C11DDETERGENT COMPOSITIONSUSE OF SINGLE SUBSTANCES AS DETERGENTSSOAP OR SOAP-MAKINGRESIN SOAPSRECOVERY OF GLYCEROLWhen classifying in the mixture groups of this subclass, any individual ingredient of a composition which is not identified by such classification, and which itself is determined to be novel and non-obvious, must also be classified in groups C11D1/00 - C11D9/00. The individual ingredient can be either a single substance or a composition in itself. Any ingredient of a composition which is not identified by the classification according to Note (1) above, and which is considered to represent information of interest for search, may also be classified in groups C11D1/00 - C11D9/00. This can, for example, be the case when it is considered of interest to enable searching of compositions using a combination of classification symbols. Such non-obligatory classification should be given as "additional information".Documents classified in groups C11D1/37, C11D1/645 - C11D1/655, C11D1/825 - C11D1/86, C11D1/94 - C11D1/945 and C11D10/00 - C11D10/047, are indexed using codes chosen from C11D1/00 - C11D1/92 to provide information on the individual ingredients on the compositions.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: C11D1/68 covered by C11D3/2003C11D1/70 covered by C11D3/2003C11D3/44 covered by C11D3/43C11D3/46 covered by C11D3/2079, C11D9/48C11D3/60 covered by C11D3/00C11D7/18 covered by C11D3/39C11D7/38 covered by C11D3/39C11D7/42 covered by C11D3/386C11D7/52 covered by C11D7/50C11D7/54 covered by C11D3/395C11D7/56 covered by C11D3/395C11D7/60 covered by C11D7/00C11D9/50 covered by C11D3/48C11D9/60 covered by C11D9/00C11D10/02 covered by C11D3/00C11D10/06 covered by C11D9/00
C11D1/00 C11D1/00Detergent compositions based essentially on surface-active compoundsUse of these compounds as a detergentIn groups C11D1/02 - C11D1/88, the last place priority rule is applied, i.e. at each hierarchical level, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, a compound is classified in the last appropriate place.
This Note corresponds to IPC Note (1) relating to C11D1/02 - C11D1/88.
C11D1/002Surface-active compounds containing sulfur SO3 and SO4, C11D1/12; sulfonium compounds C11D1/60; sulfoxides C11D1/755; sulfobetaines C11D1/92 C11D1/004Surface-active compounds containing F C11D1/006Surface-active compounds containing fluorine and phosphorus C11D1/008Polymeric surface-active agents C11D1/02Anionic compounds C11D1/002, C11D1/004, C11D1/008 take precedence C11D1/04Carboxylic acids or salts thereof soap C11D9/00 C11D1/06Ether- or thioether carboxylic acids C11D1/08Polycarboxylic acids containing no nitrogen or sulfur C11D1/10Amino carboxylic acidsImino carboxylic acidsFatty acid condensates thereof C11D1/12Sulfonic acids or sulfuric acid estersSalts thereof C11D1/123derived from carboxylic acids, e.g. sulfosuccinates C11D1/126Acylisethionates C11D1/14derived from aliphatic hydrocarbons or mono-alcohols C11D1/143Sulfonic acid esters C11D1/146Sulfuric acid esters C11D1/16derived from divalent or polyvalent alcohols C11D1/18derived from amino alcohols C11D1/20Fatty acid condensates C11D1/22derived from aromatic compounds C11D1/24containing ester or ether groups directly attached to the nucleus C11D1/26derived from heterocyclic compounds C11D1/28Sulfonation products derived from fatty acids or their derivatives, e.g. esters, amides C11D1/29Sulfates of polyoxyalkylene ethers C11D1/30Sulfonation products derived from lignin C11D1/32Protein hydrolysatesFatty acid condensates thereof C11D1/34Derivatives of acids of phosphorus C11D1/342Phosphonates; Phosphinates or phosphonites C11D1/345Phosphates or phosphites C11D1/347Other P-containing anionic compounds C11D1/006, C11D1/34 take precedence C11D1/36of unknown constitution , e.g. natural products C11D1/37Mixtures of compounds all of which are anionic C11D1/38Cationic compounds