G01SRADIO DIRECTION-FINDINGRADIO NAVIGATIONDETERMINING DISTANCE OR VELOCITY BY USE OF RADIO WAVESLOCATING OR PRESENCE-DETECTING BY USE OF THE REFLECTION OR RERADIATION OF RADIO WAVESANALOGOUS ARRANGEMENTS USING OTHER WAVES In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "transponder" means an arrangement which reacts to an incoming interrogating or detecting wave by emitting a specific answering or identifying wave.Attention is drawn to the Notes following the title of class G01 and to Note (1) following the title of subclass G09B.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: G01S7/26 covered by G01S7/06
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
G01S1/00 G01S1/00Beacons or beacon systems transmitting signals having a characteristic or characteristics capable of being detected by non-directional receivers and defining directions, positions, or position lines fixed relatively to the beacon transmittersReceivers co-operating therewith position fixing by co-ordinating a plurality of determinations of direction or position lines G01S5/00 G01S1/02using radio waves G01S19/00 takes precedence G01S1/022Means for monitoring or calibrating G01S1/024of beacon transmitters G01S1/026of associated receivers G01S1/028Simulation means, e.g. of beacon signals therefor for teaching or training purposes G09B9/00 G01S1/04Details G01S1/042Transmitters G01S1/0423Mounting or deployment thereof G01S1/0426Collocated with electrical equipment other than beacons G01S1/0428Signal details G01S1/045Receivers G01S1/047Displays or indicators G01S1/06 takes precedence G01S1/06Means for providing multiple indication, e.g. coarse and fine indications G01S1/08Systems for determining direction or position line G01S1/10using amplitude comparison of signals transmitted sequentially from antennas or antenna systems having differently-oriented overlapping directivity characteristics, e.g. equi-signal A-N type G01S1/12the signals being transmitted sequentially from an antenna or antenna system having the orientation of its directivity characteristic periodically varied, e.g. by means of sequentially effective reflectors G01S1/14using amplitude comparison of signals transmitted simultaneously from antennas or antenna systems having differently oriented overlapping directivity-characteristics G01S1/16Azimuthal guidance systems, e.g. system for defining aircraft approach path, localiser system G01S1/18Elevational guidance systems, e.g. system for defining aircraft glide path G01S1/20using a comparison of transit time of synchronised signals transmitted from non-directional antennas or antenna systems spaced apart, i.e. path-difference systems G01S1/22the synchronised signals being frequency modulations on carrier waves and the transit times being compared by measuring difference of instantaneous frequencies of received carrier waves G01S1/24the synchronised signals being pulses or equivalent modulations on carrier waves and the transit times being compared by measuring the difference in arrival time of a significant part of the modulations , e.g. LORAN systems G01S1/245Details of receivers cooperating therewith, e.g. determining positive zero crossing of third cycle in LORAN-C G01S1/26Systems in which pulses or time-base signals are generated locally at the receiver and brought into predetermined time-relationship with received signals, e.g. pulse duration coincides with time interval between arrival of significant part of modulation of signals received from first and second antennas or antenna systems G01S1/28wherein the predetermined time-relationship is maintained automatically contains no documents G01S1/30the synchronised signals being continuous waves or intermittent trains of continuous waves, the intermittency not being for the purpose of determining direction or position line and the transit times being compared by measuring the phase difference G01S1/302Systems in which the direction is determined by using an interferometric type transmitting antenna array G01S1/304Analogous systems in which a beat frequency, obtained by heterodyning the signals, is compared in phase with a reference signal obtained by heterodyning the signals in a fixed reference point and transmitted therefrom, e.g. LORAC (long range accuracy) or TORAN systems G01S1/306Analogous systems in which frequency-related signals (harmonics) are compared in phase, e.g. DECCA systems G01S1/308particularly adapted to Omega systems G01S1/32Systems in which the signals received, with or without amplification, or signals derived therefrom, are compared in phase directly contains no documents G01S1/34Systems in which first and second synchronised signals are transmitted from both antennas or antenna systems and a beat frequency, obtained by heterodyning the first signals with each other is compared in phase with a beat frequency obtained by heterodyning the second signals with each other G01S1/36Systems in which a beat frequency, obtained by heterodyning the synchronised signals, is compared in phase with a reference signal having a phase substantially independent of direction contains no documents G01S1/38using comparison of [1] the phase of the envelope of the change of frequency, due to Doppler effect, of the signal transmitted by an antenna moving, or appearing to move, in a cyclic path with [2] the phase of a reference signal, the frequency of this reference signal being synchronised with that of the cyclic movement, or apparent cyclic movement, of the antenna G01S1/40the apparent movement of the antenna being produced by cyclic sequential energisation of fixed antennas G01S1/42Conical-scan beacons transmitting signals which indicate at a mobile receiver any displacement of the receiver from the conical-scan axis, e.g. for "beam-riding" missile control G01S1/44Rotating or oscillating beam beacons defining directions in the plane of rotation or oscillation G01S1/46Broad-beam systems producing at a receiver a substantially continuous sinusoidal envelope signal of the carrier wave of the beam, the phase angle of which is dependent upon the angle between the direction of the receiver from the beacon and a reference direction from the beacon, e.g. cardioid system G01S1/465using time-varying interference fields G01S1/48wherein the phase angle of the direction-dependent envelope signal is a multiple of the direction angle, e.g. for "fine" bearing indication TACAN G01S1/50wherein the phase angle of the direction-dependent envelope signal is compared with a non-direction-dependent reference signal, e.g. VOR G01S1/52wherein the phase angles of a plurality of direction-dependent envelope signals produced by a plurality of beams rotating at different speeds or in different directions are compared G01S1/54Narrow-beam systems producing at a receiver a pulse-type envelope signal of the carrier wave of the beam, the timing of which is dependent upon the angle between the direction of the receiver from the beacon and a reference direction from the beaconOverlapping broad beam systems defining a narrow zone and producing at a receiver a pulse-type envelope signal of the carrier wave of the beam, the timing of which is dependent upon the angle between the direction of the receiver from the beacon and a reference direction from the beacon G01S1/56Timing the pulse-type envelope signals derived by reception of the beam G01S1/58wherein a characteristic of the beam transmitted or of an auxiliary signal is varied in time synchronously with rotation or oscillation of the beam G01S1/60Varying frequency of beam signal or of auxiliary signal G01S1/62Varying phase-relationship between beam and auxiliary signal G01S1/64Varying pulse timing, e.g. varying interval between pulses radiated in pairs G01S1/66Superimposing direction-indicating intelligence signals, e.g. speech, Morse G01S1/68Marker, boundary, call-sign, or like beacons transmitting signals not carrying directional information G01S1/685using pulse modulation, e.g. pulse frequency modulation G01S1/70using electromagnetic waves other than radio waves G01S1/703Details G01S1/7032Transmitters G01S1/7034Mounting or deployment thereof G01S1/7036Collocated with electrical equipment other than beacons G01S1/7038Signal details G01S1/705using gamma or X-rays G01S1/72using ultrasonic, sonic or infrasonic waves G01S1/725Marker, boundary, call-sign or like beacons transmitting signals not carrying directional information G01S1/74Details G01S1/75Transmitters G01S1/751Mounting or deployment thereof G01S1/752Collocated with electrical equipment other than beacons G01S1/753Signal details G01S1/76Systems for determining direction or position line G01S1/763using the Doppler shift introduced by the relative motion between beacon and receiver G01S1/766Conical-scan beam beacons transmitting signals which indicate at a mobile receiver any displacement of the receiver from the conical-scan axis G01S1/78using amplitude comparison of signals transmitted from transducers or transducer systems having differently-oriented characteristics G01S1/783the signals being transmitted sequentially G01S1/786the signals being transmitted simultaneously G01S1/80using a comparison of transit time of synchronised signals transmitted from non-directional transducers or transducer systems spaced apart, i.e. path-difference systems G01S1/802the synchronised signals being frequency modulations on carrier waves and the transit times being compared by measuring difference of instantaneous frequencies of received carrier waves G01S1/805the synchronised signals being pulses or equivalent modulations on carrier waves and the transit times being compared by measuring the difference in arrival time of a significant part of the modulations G01S1/807the synchronised signals being continuous waves or intermittent trains of continuous waves, the intermittency not being for the purpose of determining direction or position line and the transit times being compared by measuring the phase difference G01S1/82Rotating or oscillating beam beacons defining directions in the plane of rotation or oscillation G01S3/00Direction-finders for determining the direction from which infrasonic, sonic, ultrasonic, or electromagnetic waves, or particle emission, not having a directional significance, are being received position-fixing by co-ordinating a plurality of determinations of direction or position lines G01S5/00 G01S3/02using radio waves G01S3/023Monitoring or calibrating G01S3/026Simulating means therefor G01S3/04Details G01S3/043Receivers G01S3/046Displays or indicators G01S3/06Means for increasing effective directivity, e.g. by combining signals having differently oriented directivity characteristics or by sharpening the envelope waveform of the signal derived from a rotating or oscillating beam antenna comparing amplitude of signals having differently oriented directivity characteristics to determine direction G01S3/16, G01S3/28 G01S3/065by using non-directional aerial G01S3/08Means for reducing polarisation errors, e.g. by use of Adcock or spaced loop antenna systems G01S3/085by using spaced loop aerial systems G01S3/10Means for reducing or compensating for quadrantal, site, or like errors G01S3/12Means for determining sense of direction, e.g. by combining signals from directional antenna or goniometer search coil with those from non-directional antenna determining direction by amplitude comparison of signals derived by combining directional and non-directional signals G01S3/24, G01S3/34 G01S3/14Systems for determining direction or deviation from predetermined direction aerial arrangements for changing or varying the orientation or the shape of the directional pattern H01Q3/00; combinations of different interacting aerial units for giving a desired directional characteristic H01Q21/29; aerials or aerial systems providing at least two radiation patterns H01Q25/00 G01S3/143by vectorial combination of signals derived from differently oriented antennae G01S3/146by comparing linear polarisation components G01S3/16using amplitude comparison of signals derived sequentially from receiving antennas or antenna systems having differently-oriented directivity characteristics or from an antenna system having periodically-varied orientation of directivity characteristic G01S3/18derived directly from separate directional antennas G01S3/20derived by sampling signal received by an antenna system having periodically-varied orientation of directivity characteristic G01S3/22derived from different combinations of signals from separate antennas, e.g. comparing