C12Q MEASURING OR TESTING PROCESSES INVOLVING ENZYMES, NUCLEIC ACIDS OR MICROORGANISMS immunoassay G01N33/53COMPOSITIONS OR TEST PAPERS THEREFORPROCESSES OF PREPARING SUCH COMPOSITIONSCONDITION-RESPONSIVE CONTROL IN MICROBIOLOGICAL OR ENZYMOLOGICAL PROCESSES This subclass does not cover the observation of the progress or of the result of processes specified in this subclass by any of the methods specified in groups G01N3/00 - G01N29/00, which is covered by subclass G01N. In this subclass, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated: "involving", when used in relation to a substance, includes the testing for the substance as well as employing the substance as a determinant or reactant in a test for a different substance.Attention is drawn to Notes (1) to (3) following the title of class C12.In this subclass, test media are classified in the appropriate group for the relevant test process. In this subclass, it is desirable to add the indexing codes of subclass C12R. Documents describing the use of an electrode for analysis of a specific analyte are classified in C12Q1/001 or subgroups and not according to the last place rule. Documents relating to new peptides, e.g. enzymes, or new DNA or its corresponding mRNA, encoding for the peptides, and their use in measuring or testing processes are classified in subclass C07K or in group C12N9/00 according to the peptides, with the appropriate indexing codes relating to their use in diagnostics. However, where the new nucleic acids are principally used in diagnostic processes, e.g. PCR, hybridisation reactions, the documents are also classified in group C12Q1/68. In groups C12Q1/6876 - C12Q1/6895 and C12Q1/701 - C12Q1/708 it is compulsory to add the indexing codes C12Q2600/00 - C12Q2600/178 which reflect the use of the product in combination with the virus groups only if the document relates to products. In this subclass, combination sets [C-Sets] are used. The detailed information about the C-Sets construction and the associated syntax rules is present in the definitions of C12Q.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. C12Q1/00 C12Q1/00Measuring or testing processes involving enzymes, nucleic acids or microorganisms measuring or testing apparatus with condition measuring or sensing means, e.g. colony counters, C12M1/34Compositions thereforProcesses of preparing such compositionsIn this group, C-Sets are used for classification. The detailed information about the C-Sets construction and the associated syntax rules are found in the Definitions of C12Q. C12Q1/001Enzyme electrodes C12Q1/002Electrode membranes C12Q1/003Functionalisation C12Q1/004mediator-assisted C12Q1/005involving specific analytes or enzymes including groups of enzymes, e.g. oxydases; C12Q1/004 takes precedence C12Q1/006for glucose C12Q1/007involving isoenzyme profiles for detection of an individual isoenzyme C12Q1/25 - C12Q1/66 C12Q1/008for determining co-enzymes or co-factors, e.g. NAD, ATP C12Q1/02involving viable microorganisms C12Q1/025for testing or evaluating the effect of chemical or biological compounds, e.g. drugs, cosmetics antimicrobial activity C12Q1/18 C12Q1/04Determining presence or kind of microorganismUse of selective media for testing antibiotics or bacteriocidesCompositions containing a chemical indicator therefor C12Q1/6897 takes precedence C12Q1/045Culture media therefor C12Q1/06Quantitative determination C12Q1/08using multifield media C12Q1/10Enterobacteria C12Q1/12Nitrate to nitrite reducing bacteria C12Q1/14StreptococcusStaphylococcus C12Q1/16using radioactive material C12Q1/18Testing for antimicrobial activity of a material C12Q1/20using multifield media C12Q1/22Testing for sterility conditions C12Q1/24Methods of sampling, or inoculating or spreading a sampleMethods of physically isolating an intact microorganisms C12Q1/25involving enzymes not classifiable in groups C12Q1/26 - C12Q1/66 C12Q1/26involving oxidoreductase C12Q1/28involving peroxidase C12Q1/30involving catalase C12Q1/32involving dehydrogenase C12Q1/34involving hydrolase C12Q1/37involving peptidase or proteinase C12Q1/40involving amylase C12Q1/42involving phosphatase C12Q1/44involving esterase C12Q1/46involving cholinesterase C12Q1/48involving transferase C12Q1/485involving kinase C12Q1/50involving creatine phosphokinase C12Q1/52involving transaminase C12Q1/527involving lyase C12Q1/533involving isomerase C12Q1/54involving glucose or galactose C12Q1/56involving blood clotting factors, e.g. involving thrombin, thromboplastin, fibrinogen C12Q1/58involving urea or urease C12Q1/60involving cholesterol C12Q1/61involving triglycerides C12Q1/62involving uric acid C12Q1/64Geomicrobiological testing, e.g. for petroleum C12Q1/66involving luciferase C12Q1/68involving nucleic acids In this group, classification is made according to the most relevant feature irrespective of the last place priority rule.
