B62DMOTOR VEHICLESTRAILERS steering, or guiding on a desired track, of agricultural machines or implements A01B69/00; wheels, castors, axles, increasing wheel adhesion B60B; vehicle tyres, tyre inflation or tyre changing B60C; connections between vehicles of a train or the like B60D; vehicles for use on rail and road, amphibious or convertible vehicles B60F; suspension arrangements B60G; heating, cooling, ventilating or other air treating devices B60H; windows, windscreens, non-fixed roofs, doors or similar devices, protective coverings for vehicles not in use B60J; propulsion plant arrangements, auxiliary drives, transmissions, controls, instrumentation or dashboards B60K; electric equipment or propulsion of electrically-propelled vehicles B60L; power supply for electrically-propelled vehicles B60M; passenger accommodation not otherwise provided for B60N; adaptations for load transportation or to carry special loads or objects B60P; arrangement of signalling or lighting devices, the mounting or supporting thereof or circuits therefor, for vehicles in general B60Q; vehicles, vehicle fittings or vehicle parts not otherwise provided for B60R; servicing, cleaning, repairing, supporting, lifting, or manoeuvring, not otherwise provided for, B60S; brake arrangements, brake control systems or parts thereof B60T; air-cushion vehicles B60V; motor-cycles, accessories therefor B62J, B62K; testing of vehicles G01M In this subclass, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "vehicles" include motor vehicles and trailers; "trailers" include forecars or sidecars.
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B62D25/13 covered by B60J1/20, B60R13/07B62D25/22 covered by B60R3/00B62D65/08 covered by B60J10/45B62D101/00-B62D137/00 covered by B62D6/00 - B62D6/008
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B62D1/00Steering of motor vehicles or trailers Steering devices acting on ground-engaging wheels, endless tracks or the like and also applicable to aircraft are classified in B62D1/00 and relevant subsequent groups; these groups take precedence over B64C; These elaborations also embrace steering of vehicles in general but applicable to land vehicles B62D1/00Steering controls, i.e. means for initiating a change of direction of the vehicle B62D1/02vehicle-mounted B62D1/04Hand wheels B62D1/043with a device allowing single-hand operation of the steering wheel B62D1/046Adaptations on rotatable parts of the steering wheel for accommodation of switches B62D1/06Rims, e.g. with heating meansRim covers B62D1/11 takes precedence B62D1/065Steering wheels with heating and ventilating means heating and ventilating arrangements for spaces of vehicles B60H B62D1/08Spokes, e.g. resilient B62D1/11 takes precedence B62D1/10HubsConnecting hubs to steering columns, e.g. adjustable B62D1/11 takes precedence B62D1/105Non-rotatable hubs, e.g. the central part of the steering wheel not rotating for storing airbags B60R21/2032 B62D1/11incorporating energy-absorbing arrangements, e.g. by being yieldable or collapsible padded linings associated with the steering wheel B60R21/05; shock absorbers using plastic deformation of members in general F16F7/12 B62D1/12Hand levers B62D1/14Tillers, i.e. hand levers operating on steering columns B62D1/16Steering columns B62D1/163Part of the steering column replaced by flexible means, e.g. cable or belt B62D1/166Means changing the transfer ratio between steering wheel and steering gear by continuous supply of energy, e.g. from electric motor B62D5/008; controlling steering depending on driving conditions sensed and responded to B62D6/00 B62D1/18yieldable or adjustable, e.g. tiltable padded linings associated with the steering column B60R21/05 Group B62D1/181 takes precedence over groups B62D1/183 - B62D1/187. B62D1/181with power actuated adjustment, e.g. with position memory B62D1/183adjustable between in-use and out-of-use positions, e.g. to improve access B62D1/184Mechanisms for locking columns at selected positions locking of telescopic systems in general F16B7/10 B62D1/185adjustable by axial displacement, e.g. telescopically B62D1/183, B62D1/187, B62D1/19 take precedence B62D1/187with tilt adjustmentwith tilt and axial adjustment B62D1/183, B62D1/19 takes precedence B62D1/189the entire column being tiltable as a unit B62D1/19incorporating energy-absorbing arrangements, e.g. by being yieldable or collapsible shock absorbers using plastic deformation of members in general F16F7/12 B62D1/192Yieldable or collapsible columns B62D1/195Yieldable supports for the steering column B62D1/197incorporating devices for preventing ingress of the steering column into the passengers space in case of accident B62D1/20Connecting steering column to steering gear B62D1/22Alternative steering-control elements, e.g. for teaching purposes B62D1/24not vehicle-mounted special adaptations of automatic tractor steering A01B69/008; devices for lifting, movable on wheels, automatically guided B66F9/063 B62D1/26mechanical, e.g. by a non-load-bearing guide railways B61 B62D1/265especially adapted for guiding road vehicles carrying loads or passengers, e.g. in urban networks for public transportation B62D1/28non-mechanical , e.g. following a line or other known markers steering position indicators B62D15/02; steering aids B62D15/025; parking aids B62D15/027; steering assistants B62D15/029; determination or calculation of trajectory of land vehicles G05D1/021, B60W60/0027 B62D1/283for unmanned vehicles B62D1/286Systems for interrupting non-mechanical steering due to driver intervention B62D3/00Steering gears power assisted or power driven B62D5/00; steering linkages B62D7/00; for non-deflectable wheels B62D11/00; gearing in general F16H B62D3/02mechanical B62D3/04of worm type B62D3/06with screw and nut B62D3/08using intermediate balls or the like B62D3/10with worm engaging in sector or roller gear B62D3/12of rack-and-pinion type B62D3/123characterised by pressure yokes B62D3/126characterised by the rack B62D3/14hydraulic B62D5/00Power-assisted or power-driven steering controlling steering depending on driving conditions sensed and responded to B62D6/00; for non-deflectable wheels B62D11/00; fluid pressure servomotors in general F15B B62D5/001Mechanical aspects of steer-by-wire systems, not otherwise provided in B62D5/00 hydraulic steer-by-wire systems B62D5/091 B62D5/003Backup systems, e.g. for manual steering B62D5/30 takes precedence