistant G06T1/0057Compression invariant watermarking G06T1/0064Geometric transfor invariant watermarking, e.g. affine transform invariant G06T1/0071using multiple or alternating watermarks G06T1/0078using multiple thresholds G06T1/0085Time domain based watermarking, e.g. watermarks spread over several images G06T1/0092Payload characteristic determination in a watermarking scheme, e.g. number of bits to be embedded G06T1/20Processor architecturesProcessor configuration, e.g. pipelining G06T1/60Memory management G06T3/00Geometric image transformation in the plane of the image G06T3/0006Affine transformations G06T3/4038, G06T3/0068 take precedence G06T3/0012Context preserving transformation, e.g. by using an importance map G06T3/0062 takes precedence G06T3/0018Fisheye, wide-angle transformation G06T3/0025Detail-in-context presentation G06T3/0018 takes precedence G06T3/0031for topological mapping of a higher dimensional structure on a lower dimensional surface G06T3/0037Reshaping or unfolding a 3D tree structure onto a 2D plane G06T3/0043Surface of revolution to planar image transformation G06T3/005for projecting an image on a non-planar surface, e.g. a geodetic screen G06T3/0056the transformation method being selected according to the characteristics of the input image G06T3/0062Panospheric to cylindrical image transformation G06T3/0068for image registration, e.g. elastic snapping G06T3/0075using affine transformations G06T3/0081by elastic snapping G06T3/0087Spatio-temporal transformations, e.g. video cubism G06T3/0093for image warping, i.e. transforming by individually repositioning each pixel G06T3/20Linear translation of a whole image or part thereof, e.g. panning G06T3/40Scaling the whole image or part thereof G06T3/4007Interpolation-based scaling, e.g. bilinear interpolation G06T3/4015, G06T3/403 take precedence G06T3/4015Demosaicing, e.g. colour filter array [CFA], Bayer pattern G06T3/4023Decimation- or insertion-based scaling, e.g. pixel or line decimation G06T3/403Edge-driven scaling G06T3/4038for image mosaicing, i.e. plane images composed of plane sub-images G06T3/4046using neural networks G06T3/4053Super resolution, i.e. output image resolution higher than sensor resolution G06T3/4061by injecting details from a different spectral band G06T3/4069by subpixel displacement G06T3/4076by iteratively correcting the provisional high resolution image using the original low-resolution image G06T3/4084Transform-based scaling, e.g. FFT domain scaling G06T3/4092Image resolution transcoding, e.g. client/server architecture G06T3/60Rotation of a whole image or part thereof G06T3/602Block rotation, e.g. by recursive reversing or rotating G06T3/604using a CORDIC [COordinate Rotation Digital Compute] device G06T3/606Rotation by memory addressing or mapping G06T3/608Skewing or deskewing, e.g. by two-pass or three-pass rotation G06T5/00Image enhancement or restoration G06T5/001Image restoration G06T5/002Denoising; Smoothing noise processing or correction adapted to be used in an image pickup device containing and electronic image sensor H04N23/81, H04N25/60 - H04N25/67 G06T5/003Deblurring; Sharpening vibration or motion blur correction for cameras comprising an electronic image sensor H04N23/682 G06T5/004Unsharp masking G06T5/005Retouching; Inpainting; Scratch removal detecting, correction, reducing or removing defects, e.g. non-responsive pixels of solid state image sensors H04N25/68, scratch removal for cinematographic films scanned by electronic image sensor H04N5/253 G06T5/006Geometric correction correction of chromatic aberrations adapted to be used in an image pickup device containing an electronic image sensor H04N23/10; detecting, correcting, reducing or removing artefacts resulting only from the lens unit, e.g. flare, shading, vignetting or "cos4" H04N25/61 G06T5/007Dynamic range modification applied in cameras using an electronic image sensor H04N23/741, H04N23/743 G06T5/008Local, e.g. shadow enhancement G06T5/009Global, i.e. based on properties of the image as a whole applied in cameras using an electronic image sensor H04N23/80, H04N23/70 G06T5/10by non-spatial domain filtering applied in cameras using an electronic image sensor H04N23/80, H04N23/70, H04N5/253, H04N25/68 G06T5/20by the use of local operators applied in cameras using an electronic image sensor H04N23/80, H04N23/70, H04N5/253, H04N25/68 G06T5/30Erosion or dilatation, e.g. thinning G06T5/40by the use of histogram techniques applied in cameras using an electronic image sensor H04N23/80, HH04N 