H02PCONTROL OR REGULATION OF ELECTRIC MOTORS, ELECTRIC GENERATORS OR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC CONVERTERSCONTROLLING TRANSFORMERS, REACTORS OR CHOKE COILSThis subclass covers arrangements for starting, regulating, electronically commutating, braking, or otherwise controlling motors, generators, dynamo-electric converters, clutches, brakes, gears, transformers, reactors or choke coils, of the types classified in the relevant subclasses, e.g. H01F, H02K.This subclass does not cover similar arrangements for the apparatus of the types classified in subclass H02N, which arrangements are covered by that subclass.In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated:"control" means influencing a variable in any way, e.g. changing its direction or its value (including changing it to or from zero), maintaining it constant or limiting its range of variation; "regulation" means maintaining a variable at a desired value, or within a desired range of values, by comparison of the actual value with the desired value.In this subclass, it is desirable to add the indexing codes of groups H02P2101/00 and H02P2103/00In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. H02P1/00 H02P1/00Arrangements for starting electric motors or dynamo-electric converters starting of synchronous motors with electronic commutators except reluctance motors, H02P6/20, H02P6/22; starting dynamo-electric motors rotating step by step H02P8/04; vector control H02P21/00Group H02P1/029 takes precedence over groups H02P1/26 - H02P1/54. H02P1/02Details H02P1/021Protection against "no voltage condition" H02P1/022Security devices, e.g. correct phase sequencing H02P1/023Protection against sparking of contacts or sticking together H02P1/024Protection against simultaneous starting by two starting devices H02P1/025Protection against starting if starting resistor is not at zero position H02P1/026Means for delayed starting H02P1/027Special design of starting resistor H02P1/028wherein the motor voltage is increased at low speed, to start or restart high inertia loads H02P1/029Restarting, e.g. after power failure H02P1/04Means for controlling progress of starting sequence in dependence upon time or upon current, speed, or other motor parameter H02P1/06Manually-operated multi-position starters H02P1/08Manually-operated on/off switch controlling power-operated multi-position switch or impedances for starting a motor H02P1/10Manually-operated on/off switch controlling relays or contactors operating sequentially for starting a motor sequence determined by power-operated multi-position switch H02P1/08 H02P1/12Switching devices centrifugally operated by the motor H02P1/14Pressure-sensitive resistors centrifugally operated by the motor H02P1/16for starting dynamo-electric motors or dynamo-electric converters H02P1/163for starting an individual reluctance motor H02P1/166Driving load with high inertia H02P1/18for starting an individual dc motor H02P1/20by progressive reduction of resistance in series with armature winding H02P1/22in either direction of rotation H02P1/24for starting an individual ac commutator motor starting of ac/dc commutator motors H02P1/18 H02P1/26for starting an individual polyphase induction motor H02P1/265Means for starting or running a triphase motor on a single phase supply H02P1/28by progressive increase of voltage applied to primary circuit of motor H02P1/30by progressive increase of frequency of supply to primary circuit of motor H02P1/32by star-delta switching H02P1/34by progressive reduction of impedance in secondary circuit H02P1/36the impedance being a liquid resistance H02P1/38by pole-changing H02P1/40in either direction of rotation H02P1/42for starting an individual single-phase induction motor H02P27/04 takes precedence H02P1/423by using means to limit the current in the main winding H02P1/426by using a specially adapted frequency converter H02P1/44by phase-splitting with a capacitor H02P1/445by using additional capacitors switched at start up H02P1/46for starting an individual synchronous motor H02P27/04 takes precedence H02P1/465for starting an individual single-phase synchronous motor H02P1/48by pole-changing H02P1/50by changing over from asynchronous to synchronous operation H02P1/48 takes precedence H02P1/52by progressive increase of frequency of supply to motor H02P1/54for starting two or more dynamo-electric motors H02P1/56simultaneously H02P1/58sequentially H02P3/00Arrangements for stopping or slowing electric motors, generators, or dynamo-electric