B62D5/005means for generating torque on steering wheel, e.g. feedback B62D5/006power actuated control thereof B62D6/008 B62D5/008Changing the transfer ratio between the steering wheel and the steering gear by variable supply of energy, e.g. by using a superposition gear B62D5/02mechanical, e.g. using a power-take-off mechanism for taking power from a rotating shaft of the vehicle and applying it to the steering gear B62D5/04electrical, e.g. using an electric servo-motor connected to, or forming part of, the steering gear B62D5/0403characterised by constructional features, e.g. common housing for motor and gear box B62D5/0406including housing for electronic control unit B62D5/0409Electric motor acting on the steering column B62D5/0412the axes of motor and steering column being parallel B62D5/0415the axes being coaxial B62D5/0418Electric motor acting on road wheel carriers B62D5/0421Electric motor acting on or near steering gear B62D5/0424the axes of motor and final driven element of steering gear, e.g. rack, being parallel B62D5/0427the axes being coaxial B62D5/043characterised by clutch means between driving element, e.g. motor, and driven element, e.g. steering column or steering gear B62D5/0433the clutch being of on-off type B62D5/0436the clutch being a controlled emergency clutch, e.g. for disconnecting at motor break-down B62D5/0439Controllable friction clutches B62D5/0436 takes precedence B62D5/0442Conversion of rotational into longitudinal movement B62D5/0445Screw drives screw mechanisms in general F16H25/20 B62D5/0448Ball nuts B62D5/0451Roller spindle drives B62D5/0454Worm gears B62D5/0457characterised by control features of the drive means as such controlling steering depending on driving conditions sensed and responded to B62D6/00; determination of steering angle B62D15/021; measuring torque applied to steering wheels G01L5/221; control of electric motor as such H02P B62D5/046Controlling the motor B62D5/0463for generating assisting torque B62D5/0466for returning the steering wheel to neutral position B62D5/0469End-of-stroke control B62D5/0472for damping vibrations B62D5/0475Controlling other elements B62D5/0478Clutches B62D5/0481monitoring the steering system, e.g. failures B62D5/0484for reaction to failures, e.g. limp home B62D5/0487detecting motor faults B62D5/0496 takes precedence B62D5/049detecting sensor failures B62D5/0493detecting processor errors, e.g. plausibility of steering direction B62D5/0496by using a temperature sensor B62D5/06fluid, i.e. using a pressurised fluid for most or all the force required for steering a vehicle B62D5/061provided with effort, steering lock, or end-of-stroke limiters B62D5/062Details, component parts B62D5/063Pump driven by vehicle engine B62D5/065 takes precedence B62D5/064Pump driven independently from vehicle engine, e.g. electric driven pump B62D5/065 takes precedence B62D5/065characterised by specially adapted means for varying pressurised fluid supply based on need, e.g. on-demand, variable assist B62D5/07Supply of pressurised fluid for steering also supplying other consumers ; control thereof B62D5/075using priority valves priority valves in general F15B13/022 B62D5/08characterised by type of steering valve used valves in general F16K B62D5/081Seat valves B62D5/083Rotary valves B62D5/0832with elastic means other than a torsion bar, e.g. leaf springs B62D5/0835characterised by means for actively limiting the deflection angle, e.g. depending on driving parameters controlling steering depending on driving conditions sensed and responded to B62D6/00 B62D5/0837characterised by the shape of the control edges, e.g. to reduce noise B62D5/087Sliding spool valves B62D5/09characterised by means for actuating valves B62D5/091Hydraulic steer-by-wire systems, e.g. the valve being actuated by an electric motor B62D5/092the electric motor being connected to the final driven element of the steering gear, e.g. rack B62D5/093Telemotor driven by steering wheel movement hydraulic steering gear B62D3/14 B62D5/097gerotor type B62D5/10characterised by type of power unit B62D5/12Piston and cylinder B62D5/14Rotary motor B62D5/16Expansible chamber with flexible wall B62D5/18characterised by power transmitting means B62D5/20specially adapted for particular type of steering gear or particular application steering gears per se B62D3/00; steering linkages not characterised by being power-assisted or power-driven B62D7/00 B62D5/22for rack-and-pinion type pressure yokes B62D3/123 B62D5/24for worm type B62D5/26for pivoted axles B62D5/28for pivoted bogies B62D5/30Safety devices, e.g. alternate emergency power supply or transmission means to ensure steering upon failure of the primary steering means B62D5/32for telemotor systems B62D6/00Arrangements for automatically controlling steering depending on driving conditions sensed and responded to, e.g. control circuits means for initiating a change in direction B62D1/00; steering valves B62D5/06; combined with means for inclining the vehicle body or wheels on bends B62D9/00 When classifying in this group, classification is also made in the appropriate one of groups B62D1/00 - B62D5/00 or B62D7/00 - B62D19/00 if other aspects of the steering system are of interest B62D6/001the torque NOT being among the input parameters B62D6/002computing target steering angles for front or rear wheels B62D7/159 takes precedence B62D6/003in order to control vehicle yaw movement, i.e. around a vertical axis B62D6/007 take precedence; stability systems acting on the brakes B60T8/1755 B62D6/005treating sensor outputs to obtain the actual yaw rate B62D6/006using a measured or estimated road friction coefficient B62D6/007adjustable by the driver, e.g. sport mode B62D6/008Control of feed-back to the steering input member, e.g. simulating road feel in steer-by-wire applications B62D6/02responsive only to vehicle speed B62D6/04responsive only to forces disturbing the intended course of the vehicle, e.g. forces acting transversely to the direction of vehicle travel B62D6/06responsive only to vehicle vibration dampening arrangements steering dampers for cycles B62K21/08 B62D6/08responsive only to driver input torque B62D6/10characterised by means for sensing or determining torque B62D7/00Steering linkageStub axles or their mountings B62D13/00 takes precedence; power-assisted or power-driven steering B62D5/00 B62D7/02for pivoted bogies B62D7/023Steering turntables B62D7/026characterised