sum with difference G01S3/24the separate antennas comprising one directional antenna and one non-directional antenna, e.g. combination of loop and open antennas producing a reversed cardioid directivity characteristic G01S3/26the separate antennas having differently-oriented directivity characteristics G01S3/28using amplitude comparison of signals derived simultaneously from receiving antennas or antenna systems having differently-oriented directivity characteristics G01S3/30derived directly from separate directional systems G01S3/32derived from different combinations of signals from separate antennas, e.g. comparing sum with difference G01S3/325Automatic tracking systems G01S3/34the separate antennas comprising one directional antenna and one non-directional antenna, e.g. combination of loop and open antennas producing a reversed cardioid directivity characteristic G01S3/36the separate antennas having differently-oriented directivity characteristics G01S3/38using adjustment of real or effective orientation of directivity characteristic of an antenna or an antenna system to give a desired condition of signal derived from that antenna or antenna system, e.g. to give a maximum or minimum signal G01S3/16, G01S3/28 take precedence G01S3/40adjusting orientation of a single directivity characteristic to produce maximum or minimum signal, e.g. rotatable loop antenna or equivalent goniometer system G01S3/42the desired condition being maintained automatically G01S3/44the adjustment being varied periodically or continuously until it is halted automatically when the desired condition is attained G01S3/46using antennas spaced apart and measuring phase or time difference between signals therefrom, i.e. path-difference systems G01S3/465the waves arriving at the aerials being frequency modulated and the frequency difference of signals therefrom being measured G01S3/48the waves arriving at the antennas being continuous or intermittent and the phase difference of signals derived therefrom being measured G01S3/50the waves arriving at the antennas being pulse modulated and the time difference of their arrival being measured G01S3/52using a receiving antenna moving, or appearing to move, in a cyclic path to produce a Doppler variation of frequency of the received signal G01S3/54the apparent movement of the antenna being produced by coupling the receiver cyclically and sequentially to each of several fixed spaced antennas G01S3/56Conical-scan beam systems using signals indicative of the deviation of the direction of reception from the scan axis G01S3/58Rotating or oscillating beam systems using continuous analysis of received signal for determining direction in the plane of rotation or oscillation or for determining deviation from a predetermined direction in such a plane G01S3/14 takes precedence G01S3/60Broad-beam systems producing in the receiver a substantially sinusoidal envelope signal of the carrier wave of the beam, the phase angle of which is dependent upon the angle between the direction of the transmitter from the receiver and a reference direction from the receiver, e.g. cardioid system G01S3/62wherein the phase angle of the signal is indicated by a cathode-ray tube G01S3/64wherein the phase angle of the signal is determined by phase comparison with a reference alternating signal varying in synchronism with the directivity variation G01S3/66Narrow-beam systems producing in the receiver a pulse-type envelope signal of the carrier wave of the beam, the timing of which is dependent upon the angle between the direction of the transmitter from the receiver and a reference direction from the receiverOverlapping broad-beam systems defining in the receiver a narrow zone and producing a pulse-type envelope signal of the carrier wave of the beam, the timing of which is dependent upon the angle between the direction of the transmitter from the receiver and a reference direction from the receiver G01S3/68wherein the timing of the pulse-type envelope signal is indicated by cathode-ray tube G01S3/70wherein the timing of the pulse-type envelope signal is determined by bringing a locally-generated pulse-type signal into coincidence or other predetermined time-relationship with the envelope signal G01S3/72Diversity systems specially adapted for direction-finding G01S3/74Multi-channel systems specially adapted for direction-finding, i.e. having a single antenna system capable of giving simultaneous indications of the directions of different signals systems in which the directions of different signals are determined sequentially and displayed simultaneously G01S3/04, G01S3/14 G01S3/78using electromagnetic waves other than radio waves G01S3/7803Means for monitoring or calibrating G01S3/7806using gamma or X-rays G01S3/781Details G01S3/782Systems for determining direction or deviation from predetermined direction G01S3/783using amplitude comparison of signals derived from static detectors or detector systems G01S3/7835using coding masks G01S3/784using a mosaic of detectors G01S3/785using adjustment of orientation of directivity characteristics of a detector or detector system to give a desired condition of signal derived from that detector or detector system G01S3/786the desired condition being maintained automatically G01S3/7861Solar tracking systems G01S3/7862mounted on a moving platform, e.g. space vehicle G01S3/7864T.V. type tracking systems G01S3/7865using correlation of the live video image with a stored image G01S3/7867Star trackers navigation using star trackers G01C21/025 G01S3/7868using horizon sensors G01S3/787using rotating reticles producing a direction-dependent modulation characteristic G01S3/788producing a frequency modulation characteristic G01S3/789using rotating or oscillating beam systems, e.g. using mirrors, prisms G01S3/80using ultrasonic, sonic or infrasonic waves G01S3/8003Diversity systems specially adapted for direction finding G01S3/8006Multi-channel systems specially adapted for direction-finding, i.e. having a single aerial system capable of giving simultaneous indications of the directions of different signals G01S3/801Details G01S3/82, G01S3/84, G01S3/86 take precedence G01S3/802Systems for determining direction or deviation from predetermined direction G01S3/8022using the Doppler shift introduced by the relative motion between source and receiver G01S3/8025Conical-scan beam systems using signals indicative of the deviation of the direction of reception from the scan axis G01S3/8027By vectorial composition of signals received by plural, differently-oriented transducers G01S3/803using amplitude comparison of signals derived from receiving transducers or transducer systems having differently-oriented directivity characteristics G01S3/8032wherein the signals are derived sequentially G01S3/8034wherein the signals are derived simultaneously G01S3/8036derived directly from separate directional systems G01S3/8038derived from different combinations of signals from separate transducers comparing sum with difference G01S3/805using adjustment of real or effective orientation of directivity characteristics of a transducer or transducer system to give a desired condition of signal derived from that transducer or transducer system, e.g. to give a maximum or minimum signal G01S3/8055adjusting orientation of a single directivity characteristic to produce maximum or minimum signal G01S3/807the desired condition being maintained automatically G01S3/808using transducers spaced apart and measuring phase or time difference between signals therefrom, i.e. path-difference systems G01S3/8083determining direction of source G01S3/8086determining other position line of source G01S3/809Rotating or oscillating beam systems using continuous analysis of received signal for determining direction in the plane of rotation or oscillation or for determining deviation from a predetermined direction in such a plane G01S3/82with means for adjusting phase or compensating for time-lag errors G01S3/84with indication presented on cathode-ray tubes G01S3/86with means for eliminating undesired waves, e.g. disturbing noises G01S5/00Position-fixing by co-ordinating two or more direction or position line determinationsPosition-fixing by co-ordinating two or more distance determinations using active systems G01S13/00, G01S15/00, G01S17/00Group G01S5/00 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01S5/01, G01S5/011, G01S5/012, G01S5/013, G01S5/014, G01S5/015, G01S5/016, G01S5/017, G01S5/018, and G01S5/019.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0009Transmission of position information to remote stations involving assistance data G01S5/0236 G01S5/0018Transmission from mobile station to base station G01S5/0027of actual mobile position, i.e. position determined on mobile G01S5/0036of measured values, i.e. measurement on mobile and position calculation on base station G01S5/0045Transmission from base station to mobile station G01S5/009 takes precedence G01S5/0054of actual mobile position, i.e. position calculation on base station G01S5/0063of measured values, i.e. measurement on base station and position calculation on mobile G01S5/0072Transmission between mobile stations, e.g. anti-collision systems G01S5/0081Transmission between base stations G01S5/009Transmission of differential positioning data to mobile G01S5/01Determining conditions which influence positioning, e.g. radio environment, state of motion or energy consumptionGroup G01S5/01 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/00, G01S5/02, G01S5/0205, G01S19/48, and G01S19/49.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/011Identifying the radio environmentGroup G01S5/011 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/00, G01S5/02, G01S5/0205, G01S19/48, and G01S19/49.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/012Identifying whether indoors or outdoorsGroup G01S5/012 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/00, G01S5/02, G01S5/0205, G01S19/48, and G01S19/49.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/013Identifying areas in a buildingGroup G01S5/013 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/00, G01S5/02, G01S5/0205, G01S19/48, and G01S19/49.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/014Identifying transitions between environmentsGroup G01S5/014 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/00, G01S5/02, G01S5/0205, G01S19/48, and G01S19/49.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/015between indoor and outdoor environmentsGroup G01S5/015 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/00, G01S5/02, G01S5/0205, G01S19/48, and G01S19/49.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/016between areas within a buildingGroup G01S5/016 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/00, G01S5/02, G01S5/0205, G01S19/48, and G01S19/49.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/017Detecting state or type of motionGroup G01S5/017 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/00, G01S5/02, G01S5/0205, G01S19/48, and G01S19/49.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/018Involving non-radio wave signals or measurementsGroup G01S5/018 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/00, G01S5/02, G01S5/0205, G01S19/48, and G01S19/49.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/019Energy consumptionGroup G01S5/019 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/00, G01S5/02, G01S5/0205, G01S19/48, and G01S19/49.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02using radio waves using satellite radio beacon systems for determining position G01S19/00Group G01S5/02 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01S5/01, G01S5/011, G01S5/012, G01S5/013, G01S5/014, G01S5/015, G01S5/016, G01S5/017, G01S5/018, G01S5/019, G01S5/0244, G01S5/0246, G01S5/0249, G01S5/02524, G01S5/02525, G01S5/02526, G01S5/02527, G01S5/02529, G01S5/0269, G01S5/02695, G01S5/0295, G01S5/02955, G01S2205/01, G01S2205/02, G01S2205/03, G01S2205/04, G01S2205/05, G01S2205/06, G01S2205/07, G01S2205/08, G01S2205/09, and G01S2205/10.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0205DetailsGroup G01S5/0205 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01S5/01, G01S5/011, G01S5/013, G01S5/012, G01S5/014, G01S5/015, G01S5/016, G01S5/017, G01S5/018, G01S5/019, and G01S5/0244.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/021Calibration, monitoring or correction G01S5/0252 takes precedence G01S5/0215InterferenceGroup G01S5/0215 is impacted by reclassification into group G01S5/0218.
Groups G01S5/0215 and G01S5/0218 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0218Multipath in signal receptionGroup G01S5/0218 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/0215.
Groups G01S5/0215 and G01S5/0218 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0221ReceiversGroup G01S5/0221 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01S5/02213 and G01S5/02216.
Groups G01S5/0221, G01S5/02213, and G01S5/02216 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02213Receivers arranged in a network for determining the position of a transmitterGroup G01S5/02213 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/0221.
Groups G01S5/0221 and G01S5/02213 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02216Timing or synchronisation of the receiversGroup G01S5/02216 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/0221.
Groups G01S5/0221 and G01S5/02216 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0226Transmitters G01S5/0231Emergency, distress or locator beacons G01S5/0236Assistance data, e.g. base station almanac G01S5/0242Determining the position of transmitters to be subsequently used in positioning G01S5/0289 takes precedenceGroup G01S5/0242 is impacted by reclassification into group G01S5/0249.
Groups G01S5/0242 and G01S5/0249 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0244Accuracy or reliability of position solution or of measurements contributing theretoGroup G01S5/0244 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/02 and G01S5/0205.
Groups G01S5/02, G01S5/0205, and G01S5/0244 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0246involving frequency difference of arrival or Doppler measurements G01S5/02685 takes precedenceGroup G01S5/0246 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S5/0246 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0247Determining attitude G01S5/0249Determining position using measurements made by a non-stationary device other than the device whose position is being determinedGroup G01S5/0249 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/02 and G01S5/0242.
Groups G01S5/02, G01S5/0242, and G01S5/0249 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0252Radio frequency fingerprintingIn this group, the following terms are used with the meaning indicated: Radio frequency fingerprints mean measurements or simulated values of radio frequency signal parameters, e.g. receiver signal strength indicator [RSSI] or identifiers or access point identifiers [ApIds] combined with coordinates of the positions at which the radio frequency fingerprints were measured."Radio-map" means a collection of radio frequency fingerprints.Group G01S5/0252 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01S5/02521, G01S5/02522, G01S5/02523, G01S5/02524, G01S5/02525, G01S5/02526, G01S5/02527, G01S5/02528, and G01S5/02529.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02521using a radio-mapGroup G01S5/02521 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/0252.
Groups G01S5/0252 and G01S5/02521 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02522The radio-map containing measured values of non-radio valuesGroup G01S5/02522 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/0252.
Groups G01S5/0252 and G01S5/02522 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02523Details of interaction of receiver with radio-mapGroup G01S5/02523 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/0252.
Groups G01S5/0252 and G01S5/02523 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02524Creating or updating the radio-mapGroup G01S5/02524 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/02 and G01S5/0252.
Groups G01S5/02, G01S5/0252, and G01S5/02524 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02525Gathering the radio frequency fingerprintsGroup G01S5/02525 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/02 and G01S5/0252.
Groups G01S5/02, G01S5/0252, and G01S5/02525 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02526using non-dedicated equipment, e.g. user equipment or crowd-sourcingGroup G01S5/02526 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/02 and G01S5/0252.
Groups G01S5/02, G01S5/0252, and G01S5/02526 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02527Detecting or resolving anomalies in the radio frequency fingerprints of the radio-mapGroup G01S5/02527 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/02 and G01S5/0252.
Groups G01S5/02, G01S5/0252, and G01S5/02527 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02528Simulating radio frequency fingerprintsGroup G01S5/02528 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/0252.
Groups G01S5/0252 and G01S5/02528 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02529not involving signal parameters, i.e. only involving identifiersGroup G01S5/02529 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S5/02 and G01S5/0252.
Groups G01S5/02, G01S5/0252, and G01S5/02529 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0257Hybrid positioning by coordinating position lines of different shape G01S5/12Group G01S5/0257 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01S5/0258 and G01S5/02585.
Groups G01S5/0257, G01S5/0258, and G01S5/02585 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0258by combining or switching between measurements derived from different systemsGroup G01S5/0258 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/0257.
Groups G01S5/0257 and G01S5/0258 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02585at least one of the measurements being a non-radio measurementGroup G01S5/02585 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/0257.
Groups G01S5/0257 and G01S5/02585 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0263by combining or switching between positions derived from two or more separate positioning systemsGroup G01S5/0263 is impacted by reclassification into group G01S5/0264.
Groups G01S5/0263 and G01S5/0264 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0264at least one of the systems being a non-radio wave positioning systemGroup G01S5/0264 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/0263.
Groups G01S5/0263 and G01S5/0264 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0268by deriving positions from different combinations of signals or of estimated positions in a single positioning systemGroup G01S5/0268 is impacted by reclassification into group G01S5/02685.
Groups G01S5/0268 and G01S5/02685 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02685involving dead reckoning based on radio wave measurementsGroup G01S5/02685 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/0268.
Groups G01S5/0268 and G01S5/02685 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0269Inferred or constrained positioning, e.g. employing knowledge of the physical or electromagnetic environment, state of motion or other contextual information to infer or constrain a positionGroup G01S5/0269 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S5/0269 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02695Constraining the position to lie on a curve or surfaceGroup G01S5/02695 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S5/02695 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/0273using multipath or indirect path propagation signals in position determination G01S5/0278involving statistical or probabilistic considerations G01S5/0252, G01S5/0294 take precedence G01S5/0284Relative positioning G01S5/0289of multiple transceivers, e.g. in ad hoc networks G01S5/0294Trajectory determination or predictive filtering, e.g. target tracking or Kalman filtering G01S5/0295Proximity-based methods, e.g. position inferred from reception of particular signalsGroup G01S5/0295 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S5/0295 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/02955by computing a weighted average of the positions of the signal transmittersGroup G01S5/02955 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S5/02955 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S5/04Position of source determined by a plurality of spaced direction-finders G01S5/06Position of source determined by co-ordinating a plurality of position lines defined by path-difference measurements G01S5/12 takes precedence G01S5/08Position of single direction-finder fixed by determining direction of a plurality of spaced sources of known location G01S5/10Position of receiver fixed by co-ordinating a plurality of position lines defined by path-difference measurements , e.g. omega or decca systemsG01S5/12 takes precedence ; beacons and receivers cooperating therewith G01S1/306, G01S1/308 G01S5/12by co-ordinating position lines of different shape, e.g. hyperbolic, circular, elliptical or radial G01S5/14Determining absolute distances from a plurality of spaced points of known location G01S5/145Using a supplementary range measurement, e.g. based on pseudo-range measurements
G01S5/16using electromagnetic waves other than radio waves G01S5/163Determination of attitude using inertial means G01C9/00; control of attitude G05D1/08 G01S5/166using gamma or X-rays G01S5/18using ultrasonic, sonic, or infrasonic waves G01S5/183Emergency, distress or locator beacons G01S5/186Determination of attitude using inertial means G01C9/00; control of attitude G05D1/08 G01S5/20Position of source determined by a plurality of spaced direction-finders G01S5/22Position of source determined by co-ordinating a plurality of position lines defined by path-difference measurements G01S5/28 takes precedence G01S5/24Position of single direction-finder fixed by determining direction of a plurality of spaced sources of known location G01S5/26Position of receiver fixed by co-ordinating a plurality of position lines defined by path-difference measurements G01S5/28 takes precedence G01S5/28by co-ordinating position lines of different shape, e.g. hyperbolic, circular, elliptical or radial G01S5/30Determining absolute distances from a plurality of spaced points of known location
G01S7/00Details of systems according to groups G01S13/00, G01S15/00, G01S17/00 G01S7/003Transmission of data between radar, sonar or lidar systems and remote stations G01S7/006using shared front-end circuitry, e.g. antennas G01S13/765, G01S13/825 take precedence G01S7/02of systems according to group G01S13/00 G01S7/021Auxiliary means for detecting or identifying radar signals or the like, e.g. radar jamming signals G01S7/022Road traffic radar detectors G01S7/023Interference mitigation, e.g. reducing or avoiding non-intentional interference with other HF-transmitters, base station transmitters for mobile communication or other radar systems, e.g. using electro-magnetic interference [EMI] reduction techniques auxiliary means for detecting or identifying radar signals or the like G01S7/021; means for anti-jamming G01S7/36 G01S7/0231Avoidance by polarisation multiplex G01S7/0232Avoidance by frequency multiplex G01S7/0233Avoidance by phase multiplex G01S7/0234Avoidance by code multiplex G01S7/0235Avoidance by time multiplex G01S7/0236Avoidance by space multiplex G01S7/024using polarisation effects in waveguides H01P1/165; for aerials H01Q, e.g. H01Q15/22, H01Q15/24, H01Q19/195 G01S7/025involving the transmission of linearly polarised waves G01S7/026involving the transmission of elliptically or circularly polarised waves G01S7/027Constructional details of housings, e.g. form, type, material or ruggedness G01S7/028Miniaturisation, e.g. surface mounted device [SMD] packaging or housings G01S7/03Details of HF subsystems specially adapted therefor, e.g. common to transmitter and receiver G01S7/032Constructional details for solid-state radar subsystems G01S7/034Duplexers switching devices for waveguides H01P1/10; transmit-receive switching in transceivers H04B1/44 G01S7/036involving a transfer mixer G01S7/038Feedthrough nulling circuits G01S7/04Display arrangements G01S7/043Synchronising the display device with the scanning of the antenna G01S7/046using an intermediate storage device, e.g. a recording/reproducing device G01S7/06Cathode-ray tube displays or other two dimensional or three-dimensional displays G01S7/062in which different colours are used G01S7/064using a display memory for image processing G01S7/298 takes precedence G01S7/066with means for showing the history of the radar trails, e.g. artificial remanence G01S7/068with data-rate converters preceding the display, e.g. flicker free display, constant brightness display G01S7/298 takes precedence G01S7/08with vernier indication of distance, e.g. using two cathode-ray tubes G01S7/10Providing two-dimensional and co-ordinated display of distance and direction G01S7/12Plan-position indicators, i.e. P.P.I. G01S7/14Sector, off-centre, or expanded angle display G01S7/16Signals displayed as intensity modulation with rectangular co-ordinates representing distance and bearing, e.g. type B G01S7/18Distance-height displaysDistance-elevation displays, e.g. type RHI, type E G01S7/20Stereoscopic displaysThree-dimensional displaysPseudo-three-dimensional displays G01S7/22Producing cursor lines and indicia by electronic means G01S7/24the display being orientated or displaced in accordance with movement of object carrying the transmitting and receiving apparatus, e.g. true-motion radar G01S7/28Details of pulse systems G01S7/2806Employing storage or delay devices which preserve the pulse form of the echo signal, e.g. for comparing and combining echoes received during different periods G01S7/2813Means providing a modification of the radiation pattern for cancelling noise, clutter or interfering signals, e.g. side lobe suppression, side lobe blanking, null-steering arrays specially adapted to secondary radar systems G01S13/762; aerials or aerials systems H01Q21/29, H01Q25/00 G01S7/282Transmitters G01S7/285Receivers G01S7/288Coherent receivers G01S7/2883using FFT processing G01S7/2886using I/Q processing G01S7/292Extracting wanted echo-signals G01S7/2921based on data belonging to one radar period G01S7/2922by using a controlled threshold G01S7/2923based on data belonging to a number of consecutive radar periods G01S7/2925by using shape of radiation pattern G01S7/2926by integration G01S7/2927by deriving and controlling a threshold value G01S7/2928Random or non-synchronous interference pulse cancellers G01S7/295Means for transforming co-ordinates or for evaluating data, e.g. using computers G01S7/2955Means for determining the position of the radar coordinate system for evaluating the position data of the target in another coordinate system G01S7/24 takes precedence; sighting devices adapted for indirect laying of fire F41G3/16; inertial navigation G01C21/16 G01S7/298Scan converters G01S7/32Shaping echo pulse signalsDeriving non-pulse signals from echo pulse signals G01S7/34Gain of receiver varied automatically during pulse-recurrence period, e.g. anti-clutter gain control G01S7/35Details of non-pulse systems G01S7/352Receivers G01S7/354Extracting wanted echo-signals Doppler systems G01S13/50 G01S7/356involving particularities of FFT processing G01S7/358using I/Q processing G01S7/36Means for anti-jamming , e.g. ECCM, i.e. electronic counter-counter measures G01S7/38Jamming means, e.g. producing false echoes G01S7/40Means for monitoring or calibrating G01S7/4004of parts of a radar system G01S7/4008of transmitters G01S7/4013involving adjustment of the transmitted power G01S7/4017of HF systems G01S7/4021of receivers G01S7/4026Antenna boresight G01S7/403in azimuth, i.e. in the horizontal plane G01S7/4034in elevation, i.e. in the vertical plane G01S7/4039of sensor or antenna obstruction, e.g. dirt- or ice-coating G01S7/4043including means to prevent or remove the obstruction G01S7/4047Heated dielectric lens, e.g. by heated wire G01S7/4052by simulation of echoes G01S7/4056specially adapted to FMCW G01S7/406using internally generated reference signals, e.g. via delay line, via RF or IF signal injection or via integrated reference reflector or transponder G01S7/4065involving a delay line G01S7/4069involving a RF signal injection G01S7/4073involving an IF signal injection G01S7/4078involving an integrated reference reflector or reference transponder G01S7/4082using externally generated reference signals, e.g. via remote reflector or transponder G01S7/4086in a calibrating environment, e.g. anechoic chamber G01S7/4091during normal radar operation G01S7/4095the external reference signals being modulated, e.g. rotating a dihedral reflector or modulating a transponder for simulation of a Doppler echo G01S7/41using analysis of echo signal for target characterisationTarget signatureTarget cross-section G01S7/411Identification of targets based on measurements of radar reflectivity G01S7/415 takes precedence G01S7/412based on a comparison between measured values and known or stored values G01S7/414Discriminating targets with respect to background clutter G01S7/415Identification of targets based on measurements of movement associated with the target G01S7/417involving the use of neural networks G01S7/418Theoretical aspects G01S7/42Diversity systems specially adapted for radar G01S7/48of systems according to group G01S17/00 G01S7/4802using analysis of echo signal for target characterisation; Target signature; Target cross-section G01S7/4804Auxiliary means for detecting or identifying lidar signals or the like, e.g. laser illuminators G01S7/4806Road traffic laser detectors G01S7/4808Evaluating distance, position or velocity data G01S7/481Constructional features, e.g. arrangements of optical elements G01S7/4811common to transmitter and receiver G01S7/4812transmitted and received beams following a coaxial path G01S7/4813Housing arrangements G01S7/4814of transmitters alone G01S7/4815using multiple transmitters G01S7/4816of receivers alone G01S7/4817relating to scanning G01S7/4818using optical fibres G01S7/483Details of pulse systems G01S7/484Transmitters G01S7/486Receivers G01S7/4861Circuits for detection, sampling, integration or read-out G01S7/4863Detector arrays, e.g. charge-transfer gates G01S7/4865Time delay measurement, e.g. time-of-flight measurement, time of arrival measurement or determining the exact position of a peak peak detection in noise, signal conditioning G01S7/487 G01S7/4866by fitting a model or function to the received signal G01S7/4868Controlling received signal intensity or exposure of sensor G01S7/487Extracting wanted echo signals , e.g. pulse detection G01S7/4873by deriving and controlling a threshold value G01S7/4876by removing unwanted signals G01S7/495 takes precedence G01S7/489Gain of receiver varied automatically during pulse-recurrence period G01S7/491Details of non-pulse systems G01S7/4911Transmitters G01S7/4912Receivers G01S7/4913Circuits for detection, sampling, integration or read-out G01S7/4914of detector arrays, e.g. charge-transfer gates G01S7/4915Time delay measurement, e.g. operational details for pixel components signal extraction and conditioning G01S7/493Phase measurement G01S7/4916using self-mixing in the laser cavity G01S7/4917superposing optical signals in a photodetector, e.g. optical heterodyne detection G01S7/4918Controlling received signal intensity, gain or exposure of sensor G01S7/493Extracting wanted echo signals G01S7/495Counter-measures or counter-counter-measures using electronic or electro-optical means G01S7/497Means for monitoring or calibrating G01S7/4972Alignment of sensor G01S2007/4975of sensor obstruction by, e.g. dirt- or ice-coating, e.g. by reflection measurement on front-screen G01S2007/4977including means to prevent or remove the obstruction G01S7/499using polarisation effects G01S7/51Display arrangements G01S7/52of systems according to group G01S15/00 G01S7/52001Auxiliary means for detecting or identifying sonar signals or the like, e.g. sonar jamming signals G01S7/52003Techniques for enhancing spatial resolution of targets G01S7/52046 takes precedence G01S7/52004Means for monitoring or calibrating short-range imaging G01S7/5205 G01S7/52006with provision for compensating the effects of temperature G01S2007/52007involving adjustment of transmitted power G01S2007/52009of sensor obstruction, e.g. dirt- or ice-coating G01S2007/52011including means to prevent or remove the obstruction G01S2007/52012involving a reference ground return G01S2007/52014involving a reference reflector integrated in the sensor or transducer configuration G01S7/52015Diversity systems G01S7/52017particularly adapted to short-range imaging G01S7/53 takes precedence G01S7/52019Details of transmitters G01S7/5202for pulse systems G01S7/52022using a sequence of pulses, at least one pulse manipulating the transmissivity or reflexivity of the medium G01S7/52023Details of receivers G01S7/52025for pulse systems G01S7/52034 takes precedence G01S7/52026Extracting wanted echo signals Doppler systems G01S15/50; Doppler short range imaging systems G01S15/8979 G01S7/52028using digital techniques G01S7/5203for non-pulse systems, e.g. CW systems G01S7/52034 takes precedence G01S7/52031Extracting wanted echo signals G01S7/52033Gain control of receivers for seismic signals G01V1/245 G01S7/52034Data rate converters G01S7/52036using analysis of echo signal for target characterisation G01S7/52038involving non-linear properties of the propagation medium or of the reflective target G01S7/52039exploiting the non-linear response of a contrast enhancer, e.g. a contrast agent diagnostic techniques involving the use of contrast agents A61B8/481 G01S7/52041detecting modification of a contrast enhancer, e.g. detecting the destruction of a contrast agent by an acoustic wave, e.g. loss of correlation diagnostic techniques involving the use of contrast agents A61B8/481 G01S7/52042determining elastic properties of the propagation medium or of the reflective target diagnostic techniques involving the measurement of strain A61B8/485 G01S7/52044Scan converters G01S7/52046Techniques for image enhancement involving transmitter or receiver image enhancement by image data processing G06T5/00 G01S7/52047for elimination of side lobes or of grating lobes; for increasing resolving power G01S7/52049using correction of medium-induced phase aberration G01S7/5205Means for monitoring or calibrating G01S7/52052with simulation of echoes G01S7/52053Display arrangements G01S7/52055in association with ancillary recording equipment G01S7/52057Cathode ray tube displays G01S7/52058displaying one measured variable; A-scan display G01S7/5206Two-dimensional coordinated display of distance and direction; B-scan display G01S7/52061Plan position indication (PPI display); C-scan display G01S7/52063Sector scan display G01S7/52065Compound scan display, e.g. panoramic imaging G01S7/52066Time-position or time-motion displays G01S7/52068Stereoscopic displays; Three-dimensional displays; Pseudo 3D displays G01S15/8993 takes precedence G01S7/52069Grey-scale displays G01S7/52071Multicolour displays; using colour coding; Optimising colour or information content in displays, e.g. parametric imaging G01S7/52073Production of cursor lines, markers or indicia by electronic means G01S7/52074Composite displays, e.g. split-screen displays; Combination of multiple images or of images and alphanumeric tabular information G01S7/52076Luminous indicators G01S7/52077with means for elimination of unwanted signals, e.g. noise or interference G01S7/52079Constructional features constructional features of transducers B06B; mounting transducers G10K11/00; constructional features of ultrasonic medical diagnostic devices A61B8/44 G01S7/5208with integration of processing functions inside probe or scanhead G01S7/52082involving a modular construction, e.g. a computer with short range imaging equipment modular ultrasonic medical diagnostic devices A61B8/4411 G01S7/52084related to particular user interfaces special user input means for ultrasonic medical diagnostic devices A61B8/467 G01S7/52085Details related to the ultrasound signal acquisition, e.g. scan sequences control of medical diagnostic ultrasound devices A61B8/54 G01S7/52087using synchronization techniques control of medical diagnostic ultrasound devices involving acquisition triggered by a physiological signal A61B8/543 G01S7/52088involving retrospective scan line rearrangements medical diagnostic ultrasound devices involving retrospective matching to a physiological signal A61B8/5284 G01S7/5209using multibeam transmission G01S7/52092using frequency diversity G01S7/52093using coded signals G01S15/8959 takes precedence G01S7/52095using multiline receive beamforming G01S7/52096related to power management, e.g. saving power or prolonging life of electronic components details of power supplies for ultrasonic medical diagnostic imaging devices A61B8/56 G01S7/52098related to workflow protocols G01S7/521Constructional features G01S7/523Details of pulse systems short-range imaging G01S7/52017; methods or devices for transmitting, conducting or directing sound G10K11/18 G01S7/524Transmitters G01S7/526Receivers G01S7/527Extracting wanted echo signals Doppler systems G01S15/50 G01S7/5273using digital techniques G01S7/5276using analogue techniques G01S7/529Gain of receiver varied automatically during pulse-recurrence period for seismic signals G01V1/245 G01S7/53Means for transforming coordinates or for evaluating data, e.g. using computers G01S7/531Scan converters G01S7/533Data rate converters G01S7/534Details of non-pulse systems short-range imaging G01S7/52017 G01S7/5345Gain control of receivers for seismic signals G01V1/245 G01S7/536Extracting wanted echo signals G01S7/537Counter-measures or counter-counter-measures, e.g. jamming, anti-jamming G01S7/539using analysis of echo signal for target characterisationTarget signatureTarget cross-section G01S7/54with receivers spaced apart G01S7/56Display arrangements short-range imaging G01S7/52053 G01S7/58for providing variable ranges G01S7/60for providing a permanent recording G01S7/62Cathode-ray tube displays G01S7/6209providing display of one measured variable G01S7/6218providing two-dimensional coordinated display of distance and direction G01S7/6227Plan-position indicators, i.e. P.P.I. G01S7/6236Sector-scan displays G01S7/6245Stereoscopic displays; Three-dimensional displays; Pseudo-three dimensional displays G01S7/6254Grey-scale displays G01S7/6263in which different colours are used G01S7/6272producing cursor lines and indicia by electronic means G01S7/6281Composite displays, e.g. split-screen, multiple images G01S7/629the display being oriented or displaced in accordance with the movement of object carrying the transmitting and receiving apparatus G01S7/64Luminous indications G01S7/62 takes precedence ; short-range imaging G01S7/52076 G01S11/00Systems for determining distance or velocity not using reflection or reradiation position-fixing by co-ordinating two or more distance determinations G01S5/00 G01S11/02using radio waves G01S19/00 takes precedence G01S11/023using impedance elements varying with distance G01S11/026using moving transmitters G01S11/04using angle measurements G01S11/06using intensity measurements G01S11/08using synchronised clocks G01S11/10using Doppler effect G01S11/12using electromagnetic waves other than radio waves G01S11/125using gamma or X-rays G01S11/14using ultrasonic, sonic, or infrasonic waves G01S11/16using difference in transit time between electrical and acoustic signals G01S13/00Systems using the reflection or reradiation of radio waves, e.g. radar systemsAnalogous systems using reflection or reradiation of waves whose nature or wavelength is irrelevant or unspecified This group covers : systems for detecting the presence of an object, e.g. by reflection or reradiation from the object itself, or from a transponder associated with the object, for determining the distance or relative velocity of an object, for providing a co-ordinated display of the distance and direction of an object or for obtaining an image thereof; systems arranged for mounting on a moving craft or vehicle and using the reflection of waves from an extended surface external to the craft, e.g. the surface of the earth, to determine the velocity and direction of motion of the craft relative to the surface. This group does not cover : systems for determining the direction of an object by means not employing reflection or reradiation, which are covered by groups G01S1/00 or G01S3/00; systems for determining distance or velocity of an object by means not employing reflection or reradiation, which are covered by group G01S11/00. G01S13/003Bistatic radar systems; Multistatic radar systems G01S13/006Theoretical aspects G01S7/418, G01S13/9094, G01S13/958 take precedence G01S13/02Systems using reflection of radio waves, e.g. primary radar systemsAnalogous systems G01S13/0209Systems with very large relative bandwidth, i.e. larger than 10 %, e.g. baseband, pulse, carrier-free, ultrawideband G01S13/0218Very long range radars, e.g. surface wave radar, over-the-horizon or ionospheric propagation systems for meteorological use G01S13/95 G01S2013/0227OTH, Over-The-Horizon radar G01S2013/0236Special technical features G01S2013/0245Radar with phased array antenna G01S2013/0254Active array antenna G01S2013/0263Passive array antenna G01S2013/0272Multifunction radar G01S2013/0281LPI, Low Probability of Intercept radar G01S2013/029Antistealth radar G01S13/04Systems determining presence of a target based on relative movement of target G01S13/56 G01S13/06Systems determining position data of a target G01S13/08Systems for measuring distance only indirect measurement G01S13/46 G01S13/10using transmission of interrupted, pulse modulated waves determination of distance by phase measurement G01S13/32 G01S13/103particularities of the measurement of the distance G01S13/12, G01S13/14, G01S13/16, G01S13/18 and G01S13/20 take precedence G01S13/106using transmission of pulses having some particular characteristics G01S13/12, G01S13/22, G01S13/24, G01S13/26, G01S13/28 and G01S13/30 take precedence G01S13/12wherein the pulse-recurrence frequency is varied to provide a desired time relationship between the transmission of a pulse and the receipt of the echo of a preceding pulse G01S13/14wherein a voltage or current pulse is initiated and terminated in accordance respectively with the pulse transmission and echo reception G01S13/16using counters G01S13/18wherein range gates are used G01S13/20whereby multiple time-around echoes are used or eliminated G01S13/22using irregular pulse repetition frequency G01S13/12 takes precedence G01S13/222using random or pseudorandom pulse repetition frequency G01S13/225with cyclic repetition of a non-uniform pulse sequence, e.g. staggered PRF G01S13/227with repetitive trains of uniform pulse sequences, each sequence having a different pulse repetition frequency G01S13/24using frequency agility of carrier wave G01S13/26wherein the transmitted pulses use a frequency- or phase-modulated carrier wave G01S13/28with time compression of received pulses G01S13/282using a frequency modulated carrier wave G01S13/286 takes precedence G01S13/284using coded pulses G01S13/286frequency shift keyed G01S13/288phase modulated G01S13/30using more than one pulse per radar period G01S13/32using transmission of continuous waves, whether amplitude-, frequency-, or phase-modulated, or unmodulated G01S13/325using transmission of coded signals, e.g. P.S.K. signals G01S13/34using transmission of continuous, frequency-modulated waves while heterodyning the received signal, or a signal derived therefrom, with a locally-generated signal related to the contemporaneously transmitted signal G01S13/341wherein the rate of change of the transmitted frequency is adjusted to give a beat of predetermined constant frequency, e.g. by adjusting the amplitude or frequency of the frequency-modulating signal G01S13/342using sinusoidal modulation G01S13/343using sawtooth modulation G01S13/345using triangular modulation G01S13/346using noise modulation G01S13/347using more than one modulation frequency G01S13/348using square or rectangular modulation, e.g. diplex radar for ranging over short distances G01S13/36with phase comparison between the received signal and the contemporaneously transmitted signal G01S13/38wherein more than one modulation frequency is used G01S13/40wherein the frequency of transmitted signal is adjusted to give a predetermined phase relationship G01S13/42Simultaneous measurement of distance and other co-ordinates indirect measurement G01S13/46 G01S13/422sequential lobing, e.g. conical scan G01S13/424Stacked beam radar G01S13/426Scanning radar, e.g. 3D radar G01S13/66 takes precedence G01S13/428within the pulse scanning systems G01S13/44Monopulse radar, i.e. simultaneous lobing G01S13/4409HF sub-systems particularly adapted therefor, e.g. circuits for signal combination multi-lobing aerials or aerial systems H01Q25/00 G01S13/4418with means for eliminating radar-dependent errors in angle measurements, e.g. multipath effects G01S13/4427with means for eliminating the target-dependent errors in angle measurements, e.g. glint, scintillation effects G01S13/4436with means specially adapted to maintain the same processing characteristics between the monopulse signals G01S13/4445amplitude comparisons monopulse, i.e. comparing the echo signals received by an antenna arrangement with overlapping squinted beams G01S13/4454phase comparisons monopulse, i.e. comparing the echo signals received by an interferometric antenna arrangement G01S13/4463using phased arrays G01S13/4472with means specially adapted to airborne monopulse systems clutter elimination using Doppler effect: G01S13/449 G01S13/4481Monopulse hybrid systems, e.g. conopulse G01S13/449Combined with MTI or Doppler processing circuits G01S13/46Indirect determination of position data G01S2013/462using multipath signals G01S2013/464using only the non-line-of-sight signal(s), e.g. to enable survey of scene 'behind' the target only the indirect signal is evaluated G01S2013/466by Trilateration, i.e. two antennas or two sensors determine separately the distance to a target, whereby with the knowledge of the baseline length, i.e. the distance between the antennas or sensors, the position data of the target is determined G01S2013/468by Triangulation, i.e. two antennas or two sensors determine separately the bearing, direction or angle to a target, whereby with the knowledge of the baseline length, the position data of the target is determined G01S13/48using multiple beams at emission or reception G01S13/50Systems of measurement based on relative movement of target G01S13/505using Doppler effect for determining closest range to a target or corresponding time, e.g. miss-distance indicator G01S13/52Discriminating between fixed and moving objects or between objects moving at different speeds G01S13/522using transmissions of interrupted pulse modulated waves G01S13/524based upon the phase or frequency shift resulting from movement of objects, with reference to the transmitted signals, e.g. coherent MTi G01S13/5242with means for platform motion or scan motion compensation, e.g. airborne MTI G01S13/5244Adaptive clutter cancellation specially adapted for airborne MTI, G01S13/5242 G01S13/5246post processors for coherent MTI discriminators, e.g. residue cancellers, CFAR after Doppler filters G01S13/5248combining a coherent MTI processor with a zero Doppler processing channel and a clutter mapped memory, e.g. MTD (Moving target detector), area MTI G01S13/538 G01S13/526performing filtering on the whole spectrum without loss of range information, e.g. using delay line cancellers or comb filters G01S13/5244 takes precedence G01S13/5265IF cancellers, e.g. TACCAR systems G01S13/528with elimination of blind speeds G01S13/53performing filtering on a single spectral line and associated with one or more range gates with a phase detector or a frequency mixer to extract the Doppler information, e.g. pulse Doppler radar G01S13/5244 takes precedence G01S13/532using a bank of range gates or a memory matrix G01S13/534based upon amplitude or phase shift resulting from movement of objects, with reference to the surrounding clutter echo signal, e.g. non coherent MTi, clutter referenced MTi, externally coherent MTi G01S13/536using transmission of continuous unmodulated waves, amplitude-, frequency-, or phase-modulated waves G01S13/538eliminating objects that have not moved between successive antenna scans, e.g. area MTi G01S13/56for presence detection presence detection using near field arrangements G01V3/00, e.g. G01V3/08, G01V3/12; burglar, theft or intruder alarms with electrical actuation G08B13/22 - G08B13/26 G01S13/58Velocity or trajectory determination systemsSense-of-movement determination systems G01S13/581using transmission of interrupted pulse modulated waves and based upon the Doppler effect resulting from movement of targets G01S13/582adapted for simultaneous range and velocity measurements G01S13/583using transmission of continuous unmodulated waves, amplitude-, frequency-, or phase-modulated waves and based upon the Doppler effect resulting from movement of targets G01S13/584adapted for simultaneous range and velocity measurements G01S13/585processing the video signal in order to evaluate or display the velocity value G01S13/586using, or combined with, frequency tracking means G01S13/587using optical means G01S13/588deriving the velocity value from the range measurement G01S13/589measuring the velocity vector G01S13/60wherein the transmitter and receiver are mounted on the moving object, e.g. for determining ground speed, drift angle, ground track G01S13/64 takes precedence G01S13/605using a pattern, backscattered from the ground, to determine speed or drift by measuring the time required to cover a fixed distance G01S13/62Sense-of-movement determination G01S13/589 takes precedence G01S13/64Velocity measuring systems using range gates G01S13/66Radar-tracking systemsAnalogous systems G01S13/68for angle tracking only G01S13/685using simultaneous lobing techniques G01S13/70for range tracking only G01S13/72for two-dimensional tracking, e.g. combination of angle and range tracking, track-while-scan radar G01S13/723by using numerical data G01S13/726Multiple target tracking G01S13/74Systems using reradiation of radio waves, e.g. secondary radar systemsAnalogous systems G01S13/75using transponders powered from received waves, e.g. using passive transponders , or using passive reflectors G01S13/751wherein the responder or reflector radiates a coded signal G01S13/753using frequency selective elements, e.g. resonator G01S13/755using delay lines, e.g. acoustic delay lines G01S13/756using a signal generator for modifying the reflectivity of the reflector G01S13/758 takes precedence G01S13/758using a signal generator powered by the interrogation signal G01S13/76wherein pulse-type signals are transmitted G01S13/762with special measures concerning the radiation pattern, e.g. S.L.S. aerials or aerial systems providing at least two radiation patterns, e.g. providing sum and difference patterns, H01Q25/00 G01S13/765with exchange of information between interrogator and responder G01S13/767Responders; Transponders teaching or practice apparatus for gun-aiming or gun-laying using reflecting targets or active targets F41G3/26 G01S13/78discriminating between different kinds of targets, e.g. IFF-radar, i.e. identification of friend or foe G01S13/75, G01S13/79 take precedence G01S13/781Secondary Surveillance Radar [SSR] in general G01S13/782using multimoding or selective addressing G01S13/784Coders or decoders therefor; Degarbling systems; Defruiting systems G01S13/785Distance Measuring Equipment [DME] systems G01S13/787co-operating with direction defining beacons G01S13/788Coders or decoders therefor; Special detection circuits G01S13/79Systems using random coded signals or random pulse repetition frequencies , e.g. "Separation and Control of Aircraft using Non synchronous Techniques" [SECANT] G01S13/82wherein continuous-type signals are transmitted G01S13/825with exchange of information between interrogator and responder G01S13/84for distance determination by phase measurement G01S13/86Combinations of radar systems with non-radar systems, e.g. sonar, direction finder G01S13/862Combination of radar systems with sonar systems G01S13/865Combination of radar systems with lidar systems G01S13/867Combination of radar systems with cameras G01S13/87Combinations of radar systems, e.g. primary radar and secondary radar G01S13/872Combinations of primary radar and secondary radar G01S13/874Combination of several systems for attitude determination in general G01C, control of attitude G05D1/08 G01S13/876Combination of several spaced transponders or reflectors of known location for determining the position of a receiver G01S13/874 takes precedence G01S13/878Combination of several spaced transmitters or receivers of known location for determining the position of a transponder or a reflector G01S13/874 takes precedence G01S13/88Radar or analogous systems specially adapted for specific applications electromagnetic prospecting or detecting of objects, e.g. near-field detection, G01V3/00 G01S13/881for robotics G01S13/882for altimeters measuring height using barometric means G01C5/06 G01S13/883for missile homing, autodirectors missile guidance systems F41G7/22 G01S13/885for ground probing prospecting or detecting using electromagnetic waves G01V3/12 G01S13/886for alarm systems alarms with electrical actuation G08B13/22 G01S13/887for detection of concealed objects, e.g. contraband or weapons G01S13/888through wall detection G01S13/89for mapping or imaging G01S13/895Side looking radar [SLR] G01S13/90using synthetic aperture techniques , e.g. synthetic aperture radar [SAR] techniques G01S13/9004SAR image acquisition techniques G01S13/9005with optical processing of the SAR signals G01S13/9011with frequency domain processing of the SAR signals in azimuth G01S13/9005 takes precedence G01S13/9017with time domain processing of the SAR signals in azimuth G01S13/9005 takes precedence G01S13/9019Auto-focussing of the SAR signals G01S13/9021SAR image post-processing techniques G01S13/9023combined with interferometric techniques G01S13/9027Pattern recognition for feature extraction G01S13/9029specially adapted for moving target detection within a single SAR image or within multiple SAR images taken at the same time G01S13/904SAR modes G01S13/9041Squint mode G01S13/9043Forward-looking SAR G01S13/9047Doppler beam sharpening mode G01S13/9052Spotlight mode G01S13/9054Stripmap mode G01S13/9056Scan SAR mode G01S13/9058Bistatic or multistatic SAR G01S13/9064Inverse SAR [ISAR] G01S13/9076Polarimetric features in SAR G01S13/9082Rotating SAR [ROSAR] G01S13/9088Circular SAR [CSAR, C-SAR] G01S13/9089SAR having an irregular aperture G01S13/9092combined with monopulse techniques G01S13/9094Theoretical aspects G01S13/91for traffic control G01S13/93 takes precedence G01S13/913for landing purposes G01S2013/916Airport surface monitoring [ASDE] G01S13/917for marine craft or other waterborne vessels G01S13/92for velocity measurement G01S13/93for anti-collision purposes G01S13/931of land vehicles G01S2013/9314Parking operations G01S2013/9315Monitoring blind spots G01S2013/9316combined with communication equipment with other vehicles or with base stations G01S2013/9317Driving backwards G01S2013/9318Controlling the steering G01S2013/93185Controlling the brakes G01S2013/9319Controlling the accelerator G01S2013/932using own vehicle data, e.g. ground speed, steering wheel direction G01S2013/9321Velocity regulation, e.g. cruise control G01S2013/9322using additional data, e.g. driver condition, road state or weather data G01S2013/9323Alternative operation using light waves G01S2013/9324Alternative operation using ultrasonic waves G01S2013/9325for inter-vehicle distance regulation, e.g. navigating in platoons G01S2013/9327Sensor installation details G01S2013/93271in the front of the vehicles G01S2013/93272in the back of the vehicles G01S2013/93273on the top of the vehicles G01S2013/93274on the side of the vehicles G01S2013/93275in the bumper area G01S2013/93276in the windshield area G01S2013/93277in the lights G01S2013/9328Rail vehicles G01S2013/9329cooperating with reflectors or transponders G01S13/933of aircraft or spacecraft G01S13/934on airport surfaces, e.g. while taxiing G01S13/935for terrain-avoidance G01S13/937of marine craft G01S13/95for meteorological use G01S13/951ground based G01S13/953mounted on aircraft G01S13/955mounted on satellite G01S13/956mounted on ship or other platform G01S13/958Theoretical aspects G01S15/00Systems using the reflection or reradiation of acoustic waves, e.g. sonar systems This group covers : systems for detecting the presence of an object, e.g. by reflection or reradiation from the object itself, or from a transponder associated with the object, for determining the distance or relative velocity of an object, for providing a co-ordinated display of the distance and direction of an object or for obtaining an image thereof; systems arranged for mounting on a moving craft or vehicle and using the reflection of waves from an extended surface external to the craft, e.g. the surface of the earth, to determine the velocity and direction of motion of the craft relative to the surface. This group does not cover : systems for determining the direction of an object by means not employing reflection or reradiation, which are covered by groups G01S1/00 or G01S3/00; systems for determining distance or velocity of an object by means not employing reflection or reradiation, which are covered by group G01S11/00. G01S15/003Bistatic sonar systems; Multistatic sonar systems G01S15/006Theoretical aspects G01S15/02using reflection of acoustic waves G01S15/66 takes precedence G01S15/04Systems determining presence of a target G01S15/06Systems determining the position data of a target G01S15/08Systems for measuring distance only indirect measurement G01S15/46 G01S15/10using transmission of interrupted, pulse-modulated waves determination of distance by phase measurement G01S15/32 G01S15/101Particularities of the measurement of distance G01S15/12, G01S15/14, and G01S15/18 take precedence G01S15/102using transmission of pulses having some particular characteristics G01S15/104wherein the transmitted pulses use a frequency- or phase-modulated carrier wave G01S15/105using irregular pulse repetition frequency G01S15/107using frequency agility of carrier wave G01S15/108using more than one pulse per sonar period G01S15/12wherein the pulse-recurrence frequency is varied to provide a desired time relationship between the transmission of a pulse and the receipt of the echo of a preceding pulse G01S15/14wherein a voltage or current pulse is initiated and terminated in accordance respectively with the pulse transmission and echo reception G01S15/18wherein range gates are used G01S15/32using transmission of continuous waves, whether amplitude-, frequency-, or phase-modulated, or unmodulated G01S15/325using transmission of coded signals, e.g. of phase-shift keyed [PSK] signals G01S15/34using transmission of continuous, frequency-modulated waves while heterodyning the received signal, or a signal derived therefrom, with a locally-generated signal related to the contemporaneously transmitted signal G01S15/36with phase comparison between the received signal and the contemporaneously transmitted signal G01S15/42Simultaneous measurement of distance and other co-ordinates indirect measurement G01S15/46 G01S15/46Indirect determination of position data G01S2015/465by Trilateration, i.e. two transducers determine separately the distance to a target, whereby with the knowledge of the baseline length, i.e. the distance between the transducers, the position data of the target is determined G01S15/50Systems of measurement, based on relative movement of the target G01S15/52Discriminating between fixed and moving objects or between objects moving at different speeds G01S15/523for presence detection burglar, theft or intruder alarms G08B13/00, e.g. G08B13/16 G01S15/526by comparing echos in different sonar periods G01S15/58Velocity or trajectory determination systemsSense-of-movement determination systems velocity measurement in imaging systems G01S15/8979 G01S15/582using transmission of interrupted pulse-modulated waves and based upon the Doppler effect resulting from movement of targets G01S15/584with measures taken for suppressing velocity ambiguities, i.e. anti-aliasing G01S15/586using transmission of continuous unmodulated waves, amplitude-, frequency-, or phase-modulated waves and based upon the Doppler effect resulting from movement of targets G01S15/588measuring the velocity vector G01S15/60wherein the transmitter and receiver are mounted on the moving object, e.g. for determining ground speed, drift angle, ground track G01S15/62Sense-of-movement determination G01S15/588 takes precedence G01S15/66Sonar tracking systems G01S15/74Systems using reradiation of acoustic waves, e.g. IFF, i.e. identification of friend or foe G01S15/86Combinations of sonar systems with lidar systemsCombinations of sonar systems with systems not using wave reflection G01S15/87Combinations of sonar systems G01S15/872Combination of several systems for attitude determination using inertial means G01C9/00, control of attitude G05D1/08 G01S15/874Combination of several spaced transponders or reflectors of known location for determining the position of a receiver G01S15/872 takes precedence G01S15/876Combination of several spaced transmitters or receivers of known location for determining the position of a transponder or a reflector G01S15/872 takes precedence G01S15/878wherein transceivers are operated, either sequentially or simultaneously, both in bi-static and in mono-static mode, e.g. cross-echo mode G01S15/88Sonar systems specially adapted for specific applications seismic or acoustic prospecting or detecting G01V1/00 G01S15/885Meteorological systems G01S15/89for mapping or imaging G01S15/8902Side-looking sonar G01S15/8904using synthetic aperture techniques G01S15/8906Short-range imaging systems; Acoustic microscope systems using pulse-echo techniques G01S15/8909using a static transducer configuration G01S15/8911using a single transducer for transmission and reception G01S15/8913using separate transducers for transmission and reception G01S15/8915using a transducer array G01S15/8918the array being linear G01S15/892the array being curvilinear G01S15/8922the array being concentric or annular G01S15/8925the array being a two-dimensional transducer configuration, i.e. matrix or orthogonal linear arrays G01S15/8927using simultaneously or sequentially two or more subarrays or subapertures G01S15/8929using a three-dimensional transducer configuration G01S15/8931co-operating with moving reflectors G01S15/8934using a dynamic transducer configuration G01S15/8936using transducers mounted for mechanical movement in three dimensions G01S15/8938using transducers mounted for mechanical movement in two dimensions G01S15/894by rotation about a single axis G01S15/8943co-operating with reflectors G01S15/8945using transducers mounted for linear mechanical movement G01S15/8947using transducers movable by (electro)magnetic means G01S15/895characterised by the transmitted frequency spectrum G01S15/8952using discrete, multiple frequencies G01S15/8954using a broad-band spectrum G01S15/8956using frequencies at or above 20 MHz G01S15/8959using coded signals for correlation purposes G01S15/8961using pulse compression G01S15/8963using pulse inversion G01S15/8965using acousto-optical or acousto-electronic conversion techniques G01S15/8968using acoustical modulation of a light beam acousto-optical light control devices G02F1/11, G02F1/33 G01S15/897using application of holographic techniques G01S15/8972with optical reconstruction of the image G01S15/8975using acoustical image/electron beam converter tubes tubes therefor H01J31/495 G01S15/8977using special techniques for image reconstruction, e.g. FFT, geometrical transformations, spatial deconvolution, time deconvolution G01S15/8979Combined Doppler and pulse-echo imaging systems G01S15/8981Discriminating between fixed and moving objects or between objects moving at different speeds, e.g. wall clutter filter G01S15/8984Measuring the velocity vector G01S15/8986with measures taken for suppressing velocity ambiguities, i.e. anti-aliasing G01S15/8988Colour Doppler imaging G01S15/899Combination of imaging systems with ancillary equipment G01S15/8993Three dimensional imaging systems G01S15/8995Combining images from different aspect angles, e.g. spatial compounding G01S15/8997using synthetic aperture techniques G01S15/93for anti-collision purposes G01S15/931of land vehicles G01S2015/932for parking operations G01S2015/933for measuring the dimensions of the parking space when driving past G01S2015/934for measuring the depth, i.e. width, not length, of the parking space G01S2015/935for measuring the contour, e.g. a trajectory of measurement points, representing the boundary of the parking space G01S2015/936for measuring parking spaces extending transverse or diagonal to the driving direction, i.e. not parallel to the driving direction G01S2015/937sensor installation details constructional features of transducers G01S7/521 and B06B; casing of transducers, e.g. housing, cover or filler details, G10K9/22; mounting of transducers, i.e. fixture, fitting or holder details, G10K11/004 G01S2015/938in the bumper area radar in bumper area G01S2013/93275; bumper with obstacle sensor of electric or electronic type B60R19/483 G01S2015/939vertical stacking of sensors, e.g. to enable obstacle height determination G01S15/96for locating fish G01S17/00Systems using the reflection or reradiation of electromagnetic waves other than radio waves, e.g. lidar systemsThis group covers:systems for detecting the presence of an object, e.g. by reflection or reradiation from the object itself, or from a transponder associated with the object, for determining the distance or relative velocity of an object, for providing a coordinated display of the distance and direction of an object or for obtaining an image thereof;systems arranged for mounting on a moving craft or vehicle and using the reflection of waves from an extended surface external to the craft, e.g. the surface of the earth, to determine the velocity and direction of motion of the craft relative to the surface.This subclass does not cover: systems for determining the direction of anobject by means not employing reflectionor reradiation which are covered by groups G01S1/00 or G01S3/00;systems for determining distance or velocity of an object by means not employing reflection or reradiation, which are covered by group G01S11/00. G01S17/003Bistatic lidar systems; Multistatic lidar systems G01S17/006Theoretical aspects G01S17/02Systems using the reflection of electromagnetic waves other than radio waves G01S17/66 takes precedence G01S17/04Systems determining the presence of a target G01S17/06Systems determining position data of a target G01S17/08for measuring distance only indirect measurement G01S17/46; active triangulation systems G01S17/48 G01S17/10using transmission of interrupted, pulse-modulated waves determination of distance by phase measurements G01S17/32 G01S17/14wherein a voltage or current pulse is initiated and terminated in accordance with the pulse transmission and echo reception respectively, e.g. using counters G01S17/18wherein range gates are used G01S17/26wherein the transmitted pulses use a frequency-modulated or phase-modulated carrier wave, e.g. for pulse compression of received signals G01S17/32using transmission of continuous waves, whether amplitude-, frequency-, or phase-modulated, or unmodulated G01S17/34using transmission of continuous, frequency-modulated waves while heterodyning the received signal, or a signal derived therefrom, with a locally-generated signal related to the contemporaneously transmitted signal G01S17/36with phase comparison between the received signal and the contemporaneously transmitted signal G01S17/42Simultaneous measurement of distance and other co-ordinates indirect measurement G01S17/46 G01S17/46Indirect determination of position data G01S17/48Active triangulation systems, i.e. using the transmission and reflection of electromagnetic waves other than radio waves G01S17/50Systems of measurement based on relative movement of target G01S17/58Velocity or trajectory determination systemsSense-of-movement determination systems G01S17/66Tracking systems using electromagnetic waves other than radio waves G01S17/74Systems using reradiation of electromagnetic waves other than radio waves, e.g. IFF, i.e. identification of friend or foe G01S17/86Combinations of lidar systems with systems other than lidar, radar or sonar, e.g. with direction finders G01S17/87Combinations of systems using electromagnetic waves other than radio waves G01S17/875for determining attitude G01S17/88Lidar systems specially adapted for specific applications G01S17/89for mapping or imaging G01S17/8943D imaging with simultaneous measurement of time-of-flight at a 2D array of receiver pixels, e.g. time-of-flight cameras or flash lidar G01S17/90using synthetic aperture techniques G01S17/93for anti-collision purposes G01S17/931of land vehicles G01S17/933of aircraft or spacecraft G01S17/95for meteorological use G01S19/00Satellite radio beacon positioning systemsDetermining position, velocity or attitude using signals transmitted by such systems G01S19/01Satellite radio beacon positioning systems transmitting time-stamped messages, e.g. GPS [Global Positioning System], GLONASS [Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System] or GALILEO G01S19/015Arrangements for jamming, spoofing or other methods of denial of service of such systems G01S19/02Details of the space or ground control segments G01S19/03Cooperating elementsInteraction or communication between different cooperating elements or between cooperating elements and receiversThe term "cooperating elements" designates additional elements or subsystems, including receivers of other users, which interact or communicate with the receiver or the satellite positioning system. G01S19/04providing carrier phase data G01S19/05providing aiding data G01S19/06employing an initial estimate of the location of the receiver as aiding data or in generating aiding data G01S19/07providing data for correcting measured positioning data, e.g. DGPS [differential GPS] or ionosphere corrections G01S19/071DGPS corrections G01S19/072Ionosphere corrections G01S19/073involving a network of fixed stations G01S19/074providing integrity data, e.g. WAAS G01S19/08providing integrity information, e.g. health of satellites or quality of ephemeris data G01S19/09providing processing capability normally carried out by the receiver G01S19/10providing dedicated supplementary positioning signals G01S19/11wherein the cooperating elements are pseudolites or satellite radio beacon positioning system signal repeaters G01S19/115Airborne or satellite based pseudolites or repeaters G01S19/12wherein the cooperating elements are telecommunication base stations G01S19/13Receivers G01S19/14specially adapted for specific applications G01S19/15Aircraft landing systems G01S19/16Anti-theftAbduction G01S19/17Emergency applications G01S19/18Military applications G01S19/19Sporting applications G01S19/20Integrity monitoring, fault detection or fault isolation of space segment G01S19/21Interference related issues ; Issues related to cross-correlation, spoofing or other methods of denial of service G01S19/215issues related to spoofing G01S19/22Multipath-related issues G01S19/23Testing, monitoring, correcting or calibrating of receiver elements G01S19/235Calibration of receiver components G01S19/24Acquisition or tracking or demodulation of signals transmitted by the system synchronisation aspects of direct sequence spread spectrum modulation H04B1/7073 G01S19/243Demodulation of navigation message G01S19/246involving long acquisition integration times, extended snapshots of signals or methods specifically directed towards weak signal acquisition G01S19/25involving aiding data received from a cooperating element, e.g. assisted GPS G01S19/252Employing an initial estimate of location in generating assistance data G01S19/254relating to Doppler shift of satellite signals G01S19/256relating to timing, e.g. time of week, code phase, timing offset G01S19/258relating to the satellite constellation, e.g. almanac, ephemeris data, lists of satellites in view G01S19/26involving a sensor measurement for aiding acquisition or tracking G01S19/27creating, predicting or correcting ephemeris or almanac data within the receiver G01S19/28Satellite selection G01S19/29carrier including Doppler, related G01S19/246 takes precedence G01S19/30code related G01S19/246 takes precedence G01S19/31Acquisition or tracking of other signals for positioning G01S19/32Multimode operation in a single same satellite system, e.g. GPS L1/L2 G01S19/33Multimode operation in different systems which transmit time stamped messages, e.g. GPS/GLONASS G01S19/34Power consumption G01S19/35Constructional details or hardware or software details of the signal processing chain G01S19/36relating to the receiver frond end G01S19/37Hardware or software details of the signal processing chain G01S19/38Determining a navigation solution using signals transmitted by a satellite radio beacon positioning system G01S19/39the satellite radio beacon positioning system transmitting time-stamped messages, e.g. GPS [Global Positioning System], GLONASS [Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System] or GALILEO G01S19/393Trajectory determination or predictive tracking, e.g. Kalman filtering G01S19/396Determining accuracy or reliability of position or pseudorange measurements G01S19/40Correcting position, velocity or attitude G01S19/41Differential correction, e.g. DGPS [differential GPS] G01S19/42Determining position G01S19/421by combining or switching between position solutions or signals derived from different satellite radio beacon positioning systems; by combining or switching between position solutions or signals derived from different modes of operation in a single system G01S19/423by combining or switching between position solutions derived from different satellite radio beacon positioning systems G01S19/425by combining or switching between signals derived from different satellite radio beacon positioning systems G01S19/426by combining or switching between position solutions or signals derived from different modes of operation in a single system G01S19/428using multipath or indirect path propagation signals in position determination G01S19/43using carrier phase measurements, e.g. kinematic positioningusing long or short baseline interferometry G01S19/44Carrier phase ambiguity resolutionFloating ambiguityLAMBDA [Least-squares AMBiguity Decorrelation Adjustment] method G01S19/45by combining measurements of signals from the satellite radio beacon positioning system with a supplementary measurement G01S19/46the supplementary measurement being of a radio-wave signal type G01S19/47the supplementary measurement being an inertial measurement, e.g. tightly coupled inertial G01S19/48by combining or switching between position solutions derived from the satellite radio beacon positioning system and position solutions derived from a further systemGroup G01S19/48 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01S5/01, G01S5/011, G01S5/012, G01S5/013, G01S5/014, G01S5/015, G01S5/016, G01S5/017, G01S5/018, G01S5/019, and G01S19/485.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S19/485whereby the further system is an optical system or imaging systemGroup G01S19/485 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups G01S19/48 and G01S19/49.
Groups G01S19/48, G01S19/49, and G01S19/485 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S19/49whereby the further system is an inertial position system, e.g. loosely-coupledGroup G01S19/49 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01S5/01, G01S5/011, G01S5/012, G01S5/013, G01S5/014, G01S5/015, G01S5/016, G01S5/017, G01S5/018, G01S5/019, and G01S19/485.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S19/50whereby the position solution is constrained to lie upon a particular curve or surface, e.g. for locomotives on railway tracks G01S19/51Relative positioning
G01S19/52Determining velocity G01S19/53Determining attitude G01S19/54using carrier phase measurementsusing long or short baseline interferometry G01S19/55Carrier phase ambiguity resolutionFloating ambiguityLAMBDA [Least-squares AMBiguity Decorrelation Adjustment] method
G01S2201/00Indexing scheme relating to beacons or beacon systems transmitting signals capable of being detected by non-directional receivers and defining directions, positions, or position lines fixed relatively to the beacon transmitters G01S2201/01adapted for specific applications or environments G01S2201/02Indoor positioning, e.g. in covered car-parks, mining facilities, warehouses G01S2201/025Indoor pedestrian positioning G01S2201/03Construction sites G01S2201/04Emergencies G01S2201/05Sport G01S2201/06Aircraft navigation G01S2201/07Under water G01S2201/08Marine or water borne applications
G01S2205/00 G01S2205/00Position-fixing by co-ordinating two or more direction or position line determinationsPosition-fixing by co-ordinating two or more distance determinations G01S2205/001Transmission of position information to remote stations G01S2205/002for traffic control, mobile tracking, guidance, surveillance or anti-collision G01S2205/003for aircraft positioning relative to the ground G01S2205/005for aircraft positioning relative to other aircraft G01S2205/006for emergency situations G01S2205/007for management of a communication system G01S2205/008using a mobile telephone network G01S2205/01specially adapted for specific applicationsGroup G01S2205/01 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S2205/01 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S2205/02IndoorGroup G01S2205/02 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S2205/02 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S2205/03AirborneGroup G01S2205/03 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S2205/03 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S2205/04NauticalGroup G01S2205/04 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S2205/04 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S2205/05Anti-theft or abductionGroup G01S2205/05 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S2205/05 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S2205/06EmergencyGroup G01S2205/06 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S2205/06 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S2205/07MilitaryGroup G01S2205/07 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S2205/07 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S2205/08SportGroup G01S2205/08 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S2205/08 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S2205/09for tracking peopleGroup G01S2205/09 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S2205/09 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01S2205/10Elderly or infirmGroup G01S2205/10 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01S5/02.
Groups G01S5/02 and G01S2205/10 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.