In groups C12Q1/68 - C12Q1/6874, and C12Q1/6897, C-Sets are used for classification. The detailed information about the C-Sets construction and the associated syntax rules are found in the Definitions of C12Q.
C12Q1/6804Nucleic acid analysis using immunogens immunoassay G01N33/53 C12Q1/6806Preparing nucleic acids for analysis, e.g. for polymerase chain reaction [PCR] assay C12Q1/6804 takes precedence C12Q1/6809Methods for determination or identification of nucleic acids involving differential detection C12Q1/6811Selection methods for production or design of target specific oligonucleotides or binding molecules C12Q1/6813Hybridisation assays C12Q1/6816characterised by the detection means C12Q1/6804 takes precedence C12Q1/6818involving interaction of two or more labels, e.g. resonant energy transfer C12Q1/682Signal amplification C12Q1/6823Release of bound markers C12Q1/6825Nucleic acid detection involving sensors C12Q1/6827for detection of mutation or polymorphism C12Q1/683involving restriction enzymes, e.g. restriction fragment length polymorphism [RFLP] C12Q1/6832Enhancement of hybridisation reaction C12Q1/6834Enzymatic or biochemical coupling of nucleic acids to a solid phase C12Q1/6837using probe arrays or probe chips C12Q1/6874 takes precedence C12Q1/6839Triple helix formation or other higher order conformations in hybridisation assays C12Q1/6841In situ hybridisation C12Q1/6844Nucleic acid amplification reactions C12Q1/6846Common amplification features C12Q1/6848characterised by the means for preventing contamination or increasing the specificity or sensitivity of an amplification reaction C12Q1/6851Quantitative amplification C12Q1/6853using modified primers or templates C12Q1/6855Ligating adaptors C12Q1/6858Allele-specific amplification C12Q1/686Polymerase chain reaction [PCR] C12Q1/6862Ligase chain reaction [LCR] C12Q1/6865Promoter-based amplification, e.g. nucleic acid sequence amplification [NASBA], self-sustained sequence replication [3SR] or transcription-based amplification system [TAS] C12Q1/6867Replicase-based amplification, e.g. using Q-beta replicase C12Q1/6869Methods for sequencing C12Q1/6872involving mass spectrometry C12Q1/6874involving nucleic acid arrays, e.g. sequencing by hybridisation C12Q1/6876Nucleic acid products used in the analysis of nucleic acids, e.g. primers or probes C12Q1/6879for sex determination C12Q1/6881for tissue or cell typing, e.g. human leukocyte antigen [HLA] probes C12Q1/6883for diseases caused by alterations of genetic material C12Q1/6886for cancer immunoassay for cancer G01N33/574 C12Q1/6888for detection or identification of organisms C12Q1/689for bacteria C12Q1/6893for protozoa C12Q1/6895for plants, fungi or algae C12Q1/6897involving reporter genes operably linked to promoters
C12Q1/70involving virus or bacteriophage immunoassay for viruses G01N33/56983In this group, classification is made according to the most relevant feature irrespective of the last place priority rule.In this group, C-Sets are used for classification. The detailed information about the C-Sets construction and the associated syntax rules are found in the Definitions of C12Q. C12Q1/701Specific hybridization probes C12Q1/702for retroviruses C12Q1/703Viruses associated with AIDS C12Q1/705for herpetoviridae, e.g. herpes simplex, varicella zoster C12Q1/706for hepatitis C12Q1/707non-A, non-B Hepatitis, excluding hepatitis D C12Q1/708for papilloma
C12Q3/00Condition responsive control processes apparatus therefor C12M1/36; controlling or regulating in general G05
C12Q2304/00 C12Q2304/00Chemical means of detecting microorganisms hydrolase substrates C12Q2334/00, peptidase substrates C12Q2337/00 C12Q2304/10DNA staining C12Q2304/12Ethidium C12Q2304/13Propidium C12Q2304/16Acridine orange C12Q2304/18Thionin-type dyes, e.g. Azure, Toluidine Blue C12Q2304/20Redox indicators C12Q2304/22ResazurinResorufin C12Q2304/24TetrazoliumFormazan C12Q2304/26QuinoneQuinol C12Q2304/40Detection of gases C12Q2304/44Oxygen C12Q2304/46Carbon dioxide C12Q2304/48Ammonia or volatile amines C12Q2304/60Chemiluminescent detection using ATP-luciferin-luciferase system C12Q2304/80Electrochemical detection via electrodes in contact with