C11D1/002, C11D1/004, C11D1/008 take precedence C11D1/385Cationic compounds containing P C11D1/40Monoamines or polyaminesSalts thereof C11D1/42Amino alcohols or amino ethers C11D1/44Ethers of polyoxyalkylenes with amino alcoholsCondensation products of epoxyalkanes with amines C11D1/46Esters of carboxylic acids with amino alcoholsEsters of amino carboxylic acids with alcohols C11D1/48N-containing polycondensation products C11D1/50Derivatives of urea, thiourea, cyanamide, guanidine or urethanes C11D1/52Carboxylic amides, alkylolamides or imides or their condensation products with alkylene oxides C11D1/521Carboxylic amides (R1-CO-NR2R3), where R1, R2 and R3 are alkyl or alkenyl groups C11D1/523Carboxylic alkylolamides, or dialkylolamides, or hydroxycarboxylic amides (R1-CO-NR2R3), where R1, R2 or R3 contain one hydroxy group per alkyl group C11D1/525Carboxylic amides (R1-CO-NR2R3), where R1, R2 or R3 contain two or more hydroxy groups per alkyl group, e.g. R3 being a reducing sugar rest C11D1/526Carboxylic amides (R1-CO-NR2R3), where R1, R2 or R3 are polyalkoxylated C11D1/528Carboxylic amides (R1-CO-NR2R3), where at least one of the chains R1, R2 or R3 is interrupted by a functional group, e.g. a -NH-, -NR-, -CO-, or -CON- group ethers C11D1/526 C11D1/54Hydrazides of carboxylic acids C11D1/56containing nitro or nitroso groups C11D1/58Heterocyclic compounds C11D1/60Sulfonium or phosphonium compounds C11D1/62Quaternary ammonium compounds C11D1/64of unknown constitution , e.g. natural products C11D1/645Mixtures of compounds all of which are cationic C11D1/65Mixtures of anionic with cationic compounds C11D1/652Mixtures of anionic compounds with carboxylic amides or alkylol amides C11D1/655Mixtures of sulfonated products with alkylolamides of carboxylic acids C11D1/66Non-ionic compounds C11D1/002, C11D1/004, C11D1/008 take precedence C11D1/662Carbohydrates or derivatives C11D1/665Arsine oxides C11D1/667Neutral esters, e.g. sorbitan esters C11D1/72Ethers of polyoxyalkylene glycols C11D1/721End blocked ethers C11D1/722Ethers of polyoxyalkylene glycols having mixed oxyalkylene groups; Polyalkoxylated fatty alcohols or polyalkoxylated alkylaryl alcohols with mixed oxyalkylele groups C11D1/721 takes precedence C11D1/74Carboxylates or sulfonates esters of polyoxyalkylene glycols C11D1/75Amino oxides C11D1/755Sulfoxides C11D1/76Synthetic resins containing no nitrogen C11D1/78Neutral esters of acids of phosphorus C11D1/79Phosphine oxides C11D1/80Derivatives of lignin containing no sulfo- or sulfate groups C11D1/82Compounds containing silicon C11D1/825Mixtures of compounds all of which are non-ionic C11D1/8255containing a combination of compounds differently alcoxylised or with differently alkylated chains C11D1/83Mixtures of non-ionic with anionic compounds C11D1/8305containing a combination of non-ionic compounds differently alcoxylised or with different alkylated chains C11D1/831of sulfonates with ethers of polyoxyalkylenes without phosphates C11D1/835Mixtures of non-ionic with cationic compounds C11D1/8355containing a combination of non-ionic compounds differently alcoxylised or with different alkylated chains C11D1/86Mixtures of anionic, cationic, and non-ionic compounds C11D1/88AmpholytesElectroneutral compounds C11D1/002, C11D1/004, C11D1/008 take precedence C11D1/883Aminimide, i.e. ammonioamidates C11D1/886Ampholytes containing P C11D1/90Betaines C11D1/92Sulfobetaines ; Sulfitobetaines C11D1/94Mixtures with anionic, cationic or non-ionic compounds C11D1/945containing a combination of non-ionic compounds differently alcoxylised or with different alkylated chains
C11D3/00Other compounding ingredients of detergent compositions covered in group C11D1/00In groups C11D3/02 - C11D3/39, the last place priority rule is applied, i.e. at each hierarchical level, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, a compound is classified in the last appropriate place.
