H02HEMERGENCY PROTECTIVE CIRCUIT ARRANGEMENTS indicating or signalling undesired working conditions G01R, e.g. G01R31/00, G08B; locating faults along lines G01R31/08; emergency protective devices H01HThis subclass covers only circuit arrangements for the automatic protection of electric lines or electric machines or apparatus in the event of an undesired change from normal working conditionsIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. H02H1/00 H02H1/00Details of emergency protective circuit arrangements H02H1/0007concerning the detecting means in general G01R or other subclasses of G01; reed switches H01H71/2445 H02H1/0015Using arc detectors H02H1/0023sensing non electrical parameters, e.g. by optical, pneumatic, thermal or sonic sensors H02H1/003Fault detection by injection of an auxiliary voltage same for detection of earth fault currents H02H3/17; for monitoring earth connection H02H5/105 H02H1/0038concerning the connection of the detecting means, e.g. for reducing their number H02H1/0046Commutating the detecting means in dependance of the fault, e.g. for reducing their number H02H1/0053Means for storing the measured quantities during a predetermined time H02H1/0061concerning transmission of signals transmission of measured quantities or switching orders; sectionalised protection involving signal transmission between at least two stations H02H7/261; comparison of the voltage or current values at two spaced portions of a single system H02H3/28; transferring the output of a sensing member to another variable G01D5/00; electrical measuring arrangements using modulation of electromagnetic waves, e.g. light beams G01R15/24, G01R15/26 H02H1/0069by means of light or heat rays H02H1/0076by superposition on the watched current H02H1/0084by means of pilot wires or a telephone network; watching of these wires H02H1/0092concerning the data processing means, e.g. expert systems, neural networks H02H1/04Arrangements for preventing response to transient abnormal conditions, e.g. to lightning or to short duration over voltage or oscillations; Damping the influence of dc component by short circuits in ac networks H02H1/043to inrush currents H02H1/046 takes precedence; differential protection of transformers H02H7/045 H02H1/046upon detecting saturation of current transformers for differential protection H02H3/283 H02H1/06Arrangements for supplying operative power power supply arrangements in general G05F, H02M H02H1/063primary power being supplied by fault current H02H1/066and comprising a shunt regulator H02H3/00Emergency protective circuit arrangements for automatic disconnection directly responsive to an undesired change from normal electric working condition with or without subsequent reconnection specially adapted for specific types of electric machines or apparatus or for sectionalised protection of cable or line systems H02H7/00; systems for change-over to standby supply H02J9/00 ; integrated protection for motors H02H7/0822 H02H3/003responsive to reversal of power transmission direction reversal of direct current H02H3/18 H02H3/006Calibration or setting of parameters H02H3/02Details H02H3/021concerning the disconnection itself, e.g. at a particular instant, particularly at zero value of current, disconnection in a predetermined order disconnection at zero value in general H03K17/18 H02H3/023by short-circuiting H02H3/025Disconnection after limiting, e.g. when limiting is not sufficient or for facilitating disconnection H02H3/027with automatic disconnection after a predetermined time H02H3/033, H02H3/06 take precedence ; timing in overcurrent protection circuits H02H3/093; in undervoltage protection circuits H02H3/247; staggered disconnection H02H7/30 H02H3/033with several disconnections in a preferential order, e.g. following priority of the users, load repartitionH02H3/06 takes precedence H02H3/04with warning or supervision in addition to disconnection, e.g. for indicating that protective apparatus has functioned watching of pilot wires H02H1/0084; protection of protective arrangements H02H7/008; indication of the state of electronic switches H03K17/18 H02H3/042combined with means for locating the fault locating faults in cables G01R31/08 H02H3/044Checking correct functioning of protective arrangements, e.g. by simulating a fault for differential current circuit breakers H02H3/335 H02H3/046Signalling the blowing of a fuse detecting non functioning of a lamp H05B47/20 H02H3/048Checking overvoltage diverters H02H3/05with means for increasing reliability, e.g. redundancy arrangements for logic circuits H03K19/003 H02H3/06with automatic reconnection H02H3/063Details concerning the co-operation of many similar arrangements, e.g. in a network sectionalised protection H02H7/26 H02H3/066Reconnection being a consequence of eliminating the fault which caused disconnection H02H3/07and with permanent disconnection after a predetermined number of reconnection cycles H02H3/08responsive to excess current responsive to abnormal temperature caused by excess current H02H5/04 H02H3/081and depending on the direction H02H3/083for three-phase systems H02H3/085making use of a thermal sensor, e.g. thermistor, heated by the excess current also responsive to the temperature