converters stopping of synchronous motors with electronic commutators except reluctance motors, H02P6/24; stopping dynamo-electric motors rotating step by step H02P8/24; vector control H02P21/00 H02P3/02Details H02P3/025holding the rotor in a fixed position after deceleration H02P3/04Means for stopping or slowing by a separate brake, e.g. friction brake, eddy-current brake brakes F16D, H02K49/00 H02P3/06for stopping or slowing an individual dynamo-electric motor or dynamo-electric converter H02P3/065for stopping or slowing a reluctance motor H02P3/08for stopping or slowing a dc motor H02P3/10by reversal of supply connections H02P3/12by short-circuit or resistive braking H02P3/14by regenerative braking H02P3/16by combined electrical and mechanical braking H02P3/18for stopping or slowing an ac motor H02P3/20by reversal of phase sequence of connections to the motor H02P3/22by short-circuit or resistive braking H02P3/24by applying dc to the motor H02P3/26by combined electrical and mechanical braking H02P4/00Arrangements specially adapted for regulating or controlling the speed or torque of electric motors that can be connected to two or more different electric power supplies vector control H02P21/00 H02P5/00Arrangements specially adapted for regulating or controlling the speed or torque of two or more electric motors H02P6/04, H02P8/40 take precedence H02P5/46for speed regulation of two or more dynamo-electric motors in relation to one another H02P5/48by comparing mechanical values representing the speeds H02P5/485using differential movement of the two motors, e.g. using differential gearboxes H02P5/49by intermittently closing or opening electrical contacts H02P5/50by comparing electrical values representing the speeds H02P5/505using equalising lines, e.g. rotor and stator lines of first and second motors H02P5/51Direct ratio control H02P5/52additionally providing control of relative angular displacement H02P5/54Speed and position comparison between the motors by mechanical means H02P5/56Speed and position comparison between the motors by electrical means H02P5/60controlling combinations of dc and ac dynamo-electric motors H02P5/46 takes precedence H02P5/68controlling two or more dc dynamo-electric motors H02P5/46, H02P5/60 take precedence H02P5/685electrically connected in series, i.e. carrying the same current H02P5/69mechanically coupled by gearing H02P5/695Differential gearing H02P5/74controlling two or more ac dynamo-electric motors H02P5/46, H02P5/60 take precedence H02P5/747mechanically coupled by gearing H02P5/753Differential gearing H02P6/00Arrangements for controlling synchronous motors or other dynamo-electric motors using electronic commutation dependent on the rotor positionElectronic commutators therefor vector control H02P21/00Group H02P6/26 takes precedence over groups H02P6/04H02P6/24 and H02P6/28H02P6/34 H02P6/005Arrangements for controlling doubly fed motors H02P6/006Controlling linear motors H02P6/007wherein the position is detected using the ripple of the current caused by the commutation H02P6/04Arrangements for controlling or regulating the speed or torque of more than one motor H02P6/10 takes precedence H02P2006/045Control of current H02P6/06Arrangements for speed regulation of a single motor wherein the motor speed is measured and compared with a given physical value so as to adjust the motor speed H02P6/08Arrangements for controlling the speed or torque of a single motor H02P6/10, H02P6/28 take precedence H02P6/085in a bridge configuration H02P6/10Arrangements for controlling torque ripple, e.g. providing reduced torque ripple H02P6/12Monitoring commutationProviding indication of commutation failure H02P6/14Electronic commutators H02P6/15Controlling commutation time H02P6/153wherein the commutation is advanced from position signals phase in function of the speed H02P6/157wherein the commutation is function of electro-magnetic force [EMF] H02P6/16Circuit arrangements for detecting position H02P6/17and for generating speed information H02P6/18without separate position detecting elements H02P6/181using different methods depending on the speed H02P6/182using back-emf in windings H02P6/183using an injected high frequency signal H02P6/185using inductance sensing, e.g. pulse excitation H02P6/186using difference of inductance or reluctance between the phases H02P6/187using the star point voltage H02P6/188using the voltage difference between the windings H02P6/182 takes precedence H02P6/20Arrangements for starting H02P6/08 takes precedence H02P6/21Open loop start H02P6/22in a selected direction of rotation H02P6/24Arrangements for stopping H02P6/26Arrangements for controlling single phase motors H02P6/28Arrangements for controlling current H02P6/10 takes precedence H02P6/30Arrangements for controlling the direction of rotation H02P6/22 takes precedence H02P6/32Arrangements for controlling wound field motors, e.g. motors with exciter coils H02P6/34Modelling or simulation for control purposes H02P7/00Arrangements for regulating or controlling the speed or torque of electric DC motors H02P7/0094wherein the position is detected using the ripple of the current caused by the commutator H02P7/02the DC motors being of the linear type H02P7/025the DC motors being of the moving coil type, e.g. voice coil motors H02P7/03for controlling the direction of rotation of DC motors H02P7/04by means of a H-bridge circuit H02P7/05by means of electronic switching H02P7/06for regulating or controlling an individual dc dynamo-electric motor by varying field or armature current H02P7/063using centrifugal devices, e.g. switch, resistor H02P7/066using a periodic interrupter, e.g. Tirrill regulator H02P7/08by manual control without auxiliary power H02P7/10of motor field only H02P7/12Switching field from series to shunt excitation or vice versa H02P7/14of voltage applied to the armature with or without control of field Ward-Leonard H02P7/18by master control with auxiliary power H02P7/20using multi-position switch, e.g. drum, controlling motor circuit by means of relays H02P7/24, H02P7/30 take precedence H02P7/22using multi-position switch, e.g. drum, controlling motor circuit by means of pilot-motor-operated multi-position switch or pilot-motor-operated variable resistance H02P7/24, H02P7/30 take precedence H02P7/24using discharge tubes or semiconductor devices H02P7/245whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P7/26using discharge tubes H02P7/265whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P7/28using semiconductor devices H02P7/2805whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P7/281the DC motor being operated in four quadrantsGroup H02P7/281 takes precedence over groups H02P7/282H02P7/298. H02P7/2815whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P7/282controlling field supply only H02P7/2825whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P7/285controlling armature supply only H02P7/2855whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P7/288using variable impedance H02P7/2885whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P7/29using pulse modulation H02P7/291with on-off control between two set points, e.g. controlling by hysteresis H02P7/2913whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P7/292using static converters, e.g. AC to DC H02P7/293using phase control H02P7/295 takes precedence H02P7/295of the kind having a thyristor or the like in series with the power supply and the motor H02P7/298controlling armature and field supply H02P7/2985whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P7/30using magnetic devices with controllable degree of saturation, i.e. transductors H02P7/305whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P7/32using armature-reaction-excited machines, e.g. metadyne, amplidyne, rototrol H02P7/325whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P7/34using Ward-Leonard arrangements H02P7/343in which both generator and motor fields are controlled H02P7/347in which only the generator field is controlled H02P7/348for changing between series and parallel connections of motors H02P8/00Arrangements for controlling dynamo-electric motors of the kind having motors rotating step by step vector control H02P21/00 H02P8/005of linear motors H02P8/02specially adapted for single-phase or bi-pole stepper motors, e.g. watch-motors, clock-motorsGroups H02P8/005 and H02P8/02 take precedence over groups H02P8/04 - H02P8/42 H02P8/04Arrangements for starting H02P8/06in selected direction of rotation H02P8/08Determining position before starting H02P8/10Shaping pulses for startingBoosting current during starting H02P8/12Control or stabilisation of current H02P8/14Arrangements for controlling speed or speed and torque H02P8/12, H02P8/22 take precedence H02P8/16Reducing energy dissipated or supplied H02P8/165using two level supply voltage H02P8/18Shaping of pulses, e.g. to reduce torque ripple H02P8/20characterised by bidirectional operation H02P8/22Control of step sizeIntermediate stepping, e.g. microstepping H02P8/24Arrangements for