culture medium C12Q2326/00Chromogens for determinations of oxidoreductase enzymes C12Q2326/10Benzidines C12Q2326/123,3',5,5'-Tetramethylbenzidine, i.e. TMB C12Q2326/14Ortho-Tolidine, i.e. 3,3'-dimethyl-(1,1'-biphenyl-4,4'-diamine) C12Q2326/20Ortho-Phenylenediamine C12Q2326/302,2'-Azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), i.e. ABTS C12Q2326/323-Methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone hydrochloride hydrate, i.e. MBTH C12Q2326/40Triphenylmethane dye chromogens, e.g. fluorescein derivatives C12Q2326/50PhenolsNaphtholsCatechols C12Q2326/90Developer C12Q2326/92Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride, i.e. NBT C12Q2326/964-Amino-antipyrine C12Q2334/00O-linked chromogens for determinations of hydrolase enzymes, e.g. glycosidases, phosphatases, esterases C12Q2334/10p-Nitrophenol derivatives C12Q2334/20Coumarin derivatives C12Q2334/224-Methylumbelliferyl, i.e. beta-methylumbelliferone, 4MU C12Q2334/30Naphthol derivatives, e.g. alpha-naphthyl-esters, i.e. alpha-NE, beta-naphthyl-esters, i.e. beta-NE C12Q2334/40Triphenylmethane dye chromogens, e.g. fluorescein derivatives C12Q2334/50Indoles C12Q2334/525-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl, i.e. BCI C12Q2334/70the product, e.g. phenol, naphthol being diazotised in situ, e.g. with Fast Red C12Q2337/00N-linked chromogens for determinations of peptidases and proteinases C12Q2337/10Anilides C12Q2337/12Para-Nitroanilides p-NA C12Q2337/20Coumarin derivatives C12Q2337/227-Amino-4-methylcoumarin, i.e. AMC, MCA C12Q2337/247-Amino-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin, i.e. AFC C12Q2337/30Naphthyl amides, e.g. beta-NA, 2-NA, 4-methoxy-beta-naphthylamine, i.e. 4MNA C12Q2337/40Rhodamine derivatives C12Q2337/50Indoles C12Q2337/525-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl, i.e. BCI C12Q2500/00Analytical methods involving nucleic acidsIndexing codes C12Q2500/00 - C12Q2565/634 are only used as subsequent symbols in C-Sets and are not allocated as single symbols. The detailed information about the C-Sets construction and the associated syntax rules is present in the Definitions of C12Q. C12Q2520/00Reactions involving nucleic acids C12Q2521/00Reaction characterised by the enzymatic activity C12Q2521/10Nucleotidyl transfering C12Q2521/101DNA polymerase C12Q2521/107RNA dependent DNA polymerase,(i.e. reverse transcriptase) C12Q2521/113Telomerase C12Q2521/119RNA polymerase C12Q2521/125Methyl transferase, i.e. methylase C12Q2521/131Terminal transferase C12Q2521/30Phosphoric diester hydrolysing, i.e. nuclease C12Q2521/301Endonuclease C12Q2521/307Single strand endonuclease C12Q2521/313Type II endonucleases, i.e. cutting outside recognition site C12Q2521/319Exonuclease C12Q2521/325Single stranded exonuclease C12Q2521/327RNAse, e.g. RNAseH C12Q2521/331Methylation site specific nuclease C12Q2521/337Ribozyme C12Q2521/343Abzyme C12Q2521/345DNAzyme C12Q2521/50Other enzymatic activities C12Q2521/501Ligase C12Q2521/507Recombinase C12Q2521/513Winding/unwinding enzyme, e.g. helicase C12Q2521/514Mismatch repair protein C12Q2521/519Topoisomerase C12Q2521/525Phosphatase C12Q2521/531Glycosylase C12Q2521/537Protease C12Q2521/539Deaminase C12Q2521/543Immobilised enzyme(s) C12Q2522/00Reaction characterised by the use of non-enzymatic proteins C12Q2522/10Nucleic acid binding proteins C12Q2522/101Single or double stranded nucleic acid binding proteins C12Q2523/00Reactions characterised by treatment of reaction samples C12Q2523/10Characterised by chemical treatment C12Q2523/101Crosslinking agents, e.g. psoralen C12Q2523/107Chemical cleaving agents C12Q2523/109chemical ligation between nucleic acids C12Q2523/113Denaturating agents C12Q2523/115oxidising agents C12Q2523/119Renaturing agents C12Q2523/125Bisulfite(s) C12Q2523/30Characterised by physical treatment C12Q2523/301Sonication C12Q2523/303Applying a physical force on a nucleic acid C12Q2523/305Denaturation or renaturation by physical action C12Q2523/307Denaturation or renaturation by electric current/voltage C12Q2523/308Adsorption or desorption C12Q2523/31Electrostatic interactions, e.g. use of cationic polymers in hybridisation reactions C12Q2523/313Irradiation, e.g. UV