C10JPRODUCTION OF PRODUCER GAS, WATER-GAS, SYNTHESIS GAS FROM SOLID CARBONACEOUS MATERIAL, OR MIXTURES CONTAINING THESE GASES synthesis gas from liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons C01B; underground gasification of minerals E21B43/295CARBURETTING AIR OR OTHER GASESIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. C10J1/00 C10J1/00Production of fuel gases by carburetting air or other gases without pyrolysis for internal-combustion engines F02 C10J1/02Carburetting air C10J1/04Controlling supply of air C10J1/06with materials which are liquid at ordinary temperatures C10J1/08by passage of air through or over the surface of the liquid C10J1/10with the liquid absorbed on carriers C10J1/12by atomisation of the liquid C10J1/14Controlling the supply of liquid in accordance with the air supply C10J1/16with solid hydrocarbons C10J1/18in rotary carburettors C10J1/20Carburetting gases other than air C10J1/207Carburetting by pyrolysis of solid carbonaceous material in a fuel bed C10J3/66 takes precedence C10J1/213Carburetting by pyrolysis of solid carbonaceous material in a carburettor C10J1/22Adding materials to prevent vapour deposition C10J1/24Controlling humidity of the air or gas to be carburetted C10J1/26using raised temperatures or pressures C10J1/28Odorising air gas C10J3/00Production of combustible gases containing carbon monoxide from solid carbonaceous fuels destructive distillation processes C10B C10J3/002Horizontal gasifiers, e.g. belt-type gasifiers C10J3/005Rotary drum or kiln gasifiers C10J3/007Screw type gasifiers C10J3/02Fixed-bed gasification of lump fuel C10J3/04Cyclic processes, e.g. alternate blast and run C10J3/06Continuous processes C10J3/08with ash-removal in liquid state C10J3/10using external heating C10J3/12using solid heat-carriers C10J3/14using gaseous heat-carriers C10J3/16simultaneously reacting oxygen and water with the carbonaceous material C10J3/18using electricity C10J3/20ApparatusPlants C10J3/22Arrangements or dispositions of valves or flues C10J3/24to permit flow of gases or vapours other than upwardly through the fuel bed C10J3/26downwardly C10J3/28fully automatic C10J3/30Fuel charging devices C10J3/32Devices for distributing fuel evenly over the bed or for stirring up the fuel bed C10J3/34GratesMechanical ash-removing devices C10J3/36Fixed grates C10J3/38with stirring beams C10J3/40Movable grates C10J3/42Rotary grates C10J3/44adapted for use on vehicles C10J3/46Gasification of granular or pulverulent flues in suspension C10J3/463in stationary fluidised beds C10J3/466Entrained flow processes C10J3/48ApparatusPlants C10J3/482Gasifiers with stationary fluidised bed C10J3/485Entrained flow gasifiers C10J3/487Swirling or cyclonic gasifiers C10J3/50Fuel charging devices C10J3/503for gasifiers with stationary fluidised bed C10J3/506for entrained flow gasifiers C10J3/52Ash-removing devices C10J3/523for gasifiers with stationary fluidised bed C10J3/526for entrained flow gasifiers C10J3/54Gasification of granular or pulverulent fuels by the Winkler technique, i.e. by fluidisation C10J3/56ApparatusPlants C10J3/57Gasification using molten salts or metals C10J3/02, C10J3/46 take precedence C10J3/58combined with pre-distillation of the fuel C10J3/60Processes C10J3/62with separate withdrawal of the distillation products C10J3/64with decomposition of the distillation products C10J3/66by introducing them into the gasification zone C10J3/72Other features C10J3/721Multistage gasification, e.g. plural parallel or serial gasification stages C10J3/723Controlling or regulating the gasification process C10J3/725Redox processes C10J3/726Start-up C10J3/728Shut down C10J3/74Construction of shells or jackets C10J3/76Water jacketsSteam boiler-jackets C10J3/78High-pressure apparatus C10J3/80with arrangements for preheating the blast or the water vapour C10J3/82Gas withdrawal means C10J3/84with means for removing dust or tar from the gas C10J3/845Quench rings C10J3/86combined with waste-heat boilers C10J2200/00 C10J2200/00Details of gasification apparatus C10J2200/06Catalysts as integral part of gasifiers catalysts added to the feed C10J2300/0986 C10J2200/09Mechanical details of gasifiers not otherwise provided for, e.g. sealing means C10J2200/12Electrodes present in the gasifier C10J2200/15Details of feeding means C10J2200/152Nozzles or lances for introducing gas, liquids or suspensions C10J2200/154Pushing devices, e.g. pistons C10J2200/156Sluices, e.g. mechanical sluices for preventing escape of gas through the feed inlet C10J2200/158Screws C10J2200/31Mobile gasifiers, e.g. for use in cars, ships or containers C10J2200/33Laboratory scale gasifiers C10J2200/36Moving parts inside the gasification reactor not otherwise provided for devices for distributing fuel evenly over a fixed bed C10J3/32 