G08GTRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEMS guiding railway traffic, ensuring the safety of railway traffic B61L; arrangement of road signs or traffic signals E01F9/00; radar or analogous systems, sonar systems, lidar systems specially adapted for traffic control G01S13/91, G01S15/88, G01S17/88; radar or analogous systems, sonar systems, lidar systems specially adapted for anti-collision purposes G01S13/93, G01S15/93, G01S17/93This subclass covers: identification of traffic offenders;indicating the position of vehicles for traffic control purposes;navigation systems for traffic control purposes, i.e. systems in which the navigation is not performed autonomously by or in the vehicles, but where the vehicles are guided by instructions transmitted to them;indication of free spaces in parking areas.This subclass does not cover:arrangements for measuring levels and bearings for surveillance and navigation, which are covered by G01C; radio navigation systems, e.g. for locating, measuring distances or velocity, which are covered by G01S; details of display instrumentation, which are covered by G09F, G09GIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. G08G1/00 G08G1/00Traffic control systems for road vehicles arrangement of road signs or traffic signals E01F9/00 ; automatic vehicle control B62D G08G1/005including pedestrian guidance indicator G08G1/01Detecting movement of traffic to be counted or controlled G08G1/07 - G08G1/14 take precedence G08G1/0104Measuring and analyzing of parameters relative to traffic conditions G08G1/0108based on the source of data G08G1/0112from the vehicle, e.g. floating car data [FCD] G08G1/0116from roadside infrastructure, e.g. beacons G08G1/012from other sources than vehicle or roadside beacons, e.g. mobile networks G08G1/0125Traffic data processing G08G1/0129for creating historical data or processing based on historical data G08G1/0133for classifying traffic situation G08G1/0137for specific applications G08G1/0141for traffic information dissemination G08G1/0145for active traffic flow control G08G1/015with provision for distinguishing between two or more types of vehicles, e.g. between motor-cars and cycles G08G1/017identifying vehicles G08G1/015, G08G1/054 take precedence G08G1/0175by photographing vehicles, e.g. when violating traffic rules G08G1/02using treadles built into the road pads or other sensitive devices responsive to passage of vehicles E01F11/00 G08G1/04using optical or ultrasonic detectors G08G1/042using inductive or magnetic detectors G08G1/048with provision for compensation of environmental or other condition, e.g. snow, vehicle stopped at detector G08G1/052with provision for determining speed or overspeed speed measuring in general G01P G08G1/054photographing overspeeding vehicles G08G1/056with provision for distinguishing direction of travel G08G1/065by counting the vehicles in a section of the road or in a parking area, i.e. comparing incoming count with outgoing count G08G1/07Controlling traffic signals G08G1/075Ramp control G08G1/08according to detected number or speed of vehicles G08G1/081Plural intersections under common control G08G1/082Controlling the time between beginning of the same phase of a cycle at adjacent intersections G08G1/083Controlling the allocation of time between phases of a cycle G08G1/085using a free-running cyclic timer G08G1/087Override of traffic control, e.g. by signal transmitted by an emergency vehicle G08G1/09Arrangements for giving variable traffic instructions railroad crossing signals B61L; reflectors E01F, G08B; indicating arrangements for variable information by selection or combination of individual elements G09F9/00 G08G1/091Traffic information broadcasting broadcasting communication H04H G08G1/092Coding or decoding of the information G08G1/093Data selection, e.g. prioritizing information, managing message queues, selecting the information to be output G08G1/094Hardware aspects; Signal processing or signal properties, e.g. frequency bands G08G1/095Traffic lights G08G1/0955transportable G08G1/096provided with indicators in which a mark progresses showing the time elapsed, e.g. of green phase G08G1/0962having an indicator mounted inside the vehicle, e.g. giving voice messages G08G1/09623Systems involving the acquisition of information from passive traffic signs by means mounted on the vehicle G08G1/0967 takes precedence G08G1/09626where the origin of the information is within the own vehicle, e.g. a local storage device, digital map G08G1/0965responding to signals from another vehicle, e.g. emergency vehicle G08G1/0967Systems