by comprising more than one bogie, e.g. situated in more than one plane transversal to the longitudinal centre line of the vehicle B62D7/04with more than one wheel B62D7/06for individually-pivoted wheels, e.g. on king-pins B62D7/08the pivotal axes being situated in a single plane transverse to the longitudinal centre line of the vehicle B62D7/09characterised by means varying the ratio between the steering angles of the steered wheels varying the ratio automatically depending on driving conditions B62D6/00 B62D7/10with single-output steering gear B62D7/12with twin-output steering gear B62D7/14the pivotal axes being situated in more than one plane transverse to the longitudinal centre line of the vehicle, e.g. all-wheel steering B62D7/142specially adapted for particular vehicles, e.g. tractors, carts, earth-moving vehicles, trucks B62D7/144for vehicles with more than two axles B62D7/146characterised by comprising means for steering by acting on the suspension system, e.g. on the mountings of the suspension arms means on vehicle for adjusting camber, castor or toe-in B62D17/00 B62D7/148provided with safety devices B62D7/15characterised by means varying the ratio between the steering angles of the steered wheels B62D7/148 takes precedence B62D7/1509with different steering modes, e.g. crab-steering, or steering specially adapted for reversing of the vehicle B62D7/1518comprising a mechanical interconnecting system between the steering control means of the different axles B62D7/1527comprising only mechanical parts, i.e. without assistance means B62D7/1536provided with hydraulic assistance; power-assisted fluid steering per se B62D5/06 B62D7/1545provided with electrical assistance; power-assisted electrical steering per se B62D5/04 B62D7/1554comprising a fluid interconnecting system between the steering control means of the different axles; power-assisted fluid steering per se B62D5/06 B62D7/1563provided with fluid control means; B62D7/1572 takes precedence B62D7/1572provided with electro-hydraulic control means B62D7/1581characterised by comprising an electrical interconnecting system between the steering control means of the different axles; power-assisted electrical steering per se B62D5/04 B62D7/159characterised by computing methods or stabilisation processes or systems, e.g. responding to yaw rate, lateral wind, load, road condition B62D7/16Arrangement of linkage connections pivots per se F16C ; e.g. ball joints F16C11/06 B62D7/163substantially in axial direction, e.g. between rack bar and tie-rod B62D7/166substantially perpendicular, e.g. between tie-rod and steering knuckle steering knuckles in general B62D7/18 B62D7/18Steering knucklesKing pins B62D7/20Links, e.g. track rods means for adjusting camber, castor, or toe-in B62D17/00 B62D7/22Arrangements for reducing or eliminating reaction, e.g. vibration, from parts, e.g. wheels, of the steering system dampers in general F16F B62D7/222acting on the steering wheel B62D7/224acting between the steering wheel and the steering gear, e.g. on the steering column B62D7/226acting on the steering gear B62D7/228acting between the steering gear and the road wheels, e.g. on tie-rod B62D9/00Steering deflectable wheels not otherwise provided for steering positon indicators B62D15/02 B62D9/002combined with means for differentially distributing power on the deflectable wheels during cornering B62D9/005Emergency systems using brakes for steering B62D9/007Emergency systems using the steering system for braking B62D9/02combined with means for inwardly inclining vehicle body on bends B62D9/04combined with means for inwardly inclining wheels on bends B62D9/02 takes precedence B62D11/00Steering non-deflectable wheelsSteering endless tracks or the like Gearings of interest apart from this application are also classified in the relevant group of subclass F16H covering gearings per se B62D11/001control systems B62D11/183 takes precedence
When classifying in this group, classification is also made in the appropriate one of groups B62D11/02 - B62D11/24 if other aspects of the steering system are of interest
B62D11/003Electric or electronic control systems B62D11/005Hydraulic control systems B62D11/006Mechanical control systems B62D11/008Pneumatic control systems
B62D11/02by differentially driving ground-engaging elements on opposite vehicle sides B62D11/04by means of separate power sources B62D11/06by means of a single main power source B62D11/08using brakes or clutches as main steering-effecting means B62D11/10using gearings with differential power outputs on opposite sides, e.g. with twin-differential or epicyclic gears arrangements or mounting of transmissions in vehicles B60K17/00; gearing in general F16H B62D11/105using variable ratio belt and pulley gearings gearing for conveying rotary motion by endless flexible members F16H7/00, F16H9/00 B62D11/12using separate change-speed gearings B62D11/14differential power outputs being effected by additional power supply to one side, e.g. power originating from secondary power source B62D11/16the additional power supply being supplied mechanically B62D11/18the additional power supply being supplied hydraulically B62D11/183Control systems therefor B62D11/186Uncoupling devices for the hydraulic motors, e.g. to allow towing B62D11/20Endless-track steering having pivoted bogie carrying track B62D11/02 takes precedence B62D11/22Endless track steering being effected by deflecting endless track rollers or the like B62D11/24Endless track steering specially adapted for vehicles having both steerable wheels and endless track
