F41GWEAPON SIGHTSAIMING optical aspects thereof G02BIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F41G1/00 F41G1/00Sighting devices for indirect laying of fire F41G3/16; bombsights F41G3/24 ; structurally associated with laser telemeters F41G3/065; mounting tubular or beam shaped aiming devices on firearms F41G11/001 F41G1/01characterised by the visual combination effect of the respective geometrical forms of fore and rear sight F41G1/42 takes precedence F41G1/02Foresights F41G1/027with lens F41G1/033adjustable F41G1/04Protection means therefor F41G1/06Rearsights F41G1/065Protection means therefor F41G1/04 takes precedence F41G1/08with aperture ; tubular or of ring form; Peep sights F41G1/42 takes precedence F41G1/10with notch F41G1/12with line or mark other than notch F41G1/14with lens F41G1/16Adjusting mechanisms thereforMountings therefor F41G1/17Convertible sights, i.e. sets of two or more sights brought into the sight line optionally F41G1/18Clicking-indicators with spring detents F41G1/20coarse and fine F41G1/22Friction clamps F41G1/24rack-and-pinionleverlinkwork F41G1/26screw F41G1/28wedgecameccentric F41G1/30Reflecting-sights specially adapted for smallarms or ordnance reflecting-sights in general G02B F41G1/32Night sights, e.g. luminescent optical aspects of sighting devices G02B23/00, G02B27/00 F41G1/34combined with light source, e.g. spot light F41G1/345for illuminating the sights F41G1/35for illuminating the target , e.g. flash lights F41G1/36with infra-red light source F41G1/38Telescopic sights specially adapted for smallarms or ordnance telescopic sights in general G02BSupports or mountings therefor F41G1/383Protection means therefor F41G1/387Mounting telescopic sights on smallarms F41G1/393Mounting telescopic sights on ordnanceTransmission of sight movements to the associated gun F41G1/3935Transmission of sight movements to the associated gun F41G1/40Periscopic sights specially adapted for smallarms or ordnance periscopic sights in general G02BSupports or mountings therefor F41G1/41Mounting periscopic sights on smallarms F41G1/42Tube sightsBar sights ; Combinations of tubular fore and rearsights F41G1/425Bar sights F41G1/44Spirit-level adjusting means, e.g. for correcting tilt; Means for indicating or correcting tilt or cant F41G1/46for particular applications F41G1/467for bows F41G1/473for lead-indicating or range-finding, e.g. for use with rifles or shotguns F41G1/48for firing grenades from rifles F41G1/50for trench mortars or for other mortars F41G1/52for rifles or shotguns having two or more barrels, or adapted to fire different kinds of ammunition, e.g. ball or shot F41G1/54Devices for testing or checking ; Tools for adjustment of sights F41G1/545Tools for adjustment of sights F41G3/00Aiming or laying means sighting devices F41G1/00; determining direction, distance or velocity by use of radio or other waves G01S; computers G06; antennas H01Q F41G3/005with means for correcting the parallax between the sighting means and the muzzle axis F41G3/02using an independent line of sight F41G3/04for dispersing fire from a battery ; for controlling spread of shots; for coordinating fire from spaced weapons F41G3/06with rangefinder rangefinders per se G01C F41G3/065Structural association of sighting-devices with laser telemeters F41G3/08with means for compensating for speed, direction, temperature, pressure, or humidity of the atmosphere measuring G01 F41G3/10with means for compensating for canting of the trunnions F41G3/12with means for compensating for muzzle velocity or powder temperature with means for compensating for gun vibrations F41G3/14Indirect aiming means F41G3/142based on observation of a first shoot; using a simulated shoot training F41G3/26 F41G3/145using a target illuminator F41G3/147based on detection of a firing weapon F41G3/16Sighting devices adapted for indirect laying of fire F41G3/165using a TV-monitor F41G3/18Auxiliary target devices adapted for indirect laying of fire F41G3/20specially adapted for mountain artillery F41G3/22for vehicle-borne armament, e.g. on aircraft F41G3/225Helmet sighting systems F41G3/24Bombsights F41G3/26Teaching or practice apparatus for gun-aiming or gun-laying shooting games A63F9/02; light- or radiation-emitting guns F41A33/02; targets therefor F41J; responders, transponders for radar, sonar, lidar G01S13/767, G01S15/74, G01S17/74 F41G3/2605using a view recording device cosighted with the gun F41G3/2616 takes precedence F41G3/2611coacting with a TV-monitor F41G3/2616using a light emitting device F41G3/2622for simulating the firing of a gun or the trajectory of a projectile F41G3/2627Cooperating with a motion picture projector F41G3/2633using a TV type screen, e.g. a CRT, displaying a simulated target F41G3/2638giving hit coordinates by means of raster control signals, e.g. standard light pen F41G3/2644Displaying the trajectory or the impact point of a simulated projectile in the gunner's sight F41G3/265with means for selecting or varying the shape or the direction of the emitted beam F41G3/2655in which the light beam is sent from the weapon to the target F41G3/2661in which the light beam is sent from the target to the weapon F41G3/2638 takes precedence F41G3/2666with means for selecting or varying PRF or time coding of the emitted beam F41G3/2672using PRF adapted receiver F41G3/2677with PRF determination F41G3/2683with reflection of the beam on the target back to the weapon F41G3/2688using target range measurement, e.g. with a laser rangefinder F41G3/2694for simulating a target F41G3/2627 takes precedence; moving targets per se F41J9/00 F41G3/28Small-scale apparatus relief models or maps G09B F41G3/30Gun-laying apparatus F41G3/32Devices for testing or checking F41G3/323for checking the angle between the muzzle axis of the gun and a reference axis, e.g. the axis of the associated sighting device testing alignment of axes in general G01B11/27 F41G3/326for checking the angle between the axis of the gun sighting device and an auxiliary measuring device F41G3/323 takes precedence F41G5/00Elevating or traversing control systems for guns means for inhibiting firing in a specified direction F41A17/08; gun mountings permitting traversing or elevating movement, e.g. gun carriages, F41A27/00; computers G06 F41G5/02using only mechanical means for remote control F41G5/04using hydraulic means for remote control F41G5/06using electric means for remote control F41G5/08Ground-based tracking-systems for aerial targets F41G5/12acoustically influenced F41G5/14for vehicle-borne guns F41G5/16gyroscopically influenced F41G5/18Tracking systems for guns on aircraft F41G5/20for guns on ships F41G5/22to compensate for rolling or pitching F41G5/24for guns on tanks F41G5/26Apparatus for testing or checking F41G7/00Direction control systems for self-propelled missiles flight control B64C, G05D1/00 ; counter-measures against guided missiles F41H11/02; spin-stabilised missiles F42B10/26; self-propelled or guided missiles having direction control systems only installed aboard F42B15/01; rocket torpedoes F42B17/00; marine torpedoes or sea-mines having self-propulsion means F42B19/00; locating by use of radio or other waves G01S; computing aspects G06 F41G7/001Devices or systems for testing or checking F41G7/002target simulators F41G7/003for seekers using radio waves F41G7/004for infra-red seekers F41G7/005for testing benches or sets F41G7/006Guided missiles training or simulation devices F41G7/007Preparatory measures taken before the launching of the guided missiles F41G7/008Combinations of different guidance systems F41G7/20based on continuous observation of target position F41G7/22Homing guidance systems F41G7/2206using a remote control station F41G7/2213maintaining the axis of an orientable seeking head pointed at the target, e.g. target seeking gyro F41G7/222for spin-stabilized missiles F41G7/2226comparing the observed data with stored target data, e.g. target configuration data F41G7/2233Multimissile systems F41G7/224Deceiving or protecting means jamming or anti-jamming of radio-wave systems in general G01S7/36, G01S7/38; defense installations in general F41H11/02; chaff dispensers F42B12/70 F41G7/2246Active homing systems, i.e. comprising both a transmitter and a receiver F41G7/2253Passive homing systems, i.e. comprising a receiver and do not requiring an active illumination of the target F41G7/226Semi-active homing systems, i.e. comprising a receiver and involving auxiliary illuminating means, e.g. using auxiliary guiding missiles F41G7/2266Systems comparing signals received from a base station and reflected from the target F41G7/2273characterised by the type of waves F41G7/228using acoustic waves, e.g. for torpedoes F41G7/2286using radio waves F41G7/2293using electromagnetic waves other than radio waves F41G7/24Beam riding guidance systems conical-scan beam beacons therefor G01S1/42 F41G7/26Optical guidance systems F41G7/263Means for producing guidance beams F41G7/266for spin-stabilized missiles F41G7/28Radio guidance systems F41G7/30Command link guidance systems homing F41G7/2206 F41G7/301Details F41G7/303Sighting or tracking devices especially provided for simultaneous observation of the target and of the missile F41G7/305for spin-stabilized missiles F41G7/306for transmitting guidance signals; F41G7/308 takes precedence F41G7/308for guiding a plurality of missiles F41G7/32for wire-guided missiles F41G7/34based on predetermined target position data F41G7/343comparing observed and stored data of target position or of distinctive marks along the path towards the target F41G7/346using global navigation satellite systems, e.g. GPS, GALILEO, GLONASS F41G7/36using inertial references F41G9/00Systems for controlling missiles or projectiles, not provided for elsewhere F41G9/002for guiding a craft to a correct firing position for bombing control F41G9/02 F41G9/004Training or teaching apparatus therefor F41G9/006for torpedo launchers torpedo launching-apparatus F41F3/08 F41G9/008Means for controlling firing of torpedoes; Torpedo directors acoustic homing F41G7/228 F41G9/02for bombing control bombsights F41G3/24 F41G9/025Training or teaching apparatus therefor F41G11/00Details of sighting or aiming apparatusAccessories tools for adjustment of sights F41G1/545 F41G11/001Means for mounting tubular or beam shaped sighting or aiming devices on firearms F41G11/002Mountings with recoil absorbing means F41G11/003Mountings with a dove tail element, e.g. "Picatinny rail systems" F41G11/004Mountings with clamping means on the device embracing at least a part of the firearm, e.g. the receiver or a dustcover F41G11/003 takes precedence F41G11/005Mountings using a pivot point and an anchoring point F41G11/006the device being rotated in a horizontal plane F41G11/007the device being tilted in a vertical plane F41G11/008the device being pivotable about an axis coaxial with the axis of the barrel, e.g. for loading