involving transmission of highway information, e.g. weather, speed limits transmission of navigation instructions to the vehicle G08G1/0968 G08G1/096708where the received information might be used to generate an automatic action on the vehicle control G08G1/096716where the received information does not generate an automatic action on the vehicle control G08G1/096725where the received information generates an automatic action on the vehicle control G08G1/096733where a selection of the information might take place G08G1/096741where the source of the transmitted information selects which information to transmit to each vehicle G08G1/09675where a selection from the received information takes place in the vehicle G08G1/096758where no selection takes place on the transmitted or the received information G08G1/096766where the system is characterised by the origin of the information transmission G08G1/096775where the origin of the information is a central station G08G1/096783where the origin of the information is a roadside individual element G08G1/096791where the origin of the information is another vehicle G08G1/0968Systems involving transmission of navigation instructions to the vehicle G08G1/096805where the transmitted instructions are used to compute a route G08G1/096811where the route is computed offboard G08G1/096816where the complete route is transmitted to the vehicle at once G08G1/096822where the segments of the route are transmitted to the vehicle at different locations and times G08G1/096827where the route is computed onboard G08G1/096833where different aspects are considered when computing the route G08G1/096838where the user preferences are taken into account or the user selects one route out of a plurality G08G1/096844where the complete route is dynamically recomputed based on new data G08G1/09685where the complete route is computed only once and not updated G08G1/096855where the output is provided in a suitable form to the driver details on I/O arrangements for onboard navigation computers G01C21/36 G08G1/096861where the immediate route instructions are output to the driver, e.g. arrow signs for next turn G08G1/096866where the complete route is shown to the driver G08G1/096872where instructions are given per voice G08G1/096877where the input to the navigation device is provided by a suitable I/O arrangement details of I/O arrangements for onboard navigation computers G01C21/36; I/O arrangements for general purpose computers G06F3/00 G08G1/096883where input information is obtained using a mobile device, e.g. a mobile phone, a PDA G08G1/096888where input information is obtained using learning systems, e.g. history databases G08G1/096894where input is assisted by the navigation device, i.e. the user does not type the complete name of the destination, e.g. using zip codes, telephone numbers, progressively selecting from initial letters G08G1/0969having a display in the form of a map G08G1/097Supervising of traffic control systems, e.g. by giving an alarm if two crossing streets have green light simultaneously G08G1/123indicating the position of vehicles, e.g. scheduled vehicles; Managing passenger vehicles circulating according to a fixed timetable, e.g. buses, trains, tramstransmission of navigation instructions to vehicles G08G1/0968 G08G1/127to a central station ; Indicators in a central station G08G1/13the indicator being in the form of a map G08G1/133within the vehicle ; Indicators inside the vehicles or at stops G08G1/137the indicator being in the form of a map G08G1/14indicating individual free spaces in parking areas G08G1/141with means giving the indication of available parking spaces G08G1/142external to the vehicles G08G1/143inside the vehicles G08G1/144on portable or mobile units, e.g. personal digital assistant [PDA] G08G1/145where the indication depends on the parking areas G08G1/146where the parking area is a limited parking space, e.g. parking garage, restricted space G08G1/147where the parking area is within an open public zone, e.g. city centre G08G1/148Management of a network of parking areas G08G1/149coupled to means for restricting the access to the parking space, e.g. authorization, access barriers, indicative lights G08G1/16Anti-collision systems road vehicle drive control systems for predicting or avoiding probable or impending collision otherwise than by control of a particular sub-unit B60W30/08 G08G1/161Decentralised systems, e.g. inter-vehicle communication G08G1/162event-triggered G08G1/163involving continuous checking G08G1/164Centralised systems, e.g. external to vehicles G08G1/165for