F25DREFRIGERATORSCOLD ROOMSICE-BOXESCOOLING OR FREEZING APPARATUS NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR refrigerated showcases A47F3/04; thermally-insulated vessels for domestic use A47J41/00; refrigerated vehicles, see the appropriate subclasses of classes B60-B64; containers with thermal insulation in general B65D81/38; heat-transfer, heat-exchange or heat-storage materials, e.g. refrigerants, or materials for the production of heat or cold by chemical reactions other than by combustion C09K5/00; thermally-insulated vessels for liquefied or solidified gases F17C; air-conditioning or air-humidification F24F; refrigeration machines, plants, or systems F25B; cooling of instruments or comparable apparatus without refrigeration G12B; cooling of engines or pumps, see the relevant classes In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "device" means an enclosed space to be cooled; such devices being associated either with refrigerating machinery, e.g. in a refrigerator, or with other cold sources, e.g. in an ice-box. Attention is drawn to Note (2) following the title of subclass F24F. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F25D1/00Devices not associated with refrigerating machinery F25D1/00Devices using naturally cold air or cold water F25D1/02using naturally cold water, e.g. household tap water F25D3/00Devices using other cold materialsDevices using cold-storage bodies F25D3/005combined with heat exchangers F25D3/02using ice, e.g. ice-boxes F25D3/04Stationary cabinets F25D3/045Details F25D3/06Movable containers F25D3/08portable, i.e. adapted to be carried personally F25D3/10using liquefied gases, e.g. liquid air for cooling semiconductor devices H01L23/445 F25D3/102Stationary cabinets F25D3/105Movable containers F25D3/107portable, i.e. adapted to be carried personally F25D3/11with conveyors carrying articles to be cooled through the cooling space F25D3/12using solidified gases, e.g. carbon-dioxide snow F25D3/122Stationary cabinets F25D3/125Movable containers F25D3/127Stationary devices with conveyors carrying articles to be cooled through the cooling space F25D3/14portable, i.e. adapted to be carried personally F25D5/00Devices using endothermic chemical reactions, e.g. using frigorific mixtures F25D5/02portable, i.e. adapted to be carried personally F25D7/00Devices using evaporation effects without recovery of the vapour butter or cheese dishes with cooling devices A47G19/26 F25D9/00Devices not associated with refrigerating machinery and not covered by groups F25D1/00 - F25D7/00Combinations of devices covered by two or more of the groups F25D1/00 - F25D7/00 F25D9/005using fluorinated halogenous hydrocarbons F25D11/00Devices associated with refrigerating machinery F25D11/00Self-contained movable devices, e.g. domestic refrigerators F25D11/003Transport containers F25D11/006with cold storage accumulators F25D11/02with cooling compartments at different temperatures F25D11/022with two or more evaporators F25D11/025using primary and secondary refrigeration systems F25D11/027of the sorption cycle type F25D11/04specially adapted for storing deep-frozen articles F25D11/02 takes precedence F25D13/00Stationary devices, e.g. cold-rooms F25D13/02with several cooling compartments, e.g. refrigerated locker systems F25D13/04the compartments being at different temperatures F25D13/06with conveyors carrying articles to be cooled through the cooling space F25D13/062with refrigerated conveyors F25D13/065Articles being submerged in liquid coolant F25D13/067with circulation of gaseous cooling fluid F25D15/00Devices not covered by group F25D11/00 or F25D13/00, e.g. non-self-contained movable devices F25D16/00Devices using a combination of a cooling mode associated with refrigerating machinery with a cooling mode not associated with refrigerating machinery F25D17/00Details or features of the devices covered by groups F25D1/00 - F25D16/00 F25D17/00Arrangements for circulating cooling fluidsArrangements for circulating gas, e.g. air, within refrigerated spaces F25D17/005in cold rooms F25D17/02for circulating liquids, e.g. brine F25D17/04for circulating air, e.g. by convection F25D17/042Air treating means within refrigerated spaces air conditioning in general F24F F25D17/045Air flow control arrangements F25D17/047Pressure equalising devices F25D17/06by forced circulation F25D17/062in household refrigerators F25D17/065with compartments at different temperatures F25D17/067Evaporator fan units F25D17/08using ducts F25D19/00Arrangement or mounting of refrigeration units with respect to devices or objects to be refrigerated, e.g. infra-red detectors F25D19/003with respect to movable containers F25D19/006Thermal coupling structure or interface F25D19/02plug-in type F25D19/04with more than one refrigeration unit F25D21/00DefrostingPreventing frostingRemoving condensed or defrost water removing ice or water from heat-exchange apparatus in general F28F17/00; heating arrangements specially adapted for transparent or reflecting areas H05B3/84 F25D21/002Defroster control F25D21/004Control mechanisms F25D21/006 takes precedence F25D21/006with electronic control circuits F25D21/008by timer F25D21/02Detecting the presence of frost or condensate F25D21/025using air pressure differential detectors F25D21/04Preventing the formation of frost or condensate F25D21/06Removing frost defrosting cycles F25B47/02 F25D21/065by mechanical means F25D21/08by electric heating F25D21/10by spraying with fluid F25D21/12by hot-fluid circulating system separate from the refrigerant system F25D21/125the hot fluid being ambient air F25D21/14Collecting or removing condensed and defrost waterDrip trays F25D23/00General constructional features F25D21/00 takes precedence F25D23/003for cooling refrigerating machinery F25D23/006for mounting refrigerating machinery components F25D23/02DoorsCovers F25D23/08 takes precedence locks or fastenings E05B65/0042 F25D23/021Sliding doors F25D23/023Air curtain closures F25D23/025Secondary closures F25D23/026for open-top cabinets F25D23/028Details F25D23/04with special compartments, e.g. butter conditioners F25D23/06Walls F25D23/08 takes precedence; containers with thermal insulation B65D81/38 F25D23/061with conduit means F25D23/062defining a cabinet F25D23/063formed by an assembly of panels F25D23/064formed by moulding, e.g. moulding in situ F25D23/065Details F25D23/066Liners F25D23/067Supporting elements F25D23/068Arrangements for circulating fluids through the insulating material F25D23/069Cooling space dividing partitions F25D23/08Parts formed wholly or mainly of plastics materials F25D23/082Strips When a document describes both breaking and sealing strips it is classified in group F25D23/082 only. F25D23/085Breaking strips F25D23/087Sealing strips F25D23/10Arrangements for mounting in particular locations, e.g. for built-in type, for corner type F25D23/12Arrangements of compartments additional to cooling compartmentsCombinations of refrigerators with other equipment, e.g. stove F25D23/123Butter compartment F25D23/126Water cooler F25D25/00Charging, supporting, and discharging the articles to be cooled F25D25/005using containers F25D25/02by shelves F25D25/021combined with trays F25D25/022Baskets F25D25/024Slidable shelves F25D25/025Drawers F25D25/027Rotatable shelves F25D25/028Cooled supporting means F25D25/04by conveyors in general B65G F25D27/00Lighting arrangements in general F21 F25D27/005combined with control means F25D29/00Arrangement or mounting of control or safety devices F25D29/001for cryogenic fluid systems F25D29/003for movable devices F25D29/005Mounting of control devices F25D29/006Safety devices F25D29/008Alarm devices F25D31/00Other cooling or freezing apparatus F25D31/001Plate freezers F25D31/002Liquid coolers, e.g. beverage cooler receptacle coolers F25D31/006 F25D31/003with immersed cooling element F25D31/005Combined cooling and heating devices F25D31/006specially adapted for cooling receptacles, e.g. tanks F25D31/007Bottles or cans F25D31/008Drinking glasses F25D2201/00 F25D2201/00Insulation F25D2201/10with respect to heat F25D2201/12using an insulating packing material F25D2201/122of loose fill type F25D2201/124of fibrous type F25D2201/126of cellular type F25D2201/1262with open cells F25D2201/128of foil type F25D2201/1282with reflective foils F25D2201/14using subatmospheric pressure F25D2201/30with respect to sound F25D2300/00Special arrangements or features for refrigeratorscold roomsice-boxesCooling or freezing apparatus not covered by any other subclass F25D2303/00Details of devices using other cold materialsDetails of devices using cold-storage bodies F25D2303/08Devices using cold storage material, i.e. ice or other freezable liquid F25D2303/081using ice cubes or crushed ice F25D2303/082disposed in a cold storage element not forming part of a container for products to be cooled, e.g. ice pack or gel accumulator F25D2303/0821the element placed in a compartment which can be opened without the need of opening the container itself F25D2303/0822Details of the element F25D2303/08221Fasteners or fixing means for the element F25D2303/08222Shape of the element F25D2303/08223having the shape of an ice cube F25D2303/083using cold storage material disposed in closed wall forming part of a container for products to be cooled F25D2303/0831the liquid is disposed in the space between the walls of the container F25D2303/0832the liquid is disposed in an accumulator pack locked in a closable wall forming part of the container F25D2303/084Position of the cold storage material in relationship to a product to be cooled F25D2303/0841external to the container for a beverage, e.g. a bottle, can, drinking glass or pitcher F25D2303/0842inside the beverage contained in a bottle, can, drinking glass, pitcher or dispenser F25D2303/0843on the side of the product F25D2303/0844above the product F25D2303/0845below the product F25D2303/0846around the neck of a bottle F25D2303/085Compositions of cold storage materials F25D2317/00Details or arrangements for circulating cooling fluidsDetails or arrangements for circulating gas, e.g. air, within refrigerated spaces, not provided for in other groups of this subclass F25D2317/04Treating air flowing to refrigeration compartments F25D2317/041by purification F25D2317/0411by dehumidification F25D2317/04111Control means therefor F25D2317/0413by humidification F25D2317/04131Control means therefor F25D2317/0415by deodorizing F25D2317/0416using an ozone generator F25D2317/0417using an UV-lamp F25D2317/043by creating a vacuum in a storage compartment F25D2317/06with forced air circulation F25D2317/061through special compartments F25D2317/062along the inside of doors F25D2317/063with air guides F25D2317/065characterised by the air return F25D2317/0651through the bottom F25D2317/0652through the corner F25D2317/0653through the mullion F25D2317/0654through the side F25D2317/0655through the top F25D2317/066characterised by the air supply F25D2317/0661from the bottom F25D2317/0662from the corner F25D2317/0663from the mullion F25D2317/0664from the side F25D2317/0665from the top F25D2317/0666from the freezer F25D2317/0667from the refrigerator F25D2317/067characterised by air ducts F25D2317/0671Inlet ducts F25D2317/0672Outlet ducts F25D2317/068characterised by the fans F25D2317/0681Details thereof F25D2317/0682Two or more fans F25D2317/0683the fans not of the axial type F25D2317/0684the fans allowing rotation in reverse direction F25D2321/00Details or arrangements for defrostingPreventing frostingRemoving condensed or defrost water, not provided for in other groups of this subclass F25D2321/14Collecting condense or defrost waterRemoving condense or defrost water F25D2321/141Removal by evaporation F25D2321/1411using compressor heat F25D2321/1412using condenser heat or heat of desuperheaters F25D2321/1413using heat from electric elements or using an electric field for enhancing removal F25D2321/142characterised by droplet guides F25D2321/143characterised by means to fix, clamp, or connect water pipes or evaporation trays F25D2321/144characterised by the construction of drip water collection pans F25D2321/1441inside a refrigerator F25D2321/1442outside a refrigerator F25D2321/145characterised by multiple collecting pans F25D2321/146characterised by the pipes or pipe connections F25D2321/147characterised by capillary, wick, adsorbent, or evaporation elements F25D2323/00General constructional features not provided for in other groups of this subclass F25D2323/0011Means for leveling refrigerators F25D2323/002Details for cooling refrigerating machinery F25D2323/0021using air guides F25D2323/0022using multiple air flows F25D2323/0023Control of the air flow cooling refrigerating machinery F25D2323/0024Filters in the air flow cooling refrigerating machinery F25D2323/0026characterised by the incoming air flow F25D2323/00261through the back bottom side F25D2323/00262through the back top side F25D2323/00263through the back corner side F25D2323/00264through the front