B62D12/00Steering specially adapted for vehicles operating in tandem or having pivotally connected frames steering endless tracks or the like B62D11/00; steering specially adapted for trailers B62D13/00 B62D12/02for vehicles operating in tandem B62D13/00Steering specially adapted for trailers combined traction and steering hitches B60D B62D13/005operated from tractor steering system B62D13/02for centrally-pivoted axles B62D13/025the pivoted movement being initiated by the coupling means between tractor and trailer B62D13/04for individually-pivoted wheels B62D13/06for backing a normally drawn trailer B62D15/00Steering not otherwise provided for B62D15/02Steering position indicators ; Steering position determination; Steering aids B62D15/0205Mechanical indicators, e.g. in or near steering wheel B62D15/021Determination of steering angle sensors in general G01B B62D15/0215by measuring on the steering column B62D15/022on or near the connection between the steering wheel and steering column B62D15/0225by measuring on a steering gear element, e.g. on a rack bar B62D15/023by measuring on the king pin B62D15/0235by measuring or deriving directly at the electric power steering motor B62D15/024Other means for determination of steering angle without directly measuring it, e.g. deriving from wheel speeds on different sides of the car B62D15/0245Means or methods for determination of the central position of the steering system, e.g. straight ahead position B62D15/025Active steering aids, e.g. helping the driver by actively influencing the steering system after environment evaluation B62D1/28 takes precedence; parking aids B62D15/027 B62D15/0255Automatic changing of lane, e.g. for passing another vehicle B62D15/026combined with automatic distance control, i.e. electronic tow bar B62D15/0265Automatic obstacle avoidance by steering B62D15/027Parking aids, e.g. instruction means B62D15/0275by overlaying a vehicle path based on present steering angle over an image without processing that image B62D15/028Guided parking by providing commands to the driver, e.g. acoustically or optically B62D15/0285Parking performed automatically B62D15/029Steering assistants using warnings or proposing actions to the driver without influencing the steering system parking aids B62D15/027, determination or calculation of trajectory of land vehicles G05D1/021, B60W60/0027, image processing G06T B62D15/0295by overlaying a vehicle path based on present steering angle over an image without processing that image B62D17/00Means on vehicles for adjusting camber, castor, or toe-in B62D19/00Radius rods, i.e. distance members
B62D21/00UnderstructuresSuperstructuresVehicle bodies B62D21/00Understructures, i.e. chassis frame on which a vehicle body may be mounted combined frame and vehicle body B62D23/00 ; characterised by the material thereof B62D29/00 B62D21/02comprising longitudinally or transversely arranged frame members B62D21/03transverse members providing body support B62D21/04single longitudinal type B62D21/05pinched frame type, i.e. formed of at least two longitudinal frame sections connected by other longitudinal frame sections of lesser transverse dimension B62D21/06of X-shaped or fork-shaped construction, i.e. having members which form an X or fork as the frame is seen in plan view B62D21/07wide-hipped frame type, i.e. a wide box-shaped mid portion with narrower sections extending from said mid portion in both fore and aft directions B62D21/08built up with interlaced cross members B62D21/09Means for mounting load bearing surfaces B62D21/10in which the main member is plate-like B62D21/11with resilient means for suspension , e.g. of wheels or engine; sub-frames for mounting engine or suspensions This group does not cover subject matter primarily relating to the suspension, with only a nominal recitation of frame structure, which are covered by subclass B60G B62D21/12assembled from readily detachable parts B62D21/14of adjustable length or width B62D21/15having impact absorbing means, e.g. a frame designed to permanently or temporarily change shape or dimension upon impact with another body bumpers B60R19/02; shock absorbers in general F16F B62D21/152Front or rear frames B62D21/155Sub-frames or underguards B62D21/157for side impacts B62D21/16having fluid storage compartment B62D21/17forming fluid or electrical conduit means or having other means to accommodate the transmission of a force or signal B62D21/18characterised by the vehicle type and not provided for in groups B62D21/02 - B62D21/17 B62D21/183specially adapted for sports vehicles, e.g. race, dune buggies, go-karts tubular skeleton B62D23/005 B62D21/186for building site vehicles or multi-purpose tractors tracked vehicles B62D55/10; tractors in general B62D49/00; building site vehicles in general E02F; lift-trucks B66F B62D21/20trailer type, i.e. a frame specifically constructed for use in a non-powered vehicle B62D23/00Combined superstructure and frame, i.e. monocoque constructions having impact absorbing means B62D21/15; superstructure or monocoque structure sub-units or parts or details thereof B62D25/00 ; characterised by the material thereof B62D29/00 B62D23/005with integrated chassis in the whole shell, e.g. meshwork, tubes, or the like B62D33/044 takes precedence B62D24/00Connections between vehicle body and vehicle frame B62D23/00, B62D33/077 take precedence B62D24/02Vehicle body, not intended to move relatively to the vehicle frame, and mounted on vibration absorbing mountings, e.g. rubber pads B62D24/04Vehicle body mounted on resilient suspension for movement relative to the vehicle frame B62D25/00Superstructure or monocoque structure sub-unitsParts or details thereof not otherwise provided for having impact absorbing means B62D21/15; running-boards, steps, or the like as superstructure sub-unit B60R3/00 B62D25/02Side panels B62D33/046 takes precedence; sideboards for open load compartments B62D33/023 B62D25/025Side sills thereof B62D25/04Door pillars ; windshield pillars B62D25/06Fixed roofs non-fixed roofs or like shelters B60J7/00; roof liners B60R13/02; insulating elements B60R13/08 B62D25/07having water drainage or guide means integral with roof structure B62D25/08Front or rear portions sub-frames for mounting engine or suspensions B62D21/11 B62D25/081Cowls ventilating openings situated directly in front of the vehicle front window B60H1/28 B62D25/082Engine compartments B62D25/084Radiator supports B62D25/085Front-end modules B62D25/087Luggage compartments B62D25/088Details of structures as upper supports for springs or dampers B62D25/10Bonnets or lids , e.g. for trucks, tractors, busses, work vehicles for truck beds B60J7/1607; for boats B63B19/12; doors arranged at the vehicle rear B60J5/10; inlet covers for vehicle fuel tanks B60K15/05; for protecting non-occupants of a vehicle B60R21/38 B62D25/105for motor cars B62D25/12Parts or details thereof locks E05B, E05B83/16; devices for holding open E05C17/00, e.g. while carrying oversize objects E05C17/042; hinges E05D; counterbalancing means E05F; checks, stops, buffers E05F5/00; springs, e.g. pneumatic springs F16F B62D25/14Dashboards as superstructure sub-units other dashboard aspects B60K B62D25/142having ventilation channels incorporated therein B62D25/145having a crossbeam