passive traffic, e.g. including static obstacles, trees G08G1/166for active traffic, e.g. moving vehicles, pedestrians, bikes G08G1/167Driving aids for lane monitoring, lane changing, e.g. blind spot detection G08G1/168Driving aids for parking, e.g. acoustic or visual feedback on parking space G08G1/20Monitoring the location of vehicles belonging to a group, e.g. fleet of vehicles, countable or determined number of vehicles G08G1/202Dispatching vehicles on the basis of a location, e.g. taxi dispatching G08G1/205Indicating the location of the monitored vehicles as destination, e.g. accidents, stolen, rental G08G1/207with respect to certain areas, e.g. forbidden or allowed areas with possible alerting when inside or outside boundaries G08G1/22Platooning, i.e. convoy of communicating vehicles G08G3/00Traffic control systems for marine craft marking of navigational route B63B22/16, B63B51/00 G08G3/02Anti-collision systems G08G5/00Traffic control systems for aircraft , e.g. air-traffic control [ATC]This groups covers arrangements, located in the aircraft or on the ground, for controlling aircraft within a traffic environment.This group does not cover arrangements for control of position, course, altitude or attitude of aircraft not specific to a traffic environment, e.g. automatic pilots, which are covered by group G05D1/00.In this group the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "traffic" includes traffic on the ground and in the air.Attention is drawn to the following places which might be interesting for search:mechanical aspects of equipment for fitting in or to aircraft B64Dcombined instruments indicating more than one navigational value G01C23/00 G08G5/0004Transmission of traffic-related information to or from an aircraft airborne radio transmission systems in general H04B7/185; airborne wireless networks H04W84/06 G08G5/0008with other aircraft G08G5/0013with a ground station G08G5/0017Arrangements for implementing traffic-related aircraft activities, e.g. arrangements for generating, displaying, acquiring or managing traffic information head-up displays G02B27/01; ground or aircraft-carrier-deck-installations B64F G08G5/0021located in the aircraft G08G5/0026located on the ground G08G5/003Flight plan management G08G5/0034Assembly of a flight plan G08G5/0039Modification of a flight plan G08G5/0043Traffic management of multiple aircrafts from the ground G08G5/003 takes precedence; data processing specially designed for resource management, e.g. scheduling or allocating time, human or machine resources G06Q10/06 G08G5/0047Navigation or guidance aids for a single aircraft details of equipment G08G5/0017 G08G5/0052for cruising combined instruments indicating more than one navigational value G01C23/00 G08G5/0056in an emergency situation, e.g. hijacking G08G5/006in accordance with predefined flight zones, e.g. to avoid prohibited zones G08G5/0065for taking-off G08G5/0069specially adapted for an unmanned aircraft G08G5/0073Surveillance aids scene image recognition G06V20/00 G08G5/0078for monitoring traffic from the aircraft radar or analogous systems specially adapted for traffic control G01S13/91 G08G5/0082for monitoring traffic from a ground station radar or analogous systems specially adapted for traffic control G01S13/91 G08G5/0086for monitoring terrain radar or analogous systems specially adapted for terrain avoidance G01S13/935 G08G5/0091for monitoring atmospheric conditions radar or analogous systems specially adapted for meteorological use G01S13/95; meteorology G01W G08G5/0095Aspects of air-traffic control not provided for in the other subgroups of this main group G08G5/02Automatic approach or landing aids, i.e. systems in which flight data of incoming planes are processed to provide landing data landing aids fitted in or to aircraft B64D45/04; visual or acoustic landing aids B64F1/18 G08G5/025Navigation or guidance aids radar or analogous systems specially adapted for landing purposes G01S13/913 G08G5/04Anti-collision systems G08G5/045Navigation or guidance aids, e.g. determination of anti-collision manoeuvers radar or analogous systems specially adapted for anti-collision between aircraft G01S13/933 G08G5/06for control when on the ground G08G5/065Navigation or guidance aids, e.g. for taxiing or rolling G08G7/00Traffic control systems for simultaneous control of two or more different kinds of craft G08G7/02Anti-collision systems G08G9/00Traffic control systems for craft where the kind of craft is irrelevant or unspecified G08G9/02Anti-collision systems G08G99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass