F15BSYSTEMS ACTING BY MEANS OF FLUIDS IN GENERALFLUID-PRESSURE ACTUATORS, e.g. SERVOMOTORSDETAILS OF FLUID-PRESSURE SYSTEMS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR In this subclass, the following terms are used with the meaning stated: "Telemotor" means a system or device in which a substantially constant amount of fluid is trapped between an input member and an output member to act as a fluid link; "Servomotor" means a fluid-pressure actuator, e.g. a piston and cylinder, directly controlled by a valve or other device which is responsive to operation of an initial controlling member; "Servomotor" does not cover a telemotor. The initial controlling member may be adjacent to the servomotor or at a distance, and may be, for example a hand lever. F15B1/00 F15B1/00Installations or systems with accumulatorsSupply reservoir or sump assemblies F15B1/02Installations or systems with accumulators F15B1/021used for damping F15B1/022used as an emergency power source, e.g. in case of pump failure F15B1/024used as a supplementary power source, e.g. to store energy in idle periods to balance pump load F15B1/025used for thermal compensation, e.g. to collect expanded fluid and to return it to the system as the system fluid cools down F15B1/027having accumulator charging devices F15B1/0275with two or more pilot valves, e.g. for independent setting of the cut-in and cut-out pressures F15B1/033with electrical control means F15B1/04Accumulators F15B1/045Dead weight accumulators F15B1/08using a gas cushionGas charging devicesIndicators or floats therefor F15B1/083the accumulator having a fusible plug F15B1/086the gas cushion being entirely enclosed by the separating means, e.g. foam or gas-filled balls F15B1/10with flexible separating means F15B1/103the separating means being bellows F15B1/106characterised by the way housing components are assembled F15B1/12attached at their periphery flexible separating means in the form of a tube F15B1/16 F15B1/125characterised by the attachment means F15B1/14 takes precedence F15B1/14by means of a rigid annular supporting member F15B1/16in the form of a tube F15B1/165in the form of a bladder F15B1/18Anti-extrusion means F15B1/20fixed to the separating means F15B1/22Liquid port constructions F15B1/24with rigid separating means, e.g. pistons F15B1/26Supply reservoir or sump assemblies F15B1/265with pressurised main reservoir F15B3/00Intensifiers or fluid-pressure converters, e.g. pressure exchangersConveying pressure from one fluid system to another, without contact between the fluids fluid-driven pumps F04B9/08 F15B5/00Transducers converting variations of physical quantities, e.g. expressed by variations in positions of members, into fluid-pressure variations or vice versaVarying fluid pressure as a function of variations of a plurality of fluid pressures or variations of other quantities F15B9/00 takes precedence F15B5/003characterised by variation of the pressure in a nozzle or the like, e.g. nozzle-flapper system F15B5/006with electrical means, e.g. electropneumatic transducer F15B5/003 takes precedence F15B7/00Fluid-pressure actuator systems systems peculiar to the control of a particular machine or apparatus covered in a single other class, see the class for such machine or apparatusThis heading relates to moving members into one or more definite positions by means of fluid pressure. Pump, motor and control features so far as not peculiar to this purpose are classified in the relevant classes. F15B7/00Systems in which the movement produced is definitely related to the output of a volumetric pumpTelemotors F15B7/001With multiple inputs, e.g. for dual control F15B7/003with multiple outputs F15B7/005With rotary or crank input F15B7/006Rotary pump input F15B7/008with rotary output F15B7/02Systems with continuously-operating input and output apparatus F15B7/04In which the ratio between pump stroke and motor stroke varies with the resistance against the motor F15B7/06Details F15B15/00 takes precedence F15B7/08Input unitsMaster units F15B7/10Compensation of the liquid content in a system F15B7/08 takes precedence F15B9/00Servomotors with follow-up action, e.g. obtained by feed-back control, i.e. in which the position of the actuated member conforms with that of the controlling member F15B9/02with servomotors of the reciprocatable or oscillatable type F15B9/03with electrical control means F15B9/07, F15B9/09, F15B9/17 take precedence F15B9/04controlled by varying the output of a pump with variable capacity F15B9/06controlled by means using a fluid jet F15B9/07with electrical control means F15B9/08controlled by valves affecting the fluid feed or the fluid outlet of the servomotor F15B9/06 takes precedence F15B9/09with electrical control means F15B9/10in which the controlling element and the servomotor each controls a separate member, these members influencing different fluid passages or the same passage F15B9/12in which both the controlling element and the servomotor control the same member influencing a fluid passage and are connected to that member by means of a differential gearing F15B9/14with rotary servomotors F15B9/16Systems essentially having two or more interacting servomotors , e.g. multi-stage F15B18/00, F15B20/00 take precedence F15B9/17with electrical control means F15B11/00 F15B11/00Servomotor systems without provision for follow-up action; Circuits thereforF15B3/00 