23/70 G06T5/50by the use of more than one image, e.g. averaging, subtraction applied in cameras using an electronic image sensor H04N23/80, H04N23/70 G06T7/00Image analysis G06T7/0002Inspection of images, e.g. flaw detection G06T7/0004Industrial image inspection G06T7/0006using a design-rule based approach G06T7/0008checking presence/absence G06T7/001using an image reference approach G06T7/0012Biomedical image inspection G06T7/0014using an image reference approach G06T7/0016involving temporal comparison G06T7/10SegmentationEdge detection motion-based segmentation G06T7/215When classifying in groups G06T7/11 - G06T7/13, classification is also made in relevant groups of G06T7/136 - G06T7/194. G06T7/11Region-based segmentation G06T7/12Edge-based segmentation G06T7/13Edge detection G06T7/136involving thresholding G06T7/143involving probabilistic approaches, e.g. Markov random field [MRF] modelling G06T7/149involving deformable models, e.g. active contour models G06T7/155involving morphological operators G06T7/162involving graph-based methods G06T7/168involving transform domain methods G06T7/174involving the use of two or more images G06T7/181involving edge growinginvolving edge linking G06T7/187involving region growinginvolving region merginginvolving connected component labelling G06T7/194involving foreground-background segmentation G06T7/20Analysis of motion motion estimation for coding, decoding, compressing or decompressing digital video signals H04N19/43, H04N19/51 G06T7/207for motion estimation over a hierarchy of resolutions multi-resolution motion estimation or hierarchical motion estimation for coding, decoding, compressing or decompressing digital video signals H04N19/53 G06T7/215Motion-based segmentation G06T7/223using block-matching G06T7/231using full search G06T7/238using non-full search, e.g. three-step search G06T7/246using feature-based methods, e.g. the tracking of corners or segments G06T7/248involving reference images or patches G06T7/251involving models G06T7/254involving subtraction of images G06T7/262using transform domain methods, e.g. Fourier domain methods G06T7/269using gradient-based methods G06T7/277involving stochastic approaches, e.g. using Kalman filters G06T7/285using a sequence of stereo image pairs G06T7/292Multi-camera tracking G06T7/30Determination of transform parameters for the alignment of images, i.e. image registration G06T7/32using correlation-based methods G06T7/33using feature-based methods G06T7/337involving reference images or patches G06T7/344involving models G06T7/35using statistical methods G06T7/37using transform domain methods G06T7/38Registration of image sequences G06T7/40Analysis of texture depth or shape recovery from texture G06T7/529 G06T7/41based on statistical description of texture G06T7/42using transform domain methods G06T7/44using image operators, e.g. filters, edge density metrics or local histograms G06T7/45using co-occurrence matrix computation G06T7/46using random fields G06T7/48using fractals G06T7/49based on structural texture description, e.g. using primitives or placement rules G06T7/50Depth or shape recovery G06T7/507from shading G06T7/586 takes precedence G06T7/514from specularities G06T7/521from laser ranging, e.g. using interferometryfrom the projection of structured light G06T7/529from texture G06T7/536from perspective effects, e.g. by using vanishing points G06T7/543from line drawings G06T7/55from multiple images G06T7/557from light fields, e.g. from plenoptic cameras G06T7/564from contours G06T7/571from focus G06T7/579from motion G06T7/586from multiple light sources, e.g. photometric stereo G06T7/593from stereo images G06T7/596from three or more stereo images G06T7/60Analysis of geometric attributes G06T7/62of area, perimeter, diameter or volume G06T7/64of convexity or concavity G06T7/66of image moments or centre of gravity G06T7/68of symmetry G06T7/70Determining position or orientation of objects or cameras camera calibration G06T7/80 G06T7/73using feature-based methods G06T7/74involving reference images or patches G06T7/75involving models G06T7/77using statistical methods G06T7/80Analysis of captured images to determine intrinsic or extrinsic camera parameters, i.e. camera calibration G06T7/85Stereo camera calibration G06T7/90Determination of colour characteristics G06T7/97Determining parameters from multiple pictures depth or shape recovery from multiple images G06T7/55; stereo camera calibration G06T7/85 G06T9/00Image coding bandwidth or redundancy reduction for static pictures