C10J2200/39Gasifiers designed as centrifuge C10J2300/00Details of gasification processes C10J2300/06Modeling or simulation of processes C10J2300/09Details of the feed, e.g. feeding of spent catalyst, inert gas or halogens C10J2300/0903Feed preparation C10J2300/0906Physical processes, e.g. shredding, comminuting, chopping, sorting C10J2300/0909Drying C10J2300/0913Carbonaceous raw material C10J2300/0916Biomass C10J2300/092Wood, cellulose C10J2300/0923Sludge, e.g. from water treatment plant C10J2300/0926Slurries comprising bio-oil or bio-coke, i.e. charcoal, obtained, e.g. by fast pyrolysis of biomass C10J2300/093Coal C10J2300/0933Coal fines for producing water gas C10J2300/0936Coal fines for producing producer gas C10J2300/094Char C10J2300/0943Coke C10J2300/0946Waste, e.g. MSW, tires, glass, tar sand, peat, paper, lignite, oil shale C10J2300/095Exhaust gas from an external process for purification C10J2300/0953Gasifying agents C10J2300/0956Air or oxygen enriched air C10J2300/0959Oxygen C10J2300/0963Ozone C10J2300/0966Hydrogen C10J2300/0969Carbon dioxide C10J2300/0973Water C10J2300/0976as steam C10J2300/0979as supercritical steam C10J2300/0983Additives C10J2300/0986Catalysts C10J2300/0989Hydrocarbons as additives to gasifying agents to improve caloric properties C10J2300/0993Inert particles, e.g. as heat exchange medium in a fluidized or moving bed, heat carriers, sand C10J2300/0996Calcium-containing inorganic materials, e.g. lime C10J2300/12Heating the gasifier C10J2300/1207using pyrolysis gas as fuel C10J2300/1215using synthesis gas as fuel C10J2300/1223by burners C10J2300/123by electromagnetic waves, e.g. microwaves C10J2300/1238by plasma C10J2300/1246by external or indirect heating C10J2300/1253by injecting hot gas C10J2300/1261by pulse burners C10J2300/1269by radiating device, e.g. radiant tubes C10J2300/1276by electricity, e.g. resistor heating C10J2300/1284by renewable energy, e.g. solar energy, photovoltaic cells, wind C10J2300/1292mSolar energy C10J2300/16Integration of gasification processes with another plant or parts within the plant C10J2300/1603with gas treatment gas cleaning C10K1/00 C10J2300/1606Combustion processes C10J2300/1609Post-reduction, e.g. on a red-white-hot coke or coal bed C10J2300/1612CO2-separation and sequestration, i.e. long time storage C10J2300/1615Stripping C10J2300/1618Modification of synthesis gas composition, e.g. to meet some criteria C10J2300/1621Compression of synthesis gas C10J2300/1625with solids treatment C10J2300/1628Ash post-treatment C10J2300/1631Ash recycling C10J2300/1634Ash vitrification C10J2300/1637Char combustion C10J2300/164with conversion of synthesis gas C10J2300/1643Conversion of synthesis gas to energy C10J2300/1646integrated with a fuel cell gasification of solids in fuel cells H01M8/0643 C10J2300/165integrated with a gas turbine or gas motor gas turbine plants provided with a gas producer F02C3/28; engines using solid fuels F02B43/08 C10J2300/1653integrated in a gasification combined cycle [IGCC] engines driven by heat coming from a gasification or pyrolysis unit F01K23/067 C10J2300/1656Conversion of synthesis gas to chemicals C10J2300/1659to liquid hydrocarbons Fischer-Tropsch process C10G2/00 C10J2300/1662to methane (SNG) production of synthetic natural gas C10L3/08 C10J2300/1665to alcohols, e.g. methanol or ethanol preparation of alcohols in general C07C29/00 C10J2300/1668to urea preparation of urea C07C273/00to ammonia preparation of ammonia C01C1/0405 C10J2300/1671with the production of electricity C10J2300/1675making use of a steam turbine C10J2300/1678with air separation separating gases using rectification of air F25J3/04521 C10J2300/1681with biological plants, e.g. involving bacteria, algae, fungi C10J2300/1684with electrolysis of water C10J2300/1687with steam generation C10J2300/169with water treatments treatment of water in general or water purification C02F C10J2300/1693with storage facilities for intermediate, feed and/or product C10J2300/1696with phase separation, e.g. after condensation C10J2300/18Details of the gasification process, e.g. loops, autothermal operation C10J2300/1807Recycle loops, e.g. gas, solids, heating medium, water C10J2300/1815for carbon dioxide C10J2300/1823for synthesis gas C10J2300/183Non-continuous or semi-continuous processes cyclic processes in fixed bed gasification C10J3/04 C10J2300/1838Autothermal gasification by injection of oxygen or steam C10J2300/1846Partial oxidation, i.e. injection of air or oxygen only C10J2300/1853Steam reforming, i.e. injection of steam only C10J2300/1861Heat exchange between at least two process streams C10J2300/1869with one stream being air, oxygen or ozone C10J2300/1876with one stream being combustion gas C10J2300/1884with one stream being synthesis gas C10J2300/1892with one stream being water/steam