incorporated therein B62D25/147with adjustable connection to the A-pillars B62D25/16Mud-guards or wingsWheel cover panels equipped with means for freeing wheels or tyres from foreign matter B60S B62D25/161Mud-guards made of non-conventional material, e.g. rubber, plastics B62D25/163Mounting devices B62D25/165including sealing devices B62D25/166by rods or other distance-keeping devices B62D25/168Mud guards for utility vehicles B62D25/18Parts or details thereof, e.g. mudguard flaps B62D25/182Movable mudguards, or mudguards comprising movable or detachable parts B62D25/188 takes precedence B62D25/184to facilitate access to wheels B62D25/186being attached or suspended laterally from the wheel B62D25/184 takes precedence B62D25/188Mud-guard flaps for utility vehicles B62D25/20Floors or bottom sub-units sub-frames for mounting engine or suspensions B62D21/11; drip trays F16N31/006 B62D25/2009in connection with other superstructure subunits B62D25/2018the subunits being front structures B62D25/2027the subunits being rear structures B62D25/2036the subunits being side panels, sills or pillars B62D21/157 takes precedence B62D25/2045the subunits being fire walls B62D25/2054Load carrying floors for commercial vehicles B62D25/2063Floor elements for repairs B62D25/2072Floor protection, e.g. from corrosion or scratching floor mats B60N3/04, armour F41H7/042, insulation B60R13/08, streamlining B62D35/02 B62D25/2081Jack receiving devices B62D25/209Arrangements for the mounting of vehicle hitches vehicle connections in general B60D B62D25/24Superstructure sub-units with access or drainage openings having movable or removable closures; Sealing means thereforinlet covers for vehicle fuel tanks B60K15/05 B62D27/00Connections between superstructure or understructure sub-units B62D33/0207, B62D33/044 take precedence; between sub-units predominently made of synthetic material B62D29/048 B62D27/02rigid B62D27/023Assembly of structural joints B62D27/026Connections by glue bonding in general F16B11/00; processes C09J5/00 B62D27/04resilient B62D27/06readily releasable B62D27/065using screwthread connection of crossbeam to A- pillars B62D25/147; mounting load bearing surfaces B62D21/09; securing mudguards B62D25/163; connections for synthetic parts B62D29/048 B62D29/00Superstructures, understructures, or sub-units thereof, characterised by the material thereof B62D33/044, B62D33/048 take precedence B62D29/001characterised by combining metal and synthetic material B62D29/002a foamable synthetic material or metal being added in situ shaping of substances in a plastic state by foaming, in general B29C44/00 B62D29/004the metal being over-moulded by the synthetic material, e.g. in a mould B62D29/005preformed metal and synthetic material elements being joined together, e.g. by adhesives B62D29/007predominantly of special steel or specially treated steel, e.g. stainless steel or locally surface hardened steel B62D29/008predominantly of light alloys, e.g. extruded B62D29/02predominantly of wood B62D29/04predominantly of synthetic material working of plastics or substances in a plastic state B29 B62D29/041Understructures B62D29/043Superstructures B62D25/161 takes precedence B62D29/045Van bodies composed of substantially rectangular panels B62D29/046Combined superstructure and frame, i.e. monocoque constructions B62D29/048Connections therefor, e.g. joints B62D29/045 takes precedence B62D31/00Superstructures for passenger vehicles passenger vehicles specially adapted to co-operate with aircraft or terminal buildings B64F1/31 B62D31/003compact cars, e.g. city cars B62D31/006foldable droppable B60F5/006 B62D31/02for carrying large numbers of passengers, e.g. omnibus B62D31/025having modular sections B62D31/04with more than one deck B62D33/00Superstructures for load-carrying vehicles having impact absorbing means B62D21/15; in which a load-carrying element is movable B60P; liners B60R13/00 ; joining sheets or plates to one another or to strips or bars parallel to them F16B5/00 B62D33/02PlatformsOpen load compartments flat wagons including posts or standards B61D3/08 B62D33/0207Connections of movable or detachable racks or stanchions to platforms B62D33/0215for log hauling vehicles vehicles for log transport in general B60P3/41 B62D33/0222Connecting elements between stanchions, e.g. roof supporting elements, stiffeners non-fixed roofs B60J7/00; securing and covering of load B60P7/00 B62D33/023Sideboard or tailgate structures vehicle side panels in general B62D25/02 B62D33/027movable B62D33/0273Movable tailboards for vehicles comprising non-movable sideboards, e.g. pick-up trucks B62D33/037 takes precedence B62D33/0276by vertical translation B62D33/0273 takes precedence B62D33/03by swinging down B62D33/0273 takes precedence B62D33/033removable B62D33/0273 takes precedence B62D33/037Latching means therefor B62D33/04Enclosed load compartments Frameworks for movable panels, tarpaulins or side curtains tarpaulins per se B60J7/00, B60P7/04; side curtains per se B60J5/065 B62D33/042divided into compartments movable bulk heads B60P7/14; cattle transport B60P3/04; bottled liquids B60P3/22 B62D33/044built up with profiles of constant elongated shape, e.g. extruded, mechanically interconnected by coupling members, e.g. by clamping, riveting or bolting B62D33/046built up with flat self-supporting panels; Fixed connections between panels B62D29/045, B62D33/048 take precedence B62D33/048for refrigerated goods vehicles B62D33/06Drivers' cabs overhead guards, e.g. against loads falling down B60R21/11; roll-over protection B60R21/13 B62D33/0604Cabs insulated against vibrations or noise, e.g. with elastic suspension resilient connections between superstructure sub-units B62D27/04; damping noise in general G10K11/00; for vehicles in general B60R13/08 B62D33/0608pneumatic or hydraulic suspension B62D33/0612Cabins with living accommodation, especially for long distance road vehicles, i.e. sleeping, cooking, or other facilities beds in general adapted to be used in vahicles A47C17/80; sanitation devices in vehicles in general B60R15/00; living accommodation in vehicles in general B60P3/32; passenger fittings in general B60N3/00 B62D33/0617for tractors or off-the-road vehicles protective devices for drivers in case of overturning of tractors B60R21/131 B62D33/0621able to be dismantled, folding B62D33/0625open B62D33/063movable from one position into at least one other position, e.g. tiltable, pivotable about a vertical axis, displaceable from one side of the vehicle to the other B62D33/0633pivotable about a vertical axis B62D33/0636displaceable along a linear path B62D33/067tiltable B62D33/07characterised by the device for locking the cab in the tilted or in the driving position B62D33/071Locking devices for cabins in driving position; Shock and vibration absorbing devices therefor B62D33/073characterised by special adaptations of vehicle control devices B62D33/077characterised by the connection of the superstructure to the vehicle frame B62D33/06 takes precedence B62D33/08comprising adjustable means B62D33/10 takes precedence B62D33/10comprising means for the suspension of the superstructure on the frame B62D35/00Vehicle bodies characterised by streamlining B62D35/001For commercial vehicles or tractor-trailer combinations, e.g. caravans B62D35/002for caravans B62D35/004 takes precedence B62D35/004Inflatable nose or rear cones B62D35/005Front spoilers B62D35/001 takes precedence B62D35/007Rear spoilers B62D35/001 takes precedence B62D35/008Side spoilers B62D35/001 takes precedence B62D35/02Streamlining the undersurfaces B62D35/005, B62D35/007, B62D35/008 take precedence B62D37/00Stabilising vehicle bodies without controlling suspension arrangements B62D37/02by aerodynamic means B62D37/04by means of movable masses B62D37/06using gyroscopes B62D39/00Vehicle bodies not otherwise provided for , e.g. safety vehicles safety equipment B60R21/00 B62D41/00Fittings for identifying vehicles in case of collisionFittings for marking or recording collision areas B62D43/00Spare wheel stowing, holding, or mounting arrangements B62D43/002Handling devices, mainly for heavy wheels via cables and chains B62D43/045 B62D43/005Protective coverings for spare wheels B62D43/007Anti-theft devices for spare wheels B62D43/02external to the vehicle body B62D43/04attached beneath the vehicle body B62D43/045the wheel or its cradle being attached to one or more chains or cables for handling B62D43/06within the vehicle body B62D43/08and arranged substantially vertically B62D43/10and arranged substantially horizontally B62D47/00Motor vehicles or trailers classified according to typeParts or accessories thereof frames for vehicles of special type B62D21/18 B62D47/00Motor vehicles or trailers predominantly for carrying passengers superstructures B62D31/00 B62D47/003convertible in order to modify the number of seats foldable compact cars B62D31/006; convertible from one use to a different one B60P3/42 B62D47/006Vehicles which can be divided in sub-vehicles; nestable vehicles B62D47/02for large numbers of passengers, e.g. omnibus B62D47/025articulated buses with interconnecting passageway, e.g. bellows coupling aspects B60D5/00 B62D49/00Tractors of walk type B62D51/04; endless- track features B62D55/00 ; tractors for handling aircraft B64F1/22; transport specially adapted for underground galleries E21F13/02 B62D49/002characterised by being of the low ground pressure type B62D49/005Tractors for semi-trailers combinations of tractor plus semi- trailer B62D53/06 B62D49/007Tractors for handling trailers, e.g. roll-trailers in terminals B62D49/02modified to take lifting devices B62D49/04modified to take pushing devices B62D49/06adapted for multi-purpose use B62D49/0607Straddle tractors, used for instance above vine stocks, rows of bushes, or the like B62D49/0614equipped with visual aids for positioning implements or to control working condition optical signalling for vehicles in general B60Q1/26 B62D49/0621comprising traction increasing arrangements, e.g. all-wheel traction devices, multiple-axle traction arrangements, auxiliary traction increasing devices anti-skid or anti-slip devices fitted onto the wheels B60B15/02, B60B39/12; arrangements of transmission for driving both front and rear wheels or tandem wheels of vehicles B60K17/34, B60K17/36 B62D49/0628using detachable weights counterweights against overturning B62D49/085; movable stabilisation masses B62D37/04 B62D49/0635using additional ground engaging means, e.g. endless tracks vehicles with endless tracks and either additional or alternative ground wheels B62D55/02, B62D55/04 B62D49/0642by coupling of tractors B62D49/065Coupling of multi-purpose tractors with equipment towing bars B60D; with load transfer B62D53/08; power take-off B60K; with lifting devices B62D49/02; pushing gear B62D49/04 B62D49/0657Asymmetrical tractors B62D49/0664Light, simple, and economical tractors B62D49/002 takes precedence B62D49/0671the driver riding on the tractor B62D49/0678Tractors of variable track width or wheel base for vehicles in general B60B23/12 and B60B35/10 B62D49/0685Reversible tractors adapted for shuttle work B62D49/0692characterised by the particular arrangement of control devices, e.g. having more than one control stand, operable from vehicle extension (control devices or systems characterised by mechanical features only) B62D49/08having means for preventing overturning or tipping safety devices for propulsion-unit control, specially adapted for, or arranged in, vehicles B60K28/00 B62D49/085Counterweight B62D51/00Motor vehicles characterised by the driver not being seated wheeled carriers for golf bags A63B55/60 B62D51/001characterised by the vehicle control device mechanical features of control devices in general G05G; arrangements of vehicle control devices in general B60K20/00, B60K23/00, B60K26/00 B62D51/002comprising safety arrangements safety devices for vehicle propulsion unit control B60K28/00 B62D51/004characterised by the transmission arrangements or mounting of transmissions in vehicles B60K17/00; gearing in general F16H B62D51/005Vehicular characteristics of load handling vehicles, e.g. pedestrian trucks fork-lift trucks B66F9/06 B62D51/007the vehicle being of the endless track type endless track vehicles in general B62D55/00 B62D51/008characterised by the vehicle being formed by articulated or separable units road trains B62D53/00 B62D51/02the driver standing in the vehicle B62D51/04the driver walking B62D51/06Uniaxle walk-type tractors B62D51/065the vehicle baving only one wheel B62D53/00Tractor-trailer combinationsRoad trains traction couplings other than fifth wheel coupling B60D ; tracked vehicles comprising at least two articulated parts B62D55/0655 B62D53/005Combinations with at least three axles and comprising two or more articulated parts articulated buses B62D47/025 B62D53/02comprising a uniaxle tractor unit and a uniaxle trailer unit see B60B11/00 - B60B11/08 B62D53/021comprising a universal coupling joint B62D53/023with two or more coupling joints allowing staggering of the units from a central plane B62D53/025Comprising a transmission shaft passing through the coupling joints B62D53/021 takes precedence; trailers with powered axles B62D59/00 B62D53/026With all wheels powered B62D53/028Having only coupling joints other than directional articulated frames B62D21/186 and B62D55/10 B62D53/04comprising a vehicle carrying an essential part of the other vehicle's load by having supporting means for the front or rear part of the other vehicle B62D53/045with rigid linkage in the horizontal plane luggage trailers B62D63/064 - B62D63/067 B62D53/06Semi-trailers B62D53/061of flat bed or low loader type or fitted with swan necks detachable swan necks B62D53/065; swan neck-fifth wheel couplings B62D53/08 B62D53/062having inclinable, lowerable platforms; Lift bed trailers; Straddle trailers lifting coupling saddles B62D53/0821; crane vehicles B60P3/28 B62D53/064inclining platforms by detachable bogies B62D53/065inclining platforms by detachable or folding swan necks B62D53/067Multi-purpose, convertible or extendable load surface semi-trailers for container transport B60P1/6418; convertible road transport vehicles in general B60P3/42 B62D53/068having devices to equalise or modify the load between the fifth wheel and the rear wheels adjustable couping saddles per se B62D53/0807; load transfer devices to permit coupling or uncoupling B62D53/0857; anti jack-knifing devices B62D53/0871 B62D53/08Fifth wheel traction couplings tractors for handling trailers in terminals B62D49/007 B62D53/0807adjustable coupling saddles mounted on sub-frames; Mounting plates therefor B62D53/0814with adjustment of the clearance between the tractor or the trailer devices modifying the load in tractor-trailer combinations B62D53/068 B62D53/0821Lifting saddles, i.e. to lift the trailer front tilting body constructions B60P B62D53/0828Removable or fold-away traction couplings for non-specialised tractor vehicles B62D53/0835Coupling saddles able to rock in all directions, e.g. for use in rough terrain B62D53/0842King pins B62D53/085fitted with anti-coupling devices, pivotal or retractable king pins, e.g. to prevent theft vehicle fittings for preventing theft in general B60R25/00 B62D53/0857Auxiliary semi-trailer handling or loading equipment, e.g. ramps, rigs, coupling supports B62D53/0864Dollies for fifth wheel coupling B62D53/0871with stabilising means, e.g. to prevent jack-knifing, pitching, rolling, buck jumping stabilising in general B62D37/00; tractors B62D49/08 B62D53/0878the fifth wheel coupling incorporating braking or restraining means B62D53/0885Comprising devices to limit or to compensate for wear or excessive play; Lubricating, shock absorbing, bearing devices, or the like B62D53/0892comprising power transmission shafts trailers with driven ground wheels B62D59/00 B62D53/10with means for preventing accidental uncoupling B62D53/12engaging automatically B62D53/125with simultaneous coupling of the service lines B62D55/00Endless track vehicles steering aspects B62D11/00; characterised by the driver not being seated B62D51/007 B62D55/02with tracks and additional ground wheels for multi-purpose tractors B62D49/0635 B62D55/04with tracks and alternative ground wheels, e.g. changeable from endless track vehicle into wheeled vehicle and vice versa for multi-purpose tractors B62D49/0635 B62D55/06with tracks without ground wheels B62D55/062Tracked vehicles of great dimensions adapted for moving bulky loads or gear B62D55/065Multi-track vehicles, i.e. more than two tracks soil-shifting machines E02F; mining machines E21C B62D55/0655Articulated endless track vehicles steering specially adapted for trailers B62D13/00; articulated buses B62D47/025; tractor-trailer combinations or road trains comprising a uni-axle unit and a uni-axle trailer B62D53/02 B62D55/07Mono-track vehicles B62D55/075Tracked vehicles for ascending or descending stairs, steep slopes or vertical surfacesmagnetic or pneumatic ground-engaging parts B62D55/265; chairs or multi-track cycles specially adapted for invalids A61G5/00 B62D55/08Endless track unitsParts thereof B62D55/084Endless-track units or carriages mounted separably, adjustably or extensibly on vehicles, e.g. portable track units B62D55/07 takes precedence B62D55/0842Tracked vehicle with track carriages suspended on three points, e.g. by an equaliser bar B62D55/0845Protection devices B62D55/0847Track blocking devices mounted on the frame; Track guides B62D55/088with means to exclude or remove foreign matter, e.g. sealing means, self-cleaning track links or sprockets, deflector plates or scrapers B62D55/0882Track or sprocket cleaning devices mounted on the frame wheel cleaning devices in general B60S B62D55/0885Self-cleaning sprockets B62D55/0887Track-articulation sealings against dust, water, mud or the like sealing of bearings in general F16C33/72; chain bushings in general F16G15/00 B62D55/092with lubrication means lubricating in general F16N B62D55/096with noise reducing means B62D55/0963Anti-noise driving sprockets B62D55/0966Low noise rollers, e.g. with antivibration means elastic wheel rims in general B60B9/00 B62D55/10BogiesFrames track-tensioning means B62D55/30 B62D55/104Suspension devices for wheels, rollers, bogies or frames vehicle suspension in general B60G B62D55/108with mechanical springs, e.g. torsion bars B62D55/1083Torsion-bar springs B62D55/1086Rubber springs B62D55/112with fluid springs, e.g. hydraulic pneumatic B62D55/1125Hydro-pneumatic or pneumatic, e.g. air-cushioned B62D55/116Attitude or position control of chassis by action on suspension, e.g. to compensate for a slope B62D55/12Arrangement, location, or adaptation of driving sprockets B62D55/125Final drives B62D55/13readily interchangeable modular type B62D55/135with dismountable driving crown B62D55/14Arrangement, location, or adaptation of rollers B62D55/145Rollers with replaceable wear rings or rims driving sprockets with replaceable rims B62D55/12 B62D55/15Mounting devices, e.g. bushings, axles, bearings, sealings with lubrication means B62D55/092 B62D55/18Tracks self-cleaning track links B62D55/088 B62D55/20of articulated type, e.g. chains with lubrication means B62D55/092 B62D55/202Wheel engaging parts; Wheel guides on links B62D55/205Connections between track links B62D55/21Links connected by transverse pivot pins B62D55/211Bitubular chain links assembled by pins and double connectors B62D55/213Master track links B62D55/215Resilient connections between links B62D55/22Arrangements for preventing or modifying back-flexing B62D55/24of continuously flexible type, e.g. rubber belts B62D55/242The flexible band being semi-rigid for resisting back-flexing and contributing to spring the vehicle B62D55/244Moulded in one piece, with either smooth surfaces or surfaces having projections, e.g. incorporating reinforcing elements B62D55/247Gas filled or inflatable flexible tracks connection of valves to inflatable elastic bodies B60C29/00 B62D55/253having elements interconnected by one or more cables or like elements B62D55/26Ground engaging parts or elements tracks specially adapted for amphibious vehicles B60F3/0015 B62D55/265having magnetic or pneumatic adhesion B62D55/27having different types of crampons for progression over varying ground B62D55/275with street plate, i.e. means to prevent tread from cutting into road surface B62D55/28detachable B62D55/283and movable, e.g. around an axis or perpendicularly to the track B62D55/286For soft grounds, e.g. consisting of snow or swamp B62D55/30Track-tensioning means B62D55/305acting on pivotably mounted idlers B62D55/32Assembly, disassembly, repair or servicing of endless-track systems B62D57/00Vehicles characterised by having other propulsion or other ground- engaging means than wheels or endless track, alone or in addition to wheels or endless track sledges B62B; motor sledges B62M B62D57/02with ground-engaging propulsion means, e.g. walking members B62D57/021the ground engaging means being sequentially inflatable bags for peristaltic movement B62D57/024 takes precedence B62D57/022consisting of members having both rotational and walking movements B62D57/024specially adapted for moving on inclined or vertical surfaces endless-track vehicles for ascending or descending stairs B62D55/075; hand-carts with provision for travelling up or down stairs B62B5/02 B62D57/028having wheels and mechanical legs B62D57/024 takes precedence; ground-engaging vehicle fittings for supporting, lifting or manoeuvring the vehicle, wholly or in part B60S9/00 B62D57/032with alternately or sequentially lifted supporting base and legswith alternately or sequentially lifted feet or skid B62D57/024 takes precedence B62D57/036screw type, e.g. Archimedian screw amphibious vehicles comprising screw-type ground-engaging means B60F3/0023 B62D57/04having other than ground-engaging propulsion means, e.g. having propellers arrangement of jet-propulsion units B60K B62D59/00Trailers with driven ground wheels or the like B62D59/02driven from external propulsion unit B62D59/04driven from propulsion unit on trailer B62D61/00Motor vehicles or trailers, characterised by the arrangement or number of wheels, not otherwise provided for, e.g. four wheels in diamond pattern B62D61/02with two road wheels in tandem on the longitudinal centre line of the vehicle B62D61/04with two other wheels which are coaxial B62D61/06with only three wheels B62D61/065with single rear wheel B62D61/08with single front wheel B62D61/10with more than four wheels tractors of the low ground pressure type B62D49/002 B62D61/12with variable number of ground engaging wheels, e.g. with some wheels arranged higher than others, or with retractable wheels for manoeuvring purposes only B60S B62D61/125the retractable wheel being a part of a set of tandem wheels resilient suspension for a single set of tandem wheels B60G5/00 B62D63/00Motor vehicles or trailers not otherwise provided for B62D63/02Motor vehicles B62D63/025Modular vehicles superstructures for busses having modular sections B62D31/025 B62D63/04Component parts or accessories B62D63/06Trailers vehicles comprising living accommodation for people, e.g. caravans, camping or like vehicles B60P3/32 B62D63/061Foldable, extensible or yielding trailers foldable caravans B60P3/34; adjustable chassis frames B62D21/14 B62D63/062Trailers with one axle or two wheels semi-trailers B62D53/06 B62D63/064light luggage or equipment trailers, e.g. for batteries, gas generators, gas bottles, stretchers luggage carriers per se B60R B62D63/065forming an extension of the towing vehicle, i.e. with two point fixation B62D63/067single wheeled (rigid or semi-rigid couping) B62D63/068with more than two axles or more than four wheels vehicles with more than four wheels in general B62D61/10 B62D63/08Component parts or accessories B62D65/00Designing, manufacturing, e.g. assembling, facilitating disassembly, or structurally modifying motor vehicles or trailers, not otherwise provided for B62D65/005Inspection and final control devices B62D65/02Joining sub-units or components to, or positioning sub-units or components with respect to, body shell or other sub-units or components B62D65/022Transferring or handling sub-units or components, e.g. in work stations or between workstations and transportation systems B62D65/024Positioning of sub-units or components with respect to body shell or other sub-units or components B62D65/026by using a jig or the like; Positioning of the jig B62D65/028by determining relative positions by measurement B62D65/04Joining preassembled modular units composed of sub-units performing diverse functions, e.g. engine and bonnet B62D65/06 - B62D65/16 take precedence B62D65/06the sub-units or components being doors, windows, openable roofs, lids, bonnets, or weather strips or seals therefor assembling sealing arrangements with vehicle parts, e.g. doors, windows B60J10/45 B62D65/10the sub-units or components being engines, clutches or transmissions B62D65/12the sub-units or components being suspensions, brakes or wheel units B62D65/14the sub-units or components being passenger compartment fittings, e.g. seats, linings, trim, instrument panels B62D65/16the sub-units or components being exterior fittings, e.g. bumpers, lights, wipers , exhausts B62D65/18Transportation, conveyor or haulage systems specially adapted for motor vehicle or trailer assembly lines conveyors and haulage in general B65G B62D67/00Systematic disassembly of vehicles for recovery of salvageable components, e.g. for recycling for disposal of vehicles by destroying or transformation B09B3/00, B09B5/00 ; general arrangement of separating plants B03B9/00; recovery of plastics B29B17/00