stopping H02P8/32 takes precedence H02P8/26Memorising final pulse when stopping H02P8/28Disconnecting power source when stopping H02P8/30Holding position when stopped H02P8/32Reducing overshoot or oscillation, e.g. damping H02P8/34Monitoring operation H02P8/36 takes precedence H02P8/36Protection against faults, e.g. against overheating, step-outIndicating faults emergency protective arrangements with automatic interruption of supply H02H7/08 H02P8/38the fault being step-out H02P8/40Special adaptations for controlling two or more stepping motors H02P8/42characterised by non-stepper motors being operated step by step H02P9/00Arrangements for controlling electric generators for the purpose of obtaining a desired output Ward-Leonard arrangements H02P7/34; vector control H02P21/00; feeding a network by two or more generators H02J; for charging batteries H02J7/14 H02P9/006Means for protecting the generator by using control H02H7/06 takes precedence; control effected upon generator excitation circuit to reduce harmful effects of overloads or transients H02P9/10 H02P9/007Control circuits for doubly fed generators H02P9/008wherein the generator is controlled by the requirements of the prime mover H02P9/009Circuit arrangements for detecting rotor position H02P9/02Details H02P9/04Control effected upon non-electric prime mover and dependent upon electric output value of the generator effecting control of the prime mover in general, see the relevant class for such prime mover H02P9/06Control effected upon clutch or other mechanical power transmission means and dependent upon electric output value of the generator effecting control of the power transmission means, see the relevant class for such means H02P9/08Control of generator circuit during starting or stopping of driving means, e.g. for initiating excitation H02P9/10Control effected upon generator excitation circuit to reduce harmful effects of overloads or transients, e.g. sudden application of load, sudden removal of load, sudden change of load H02P9/102for limiting effects of transients H02P9/105for increasing the stability H02P9/107for limiting effects of overloads H02P9/12for demagnetisingfor reducing effects of remanencefor preventing pole reversal H02P9/123for demagnetising; for reducing effects of remanence H02P9/126for preventing pole reversal H02P9/14by variation of field H02P9/08, H02P9/10 take precedence H02P9/16due to variation of ohmic resistance in field circuit, using resistances switched in or out of circuit step by step H02P9/18the switching being caused by a servomotor, measuring instrument, or relay H02P9/20due to variation of continuously-variable ohmic resistance H02P9/22comprising carbon pile resistance H02P9/24due to variation of make-to-break ratio of intermittently-operating contacts, e.g. using Tirrill regulator H02P9/26using discharge tubes or semiconductor devices H02P9/34 takes precedence H02P9/28using discharge tubes H02P9/30using semiconductor devices H02P9/302Brushless excitation H02P9/305controlling voltage H02P9/302 takes precedence H02P9/307more than one voltage output H02P9/32using magnetic devices with controllable degree of saturation H02P9/34 takes precedence H02P9/34using magnetic devices with controllable degree of saturation in combination with controlled discharge tube or controlled semiconductor device H02P9/36using armature-reaction-excited machines H02P9/38Self-excitation by current derived from rectification of both output voltage and output current of generator H02P9/40by variation of reluctance of magnetic circuit of generator H02P9/42to obtain desired frequency without varying speed of the generator H02P9/44Control of frequency and voltage in predetermined relation, e.g. constant ratio H02P9/46Control of asynchronous generator by variation of capacitor H02P9/48Arrangements for obtaining a constant output value at varying speed of the generator, e.g. on vehicle H02P9/04 - H02P9/46 take precedence H02P11/00Arrangements for controlling dynamo-electric converters starting H02P1/00; stopping or slowing H02P3/00; vector control H02P21/00; feeding a network in conjunction with a generator or another converter H02J H02P11/04for controlling dynamo-electric converters having a dc output H02P11/06for controlling dynamo-electric converters having an ac output H02P13/00Arrangements for controlling transformers, reactors or choke coils, for the purpose of obtaining a desired output regulation systems using transformers, reactors or choke coils G05F; transformers H01F; feeding