This Note corresponds to IPC Note (1) relating to C11D3/02 - C11D3/39.
Documents classified in group C11D3/0005 are also classified in other groups of subclass C11D according to the chemical nature of the compounds as such.
C11D3/0005Other compounding ingredients characterised by their effect C11D3/001Softening compositions C11D3/0015liquid C11D3/0021Dye-stain or dye-transfer inhibiting compositions C11D3/0026Low foaming or foam regulating compositions C11D3/0031Carpet, upholstery, fur or leather cleansers C11D3/0036Soil deposition preventing compositions; Antiredeposition agents C11D3/0042Reducing agents C11D3/0047pH regulated compositions C11D3/0052Gas evolving or heat producing compositions C11D3/0057Oven-cleaning compositions C11D3/0063Photo- activating compounds C11D3/0068Deodorant compositions C11D3/0073Anticorrosion compositions C11D3/0078Compositions for cleaning contact lenses, spectacles or lenses C11D3/0084Antioxidants; Free-radical scavengers C11D3/0089Pearlescent compositions; Opacifying agents C11D3/0094High foaming compositions C11D3/02Inorganic compounds ; Elemental compounds C11D3/04Water-soluble compounds C11D3/042Acids C11D3/044Hydroxides or bases C11D3/046Salts C11D3/048Nitrates or nitrites C11D3/06Phosphates, including polyphosphatesFrom October 2008 onwards, the following subgroups of C11D3/06 are no longer used for the classification of new documents Groups C11D3/065, C11D3/066, C11D3/07 and C11D3/075 C11D3/062Special methods concerning phosphates C11D3/065in admixture with sulfonated products C11D3/066and with alkyloamides of carboxylic acids C11D3/07in admixture with alkyloamides of carboxylic acids C11D3/075in admixture with ethers of polyoxyalkylenes C11D3/08Silicates C11D3/10Carbonates ; Bicarbonates C11D3/12Water-insoluble compounds C11D3/1206free metals, e.g. aluminium grit or flakes C11D3/1213Oxides or hydroxides, e.g. Al2O3, TiO2, CaO or Ca(OH)2 C11D3/122Sulfur-containing, e.g. sulfates, sulfites or gypsum C11D3/1226Phosphorus containing C11D3/1233Carbonates, e.g. calcite or dolomite C11D3/124Silicon containing, e.g. silica, silex, quartz or glass beads C11D3/1246Silicates, e.g. diatomaceous earth C11D3/1253Layer silicates, e.g. talcum, kaolin, clay, bentonite, smectite, montmorillonite, hectorite or attapulgite C11D3/126in solid compositions C11D3/1266in liquid compositions C11D3/1273Crystalline layered silicates of type NaMeSixO2x+1YH2O C11D3/128Aluminium silicates, e.g. zeolites C11D3/1253 takes precedence C11D3/1286Stabilised aqueous aluminosilicate suspensions C11D3/1293Feldspar; Perlite; Pumice or Portland cement C11D3/14FillersAbrasives ; Abrasive compositions; Suspending or absorbing agents not provided for in one single group of C11D3/12; Specific features concerning abrasives, e.g. granulometry or mixtures dyes, pigments C11D3/40 C11D3/16Organic compounds C11D3/162containing Si C11D3/164containing a carbon-carbon triple bond C11D3/166containing borium C11D3/168Organometallic compounds or orgometallic complexes C11D3/18Hydrocarbons C11D3/164 takes precedence C11D3/181linear C11D3/182branched C11D3/184unsaturated C11D3/185cyclic C11D3/187aromatic C11D3/188Terpenes C11D3/20containing oxygen C11D3/162, C11D3/164, C11D3/166, C11D3/168 take precedence C11D3/2003Alcohols; PhenolsIn this group glucerol is not taken into account for applying the last place rule, when present in a mixture of alcohols or as an alternative from a series of alcohols.In case of mixtures of alcohols or of a list of alternatives, documents are classified in C11D3/2003, C11D3/2006 or C11D3/2041 and the individual alternatives are classified with additional symbols from C11D3/2006 - C11D3/2065. C11D3/2006Monohydric alcohols C11D3/201linear C11D3/2013fatty or with at least 8 carbon atoms in the alkyl chain C11D3/2017branched C11D3/202fatty or with at least 8 carbon atoms in the alkyl chain C11D3/2024cyclic; polycyclic C11D3/2027unsaturated C11D3/2031fatty or with at least 8 carbon atoms in the alkenyl chain C11D3/2034aromatic C11D3/2037Terpenes C11D3/2041Dihydric alcohols C11D3/2044linear C11D3/2048branched C11D3/2051cyclic; polycyclic C11D3/2055unsaturated C11D3/2058aromatic C11D3/2062Terpene C11D3/2065Polyhydric alcohols C11D3/2068Ethers C11D3/2072Aldehydes-ketones C11D3/2075Carboxylic acids-salts thereof C11D3/2079Monocarboxylic acids-salts thereof C11D3/2082Polycarboxylic acids-salts thereof C11D3/2086Hydroxy carboxylic acids-salts thereof C11D3/2089Ether acids-salts thereof C11D3/2093Esters; Carbonates C11D3/2096Heterocyclic compounds C11D3/22Carbohydrates or derivatives thereof C11D3/221Mono, di- or trisaccharides or derivatives thereof C11D3/222Natural or synthetic polysaccharides, e.g. cellulose, starch, gum, alginic acid or cyclodextrin C11D3/223oxidised C11D3/225etherified, e.g. CMC C11D3/226esterified C11D3/227with nitrogen-containing groups C11D3/228with phosphorus- or sulfur-containing groups C11D3/24containing halogen C11D3/162, C11D3/164, C11D3/166, C11D3/168 take precedence C11D3/245containing fluorine C11D3/26containing nitrogen C11D3/162, C11D3/164, C11D3/166, C11D3/168 take precedence C11D3/28Heterocyclic compounds containing nitrogen in the ring C11D3/30AminesSubstituted amines ; Quaternized amines C11D3/32AmidesSubstituted amides C11D3/323urea or derivatives thereof C11D3/33Amino carboxylic acids C11D3/34containing sulfur C11D3/162, C11D3/164, C11D3/166, C11D3/168 take precedenceIn this group in the absence of an indication to the contrary sulfur containing compounds are classified in the last appropriate place (see Note before group C11D3/00) and indexed for the individual functional groups using codes chosen from C11D3/3409 - C11D3/349In case of mixtures or a list of alternatives or Markush formulae each individual compound is classified and indexed according to Note 1. C11D3/3409Alkyl -, alkenyl -, cycloalkyl - or terpene sulfates or sulfonates C11D3/3418Toluene -, xylene -, cumene -, benzene - or naphthalene sulfonates or sulfates C11D3/3427containing thiol, mercapto or sulfide groups, e.g. thioethers or mercaptales C11D3/3436containing disulfide groups C11D3/3445containing sulfino groups, e.g. dimethyl sulfoxide C11D3/3454containing sulfone groups, e.g. vinyl sulfones C11D3/3463containing thio sulfate or sulfite groups C11D3/3472additionally containing -COOH groups or derivatives thereof C11D3/3481containing sulfur in a heterocyclic ring, e.g. sultones or sulfolanes C11D3/349additionally containing nitrogen atoms, e.g. nitro, nitroso, amino, imino, nitrilo, nitrile groups containing compounds or their derivatives or thio urea C11D3/36containing phosphorus C11D3/162, C11D3/164, C11D3/166, C11D3/168 take precedence C11D3/361Phosphonates, phosphinates or phosphonites C11D3/362Phosphates or phosphites C11D3/364containing nitrogen C11D3/365containing carboxyl groups C11D3/367containing halogen C11D3/368containing fluorine C11D3/37Polymers polymeric surface-active agents C11D1/008; polysaccharides C11D3/222 C11D3/3703Macromolecular compounds obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds C11D3/3707Polyethers, e.g. polyalkyleneoxides C11D3/3711Polyacetal carboxylates C11D3/3715Polyesters or polycarbonates C11D3/3719Polyamides or polyimides C11D3/3723Polyamines or polyalkyleneimines C11D3/3726Polyurethanes C11D3/373containing silicones C11D3/3734Cyclic silicones C11D3/3738Alkoxylated silicones C11D3/3742Nitrogen containing silicones C11D3/3746Macromolecular compounds obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds C11D3/3749Polyolefins; Halogenated polyolefins; Natural or synthetic rubber; Polyarylolefins or halogenated polyarylolefins C11D3/3753Polyvinylalcohol; Ethers or esters thereof C11D3/3757(Co)polymerised carboxylic acids, -anhydrides, -esters in solid and liquid compositions C11D3/3761in solid compositions C11D3/3765in liquid compositions C11D3/3769(Co)polymerised monomers containing nitrogen, e.g. carbonamides, nitriles or amines C11D3/3773in liquid compositions C11D3/3776Heterocyclic compounds, e.g. lactam C11D3/378(Co)polymerised monomers containing sulfur, e.g. sulfonate C11D3/3784(Co)polymerised monomers containing phosphorus C11D3/3788Graft polymers C11D3/3792Amine oxide containing polymers C11D3/3796Amphoteric polymers or zwitterionic polymers C11D3/38Products with no well-defined composition , e.g. natural products C11D3/381Microorganisms C11D3/382Vegetable products, e.g. soya meal, wood flour, sawdust C11D3/384Animal products C11D3/3845Antibodies C11D3/386Preparations containing enzymes , e.g. protease or amylase C11D3/38609Protease or amylase in solid compositions only C11D3/38618Protease or amylase in liquid compositions only C11D3/38627containing lipase C11D3/38636containing enzymes other than protease, amylase, lipase, cellulase, oxidase or reductase C11D3/38645containing cellulase C11D3/38654containing oxidase or reductase C11D3/38663Stabilised liquid enzyme compositions C11D3/38672Granulated or coated enzymes C11D3/38681Chemically modified or immobilised enzymes C11D3/3869Enzyme enhancers or mediators C11D3/39Organic or inorganic per-compounds C11D3/3902combined with specific additives C11D3/3905Bleach activators or bleach catalystsIn the absence of an indication to the contrary activators or catalysts are classified in the last appropriate place.In case of mixtures or a list of alternatives documents are classified in C11D3/3905 or C11D3/3907 only and the individual alternatives are classified with additional symbols from C11D3/3907 - C11D3/3932. C11D3/3907Organic compounds C11D3/391Oxygen-containing compounds C11D3/3912derived from saccharides C11D3/3915Sulfur-containing compounds C11D3/3917Nitrogen-containing compounds C11D3/392Heterocyclic compounds, e.g. cyclic imides or lactames C11D3/3922Cyanamides C11D3/3925Nitriles; Isocyanates or quarternary ammonium nitriles C11D3/3927Quarternary ammonium compounds C11D3/393Phosphorus, boron- or silicium-containing compounds C11D3/3932Inorganic compounds or complexes C11D3/3935granulated, coated or protected C11D3/3937Stabilising agents C11D3/394Organic compounds C11D3/3942Inorganic per-compounds C11D3/3902 takes precedence C11D3/3945Organic per-compounds C11D3/3902 takes precedence C11D3/3947Liquid compositions C11D3/395Bleaching agents C11D3/3951combined with specific additives C11D3/3953Inorganic bleaching agents C11D3/3951 takes precedence C11D3/3955Organic bleaching agents C11D3/3951 takes precedence C11D3/3956Liquid compositions C11D3/3958combined with phosphates C11D3/40Dyes ; Pigments C11D3/42Brightening agents ; Blueing agents C11D3/43Solvents C11D3/48Medical, disinfecting agents, disinfecting, antibacterial, germicidal or antimicrobial compositions C11D3/485Halophors, e.g. iodophors C11D3/50Perfumes C11D3/502Protected perfumes C11D3/505encapsulated or adsorbed on a carrier, e.g. zeolite or clay C11D3/507Compounds releasing perfumes by thermal or chemical activation
C11D7/00Non-surface-active compounds C11D7/00Compositions of detergents based essentially on non-surface-active compoundsIn groups C11D7/02 - C11D7/46, the last place priority rule is applied, i.e. at each hierarchical level, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, a compound is classified in the last appropriate place. C11D7/02Inorganic compounds C11D7/04Water-soluble compounds C11D7/06Hydroxides C11D7/08Acids C11D7/10Salts C11D7/105Nitrates; Nitrites C11D7/12Carbonates bicarbonates C11D7/14Silicates C11D7/16Phosphates including polyphosphates C11D7/20Water-insoluble oxides C11D7/22Organic compounds C11D7/24Hydrocarbons C11D7/241linear C11D7/242branched C11D7/244unsaturated C11D7/245cyclic C11D7/247aromatic C11D7/248Terpenes C11D7/26containing oxygen C11D7/261Alcohols; Phenols C11D7/262fatty or with at least 8 carbon atoms in the alkyl or alkenyl chain C11D7/263Ethers C11D7/264Aldehydes; Ketones; Acetals or ketals C11D7/265Carboxylic acids or salts thereof C11D7/266Esters or carbonates C11D7/267Heterocyclic compounds C11D7/268Carbohydrates or derivatives thereof C11D7/28containing halogen C11D7/30Halogenated hydrocarbons C11D7/32containing nitrogen C11D7/3209Amines or imines with one to four nitrogen atoms; Quaternized amines C11D7/3218Alkanolamines or alkanolimines C11D7/3227Ethers thereof C11D7/3236Aldehydes, ketones, acetals or ketals thereof C11D7/3245Aminoacids C11D7/3254Esters or carbonates thereof C11D7/3263Amides or imides C11D7/3272Urea, guanidine or derivatives thereof C11D7/3281Heterocyclic compounds C11D7/329Carbohydrate or derivatives thereof C11D7/34containing sulfur C11D7/36containing phosphorus C11D7/40Products in which the composition is not well defined C11D7/44Vegetable products C11D7/46Animal products C11D7/50Solvents C11D7/5004Organic solventsIn this group, the first place priority rule is applied, i.e. at each hierarchical level, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, classification is made in the first appropriate place. C11D7/5009containing phosphorus, sulfur or silicon, e.g. dimethylsulfoxide C11D7/5013containing nitrogen C11D7/5018Halogenated solvents C11D7/5022containing oxygen C11D7/5027Hydrocarbons C11D7/5031Azeotropic mixtures of non-halogenated solvents C11D7/5036Azeotropic mixtures containing halogenated solvents C11D7/504all solvents being halogenated hydrocarbons C11D7/5045Mixtures of (hydro)chlorofluorocarbons C11D7/505Mixtures of (hydro)fluorocarbons C11D7/5054Mixtures of (hydro)chlorofluorocarbons and (hydro) fluorocarbons C11D7/5059Mixtures containing (hydro)chlorocarbons C11D7/5063Halogenated hydrocarbons containing heteroatoms, e.g. fluoro alcohols C11D7/5068Mixtures of halogenated and non-halogenated solvents C11D7/5072Mixtures of only hydrocarbons C11D7/5077Mixtures of only oxygen-containing solvents C11D7/5081the oxygen-containing solvents being alcohols only C11D7/5086the oxygen-containing solvents being different from alcohols, e.g. mixtures of water and ethers C11D7/509Mixtures of hydrocarbons and oxygen-containing solvents C11D7/5095Mixtures including solvents containing other heteroatoms than oxygen, e.g. nitriles, amides, nitroalkanes, siloxanes or thioethers C11D9/00Soap detergents C11D9/00Compositions of detergents based essentially on soap compositions containing resin soap C11D15/04In groups C11D9/06 - C11D9/42, the last place priority rule is applied, i.e. at each hierarchical level, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, a compound is classified in the last appropriate place. This Note corresponds to IPC Note (1) relating to C11D9/06 - C11D9/42. C11D9/002Non alkali-metal soaps C11D9/005Synthetic soaps C11D9/007Soaps or soap mixtures with well defined chain length C11D9/02on alkali or ammonium soaps C11D9/04containing compounding ingredients other than soaps C11D9/045containing substances which prevent the deterioration of soaps, e.g. light or heat stabilisers or antioxidants C11D9/06Inorganic compounds C11D9/08Water-soluble compounds C11D9/10Salts C11D9/12Carbonates C11D9/14PhosphatesPolyphosphates C11D9/16Borates C11D9/18Water-insoluble compounds C11D9/20Fillers, abrasives C11D9/22Organic compounds , e.g. vitamins C11D9/225Polymers C11D9/24Hydrocarbons C11D9/225 takes precedence C11D9/26containing oxygen C11D9/225 takes precedence C11D9/262containing carbohydrates C11D9/265containing glycerol C11D9/267containing free fatty acids C11D9/28containing halogen C11D9/225 takes precedence C11D9/30containing nitrogen C11D9/225 takes precedence C11D9/32containing sulfur C11D9/225 takes precedence C11D9/34containing phosphorus C11D9/225 takes precedence C11D9/36containing silicon C11D9/225 takes precedence C11D9/38Products in which the composition is not well defined C11D9/40Proteins C11D9/42Per-compounds C11D9/44PerfumesColouring materialsBrightening agents ; Bleaching agents C11D9/442Perfumes C11D9/444Dyes; Pigments C11D9/446Bleaching agents C11D9/448Brightening agents C11D9/48Superfatting agents C11D10/00Compositions of detergents, not provided for by one single preceding group C11D10/04based on mixtures of surface-active non-soap compounds and soap C11D10/042based on anionic surface-active compounds and soap C11D10/045based on non-ionic surface-active compounds and soap C11D10/047based on cationic surface-active compounds and soap C11D11/00Special methods for preparing compositions containing mixtures of detergents ; Methods for using cleaning compositions C11D11/0005Special cleaning or washing methods C11D11/0011characterised by the objects to be cleaned C11D11/0017"Soft" surfaces, e.g. textiles C11D11/0023"Hard" surfaces C11D11/0029Metals C11D11/0035Glasses or plastics C11D11/0041Industrial or commercial equipment, e.g. reactors, tubes or engines C11D11/0047 takes precedence C11D11/0047Electronic devices, e.g. PCBs or semiconductors C11D11/0052Mineral surfaces, e.g. stones, frescoes, plaster, walls or concrete C11D11/0058involving the application of foam or a tempory coating on the surface to be cleaned C11D11/0064Multi-step methods C11D11/007involving applying energy, e.g. irradiation C11D11/0076Regeneration of cleaning solutions C11D11/0082one or more of the detergent ingredients being in a liquefied state, e.g. slurry, paste or melt, and the process resulting in solid detergent particles such as granules, powders or beads C11D11/0088the liquefied ingredients being sprayed or adsorbed onto solid