H04N1/41; coding or decoding of static colour picture signals H04N1/64; methods or arrangements for coding, decoding, compressing or decompressing digital video signals H04N19/00 G06T9/001Model-based coding, e.g. wire frame G06T9/002using neural networks G06T9/004Predictors, e.g. intraframe, interframe coding G06T9/005Statistical coding, e.g. Huffman, run length coding G06T9/007Transform coding, e.g. discrete cosine transform G06T9/008Vector quantisation G06T9/20Contour coding, e.g. using detection of edges G06T9/40Tree coding, e.g. quadtree, octree G06T11/002D [Two Dimensional] image generation G06T11/001Texturing; Colouring; Generation of texture or colour G06T11/003Reconstruction from projections, e.g. tomography G06T11/005Specific pre-processing for tomographic reconstruction, e.g. calibration, source positioning, rebinning, scatter correction, retrospective gating G06T11/006Inverse problem, transformation from projection-space into object-space, e.g. transform methods, back-projection, algebraic methods G06T11/008Specific post-processing after tomographic reconstruction, e.g. voxelisation, metal artifact correction G06T11/20Drawing from basic elements, e.g. lines or circles G06T11/203Drawing of straight lines or curves G06T11/206Drawing of charts or graphs G06T11/40Filling a planar surface by adding surface attributes, e.g. colour or texture G06T11/60Editing figures and textCombining figures or text G06T11/80Creating or modifying a manually drawn or painted image using a manual input device, e.g. mouse, light pen, direction keys on keyboard G06T13/00Animation G06T13/203D [Three Dimensional] animation G06T13/205driven by audio data G06T13/40of characters, e.g. humans, animals or virtual beings G06T13/60of natural phenomena, e.g. rain, snow, water or plants G06T13/802D [Two Dimensional] animation, e.g. using sprites G06T15/003D [Three Dimensional] image rendering G06T15/005General purpose rendering architectures G06T15/02Non-photorealistic rendering G06T15/04Texture mapping G06T15/06Ray-tracing G06T15/08Volume rendering G06T15/10Geometric effects G06T15/20Perspective computation G06T15/205Image-based rendering G06T15/30Clipping G06T15/40Hidden part removal G06T15/405using Z-buffer G06T15/50Lighting effects G06T15/503Blending, e.g. for anti-aliasing G06T15/506Illumination models G06T15/55Radiosity G06T15/60Shadow generation G06T15/80Shading G06T15/83Phong shading G06T15/87Gouraud shading G06T17/00Three dimensional [3D] modelling, e.g. data description of 3D objects G06T17/005Tree description, e.g. octree, quadtree G06T17/05Geographic models G06T17/10Constructive solid geometry [CSG] using solid primitives, e.g. cylinders, cubes G06T17/20Finite element generation, e.g. wire-frame surface description, tesselation G06T17/205Re-meshing G06T17/30Polynomial surface description G06T19/00Manipulating 3D models or images for computer graphics G06T19/003Navigation within 3D models or images G06T19/006Mixed reality object pose determination, tracking or camera calibration for mixed reality G06T7/00 G06T19/20Editing of 3D images, e.g. changing shapes or colours, aligning objects or positioning parts G06T2200/00 G06T2200/00Indexing scheme for image data processing or generation, in general G06T2200/04involving 3D image data G06T2200/08involving all processing steps from image acquisition to 3D model generation G06T2200/12involving antialiasing G06T2200/16involving adaptation to the client's capabilities G06T2200/21involving computational photography G06T2200/24involving graphical user interfaces [GUIs] G06T2200/28involving image processing hardware G06T2200/32involving image mosaicing G06T2200/36Review paperTutorialSurvey G06T2201/00General purpose image data processing G06T2201/005Image watermarking G06T2201/0051Embedding of the watermark in the spatial domain G06T2201/0052Embedding of the watermark in the frequency domain G06T2201/0053Embedding of the watermark in the coding stream, possibly without decodingEmbedding of the watermark in the compressed domain G06T2201/0061Embedding of the watermark in each block of the image, e.g. segmented watermarking G06T2201/0062Embedding of the watermark in text images, e.g. watermarking text documents using letter skew, letter distance or row distance G06T2201/0063in relation to collusion attacks, e.g. collusion attack resistant G06T2201/0064for copy protection or copy management, e.g. CGMS, copy only once, one-time copy G06T2201/0065Extraction of an embedded watermarkReliable detection G06T2201/0081whereby both original and watermarked images are required at decoder, e.g. destination-based, non-blind, non-oblivious G06T2201/0083whereby only watermarked image required at decoder, e.g. source-based, blind, oblivious G06T2201/0201whereby only tamper or origin are detected and no embedding takes place G06T2201/0202whereby the quality of watermarked images is measuredMeasuring quality or performance of watermarking methodsBalancing between quality and robustness G06T2201/0203whereby the image with embedded watermark is reverted to the original condition before embedding, e.g. lossless, distortion-free or invertible watermarking G06T2201/0601whereby calibration information is embedded in the watermark, e.g. a grid, a scale, a list of transformations G06T2207/00Indexing scheme for image analysis or image enhancement G06T2207/10Image acquisition modality G06T2207/10004Still imagePhotographic image G06T2207/10008from scanner, fax or copier G06T2207/10012Stereo images G06T2207/10016VideoImage sequence G06T2207/10021Stereoscopic videoStereoscopic image sequence G06T2207/10024Color image G06T2207/10028Range imageDepth image3D point clouds G06T2207/10032Satellite or aerial imageRemote sensing G06T2207/10036Multispectral imageHyperspectral image G06T2207/10041Panchromatic image G06T2207/10044Radar image G06T2207/10048Infrared image G06T2207/10052Images from lightfield camera G06T2207/10056Microscopic image G06T2207/10061from scanning electron microscope G06T2207/10064Fluorescence image G06T2207/10068Endoscopic image G06T2207/10072Tomographic images G06T2207/100764D tomographyTime-sequential 3D tomography G06T2207/10081Computed x-ray tomography [CT] G06T2207/10084Hybrid tomographyConcurrent acquisition with multiple different tomographic modalities G06T2207/10088Magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] G06T2207/10092Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging [DTI] G06T2207/10096Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging [DCE-MRI] G06T2207/10101Optical tomographyOptical coherence tomography [OCT] G06T2207/10104Positron emission tomography [PET] G06T2207/10108Single photon emission computed tomography [SPECT] G06T2207/10112Digital tomosynthesis [DTS] G06T2207/10116X-ray image G06T2207/10121Fluoroscopy G06T2207/10124Digitally reconstructed radiograph [DRR] G06T2207/10128Scintigraphy G06T2207/10132Ultrasound image G06T2207/101363D ultrasound image G06T2207/10141Special mode during image acquisition G06T2207/10144Varying exposure G06T2207/10148Varying focus G06T2207/10152Varying illumination G06T2207/20Special algorithmic details G06T2207/20004Adaptive image processing G06T2207/20008Globally adaptive G06T2207/20012Locally adaptive G06T2207/20016Hierarchical, coarse-to-fine, multiscale or multiresolution image processingPyramid transform G06T2207/20021Dividing image into blocks, subimages or windows G06T2207/20024Filtering details G06T2207/20028Bilateral filtering G06T2207/20032Median filtering G06T2207/20036Morphological image processing G06T2207/20041Distance transform G06T2207/20044SkeletonizationMedial axis transform G06T2207/20048Transform domain processing G06T2207/20052Discrete cosine transform [DCT] G06T2207/20056Discrete and fast Fourier transform, [DFT, FFT] G06T2207/20061Hough transform G06T2207/20064Wavelet transform [DWT] G06T2207/20068Projection on vertical or horizontal image axis G06T2207/20072Graph-based image processing G06T2207/20076Probabilistic image processing G06T2207/20081TrainingLearning G06T2207/20084Artificial neural networks [ANN] G06T2207/20088Trinocular vision calculationstrifocal tensor G06T2207/20092Interactive image processing based on input by user G06T2207/20096Interactive definition of curve of interest G06T2207/20101Interactive definition of point of interest, landmark or seed G06T2207/20104Interactive definition of region of interest [ROI] G06T2207/20108Interactive selection of 2D slice in a 3D data set G06T2207/20112Image segmentation details G06T2207/20116Active contourActive surfaceSnakes G06T2207/20121Active appearance model [AAM] G06T2207/20124Active shape model [ASM] G06T2207/20128Atlas-based segmentation G06T2207/20132Image cropping G06T2207/20152Watershed segmentation G06T2207/20156Automatic seed setting G06T2207/20161Level set G06T2207/20164Salient point detectionCorner detection G06T2207/20168Radial search G06T2207/20172Image enhancement details G06T2207/20182Noise reduction or smoothing in the temporal domainSpatio-temporal filtering G06T2207/20192Edge enhancementEdge preservation G06T2207/20201Motion