a network in conjunction with a generator or a converter H02J; control or regulation of converters H02M H02P13/06by tap-changingby rearranging interconnections of windings H02P13/08by sliding current collector along winding H02P13/10by moving core, coil winding, or shield, e.g. by induction regulator H02P13/12by varying magnetic bias H02P15/00Arrangements for controlling dynamo-electric brakes or clutches controlling speed of dynamo-electric motors by means of a separate brake H02P29/04, vector control H02P21/00 see provisionally also H02K49/00 and H02P29/0022 H02P15/02Conjoint control of brakes and clutches H02P17/00Arrangements for controlling dynamo-electric gears vector control H02P21/00 H02P21/00Arrangements or methods for the control of electric machines by vector control, e.g. by control of field orientationWhen classifying in this group, classification should also be made in group H02P25/00 when the method of control is characterised by the kind of motor being controlled. When classifying in this group, classification should also be made in group H02P27/00 when the method of control is characterised by the kind of supply voltage of the motor being controlled. H02P21/0003Control strategies in general, e.g. linear type, e.g. P, PI, PID, using robust control H02P21/0007using sliding mode control H02P21/001using fuzzy control H02P21/0014using neural networks H02P21/0017Model reference adaptation, e.g. MRAS or MRAC, useful for control or parameter estimation H02P21/0021using different modes of control depending on a parameter, e.g. the speed H02P21/0025implementing a off line learning phase to determine and store useful data for on-line control H02P21/0085specially adapted for high speeds, e.g. above nominal speed H02P21/0089using field weakening H02P21/02specially adapted for optimising the efficiency at low load H02P21/04specially adapted for very low speeds H02P21/05specially adapted for damping motor oscillations, e.g. for reducing hunting H02P21/06Rotor flux based control involving the use of rotor position or rotor speed sensors H02P21/08Indirect field-oriented controlRotor flux feed-forward control H02P21/09Field phase angle calculation based on rotor voltage equation by adding slip frequency and speed proportional frequency H02P21/10Direct field-oriented controlRotor flux feed-back control H02P21/12Stator flux based control involving the use of rotor position or rotor speed sensors H02P21/13Observer control, e.g. using Luenberger observers or Kalman filters H02P21/14Estimation or adaptation of machine parameters, e.g. flux, current or voltage H02P21/141Flux estimation H02P21/143Inertia or moment of inertia estimation H02P21/16Estimation of constants, e.g. the rotor time constant H02P21/18Estimation of position or speed H02P21/20Estimation of torque H02P21/22Current control, e.g. using a current control loop H02P21/24Vector control not involving the use of rotor position or rotor speed sensors H02P21/26Rotor flux based control H02P21/28Stator flux based control H02P21/30Direct torque control [DTC] or field acceleration method [FAM] H02P21/32Determining the initial rotor position H02P21/34 takes precedence H02P21/34Arrangements for starting H02P21/36Arrangements for braking or slowingFour quadrant control H02P21/50Vector control arrangements or methods not otherwise provided for in H02P21/00- H02P21/36 H02P23/00Arrangements or methods for the control of AC motors characterised by a control method other than vector controlWhen classifying in this group, subject matter also relating to groups H02P21/00, H02P25/00 or H02P27/00 is further classified in those groups whenever appropriate. H02P23/0004Control strategies in general, e.g. linear type, e.g. P, PI, PID, using robust control H02P23/0009using sliding mode control H02P23/0013using fuzzy control H02P23/0018using neural networks H02P23/0022Model reference adaptation, e.g. MRAS or MRAC, useful for control or parameter estimation H02P23/0027using different modes of control depending on a parameter, e.g. the speed H02P23/0031implementing a off line learning phase to determine and store useful data for on-line control H02P23/0077Characterised by the use of a particular software algorithm H02P23/0086specially adapted for high speeds, e.g. above nominal speed H02P23/009using field weakening H02P23/02specially adapted for optimising the efficiency at low load H02P23/03specially adapted for very low speeds H02P23/04specially adapted for damping motor oscillations, e.g. for reducing hunting H02P23/06Controlling the motor in four quadrants H02P23/07Polyphase or monophase asynchronous induction motors H02P23/08Controlling based on slip frequency, e.g. adding slip frequency and speed proportional frequency H02P23/10Controlling by adding a dc current dc current braking H02P3/24 H02P23/12Observer control, e.g. using Luenberger observers or Kalman filters H02P23/14Estimation or adaptation of motor parameters, e.g. rotor time constant, flux, speed, current or voltage H02P23/16Controlling the angular speed of one shaft H02P23/18 takes precedence H02P23/18Controlling the angular speed together with angular position or phase H02P23/183of one shaft without controlling the prime mover H02P23/186of one shaft by controlling the prime mover H02P23/20Controlling the acceleration or deceleration H02P23/22Controlling the speed digitally using a reference oscillator, a speed proportional pulse rate feedback and a digital comparator H02P23/24Controlling the direction, e.g. clockwise or counterclockwise H02P23/26Power factor control [PFC] H02P23/28Controlling the motor by varying the switching frequency of switches connected to a DC supply and the motor phases H02P23/30Direct torque control [DTC] or field acceleration method [FAM] H02P25/00Arrangements or methods for the control of AC motors characterised by the kind of AC motor or by structural detailsWhen classifying in this group, subject matter also relating to groups H02P21/00, H02P23/00 or H02P27/00 is further classified in those groups whenever appropriate. H02P25/02characterised by the kind of motor H02P25/022Synchronous motors H02P25/064 takes precedence H02P25/024controlled by supply frequency H02P25/026thereby detecting the rotor position H02P25/028with four quadrant control H02P25/03with brushless excitation H02P25/032Reciprocating, oscillating or vibrating motors H02P25/034Voice coil motors voice coil motors driven by DC power H02P7/025 H02P25/04Single phase motors, e.g. capacitor motors H02P25/06Linear motors H02P25/062of the induction type H02P25/064of the synchronous type H02P25/066of the stepping type H02P25/08Reluctance motors H02P25/0805whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P25/083Arrangements for increasing the switching speed from one coil to the next one H02P25/086Commutation H02P25/089Sensorless control direct torque control H02P23/30 H02P25/092Converters specially adapted for controlling reluctance motors H02P25/0925wherein the converter comprises only one switch per phase H02P25/098Arrangements for reducing torque ripple H02P25/10Commutator motors, e.g. repulsion motors H02P25/102Repulsion motors H02P25/105Four quadrant control H02P25/107Polyphase or monophase commutator motors H02P25/12with shiftable brushes H02P25/14Universal motors H02P25/12 takes precedence H02P25/145whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value, speed feedback H02P25/16characterised by the circuit arrangement or by the kind of wiring H02P25/18with arrangements for switching the windings, e.g. with mechanical switches or relays H02P25/182whereby the speed is regulated by using centrifucal devices, e.g. switch, resistor H02P25/184wherein the motor speed is changed by switching from a delta to a star, e.g. wye, connection of its windings, or vice versa H02P25/186whereby the speed is regulated by using a periodic interrupter H02P25/30 takes precedence H02P25/188wherein the motor windings are switched from series to parallel or vice versa to control speed or torque H02P25/20for pole-changing H02P25/22Multiple windingsWindings for more than three phases H02P25/24Variable impedance in stator or rotor circuit H02P25/26with arrangements for controlling secondary impedance H02P25/28using magnetic devices with controllable degree of saturation, e.g. transductors H02P25/30the motor being controlled by a control effected upon an ac generator supplying it H02P25/32using discharge tubes H02P25/325whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P27/00Arrangements or methods for the control of AC motors characterised by the kind of supply voltage of two or more motors H02P5/00; of synchronous motors with electronic commutators H02P6/00; of DC motors H02P7/00; of stepping motors H02P8/00When classifying in this group, subject matter also relating to groups H02P21/00, H02P23/00 or H02P25/00 is further classified in those groups whenever appropriate H02P27/02using supply voltage with constant frequency and variable amplitude H02P27/024using AC supply for only the rotor circuit or only the stator circuit H02P27/026whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P27/04using variable-frequency supply voltage, e.g. inverter or converter supply voltage H02P27/045whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P27/047V/F converter, wherein the voltage is controlled proportionally with the frequency H02P27/048using AC supply for only the rotor circuit or only the stator circuit H02P27/05using AC supply for both the rotor and the stator circuits, the frequency of supply to at least one circuit being variable H02P27/06using dc to ac converters or inverters H02P27/05 takes precedence H02P27/08with pulse width modulation H02P27/085wherein the PWM mode is adapted on the running conditions of the motor, e.g. the switching frequency H02P27/10using bang-bang controllers H02P27/12pulsing by guiding the flux vector, current vector or voltage vector on a circle or a closed curve, e.g. for direct torque control H02P27/14with three or more levels of voltage H02P27/16using ac to ac converters without intermediate conversion to dc H02P27/05 takes precedence H02P27/18varying the frequency by omitting half waves H02P29/00Arrangements for regulating or controlling electric motors, appropriate for both AC and DC motors arrangements for starting electric motors H02P1/00; arrangements for stopping or slowing electric motors H02P3/00; control of motors that can be connected to two or more different electric power supplies H02P4/00; regulating or controlling the speed or torque of two or more electric motors H02P5/00; vector control H02P21/00 H02P29/0016Control of angular speed of one shaft without controlling the prime mover H02P29/0022Controlling a brake between the prime mover and the load H02P29/0027Controlling a clutch between the prime mover and the load H02P29/02Providing protection against overload without automatic interruption of supply protection against faults of stepper motors H02P8/36 Informative note
References listed below indicate places which could also be of interest when carrying out a search in respect of the subject matter covered by the preceding group:
Emergency protective circuit arrangements with automatic interruption if supply, in general H02H7/08;
Emergency protective circuit arrangements for limiting excess current or voltage without disconnection in general H02H7/08
H02P29/024Detecting a fault condition, e.g. short circuit, locked rotor, open circuit or loss of load H02P29/0241the fault being an overvoltage H02P29/0243the fault being a broken phase H02P29/025the fault being a power interruption H02P29/026the fault being a power fluctuation H02P29/027the fault being an over-current H02P29/028the motor continuing operation despite the fault condition, e.g. eliminating, compensating for or remedying the fault H02P29/032Preventing damage to the motor, e.g. setting individual current limits for different drive conditions
H02P29/04by means of a separate brake H02P29/045whereby the speed is regulated by measuring the motor speed and comparing it with a given physical value H02P29/10for preventing overspeed or under speed H02P29/20for controlling one motor used for different sequential operations H02P29/40Regulating or controlling the amount of current drawn or delivered by the motor for controlling the mechanical load H02P29/50Reduction of harmonics H02P29/60Controlling or determining the temperature of the motor or of the drive H02P29/02 takes precedence H02P29/62for raising the temperature of the motor H02P29/64Controlling or determining the temperature of the winding H02P29/66Controlling or determining the temperature of the rotor H02P29/662the rotor having permanent magnets H02P29/67 takes precedence H02P29/664the rotor having windings H02P29/666by rotor current detection H02P29/67Controlling or determining the motor temperature by back electromotive force [back-EMF] evaluation H02P29/68based on the temperature of a drive component or a semiconductor component H02P29/685compensating for Hall sensor temperature non-linearity
H02P31/00Arrangements for regulating or controlling electric motors not provided for in groups H02P1/00 - H02P5/00, H02P7/00 or H02P21/00 - H02P29/00
H02P2101/00Indexing scheme associated with groups relating to the arrangements for controlling electric generators H02P2101/00Special adaptation of control arrangements for generators H02P2101/10for water-driven turbines H02P2101/15for wind-driven turbines H02P2101/20for steam-driven turbines H02P2101/25for combustion engines H02P2101/30for aircraft H02P2101/35for ships H02P2101/40for railway vehicles H02P2101/45for motor vehicles, e.g. car alternators H02P2103/00Controlling arrangements characterised by the type of generator H02P2103/10of the asynchronous type H02P2103/20of the synchronous type H02P2201/00 H02P2201/00Indexing scheme relating to controlling arrangements characterised by the converter used H02P2201/01AC-AC converter stage controlled to provide a defined AC voltage H02P2201/03AC-DC converter stage controlled to provide a defined DC link voltage general aspects of plural converters in cascade H02M H02P2201/05Capacitive half bridge, i.e. resonant inverter having two capacitors and two switches H02P2201/07DC-DC step-up or step-down converter inserted between the power supply and the inverter supplying the motor, e.g. to control voltage source fluctuations, to vary the motor speed general aspects of plural converters in cascade H02M H02P2201/09Boost converter, i.e. DC-DC step up converter increasing the voltage between the supply and the inverter driving the motor general aspects of plural converters in cascade H02M H02P2201/11Buck converter, i.e. DC-DC step down converter decreasing the voltage between the supply and the inverter driving the motor general aspects of plural converters in cascade H02M H02P2201/13DC-link of current link type, e.g. typically for thyristor bridges, having an inductor in series with rectifier H02P2201/15Power factor Correction [PFC] circuit generating the DC link voltage for motor driving inverter motor power factor control H02P23/26 H02P2203/00Indexing scheme relating to controlling arrangements characterised by the means for detecting the position of the rotor H02P2203/01Motor rotor position determination based on the detected or calculated phase inductance, e.g. for a Switched Reluctance Motor H02P2203/03Determination of the rotor position, e.g. initial rotor position, during standstill or low speed operation H02P2203/05Determination of the rotor position by using two different methods and/or motor models H02P2203/07Motor variable determination based on the ON-resistance of a power switch, i.e. the voltage across the switch is measured during the ON state of the switch and used to determine the current in the motor and to calculate the speed H02P2203/09Motor speed determination based on the current and/or voltage without using a tachogenerator or a physical encoder H02P2203/11Determination or estimation of the rotor position or other motor parameters based on the analysis of high frequency signals position detection of motors with electronic commutators in dependence of the position H02P6/185 H02P2205/00Indexing scheme relating to controlling arrangements characterised by the control loops H02P2205/01Current loop, i.e. comparison of the motor current with a current reference H02P2205/03Power loop, i.e. comparison of the motor power with a power reference H02P2205/05Torque loop, i.e. comparison of the motor torque with a torque reference H02P2205/07Speed loop, i.e. comparison of the motor speed with a speed reference H02P2207/00Indexing scheme relating to controlling arrangements characterised by the type of motor H02P2207/01Asynchronous machines H02P2207/03Double rotor motors or generators, i.e. electromagnetic transmissions having double rotor with motor and generator functions, e.g. for electrical variable transmission H02P2207/05Synchronous machines, e.g. with permanent magnets or DC excitation H02P2207/055Surface mounted magnet motors H02P2207/07Doubly fed machines receiving two supplies both on the stator only wherein the power supply is fed to different sets of stator windings or to rotor and stator windings H02P2207/073wherein only one converter is used, the other windings being supplied without converter, e.g. doubly-fed induction machines H02P2207/076wherein both supplies are made via converters: especially doubly-fed induction machinese.g. for starting H02P2209/00Indexing scheme relating to controlling arrangements characterised by the waveform of the supplied voltage or current H02P2209/01Motors with neutral point connected to the power supply H02P2209/03Motors with neutral point disassociated, i.e. the windings ends are not connected directly to a common point H02P2209/05Polyphase motors supplied from a single-phase power supply or a DC power supply H02P2209/07Trapezoidal waveform H02P2209/09PWM with fixed limited number of pulses per period H02P2209/095One pulse per half period H02P2209/11Sinusoidal waveform H02P2209/13Different type of waveforms depending on the mode of operation