takes precedence F15B11/003Systems with load-holding valves F15B11/006Hydraulic "Wheatstone bridge" circuits, i.e. with four nodes, P-A-T-B, and on-off or proportional valves in each link F15B11/02Systems essentially incorporating special features for controlling the speed or actuating force of an output member F15B11/022in which a rapid approach stroke is followed by a slower, high-force working stroke F15B11/0325 takes precedence F15B11/024by means of differential connection of the servomotor lines, e.g. regenerative circuits F15B2011/0243the regenerative circuit being activated or deactivated automatically F15B2011/0246with variable regeneration flow F15B11/028for controlling the actuating force F15B11/024 takes precedence F15B11/032by means of fluid-pressure converters F15B11/0325the fluid-pressure converter increasing the working force after an approach stroke F15B11/036by means of servomotors having a plurality of working chambers F15B11/0365Tandem constructions F15B11/04for controlling the speed F15B11/024 takes precedence F15B11/0406during starting or stopping F15B11/048 takes precedence F15B11/0413in one direction only, with no control in the reverse direction, e.g. check valve in parallel with a throttle valve F15B11/042by means in the feed line , i.e. "meter in"F15B11/046, F15B11/05 take precedence F15B11/0423by controlling pump output or bypass, other than to maintain constant speed F15B11/0426by controlling the number of pumps or parallel valves switched on F15B11/044by means in the return line , i.e. "meter out"F15B11/046, F15B11/05 take precedence F15B11/0445with counterbalance valves, e.g. to prevent overrunning or for braking F15B11/046depending on the position of the working member F15B11/048with deceleration control F15B11/05specially adapted to maintain constant speed, e.g. pressure-compensated, load-responsive F15B11/161 takes precedence F15B11/055by adjusting the pump output or bypass F15B11/06involving features specific to the use of a compressible medium, e.g. air, steam F15B11/064with devices for saving the compressible medium F15B11/068with valves for gradually putting pneumatic systems under pressure F15B11/072Combined pneumatic-hydraulic systems F15B11/032 takes precedence F15B11/0725with the driving energy being derived from a pneumatic system, a subsequent hydraulic system displacing or controlling the output element F15B11/076with pneumatic drive or displacement and speed control or stopping by hydraulic braking F15B11/08with only one servomotor F15B11/10in which the servomotor position is a function of the pressure also pressure regulators as operating means for such systems, the device itself may be a position indicating system F15B11/12providing distinct intermediate positionswith step-by-step action F15B11/121providing distinct intermediate positions F15B11/13 takes precedence F15B11/122by means of actuators with multiple stops F15B11/123by means of actuators with fluid-operated stops F15B11/125by means of digital actuators, i.e. actuators in which the total stroke is the sum of individual strokes F15B11/126by means of actuators of the standard type with special circuit controlling means F15B11/125 takes precedence F15B11/127with step-by-step action F15B11/128by means of actuators of the standard type with special circuit controlling means F15B11/13using separate dosing chambers of predetermined volume F15B11/15with special provision for automatic return F15B11/16with two or more servomotors F15B11/161with sensing of servomotor demand or load F15B11/162for giving priority to particular servomotors or users F15B11/163for sharing the pump output equally amongst users or groups of users, e.g. using anti-saturation, pressure compensation F15B11/165for adjusting the pump output or bypass in response to demand F15B11/166Controlling a pilot pressure in response to the load, i.e. supply to at least one user is regulated by adjusting either the system pilot pressure or one or more of the individual pilot command pressures F15B11/167using pilot pressure to sense the demand F15B11/168with an isolator valve (duplicating valve), i.e. at least one load sense [LS] pressure is derived from a work port load sense pressure but is not a work port pressure itself F15B11/17using two or more pumps F15B11/18used in combination for obtaining stepwise operation of a single controlled member F15B11/183Linear stepwise operation F15B11/186Rotary stepwise operation F15B11/20controlling several interacting or sequentially-operating members F15B11/205the position of the actuator controlling the fluid flow to the subsequent actuator F15B11/22Synchronisation of the movement of two or more servomotors F15B13/00Details of servomotor systems F15B1/04, F15B1/26, F15B3/00, F15B7/08, F15B11/02, F15B11/10, F15B15/00 take precedence; Valves for servomotor systems F15B2013/002Modular valves, i.e. consisting of an assembly of interchangeable components F15B2013/004Cartridge valves F15B2013/006Modular components with multiple uses, e.g. kits for either normally-open or normally-closed valves, interchangeable or reprogrammable manifolds F15B2013/008Throttling member profiles F15B13/01Locking-valves or other detent i.e. load-holding devices F15B13/015using an enclosed pilot flow valve F15B13/02Fluid distribution or supply devices characterised by their adaptation to the control of servomotors F15B13/021Valves for