irradiation C12Q2523/319Photocleavage, photolysis, photoactivation C12Q2523/32Centrifugation C12Q2525/00Reactions involving modified oligonucleotides, nucleic acids, or nucleotides C12Q2525/10Modifications characterised by C12Q2525/101incorporating non-naturally occurring nucleotides, e.g. inosine C12Q2525/107incorporating a peptide nucleic acid C12Q2525/113incorporating modified backbone C12Q2525/117incorporating modified base C12Q2525/119incorporating abasic sites C12Q2525/121incorporating both deoxyribonucleotides and ribonucleotides C12Q2525/125incorporating agents resulting in resistance to degradation C12Q2525/131incorporating a restriction site C12Q2525/137incorporating/modifying moieties to eliminate restriction sites C12Q2525/143incorporating a promoter sequence C12Q2525/149incorporating a coding sequence C12Q2525/15incorporating a consensus or conserved sequence C12Q2525/151repeat or repeated sequences, e.g. VNTR, microsatellite, concatemer C12Q2525/155incorporating/generating a new priming site C12Q2525/161incorporating target specific and non-target specific sites C12Q2525/173incorporating a polynucleotide run, e.g. polyAs, polyTs C12Q2525/179incorporating arbitrary or random nucleotide sequences C12Q2525/185incorporating bases where the precise position of the bases in the nucleic acid string is important C12Q2525/186incorporating a non-extendable or blocking moiety C12Q2525/191incorporating an adaptor C12Q2525/197incorporating a spacer/coupling moiety C12Q2525/203incorporating a composite nucleic acid containing a polypeptide sequence other than PNA C12Q2525/204specific length of the oligonucleotides C12Q2525/205Aptamer C12Q2525/207siRNA, miRNA C12Q2525/30Oligonucleotides characterised by their secondary structure C12Q2525/301Hairpin oligonucleotides C12Q2525/307Circular oligonucleotides C12Q2525/313Branched oligonucleotides C12Q2527/00Reactions demanding special reaction conditions C12Q2527/101Temperature C12Q2527/107Temperature of melting, i.e. Tm C12Q2527/109Pressure C12Q2527/113Time C12Q2527/119pH C12Q2527/125Specific component of sample, medium or buffer C12Q2527/127the enzyme inhibitor or activator used C12Q2527/137Concentration of a component of medium C12Q2527/143Concentration of primer or probe C12Q2527/146Concentration of target or template C12Q2527/149Concentration of an enzyme C12Q2527/15Gradients C12Q2527/153Viscosity C12Q2527/156Permeability C12Q2531/00Reactions of nucleic acids characterised by C12Q2531/10the purpose being amplify/increase the copy number of target nucleic acid C12Q2531/101Linear amplification, i.e. non exponential C12Q2531/107Probe or oligonucleotide ligation C12Q2531/113PCR C12Q2531/119Strand displacement amplification [SDA] C12Q2531/125Rolling circle C12Q2531/131Inverse PCR C12Q2531/137Ligase Chain Reaction [LCR] C12Q2531/143Promoter based amplification, e.g. NASBA, 3SR, TAS C12Q2531/149Replicase based amplification, e.g. Q beta replicase C12Q2533/00Reactions characterised by the enzymatic reaction principle used C12Q2533/10the purpose being to increase the length of an oligonucleotide strand C12Q2533/101Primer extension C12Q2533/107Probe or oligonucleotide ligation C12Q2535/00Reactions characterised by the assay type for determining the identity of a nucleotide base or a sequence of oligonucleotides C12Q2535/101Sanger sequencing method, i.e. oligonucleotide sequencing using primer elongation and dideoxynucleotides as chain terminators C12Q2535/107Maxam and Gilbert method, i.e. sequential release and detection of nucleotides C12Q2535/113Cycle sequencing C12Q2535/119Double strand sequencing C12Q2535/122Massive parallel sequencing C12Q2535/125Allele specific primer extension C12Q2535/131Allele specific probes C12Q2535/137Amplification Refractory Mutation System [ARMS] C12Q2535/138Amplified fragment length polymorphism [AFLP] C12Q2535/139Random amplification polymorphism detection [RAPD] C12Q2537/00Reactions characterised by the reaction format or use of a specific feature C12Q2537/10the purpose or use of C12Q2537/101Homogeneous assay format, e.g. one pot reaction C12Q2537/107Homoduplex formation C12Q2537/113Heteroduplex formation C12Q2537/119Triple helix formation C12Q2537/125Sandwich assay format C12Q2537/137a displacement step C12Q2537/1373Displacement by a nucleic acid C12Q2537/1376Displacement by an enzyme C12Q2537/143Multiplexing, i.e. use of multiple primers or probes in a single reaction, usually for simultaneously analyse of multiple analysis C12Q2537/149Sequential reactions C12Q2537/155Cyclic reactions C12Q2537/157A reaction step characterised by the number of molecules incorporated or released C12Q2537/159Reduction of complexity, e.g. amplification of subsets, removing duplicated genomic regions C12Q2537/16Assays for determining copy number or wherein the copy number is of special importance C12Q2537/161A competitive reaction step C12Q2537/162Helper probe C12Q2537/163blocking probe C12Q2537/164Methylation detection other then bisulfite or methylation sensitive restriction endonucleases C12Q2537/165Mathematical modelling, e.g. logarithm, ratio C12Q2539/00Reactions characterised by analysis of gene expression or genome comparison C12Q2539/10The purpose being sequence identification by analysis of gene expression or genome comparison characterised by C12Q2539/101Subtraction analysis C12Q2539/103Serial analysis of gene expression [SAGE] C12Q2539/105Involving introns, exons, or splice junctions C12Q2539/107Representational Difference Analysis [RDA] C12Q2539/113Differential Display Analysis [DDA] C12Q2539/115Comparative genomic hybridisation [CGH] C12Q2541/00Reactions characterised by directed evolution C12Q2541/10the purpose being the selection or design of target specific nucleic acid binding sequences C12Q2541/101Selex C12Q2543/00Reactions characterised by the reaction site, e.g. cell or chromosome C12Q2543/10the purpose being "in situ" analysis C12Q2543/101in situ amplification C12Q2545/00Reactions characterised by their quantitative nature C12Q2545/10the purpose being quantitative analysis C12Q2545/101with an internal standard/control C12Q2545/107with a competitive internal standard/control C12Q2545/113with an external standard/control, i.e. control reaction is separated from the test/target reaction C12Q2545/114involving a quantitation step C12Q2547/00Reactions characterised by the features used to prevent contamination C12Q2547/10the purpose being preventing contamination C12Q2547/101by confinement to a single tube/container C12Q2547/107Use of permeable barriers, e.g. waxes C12Q2549/00Reactions characterised by the features used to influence the efficiency or specificity C12Q2549/10the purpose being that of reducing false positive or false negative signals C12Q2549/101Hot start C12Q2549/107Cold start C12Q2549/113using nested probes C12Q2549/119using nested primers C12Q2549/125using sterilising/blocking agents, e.g. albumin C12Q2549/126using oligonucleotides as clamps C12Q2560/00Nucleic acid detection C12Q2561/00Nucleic acid detection characterised by assay method C12Q2561/101Taqman C12Q2561/107Enzyme complementation C12Q2561/108Hybridisation protection assay [HPA] C12Q2561/109Invader technology C12Q2561/113Real time assay C12Q2561/119Fluorescence polarisation C12Q2561/12Fluorescence lifetime measurement C12Q2561/125Ligase Detection Reaction [LDR] C12Q2561/127Protein truncation assay C12Q2563/00Nucleic acid detection characterized by the use of physical, structural and functional properties C12Q2563/101radioactivity, e.g. radioactive labels C12Q2563/103luminescence C12Q2563/107fluorescence C12Q2563/113the label being electroactive, e.g. redox labels C12Q2563/116electrical properties of nucleic acids, e.g. impedance, conductivity or resistance C12Q2563/119the label being proteinic C12Q2563/125the label being enzymatic, i.e. proteins, and non proteins, such as nucleic acid with enzymatic activity C12Q2563/131the label being a member of a cognate binding pair, i.e. extends to antibodies, haptens, avidin C12Q2563/137Metal/ion, e.g. metal label C12Q2563/143Magnetism, e.g. magnetic label C12Q2563/149Particles, e.g. beads C12Q2563/155Particles of a defined size, e.g. nanoparticles C12Q2563/157Nanotubes or nanorods C12Q2563/159Microreactors, e.g. emulsion PCR or sequencing, droplet PCR, microcapsules, i.e. non-liquid containers with a range of different permeability's for different reaction components C12Q2563/161Vesicles, e.g. liposome C12Q2563/167Mass label C12Q2563/173staining/intercalating agent, e.g. ethidium bromide C12Q2563/179the label being a nucleic acid C12Q2563/185Nucleic acid dedicated to use as a hidden marker/bar code, e.g. inclusion of nucleic acids to mark art objects or animals C12Q2565/00Nucleic acid analysis characterised by mode or means of detection C12Q2565/10Detection mode being characterised by the assay principle C12Q2565/101Interaction between at least two labels C12Q2565/1015labels being on the same oligonucleotide C12Q2565/102Multiple non-interacting labels C12Q2565/1025labels being on the same oligonucleotide C12Q2565/107Alteration in the property of hybridised versus free label oligonucleotides C12Q2565/113based on agglutination/precipitation C12Q2565/119based on extraction of label to an organic phase, i.e. partitioning of label between different organic phases C12Q2565/125Electrophoretic separation C12Q2565/131Single/double strand conformational analysis, i.e. SSCP/DSCP C12Q2565/133conformational analysis C12Q2565/137Chromatographic separation C12Q2565/20Detection means characterised by being a gene reporter based analysis C12Q2565/201Two hybrid system C12Q2565/207Three hybrid system C12Q2565/30Detection characterised by liberation or release of label C12Q2565/301Pyrophosphate (PPi) C12Q2565/40Detection characterised by signal amplification of label C12Q2565/401Signal amplification by chemical polymerisation C12Q2565/50Detection characterised by immobilisation to a surface C12Q2565/501being an array of oligonucleotides C12Q2565/507characterised by the density of the capture oligonucleotide C12Q2565/513characterised by the pattern of the arrayed oligonucleotides C12Q2565/514characterised by the use of the arrayed oligonucleotides as identifier tags, e.g. universal addressable array, anti-tag or tag complement array C12Q2565/515characterised by the interaction between or sequential use of two or more arrays C12Q2565/518characterised by the immobilisation of the nucleic acid sample or target C12Q2565/519characterised by the capture moiety being a single stranded oligonucleotide C12Q2565/525characterised by the capture oligonucleotide being double stranded C12Q2565/531characterised by the capture moiety being a protein for target oligonucleotides C12Q2565/537characterised by the capture oligonucleotide acting as a primer C12Q2565/543characterised by the use of two or more capture oligonucleotide primers in concert, e.g. bridge amplification C12Q2565/549characterised by the capture oligonucleotide being a reporter labelled capture oligonucleotide C12Q2565/60Detection means characterised by use of a special device C12Q2565/601being a microscope, e.g. atomic force microscopy [AFM] C12Q2565/607being a sensor, e.g. electrode C12Q2565/619being a video camera C12Q2565/625being a nucleic acid test strip device, e.g. dipsticks, strips, tapes, CD plates C12Q2565/626being a flow cytometer C12Q2565/627being a mass spectrometer C12Q2565/628being a surface plasmon resonance spectrometer C12Q2565/629being a microfluidic device C12Q2565/631being a biochannel or pore C12Q2565/632being a surface enhanced, e.g. resonance, Raman spectrometer C12Q2565/633NMR C12Q2565/634being an acoustic wave sensor C12Q2600/00Oligonucleotides characterized by their use C12Q2600/106Pharmacogenomics, i.e. genetic variability in individual responses to drugs and drug metabolism C12Q2600/112Disease subtyping, staging or classification C12Q2600/118Prognosis of disease development C12Q2600/124Animal traits, i.e. production traits, including athletic performance or the like C12Q2600/13Plant traits C12Q2600/136Screening for pharmacological compounds C12Q2600/142Toxicological screening, e.g. expression profiles which identify toxicity C12Q2600/148Screening for cosmetic compounds C12Q2600/154Methylation markers C12Q2600/156Polymorphic or mutational markers C12Q2600/158Expression markers C12Q2600/16Primer sets for multiplex assays C12Q2600/166Oligonucleotides used as internal standards, controls or normalisation probes C12Q2600/172Haplotypes C12Q2600/178miRNA, siRNA or ncRNA