blur correction G06T2207/20204Removing film grainAdding simulated film grain G06T2207/20208High dynamic range [HDR] image processing G06T2207/20212Image combination G06T2207/20216Image averaging G06T2207/20221Image fusionImage merging G06T2207/20224Image subtraction G06T2207/20228Disparity calculation for image-based rendering G06T2207/30Subject of imageContext of image processing G06T2207/30004Biomedical image processing G06T2207/30008Bone G06T2207/30012SpineBackbone G06T2207/30016Brain G06T2207/30021CatheterGuide wire G06T2207/30024Cell structures in vitroTissue sections in vitro G06T2207/30028ColonSmall intestine G06T2207/30032Colon polyp G06T2207/30036DentalTeeth G06T2207/30041EyeRetinaOphthalmic G06T2207/30044FetusEmbryo G06T2207/30048HeartCardiac G06T2207/30052ImplantProsthesis G06T2207/30056LiverHepatic G06T2207/30061Lung G06T2207/30064Lung nodule G06T2207/30068MammographyBreast G06T2207/30072MicroarrayBiochip, DNA arrayWell plate G06T2207/30076Plethysmography G06T2207/30081Prostate G06T2207/30084KidneyRenal G06T2207/30088SkinDermal G06T2207/30092StomachGastric G06T2207/30096TumorLesion G06T2207/30101Blood vesselArteryVeinVascular G06T2207/30104Vascular flowBlood flowPerfusion G06T2207/30108Industrial image inspection G06T2207/30112BaggageLuggageSuitcase G06T2207/30116Casting G06T2207/30121CRT, LCD or plasma display G06T2207/30124FabricsTextilePaper G06T2207/30128Food products G06T2207/30132MasonryConcrete G06T2207/30136Metal G06T2207/30141Printed circuit board [PCB] G06T2207/30144Printing quality G06T2207/30148SemiconductorICWafer G06T2207/30152Solder G06T2207/30156Vehicle coating G06T2207/30161WoodLumber G06T2207/30164WorkpieceMachine component G06T2207/30168Image quality inspection G06T2207/30172Centreline of tubular or elongated structure G06T2207/30176Document G06T2207/30181Earth observation G06T2207/30184Infrastructure G06T2207/30188VegetationAgriculture G06T2207/30192WeatherMeteorology G06T2207/30196Human beingPerson G06T2207/30201Face G06T2207/30204Marker G06T2207/30208Marker matrix G06T2207/30212Military G06T2207/30216Redeye defect G06T2207/30221Sports videoSports image G06T2207/30224BallPuck G06T2207/30228Playing field G06T2207/30232Surveillance G06T2207/30236Traffic on road, railway or crossing G06T2207/30241Trajectory G06T2207/30242Counting objects in image G06T2207/30244Camera pose G06T2207/30248Vehicle exterior or interior G06T2207/30252Vehicle exteriorVicinity of vehicle G06T2207/30256LaneRoad marking G06T2207/30261Obstacle G06T2207/30264Parking G06T2207/30268Vehicle interior G06T2210/00Indexing scheme for image generation or computer graphics G06T2210/04Architectural design, interior design G06T2210/08Bandwidth reduction G06T2210/12Bounding box G06T2210/16Cloth G06T2210/21Collision detection, intersection G06T2210/22Cropping G06T2210/24Fluid dynamics G06T2210/28Force feedback G06T2210/32Image data format G06T2210/36Level of detail G06T2210/41Medical G06T2210/44Morphing G06T2210/52Parallel processing G06T2210/56Particle system, point based geometry or rendering G06T2210/61Scene description G06T2210/62Semi-transparency G06T2210/64Weathering G06T2211/00Image generation G06T2211/40Computed tomography G06T2211/404Angiography G06T2211/408Dual energy G06T2211/412Dynamic G06T2211/416Exact reconstruction G06T2211/421Filtered back projection [FBP] G06T2211/424Iterative G06T2211/428Real-time G06T2211/432Truncation G06T2211/436Limited angle G06T2213/00Indexing scheme for animation G06T2213/04Animation description language G06T2213/08Animation software package G06T2213/12Rule based animation G06T2215/00Indexing scheme for image rendering G06T2215/06Curved planar reformation of 3D line structures G06T2215/08Gnomonic or central projection G06T2215/12Shadow map, environment map G06T2215/16Using real world measurements to influence rendering G06T2219/00Indexing scheme for manipulating 3D models or images for computer graphics G06T2219/004Annotating, labelling G06T2219/008Cut plane or projection plane definition G06T2219/012Dimensioning, tolerancing G06T2219/016Exploded view G06T2219/021Flattening G06T2219/024Multi-user, collaborative environment G06T2219/028Multiple view windows (top-side-front-sagittal-orthogonal) G06T2219/20Indexing scheme for editing of 3D models G06T2219/2004Aligning objects, relative positioning of parts G06T2219/2008Assembling, disassembling G06T2219/2012Colour editing, changing, or manipulatingUse of colour codes G06T2219/2016Rotation, translation, scaling G06T2219/2021Shape modification G06T2219/2024Style variation