interconnecting the fluid chambers of an actuator F15B13/022Flow-dividers; Priority valves F15B13/023Excess flow valves, e.g. for locking cylinders in case of hose burst F15B13/024Pressure relief valves F15B13/025Pressure reducing valves F15B13/026Pressure compensating valves F15B13/027Check valves F15B13/028Shuttle valves F15B13/029Counterbalance valves F15B13/04for use with a single servomotor F15B13/0401Valve members; Fluid interconnections therefor F15B13/0402for linearly sliding valves, e.g. spool valves F15B13/0403a secondary valve member sliding within the main spool, e.g. for regeneration flow F15B13/0418 takes precedence F15B13/0405for seat valves, i.e. poppet valves F15B13/0406for rotary valves F15B13/0407Means for damping the valve member movement F15B2013/0409Position sensing or feedback of the valve member F15B2013/041with two positions F15B2013/0412with three positions F15B2013/0413with four or more positions F15B2013/0414Dosing devices F15B13/0416with means or adapted for load sensing F15B13/0417Load sensing elements; Internal fluid connections therefor; Anti-saturation or pressure-compensation valves F15B13/0418Load sensing elements sliding within a hollow main valve spool F15B13/042operated by fluid pressure F15B13/0401, F15B13/0416 take precedence F15B13/0422with manually-operated pilot valves, e.g. joysticks F15B13/0424the joysticks being provided with electrical switches or sensors F15B13/0426with fluid-operated pilot valves, i.e. multiple stage valves F15B2013/0428with switchable internal or external pilot pressure source F15B13/043with electrically-controlled pilot valves F15B13/0431the electrical control resulting in an on-off function F15B13/0433the pilot valves being pressure control valves F15B13/0435, F15B13/0436, F15B13/0438 take precedence F15B13/0435the pilot valves being sliding valves F15B13/0436the pilot valves being of the steerable jet type F15B13/0438the pilot valves being of the nozzle-flapper type F15B13/044operated by electrically-controlled means, e.g. solenoids, torque-motors F15B13/0442with proportional solenoid allowing stable intermediate positions F15B13/0444with rotary electric motor F15B13/0446with moving coil, e.g. voice coil F15B2013/0448Actuation by solenoid and permanent magnet F15B13/06for use with two or more servomotors F15B13/07in distinct sequence F15B13/08Assemblies of units, each for the control of a single servomotor only F15B13/0803Modular units F15B13/0807Manifolds F15B13/081Laminated constructions F15B13/0814Monoblock manifolds F15B13/0817Multiblock manifolds F15B13/0821Attachment or sealing of modular units to each other F15B13/0825the modular elements being mounted on a common member, e.g. on a rail F15B13/0828characterised by sealing means of the modular units F15B13/0832Modular valves F15B13/0835Cartridge type valves F15B13/0839Stacked plate type valves F15B13/0842Monoblock type valves, e.g. with multiple valve spools in a common housing F15B13/0846Electrical details F15B13/085Electrical controllers F15B13/0853Electric circuit boards F15B13/0857Electrical connecting means, e.g. plugs, sockets F15B13/086Sensing means, e.g. pressure sensors F15B13/0864Signalling means, e.g. LEDs F15B13/0867Data bus systems F15B13/0871Channels for fluid F15B13/0875Channels for electrical components, e.g. for cables or sensors F15B13/0878Assembly of modular units F15B13/0882using identical modular elements F15B13/0885using valves combined with other components F15B13/0889Valves combined with electrical components F15B13/0892Valves combined with fluid components F15B13/0896using different types or sizes of valves F15B13/10Special arrangements for operating the actuated device with or without using fluid pressure, e.g. for emergency use F15B13/12Special measures for increasing the sensitivity of the system F15B13/14Special measures for giving the operating person a "feeling" of the response of the actuated device F15B13/16Special measures for feedback , e.g. by a follow-up device F15B15/00Fluid-actuated devices for displacing a member from one position to anotherGearing associated therewith F15B15/02Mechanical layout characterised by the means for converting the movement of the fluid-actuated element into movement of the finally-operated member F15B15/04with oscillating cylinder F15B15/06for mechanically converting rectilinear movement into non- rectilinear movement F15B15/061by unidirectional means F15B15/063Actuator having both linear and rotary output, i.e. dual action actuator F15B15/065the motor being of the rack-and-pinion type F15B15/066the motor being of the scotch yoke type F15B15/068the motor being of the helical type F15B15/08Characterised by the construction of the motor unit F15B15/082the motor being of the slotted cylinder type F15B15/084the motor being of the rodless piston type, e.g. with cable, belt or chain F15B15/086with magnetic coupling F15B15/088the motor using combined actuation, e.g. electric and fluid actuation F15B15/10the motor being of diaphragm type F15B15/103using inflatable bodies that contract when fluid pressure is applied, e.g. pneumatic artificial muscles or McKibben-type actuators F15B15/106the motor being of the pinching-roller type F15B15/12of the oscillating-vane or curved-cylinder type F15B15/125of the curved-cylinder type F15B15/14of the straight-cylinder type F15B15/1404in clusters, e.g. multiple cylinders in one block F15B15/1409with two or more independently movable working pistons F15B15/1414with non-rotatable piston F15B15/1419of non-circular cross-section F15B15/1423Component parts; Constructional details F15B15/1428Cylinders F15B15/1438 takes precedence F15B15/1433End caps F15B15/1438 takes precedence F15B15/1438Cylinder to end cap assemblies F15B15/1442End cap sealings F15B15/1447Pistons; Piston to piston rod assemblies F15B15/1452Piston sealings F15B15/1457Piston rods F15B15/1447 takes precedence F15B15/1461Piston rod sealings F15B15/1466Hollow piston sliding over a stationary rod inside the cylinder F15B15/1471Guiding means other than in the end cap F15B15/1466 takes precedence F15B15/1476Special return means F15B15/148Lost-motion means between the piston and the output F15B15/1485Special measures for cooling or heating F15B15/149Fluid interconnections, e.g. fluid connectors, passages F15B2015/1495with screw mechanism attached to the piston F15B15/16of the telescopic type F15B15/165with synchronisation of sections F15B15/17of differential-piston type F15B15/18Combined units comprising both motor and pump F15B15/19Pyrotechnical actuators F15B15/20Other details , e.g. assembly with regulating devices F15B15/202Externally-operated valves mounted in or on the actuator F15B15/204Control means for piston speed or actuating force without external control, e.g. control valve inside the piston F15B11/02, F15B15/22 take precedence F15B2015/206Combined actuation, e.g. electric and fluid actuated F15B2015/208Special fluid pressurisation means, e.g. thermal or electrolytic F15B15/22for accelerating or decelerating the stroke F15B15/221for accelerating the stroke, e.g. by area increase F15B15/222having a piston with a piston extension or piston recess which throttles the main fluid outlet as the piston approaches its end position F15B15/223having a piston with a piston extension or piston recess which completely seals the main fluid outlet as the piston approaches its end position F15B15/224having a piston which closes off fluid outlets in the cylinder bore by its own movement F15B15/225with valve stems operated by contact with the piston end face or with the cylinder wall F15B15/226having elastic elements, e.g. springs, rubber pads F15B15/227having an auxiliary cushioning piston within the main piston or the cylinder end face F15B15/228having shock absorbers mounted outside the actuator housing F15B15/24for restricting the stroke F15B15/26Locking mechanisms F15B15/261using positive interengagement, e.g. balls and grooves, for locking in the end positions F15B15/262using friction, e.g. brake pads F15B15/264Screw mechanisms attached to the piston F15B15/265specially adapted for rodless pistons or slotted cylinders F15B2015/267Manual locking or release F15B2015/268Fluid supply for locking or release independent of actuator pressurisation F15B15/28Means for indicating the position, e.g. end of stroke F15B15/2807Position switches, i.e. means for sensing of discrete positions only, e.g. limit switches F15B15/2815Position sensing, i.e. means for continuous measurement of position, e.g. LVDT F15B15/2823by a screw mechanism attached to the piston F15B15/283using a cable wrapped on a drum and attached to the piston F15B15/2838with out using position sensors, e.g. by volume flow measurement or pump speed F15B15/2846using detection of markings, e.g. markings on the piston rod F15B15/2853using potentiometers F15B15/2861using magnetic means F15B15/2869using electromagnetic radiation, e.g. radar or microwaves F15B15/2876using optical means, e.g. laser F15B15/2884using sound, e.g. ultrasound F15B15/2892characterised by the attachment means F15B17/00Combinations of telemotor and servomotor systems F15B17/02in which a telemotor operates the control member of a servomotor F15B18/00Parallel arrangements of independent servomotor systems F15B19/00Testing; Calibrating; Fault detection or monitoring; Simulation or modelling of fluid-pressure systems or apparatus not otherwise provided for F15B19/002Calibrating F15B19/005Fault detection or monitoring F15B19/007Simulation or modelling F15B20/00Safety arrangements for fluid actuator systemsApplications of safety devices in fluid actuator systemsEmergency measures for fluid actuator systems F15B20/001Double valve requiring the use of both hands simultaneously F15B20/002Electrical failure F15B20/004Fluid pressure supply failure F15B20/005Leakage; Spillage; Hose burst F15B20/007Overload F15B20/008Valve failure F15B21/00Common features of fluid actuator systemsFluid-pressure actuator systems or details thereof, not covered by any other group of this subclass F15B21/001Servomotor systems with fluidic control F15B21/003Systems with different interchangeable components, e.g. using preassembled kits F15B21/005Filling or draining of fluid systems F15B21/006Compensation or avoidance of ambient pressure variation F15B21/008Reduction of noise or vibration F15B21/02Servomotor systems with programme control derived from a store or timing deviceControl devices therefor F15B21/04Special measures taken in connection with the properties of the fluid F15B21/041Removal or measurement of solid or liquid contamination, e.g. filtering F15B21/042Controlling the temperature of the fluid F15B21/0423Cooling F15B21/0427Heating F15B21/044Removal or measurement of undissolved gas, e.g. de-aeration, venting or bleeding F15B21/045Compensating for variations in viscosity or temperature F15B21/047Preventing foaming, churning or cavitation F15B21/048Arrangements for compressed air preparation, e.g. comprising air driers, air condensers, filters, lubricators or pressure regulators F15B21/06Use of special fluids, e.g. liquid metalSpecial adaptations of fluid-pressure systems, or control of elements therefor, to the use of such fluids F15B21/065Use of electro- or magnetosensitive fluids, e.g. electrorheological fluid F15B21/08Servomotor systems incorporating electrically operated control means F15B21/02, F15B21/065 take precedence F15B21/082with different modes F15B21/085using a data bus, e.g. "CANBUS" F15B21/087Control strategy, e.g. with block diagram F15B21/10Delay devices or arrangements F15B21/12Fluid oscillators or pulse generators F15B21/125by means of a rotating valve F15B21/14Energy-recuperation means F15B2201/00Accumulators F15B2201/20Accumulator cushioning means F15B2201/205using gas F15B2201/21using springs F15B2201/215using weights F15B2201/22using elastic housings F15B2201/30Accumulator separating means F15B2201/305without separating means F15B2201/31having rigid separating means, e.g. pistons F15B2201/312Sealings therefor, e.g. piston rings F15B2201/315having flexible separating means F15B2201/3151the flexible separating means being diaphragms or membranes F15B2201/3152the flexible separating means being bladders F15B2201/3153the flexible separating means being bellows F15B2201/3154the flexible separating means being completely enclosed, e.g. using gas-filled balls or foam F15B2201/3155characterised by the material of the flexible separating means F15B2201/3156characterised by their attachment F15B2201/3157Sealings for the flexible separating means F15B2201/3158Guides for the flexible separating means, e.g. for a collapsed bladder F15B2201/32having multiple separating means, e.g. with an auxiliary piston sliding within a main piston, multiple membranes or combinations thereof F15B2201/40Constructional details of accumulators not otherwise provided for F15B2201/405Housings F15B2201/4053characterised by the material F15B2201/4056characterised by the attachment of housing components F15B2201/41Liquid ports F15B2201/411having valve means F15B2201/413having multiple liquid ports F15B2201/415Gas ports F15B2201/4155having valve means F15B2201/42Heat recuperators for isothermal compression and expansion F15B2201/43Anti-extrusion means F15B2201/435being fixed to the separating means F15B2201/50Monitoring, detection and testing means for accumulators F15B2201/505Testing of accumulators, e.g. for testing tightness F15B2201/51Pressure detection F15B2201/515Position detection for separating means F15B2201/60Assembling or methods for making accumulators F15B2201/605Assembling or methods for making housings therefor F15B2201/61Assembling or methods for making separating means therefor F15B2201/615Assembling or methods for making ports therefor F15B2211/00Circuits for servomotor systems F15B2211/20Fluid pressure source, e.g. accumulator or variable axial piston pump F15B2211/205Systems with pumps F15B2211/20507Type of prime mover F15B2211/20515Electric motor F15B2211/20523Internal combustion engine F15B2211/2053Type of pump F15B2211/20538constant capacity F15B2211/20546variable capacity F15B2211/20553with pilot circuit, e.g. for controlling a swash plate F15B2211/20561reversible F15B2211/20569capable of working as pump and motor F15B2211/20576with multiple pumps F15B2211/20584Combinations of pumps with high and low capacity F15B2211/20592Combinations of pumps for supplying high and low pressure F15B2211/21Systems with pressure sources other than pumps, e.g. with a pyrotechnical charge F15B2211/212the pressure sources being accumulators F15B2211/214the pressure sources being hydrotransformers F15B2211/216the pressure sources being pneumatic-to-hydraulic converters F15B2211/218the pressure sources being pyrotechnical charges F15B2211/25Pressure control functions F15B2211/251High pressure control F15B2211/252Low pressure control F15B2211/253Pressure margin control, e.g. pump pressure in relation to load pressure F15B2211/255Flow control functions F15B2211/26Power control functions F15B2211/265Control of multiple pressure sources F15B2211/2652without priority F15B2211/2654one or more pressure sources having priority F15B2211/2656by control of the pumps F15B2211/2658by control of the prime movers F15B2211/27Directional control by means of the pressure source F15B2211/275Control of the prime mover, e.g. hydraulic control F15B2211/30Directional control F15B2211/305characterised by the type of valves F15B2211/30505Non-return valves, i.e. check valves F15B2211/3051Cross-check valves F15B2211/30515Load holding valves F15B2211/3052Shuttle valves F15B2211/30525Directional control valves, e.g. 4/3-directional control valve F15B2211/3053In combination with a pressure compensating valve F15B2211/30535the pressure compensating valve is arranged between pressure source and directional control valve F15B2211/3054the pressure compensating valve is arranged between directional control valve and output member F15B2211/30545the pressure compensating valve is arranged between output member and directional control valve F15B2211/3055the pressure compensating valve is arranged between directional control valve and return line F15B2211/30555Inlet and outlet of the pressure compensating valve being connected to the directional control valve F15B2211/3056Assemblies of multiple valves F15B2211/30565having multiple valves for a single output member, e.g. for creating higher valve function by use of multiple valves like two 2/2-valves replacing a 5/3-valve F15B2211/3057having two valves, one for each port of a double-acting output member F15B2211/30575in a Wheatstone Bridge arrangement (also half bridges) F15B2211/3058having additional valves for interconnecting the fluid chambers of a double-acting actuator, e.g. for regeneration mode or for floating mode directional control valves having a regenerative position F15B2211/3133; directional control valves having a floating position F15B2211/3127 F15B2211/30585having a single valve for multiple output members F15B2211/3059having multiple valves for multiple output members F15B2211/30595with additional valves between the groups of valves for multiple output members F15B2211/31characterised by the positions of the valve element F15B2211/3105Neutral or centre positions F15B2211/3111the pump port being closed in the centre position, e.g. so-called closed centre F15B2211/3116the pump port being open in the centre position, e.g. so-called open centre F15B2211/3122Special positions other than the pump port being connected to working ports or the working ports being connected to the return line F15B2211/3127Floating position connecting the working ports and the return line F15B2211/3133Regenerative position connecting the working ports or connecting the working ports to the pump, e.g. for high-speed approach stroke F15B2211/3138the positions being discrete F15B2211/3144the positions being continuously variable, e.g. as realised by proportional valves F15B2211/315characterised by the connections of the valve or valves in the circuit F15B2211/31505being connected to a pressure source and a return line F15B2211/31511having a single pressure source F15B2211/31517having multiple pressure sources F15B2211/31523being connected to a pressure source and an output member F15B2211/31529having a single pressure source and a single output member F15B2211/31535having multiple pressure sources and a single output member F15B2211/31541having a single pressure source and multiple output members F15B2211/31547having multiple pressure sources and multiple output members F15B2211/31552being connected to an output member and a return line F15B2211/31558having a single output member F15B2211/31564having multiple output members F15B2211/3157being connected to a pressure source, an output member and a return line F15B2211/31576having a single pressure source and a single output member F15B2211/31582having multiple pressure sources and a single output member F15B2211/31588having a single pressure source and multiple output members F15B2211/31594having multiple pressure sources and multiple output members F15B2211/32characterised by the type of actuation F15B2211/321mechanically F15B2211/322actuated by biasing means, e.g. spring-actuated F15B2211/323the biasing means being adjustable F15B2211/324manually, e.g. by using a lever or pedal F15B2211/325actuated by an output member of the circuit F15B2211/326with follow-up action F15B2211/327electrically or electronically F15B2211/328with signal modulation, e.g. pulse width modulation [PWM] F15B2211/329actuated by fluid pressure F15B2211/35Directional control combined with flow control F15B2211/351Flow control by regulating means in feed line, i.e. meter-in control F15B2211/353Flow control by regulating means in return line, i.e. meter-out control F15B2211/355Pilot pressure control F15B2211/36Pilot pressure sensing F15B2211/365Directional control combined with flow control and pressure control F15B2211/40Flow control F15B2211/405characterised by the type of flow control means or valve F15B2211/40507with constant throttles or orifices F15B2211/40515with variable throttles or orifices F15B2211/40523with flow dividers F15B2211/4053using valves F15B2211/40538using volumetric pumps or motors F15B2211/40546with flow combiners F15B2211/40553with pressure compensating valves F15B2211/40561the pressure compensating valve arranged upstream of the flow control means F15B2211/40569the pressure compensating valve arranged downstream of the flow control means F15B2211/40576Assemblies of multiple valves F15B2211/40584the flow control means arranged in parallel with a check valve F15B2211/40592with multiple valves in parallel flow paths, F15B2211/41characterised by the positions of the valve element F15B2211/411the positions being discrete F15B2211/413the positions being continuously variable, e.g. as realised by proportional valves F15B2211/415characterised by the connections of the flow control means in the circuit F15B2211/41509being connected to a pressure source and a directional control valve F15B2211/41518being connected to multiple pressure sources F15B2211/41527being connected to an output member and a directional control valve F15B2211/41536being connected to multiple ports of an output member F15B2211/41545being connected to multiple output members F15B2211/41554being connected to a return line and a directional control valve F15B2211/41563being connected to a pressure source and a return line F15B2211/41572being connected to a pressure source and an output member F15B2211/41581being connected to an output