of the protected device H02H5/041, thermal images H02H6/00 H02H3/087for dc applications H02H3/093with timing means in general H02H3/027; thermal delay H02H3/085; timing means for undervoltage protection H02H3/247 H02H3/0935the timing being determined by numerical means H02H3/10additionally responsive to some other abnormal electrical conditions H02H3/105responsive to excess current and fault current to earth H02H3/12responsive to underload or no-load for motors H02H7/0827 H02H3/13for multiphase applications, e.g. phase interruption H02H3/14responsive to occurrence of voltage on parts normally at earth potential monitoring earth connection H02H5/105 H02H3/16responsive to fault current to earth, frame or mass with balanced or differential arrangement H02H3/26 ; monitoring earth connection H02H5/105 H02H3/162for ac systems H02H3/165for three-phase systems H02H3/167combined with other earth-fault protective arrangements H02H3/17by means of an auxiliary voltage injected into the installation to be protected using summation current transformers H02H3/33 H02H3/18responsive to reversal of direct current H02H3/20responsive to excess voltage H02H3/202for dc systems H02H3/205using a spark-gap as detector H02H3/207also responsive to under-voltage window comparators for indication G01R19/165 H02H3/22of short duration, e.g. lightning H02H3/24responsive to undervoltage or no-voltage H02H3/207 takes precedence H02H3/243for DC systems H02H3/247having timing means H02H3/253for multiphase applications, e.g. phase interruption H02H3/26responsive to difference between voltages or between currentsresponsive to phase angle between voltages or between currents H02H3/265responsive to phase angle between voltages or between currents H02H3/28involving comparison of the voltage or current values at two spaced portions of a single system, e.g. at opposite ends of one line, at input and output of apparatus for transformers H02H7/045 H02H3/283and taking into account saturation of current transformers H02H3/286involving comparison of similar homopolar quantities H02H3/30using pilot wires or other signalling channel H02H3/302involving phase comparison H02H3/305involving current comparison H02H3/307involving comparison of quantities derived from a plurality of phases, e.g. homopolar quantities; using mixing transformers H02H3/32involving comparison of the voltage or current values at corresponding points in different conductors of a single system, e.g. of currents in go and return conductors H02H3/325involving voltage comparison H02H3/347 takes precedence H02H3/33using summation current transformers H02H3/347 takes precedence H02H3/331responsive to earthing of the neutral conductor H02H3/338 takes precedence H02H3/332with means responsive to dc component in the fault current H02H3/334with means to produce an artificial unbalance for other protection or monitoring reasons or remote control H02H3/338 takes precedence H02H3/335the main function being self testing of the device H02H3/337avoiding disconnection due to reactive fault currents H02H3/338also responsive to wiring error, e.g. loss of neutral, break H02H3/34of a three-phase system H02H3/343using phase sequence analysers H02H3/347using summation current transformers H02H3/353involving comparison of phase voltages H02H3/36involving comparison of the voltage or current values at corresponding points of different systems, e.g. of parallel feeder systems H02H3/365one of the systems simulating the other system H02H3/38responsive to both voltage and currentresponsive to phase angle between voltage and current H02H3/382involving phase comparison between current and voltage or between values derived from current and voltage H02H3/385using at least one homopolar quantity H02H3/387using phase-sequence analysing arrangements H02H3/40responsive to ratio of voltage and current H02H3/402using homopolar quantities H02H3/405using phase sequence analysing arrangements H02H3/407using induction relays H02H3/42responsive to product of voltage and current H02H3/422using homopolar quantities H02H3/425using phase sequence analysing arrangements H02H3/427using induction relays H02H3/44responsive to the rate of change of electrical quantities H02H3/445of DC quantities H02H3/46responsive to frequency deviations H02H3/48responsive to loss of synchronism H02H3/50responsive to the appearance of abnormal wave forms, e.g. ac in dc installations H02H3/52responsive to the appearance of harmonics H02H5/00Emergency protective circuit arrangements for automatic disconnection directly responsive to an undesired change from normal non-electric working conditions with or without subsequent reconnection using simulators of the apparatus being protected H02H6/00; specially adapted for specific types of electric machines or apparatus or for sectionalised protection of cable or line systems H02H7/00 H02H5/005responsive to ionising radiation; Nuclear-radiation circumvention circuits radiation detectors G01T; nuclear-explosion detection G21J5/00 H02H5/04responsive to abnormal temperature specially adapted for electric machines H02H7/0852 H02H5/041additionally responsive to excess current H02H5/048 takes precedence H02H5/042using temperature dependent resistors H02H5/043the temperature dependent resistor being disposed parallel to a heating wire, e.g. in a heating blanket H02H5/044using a semiconductor device to sense the temperature H02H5/045using a thermal radiation sensor H02H5/046using a thermocouple H02H5/047using a temperature responsive switch H02H5/048additionally responsive to excess current due to heating of the switch H02H5/06in oil-filled electric apparatus H02H5/08responsive to abnormal fluid pressure, liquid level or liquid displacement, e.g. Buchholz relays H02H5/083responsive to the entry or leakage of a liquid into an electrical appliance moisture alarm G08B21/20 H02H5/086of cooling or lubricating fluids H02H5/10responsive to mechanical injury, e.g. rupture of line, breakage of earth connection H02H5/105responsive to deterioration or interruption of earth connection for preventing switching-on H02H11/001 H02H5/12responsive to undesired approach to, or touching of, live parts by living beings H02H6/00Emergency protective circuit arrangements responsive to undesired changes from normal non-electric working conditions using simulators of the apparatus being protected, e.g. using thermal images H02H6/005using digital thermal images H02H7/00Emergency protective circuit arrangements specially adapted for specific types of electric machines or apparatus or for sectionalised protection of cable or line systems, and effecting automatic switching in the event of an undesired change from normal working conditions structural association of protective devices with specific machines or apparatus and their protection without automatic disconnection, see the relevant subclass for the machine or apparatus H02H7/001for superconducting apparatus, e.g. coils, lines, machines H02H7/003for electrostatic apparatus H02H7/005for remote controlled apparatus; for lines connecting such apparatus H02H7/006for non-insulated low-voltage distribution systems, e.g. low-voltage halogen-lamp system H02H7/008for protective arrangements according to this subclass H02H9/042, H02H9/043 take precedence; protection of spark-gaps H02H7/24 H02H7/04for transformers H02H7/042for current transformers H02H7/045Differential protection of transformers H02H7/0455taking into account saturation of current transformers H02H7/05for capacitive voltage transformers, e.g. against resonant conditions H02H7/055for tapped transformers or tap-changing means thereof H02H7/06for dynamo-electric generatorsfor synchronous capacitors H02H7/062for parallel connected generators H02H7/065against excitation faults H02H7/067on occurrence of a load dump control on sudden change of load H02P9/10 H02H7/08for dynamo-electric motors H02H7/0805for synchronous motors H02H7/0811for dc motors H02H7/0833 takes precedence H02H7/0816concerning the starting sequence, e.g. limiting the number of starts per time unit, monitoring speed during starting H02H7/0822Integrated protection, motor control centres H02H7/0827responsive to underload or no-load, e.g. pump-off control circuits for pump motors H02H7/0833for electric motors with control arrangements H02H7/0838with H-bridge circuit H02H7/0844Fail safe control, e.g. by comparing control signal and controlled current, isolating motor on commutation error H02H7/085against excessive load H02H6/00 takes precedence H02H7/0851for motors actuating a movable member between two end positions, e.g. detecting an end position or obstruction by overload signal H02H7/0852directly responsive to abnormal temperature by using a temperature sensor in a control circuit H02H7/0833 H02H7/0853specially adapted for motors rotating in both directions H02H7/0851 takes precedence H02H7/0854responsive to rate of change of current, couple or speed, e.g. anti-kickback protection H02H7/0851 takes precedence H02H7/0855avoiding response to transient overloads, e.g. during starting H02H7/0856characterised by the protection measure taken H02H7/0857by lowering the mechanical load of the motor H02H7/0858by reversing, cycling or reducing the power supply to the motor H02H7/0859avoiding restarting after fault condition has disappeared H02H7/09against over-voltageagainst reduction of voltageagainst phase interruption H02H7/093against increase beyond, or decrease below, a predetermined level of rotational speed centrifugal switches H01H35/10 H02H7/097against wrong direction of rotation H02H7/10for convertersfor rectifiers forming part of the control circuit of the converter, see the relevant group in H02M H02H7/103for rotating converters H02H7/106for dynamic converters H02H7/12for static converters or rectifiers for discharge lamp power supplies using static converters H05B41/2851, H05B41/2921, H05B41/2981 H02H7/1203Circuits independent of the type of conversion H02H7/1206specially adapted to conversion cells composed of a plurality of parallel or serial connected elements H02H7/1209for converters using only discharge tubes H02H7/1213for DC-DC converters H02H7/1216for AC-AC converters H02H7/122for inverters, i.e. dc/ac converters H02H7/1222responsive to abnormalities in the input circuit, e.g. transients in the DC input H02H7/1225responsive to internal faults, e.g. shoot-through avoiding shoot-through H02M1/38 H02H7/1227responsive to abnormalities in the output circuit, e.g. short circuit H02H7/125for rectifiers H02H7/1252responsive to overvoltage in input or output, e.g. by load dump H02H7/1255responsive to internal faults, e.g. by monitoring ripple in output voltage H02H7/1257responsive to short circuit or wrong polarity in output circuit H02H7/127having auxiliary control electrode to which blocking control voltages or currents are applied in case of emergency H02H7/16for capacitors for synchronous capacitors H02H7/06 H02H7/18for batteriesfor accumulators H02H7/20for electronic equipment for converters H02H7/10; for electric measuring instruments G01R1/36; for dc voltage or current semiconductor regulators G05F1/569; for amplifiers H03F1/52; for electronic switching circuits H03K17/08 H02H7/205for controlled semi-conductors which are not included in a specific circuit arrangement H02H7/22for distribution gear, e.g. bus-bar systemsfor switching devices detecting mechanical or electrical defects in gas-insulated switchgears H02B13/065 H02H7/222for switches H02H7/224Anti-pump circuits H02H7/226for wires or cables, e.g. heating wires H02H7/228for covered wires or cables H02H7/24for spark-gap arresters H02H7/26Sectionalised protection of cable or line systems, e.g. for disconnecting a section on which a short-circuit, earth fault, or arc discharge has occured locating faults in cables G01R31/08 H02H7/261involving signal transmission between at least two stations transmission of signals in general H02H1/0061 H02H7/262involving transmissions of switching or blocking orders H02H7/263involving transmissions of measured values comparison of currents or voltages using pilot wires H02H3/30 H02H7/265making use of travelling wave theory H02H7/266involving switching on a spare supply in general H02J9/00 H02H7/267for parallel lines and wires H02H7/268for dc systems H02H7/28for meshed systems H02H7/30Staggered disconnection H02H9/00Emergency protective circuit arrangements for limiting excess current or voltage without disconnection structural association of protective devices with specific machines or apparatus, see the relevant subclass for the machine or apparatus H02H9/001limiting speed of change of electric quantities, e.g. soft switching on or off progressive control of electronic switches for eliminating interferences H03K17/16 H02H9/002limiting inrush current on switching on of inductive loads subjected to remanence, e.g. transformers H02H9/004in connection with live-insertion of plug-in units involving communication with a central processing unit G06F13/40 H02H9/005avoiding undesired transient conditions H02H9/007avoiding or damping oscillations, e.g. fenoresonance or travelling waves H02H9/008Intrinsically safe circuits H02H9/02responsive to excess current current limitation for voltage regulators G05F1/573; disconnection after limiting H02H3/025 H02H9/021Current limitation using saturable reactors H02H9/023 takes precedence H02H9/023Current limitation using superconducting elements H02H9/025Current limitation using field effect transistors H02H9/026Current limitation using PTC resistors, i.e. resistors with a large positive temperature coefficient H02H9/028Current limitation by detuning a series resonant circuit H02H9/021, H02H9/023 take precedence H02H9/04responsive to excess voltage lightning arrestors H01C7/12, H01C8/04, H01G9/18, H01T H02H9/041using a short-circuiting device H02H9/042comprising means to limit the absorbed power or indicate damaged over-voltage protection device H02H9/043Protection of over-voltage protection device by short-circuiting H02H9/044Physical layout, materials not provided for elsewhere varistors H01C7/12; spark-gaps H01T; Ovshinsky devices H10N70/00 H02H9/045adapted to a particular application and not provided for elsewhere H02H9/046responsive to excess voltage appearing at terminals of integrated circuits protection by specific structural integration design H01L27/0248 H02H9/047Free-wheeling circuits H02H9/048Anti-latching or quenching devices, i.e. bringing the protection device back to its normal state after a protection action H02H9/049Circuit arrangements for limiting the number of protection devices H02H9/06using spark-gap arresters H02H9/08Limitation or suppression of earth fault currents, e.g. Petersen coil H02H11/00Emergency protective circuit arrangements for preventing the switching-on in case an undesired electric working condition might result H02H11/001in case of incorrect or interrupted earth connection disconnection by breaking of earth connection H02H5/105 H02H11/002in case of inverted polarity or connection; with switching for obtaining correct connection H02H11/003using a field effect transistor as protecting element in one of the supply lines H02H11/004in case of incorrect phase sequence; with switching for obtaining correct phase sequence protection of motors against wrong direction of rotation H02H7/097 H02H11/005in case of too low isolation resistance, too high load, short-circuit; earth fault H02H11/006in case of too high or too low voltage H02H11/007involving automatic switching for adapting the protected apparatus to the supply voltage H02H11/008preventing unsafe switching operations in substations (Schaltfehlerschutz) H02H99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass