B42FSHEETS TEMPORARILY ATTACHED TOGETHERFILING APPLIANCESFILE CARDSINDEXING reading desks A47B19/00; book rests A47B23/00The words "filing appliance" in this subclass mean holders for collections of papers, sheets, cards, or units thereof, each paper, sheet, card, or unit being individually insertable and extractable. These words may thus include a calendar, an instruction manual, or a letter file In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B42F1/00Sheets temporarily attached togetherMeans thereforAlbums B42F1/00Sheets temporarily attached together without perforatingMeans therefor B42F1/003Devices for applying fasteners, e.g. clips, to bundles of sheets B42F1/006Fasteners comprising two co-operating jaws closed by spring action and that can be manually opened, e.g. clamps B42F1/02Paper-clips or like fasteners B42F1/12 takes precedence B42F1/04metallic B42F1/06of flat cross-section , e.g. made of a piece of metal sheet B42F1/08of round cross-section , e.g. made of wire B42F1/10non-metallic B42F1/12Means for attaching together sheet corners exclusively B42F3/00Sheets temporarily attached together involving perforationsMeans thereforSheet details therefor staples, fasteners in general F16B B42F3/003Perforated or punched sheets B42F3/006with edge reinforcing means B42F3/02Attachment by means of bifurcated form B42F3/04Attachment means of ring, finger or claw form ring files B42F13/16; using such means for permanent attachment B42B5/08 B42F3/06Attachment means of coiled form B42F5/00Sheets and objects temporarily attached togetherMeans thereforAlbums bookbinding aspects of albums B42D1/08; advertising or display aspects G09 B42F5/005Albums for record carriers, e.g. for disc records B42F5/02Stamp or like filing arrangements in albums B42F5/04with transparent pockets B42F5/06Corner-holding devices, e.g. for photographs B42F7/00Filing appliances B42F7/00Filing appliances without fastening means B42F17/00 takes precedence; suspension files B42F15/00; wallets, notecases, briefcases A45C, e.g. A45C1/00; furniture features A47B, A47F; envelopes B65D, e.g. B65D27/00 B42F7/02Filing appliances comprising only one pocket or compartment, e.g. single gussetted pockets B42F7/025made of transparent material B42F7/04Covers with retention means B42F7/06Filing appliances comprising a plurality of pockets or compartments, e.g. portfolios or cases with a plurality of compartments indexing features B42F21/00 B42F7/065made of transparent material B42F7/08expansible B42F7/10Trays B42F7/12Stacked trays B42F7/14Boxes box features in general B65D B42F7/145for vertically storing documents B42F9/00Filing appliances with devices clamping file edgesCovers with clamping backs B42F13/00, B42F17/00 take precedence B42F9/001Clip boards B42F9/002combined with auxiliary devices, e.g. pencils B42F9/004with illuminating means B42F9/005with auxiliary filing means B42F9/007with sliding clamping means B42F9/008with symmetrical generally U-shaped clamps B42F11/00Filing appliances with separate intermediate holding means B42F17/00 takes precedence; with adhesive strips for mounting papers or sheets B42D1/10 B42F11/02engaging folds B42F11/04 takes precedence B42F11/04magnetic B42F13/00Filing appliances with means for engaging perforations or slots B42F17/00 takes precedence; indexing features B42F21/00 B42F13/0006Covers for loose-leaf binders book covers B42D3/00 B42F13/0013made of special materials B42F13/002with hinges B42F13/0026with locks or closures B42F13/0033with two or more filing appliances books with two or more sets of sheets B42D1/001 B42F13/004Devices for protecting or reinforcing covers, e.g. edges or corners attaching said devices B42C7/007 B42F13/0046against ring damage B42F13/0053Indexing means on file covers B42F13/006applied on the back of file covers B42F13/0066with means for attaching the filing appliance to the cover B42F13/0073removable B42F13/008Slots or openings in covers for rings B42F13/0086Auxiliary ring supports on covers B42F13/0093Binding devices co-operating with corner or back cut-outs of the stack B42F13/02with flexible or resilient means with flexible or resilient claws or rings B42F13/165 B42F13/04with cords, coils, or chains B42F13/06with strips or bands B42F13/08of metal B42F13/10of plastics B42F13/12with pillars, posts, rods, or tubes B42F13/30 takes precedence B42F13/14with clamping or locking means pressure bars B42F13/36 B42F13/16with claws or rings B42F13/30 takes precedence; for permanent binding B42B5/08 B42F13/165with flexible or resilient claws or rings using comb-like elements for permanent binding B42B5/10; using coils for permanent binding B42B5/12 B42F13/18on two bars relatively movable longitudinally B42F13/20pivotable about an axis or axes parallel to binding edges B42F13/22in two sections engaging each other when closed B42F13/24wherein one section is in the form of fixed rods B42F13/26and locked when so engaged, e.g. snap-action B42F13/28in two staggered sections B42F13/30having a set of rods within a set of tubes for a substantial distance when closed B42F13/32the nesting portions of the rods and tubes being straight B42F13/34with the rods locking in the tubes B42F13/36Locking followersPressure bars B42F13/38Expansible cover splines or spines B42F13/40combined or formed with other articles, e.g. punches, stands B42F13/402enabling the cover to be positioned upright for books B42D3/126 B42F13/404with punches B42F13/406with means for holding pencils B42F13/408with sheet rests or sheet lifters B42F13/42Content transfer devicesConverting into permanent binders B42F15/00Suspended filing appliances indexing features B42F21/00; hanging of books, newspapers or the like B42D17/00; manufacturing suspended files B42C7/001 B42F15/0005for record carriers, e.g. for disc records B42F15/0011for sheets, stacks of temporarily bound sheets B42F15/0017for filing individual loose sheets B42F15/0023with single suspension means B42F15/0029suspended in the middle B42F15/0035suspended at both extremities B42F15/0041suspended at other than the middle and the extremity B42F15/0047with two ore more of suspension means B42F15/0052for suspending stacks of temporarily bound sheets B42F15/0058with fixed suspension means B42F15/0064with movable suspension means B42F15/007Support structures for suspended files hanging large drawings B42F15/06 B42F15/0076rotatable around a vertical axis B42F15/0082with a fixed support B42F15/0088with access from the side B42F15/0094with access from above B42F15/02in concertina form B42F15/023joined from above B42F15/026joined on the side B42F15/04Backs or the like therefor B42F15/06for hanging large drawings or the like B42F15/063with two sets of rods B42F15/066for hanging a single drawing, e.g. with self-locking means B42F17/00Card-filing arrangements, e.g. card indexes or catalogues or filing cabinets indexing features B42F21/00; furniture features A47B, A47F B42F17/02in which the cards are stored substantially at right angles to the bottom of their containers B42F17/04the cards being staggered sideways with means for staggering cards already in the file B42F17/32 B42F17/06with separable or loose card separating means B42F17/08Construction of the containers, e.g. trays or drawers B42F17/10Hinged walls B42F17/12Dividing means B42F17/14Locking followers B42F17/16with card-retaining means B42F17/18in which the cards are stored in a flat position B42F17/20and are pivotable relative to the bottom of their containers B42F17/22Connections between the cards and their containers B42F17/24Special adaptations for use of index strips B42F17/26Stands for the containers B42F17/28in the form of endless bands or revolving drums B42F17/30modified for particular uses B42F17/32with means for staggering cards already in the file B42F17/34with card selection means, e.g. telephone number list finders selecting devices for data cards G06K21/00 B42F17/343with sliding movement of selected cards B42F17/346with pivoting movement of selected cards B42F19/00File cards B42F21/00 takes precedence; punched cards for information retrieval, e.g. for manual use, G06K21/00 B42F19/02folded B42F19/04with receptacles or other holding devices B42F21/00Indexing meansIndexing tabs or protectors therefor B42F21/02Tabs integral with sheets, papers, cards, or suspension files B42F21/025for suspension files B42F21/04Tabs permanently fastened to sheets, papers, cards, or suspension files B42F21/045for suspension files B42F21/06Tabs detachably mounted on sheets, papers, cards, or suspension files B42F21/065for suspension files B42F21/08in one of a number of predetermined positions B42F21/10represented by slits B42F21/12Sheets, papers, or cards having edges cut away to facilitate indexing, e.g. thumb cuts on books B42F23/00Filing appliances not provided for in other groups of this subclass