member and a return line F15B2211/4159being connected to a pressure source, an output member and a return line F15B2211/42characterised by the type of actuation F15B2211/421mechanically F15B2211/422actuated by biasing means, e.g. spring-actuated F15B2211/423manually, e.g. by using a lever or pedal F15B2211/424actuated by an output member of the circuit F15B2211/425with follow-up action F15B2211/426electrically or electronically F15B2211/427with signal modulation, e.g. using pulse width modulation [PWM] F15B2211/428actuated by fluid pressure F15B2211/45Control of bleed-off flow, e.g. control of bypass flow to the return line F15B2211/455Control of flow in the feed line, i.e. meter-in control F15B2211/46Control of flow in the return line, i.e. meter-out control F15B2211/465Flow control with pressure compensation F15B2211/47Flow control in one direction only F15B2211/473without restriction in the reverse direction F15B2211/476the flow in the reverse direction being blocked F15B2211/50Pressure control F15B2211/505characterised by the type of pressure control means F15B2211/50509the pressure control means controlling a pressure upstream of the pressure control means F15B2211/50518using pressure relief valves F15B2211/50527using cross-pressure relief valves F15B2211/50536using unloading valves controlling the supply pressure by diverting fluid to the return line F15B2211/50545using braking valves to maintain a back pressure F15B2211/50554the pressure control means controlling a pressure downstream of the pressure control means, e.g. pressure reducing valve F15B2211/50563the pressure control means controlling a differential pressure F15B2211/50572using a pressure compensating valve for controlling the pressure difference across a flow control valve F15B2211/50581using counterbalance valves F15B2211/5059using double counterbalance valves F15B2211/51characterised by the positions of the valve element F15B2211/511the positions being discrete F15B2211/513the positions being continuously variable, e.g. as realised by proportional valves F15B2211/515characterised by the connections of the pressure control means in the circuit F15B2211/5151being connected to a pressure source and a directional control valve F15B2211/5152being connected to multiple pressure sources F15B2211/5153being connected to an output member and a directional control valve F15B2211/5154being connected to multiple ports of an output member F15B2211/5155being connected to multiple output members F15B2211/5156being connected to a return line and a directional control valve F15B2211/5157being connected to a pressure source and a return line F15B2211/5158being connected to a pressure source and an output member F15B2211/5159being connected to an output member and a return line F15B2211/52characterised by the type of actuation F15B2211/521mechanically F15B2211/522actuated by biasing means, e.g. spring-actuated F15B2211/523manually, e.g. by using a lever or pedal F15B2211/524actuated by an output member of the circuit F15B2211/525with follow-up action F15B2211/526electrically or electronically F15B2211/527with signal modulation, e.g. pulse width modulation [PWM] F15B2211/528actuated by fluid pressure F15B2211/55for limiting a pressure up to a maximum pressure, e.g. by using a pressure relief valve F15B2211/555for assuring a minimum pressure, e.g. by using a back pressure valve F15B2211/56Control of an upstream pressure F15B2211/565Control of a downstream pressure F15B2211/57Control of a differential pressure F15B2211/575Pilot pressure control F15B2211/5753for closing a valve F15B2211/5756for opening a valve F15B2211/60Circuit components or control therefor F15B2211/605Load sensing circuits F15B2211/6051having valve means between output member and the load sensing circuit F15B2211/6052using check valves F15B2211/6054using shuttle valves F15B2211/6055using pressure relief valves F15B2211/6057using directional control valves F15B2211/6058with isolator valves F15B2211/61Secondary circuits F15B2211/611Diverting circuits, e.g. for cooling or filtering F15B2211/613Feeding circuits F15B2211/615Filtering means F15B2211/62Cooling or heating means F15B2211/625Accumulators F15B2211/63Electronic controllers F15B2211/6303using input signals F15B2211/6306representing a pressure F15B2211/6309the pressure being a pressure source supply pressure F15B2211/6313the pressure being a load pressure F15B2211/6316the pressure being a pilot pressure F15B2211/632representing a flow rate F15B2211/6323the flow rate being a pressure source flow rate F15B2211/6326the flow rate being an output member flow rate F15B2211/633representing a state of the prime mover, e.g. torque or rotational speed F15B2211/6333representing a state of the pressure source, e.g. swash plate angle F15B2211/6336representing a state of the output member, e.g. position, speed or acceleration F15B2211/634representing a state of a valve F15B2211/6343representing a temperature F15B2211/6346representing a state of input means, e.g. joystick position F15B2211/635Circuits providing pilot pressure to pilot pressure-controlled fluid circuit elements F15B2211/6355having valve means F15B2211/65Methods of control of the load sensing pressure F15B2211/651characterised by the way the load pressure is communicated to the load sensing circuit F15B2211/652the load sensing pressure being different from the load pressure