G03BAPPARATUS OR ARRANGEMENTS FOR TAKING PHOTOGRAPHS OR FOR PROJECTING OR VIEWING THEMAPPARATUS OR ARRANGEMENTS EMPLOYING ANALOGOUS TECHNIQUES USING WAVES OTHER THAN OPTICAL WAVESACCESSORIES THEREFOR optical parts of such apparatus G02B; photosensitive materials or processes for photographic purposes G03C; apparatus for processing exposed photographic materials G03DThis subclass covers, as far as processes are concerned, only processes characterised by the use or manipulation of apparatus classifiable per se in this subclass.In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "camera" means apparatus or arrangements for taking photographs.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. G03B1/00Details common to at least two of the following types of apparatus: cameras, projectors, printers details common to cameras only G03B7/00 - G03B17/00, to projectors only G03B21/00, G03B23/00, to printers only G03B27/00 G03B1/00Film strip handling G03B1/02Moving film strip by pull on end thereof G03B1/04Pull exerted by take-up spool G03B1/06rotated by lever operated ratchet and pawl G03B1/08rotated by band, chain, rack, or other linear reciprocating operation G03B1/10rotated by knob through gearing G03B1/12rotated by motor, e.g. spring G03B1/14Special arrangements to ensure constant length of movement of film G03B1/16by film-arresting pins G03B1/18Moving film strip by means which act on the film between the ends thereof G03B1/20Acting means G03B1/22Claws or pins engaging holes in the film G03B1/24Sprockets engaging holes in the film G03B1/26Spiked wheels or pins not penetrating the film G03B1/28Shuttle feed G03B1/30Belt feed G03B1/32Friction grippers or rollers G03B1/34Beaters G03B1/36Pneumatic acting means G03B1/38embodying Geneva motion, e.g. Maltese-cross gearing G03B1/40embodying frictional coupling or clutches G03B1/42Guiding, framing, or constraining film in desired position relative to lens system G03B1/44Guides engaging edge of film gates G03B1/48 G03B1/46Rollers engaging face of film, e.g. barrel, waisted, conical gates G03B1/48 G03B1/48Gates or pressure devices, e.g. plate G03B1/50adjustable or interchangeable, e.g. for different film widths G03B1/52Pneumatic pressure devices G03B1/54Tensioning or loop-maintaining devices G03B1/56ThreadingLoop forming G03B1/58automatic G03B1/60Measuring or indicating length of the used or unused filmCounting number of exposures G03B1/62involving locking or stop-motion devices G03B1/64by means which as certain the radius of the film coiled on a spool G03B1/66Counting number of exposures G03B3/00Focusing arrangements of general interest for cameras, projectors or printers G03B3/02moving lens along baseboard G03B3/04adjusting position of image plane without moving lens G03B3/06using movable reflectors to alter length of light path G03B3/10Power-operated focusing G03B3/12adapted for remote control G03B5/00Adjustment of optical system relative to image or object surface other than for focusing G03B5/02Lateral adjustment of lens G03B5/04Vertical adjustment of lensRising fronts G03B5/06Swinging lens about normal to the optical axis G03B5/08Swing backs G03B7/00Details common to cameras G03B7/00Control of exposure by setting shutters, diaphragms or filters, separately or conjointly control of exposure in television cameras by means of circuitry influencing the optical part of the camera H04N23/75 G03B7/003setting of both shutter and diaphragm G03B7/02 - G03B7/22 take precedence G03B7/006setting of both diaphragm and distance G03B7/02 - G03B7/22 take precedence G03B7/01with selection of either manual or automatic mode G03B7/02Control effected by setting a graduated member on the camera in accordance with indication or reading afforded by a light meter, which may be either separate from or built into camera body G03B7/04Control effected by hand adjustment of a member that senses indication of a pointer of a built- in light-sensitive device, e.g. by restoring point to a fixed associated reference mark G03B7/06by a follow-up movement of an associated reference mark to the pointer G03B7/08Control effected solely on the basis of the response, to the intensity of the light received by the camera, of a built-in light-sensitive device G03B7/0805Setting of priority modes G03B7/081Analogue circuits G03B7/083for control of exposure time G03B7/085for control of aperture G03B7/087for control of both exposure time and aperture G03B7/089for storage of exposure value in mirror reflex cameras G03B7/091Digital circuits G03B7/093for control of exposure time G03B7/095for control of aperture G03B7/097for control of both exposure time and aperture G03B7/099Arrangement of photoelectric elements in or on the camera G03B7/09908on the camera or in the objective G03B7/0993in the camera G03B7/0997Through the lens [TTL] measuring G03B7/09971in mirror-reflex cameras G03B7/09979 takes precedence G03B7/09972using the mirror as sensor light reflecting or transmitting member G03B7/09973using the mirror as sensor G03B7/09974using the film or shutter as sensor light reflecting member G03B7/09976the sensor being mounted in, before, or behind the porro-prism G03B7/09977with a movable light-measuring element G03B7/09978Protection against viewer backlight or integration of the viewer light into the measured light G03B7/09979Multi-zone light measuring G03B7/10a servo-motor providing energy to move the setting member G03B7/12a hand-actuated member moved from one position to another providing the energy to move the setting member, e.g. depression of shutter release button causes a stepped feeler to co-operate with the pointer of the light-sensitive device to set the diaphragm and thereafter release the shutter G03B7/14setting of both shutter and diaphragm aperture being effected so as to give the optimum compromise between depth of field and shortness of exposure G03B7/16in accordance with both the intensity of the flash source and the distance of the flash source from the object, e.g. in accordance with the "guide number" of the flash bulb and the focusing of the camera G03B7/17Selection of modes in flash units by exposure control arrangements G03B7/18in accordance with light-reducing "factor" of filter or other obturator used with or on the lens of the camera G03B7/20in accordance with change of lens G03B7/22in accordance with temperature or height, e.g. in aircraft G03B7/24automatically in accordance with markings or other means indicating film speed or kind of film on the magazine to be inserted in the camera G03B7/26Power suppliesCircuitry or arrangement to switch on the power sourceCircuitry to check the power source voltage G03B7/28Circuitry to measure or to take account of the object contrast G03B7/30Safety arrangements for control of exposure G03B9/00Exposure-making shuttersDiaphragms G03B9/02Diaphragms G03B9/04Single movable plate with two or more apertures of graded size, e.g. sliding plate or pivoting plate G03B9/06Two or more co-operating pivoted blades, e.g. iris type shutters functioning as diaphragms by limiting extent of opening movement G03B9/08 G03B9/07with means for presetting the diaphragm G03B9/08Shutters G03B9/10Blade or disc rotating or pivoting about axis normal to its plane G03B9/12Two relatively-adjustable aperture-defining members moving as a unit G03B9/14Two separate members moving in opposite directions G03B9/16Two separate members moving in the same direction G03B9/18More than two members G03B9/20each moving in a single direction first to open and then to reclose G03B9/22each moving in one direction to open and then in opposite direction to close, e.g. iris type G03B9/24Adjusting size of aperture formed by members when fully open so as to constitute a virtual diaphragm that is adjustable G03B9/26incorporating cover blade or blades G03B9/28Roller blind or flexible plate G03B9/30Single blind with multiple slots or other aperture G03B9/32Double blind G03B9/34with adjustable slotwith mechanism controlling relative movement of blinds to form slot G03B9/36Sliding rigid plate G03B9/38Single rigid plate with multiple slots or other apertures G03B9/40Double plate G03B9/42with adjustable slotwith mechanism controlling relative movement of plates to form slot G03B9/44Curved track and plate G03B9/46Flap shutters pivoting about axis in plane of flap G03B9/48Double flap G03B9/50Louvre type G03B9/52Barrel shutters G03B9/54Conical shuttersRotating plate with axis of rotation inclined to optical axis of shutter G03B9/58Means for varying duration of "open" period of shutter G03B9/60by varying speed of movement of obturating members G03B9/62by varying interval of time between end of opening movement and beginning of closing movement G03B9/64Mechanism for delaying opening of shutter separate from shutter G03B17/38 G03B9/66Means for cocking shutter separate from means for releasing shutter G03B9/68Cocking effected by movement of film G03B9/70with flash-synchronising contacts G03B11/00Filters or other obturators specially adapted for photographic purposes G03B11/02Sky masks G03B11/04Hoods or caps for eliminating unwanted light from lenses, viewfinders or focusing aids G03B11/041Lens caps as separate accessory accessories in general G03B17/56 G03B11/043Protective lens closures or lens caps built into cameras G03B11/045Lens hoods or shields G03B11/046for viewfinders or eyepieces G03B11/06Lens caps for exposure making G03B13/00ViewfindersFocusing aids for camerasMeans for focusing for camerasAutofocus systems for cameras G03B13/02Viewfinders G03B13/04of direct vision type, e.g. frame, sighting mark G03B13/06with lenses with or without reflectors G03B13/08with reflected image of frame G03B13/10adjusting viewfinders field G03B13/12to compensate for change of camera lens or size of picture G03B13/14to compensate for parallax due to short range G03B13/16combined with focusing aids G03B13/18Focusing aids G03B13/20Rangefinders coupled with focusing arrangements, e.g. adjustment of rangefinder automatically focusing camera G03B13/22coupling providing for compensation upon change of camera lens G03B13/24Focusing screens G03B13/26with magnifiers for inspecting image formed on screen G03B13/28Image-splitting devices G03B13/30indicating depth of field G03B13/32Means for focusing G03B13/34Power focusing G03B13/36Autofocus systems G03B15/00Special procedures for taking photographsApparatus therefor G03B15/003Apparatus for photographing CRT-screens G03B15/006Apparatus mounted on flying objects G03B15/02Illuminating scene G03B15/03Combinations of cameras with lighting apparatusFlash units G03B15/035Combinations of cameras with incandescent lamps G03B15/04Combinations of cameras with non-electronic flash apparatusNon-electronic flash units G03B15/0405Non-electronic flash apparatus incorporated in photographic apparatus G03B15/041Separatable flash apparatus; Means for mounting the flash apparatus on the photographic apparatus G03B15/0415Mounting means comprising transversal slide and separate cable G03B15/0421Mounting means comprising transversal slide and incorporated contacts of the type "Hot shoe" G03B15/0426Mounting means comprising longitudinal slide and incorporated contacts (for multiple lamps) G03B15/0431Rotatable mounting means G03B15/0436Mounting means for sequential translation G03B15/0442Constructional details of the flash apparatus; Arrangement of lamps, reflectors, or the like G03B15/0484 takes precedence G03B15/0447Energy sources; Batteries; Capacitors G03B15/0452Electrical ignition means connected to the shutter G03B15/0457Ignition mechanisms for sequential ignition of flash lamps G03B15/0463Piezo-electric ignition mechanisms G03B15/0468Ignition mechanisms permitting choice of multiple ignition modes; Adaptors for different modes G03B15/0473Remote controlled ignition mechanisms G03B15/0478Combinations of photographic apparatus with percussion type flash ignition systems G03B15/0484Constructional details of the flash apparatus G03B15/0489Means for ignition by percussion G03B15/0494Means for mounting percussion type flash apparatus G03B15/05Combinations of cameras with electronic flash apparatusElectronic flash units G03B15/06Special arrangements of screening, diffusing, or reflecting devices, e.g. in studio G03B15/07Arrangements of lamps in studios G03B15/08Trick photography G03B15/10using back-projection, i.e. blending artificial background with real foreground G03B15/12using mirrors G03B15/14for taking photographs during medical operations G03B15/16for photographing the track of moving objects high-speed photography G03B39/00 G03B17/00Details of cameras or camera bodiesAccessories therefor lens hoods or caps G03B11/04 G03B17/02Bodies G03B17/04collapsible, foldable or extensible, e.g. book type G03B17/045Bellows G03B17/06with exposure meters or other indicators built into body but not connected to other camera members G03B17/08Waterproof bodies or housings G03B17/10Soundproof bodies G03B17/12with means for supporting objectives, supplementary lenses, filters, masks, or turrets G03B17/14interchangeably G03B17/16for containing both motion-picture camera and still-picture camera G03B17/17with reflectors arranged in beam forming the photographic image, e.g. for reducing dimensions of camera G03B17/18Signals indicating condition of a camera member or suitability of light indicating depth of field G03B13/30 G03B17/20visible in viewfinder G03B17/22with means for cutting-off film G03B17/24with means for separately producing marks on the film, e.g. title, time of exposure G03B17/245Optical means G03B17/26Holders for containing light sensitive material and adapted to be inserted within the camera holders for X-ray films G03B42/04 G03B17/265specially adapted for motion picture film, e.g. cassettes cassettes for projection purposes G03B21/323 G03B17/28Locating light-sensitive material within camera G03B17/30Locating spools or other rotatable holders of coiled film G03B17/305for roll film cameras G03B17/32Locating plates or cut