particles C11D11/0094Process for making liquid detergent compositions, e.g. slurries, pastes or gels C11D11/02Preparation in the form of powder by spray drying C11D11/04by chemical means, e.g. by sulfonating in the presence of other compounding ingredients followed by neutralising C11D13/00Soap or soap-makingResin soaps C11D13/00Making of soap or soap solutions in generalApparatus therefor resin soap C11D15/00 C11D13/02Boiling soapRefining C11D13/04Continuous methods therefor C11D13/06Bleaching of soap or soap solutions C11D13/08Colouring , e.g. striated bars or striped bars, or perfuming C11D13/10MixingKneading C11D13/12Cooling C11D13/14 takes precedence C11D13/14Shaping C11D13/16in moulds C11D13/18by extrusion or pressing C11D13/20in the form of small particles, e.g. powder or flakes C11D13/22Cutting C11D13/24Slicing soap on the cooling drum C11D13/26Drying C11D13/28EmbossingPolishing C11D13/30Recovery of soap, e.g. from spent solutions C11D15/00Manufacture of resin soap or soaps derived from naphthenic acidsCompositions C11D15/02Apparatus therefor C11D15/04Compositions containing resin soap or soap derived from naphthenic acids C11D17/00Detergent materials or soaps characterised by their shape or physical properties shaping soap C11D13/14 C11D17/0004Non aqueous liquid compositions comprising insoluble particles C11D17/0008aqueous liquid non soap compositions C11D3/0015, C11D3/3947, C11D3/3956 take precedence C11D17/0013Liquid compositions with insoluble particles in suspension C11D17/0021, C11D17/0026, C11D17/003 take precedence C11D17/0017Multi-phase liquid compositions C11D17/0021Aqueous microemulsions C11D17/0026Structured liquid compositions, e.g. liquid crystalline phases or network containing non-Newtonian phase C11D17/003Colloidal solutions, e.g. gels; Thixotropic solutions or pastes C11D17/0034Fixed on a solid conventional detergent ingredient C11D17/0039Coated compositions or coated components in the compositions, (micro)capsules C11D17/0043For use with aerosol devices C11D17/0047Detergents in the form of bars or tablets C11D17/0052Cast detergent compositions C11D17/0056Lavatory cleansing blocks C11D17/006containing mainly surfactants, but no builders, e.g. syndet bar C11D17/0065Solid detergents containing builders C11D17/06 takes precedence C11D17/0069Laundry bars C11D17/0073Tablets C11D17/0078Multilayered tablets C11D17/0082Coated tablets C11D17/0086Laundry tablets C11D17/0091Dishwashing tablets C11D17/0095Solid transparent soaps or detergents C11D17/02Floating bodies of detergents or of soaps C11D17/04combined with or containing other objects C11D17/041Compositions releasably affixed on a substrate or incorporated into a dispensing means C11D17/042Water soluble or water disintegrable containers or substrates containing cleaning compositions or additives for cleaning compositions C11D17/043Liquid or thixotropic (gel) compositions C11D17/044Solid compositions C11D17/045Multi-compartment C11D17/046Insoluble free body dispenser C11D17/047Arrangements specially adapted for dry cleaning or laundry dryer related applications C11D17/048Soap or detergent bars or cakes with an inner core consisting of insoluble material floating soaps C11D17/02 C11D17/049Cleaning or scouring pads; Wipes C11D17/06PowderFlakesFree-flowing mixturesSheets C11D17/065High-density particulate detergent compositions C11D17/08Liquid soap, e.g. for dispenserscapsuled C11D19/00Recovery of glycerol from a saponification liquor