F15B2211/653the load sensing pressure being higher than the load pressure F15B2211/654the load sensing pressure being lower than the load pressure F15B2211/655Methods of contamination control, i.e. methods of control of the cleanliness of circuit components or of the pressure fluid F15B2211/66Temperature control methods F15B2211/665Methods of control using electronic components F15B2211/6651Control of the prime mover, e.g. control of the output torque or rotational speed F15B2211/6652Control of the pressure source, e.g. control of the swash plate angle F15B2211/6653Pressure control F15B2211/6654Flow rate control F15B2211/6655Power control, e.g. combined pressure and flow rate control F15B2211/6656Closed loop control, i.e. control using feedback F15B2211/6657Open loop control, i.e. control without feedback F15B2211/6658Control using different modes, e.g. four-quadrant-operation, working mode and transportation mode F15B2211/67Methods for controlling pilot pressure F15B2211/70Output members, e.g. hydraulic motors or cylinders or control therefor F15B2211/705characterised by the type of output members or actuators F15B2211/7051Linear output members F15B2211/7052Single-acting output members F15B2211/7053Double-acting output members F15B2211/7054Having equal piston areas F15B2211/7055having more than two chambers F15B2211/7056Tandem cylinders F15B2211/7057being of the telescopic type F15B2211/7058Rotary output members F15B2211/71Multiple output members, e.g. multiple hydraulic motors or cylinders F15B2211/7107the output members being mechanically linked F15B2211/7114with direct connection between the chambers of different actuators F15B2211/7121the chambers being connected in series F15B2211/7128the chambers being connected in parallel F15B2211/7135Combinations of output members of different types, e.g. single-acting cylinders with rotary motors F15B2211/7142the output members being arranged in multiple groups F15B2211/715having braking means F15B2211/72having locking means F15B2211/75Control of speed of the output member F15B2211/755Control of acceleration or deceleration of the output member F15B2211/76Control of force or torque of the output member F15B2211/761Control of a negative load, i.e. of a load generating hydraulic energy F15B2211/763Control of torque of the output member by means of a variable capacity motor, i.e. by a secondary control on the motor F15B2211/765Control of position or angle of the output member F15B2211/7653at distinct positions, e.g. at the end position F15B2211/7656with continuous position control F15B2211/77Control of direction of movement of the output member F15B2211/7708in one direction only F15B2211/7716with automatic return F15B2211/7725with automatic reciprocation F15B2211/7733providing vibrating movement, e.g. dither control for emptying a bucket F15B2211/7741with floating mode, e.g. using a direct connection between both lines of a double-acting cylinder F15B2211/775Combined control, e.g. control of speed and force for providing a high speed approach stroke with low force followed by a low speed working stroke with high force, e.g. for a hydraulic press F15B2211/78Control of multiple output members F15B2211/781one or more output members having priority F15B2211/782Concurrent control, e.g. synchronisation of two or more actuators F15B2211/783Sequential control F15B2211/785Compensation of the difference in flow rate in closed fluid circuits using differential actuators F15B2211/80Other types of control related to particular problems or conditions F15B2211/85Control during special operating conditions F15B2211/851during starting F15B2211/853during stopping F15B2211/855Testing of fluid pressure systems F15B2211/857Monitoring of fluid pressure systems F15B2211/86Control during or prevention of abnormal conditions F15B2211/8603the abnormal condition being an obstacle F15B2211/8606the abnormal condition being a shock F15B2211/8609the abnormal condition being cavitation F15B2211/8613the abnormal condition being oscillations F15B2211/8616the abnormal condition being noise or vibration F15B2211/862the abnormal condition being electric or electronic failure F15B2211/8623Electric supply failure F15B2211/8626Electronic controller failure, e.g. software, EMV, electromagnetic interference F15B2211/863the abnormal condition being a hydraulic or pneumatic failure F15B2211/8633Pressure source supply failure F15B2211/8636Circuit failure, e.g. valve or hose failure F15B2211/864Failure of an output member, e.g. actuator or motor failure F15B2211/8643the abnormal condition being a human failure F15B2211/8646the abnormal condition being hysteresis F15B2211/865Prevention of failures F15B2211/87Detection of failures F15B2211/875Control measures for coping with failures F15B2211/8752Emergency operation mode, e.g. fail-safe operation mode F15B2211/8755Emergency shut-down F15B2211/8757using redundant components or assemblies F15B2211/88Control measures for saving energy F15B2211/885Control specific to the type of fluid, e.g. specific to magnetorheological fluid F15B2211/8855Compressible fluids, e.g. specific to pneumatics F15B2211/89Control specific for achieving vacuum or "negative pressure" F15B2211/895Manual override F15B2215/00Fluid-actuated devices for displacing a member from one position to another F15B2215/30Constructional details thereof F15B2215/305characterised by the use of special materials