films G03B17/34Changing plates or cut films G03B17/36Counting number of exposures of film strips G03B1/66 G03B17/38Releasing-devices separate from shutter integral with shutter G03B9/08 G03B17/40with delayed or timed action G03B17/42Interlocking between shutter operation and advance of film or change of plate or cut-film G03B17/425motor drive cameras G03B17/44Means for exchanging focusing screen and light sensitive material G03B17/46Means for exposing single frames in motion-picture camera G03B17/48adapted for combination with other photographic or optical apparatus G03B17/50with both developing and finishing apparatus G03B17/52of the Land type G03B17/53for automatically delivering a finished picture after a signal causing exposure has been given, e.g. by pushing a button, by inserting a coin G03B17/54with projector G03B17/55with provision for heating or cooling, e.g. in aircraft G03B17/56Accessories carrying-cases A45C11/38 G03B17/561Support related camera accessories G03B17/563Camera grips, handles means in general for steadying hand-held apparatus F16M13/00 G03B17/565Optical accessories, e.g. converters for close-up photography, tele-convertors, wide-angle convertors G03B17/566Accessory clips, holders, shoes to attach accessories to camera if integral part of camera body G03B17/02 G03B17/58Attachments for converting cameras into reflex cameras G03B19/00Cameras details G03B17/00 G03B19/02Still-picture cameras G03B19/023Multi-image cameras G03B19/026Sequence cameras G03B19/04Roll-film cameras G03B19/06adapted to be loaded with more than one film, e.g. with exposure of one or the other at will G03B19/07 takes precedence G03B19/07having more than one objective G03B19/08with provision for alternative use with plates or cut-films G03B19/10Plate or cut-film cameras with provision for alternative use with roll film G03B19/08 G03B19/12Reflex cameras with single objective and a movable reflector or a partly-transmitting mirror G03B19/14with paired lenses, one of which forms image on photographic material and the other forms a corresponding image on a focusing screen G03B19/16Pin-hole cameras G03B19/18Motion-picture cameras with non-intermittently running film G03B41/02 G03B19/20Reflex cameras G03B19/22Double cameras G03B19/24adapted to be loaded with more than one film, e.g. with exposure of one or the other at will G03B19/26with fade-in and fade-out effects G03B21/00Projectors or projection-type viewersAccessories therefor devices for changing pictures G03B23/00 G03B21/001Slide projectors G03B21/003Cine-projectors G03B21/005Projectors using an electronic spatial light modulator but not peculiar thereto G03B21/006using LCD's G03B21/008using micromirror devices G03B21/02Multiple-film apparatus G03B21/04Picture "juke-boxes" G03B21/06affording only episcopic projection G03B21/08affording epidiascopic projection G03B21/10Projectors with built-in or built-on screen G03B21/11for microfilm reading G03B21/111of roll films G03B21/113Handling roll films G03B21/115of microfiches G03B21/116Handling microfiches G03B21/118Reader-printers G03B21/12adapted for projection of either still pictures or motion pictures prolonged exhibition of single frame G03B21/38 G03B21/13Projectors for producing special effects at the edges of picture, e.g. blurring G03B21/132Overhead projectors, i.e. capable of projecting hand-writing or drawing during action epidiascopic projectors G03B21/08 G03B21/134Projectors combined with typing apparatus or with printing apparatus G03B21/14Details G03B21/142Adjusting of projection optics G03B21/145Housing details, e.g. position adjustments thereof G03B21/147Optical correction of image distortions, e.g. keystone G03B21/16CoolingPreventing overheating G03B21/18Fire preventing or extinguishing G03B21/20Lamp housings G03B21/2006characterised by the light source G03B21/2013Plural light sources G03B21/202Incandescent light sources G03B21/2026Gas discharge type light sources, e.g. arcs G03B21/2033LED or laser light sources G03B21/204using secondary light emission, e.g. luminescence or fluorescence using different colours G03B33/00; if related to video signals H04N9/3197 G03B21/2046Positional adjustment of light sources G03B21/2053Intensity control of illuminating light controlled by video signal processing H04N5/74 or H04N9/31 G03B21/206Control of light source other than position or intensity G03B21/2066Reflectors in illumination beam in projection beam G03B21/28 G03B21/2073Polarisers in the lamp house peculiar to electronic spatial light modulators H04N9/3197 G03B21/208Homogenising, shaping of the illumination light G03B21/2086Security or safety means in lamp houses G03B21/22Soundproof bodies G03B21/26Projecting separately subsidiary matter simultaneously with main image G03B21/28Reflectors in projection beam in illumination beam G03B21/2066 G03B21/30adapted to collapse or fold, e.g. for portability G03B21/32Details specially adapted for motion-picture projection with film moving continuously through the gate G03B41/02 G03B21/321Holders for films, e.g. reels, cassettes, spindles G03B21/323Cassettes G03B21/326, G03B21/328 take precedence; for containing light-sensitive material G03B17/265 G03B21/325Endless cassettes G03B21/326Means for fixing the film on the axis of a reel or spindle G03B21/328Means for fixing the film on the periphery of a reel G03B21/34Change-over arrangements G03B21/36Fades, dissolves, or wipes G03B21/38Prolonged exhibition of single frame G03B21/40Eliminating or reducing effect of flicker G03B21/42Preventing damage to film due to abnormal operation of projector G03B21/43Driving mechanisms G03B21/44Mechanisms transmitting motion to film-strip feedMechanical linking of shutter and intermittent feed G03B21/46affording adjustment for framing G03B21/48for altering frame speedfor regulating constancy of film speed G03B21/50Control devices operated by the film strip during the run G03B21/52by prepared film G03B21/53Means for automatic focusing, e.g. to compensate thermal effects G03B21/54Accessories G03B21/56Projection screens G03B21/562Screens moving during projection G03B21/58 - G03B21/62 take precedence G03B21/565Screens allowing free passage of sound G03B21/58 - G03B21/62 take precedence G03B21/567for colour projection G03B21/58, G03B21/60 take precedence G03B21/58collapsible, e.g. foldableof variable area G03B21/585Inflatable screens G03B21/60characterised by the nature of the surface G03B21/602Lenticular screens G03B21/625 takes precedence G03B21/604Polarised screens G03B21/606for relief projection G03B21/608Fluid screens G03B21/62Translucent screens G03B21/625Lenticular translucent screens G03B21/64Means for mounting individual pictures to be projected, e.g. frame for transparency G03B23/00Devices for changing pictures in viewing apparatus or projectorsFor the purposes of this group the term "picture" denotes any flat representation, whether transparent or not, e.g. produced by photography, writing or printing G03B23/02in which a picture is removed from a stock and returned to the same stock or another oneMagazines therefor G03B23/04with linear movement G03B23/042whereby the picture is not returned to the same stock after projection G03B23/044whereby the picture is returned to the same stock G03B23/046Picture changing devices G03B23/048with horizontally sliding mechanism G03B23/06with rotary movement G03B23/08in which pictures are attached to a movable carrier G03B23/10drum or disc carrier G03B23/105disc carriers G03B23/12linear strip carrier G03B23/125the pictures being attached to a chain or linked up to form a chain G03B23/14Carriers operable to move pictures into, and out of, the projection or viewing position and carrying one or two pictures only in a removable manner G03B23/18 takes precedencealso other devices not provided with a stock, e.g. chutes G03B23/18with fade-in and fade-out effects G03B25/00Viewers, other than projection viewers, giving motion-picture effects by persistence of vision, e.g. zoetrope G03B25/02with interposed lenticular or line screen G03B27/00Photographic printing apparatus G03B27/02Exposure apparatus for contact printing G03B27/04Copying apparatus without a relative movement between the original and the light source during exposure, e.g. printing frame or printing box G03B27/06for automatic repeated copying of the same original G03B27/08for automatic copying of several originals one after the other, e.g. for copying cinematograph film G03B27/10Copying apparatus with a relative movement between the original and the light source during exposure G03B27/12for automatic repeated copying of the same original G03B27/14Details G03B27/16Illumination arrangements, e.g. positioning of lamps, positioning of reflectors controlling the exposure G03B27/72 G03B27/18Maintaining or producing contact pressure between original and light-sensitive material G03B27/20by using a vacuum or fluid pressure G03B27/22by stretching over a curved surface G03B27/24Separating the original from the print G03B27/26Cooling G03B27/28Edge-masking devices G03B27/30adapted to be combined with processing apparatus G03B27/303Gas processing gas processing apparatus G03D7/00 G03B27/306Heat development heat development apparatus G03D13/002 G03B27/32Projection printing apparatus, e.g. enlarger, copying camera G03B27/323Copying cameras G03B27/34 - G03B27/70 take precedence G03B27/326Enlargers G03B27/34 - G03B27/70 take precedence G03B27/34Means for automatic focusing therefor G03B27/36by mechanical connections, e.g. by cam, by linkage G03B27/38embodying screws with non-uniform pitch G03B27/40adapted for use with lenses of different focal length G03B27/42for automatic sequential copying of the same original G03B27/34, G03B27/53 take precedence G03B27/423in copying cameras G03B27/426in enlargers G03B27/44for multiple copying of the same original at the same time G03B27/34, G03B27/53 take precedence G03B27/46for automatic sequential copying of different originals, e.g. enlargers, roll film printers G03B27/34, G03B27/50, G03B27/53 take precedence G03B27/462in enlargers, e.g. roll film printers G03B27/465at different positions of the same strip, e.g. microfilm G03B27/47at different positions of the same sheet, e.g. microfiche G03B27/475copying cinematographic film G03B27/48 takes precedence G03B27/48with original in the form of a film strip moving continuously and compensation for consequent image movement G03B27/50with slit or like diaphragm moving over original for progressive exposure G03B27/34 takes precedence ; projection optics per se G03B27/525 G03B27/52Details G03B27/521Arrangements for applying a supplementary information onto the sensitive material, e.g. coding producing marks on the film in cameras G03B17/24 G03B27/522Projection optics for electro-photographic copiers in particular G03G15/04 G03B27/523for full time exposure G03B27/525for slit exposure G03B27/526in which the projection optics move G03B27/527as a whole in a translatory movement G03B27/528in which the projection optics remain stationary G03B27/53Automatic registration or positioning of originals with respect to each other or the photosensitive layer G03B27/54Lamp housingsIlluminating means G03B27/542for copying cameras, reflex exposure lighting G03B27/545for enlargers G03B27/547colour mixing heads G03B27/56Mounting enlarger head on column Mounting reproduction camera on column G03B27/58Baseboards, masking frames, or other holders for the sensitive material G03B27/53 takes precedence ; for electrophotographic copiers G03G15/65 G03B27/581in copying cameras G03B27/60 takes precedence G03B27/582Baseboards, easels G03B27/583Handling microfiche G03B27/585Handling cut photosensitive sheets G03B27/586Supply stacks; Peeling off G03B27/587Handling photosensitive webs G03B1/00 takes precedence G03B27/588Supply rolls; Cutting arrangements G03B27/60using a vacuum or fluid pressure G03B27/62Holders for the original G03B27/53 takes precedence ; for electrophotographic copiers G03G15/60 G03B27/6207in copying cameras G03B27/6214Copy boards G03B27/6221Transparent copy platens G03B27/6228Platen covers G03B27/6235Reciprocating copy platens G03B27/6242Masks; Overlays; Transparent carriers G03B27/625Apparatus which relate to the handling of originals, e.g. presence detectors, inverters G03B27/6257Arrangements for moving an original once or repeatedly to or through an exposure station G03B27/6264Arrangements for moving several originals one after the other to or through an exposure station G03B27/6271in enlargers G03B27/6278Handling single frame negatives G03B27/6285Handling strips G03B1/00 takes precedence G03B27/6292Handling microfiche G03B27/64using a vacuum or fluid pressure G03B27/66specially adapted for holding half-tone screens G03B27/68Introducing or correcting distortion, e.g. in connection with oblique projection G03B27/70Reflectors in printing beam G03B27/72Controlling or varying light intensity, spectral composition, or exposure time in photographic printing apparatus G03B27/722when the reproduction scale is changed G03B27/725Optical projection devices wherein the contrast is controlled electrically (e.g. cathode ray tube masking) G03B27/727Optical projection devices wherein the contrast is controlled optically (e.g. uniform exposure, two colour exposure on variable contrast sensitive material) G03B27/73Controlling exposure by variation of spectral composition, e.g. multicolor printers G03B27/735in dependence upon automatic analysis of the original G03B27/74Positioning exposure meters in the apparatus G03B27/80in dependence upon automatic analysis of the original G03B27/73 takes precedence G03B29/00Combinations of cameras, projectors or photographic printing apparatus with non-photographic non-optical apparatus, e.g. clocks or weaponsCameras having the shape of other objects combinations with flash apparatus G03B15/03 G03B30/00Camera modules comprising integrated lens units and imaging units, specially adapted for being embedded in other devices, e.g. mobile phones or vehiclesWhen classification is made in this main group, further classification should be made in other groups of subclass G03B or in group G02B7/00 according to the functional aspects of the camera. The classification symbol of this group is not listed first when assigned to patent documents. G03B31/00Special techniques G03B31/00Associated working of cameras or projectors with sound-recording or sound-reproducing means G03B31/02in which sound track is on a moving-picture film G03B31/04in which sound track is not on, but is synchronised with, a moving-picture film G03B31/06in which sound track is associated with successively-shown still pictures G03B31/08with fade-in and fade-out effects G03B33/00Colour photography, other than mere exposure or projection of a colour film printing apparatus G03B27/00; stereoscopic colour photography G03B35/00 G03B33/02by two-colour separation records, e.g. red-aspect and white complete recordsusing Land effect G03B33/04by four or more separation records G03B33/06by additive-colour projection apparatus G03B33/08Sequential recording or projection G03B33/02, G03B33/04, G03B33/06 take precedence G03B33/10Simultaneous recording or projection G03B33/02, G03B33/04 G03B33/06 take precedence G03B33/12using beam-splitting or beam-combining systems, e.g. dichroic mirrors G03B33/14using lenticular screens integral with film G03C G03B33/16using colour-pattern screens integral with film G03C G03B35/00Stereoscopic photography G03B35/02by sequential recording G03B35/04with movement of beam-selecting members in a system defining two or more viewpoints G03B35/06with axial movement of lens or gate between exposures G03B35/08by simultaneous recording G03B35/10having single camera with stereoscopic-base-defining system G03B35/12involving recording of different viewpoint images in different colours on a colour film G03B35/14Printing apparatus specially adapted for conversion between different types of record G03B42/08 takes precedence G03B35/16by sequential viewing G03B35/18by simultaneous viewing G03B35/20using two or more projectors G03B35/22using single projector with stereoscopic-base-defining system G03B35/24using apertured or refractive resolving means on screens or between screen and eye G03B35/26using polarised or coloured light separating different viewpoint images G03B37/00Panoramic or wide-screen photographyPhotographing extended surfaces, e.g. for surveyingPhotographing internal surfaces, e.g. of pipe G03B37/005Photographing internal surfaces, e.g. of pipe, G03B37/02 - G03B37/06 take precedence; instruments for performing medical examinations of cavities or tubes of the body by photographic inspection A61B1/00 G03B37/02with scanning movement of lens or cameras G03B37/04with cameras or projectors providing touching or overlapping fields of view G03B37/06involving anamorphosis G03B37/02, G03B37/04 take precedence G03B39/00High-speed photography G03B39/005using image converters or amplifiers G03B39/02using stationary plate or film G03B39/06 takes precedence G03B39/04using moving plate or film G03B39/06 takes precedence G03B39/06using light-guides for transferring image frame or elements thereof into different array, e.g. into a line G03B41/00Special techniques not covered by groups G03B31/00 - G03B39/00Apparatus therefor G03B41/02using non-intermittently running film G03B41/023combined with shutter G03B41/026combined with slit G03B41/04with optical compensator G03B41/06with rotating reflecting member G03B41/08with rotating transmitting member G03B41/10with oscillating reflecting member G03B41/12with oscillating transmitting member G03B41/14Overcoming image movement by brief flashes of light G03B42/00Obtaining records using waves other than optical wavesVisualisation of such records by using optical means G03B42/02using X-rays G03B42/021Apparatus for direct X-ray cinematography circuit arrangements for obtaining a series of X-ray photographs or for X-ray cinematography H05G1/60 G03B42/023Apparatus for indirect X-ray cinematography, i.e. by taking pictures on ordinary film from the images on the fluorescent screen by transforming the picture information intermediately into electrical signals G03B27/725 G03B42/025Positioning or masking the X-ray film cartridge in the radiographic apparatus G03B42/026for obtaining three-dimensional pictures G03B42/028Industrial applications G03B42/04Holders for X-ray films G03B42/042for dental applications see also A61B6/14; individual packages for X-ray film G03C3/003 G03B42/045apparatus for loading or unloading the holders G03B42/047provided with marking means G03B42/06using ultrasonic, sonic or infrasonic waves G03B42/08Visualisation of records by optical means G03B43/00Testing correct operation of photographic apparatus or parts thereof G03B43/02Testing shutters G03B2205/00 G03B2205/00Adjustment of optical system relative to image or object surface other than for focusing G03B2205/0007Movement of one or more optical elements for control of motion blur imaging systems in general using optical elements for stabilisation of the position of the image G02B27/64 G03B2205/0015by displacing one or more optical elements normal to the optical axis G03B2205/0023by tilting or inclining one or more optical elements with respect to the optical axis G03B2205/003by a prism with variable angle or the like G03B2205/0038by displacing the image plane with respect to the optical axis in case of an electronic image sensor H04N23/68 G03B2205/0046Movement of one or more optical elements for zooming for optical zoom lenses in general G02B7/10 G03B2205/0053Driving means for the movement of one or more optical element G03B2205/0061using piezoelectric actuators G03B2205/0069using electromagnetic actuators, e.g. voice coils G03B2205/0076using shape memory alloys G03B2205/0084using other types of actuators G03B2206/00Systems for exchange of information between different pieces of apparatus, e.g. for exchanging trimming information, for photo finishing G03B2206/002using detachable memory means G03B2206/004using markings on the photographic material, e.g. to indicate pseudo-panoramic exposure G03B2206/006of the bar-code type G03B2206/008using holders for the photographic material G03B2207/00Control of exposure by setting shutters, diaphragms, or filters separately or conjointly G03B2207/005involving control of motion blur G03B2213/00ViewfindersFocusing aids for camerasMeans for focusing for camerasAutofocus systems for cameras G03B2213/02Viewfinders G03B2213/025Sightline detection G03B2215/00Special procedures for taking photographsApparatus therefor G03B2215/05Combinations of cameras with electronic flash units G03B2215/0503Built-in units G03B2215/0507Pop-up mechanisms G03B2215/051with movable reflector, e.g. change of illumination angle or illumination direction G03B2215/0514Separate unit G03B2215/0517Housing G03B2215/0521movable housing, e.g. bounce-light G03B2215/0525Reflector G03B2215/0528movable reflector, e.g. change of illumination angle or illumination direction G03B2215/0532Flashtube mounting G03B2215/0535Built-in diffusor G03B2215/0539Ringflash G03B2215/0542watertight G03B2215/0546modular G03B2215/055Clamp-on device, e.g. filter G03B2215/0553with second integrated flash G03B2215/0557Multiple units, e.g. slave-unit G03B2215/056Connection with camera, e.g. adapter G03B2215/0564characterised by the type of light source G03B2215/0567Solid-state light source, e.g. LED, laser G03B2215/0571With second light source G03B2215/0575Ring shaped lighting arrangements G03B2215/0578Flashtube mounting G03B2215/0582Reflectors G03B2215/0585Movable reflectors, e.g. change of illumination angle or direction G03B2215/0589Diffusors, filters or refraction means G03B2215/0592installed in front of light emitter G03B2217/00Details of cameras or camera bodiesAccessories therefor G03B2217/002Details of arrangement of components in or on camera body G03B2217/005Blur detection G03B2217/007Details of energy supply or management G03B2217/18Signals indicating condition of a camera member or suitability of light G03B2217/185providing indication that the picture may be blurred G03B2217/24with means for separately producing marks on the film G03B2217/241with means for producing composite exposures, e.g. exposing an image and a border, producing identity cards G03B2217/242Details of the marking device G03B2217/243Optical devices G03B2217/244Magnetic devices G03B2217/245Mechanical devices G03B2217/246Details of the markings G03B2217/247Bar codes G03B2217/248with means for masking G03B2217/26Holders for containing light-sensitive material and adapted to be inserted within the camera G03B2217/261Details of spools G03B2217/263Details of exposure status indicatorsDouble exposure prevention G03B2217/265Details of light-proofing G03B2217/266Thrust-type cartridges G03B2217/268Unloading the cartridge from the cameraLoading the cartridge into the camera G03B2219/00Cameras G03B2219/02Still-picture cameras G03B2219/04Roll-film cameras G03B2219/045adapted for unloading the film in the processing laboratory, e.g. disposable, reusable or recyclable cameras G03B2227/00Photographic printing apparatus G03B2227/005Matrix printIndex print G03B2227/32Projection printing apparatus, e.g. enlarging apparatus, copying camera G03B2227/325Microcapsule copiers