bottom part F25D2323/00265through the front top part F25D2323/00266through the bottom F25D2323/00267through the side F25D2323/00268through the top F25D2323/0027characterised by the out-flowing air F25D2323/00271from the back bottom F25D2323/00272from the back top F25D2323/00273from the back corner F25D2323/00274from the front bottom F25D2323/00275from the front top F25D2323/00276from the bottom F25D2323/00277from the side F25D2323/00278from the top F25D2323/0028characterised by the fans F25D2323/00281Two or more fans F25D2323/00282the fans not of the axial type F25D2323/00283the fans allowing rotation in reverse direction F25D2323/00284Details thereof F25D2323/02Details of doors or covers not otherwise covered F25D2323/021French doors F25D2323/022Doors that can be pivoted either left-handed or right-handed F25D2323/023Door in door constructions F25D2323/024Door hinges F25D2323/06Details of walls not otherwise covered F25D2323/061Collapsible walls F25D2323/062Inflatable walls F25D2323/121the refrigerator is characterised by a water filter for the water/ice dispenser F25D2323/122the refrigerator is characterised by a water tank for the water/ice dispenser F25D2325/00Charging, supporting or discharging the articles to be cooled, not provided for in other groups of this subclass F25D2325/021Shelves with several possible configurations F25D2325/022Shelves made of glass or ceramic F25D2325/023Shelves made of wires F25D2327/00Lighting arrangements not provided for in other groups of this subclass F25D2327/001Lighting arrangements on the external side of the refrigerator, freezer or cooling box F25D2331/00Details or arrangements of other cooling or freezing apparatus not provided for in other groups of this subclass F25D2331/80Type of cooled receptacles F25D2331/801Bags F25D2331/8011to be carried on the back of a person F25D2331/8012for cosmetics F25D2331/8013for playing golf F25D2331/8014for medical use F25D2331/8015Pouches F25D2331/802Barrels F25D2331/803Bottles F25D2331/804Boxes F25D2331/8041for drinking F25D2331/805Cans F25D2331/8051for holding milk F25D2331/806Dispensers F25D2331/807Eggs F25D2331/808Glasses F25D2331/809Holders F25D2331/81Pitchers F25D2331/811Pour-throughs F25D2331/812Trays F25D2400/00General features of, or devices for refrigerators, cold rooms, ice-boxes, or for cooling or freezing apparatus not covered by any other subclass F25D2400/02Refrigerators including a heater F25D2400/04Refrigerators with a horizontal mullion F25D2400/06Refrigerators with a vertical mullion F25D2400/08Refrigerator tables F25D2400/10Refrigerator top-coolers F25D2400/12Portable refrigerators F25D2400/14Refrigerator multi units F25D2400/16Convertible refrigerators F25D2400/18Aesthetic features F25D2400/20Carts specially adapted for transporting objects to be cooled F25D2400/22Cleaning means for refrigerating devices F25D2400/24Protection against refrigerant explosions F25D2400/26Refrigerating devices for cooling wearing apparel, e.g. garments, hats, shoes or gloves F25D2400/28Quick cooling F25D2400/30Quick freezing F25D2400/32Removal, transportation or shipping of refrigerating devices from one location to another F25D2400/34Temperature balancing devices F25D2400/36Visual displays F25D2400/361Interactive visual displays F25D2400/38Refrigerating devices characterised by wheels F25D2400/40Refrigerating devices characterised by electrical wiring F25D2500/00Problems to be solved F25D2500/02Geometry problems F25D2500/04Calculation of parameters F25D2500/06Stock management F25D2600/00Control issues F25D2600/02Timing F25D2600/04Controlling heat transfer F25D2600/06Controlling according to a predetermined profile F25D2700/00Means for sensing or measuringSensors therefor F25D2700/02Sensors detecting door opening F25D2700/04Sensors detecting the presence of a person F25D2700/06Sensors detecting the presence of a product F25D2700/08Sensors using Radio Frequency Identification [RFID] F25D2700/10Sensors measuring the temperature of the evaporator F25D2700/12Sensors measuring the inside temperature F25D2700/121of particular compartments F25D2700/122of freezer compartments F25D2700/123more than one sensor measuring the inside temperature in a compartment F25D2700/14Sensors measuring the temperature outside the refrigerator or freezer F25D2700/16Sensors measuring the temperature of products